833 mods, updated at 2025-01-30 00:39. All times are UTC.
Name | Description | Author(s) | Download count | Last modified |
Water Tools Refurbished | This mod add 5 new tools to the game | XxLory | 1911 | 2025-01-28 12:39 |
FNAFA | This is several FNAF mods in one! | angryth3streamer | 39886 | 2025-01-24 21:24 |
CraftPresence | Completely Customize the way others see you play in Discord! | CDAGaming_ | 34126445 | 2025-01-15 03:42 |
UniLib | A common set of Utilities, designed for over 50 versions of Minecraft! | CDAGaming_ | 2149589 | 2025-01-14 22:38 |
DragonCraft | Fly with 5 colorful dragons. Dragon Mounts fan project. | Tomanex | 22 | 2025-01-13 12:29 |
Dragon Mounts: Classic | This mod adds ridable dragons into your worlds. Soar through the skies with Jean The Dragon! | Tomanex | 171 | 2025-01-08 14:53 |
Entity Culling Backport | Backport of Entity Culling Unofficial to 1.6.4 | piesilhouette | 2 | 2024-12-24 10:17 |
Colored Sheared Sheep | Makes the wool on sheared sheep reflect their actual color! | piesilhouette | 7 | 2024-12-11 16:09 |
Modern Mushroom Blocks | Makes the mushroom blocks behave like in modern versions | piesilhouette | 7 | 2024-12-09 22:15 |
Redirectionor [Retro] | Avoid Enum values allocation in codes and improve game performance. | Hileb | 136915 | 2024-12-09 05:56 |
Inventive Inventory | Experience seamless inventory management in Minecraft with Inventive Inventory, your one-stop solution for sorting, auto-refilling, profiles and slot-locking. | Strobel273 | 8340 | 2024-12-05 20:01 |
Vanilla Furniture | this mods adds interior and exterior decoration blocks, construction blocks such as flooring or doors (Inspire by Jammy Furniture and Ext Decordation mods ) | The_TCT | 27343 | 2024-11-24 21:29 |
DPI-Fix | Fixes the DPI of Minecraft | jredfox_ | 966 | 2024-11-12 07:54 |
Not Enough Pets | New cat/dog/parrot breeds and behavior controls | AstroTibs | 581647 | 2024-11-06 23:58 |
MAtmos ambient sound | The MAtmos ambient sound mod adds environmental sounds and interaction sounds to greatly improve your audio experience during your games. | The_TCT | 99173 | 2024-10-31 20:43 |
Zume | An over-engineered Zoom mod by Nolij | Nolij | 1959449 | 2024-10-30 21:45 |
I18nUpdateMod | A Mod For Chinese Player | TartaricAcid, xfl03, EpixZhang | 3002287 | 2024-10-24 13:10 |
Vault Patcher | Let the hard coded change into localization string in some mods. | fengming3093 | 80199 | 2024-10-19 12:50 |
Legendary Item | This mod adds legendary artifacts from the Lord of the Rings to Minecraft. | Hummel009 | 68534 | 2024-10-09 20:52 |
Customizable Player Models | Customize your minecraft avatar! | tom54541 | 1671640 | 2024-09-03 15:29 |
SpeedRunIGT [Speedrun Verified In-game Timer / Support 1.3-1.21 / Fabric & Legacy Fabric] | Displays the timer with Speedrun RTA, IGT in Minecraft | RedLime | 52168 | 2024-07-23 17:37 |
Agenta | A authserver and skin fix for legacy versions of minecraft. | hanro50 | 1467 | 2024-07-20 13:55 |
Dirt Tools and Armor | This mod adds a set of tools and armor made from dirt. | Hummel009 | 14470 | 2024-07-19 14:09 |
The Rings of Power | This mod adds rings of power from the Lord of the Rings to Minecraft. | Hummel009 | 70543 | 2024-07-19 14:04 |
Legacy Fabric-Api | The legacy fabric version of the fabric api | hydo_s, BoogieMonster1O1 | 58404 | 2024-07-02 21:25 |
Crashma | What's Crashma, you ask? Crashma game LOL | MoriyaShiine | 1400 | 2024-05-29 18:56 |
Survival lock | restricts the game mode change and use of explicit commands, making it full survival so that on the server/world admins do not take advantage of the permissions | FletchesZ_xd | 8 | 2024-05-16 21:05 |
Forge Server Installer/Starter | Jar-File for install and starting up and Install the Server automaticly, instead of using .bat or .sh Files | HellBz | 34150 | 2024-04-11 05:58 |
The one who Black | A mod that has mobs, tools, and more! It has a lot of advancements so it's perfect for a challange! Have fun with it! | Liem35851_YT | 733 | 2024-04-02 09:13 |
SerializationIsBad | A Minecraft coremod aiming to patch serious security vulnerabilities found in many different mods | Dogboy21 | 1268294 | 2024-03-16 16:35 |
Porting Lib | A collection of utilities for porting mods from Forge to Fabric. | thatguynamedalpha, tropheusj | 320211 | 2024-03-08 20:34 |
Vivecraft | A Minecraft VR mod on a loader of your choice! | Ferri_Arnus, jrbudda | 5385231 | 2024-02-29 01:04 |
Epic weapons and items | This mod offers a variety of random items and tools, ranging from easy to very difficult to obtain. | frogggiboy | 3515 | 2024-01-28 03:19 |
Lumy Skin Patch | Skin texture fix for Minecraft 1.2.5, 1.3.2, 1.4.x, 1.5.x, 1.6.x, 1.7.x using Mojang API | lumy79 | 663508 | 2024-01-08 00:18 |
Slenderstalgia (The Slenderman by Colossali) | adds Slenderman to Minecraft along with much more! | Darthmendorian | 2574 | 2023-10-18 22:36 |
[BBrains] Jar Finder | JAR file search utility | dayd21twitch | 16 | 2023-10-16 12:19 |
AllAdmin | Basic server administration commands | EndangeredNayla | 1 | 2023-09-08 05:13 |
PatPatPat [Forge] | Pat your pets! | MikhailTapio | 751 | 2023-08-06 04:57 |
Thaumic Tinkerer | Tinkerering with Thaumic Creations! | gaeakat | 10162961 | 2023-07-30 21:33 |
Goat Drop Food (Fabric) | Making Goat Drops | editor_tech | 147 | 2022-12-03 18:47 |
TimeoutAgent | A Java agent that increases the timeout time when connecting to a Minecraft Server | Official_CreeperHost, covers1624, Gigabit101, Paul_T_T | 66247 | 2022-11-02 17:59 |
Lazydfu-agent | A Java Agent for disabling Minecraft dfu system | Official_CreeperHost, Gigabit101, Paul_T_T, covers1624 | 3820 | 2022-11-02 17:54 |
Josiah Containers | No more boring chests or shulker boxes! | josiahhtwitch | 0 | 2022-10-02 16:02 |
Bodyguards | This mod adds bodyguard in your game to protect you from hostile creatures. | kuchipo | 676 | 2022-09-24 14:37 |
Smithing In The "90'S" | Bring netherite stuff and the smithing table back to legacy minecraft. | mikhailtapio | 290 | 2022-09-11 15:28 |
Prevent Crappy Launcher | A LaunchWrapper/ModLauncher CoreMod to prevent players from launching the game via a crappy launcher. | GBLodb | 2191 | 2022-09-02 06:22 |
Fabric-Discord Link | A Fabric-Discord Chat Link | the_cat_core | 104394 | 2022-05-08 08:52 |
NextSpring [Fabric] | Though turned to mud, they'd quicken flowers' birth next spring. | MikhailTapio | 36348 | 2022-04-26 10:09 |
Greek Gods | This mod brings you the power of the Greek Pantheon. | zy26 | 15 | 2022-04-17 15:53 |
Legacy Patch | Patches mods in old Minecraft versions that no longer function properly | heldplayer | 222 | 2022-03-23 22:00 |
POLVO LUMINOSO TOOLS | Add craft with the luminous dust. | FreedomPro2004 | 51 | 2022-03-08 12:51 |
Only Realistic Mobs | removes all mobs that are not realistic | ichatchi | 4352 | 2022-02-21 21:58 |
Lucky Block | Drops items, spawns mobs, structures and more! | player_in_distress | 1029615 | 2022-02-19 09:26 |
Infinity Water Bucket | Allows the Infinity enchantment for Water Buckets using an anvil, providing an infinite portable water source. Lava, Milk, Powdered Snow too | CoolSimulations | 161763 | 2022-02-04 14:12 |
ShiftSprinting | A mod that adds sprinting with shift to Tekkit 1.6.4, with FOV change | thatgalaxything | 143 | 2022-01-31 16:36 |
StarWars Craft | Starwars lightabers guns and more in minecraft. | dodokp26 | 510 | 2022-01-30 09:11 |
Ears (+ Snouts/Muzzles, Tails, Horns, Wings, and More) | More skin customization options for just about every version + skin backports for pre-1.9 versions. Skinport port patch texture fix | unascribed | 1004813 | 2022-01-22 07:47 |
Botania | An innovative natural magic themed tech mod | Vazkii | 131184473 | 2022-01-17 20:31 |
Log4JPatcher | A java agent to patch the CVE in L4J2 | Official_CreeperHost, CloudyPSP, covers1624, Paul_T_T, Gigabit101, Jake_Evans | 5296 | 2021-12-11 09:26 |
Log4J2 JNDI Exploit Fix | This mod fixes a critical vulnerability in Log4J2 in conjunction with JNDI. | sfPlayer1, modmuss50 | 2143 | 2021-12-10 08:20 |
Log4jExploitPatch | NukeJndiLookupFromLog4j - Prevents a major vulnerability from being abused | Rongmario | 581 | 2021-12-10 03:34 |
FeatureCreep | A Modloader for Making Version independent Mods | asbestosstar | 58953 | 2021-11-15 04:22 |
The Twilight Forest | A realm basked in mystery and eerie twilight, you will overpower terrifying creatures and secure the adventure of a lifetime; in the Twilight Forest. | Benimatic, Tamaized, jodlodi, Drullkus, Squiggly_Androsa, GizmoTheMoonPig | 145171690 | 2021-10-22 17:27 |
ModDirector | A mod to automatically download and load other mods before starting | RealHansWasser, janrupf | 450860 | 2021-10-11 18:26 |
ServerStop | A small server-side Minecraft mod that auto-shutdowns a server at a certain time on a certain day. Supports 33 Languages. | CoolSimulations | 2469 | 2021-09-18 06:37 |
Toasted Bread And Wheat Flour | This Is A Small Mod That Adds Toasted Bread And Wheat Flour | RichyPlays112 | 4259 | 2021-07-14 02:36 |
Stuff Is Cool 2 - RP112 | Its Another One Of My Dumb Mods''' OP!!! | richyplays112 | 1988 | 2021-07-13 05:57 |
Stuff Is Cool - RP112 | Adds Stuff That My Cousins Designed Including Me | richyplays112 | 3 | 2021-07-11 16:36 |
Hatted | Want a hat? | moondroid2pt0 | 2827 | 2021-06-29 19:45 |
Super-Ability Tools | A mod that adds more powerful tools and items | itzduhkevin | 15132 | 2021-06-01 00:27 |
ShiftSprinter | Allows sprinting with shift on old MC versions (e.g. 1.6.4) | ThatGalaxyThing | 170 | 2021-05-29 04:43 |
QA Test Mod | this is a summary | Zappah, Kaban, Bulbasaur854, kostaow, FknYanshuf, yanshufitos | 4101 | 2021-04-19 10:44 |
Heart Crystal | The Heart Crystal mod allows you to mine heart crystals, which are found deep underground. When you mine one, you can eat it to gain one heart of maximum health! | jobicade | 2063 | 2021-04-12 13:39 |
Unofficial Crafting Dead Origins (1.6.4) | Survive a Zombie Apocalypse alone or with a friend! | ki1llen | 6283 | 2021-03-30 22:40 |
Birds of the feather reborn | Instructions: In the creative inventory will be check new tab with feathers and the all of creatures it will be in miscallerous tab tab | sharp447 | 4060 | 2021-03-29 09:34 |
Crafting Dead Legacy | Survive a Zombie Apocalypse alone or with a friend! | _ForgeUser7479665, nexusnode, cakebrains | 420327 | 2021-03-19 16:00 |
MMM-Lib | Library required for old versions of LittleMaidMob | KuroNeko87 | 386 | 2021-02-27 18:49 |
It's the little things | Enable changing of the minecraft icon, title, and adds other little options. Allows adding a dedicated server to the modpack | Zlepper | 22118670 | 2021-02-24 22:32 |
MLP Mythical Creatures | Most Things are based from stuff in MLP and Mythology, others are either real, or just Completely made up by Me. | OfficialHurricaneSHLBHP, SuTw | 19943 | 2020-11-17 15:49 |
Magical Materials | This is a test mod to see if I can create mods to be a content creator. | isaac26042010, PongysProductions | 1065 | 2020-10-19 15:19 |
JavaFX Dependency | A JavaFX dependency required for some of King Mammoth's mods. | PulseBeat_02, MalekiRe | 851 | 2020-09-22 15:16 |
Mob Rebirth | Allows mobs and animals to be reborn when they die. Very configurable. | The_Fireplace | 306648 | 2020-09-07 16:09 |
Modklingen Mod | This mod is made for anyone who wants stronger equipment. | superfreekyt | 2376 | 2020-08-30 10:52 |
Dimensional Doors Legacy | This is meant to be a simple curseforge repository for the older version of Dimensional Doors. These versions are not actively supported and only being uploaded so they are available within the curseforge/twitch system. | Waterpicker, stevenrs11 | 2326 | 2020-08-24 10:26 |
The Lion King Mod | The Lion King meets Minecraft | redrosewarrior1 | 15897 | 2020-07-17 17:26 |
Herobrine Mod (Not Official) | Herobrine is gonna find you! | RodillazoBronceado | 1561 | 2020-07-16 00:13 |
Java NE Compatibility Up Mod | Java NE Compatibility increaser | dismantletwitch | 372 | 2020-07-06 02:28 |
TropiCraft Mod | A great Mod Of a Tropical Biome | chinocresi | 1 | 2020-06-24 02:12 |
HudZ | ARCHIVED/DISCONTINUED. This mod is for playing MineZ. The Heads-Up-Display (HUD) shows you your coordinates, direction, lag, noise level, visibility, thirst, health, and hunger in a nicer style. | iPixeli | 1886 | 2020-06-15 00:27 |
GustoCraft | An awful mod me and some friends made when we were 14. | JemmaZZ, msrcodes | 69 | 2020-03-06 20:02 |
DefaultSettings | Keep your game's local settings in case of an update to your modpack | PT400C | 12395967 | 2020-01-17 15:18 |
Simple World Timer | Minecraft mod of configurable timer for displaying world, in-game or system time. | FoxAhead | 307247 | 2020-01-12 18:42 |
Jaded Menu | A custom main menu for JadedPacks | Tecrogue | 371722 | 2019-12-16 03:15 |
Combo Armors | Make your ultimate IC2 armor | Zuxelus | 13039 | 2019-11-26 13:39 |
Small Boats mod | usable craft that have animated parts, working chests, and can carry multiple passengers. Boats include the Elegant Punt, the Whitehall, and the Hoy. | minecraftixpll | 18403 | 2019-11-22 08:08 |
JadedLibs | Library downloading tool for JadedPacks | Tecrogue | 347417 | 2019-09-25 12:21 |
Lycanites Mobs | Strange and Deadly Creatures! | Lycanite | 22191301 | 2019-09-08 21:33 |
Jaded OceanSpawns | Enables spawns in ocean biomes | Tecrogue | 341728 | 2019-08-04 13:10 |
Jaded Maps | Singleplayer map templates | Tecrogue | 358518 | 2019-05-13 13:00 |
Jaded NEI | Adds NEI support to minetweaker 2 | Tecrogue | 357727 | 2019-03-17 03:55 |
SwSkin | Skin again to version 1.5.2, 1.6.2, 1.6.4 and 1.7.10 | SnowRunescape | 1795 | 2019-03-04 11:03 |
Key Combinations | Key combinations system for old versions based on newest versions Forge key combinations implementation. | austeretony | 2753 | 2019-02-20 10:17 |
modchu_defaultmodelset | DefaultModelSet | modchu | 31831 | 2019-02-02 06:45 |
modchu_modchulib | modchulib | modchu | 42874 | 2019-01-31 08:45 |
modchu_hamsterunofficial | HamsterUnofficial | modchu | 10534 | 2019-01-30 09:33 |
modchu_resurrectionfeather | add Item | modchu | 8119 | 2019-01-30 09:29 |
modchu_models | MultiModelSet | modchu | 26265 | 2019-01-30 09:25 |
modchu_playerformlittlemaid | PlayerFormLittleMaid | modchu | 35317 | 2019-01-30 09:17 |
No More Quick Move | Prohibit quick moving items (with shift-click) in any containers. | austeretony | 3259 | 2019-01-18 15:18 |
Monster Hunter Frontier Craft | Bringing all Monster Hunter series in Minecraft !! | ytheltrato | 144764 | 2018-11-17 02:09 |
More Fuels Mod Light | A light, tweaks only, highly customizeable variant of More Fuels Mod | bored_hero | 3808 | 2018-08-07 02:12 |
Skin Fixer | Fixes the no skin issue that pre 1.7 Minecraft clients face | Sm0keySa1m0n | 11606 | 2018-06-09 18:18 |
Traincraft | A mod for Minecraft adding trains and other vehicles | Mrbrutall, canitzp, NitroxydeX, EternalBlueFlame, Spitfire4466 | 1179022 | 2018-02-20 22:03 |
CsokiCraftUtil | Alternative download site | CsokiGaming | 351072 | 2018-01-05 23:32 |
SecretRoomsMod | Secret blocks to hide your valuables | AbrarSyed, wyn_price | 7565264 | 2017-12-19 23:45 |
Squake | Quake-style movement for Minecraft | squeek502 | 75031 | 2017-11-29 08:42 |
Simcraft *WIP 2022* | Enhance your mining and building expereince and extend your game | SimCraftMod, Forge_User_01658884 | 22429 | 2017-11-10 18:40 |
EnderNet | Inter-server data transportation | asiekierka | 351 | 2017-09-22 10:09 |
Operation: Mars and Beyond! | Allows you to go to Mars! | Apples999 | 369 | 2017-08-08 05:49 |
modchu_playerformlittlemaidfml | PlayerFormLittleMaidFML | modchu | 14606 | 2017-07-31 08:38 |
modchu_ridingindicatingrod | add item | modchu | 2221 | 2017-07-31 08:24 |
modchu_actionindicating | add item | modchu | 3420 | 2017-07-31 08:19 |
Useful DNS | Useful items for the DNS Techpack | mAdcOck83, stacdoubleflow | 97192 | 2017-07-26 17:36 |
Rhodium Tools | essentially a mod that adds 'Rhodium' based tools and ores, along with Hammers and a bunch of other cool things! | gkaze77 | 510 | 2017-07-23 22:34 |
DiyoTweaks | mDiyo's personal tweak mod - Tweaking Minecraft for a better experience | mDiyo | 871 | 2017-06-26 16:51 |
Michael's World | An Amazing mod with a bunch of brand new content! | AwesomeGuy6722 | 302 | 2017-06-17 02:58 |
ReAuth | Fixes the Problem of having to restart your Client when your Session invalidates | TechnicianLP | 77100757 | 2017-06-13 13:23 |
Mineralcraft Mod | A mod that adds a bunch of materials from real life into the game | jnsstudios_yt | 653 | 2017-05-26 18:09 |
LATL: Lamps and Traffic Lights | Adding lamps, traffic lights and railroad crossings to your worlds! | WThieves2 | 41023 | 2017-05-16 20:42 |
Counter Craft | Counter Strike, Call of Duty and Battlefield 4 Style Mod | _ForgeUser7479665, Forge_User_92354250 | 34635 | 2017-05-16 19:42 |
Dubstep Gun | Adding the iconic dubstep guns to minecraft, but they're not limited to dubstep only! | WThieves2 | 43586 | 2017-05-16 19:14 |
Resource Engineering | Turn gravel and sand into diamonds and gold | kg6jay | 13186 | 2017-03-22 14:36 |
Jerry's Mod | A mod about the slime Jerry from CaptainSparklez's playthrough | Forge_User_83949547 | 22187 | 2017-03-19 10:05 |
SafeStones | Can't spawn mobs on this block | mariri2u | 3965 | 2017-02-18 12:02 |
ServerSync | Sync server and client mods to make updating easier for developers. | superzanti, rheimus | 48515 | 2017-02-16 06:54 |
McAssistant | Assist your playing of minecraft by many functions | mariri2u | 36252 | 2017-02-14 09:51 |
Infusion Craft | Basically Infuse Vanilla Minecraft Ores Into A More Powerful Substance + MORE!... | gkaze77 | 1065 | 2017-02-09 04:50 |
WorldEditCUI | Client-Side User Interface for WorldEdit | Mumfrey | 228045 | 2016-12-06 16:22 |
amerigovespuccip II | adds new loot and mobs wip | _ForgeUser13981614 | 806 | 2016-11-08 02:00 |
Currency | Currency, your new money system for your Minecraft server! | Ionaru | 137261 | 2016-10-17 18:47 |
OpenEye | Telemetry and crash collection | OpenMods, 0x00716F62 | 1657199 | 2016-10-16 17:46 |
Vacuum Horizon | Vacuum beyond thw horizon... | RonFall | 2084 | 2016-09-25 13:47 |
The Wars Mod | The ultimate tool to build your warzone and fight to the death! | The_Fireplace, _ForgeUser7722252 | 56762 | 2016-09-14 19:39 |
LocaleFixer | Fixes crashes caused by various locales | jikuja | 83300 | 2016-08-22 16:04 |
Craft Convenience | The Craft Convenience mod adds more functionality to standard Minecraft recipes and even improves a few | _ForgeUser26980158 | 429 | 2016-08-21 07:51 |
Walking Dead | Survive a zombie apocalypse! Alone or with some friends! | _ForgeUser26737295 | 7597 | 2016-08-08 10:23 |
The Duck Mod | Duck-Themed Items, Blocks, Mobs, Biomes and More! | _ForgeUser26796017 | 597 | 2016-08-07 06:15 |
Minecream Twist | Vannila Minecraft, with a Twist! | _ForgeUser24029958 | 342 | 2016-07-17 04:45 |
Shells MOD | Shoot 12 kinds of shells with TNT-Cannon and Artillery! | namayake5 | 6624 | 2016-07-11 10:58 |
Titans and Races Mod | This is a Mod Forge 1.8 Mod, AND 1.6.4 . | _ForgeUser23474345 | 1989 | 2016-07-07 01:14 |
Dynmap-Forge/Fabric | Dynamically updated web based maps for Minecraft servers running Forge or Fabric | Mikeprimm | 837062 | 2016-06-12 15:51 |
More Fuels Mod | A mod that allows more things to be smelted into fuels and adds cool ores and fuel related blocks and items! | bored_hero | 239486 | 2016-05-29 01:37 |
CMod | Want some more dimensions, biomes, mobs, items, blocks, foods, and more? Try it out for yourself! | _ForgeUser19064851 | 1349 | 2016-05-16 00:24 |
Command Keybindings | Allows you to bind commands to keys so they can be used instantly. | The_Fireplace | 847010 | 2016-05-09 20:28 |
Divine Ores | Adds religious themed tools, ores, armor, flight, and mobs to minecraft! | SoraIRL | 9220 | 2016-04-27 06:43 |
Lockdown | A simple mod to create worlds from templates | TheAdubbz | 3208482 | 2016-04-15 10:22 |
MineCapture | Simple and easy in-game screenshot uploader | SWDTeam | 6193 | 2016-04-11 15:17 |
The Space Invasion Mod | The Space Invasion Mod will add new Space themed Armor, Tools, Weapons, Mobs, Blocks, Achievements, a new Creative tab, Biome and Boss into your Minecraft World | _ForgeUser20189708 | 1645 | 2016-04-07 16:07 |
Ultimate Food Pack | A mod that adds food. Like, a decent amount of it. | _ForgeUser13641997 | 927 | 2016-03-29 20:15 |
Kingdom Keys 2 | A mod which adds elements from the Kingdom Hearts games | Wehavecookies56, Abelatox | 284687 | 2016-03-14 10:32 |
Doomlike Dungeons | Causes procedurally generated dungeons rembling Doom levels to be placed in worlds | JaredBGreat | 39126101 | 2016-02-25 23:19 |
Time HUD | Adds the time and date to the Minecraft HUD; highly configurable | The_Fireplace | 215574 | 2016-02-19 22:00 |
Big Reactors | Big Reactors is a mod for Minecraft, built on the Forge modding platform. | ErogenousBeef | 10585849 | 2016-02-18 23:55 |
Brett's Steel Mod | My first 1.6.4 mod, adds steel info in description | _ForgeUser21405343 | 425 | 2016-02-17 14:39 |
Electric | Electric | _ForgeUser23668682 | 556 | 2016-02-12 19:38 |
[Forge] Dem Apples+ (1.6.4) | "Dem Apples+" Adds lots of new apple themed content to the game such as items, mobs, and of course apples! | Vaderman24 | 2246 | 2016-02-08 23:50 |
Killerjdog's Chocolate Mod | This mod adds edible chocolate as well as buildable chocolate blocks to the game. As well as a dimension Filled with chocolate. | Killerjdog51 | 13177 | 2016-01-30 14:06 |
Moses Mod | Moses Mod | Hunternif | 29487 | 2016-01-15 01:43 |
Java Version Checker | Warns the user if they're using outdated Java. Useful for modpacks that don't run on Java 6 or 7. | chylex | 694462 | 2016-01-10 21:12 |
Pistronics 2 | Modular Pistons, Rotators and Statues | Letiu | 242026 | 2016-01-04 09:29 |
ExtrabiomesXL | ExtrabiomesXL is a mod for Minecraft which adds new biomes that enhance game play and make exploring fun and interesting. | annysia63, Allaryin | 3096243 | 2016-01-01 17:39 |
Mod-list generator | This simple utility mod generates mod-list.txt file inside your game directory, which contains list of all installed mods | _ForgeUser19382171 | 4089 | 2015-10-30 17:34 |
High Pressure Tanks | High Pressure Tanks is a Minecraft mod that adds multiblock tanks that can store any liquid under high pressure. It comes with many machines that are not only used to craft the tank components but can also create some nice decorative blocks or even items | patrick96MC | 12551 | 2015-10-23 19:44 |
"i" Is For Inventory | Inventory machines that make life easier by speeding up smelting, crop growing, and more! | _ForgeUser21427271 | 1521 | 2015-10-09 04:19 |
Prayers | Pray to Notch for healing! | tterrag1098 | 5510 | 2015-10-05 06:28 |
Arcanum | Make Minecraft just that little bit of extra fun with magic and tools | xHellBreecher | 92176 | 2015-10-01 21:33 |
Redstone Additions Mod | This mod adds new uses to redstone, as well as new mobs, biomes and items. | lonelydoggo | 649 | 2015-09-19 19:50 |
Gun Customization | Highly configurable guns including flamethrower, pistols, sniper rifle, knife, etc. | LemADEC | 215563 | 2015-09-15 00:03 |
Survivor's Pack | Additional pack of recipes, items and etc. for survivers on limited maps | _ForgeUser21715531 | 2821 | 2015-09-13 23:39 |
Dynamic Sword Skills | Is vanilla Minecraft combat too boring for you? Fear not, Dynamic Sword Skills will have you parrying, dodging, and attempting to perform strategic devastating attacks on your enemies! | _ForgeUser11801975 | 715707 | 2015-09-13 21:42 |
I'm Recording Mod | Shows who's recording | heldplayer | 6753 | 2015-09-08 16:10 |
Entity LagFix / Lag Fix | Removes lag by removing too many entities such as from dropped items, arrows, explosions etc... An op tool to count or remove all Items or Mobs or Entities or TileEntities or Blocks within a distance of the op. CommandBlock compatible. | AndreNoel | 65988 | 2015-09-08 12:44 |
SpawnCommands / Spawn Commands Teleport | Teleport commands in chat for spawn, home, named locations, and teleport ask. Many configurable features. | AndreNoel | 127811 | 2015-09-08 12:25 |
Universal Electricity | Archive of UE downloads | QueenOfMissiles | 56565 | 2015-08-25 18:07 |
Second Screen | Allows you to observe and control Minecraft from your Smartphone/Tablet | maxanier | 7809 | 2015-08-22 19:18 |
Water Power | Adds many watermills(1~32768EU/t), fluid tanks, trousers. | huanghongxun | 96444 | 2015-08-22 07:55 |
Reinforced Stone Recipe Adder | Adds in the old Reinforced Stone recipe | TheNumenorean1 | 4904 | 2015-08-20 06:55 |
Toontown On Minecraft | Basically what the title says! | _ForgeUser11779974 | 251 | 2015-08-20 01:52 |
Horrific Swords | More than 20 different swords with unique status effects, armor, items, and entities | _ForgeUser21427271 | 1334 | 2015-08-15 19:11 |
Resonant Engine | Dead Mod, only exists for older modpacks | QueenOfMissiles | 53894 | 2015-08-10 23:36 |
The Golden Potato Mod! | A brand to potato-themed mod of awesomeness! | _ForgeUser21351935 | 128 | 2015-08-09 20:02 |
WarpDrive | Build your ship freely, protect it with force fields, explore other dimensions, mine asteroids, and more... | LemADEC | 618370 | 2015-08-04 21:05 |
DynmapCBBridge | Support Dynmap-using Bukkit plugins on MCPC+, BukkitForge with DynmapForge | Mikeprimm | 23778 | 2015-07-13 04:51 |
Future Police Mod | A futuristic look at items in the game. Adds new armor, sword, pickaxe, biome, and two new mobs in the game | _ForgeUser20900792 | 5316 | 2015-07-07 02:28 |
Zelda Sword Skills | The ultimate Zelda mod for Minecraft! Including nearly every Zelda item, sword skills such as Link's Spin Attack, mobs, dungeons, several quests, and more. | _ForgeUser11801975 | 496193 | 2015-07-02 04:40 |
Water Mod | It adds tons of stuff water related! | _ForgeUser20685612 | 1036 | 2015-06-20 02:18 |
ReCubed | A server-side stat tracker and comparer | Vazkii | 29921 | 2015-06-10 12:21 |
CraftHeraldry | Coats of Arms in Minecraft, customizable with over 1200 different choices | Vazkii | 733267 | 2015-06-10 11:50 |
MoarPeripherals | Community-driven addon mod developed for ComputerCraft | _ForgeUser8182586 | 222273 | 2015-06-07 05:25 |
WorldEdit | In-game Minecraft map editor - build bigger things more quickly! | sk89q, wizjany_, me4502, octylFractal | 45572435 | 2015-05-28 23:55 |
Wood Converter | This converts different types of wood items/blocks into different colors and lets you back-craft some wooden items. | bl4ckscor3 | 34852 | 2015-05-28 22:52 |
Turtle Mod | Adds 3 types of turtles and 3 different armor sets to be made from each of their shells | _ForgeUser7238600 | 1018 | 2015-05-28 04:40 |
Overworld Quartz | Adds nether quartz to the overworld! | WildBamaBoy | 12548 | 2015-05-18 21:50 |
Cake Mod | Many cakes in one mod! | mcforum_b_d2 | 694 | 2015-04-25 13:37 |
Titan Armor | Titan Armor MOD | _ForgeUser19677658 | 3604 | 2015-04-24 12:55 |
YALSM - Yet Another Leather Smelting Mod | Smelt rotten flesh into leather. | airbreather | 85982 | 2015-04-22 20:48 |
YAFM - Yet Another Food Mod | Add various food items to the game | airbreather | 1092248 | 2015-04-22 20:31 |
Dalek Mod [Forge] | Features from the TV show, "Doctor Who" like Daleks, Cybermen, and the TARDIS! [for Minecraft Forge] | SWDTeam, didgeridoomen_swdteam, RedDash16_ | 991876 | 2015-04-20 14:50 |
PowerConverters (Portablejim's fork) | Fork of Powercrystals' Powerconverters / Power Converters | Portablejim | 440443 | 2015-04-12 06:24 |
Forge Multi Part | an opensource library for having multiple things in the one block space. | Chicken_Bones | 6394765 | 2015-04-07 20:43 |
Translocators | transfer items and fluids | Chicken_Bones | 10407887 | 2015-04-07 19:56 |
ChickenChunks | Chunkloading, chickenbones style | Chicken_Bones | 10256694 | 2015-04-07 19:27 |
WR-CBE-Universal | The combined WR-CBE mod | Chicken_Bones | 8372444 | 2015-04-07 18:52 |
Ender Storage | linked color coded ender chests | Chicken_Bones | 15306424 | 2015-04-07 17:43 |
Power Converters3 | Converting Power Between Mods! | covers1624 | 433000 | 2015-04-07 10:25 |
Mo' Creatures | adds new mobs to minecraft | DrZharky | 7109476 | 2015-04-06 00:27 |
Bloodcraft | Weapons, Armor, food, tools, a biome, and more to come. | _ForgeUser10200786 | 146 | 2015-04-03 04:53 |
OpenPeripheralAddons | Random peripherals for OpenPeripheralCore | OpenMods, 0x00716F62 | 6741618 | 2015-04-02 17:22 |
OpenPeripheralCore | Simple ComputerCraft and OpenComputers integration layer | OpenMods, 0x00716F62 | 6850955 | 2015-04-02 17:11 |
OpenBlocks | Random collection of blocks. Some of which aren't blocks at all. | OpenMods, 0x00716F62 | 56095921 | 2015-04-02 17:00 |
OpenModsLib | Common base used by OpenBlocks and OpenPeripheral | OpenMods, 0x00716F62 | 55905267 | 2015-04-02 16:48 |
Mob Amputation | Inspired by Mob Dismemberment, tools will have a random chance of amputating limbs of several Minecraft mobs | ohaiiChun | 1505954 | 2015-04-01 11:27 |
Shatter | This mod adds a new death animation. Mobs die, their bodies wrecked, and souls shattered, they just seem to fade away. | ohaiiChun | 389627 | 2015-04-01 02:31 |
Sync | This mod provides clones, or as we like to call it, “shells”. These shells are basically a new individual, with their own inventory, experience level, and even gamemode. | ohaiiChun | 10881445 | 2015-03-31 23:50 |
Trail Mix | This mod adds a single food item, called trail mix. This food item does plenty of crazy things when eaten. | ohaiiChun | 1246174 | 2015-03-31 22:17 |
Torched | Adds a couple of items which aids with torch placement. Mainly a gun, rocket, and launcher. | ohaiiChun | 141739 | 2015-03-31 22:02 |
Streak | This mod leaves a trail of different flavours following players around as they move, fading away over time. | ohaiiChun | 38828 | 2015-03-31 21:55 |
Portal Gun | This mod adds the Portal Gun, as well as several other portal-related aspects, to Minecraft! | ohaiiChun | 32471523 | 2015-03-31 21:46 |
Picture-in-Picture (PiP) | Renders other player’s Point of Views in a “Picture-in-Picture” style on the Minecraft screen when no GUI is open. | ohaiiChun | 238875 | 2015-03-31 21:14 |
Photoreal | This mod adds a camera, as found in CorridorDigital’s Photoreal, when snapped it forms a screen ahead of the player, showing the view that was just there. | ohaiiChun | 6549 | 2015-03-31 21:03 |
Morph | “Acquire” and turn into most living mobs by killing them including other players, silverfish, other mods, and more! | ohaiiChun | 16422543 | 2015-03-31 20:52 |
Hat Stand | An addon to Hats, adds Hat Stands for display of hats, anywhere. | ohaiiChun | 7725797 | 2015-03-31 20:12 |
Hats | Runner-up of the 1st ModJam, adds unlockable hats onto players and mobs | ohaiiChun | 25127705 | 2015-03-31 19:45 |
Gravity Gun | Adds the Gravity Gun from Half-Life 2 into Minecraft | ohaiiChun | 4326687 | 2015-03-31 18:50 |
Mob Dismemberment | Several mobs will break apart to gibs when killed! | ohaiiChun | 6988878 | 2015-03-31 17:59 |
Death Counter (Forge) | How many times did you die? | iChun | 2903484 | 2015-03-31 17:22 |
Back Tools | Displays the last used tool of the player on their back | ohaiiChun | 8183741 | 2015-03-31 15:46 |
Attachable Grinder | Successor to the Pig Grinder, attach grinders to mobs to gain their spoils! | ohaiiChun | 90881 | 2015-03-31 13:36 |
iChunUtil | Shared library used by iChun's mods | iChun | 95865962 | 2015-03-31 07:06 |
More Pies Mod | Want more PIE? Here you go! | _ForgeUser19289986 | 137 | 2015-03-29 21:18 |
World Handler - Command GUI | Minecraft ingame GUI for commands | Exopandora | 248430 | 2015-03-28 17:50 |
Grimoire of Gaia | Mobs, Monsters, Monster Girls | Silentine_ | 4042251 | 2015-03-28 06:30 |
Carpenter's Blocks | Customize your Minecraft world. | _ForgeUser7446961, Mineshopper | 21630830 | 2015-03-28 00:01 |
NEI Mystcraft Plugin | Mystcraft NEI integration | heldplayer | 478775 | 2015-03-27 20:56 |
SpACore | Library Mod | heldplayer | 281143 | 2015-03-27 17:45 |
ChickenShed | A light forge mod that allows chickens to shed feathers occasionally. | ZeroLevels | 180437 | 2015-03-25 08:26 |
Magical Crops | Grow & Harvest all your resources! | Mark719 | 3316896 | 2015-03-24 09:36 |
!t3ms++ | Items++ | fem_Skyelight | 504 | 2015-03-21 17:18 |
Toggler | Toggle click, toggle sneak, toggle run, toggle sprint, toggle jump, hold to attack | _ForgeUser12488899 | 16103 | 2015-03-19 00:48 |
World of Darkness | The world is no longer the same. | _ForgeUser18911887 | 519 | 2015-03-17 14:17 |
Ninja's Cash | This mod adds a realistic physical currency to the game, based on GBP Stirling | Paint_Ninja | 17868 | 2015-03-15 07:54 |
BiblioCraft: BiblioWoods Highlands Edition | Adds support for Highlands woods to BiblioCraft blocks. Requires BiblioCraft to run. | Nuchaz | 303779 | 2015-03-06 10:02 |
BiblioCraft: BiblioWoods Natura Edition | Adds support for Natura woods to BiblioCraft blocks. Requires BiblioCraft to run. | Nuchaz | 11893729 | 2015-03-06 09:43 |
BiblioCraft: BiblioWoods ExtraBiomesXL Edition | Adds support for ExtraBiomesXL to BiblioCraft blocks. Requires BiblioCraft to run. | Nuchaz | 1670332 | 2015-03-06 09:24 |
BiblioCraft: BiblioWoods Biomes O'Plenty Edition | Adds support for Biomes O' Plenty woods to BiblioCraft blocks. Requires BiblioCraft to run. | Nuchaz | 6894128 | 2015-03-06 09:05 |
BiblioCraft: BiblioWoods Forestry Edition | Adds support for Forestry woods to BiblioCraft blocks. Requires BiblioCraft to run. | Nuchaz | 8130622 | 2015-03-06 08:36 |
VoxelMap | Minimap and Worldmap. Have an overview of your surroundings, or view the entire world. Create waypoints. | MamiyaOtaru | 12764648 | 2015-03-06 06:32 |
Cart Livery | Decorate your minecarts! | octarine_noise, kuenzign | 258865 | 2015-03-04 05:16 |
The Fishtank Mod | Add some decorative blocks and items to the game. | _ForgeUser11856568 | 22061 | 2015-03-04 00:38 |
Inductive Automation | A tech-mod for people that like having machines doing all the work for them. | Cd4017be | 38483 | 2015-03-02 15:51 |
BiblioCraft | Bookcases, armor stands, shelves and so much more! | Nuchaz | 80181612 | 2015-03-02 06:38 |
Power Tools | Save time. Use better tools. | elcuchaz | 50788 | 2015-02-26 03:38 |
poopy mod | this mod adds a new food poop! poop can be crafted with five rotten fleash a poop is only for emergencys the mod may not have updates but if it does it will add a poop biome poop monsters poop weapons and more poop related stuff | _ForgeUser18865029 | 146 | 2015-02-26 02:32 |
Zobie Like 1.6.4 Forge | Zombie Like Mod para Minecraft 1.6.4 Forge | _ForgeUser15602278 | 481 | 2015-02-22 03:21 |
magic minecraft | this mod has super tough monsters like a magic creeper, it can shoot fireballs fly and is super tough also theres a magic minion it can teloport it has 800 life and is a mini boss so this is it and more press download and enjoy | _ForgeUser18865029 | 254 | 2015-02-20 04:19 |
AtomicStryker's Magic Yarn | see other player's yarn! | atomicstrykergrumpy | 77528 | 2015-02-17 23:55 |
Simply Hax | because yes we can | atomicstrykergrumpy | 23715 | 2015-02-17 23:02 |
Kenshiro Mod | Rage | atomicstrykergrumpy | 6074 | 2015-02-17 22:20 |
Ropes+ | now with Hookshot and 3D Ziplines! | atomicstrykergrumpy | 192622 | 2015-02-17 21:38 |
Multi Mine | pause and resume breaking, across players! | atomicstrykergrumpy | 16313849 | 2015-02-17 20:24 |
Stalker Creepers | Creepers sneak up and stalk you | atomicstrykergrumpy | 1195531 | 2015-02-17 19:31 |
Finder Compass | OpenGL over hacks | atomicstrykergrumpy | 145738 | 2015-02-17 18:49 |
Pet Bats | Fly! Hang! GET HIM! | atomicstrykergrumpy | 243387 | 2015-02-17 10:54 |
Minecraft Minions | evil always finds a way | atomicstrykergrumpy | 549458 | 2015-02-17 10:02 |
AtomicStryker's Battle Towers | Battle Towers | atomicstrykergrumpy | 17028916 | 2015-02-17 09:20 |
AtomicStryker's Infernal Mobs | Diablo Style Modifiers | atomicstrykergrumpy | 35506665 | 2015-02-17 08:16 |
Dynamic Lights | portable and moving lightsources | atomicstrykergrumpy | 15414161 | 2015-02-17 07:24 |
Ruins (Structure Spawning System) | A structure spawning system | atomicstrykergrumpy | 24734455 | 2015-02-17 06:31 |
Fragile Glass and Thin Ice | Sugar blocks which shatter on impact | FredTargaryen | 140458 | 2015-02-15 10:29 |
Antique Atlas | Antique map featuring infinite scrolling, zoom and custom labeled markers. | Hunternif | 23059693 | 2015-02-13 09:13 |
Floocraft | Teleport like Harry Potter. | FredTargaryen | 1216046 | 2015-02-12 18:28 |
Elemental Stones | Perform smelting and freezing in a crafting table with elemental stones! | _ForgeUser12351217 | 2617 | 2015-02-10 07:11 |
Geochests | Take the world with you! | sirwol | 17839 | 2015-02-09 12:39 |
TimeTraveler! | Mod that allows you to travel to the past and future! | _ForgeUser6834061 | 42218 | 2015-01-19 21:11 |
Whitelister | Allows server admins to load one or more whitelists from the web and enforce them | Quetzi | 32274 | 2015-01-15 07:26 |
Kitchens | Adds kitchen equipment and advanced cooking: cupboard, icebox, countertop | _ForgeUser8549660 | 24352 | 2015-01-12 17:15 |
Booze | Beer, wine, whiskey, scotch, brandy, rum, vodka | _ForgeUser8549660 | 14146 | 2015-01-12 12:48 |
Mithril | Adds mithril metal, bronze, ores, and garlic. Smelting produces toxic gas. | _ForgeUser8549660 | 7749 | 2015-01-12 12:32 |
EiraIRC (Discontinued) | Mod is no longer being developed. | BlayTheNinth | 268626 | 2015-01-12 03:47 |
Rotten Flesh Mod | Adds use for rotten flesh. | _ForgeUser12883606 | 581 | 2015-01-09 04:11 |
Ships Mod | Build a sailable ship out of blocks | elcuchaz | 375907 | 2015-01-08 02:13 |
Squeedometer | Adds a speedometer to the HUD | squeek502 | 63997 | 2015-01-06 23:02 |
CreepTech | Technology + Adventure | Purplicious_Cow_ | 8260 | 2015-01-05 23:58 |
StargateTech 2 | Adds Stargate-themed technology to Minecraft | LordFokas | 19829 | 2015-01-05 22:39 |
InfiniBlocks | Infinite growing and breeding | _ForgeUser18445566 | 255 | 2015-01-01 15:40 |
NullDupeFixer | A plugin to stop duplication on 1.6.4 + | _ForgeUser17420629 | 789 | 2014-12-29 20:32 |
Dragons Mod | A mod with blue dragons red dragons yellow dragons and a dragon sword, pickaxe,shovel, axe, and hoe. There are also other mobs such as the tameable threed and the firecreeper only works with 1.6.4 | Diddley4209 | 11633 | 2014-12-26 13:32 |
AlchemyPlusPlus | Expanded brewing and potion mechanics for the aspiring Alchemist | jakimfett | 12584 | 2014-12-17 09:52 |
Netherrocks | A mod that adds 6 new unique ores to the Nether. | skrallexy | 279510 | 2014-12-13 10:02 |
SimpleOres | A small mod that adds 5 unique and balanced ores. | skrallexy | 2373815 | 2014-12-13 09:45 |
Fusion | An alloy mod with a unique twist. Other plugins add more content to it. | skrallexy | 155215 | 2014-12-13 09:29 |
HelpFixer | Fixes the /help command | matthewprenger | 8654044 | 2014-12-13 00:17 |
Legend of Zelda Mod | Adds zelda related items into minecraft. | dude22072 | 149563 | 2014-12-08 20:11 |
Extra Achievements | More to strive for in the world of minecraftia! | dude22072 | 97872 | 2014-12-07 23:11 |
Elemental Ores mod | Elemental Ores mod | _ForgeUser14862061 | 971 | 2014-12-03 14:24 |
EMC Condenser | This mod adds EMC Condenser for EE3 (Equivalent Exchange 3) | LatvianModder | 40885 | 2014-11-30 21:27 |
Multishot | Automatic motion and screenshots for timelapses etc. | masady | 46376 | 2014-11-28 23:03 |
Custom Mob Drops | Customize the drops for almost all mobs | _ForgeUser16979160 | 2752 | 2014-11-22 14:59 |
Fossils and Archeology: Revival | Adding Prehistoric Animals and archeology into Minecraft! | ddinodan, sbom_xela, DarkPr3d, _ForgeUser18449974, tyranno66, ASDFGirl, javaraptor, Gegy | 7461212 | 2014-11-17 19:45 |
WorldStateCheckpoints | WorldStateCheckpoints gives you a way to take snapshots of your SP worlds! | bspkrs, Error_MiKeY | 13328 | 2014-11-14 13:55 |
StartingInventory | This mod gives you items and blocks each time you start a new world. | bspkrs | 6096581 | 2014-11-14 13:32 |
FloatingRuins | Floating islands taken from the ground with mini-ruins on top. The ruins' shape, material and mob spawners' choice of mobs are all biome-based. | bspkrs | 808655 | 2014-11-14 12:56 |
CrystalWing | Magical winds, take me home! | bspkrs | 163444 | 2014-11-14 11:19 |
StatusEffectHUD | Displays your currently active potions/effects without having to open your inventory! Sweet! | bspkrs | 2517696 | 2014-11-14 10:40 |
DirectionHUD | Displays your magnetic compass heading at the top of your screen. | bspkrs | 411243 | 2014-11-14 08:53 |
ArmorStatusHUD | Shows your currently equipped armor and held items on your HUD! | bspkrs | 4153493 | 2014-11-14 08:04 |
bspkrsCore | A set of shared classes used by all mods released by bspkrs. | bspkrs, Error_MiKeY | 4865744 | 2014-11-14 07:10 |
Treecapitator | Allows players to chop down trees by breaking a single log. | bspkrs | 4791556 | 2014-11-14 04:44 |
Sekwah41's Naruto Mod | A mod based of the hit anime series Naruto | Sekwah41 | 1690905 | 2014-11-03 16:05 |
The Cactus Deluxe Mod | This mod adds tools and armor to make the cactus more useful. | _ForgeUser17674056 | 181 | 2014-11-02 03:09 |
Sherlock Holmes Mod | A mod that adds item from Sherlock Holmes movies and books | _ForgeUser9595333 | 1423 | 2014-11-01 03:59 |
Geneses Bosses | Add new bosses and sword and two biomes in minecraft | _ForgeUser17611566 | 2685 | 2014-10-30 12:42 |
ForgeEssentials | Server utility mods and powerful permissions system | Spacebuilder2020, MaximustheMiner, Zethalion | 354680 | 2014-10-30 07:24 |
ForgeEssentials | Server utility mods and powerful permissions system | Spacebuilder2020, Zethalion | 333836 | 2014-10-30 07:24 |
Thaumcraft NEI Plugin | NEI Integration for Thaumcraft 4 | jan2048 | 11767613 | 2014-10-24 01:17 |
Backpacks! | Backpacks by Brad16840 | Brad16840 | 4938146 | 2014-10-23 08:39 |
Sound Filters | A client-side mod that adds reverb to caves, and mutes sounds when you're underwater or when the sound is behind a wall. | Tmtravlr | 25660861 | 2014-10-21 23:34 |
Fast Building | Fast Building is a mod used to lay down multiple blocks quickly. | ChaseSan | 36081 | 2014-10-18 07:00 |
Mystcraft | Writable Dimensions | XCompWiz | 13350789 | 2014-10-15 14:00 |
LatCoreMC | LatCoreMC Is a core mod for all LatvianModder's mods | LatvianModder | 169247 | 2014-10-15 09:19 |
Cobalt Mod - Think blue | This mod adds the ore Cobalt and a lot of other Stuff | Dragonisser | 24234 | 2014-10-14 19:09 |
InputFix | InputFix is a way to enable multi-byte input method in Minecraft. (windows platform, experimental on other platforms) | LainMI | 311622 | 2014-10-14 13:34 |
Mob Lanterns | Adds additional lanterns that change faces and make sounds. Also adds craftable spawners. | _ForgeUser4328690 | 3459 | 2014-10-12 12:46 |
The Spice of Life | Encourages dietary variety through diminishing returns | squeek502 | 13066116 | 2014-10-11 04:59 |
OpenComputers | Modular, persistent, programmable computers and robots. | Sangar | 48229840 | 2014-10-10 17:33 |
Rock Digger | Adding blocks one by one. | LordDusk | 498011 | 2014-10-06 11:53 |
Balanced Exchange | A transmutation mod inspired by Equivalent Exchange 2 | Brad16840 | 14567 | 2014-10-06 10:06 |
Open Modular Turrets | A mod that adds tons of modular turrets, upgrades, add-ons, and general manly security measures! | Keridos | 25615113 | 2014-10-03 21:53 |
Deconstruction Table | Allows you to undo what you have crafted. | bdkuhman | 1564734 | 2014-10-02 08:07 |
Music Choices | Gives you more choice about what music plays in-game (based on biomes/dimensions/day/night/ect.) | Tmtravlr | 335820 | 2014-09-29 22:27 |
Kc's Growable Ores | Adds growable reed versions of ores and includes mod support for mods like Applied Energistics, Mystical Agriculture, Create, and many more! | B0bB0t, XsquadKc | 232507 | 2014-09-25 14:37 |
Kc's Growable Ores | Adds growable reed versions of ores and includes mod support for mods like Applied Energistics, Mystical Agriculture, Create, and many more! | B0bB0t, XsquadKc | 231888 | 2014-09-25 14:37 |
BCMod | Core mod required for Backpacks! 2.6 and Balanced Exchange 2.6 | Brad16840 | 33947 | 2014-09-21 16:42 |
LavaMC | An all-around mod featuring, of course, lava. Lava tools, swords, pickaxes, mobs, and more are primary features of this mod. | _ForgeUser10559396 | 1779 | 2014-09-19 02:13 |
Mimicry | Catalytic Item Multiplication | sparroha | 1180749 | 2014-09-18 02:29 |
[DEAD]Artillects | Mod is not being updated | QueenOfMissiles | 2487 | 2014-09-15 15:01 |
TiC Tooltips | Adds stats to the tooltips of Tinkers' Construct tool parts | squeek502 | 17590410 | 2014-09-13 15:43 |
BnBTweaks | Tweaks mod for the Blood N Bones pack | Eyamaz, Blargerist, squeek502 | 171848 | 2014-09-13 02:46 |
Forbidden Magic | A mod to add a little darkness to Thaumcraft | Spiteful_Fox | 10193975 | 2014-09-12 09:14 |
Jojajoj | Adds useless junk to minecraft which might be useful...! | _ForgeUser8187884 | 1485 | 2014-09-07 10:28 |
Fox Katana | A really good sword! | _ForgeUser17008338 | 648 | 2014-09-06 10:20 |
Waila Harvestability | An add-on for Waila that adds information about the harvestability of what you are looking at | squeek502 | 48191793 | 2014-09-03 04:14 |
AutoPackager | Automated crafting of 2x2 or 3x3 recipes | smbarbour | 10817580 | 2014-08-28 21:35 |
Applied Energistics 1 | A Mod About energy, and matter. Oh wait thats everything... | AlgorithmX2 | 1869270 | 2014-08-27 17:34 |
Kitteh6660's MoreCraft | Enhance your vanilla experience with a large yet simple Forge mod that adds over 100 items and several new blocks. | Kitteh6660 | 150956 | 2014-08-26 02:13 |
Zap Apples | MLP Style Zap Apple Goodness | BarelyAPrincess, jsn_man | 5787 | 2014-08-24 00:37 |
CleverMob API - Fun & Usefull - Simple "LightWeight" chat API! | (All MC versions) A fun, lightweight Minecraft chat API. | _ForgeUser10573595 | 318 | 2014-08-21 21:23 |
Binnie's Mods | Various expansions for Forestry adding new bees and trees | _ForgeUser9116757, mezz | 23524312 | 2014-08-21 01:03 |
Gendustry | Adds industrial apiaries, advanced genetic manipulation and mutation (Forestry addon) | bdew | 32835987 | 2014-08-18 09:46 |
Witchery | Witchcraft and nature magic with a bit of voodoo and necromancy too | _ForgeUser11995118 | 13813811 | 2014-08-16 18:06 |
Artemis | STDOUT/STDERR tracing (and more) | _ForgeUser16783202 | 2312 | 2014-08-16 11:38 |
Dual Hotbar | Double your hotbar space | RebelKeithy | 281778 | 2014-08-16 07:27 |
Chisel Facades | Adds Chisel's blocks as BuildCraft Facades | Choonster | 1776540 | 2014-08-15 23:04 |
UnwrittenBlocks | A collection of useful blocks and items. | UnwrittenFun | 4899 | 2014-08-15 15:55 |
Simply Zombies | Zombie apocalypse in Minecraft!!! This mod creates a new experience for Minecraft players while keeping it close to the Minecraft we all know and love! | _ForgeUser12575320 | 13439 | 2014-08-14 19:54 |
TragicMC | This mod adds in multiple mobs, items, enchantments, potion effects and armor to enhance your minecraft experience. | TragicNeko | 22899 | 2014-08-13 13:51 |
Advanced Survival | A mod that adds lots of cool items to minecraft! | _ForgeUser12713141 | 3760 | 2014-08-11 12:10 |
FpsPlus | Boost fps plus other things | abandenz | 1665370 | 2014-08-11 03:41 |
Eac Mod | The Official Eac Mod From The Eac crew | EnderWolfEac | 3202 | 2014-08-10 21:48 |
Obsidian Stuff Mod | A mod that adds lots of obsidian based items and blocks into the game. | _ForgeUser10450399 | 1389 | 2014-08-10 00:26 |
Artifice | Blocks and more | Shukaro | 525870 | 2014-08-09 02:22 |
BetterVanilla | BetterVanilla is a mod that attempts to improve vanilla gameplay by changing existing mechanics and expanding upon existing content. | realAgadar | 13393 | 2014-08-08 11:35 |
Hydraulicraft | A mod about Hydraulics | K4Unl, CallMeFoxie | 185897 | 2014-08-03 18:05 |
Extra Carts | Put all the things in carts. | Scott_DTA, Sky_Som | 52656 | 2014-08-02 16:18 |
CrackedZombie | Cracked Zombie Mod | pbrane0 | 360574 | 2014-08-02 14:28 |
Better Senses | Keep track of any ores or mobs in your area with this new mod and never feel unsure again! | _ForgeUser9980111 | 199 | 2014-08-02 11:44 |
Wildycraft | Adds a Runescape Dimension to Minecraft | Miyukiku | 249235 | 2014-07-30 23:14 |
Slime Block From The Future | In addition to provide the Slime Block from vanilla Minecraft 1.8, this mod also provides other blocks related to piston mechanism. | _ForgeUser16002238 | 1377 | 2014-07-30 16:40 |
SnowCat's Library | It provides useful functions and utilitis to mod developers. | _ForgeUser16002238 | 952 | 2014-07-30 16:05 |
Ryse Son Of Rome Mod | Ryse Son Of Rome Mod | _ForgeUser13154196 | 4703 | 2014-07-29 12:07 |
JourneyMap | Real-time mapping in-game or your browser as you explore. | techbrew, Mysticdrew, meme_sapiens | 260073138 | 2014-07-29 00:04 |
InvisibLights | Invisible light sources from Glowstone or ForgeEnergy! Supports Forge & Fabric. | fake_domi | 181297 | 2014-07-28 14:31 |
KeithyUtils | Needed for Team Metallurgy mods | RebelKeithy | 315197 | 2014-07-27 06:11 |
Military Equipment Mod | Military Equipment Mod, complementary mod for my Flan's Mod Packs | _ForgeUser9089481 | 20871 | 2014-07-26 21:34 |
TooMuchTime | Control over Minecraft's day/night cycle | dmillerw | 59780 | 2014-07-25 20:14 |
Extra Server Commands | Server Utils mod for Forge Servers | _ForgeUser12354442 | 2790 | 2014-07-25 15:45 |
Growing Flowers | breed Flowers | _ForgeUser12252399 | 6370 | 2014-07-25 12:16 |
Animal Bikes | Ride around your world on all kinds of animals | Noppes_ | 2074632 | 2014-07-25 11:23 |
Decocraft | Decorate your minecraft world with epic models, choose from over 3.000 objects! More are added every week! | RazzleberryFox | 39844209 | 2014-07-25 00:56 |
Santa's Toys | Cheaper single-use fire starters, infinite use guns that may cause 'splosions, and more! | TheSatanicSanta | 7945 | 2014-07-23 22:25 |
Sparkly Pants | A mod about sparkly pants! | TheSatanicSanta | 1609 | 2014-07-19 04:25 |
TooMuchLoot | Removing that excess dungeon loot you don't want, and adding what you do want | dmillerw | 145165 | 2014-07-18 20:22 |
The Mists of RioV | An RPG mod that adds mobs, dimensions, bosses, hundreds of items and blocks, and more! | sheenrox82_ | 73540 | 2014-07-18 04:24 |
Griswold's Workshop | A Minecraft Mod about being a Blacksmith. | feandrad | 4493 | 2014-07-18 01:55 |
Hardcore Questing Mode [FORGE/FABRIC] | Hardcore Questing Mode | LordDusk, _ForgeUser7319596, Forge_User_02129608 | 16058000 | 2014-07-16 12:13 |
Santa's Decor | A mod based on decoration using mob drops and other resources. Dyes are for chumps. | TheSatanicSanta | 101132 | 2014-07-15 21:05 |
Freedom | Express your freedom by eating fried chicken and drinking MTN Dew! | TheSatanicSanta | 6529 | 2014-07-15 20:48 |
Skateboard Mod | Be a skater in minecraft | _ForgeUser9016459 | 993 | 2014-07-14 22:08 |
AssassinCraft - Assassin's Creed Mod | AssassinCraft by castielq | _ForgeUser7273770 | 53431 | 2014-07-14 03:56 |
Refined Relocation | Sorting Chest Networks, Modular Item Transport and more | Forge_User_50076546, BlayTheNinth | 2366876 | 2014-07-13 15:41 |
Cliffie's Goos | Crazy taint/nanotech goos ending the world, tough survival! | CliffracerX | 2064 | 2014-07-12 02:55 |
Lemon Land | Do you love lemons? If so, this is the mod for you. We have lemons, a lemon sword, lemon tools, a lemon biome and more! | NortieDeveloper | 17237 | 2014-07-11 07:13 |
Auto Whitelister | Automatic whitelister with mysql support. | LordDusk | 4052 | 2014-07-10 18:59 |
NotEnoughItems | Recipe Viewer, Inventory Manager, Item Spawner, Cheats and more | Chicken_Bones | 30627785 | 2014-07-09 11:39 |
CodeChickenCore | Base common code for all chickenbones mods. | Chicken_Bones | 27696196 | 2014-07-09 11:06 |
Metallurgy | Metallurgy adds over 50 new metals for players to mine and make into tools/armor! | Shadowclaimer, Vequinox | 3243073 | 2014-07-09 07:40 |
LanteaCraft | Adds Stargates, and other Stargate inspired technology. | MichiyoRavencroft | 163072 | 2014-07-09 04:58 |
littleMaidMobX | littleMaidMob adds a (tameable) mob called the Little Maid, who can do a lot of stuff for you! | KuroNeko87 | 564273 | 2014-07-05 00:33 |
Bedrock Tools | Adds powerful late game tools | Tanttinator | 29652 | 2014-07-03 18:29 |
Description Tags | Add witty comments to your items! | BluSunrize | 137740 | 2014-07-02 08:46 |
Ancient Warfare | Adds Siege Engines, Soldiers, Workers, and Worker based automation. | Shadowmage4513 | 62180 | 2014-06-30 20:03 |
More Player Models | Character creation screen, animations, chatbubbles and more. | Noppes_ | 6953462 | 2014-06-30 14:53 |
Truss Mod | Truss Mod adds motors that can move blocks and frames that can form big moving constructions.It was inspired by Red Power 2 by Eloraam. | _ForgeUser10152498 | 4366 | 2014-06-30 05:36 |
AWH Haggis Mod | This mod adds more food items into the game, including Haggis and various ingredients. | UltimateDillon | 24853 | 2014-06-29 15:34 |
Colorful Tools | Colorful Tools | Torquebolt20 | 122831 | 2014-06-29 06:34 |
ModTweaker | ModTweaker is an addon for CraftTweaker, a recipe manipulator utility for Minecraft. It allows you to modify the recipes of other mods that add their own crafting mechanics | Jaredlll08 | 82053800 | 2014-06-28 21:22 |
FogNerf | Reduces various types of fog (e.g. void fog) | Portablejim | 155159 | 2014-06-28 08:02 |
Forge Multipart Integration (FMPI) | Addon for FMP which add's all block's as a microblock. | _ForgeUser8113076 | 88742 | 2014-06-28 07:37 |
ExtraTiC | Extra tools & weapons for tinkers' construct | Glazzmaker | 14365458 | 2014-06-28 05:44 |
Custom NPCs | Create your own npcs and liven up your world or create your own adventure. Includes quests, a dialog system and a ton of items and blocks. | Noppes_ | 18495670 | 2014-06-27 18:10 |
UndergroundBiomesConstructs | UndergroundBiomesConstructs | zeno410 | 933671 | 2014-06-25 08:06 |
Ex Nihilo | The Skyblock Companion Mod | Erasmus_Crowley | 7702870 | 2014-06-23 21:39 |
UltraTech | UltraTech Mod | cout970 | 21543 | 2014-06-23 10:58 |
Roguelike Dungeons | Randomized dungeons, loot and spawners | Greymerk | 28049747 | 2014-06-20 17:07 |
Admin Commands Toolbox | A collection of commands used to facilitate server adminitration | profmobius | 101581 | 2014-06-20 16:52 |
AdventureTime Mod | AdventureTime Mod | ItsRouter | 121744 | 2014-06-20 16:07 |
MobiusCore | Core mod for ProfMobius' mod collection | profmobius, RazzleberryFox | 5480738 | 2014-06-19 14:18 |
SpiritOres Mod | Adds 4 new ores, aluminum, copper, steel and spirit. | _ForgeUser12939819 | 6658 | 2014-06-17 17:12 |
Jabba | Jabba (Just Another Better Barrel Attempt) is focused on providing an affordable mass storage block. | profmobius | 17832168 | 2014-06-17 12:58 |
Dungeon Mobs | Introduces a variety of hostile creatures. | _ForgeUser1566764 | 574463 | 2014-06-17 09:29 |
Tinkers Construct | Modify all the things, then do it again! | mDiyo, bonusboni, Alexbegt, KnightMiner | 165101252 | 2014-06-17 06:01 |
Jaded's Blood | Modification that adds the ability to add custom Blood Magic recipes through JSON, as requested by Jadedcat. | Minalien | 177274 | 2014-06-17 05:38 |
HarvestCraft Waila Fixes | A simple client-side add-on for Pam's HarvestCraft that fixes a few missing names/icons in Waila tooltips | squeek502 | 958157 | 2014-06-17 03:54 |
Custom Mealery | Configure your own Minecraft foods | kroeser | 2433 | 2014-06-16 18:47 |
EvilCraft | An evil mod for Minecraft. | kroeser | 28853283 | 2014-06-16 16:47 |
Вращение Земли Майнкрафтская (Accurate day/night-cycles Mod) | Accurate day/night-cycles and time-speed mod for Minecraft - Make your MC days last longer than 20 mins - Now with varying day lengths | Sedridor77 | 297576 | 2014-06-16 00:57 |
Project Fruit | With Project Fruit I built around the Lemon Land mod and added a whole new dimension that's made of fruit. When you enter the fruit dimension you'll see four different biomes. The lemon biome, the lime biome, orange biome and the blueberry biome. | NortieDeveloper | 46348 | 2014-06-15 15:39 |
Iron/Mixed Pressure Plate mod | A mod that adds a fully configurable pressure plate and a player sensitive one | _ForgeUser7342171 | 3366 | 2014-06-15 14:25 |
Zero Quest | More Mobs, Blocks Items and Dimensions! | XNovaViperX | 12921 | 2014-06-12 12:10 |
Planter Helper | Planter Helper is a rather simple mod that helps to plant crops | Portablejim | 38295 | 2014-06-12 00:48 |
BluDecorations | Fully customizeable decorations for Minecraft! | BluSunrize | 4261 | 2014-06-11 07:54 |
Craftable Enchantments | Enchantments from the crafting table. | ShooShoSha | 3777 | 2014-06-10 13:57 |
XEliteZ FrostCraft | A winter themed mod by Kalvin from XEliteZ | _ForgeUser7342171 | 8570 | 2014-06-10 06:12 |
Pressure Pipes | Unlimited Fluid Transport | bdew | 7259614 | 2014-06-09 21:39 |
BdLib | A library of generic code for my other mods | bdew | 93109258 | 2014-06-09 10:21 |
Amethyst | A small mod that adds Amethyst. | _ForgeUser14189844 | 1750 | 2014-06-08 23:36 |
Silent's Gems | Customizable tools! Colorful building blocks! Handy gadgets! | SilentChaos512 | 9054642 | 2014-06-04 03:15 |
QuiverBow | A mod that adds lore-friendly ranged weaponry, as thought up by Steve. | _ForgeUser7513261 | 559427 | 2014-06-03 15:05 |
Mariculture | Fishies! Coral! Kelp! Magic! Machines! | joshiejack | 1928010 | 2014-06-02 09:16 |
Forestry | Bringing bees, butterflies and more trees. as well as eco-friendly energy production and mail to Minecraft. | mezz | 65602795 | 2014-06-02 07:38 |
Magic Bees | Adds more Bee species to Forestry; provides some integration with Thaumcraft and other mods. | MysteriousAges, Elec332 | 26577571 | 2014-06-02 01:41 |
Tinkers' Steelworks | Tinkers' Steelworks | _ForgeUser6983959 | 923051 | 2014-06-01 23:18 |
[DEAD] Mad Science | A Minecraft Forge mod based on bio-technology and genetic engineering! | _ForgeUser12980989 | 37984 | 2014-06-01 19:58 |
Luppii's Ladders | Luppii's Ladders | Forge_User_25919909 | 446286 | 2014-06-01 08:17 |
Mo' Shiz Mod | Tools, Ores, Trees, Backpacks, 1000+ Blocks, Enchantments, Potions, and a lot more! | profit_orange | 391635 | 2014-05-31 07:16 |
Mankini | A minecraft mod allowing you to become a mankini wearing star. What would you ask for more? | MasterAbdoTGM50, Mrbysco | 40738 | 2014-05-31 06:04 |
VeinMiner | VeinMiner | Portablejim | 16464013 | 2014-05-31 04:53 |
Balkon's WeaponMod | Balkon's WeaponMod adds a variety of new weapons to Minecraft. | _ForgeUser6815172 | 1425033 | 2014-05-30 22:38 |
Meals | A mod that allows for configurable food. | meew0_ | 1473 | 2014-05-30 12:23 |
Tubes! | Tubes provides the best item transport and sorting solution for all your transport, sorting, and automation needs. | _ForgeUser9575823 | 133663 | 2014-05-30 03:06 |
Ender IO | Ender IO | crazypants_mc_the_second, HenryLoenwind, EpicSquid315, Rover656, Ferri_Arnus, agnor99, tterrag1098 | 73995265 | 2014-05-27 10:09 |
The Erebus | A dimension ruled by colossal invertebrates... Enter the darkness and uncover its secrets. | vadis365, DylanKaizer | 12044023 | 2014-05-24 09:46 |
Ex Aliquo | From something. In the Sky | _ForgeUser7194232 | 768435 | 2014-05-23 03:02 |
Player Beacons | Lobbing off your own head for personal gain since 1999 | Kihira | 4601 | 2014-05-22 20:01 |
FlintStone Tools | FlintStone Tools | PlatonShubin | 337 | 2014-05-21 19:10 |
Majora's Maskcraft | wear all the masks from Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask | damagicgeek | 50191 | 2014-05-20 21:14 |
Backpacks | Provides the player with multiple, colorable backpacks | Eydamos | 6929304 | 2014-05-20 11:33 |
Youtubers+ Mod | Adds Youtubers and other things from their videos | supercat765 | 554380 | 2014-05-20 01:36 |
Xenorite | Adding New Blocks & Items With A Good/Bad Effects! | TechieCrow | 28750 | 2014-05-19 06:08 |
Commoble's Critter Pack | Critter(s)! | _ForgeUser11943050 | 4470 | 2014-05-19 04:50 |
Land Purification | Stop the infinite spawning of mobs | _ForgeUser6832528 | 840 | 2014-05-15 23:14 |
Thaumcraft Extras | Thaumcraft Extras | _ForgeUser8113076 | 19567 | 2014-05-15 16:33 |
Ex Nihilo NEI Add-on | An NEI add-on for Ex Nihilo | jgrocho | 21427 | 2014-05-14 09:44 |
MyWorldGen | MyWorldGen makes it easy to add your own custom world-gen to your worlds. | impiaaa | 413592 | 2014-05-14 07:09 |
NEI Addons | Addons for Not Enough Items for various mods | bdew | 19601354 | 2014-05-14 00:22 |
Craftable Nether Star + | Crafting Recipes for Nether star and more. | Speedy3210 | 61008 | 2014-05-12 05:59 |
Elements of Alchemy | Destroy things into essence, and rebuild them into something else. | _ForgeUser9339528 | 1808 | 2014-05-11 19:39 |
Warp Book | A simple waypoint based teleportation mod | ferreusveritas, panicnot422, MelonVRneu | 1876696 | 2014-05-10 12:02 |
Symcalc | A mod that allows you to see how stable your infusion altar really is. | meew0_ | 96786 | 2014-05-09 20:37 |
Unified Items | Unify your world generation | Chazwarp923 | 74744 | 2014-05-09 19:10 |
Gravestone mod - Graves | Gravestone | nightkosh | 3688095 | 2014-05-09 05:07 |
Piston Everything | push tile entities (chests and stuff) with plain old pistons | _ForgeUser6979253 | 13786 | 2014-05-08 14:37 |
Thermal Expansion | Expanding Minecraft Thermally! A server-friendly and content-rich blend of magic and technology! | TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH | 118673235 | 2014-05-08 04:53 |
MoarSigns | Adds a lot of signs | GoryMoon | 5687733 | 2014-05-05 00:52 |
Compact WaterMills | Compact WaterMills | yuuka_miya | 14517 | 2014-05-03 05:18 |
AetherCraft | Aetheral Alchemy! Turn matter into any other kind of matter! | _ForgeUser10245589 | 158951 | 2014-05-02 19:39 |
Minefactory Reloaded | MFR aims to automate a number of tasks that previously would be difficult, boring, or work-intensive. | skyboy026 | 21047854 | 2014-05-01 22:43 |
Pipe Gobbler | A bandaid for the TE itemduct backstuffing in AgSkies | ZenDarva | 1893 | 2014-04-30 20:24 |
N-Craft | N-Craft Experimental Mod | Forge_User_58465767 | 2754 | 2014-04-28 07:29 |
Random Things | Random Things adds various miscellaneous items and blocks to minecraft | Lumien231 | 41440793 | 2014-04-27 10:11 |
Rotatable Blocks | Rotate almost any full size opaque blocks. | AlgorithmX2 | 47996 | 2014-04-27 02:22 |
ShadowCraft | Provides a set of tools to help you rule the darkness | ZenDarva | 20782 | 2014-04-26 04:30 |
Rainbowlicious Mod | Rainbowfy your Minecraft! | _ForgeUser14508785 | 714 | 2014-04-26 02:31 |
MoreBricks Mod | MoreBricks Mod | _ForgeUser13514430 | 4467 | 2014-04-25 17:26 |
XplosionCore | XplosionCore | big_Xplosion | 4323 | 2014-04-25 12:50 |
FlatBedrock Xplosion's Edition | Customizable Flat Bedrock generation | big_Xplosion | 2285059 | 2014-04-25 09:20 |
WhiteAdventure | WhiteAdventure | _ForgeUser14026779 | 341 | 2014-04-25 07:28 |
Gwycraft - A colored blocks mod | Adding colored blocks and glowing blocks to your world. | Gwydion0917, Glazzmaker, zepanv | 51804 | 2014-04-24 23:34 |
Colorful Armor Lite | Colorful Armor Lite | Torquebolt20 | 1807 | 2014-04-24 18:23 |
Opis | Opis is a server profiler for Forge server. | profmobius, RazzleberryFox | 1366696 | 2014-04-24 13:12 |
Island Spawner Builder | Spawns in an island within seconds | LordDusk | 170014 | 2014-04-23 00:27 |
Waila | Waila (What Am I Looking At) is a UI improvement mod aimed at providing block information directly ingame. | profmobius | 34249642 | 2014-04-22 11:49 |
JewelryCraft - Molten metals and rings! | Jewels with special properties and Thiefing Gloves to steal stuff from Villagers. Jewelrycraft 2 has been released, which contains the same items and blocks and even more awesome things! | OnyxKnight, bspkrs | 16324 | 2014-04-21 16:12 |
Parachute Mod | Parachute Mod | pbrane0 | 961498 | 2014-04-21 11:24 |
ComputerCraft | Computers, Programming and Robotics in Minecraft | DanTwoHundred | 20066507 | 2014-04-18 10:47 |
CoFH Core | Contains Core Functionality for all Team CoFH mods. Also does some really cool stuff on its own! | TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH | 152737993 | 2014-04-17 17:05 |
Revalution Craft | It a Revalution to Minecrfaft | Forge_User_40931679 | 293 | 2014-04-17 07:14 |
HUDWidgets | Freely move and add HUD widgets around your screen | Fureniku | 37161 | 2014-04-16 14:01 |
Xtra Armour Mod | Xtra Armour Mod | _ForgeUser14087133 | 186 | 2014-04-14 08:40 |
Tinkers' Mechworks | Tinkers' Mechworks is a mod that adds various redstone machines. | mDiyo, fuj1n, bonusboni, Glazzmaker | 18448434 | 2014-04-13 15:20 |
The Creeper Package | A mod based on Creepers! | _ForgeUser9123300 | 1114 | 2014-04-12 22:40 |
Random Randomness | How do it know? | Torquebolt20 | 1865 | 2014-04-12 00:47 |
HolidayCraft | HolidayCraft | Flickwire | 1520 | 2014-04-09 13:56 |
ServerTools-CORE | A server-side mod that adds a variety of utilities and commands for server administrators | matthewprenger | 81185 | 2014-04-08 03:01 |
Equivalent Expansion | Adds interaction between Thermal Expansion and Equivalent Exchange 3 | _ForgeUser9420259 | 607 | 2014-04-06 13:46 |
NHAVE's Core Legacy | NHAVE's Core | Forge_User_10513493 | 2787 | 2014-04-06 07:59 |
ServerOnly | A mod for server modpack makers to prevent people from playing singleplayer. | _ForgeUser13442314 | 707 | 2014-04-06 03:51 |
ShinyBlocks | New Shiny Blocks in 1.6.4! | _ForgeUser10497468 | 104 | 2014-04-05 02:30 |
Modular Flower Pots | Adds larger flower pots that hold most plants and connect together | Texelsaur | 254003 | 2014-04-04 06:07 |
Matted's Foods Plus | A series of foods added to Minecraft | _ForgeUser6845067 | 4519 | 2014-04-04 01:08 |
ClashMod | ClashMod | _ForgeUser13982085 | 468 | 2014-04-04 00:20 |
Reconstructor | A Redstone Flux powered machine to repair your stuff | smbarbour | 51687 | 2014-04-03 21:55 |
NuclearPower (formerly NuclearCraft) | An IC2 addon that allows the construction of several powerful reactors | _ForgeUser10030221 | 4096 | 2014-04-03 11:53 |
More Backpacks [Forestry Addon] | More Backpacks [Forestry Addon] | lordblackhole_ | 94701 | 2014-04-01 14:43 |
Enchiridion | Custom Books with pictures, recipes for modpack makers. As well as a library for storing and reading modded books. | joshiejack | 6794690 | 2014-03-30 09:49 |
Custom GenOREation Mod | customizable ore generation | damagicgeek | 709 | 2014-03-29 05:09 |
Jukebox Reloaded | An Upgraded version of the jukebox | Cazzar09 | 49153 | 2014-03-29 02:52 |
Dark-Adaptations | Dark-Adaptations | _ForgeUser1117697 | 1319 | 2014-03-28 15:04 |
Village Taverns Updated | Update to the original Village Taverns adding more generic buildings to vanilla villages | ffxivcorecf | 309063 | 2014-03-27 22:22 |
RoboEye | Adds a robotic eye that grants night vision. | Robosphinx | 1768 | 2014-03-24 05:05 |
Quartz Plus | All sorts of Quartz magic-ness | Robosphinx | 16080 | 2014-03-24 04:41 |
ShetiPhianCore | Required for ShetiPhians Mods | ShetiPhian | 54810788 | 2014-03-23 15:28 |
EnderTanks | Public, Personal, and Team EnderTanks and EnderBuckets | ShetiPhian | 29322566 | 2014-03-23 14:58 |
Better Armor 2 | Better Armor | ameberlan, InvictaMonstrum | 35750 | 2014-03-22 22:00 |
Liquid Fuels | Liquid Fuels | lordblackhole_ | 7593 | 2014-03-22 11:57 |
Obsidian Boat | Obsidian Boat adds a boat capable of traveling on lava | zilulil | 257995 | 2014-03-22 04:25 |
Better Dungeons | Better Dungeons | _ForgeUser7772252 | 3360849 | 2014-03-21 17:58 |
Bad to the Bones | Bad to the Bones Mod | ItsRouter | 1257 | 2014-03-21 01:38 |
Geocraft | Geocraft | lordblackhole_ | 19279 | 2014-03-20 23:07 |
Snowfall | Snowfall | lordblackhole_ | 31861 | 2014-03-20 22:16 |
Securecraft | Securecraft | lordblackhole_ | 7840 | 2014-03-20 22:02 |
Red Gear Core | Red Gear Core | lordblackhole_, _ForgeUser11063544 | 46135 | 2014-03-20 21:47 |
Mother of Pearl | [1.6.4, 1.6.2] [Forge] Mother of Pearl - v1.9.2 - (Coming Soon, v2.0) | _ForgeUser10359203 | 2625 | 2014-03-20 07:08 |
Mow the Lawn | [1.6.4] [Forge] Mow the Lawn UHC themed mod - version 1.4 (Bedrock Wall Update) | _ForgeUser10359203 | 1372 | 2014-03-20 06:54 |
Mine World Mod | Mine World Mod | Minehendrix | 23730 | 2014-03-19 19:58 |
Mine & Blade: Battlegear 2 | Minecraft Combat: Advanced | amedwards, Forge_User_08823382 | 8119151 | 2014-03-16 13:07 |
AdventureCraft/RPGCraft | Adds new weapons and armor | Cynosphere | 4774 | 2014-03-16 02:07 |
ExplorerCraft | In-game mapping utility | zeno410 | 10707 | 2014-03-15 06:48 |
Equivalency | Addon for EE3 that adds more transmutations | Lomeli12 | 29243 | 2014-03-15 00:50 |
Gels+ | Adds the gels from Portal | Lomeli12 | 16806 | 2014-03-15 00:34 |
LomLib | Library for Lomeli's mods | Lomeli12 | 390555 | 2014-03-15 00:11 |
MTech | Science lost with the ancients | _ForgeUser10202647 | 2496 | 2014-03-14 22:11 |
YagokiCore | YagokiCore | _ForgeUser10202647 | 891 | 2014-03-14 22:03 |
Slendercraft 2 | Dimension Mod | _ForgeUser9851297 | 2740 | 2014-03-14 18:29 |
NetherOres | Ores in the Nether! Coal, diamond, gold, iron, lapis, redstone, tin, copper, emerald, silver, lead, uranium. | skyboy026 | 13826141 | 2014-03-14 18:21 |
EVOC | EVOC is a small optimisation mod for various parts of Minecraft | profmobius | 986778 | 2014-03-14 17:10 |
Framez | Now you're thinking with frames! | amadornes | 139703 | 2014-03-13 20:49 |
Supernatural Mod | Supernatural Mod | _ForgeUser13756669 | 1094 | 2014-03-10 04:22 |
PrisonCraft | Jail players - WITH FORGE! | _ForgeUser10992133 | 4243 | 2014-03-08 16:38 |
Craft the Uncraftable! | Allows you to craft things that don't have a crafting recipe by default! | _ForgeUser12022737 | 10722 | 2014-03-08 01:25 |
Buildcraft-Tools | Adding Blocks and chargeable Tools all around buildcraft | _ForgeUser7890266 | 87115 | 2014-03-07 09:06 |
Exotic Matter | New forms of matter have been discovered, and seems to exhibit strange and powerful behaviors... | Brad811 | 845 | 2014-03-07 03:35 |
DartPatch | Implements compatibility for DartCraft into MineFactory Reloaded | Minalien | 7017 | 2014-03-07 02:27 |
Beta World Generator | World Generator from Minecraft Beta 1.7 | _ForgeUser8033052 | 2251 | 2014-03-06 17:41 |
Extreme Decorations | adds hundreds of purely decorative blocks | supercat765 | 14020 | 2014-03-06 15:02 |
Luppii's Green Mod | Adds more blocks and items to your game. | Forge_User_25919909 | 8068 | 2014-03-06 11:06 |
Lava Mod | Lava Mod | _ForgeUser13092417 | 1695 | 2014-03-03 22:18 |
Utility Chests Mod | Utility Chests Mod | _ForgeUser936657 | 9665 | 2014-03-03 14:52 |
CraftGuide | A recipe viewer, with a scrollbar! | Uristqwerty | 2314767 | 2014-03-03 13:23 |
MapWriter Mini Map | Open source mini map and full screen world map | _ForgeUser10008203 | 103488 | 2014-03-01 05:37 |
Maps Mod | Makes MineCraft Maps that do not auto reset easier to re-install after playing | supercat765 | 1716 | 2014-03-01 02:48 |
Potion Wands | Potion Wands | _ForgeUser13066728 | 796 | 2014-02-28 08:03 |
Dracominers's Magic Mod | Adds magic.. | queenofsquiggles | 633 | 2014-02-27 04:31 |
Ritual Enchanting | Modifies the vanilla enchanting system to make enchanting more fair, more balanced, and mainly, less random. | _ForgeUser936657 | 5821 | 2014-02-26 12:43 |
CoD Black Ops Mod | CoD Black Ops Mod | _ForgeUser13650521 | 584 | 2014-02-26 07:22 |
AlchemyCraft | craft almost everthing using air, water, earth, and fire | damagicgeek | 1547 | 2014-02-26 06:00 |
CopyWand | CopyWand is a mod that adds a wand that copies blocks in Minecraft. | _ForgeUser7073405 | 1163 | 2014-02-26 01:39 |
FoodEx | FoodEx | _ForgeUser10855604 | 8809 | 2014-02-25 14:41 |
Railcraft | Redefine your rails! | Covert_Jaguar | 30822609 | 2014-02-25 11:51 |
JAGM | Just Another Gem Mod. | Robosphinx | 2189 | 2014-02-25 03:29 |
AdventureCraft | AdventureCraft Adds new mobs, blocks, and items to your game! | _ForgeUser13106725 | 4132 | 2014-02-24 00:41 |
The Carkly Mod | The Carkly Mod | _ForgeUser10954218 | 488 | 2014-02-23 08:58 |
The Riot Mod | a small mod for starting riots. | queenofsquiggles | 1240 | 2014-02-22 17:34 |
JumpPad++ | Jump up, jump up and get down! | T145_irl | 59207 | 2014-02-22 16:21 |
Open Peripheral Addon for Rotary Craft | Addon for Open Peripherals to add CC commands to Rotary Craft | QwyIl | 319 | 2014-02-21 19:43 |
Brewcraft | Brewcraft, a brewing overhaul for Minecraft, adding potions and a complex brewing system. | _ForgeUser11063544, lordblackhole_ | 380292 | 2014-02-21 09:35 |
The Last Sword You Will Ever Need Mod | It really is the last one you will ever need... | queenofsquiggles | 343081 | 2014-02-21 09:17 |
Minecraft Comes Alive (MCA) | No more boring Squidward villagers! Interact with human villagers and raise a family! | WildBamaBoy | 11571591 | 2014-02-21 02:03 |
MoreRealisticMC | MoreRealisticMC | _ForgeUser10552620 | 1846 | 2014-02-19 17:52 |
Portable GUIs | A way to take GUIs with you! | _ForgeUser12775953 | 526 | 2014-02-18 06:07 |
Valued Decor | Valued Decor adds pleasant decorative blocks and some worldgen to liven up your game. | VapourDrive | 1875 | 2014-02-18 01:18 |
PowerConverters | [1.6.4]PowerConverters | _ForgeUser10489765 | 20234 | 2014-02-18 01:04 |
Agriculture | Agriculture adds 120+ new cooking recipes, 6 new machines, and enhances the hunger system! | Glazzmaker, RebelKeithy, Shadowclaimer | 103204 | 2014-02-17 19:02 |
Jaffas and more! | Adds complex food crafting chains - ideal content for automatization mods - build your own Jaffa Cake factory! | _ForgeUser9228132 | 13080 | 2014-02-17 10:39 |
Fureniku's Roads | Add all sorts of Roads to your Minecraft world! | Fureniku | 632902 | 2014-02-16 22:28 |
Monnef Core | library used for monnef's mods | _ForgeUser9228132 | 16574 | 2014-02-16 18:09 |
Endermanage | Endermanage allows you to control which blocks Endermen can carry. | FyberOptic | 12074 | 2014-02-15 18:50 |
ExtraUtils / MFR Integration | Allows Ender Lilies to be farmed in MFR machines | bdew | 5902 | 2014-02-15 06:41 |
Scanner | Scans region for blocks | khitiara_ | 1175 | 2014-02-14 23:00 |
MythicalCraft | MythicalCraft | _ForgeUser13106725 | 1568 | 2014-02-13 04:22 |
Creative Supplier | Creative Supplier | _ForgeUser7072258 | 1331 | 2014-02-11 15:57 |
Saddle Recipe Mod | A simple saddle recipe mod for 1.6.4 | daemonseed80 | 1102 | 2014-02-10 13:31 |
Natura | Natura | mDiyo, ProgWML6, Alexbegt | 51724538 | 2014-02-09 16:10 |
GeoActivity | GeoActivity - customizable tools/armor, ore quadrupling and much more!Now with JEI support. | decebaldecebal | 175885 | 2014-02-09 14:03 |
More Swords Mod | A simple mod that adds new swords and enchantments into the game. | DarkhaxDev | 728084 | 2014-02-09 09:54 |
Fergoman123's Tools | Basic Tool Mod For Minecraft [FORGE][1.6.4] | _ForgeUser13085969 | 810 | 2014-02-09 09:22 |
Tile Interface | Tile Interface | lordblackhole_ | 922 | 2014-02-08 20:09 |
Better Minerals Mod | Adds and educational twist to MC | queenofsquiggles | 8447 | 2014-02-08 19:37 |
Minor Alchemy | Transmutation in Minecraft | _ForgeUser6996484 | 13916 | 2014-02-08 19:25 |
Building Blocks Mod Maker | Simple Mod Creator | _ForgeUser6996484 | 14341 | 2014-02-08 19:18 |
Atum 2: Return to the Sands | Adds an entirely new Egyptian-themed dimension to Minecraft. | Shadowclaimer, Girafi | 14632774 | 2014-02-07 13:42 |
Utilities³ | A mod that adds useful things. | darkevilmac | 890 | 2014-02-05 22:48 |
Zeus | Controls Downfall, intended for Server-side only. | Robosphinx | 3967 | 2014-02-04 02:50 |
Renkin42's Stuff Worth Throwing Mod | Adds many new throwable items, as well as related blocks and mobs. | _ForgeUser8310820 | 15156 | 2014-02-03 07:35 |
BedrockAndVoid | It lets bedrock be harvested and void (stuff) be summoned. | setteinnnavnher | 1108 | 2014-02-03 00:22 |
Raycraft | A tech mod with a new and cool twist | _ForgeUser7018398 | 2044 | 2014-02-01 15:31 |
Dynamic Liquid Tanks | DYNAMIC LIQUID TANKS 2 | _ForgeUser7482754 | 22868 | 2014-01-31 05:39 |
Utilities In Game | Utilities In Game | _ForgeUser10188087 | 2160 | 2014-01-30 22:26 |
Metaworlds Mod | Metaworlds Mod - Fly working worlds, zeppelines, aircrafts | _ForgeUser11966344 | 18940 | 2014-01-30 17:38 |
dotHack//Mod | dotHackHack based mod. | AzureDoomC | 7168 | 2014-01-30 06:01 |
A God Mod | Become A God | _ForgeUser12977202 | 4696 | 2014-01-30 05:40 |
Crafting Ideas Mod | Expanding Minecraft, through random crafting recipes! | _ForgeUser8038502 | 6200 | 2014-01-30 02:40 |
Digimobs | Bringing you all your favorite Digimon from the digital world right into minecraft | CyanGenesis | 1013513 | 2014-01-29 18:47 |
Ender Prospecting | Ender Prospecting enables you to craft Eyes of Prospecting and track ores. | cygami | 13535 | 2014-01-28 08:26 |
CazzarCoreLib | Core Library for Cazzar's mods | Cazzar09 | 43407 | 2014-01-28 07:23 |
Colorful Armor | Colorful Armor : Dye all vanilla armor | Torquebolt20 | 488531 | 2014-01-28 01:22 |
The Chaos Mod | A mod that adds a chaotic twist to MC! | queenofsquiggles | 2048 | 2014-01-27 15:53 |
AE Lights | Lights powered by AE | FireBall1725 | 3788 | 2014-01-25 04:35 |
Brownies Mod | Brownies Mod | _ForgeUser12939819 | 778 | 2014-01-25 02:49 |
LavaBoat | LavaBoat | nightkosh | 310354 | 2014-01-24 19:22 |
Plunder Rummage | Dynamic treasure hunting - Incentive to Adventure! | _ForgeUser6996484 | 15708 | 2014-01-24 03:50 |
Spencerio's Mod Mod | Spencerio's Mod Mod: Loads of stuff, + spawn even long-lost GIANTS using Customizable and Boss Spawners! | _ForgeUser12505383 | 3526 | 2014-01-24 02:34 |
Solar Apocalypse | Can you survive the apocalypse? | _ForgeUser8676198 | 93344 | 2014-01-24 00:16 |
Cookies! | Minecraft Cookie Mod - food, tools and more! | Loneztar, _ForgeUser9418182 | 848 | 2014-01-23 12:04 |
LayeredBlockLibrary | Allows modders to make blocks with multiple layers for textures. | _ForgeUser10992133 | 669 | 2014-01-23 02:09 |
Power of the Elements | Control the elements of fire, ice, lightning, air, and earth. | _ForgeUser9857950 | 3745 | 2014-01-22 23:43 |
Birthstone Mod | Birthstone Mod | _ForgeUser11848861 | 535 | 2014-01-22 18:39 |
TCTCraft | Tonnes of amazing stuff! | TheCyberTronn | 303 | 2014-01-22 17:40 |
Drinks | Drinks | Butter1484 | 447 | 2014-01-22 06:12 |
Goblins! Mod | Adds goblin villages to the overworld. | _ForgeUser5483307 | 11109 | 2014-01-21 18:19 |
MiscItemsAndBlocks | MiscItemsAndBlocks is a mod that adds random items and blocks | Horeaki | 14615 | 2014-01-21 16:13 |
AR Minecraft | Extends Minecraft with Alternate Reality Style Blocks, Secret Doors and Sounds. | densonj | 3283 | 2014-01-21 00:25 |
a More Armor Mod | This mod adds armor and tools of every ore you can mine in Minecraft that is not vanilla! | sbmf21 | 65150 | 2014-01-20 13:26 |
Growthcraft | Growthcraft is a mod for Minecraft which aims to improve the agricultural or farming aspect of the game. | _ForgeUser6918485 | 11979 | 2014-01-20 05:40 |
Dimensional warps | Dimensional warps | _ForgeUser10954218 | 1937 | 2014-01-20 04:26 |
Dirtbikes Reborn | Drive these bike in your worlds! | _ForgeUser12775953 | 9206 | 2014-01-19 22:45 |
TuxWeapons | Make minecraft feel like an rpg, get weapons from other mod tool types, and have fun new ways to kill mobs in TuxWeapons | _ForgeUser10629262 | 10168 | 2014-01-19 19:47 |
A Country Life | A Mod to bring back the country feel | _ForgeUser8464722, _ForgeUser11826847, _ForgeUser472182, _ForgeUser9137231, _ForgeUser977734, _ForgeUser7276890 | 1956 | 2014-01-18 06:02 |
Ore Injector | Re-create your Ores! | TheCyberTronn | 1118 | 2014-01-18 00:16 |
MobDrops 2 | New drops to Creatures and Monsters | KenPham | 10593 | 2014-01-17 01:47 |
Project Zulu | Minecraft that adds additional Creatures, Blocks, and Structures to add value to adventuring in the overworld. | crudedragos | 45000 | 2014-01-15 19:58 |
Nether Ores | Nether Ores | sbmf21 | 5054 | 2014-01-15 17:44 |
Pocket Edition for PC | A mod inspired by the Pocket Edition features of Minecraft | TheTemportalist | 3775 | 2014-01-15 05:14 |
Plants Vs Zombies Mod | A mod inspired by the Popcap Game "Plants Vs Zombies" | TheTemportalist | 211074 | 2014-01-15 04:50 |
Weeping Angels | A mod derived from Doctor Who and a_dizzle's 1.5.2 mod | TheTemportalist | 136772 | 2014-01-15 02:29 |
Origin | A mod which provides an API, Foundation, and Main branch for TheTemportalist's mods | TheTemportalist | 2021688 | 2014-01-15 01:47 |
Elemental Creepers | Fire Creepers, Water Creepers, and so many more! | Lomeli12 | 912501 | 2014-01-14 16:19 |
Gizmos | Gizmos | _ForgeUser7925258 | 52502 | 2014-01-13 15:55 |
AddedCompat: Alchemy | AddedCompat: Alchemy | ihatetwitchsellouts | 953 | 2014-01-12 10:26 |
Tool Charger | A block used to repair the durability of tools. | _ForgeUser8150543 | 1937 | 2014-01-12 04:14 |
Redstone Furnace | A furnace run by redstone! | _ForgeUser8150543 | 1909 | 2014-01-12 04:08 |
Security Craft | Adds plenty of blocks and items to defend and secure your base with. | Geforce132, bl4ckscor3, MasterPerki | 57602330 | 2014-01-12 01:11 |
Galaxy Warfare | A futuristic mod with programming, recoding and hacking. | sheenrox82_ | 3277 | 2014-01-12 00:28 |
MobDrops | Adds Custom Drops to Minecraft Mobs | KenPham | 94924 | 2014-01-11 23:21 |
MEconomy | MEconomy - Physical Money Mod | _ForgeUser7762959 | 160 | 2014-01-11 04:36 |
Hopper Ducts | Adds ducts, which connect to hoppers and send items in any direction, including upwards. | FyberOptic | 13985713 | 2014-01-09 22:58 |
Matted's Creatures Plus | A mod that adds a series of new mobs to help make the Vanilla Minecraft experience feel more dynamic | _ForgeUser6845067 | 1981 | 2014-01-09 19:28 |
Colourful Portals Mod | Colourful Portals Mod adds portals from anywhere to anywhere (even between dimensions) made with wool/stained clay. | Tmtravlr | 175766 | 2014-01-08 23:43 |
Cyan Warrior Swords Mod | This mod adds new swords with different habilities. You can upgrade and mix them to obtain the hability that fits you the best. | juanra_mw | 724956 | 2014-01-08 07:22 |
Portal Worlds | Different kind of portals that lead to other worlds. | JTRTw | 1805 | 2014-01-08 03:10 |
AbyssalCraft | Explore the world of the dead, along with Dark arts and Lovecraftian horrors. Surpass the boundaries of sanity! | Shinoow | 19874184 | 2014-01-07 07:02 |
A little bit better | Adds a few things that make Minecraft a little bit better. | _ForgeUser9058730 | 831 | 2014-01-06 22:43 |
Fabricators | Adds a replacement for xycraft fabricators | khitiara_ | 7029 | 2014-01-06 21:50 |
Crystal Meth Mod | [1.6.4]Crystal Meth Mod By TheBossTMan | _ForgeUser12319435 | 2856 | 2014-01-05 23:12 |
Buildcraft | Extending Minecraft with pipes, auto-crafting, quarries, engines and much more! | Covert_Jaguar, AlexIIL | 34667913 | 2014-01-04 19:40 |
Ars Magica 2 | A look into minecraft with a splash of magic... | AWildCanadianEh, Growlith1223 | 4238200 | 2014-01-03 17:45 |
Achievement Extreme | Adds more achievements to the game. | PlayPrey | 11766 | 2014-01-02 15:51 |
Firecracker Mod | This mod adds a firecracker to the game. | _ForgeUser12927345 | 1885 | 2014-01-02 05:41 |
Show Durability 2 | Show Durability 2 - a simple durability HUD mod. | _ForgeUser8463677 | 54454 | 2014-01-01 22:29 |
Show Durability 1 | Show Durability 1 - adds durability Tooltip, Tinkers Construct compatible | _ForgeUser8463677 | 4946 | 2014-01-01 22:17 |
IDN Tech Mod | The IDN Tech Mod OR IS IT.............. | _ForgeUser12091877 | 653 | 2014-01-01 20:51 |
SyLand | The SyLand Mod | _ForgeUser10149705 | 3736 | 2014-01-01 14:33 |
Paxel Mod 1.6.4 | The Paxel Mod is simple. Its adds Paxels. Paxels are a combination of a pickaxe, axe, and a shovel | _ForgeUser11872358 | 3456 | 2013-12-31 11:02 |
Better Pigs | PIIIIIIIIIIGS | _ForgeUser12091877 | 889 | 2013-12-30 21:56 |
Potion Blade - 1.3 | Add a potion to your sword to deal extraordinary damage. like a sword with a poison. | _ForgeUser9341298 | 3888 | 2013-12-30 07:24 |
Extra Mods++ | Extra Mods++ | _ForgeUser11725155 | 2225 | 2013-12-29 10:02 |
The "You Will Die" Mod | A Rogue-like inspired mod that strives to make MC harder and more rewarding through world goals, traps, and more! | ultrahexahedron | 20747 | 2013-12-29 01:50 |
ElectroCraft | ElectroCraft | _ForgeUser12894264 | 1516 | 2013-12-28 22:38 |
No Base Spawning | Prevents mob spawning near light sources | zeno410 | 532 | 2013-12-27 04:22 |
Electric Armor Mod | The Electric Armor Mod | _ForgeUser9408508 | 8922 | 2013-12-26 16:14 |
Redstone Arsenal | Behold the Redstone (Flux) Revolution - adds a set of RF-Powered Armor and Tools to make your adventuring Fluxtastic! | TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH | 57802182 | 2013-12-26 02:27 |
Aluminosity | Adds various realistic metals and minerals as well as adding crafting/smelting recipes. | _ForgeUser12805350 | 1183 | 2013-12-25 14:51 |
Remote IO | Remote IO | dmillerw | 326001 | 2013-12-25 03:38 |
ZoomMod | ZoomMod | _ForgeUser7054695 | 31820 | 2013-12-24 20:54 |
Card Magic Mod | Use playing cards of different suits to take advantage of various magical effects | _ForgeUser9852238 | 6440 | 2013-12-24 04:52 |
Just an other Utilitymod | Adds miscellaneous usefull things | _ForgeUser9665286 | 465 | 2013-12-23 18:03 |
Christmas Add-on for M'Ores | Christmas Add-on for M'Ores | _ForgeUser11943603 | 3449 | 2013-12-23 10:44 |
Mr.Robertman's More Ores | Mr.Robertman's More Ores | _ForgeUser11943603 | 119857 | 2013-12-23 10:39 |
Quartz 'N' Steel | A mod that adds Quartz and Steel, which has more durability than Flint and Steel. | _ForgeUser11238856 | 490 | 2013-12-21 12:46 |
My mods | the mine little creeper mod is..... | _ForgeUser12047763 | 648 | 2013-12-21 05:39 |
RunUp | Lets you step up 1 block edges when moving over certain blocks. | Forecaster71 | 1661 | 2013-12-21 02:06 |
Poop | Poop Mod V1.3 | _ForgeUser7059733 | 28891 | 2013-12-20 21:38 |
Nae's Mod | Game customization by Shannae Darkehart | Darkehart | 672 | 2013-12-20 10:30 |
War and Magecraft | This mod is specialized in creating magic staffs and weapons into minecraft. | _ForgeUser8994594 | 33448 | 2013-12-19 19:49 |
Powerful Tools | This mod adds very powerful but expensive tools, with some decorative and powerful blocks. From swords that set enemys to fire, to blocks that freeze mobs. | dfass1 | 6433 | 2013-12-19 05:46 |
WardedMan | Tattoo yourself with magical wards to take on the night. | _ForgeUser12175891 | 639 | 2013-12-18 22:18 |
Taigore's Inventory Saver | Saves your items from decay, but be prepared for a journey to get them back! | _ForgeUser10520177 | 18526 | 2013-12-18 14:37 |
Mega Ores | Ever wanted lots of ores into minecraft? This is the mod for it! | Caliben98 | 6669 | 2013-12-18 13:13 |
Recycle Items Plus | You can get 33% of precious material from smelting that item. | _ForgeUser8181592 | 181963 | 2013-12-18 04:35 |
Mineserver | Adds a public server list for various Mod Packs and Vanilla Minecraft | _ForgeUser7649862 | 1886 | 2013-12-18 00:33 |
Aser Mod | Aser Mod | _ForgeUser9408508 | 2421 | 2013-12-16 03:31 |
Coal 2 Charcoal | A mod that allows conversion between coal and charcoal | InvictaMonstrum | 15493 | 2013-12-16 02:37 |
Tools4Noobs | The name explains it all. | _ForgeUser10587091 | 374 | 2013-12-15 21:11 |
Material Combos Mod | Material Combos Mod | _ForgeUser11922205 | 1067 | 2013-12-15 16:49 |
Xperium | Xperium - A type of solid energy. Experimental, so most uses have not been uncovered yet | _ForgeUser7480946 | 759 | 2013-12-15 12:41 |
TreeCapacitor | Addon for IC2-EXP: Adds the ability to create EU from trees! | matthewprenger | 10348 | 2013-12-14 23:37 |
Biomics Mod | Biome specific Dimensions, Mobs, Tools, Items, Ores, etc. | supercat765 | 3298 | 2013-12-14 05:34 |
ChitChat | Profanity filter Forge ModLoader mod | pahimar | 959 | 2013-12-12 03:55 |
minecraft multi-purpose mod | minecraft multi-purpose mod | _ForgeUser8398110 | 6553 | 2013-12-11 20:13 |
The Steel Mod | A mod that adds a new mineral! Steel! | _ForgeUser7182993 | 1399 | 2013-12-10 14:24 |
HUDini | Fully customizable HUD mod. | _ForgeUser6916080 | 1978 | 2013-12-10 11:32 |
Koadmasters Pirates | Koadmasters Pirates | _ForgeUser8189299 | 4881 | 2013-12-10 07:55 |
Blocks to Items | New recipes that turn blocks into their composing items | _ForgeUser11846652 | 8741 | 2013-12-09 17:04 |
Quick Armor | Craft Armor/Armour easier! | TheCyberTronn | 754 | 2013-12-07 13:26 |
Tool Refinery | Upgrade Tools in a Flash! | _ForgeUser10187393 | 1081 | 2013-12-07 12:02 |
B0bGary's Uses For Lapis! | A mod by B0bGary that adds uses for lapis including an apple, fuel, jack 'o' lantern, tool set and more! | B0bB0t | 13083 | 2013-12-06 14:36 |
AdvanceTime | AdvanceTime - Change Time, Day Length, and Calendar | _ForgeUser9819697 | 2499 | 2013-12-05 16:41 |
Custom Recipes | Allows you to make your own custom recipes and such, with no coding experience. | _ForgeUser7662154 | 83123 | 2013-12-05 11:08 |
two k mod | Visit www.minecraft2kmod.jimdo.com For a website dedicated to the 2k Mod | _ForgeUser12506266 | 538 | 2013-12-03 13:28 |
Sorcery | Sorcery is a mod that explores the magical side of Minecraft, adding lots of magical toys and mechanics | _ForgeUser3432509 | 1280 | 2013-12-03 05:27 |
Hiding the Light | [1.6.4] [Forge] Hiding the Light v1.3 New Update - Mode-dependent repair recipe | _ForgeUser10359203 | 740 | 2013-12-02 04:30 |
Extra Diamonds Mod | This mod adds a variety of diamonds to Minecraft, each with different abilities | thedocdjz | 25124 | 2013-12-02 03:11 |
Reactioncraft 3: Rebirth | Reactioncraft: the mod that adds new things to do without being over complicated | eragonn1490, _ForgeUser10249889 | 7855 | 2013-12-02 02:51 |
L Frank Baums OZ | Welcome to OZ. | _ForgeUser10359203 | 789 | 2013-11-30 22:46 |
Morpheus | Sleep vote system | Quetzi | 92017822 | 2013-11-30 15:35 |
Portal two goo Mod | Portal two goo Mod | _ForgeUser9408508 | 1247 | 2013-11-30 14:40 |
Infinity Coins | Easy Currency for your Server | _ForgeUser12010147 | 1470 | 2013-11-29 13:46 |
MinecraftLite | MinecraftLite | _ForgeUser9408508 | 900 | 2013-11-29 00:04 |
MrCrayfish's Construction Mod | Gather materials, get your blueprint and construct awesome buildings! | MrCrayfish | 29871 | 2013-11-28 08:12 |
Ultimate Items Mod 2 | Ultimate Items Mod 2 | _ForgeUser9031204 | 380 | 2013-11-28 04:06 |
More Emeralds Mod | More Emeralds Mod | _ForgeUser12708779 | 114 | 2013-11-28 00:07 |
Hawkeye Mod | Explode stuff, rain down lightning, mine, or even teleport as you join the Avengers with the Hawkeye Mod. | _ForgeUser8883519 | 2696 | 2013-11-27 23:35 |
cloaked batman | Make all of the Forge Mod Loader mods submit statistcs! | _ForgeUser10016004 | 1990 | 2013-11-27 21:07 |
nethertanium | nether ores mod 1.6.4 | _ForgeUser12688736 | 547 | 2013-11-27 16:44 |
Adobe Blocks | Adobe Blocks Add Tools And Blocks To the Game! | _ForgeUser8502695 | 410 | 2013-11-27 05:46 |
Penguin & Coconut Mod! | The Penguin & Coconut Mod features tons of new items, foods, and armors! | _ForgeUser6920431 | 608 | 2013-11-27 05:08 |
The Elementals Mod | Mod Adds % new Dimesions And Ores, Ad Blocks, With A WIP Power System | _ForgeUser10337230 | 132 | 2013-11-27 00:35 |
Emerald's Crazy Odd Mod | Emerald's Crazy Odd Mod | _ForgeUser10954218 | 844 | 2013-11-26 22:04 |
Camo Suits | Camo Suits | thislooksfun1 | 5929 | 2013-11-26 12:24 |
Fez Mod | The Fez Mod - Adds Dr Who clothing to Minecraft | SR2610 | 4331 | 2013-11-26 09:17 |
Zombie Leather | Lets you smelt Rotten Flesh into Leather | _ForgeUser10806808 | 861 | 2013-11-25 20:37 |
Varnished Blocks Mod | It's basically a mod that varnishes blocks | _ForgeUser12367417 | 1222 | 2013-11-25 14:50 |
Obsidian stuff | Mo' obsidian mod info | _ForgeUser12436153 | 473 | 2013-11-24 09:44 |
CommandAPI | CommandAPI | thislooksfun1 | 5703 | 2013-11-24 04:51 |
Hide Names | Hide name tags above other players | thislooksfun1 | 1141521 | 2013-11-24 04:21 |
B0bGary's Ores! | Adds New Ores Like Endite, Sulphur and Nether Gold! | B0bB0t | 1425 | 2013-11-23 21:01 |
Improved Chat Mod | A better chat experience | WarcraftTerise | 2911 | 2013-11-22 07:04 |
M-Ore Trees | Ores + Trees | _ForgeUser9345568 | 4396 | 2013-11-21 06:51 |
CrushCraft | As you can tell from the title this mod is all but crushing ores | VictorBugged | 1645 | 2013-11-20 15:55 |
Mob Spawner Block | Mob Spawner Block [Minecraft 1.6.4] | Bilguun | 2111 | 2013-11-20 12:22 |
ToDo Mod | Todo mod is a mod for Minecraft that aims providing players with a practical and easy To-Do list in-game. | _ForgeUser2323236 | 190 | 2013-11-20 01:52 |
Suicide Bomber Mod | [1.6.4]Suicide Bomber Mod By TheBossTMan | _ForgeUser12319435 | 1331 | 2013-11-20 00:57 |
Uncle Tomo's Minecraft Mod | Adding a new mob and lots of food! | _ForgeUser10298166 | 579 | 2013-11-18 06:09 |
More Lanterns | Easy to craft; using a torch and a block. | StealthLava | 986 | 2013-11-17 21:34 |
Redstone Paste | Adds a paste form of redstone, which can stick to various surfaces. | FyberOptic | 10529999 | 2013-11-17 05:30 |
Modular Systems | Modular Systems, furnaces, storage, crafting oh my! | pauljoda | 250843 | 2013-11-15 07:43 |
PowerCrystalsCore | You need this for Minefactory Reloaded and Nether Ores to work. | skyboy026 | 1513519 | 2013-11-15 04:39 |
Wood Craft | More to wood. | _ForgeUser8390863 | 1263 | 2013-11-14 22:23 |
B0bGary's Exp Ore! | Get more EXP while mining! | B0bB0t | 8851 | 2013-11-11 21:40 |
ResourceOverload | A mod with more resources added to minecraft, like copper and zinc. | _ForgeUser11960787 | 686 | 2013-11-10 00:54 |
WikiLink | Get wiki information in Minecraft with a slash command! | _ForgeUser11975271 | 1277 | 2013-11-08 22:03 |
Zyin's HUD | Zyin's HUD adds useful information and additional hotkeys. Designed with the advanced Minecrafter in mind. | Zyin055 | 203752 | 2013-11-08 18:50 |
Command Block in Creative | Adds the Command Block to the creative inventory! | Zzyllian | 1203 | 2013-11-08 18:17 |
Ingots to Dusts | Turns ingots into dusts, without large mods! | Zzyllian | 436 | 2013-11-08 17:37 |
Realms Plus 1.6.4 | Realms Plus 1.6.4 | _ForgeUser12507070 | 286 | 2013-11-08 06:11 |
Element mod | The first version of my Element mod contains new staffs,blocks,items and more this is only in the beta stage 0.1.4 | _ForgeUser12506266 | 857 | 2013-11-07 23:05 |
Rocket Sword Mod | Chuck Mobs in the Air! | _ForgeUser8321265 | 5267 | 2013-11-06 19:59 |
Mega-RPG | a rpg based mod | _ForgeUser11590287 | 1795 | 2013-11-05 21:46 |
Voidity | Voidity is the most feature-packed, stable, and bug-free server mod for Minecraft since 1.5.1. | DiamondCubeMiner | 955 | 2013-11-05 07:25 |
B0bGary's Stone Armour! | Adds Cool Stone Armour! | B0bB0t | 5747 | 2013-11-03 07:53 |
B0bGary's Cookie Ore! | Adds Cookie Ore That Spawns Randomly In the Overworld | B0bB0t | 1343 | 2013-11-03 07:49 |
B0bGary's Dirt Armour! | Adds Weak Dirt Armour! | B0bB0t | 2216 | 2013-11-02 22:06 |
The Ocarina Mod | The Ocarina Mod adds a fully-functioning Ocarina straight from The Legend of Zelda into Minecraft! | _ForgeUser10156206 | 83928 | 2013-11-02 15:40 |
B0bGary's Cactus Stew! | Adds cactus stew! | B0bB0t | 1106 | 2013-11-01 22:18 |
End Star Block | End Star Block | Butter1484 | 496 | 2013-10-30 18:46 |
IneveraCraft | Use wards to effect the world around you! | _ForgeUser12175891 | 735 | 2013-10-29 13:54 |
Crystal Tools Mod | The Crystal Tools Mod By Bloomyx | _ForgeUser12516468 | 946 | 2013-10-28 16:17 |
Realms Button Mod | Realms Button Mod | _ForgeUser10243695 | 938 | 2013-10-27 12:54 |
Switches | Switches provides alternative switch designs (button-esque levers). ChickenCore gives lever/switch activation via pistons, too! | Myrathi | 692714 | 2013-10-27 03:56 |
InfiniBows (Infinity Bow Fix) | InfiniBows removes the need for a single arrow in the inventory when using an "Infinity I" enchanted bow. | Myrathi | 3910531 | 2013-10-27 02:56 |
B0bGary's Biome Remover! | Disable Unwanted Biomes! | B0bB0t | 825 | 2013-10-26 21:15 |
Better Archery | Quiver, realistic bows, and arrows for combat or mining. | Zaggy1024, TheRealJackiecrazy | 264739 | 2013-10-23 22:21 |
B0bGary's Coal Tools! | This mod adds awesome new coal tools! | B0bB0t | 8523 | 2013-10-23 11:57 |
Red Mod | Red Mod | _ForgeUser12486610 | 516 | 2013-10-23 11:22 |
Minecraft Left 4 Dead Mod V1.6.4 | Re-Making The Left 4 Dead Video Game in Minecraft!!! | _ForgeUser10996961 | 60309 | 2013-10-22 22:35 |
B0bGary's Redstone Tools! | This mod adds awesome new redstone tools! | B0bB0t | 32840 | 2013-10-21 20:34 |
B0bGary's Obsidian Tools! | This mod adds awesome new obsidian tools! | B0bB0t | 9404 | 2013-10-21 20:14 |
HybridCraft | HybridCraft adds hybrid blocks, items, weapons, and food into minecraft! | Geforce132 | 3839 | 2013-10-21 19:46 |
Crafting Pillar mod | Fancy 3D way of crafting, smelting and more... | Forge_User_42127699, _ForgeUser9408743 | 187358 | 2013-10-21 17:57 |
Multi Command Block | Allows that a command block can handle multiple commands | _ForgeUser12425600, _ForgeUser12431338 | 1448 | 2013-10-20 09:35 |
QuazarCraft | This mod adds Quazar ore, new metals, machinery, enemies, and many decorative blocks | _ForgeUser8640635 | 3058 | 2013-10-20 04:12 |
Billund | LEGO inspired building bricks! | DanTwoHundred | 126463 | 2013-10-18 12:35 |
Improved First Person | Makes your third-person player body render in first person. | Zaggy1024 | 225025 | 2013-10-17 06:50 |
BlazeTorch Utilitites | All the utilities you need to survive across dimensions! | juanra_mw | 3357 | 2013-10-16 11:03 |
DannysMod | A mod full of different ores, tools and weapons! | _ForgeUser7373450 | 855 | 2013-10-15 18:53 |
MoreTools Mod | [1.6.4] MoreTools is a mod which ads 5 new types of tools. | _ForgeUser8655663 | 2679 | 2013-10-14 14:24 |
iPod Mod | Listen to your iPod via Minecraft! | _ForgeUser12013635 | 887 | 2013-10-14 13:41 |
More Fuel, Tweaks, and Everything | Gameplay and balance tweaks, better mod integration, and scripting support | Grom_PE | 1466 | 2013-10-13 12:31 |
Rancraft Penguins | Seventeen species of penguins, and penguin items with special properties. | _ForgeUser8179107 | 92120 | 2013-10-13 00:07 |
Gems+ | Adds 17 new gems and alot of colored blocks. | Forge_User_42137705 | 755740 | 2013-10-12 08:44 |
ExtraButtons | Adds additional button and switch-like blocks. | Texelsaur | 1124341 | 2013-10-11 01:28 |
Lightning Stuff | Lightning Becomes More Powerful Than It Is. | _ForgeUser12369935 | 1630 | 2013-10-08 02:54 |
Falling Meteors Mod | Meteors naturally fall upon your world, holding incredibly useful ores | AlexDGr8r | 910514 | 2013-10-06 00:05 |
Novamenu | A GUI mod that overhauls the Minecraft default GUI for a cleaner, more transparent look. | _ForgeUser7584987 | 2234 | 2013-10-05 12:10 |
Rotten Flesh to Leather - Simplistic and Realistic Versions | A forge mod that adds Simple and Hard Versions of Converting Rotten Flesh into Leather | _ForgeUser12013641 | 5476 | 2013-10-04 05:35 |
Coloured Lamps Mod | A forge mod that introduces 18 different lamps, 2 different dyes and 2 different wools into the game! | _ForgeUser12013641 | 2081 | 2013-10-04 01:53 |
Flintlock Guns Mod | A balanced way to have guns in Minecraft. Adds customizable flintlock guns, multiple ammo types. SMP support. | _ForgeUser9852238 | 143203 | 2013-10-03 21:59 |
Animated Player Mod | Better and animated player model | shcott21 | 2895722 | 2013-10-01 05:21 |
Enchanting Plus | Enchanting Plus | DarkhaxDev | 11874339 | 2013-09-29 20:59 |
Despicable Me Craft Aplha | Despicable Me Craft Aplha | _ForgeUser8676012 | 22503 | 2013-09-29 14:10 |
Batty's Coordinates PLUS! Mod | Batty's UI improvements: coordinates and stop-watch combined | BatHeart | 304335 | 2013-09-28 16:35 |
Batty's Coordinates Mod | Batty's on-screen coordinates display | BatHeart | 73545 | 2013-09-28 16:30 |
Batty's Coordinates PLUS! Mod for Forge | Batty's Coordinates PLUS! Mod for Forge | BatHeart | 571685 | 2013-09-28 09:29 |
Batty's Coordinates Mod for Forge | Batty's Coordinates Mod for Forge | BatHeart | 46994 | 2013-09-28 09:23 |
Anarchy's Vanity Blocks | Random blocks and items i felt mc needed. | _ForgeUser7014347 | 11824 | 2013-09-28 02:23 |
Mouse Tweaks | Enhances inventory management by adding various functions to the mouse buttons. | YaLTeR | 274904092 | 2013-09-27 13:01 |
Drop Items Forever! | Drop items from inventory forever | pjlasl | 1351 | 2013-09-25 18:57 |
The Warp Mod | Warp functionality for Single Player Mode | pjlasl | 13691 | 2013-09-25 18:52 |
ChatLog | This mod automatically logs all chat, with colors, to the hard drive. | bilde2910 | 8065 | 2013-09-25 17:34 |
Arrow Cam Mod | Implements arrow cam in Minecraft | jsn_man | 159949 | 2013-09-25 01:30 |
Night Vision Mining Hats | Night vision mining hats | _ForgeUser8661783 | 29492 | 2013-09-24 20:23 |
Good Night's Sleep | Your dreams are new worlds for you to explore. | ModdingLegacy, KingPhygieBoo | 3382503 | 2013-09-22 13:41 |
FlatSigns | FlatSigns provides new sign functionality allowing signs to be placed flat on the ceiling or the floor and edited via sponges. | Myrathi, _ForgeUser3937 | 4356457 | 2013-07-21 07:45 |