5102 mods, updated at 2025-01-30 00:39. All times are UTC.

Name Description Author(s) Download count Last modified
Euphoria Patches Euphoria Patches is an add-on for Complementary Shaders, extending it with more optional features and settings. SpacEagle17 19432101 2025-01-29 21:11
Advanced Backups A powerful and customisable backup mod for any minecraft version. HeatherWhite 501121 2025-01-29 18:56
WaterFramesBackported Unofficial 1.7.10 port of the mod WATERFrAMES ToshayoY, SrRapero720 44 2025-01-28 13:21
Water Tools Refurbished This mod add 5 new tools to the game XxLory 1911 2025-01-28 12:39
NotEnoughItems Unofficial 1.7.10 NotEnoughItems Unofficial 1.7.10 mitchej123 463963 2025-01-27 07:03
Hodgepodge A Hodgepodge of Fixes mitchej123 53789 2025-01-27 06:57
SanguimancyPatch A small addon to the Sanguimancy mod that fixes bugs God_L0KI 35 2025-01-27 00:33
Angelica Rendering Overhaul and Optimization - Improve your FPS mitchej123 45838 2025-01-26 19:28
Lotr MiddleEarth Tweaks - The Lord of the Rings - Hobbit Vertical Slabs, Healthbar, Ally Conquest Fix, Better Guardmode, /conquestDecay, very customizable, LOTR compartible Verse 6696 2025-01-26 18:38
Naruto Anime Mod Extended Edited Ver of the source mathioks mod DiedforD3 48 2025-01-26 13:37
Curvy Pipes A logistics mod that adds non-block based pipes that can have arbitrary curved shapes cyb0124 7875 2025-01-26 01:55
FNAFA This is several FNAF mods in one! angryth3streamer 39886 2025-01-24 21:24
JourneyMap Real-time mapping in-game or your browser as you explore. techbrew, Mysticdrew, meme_sapiens 260073138 2025-01-22 19:39
Forge Essentials Client Forge Essentials client mod olee92, Spacebuilder2020, MaximustheMiner 478296 2025-01-22 16:46
Hammer of Absolution(Dragon block C)) Tools that contains the wrath of gods who once tormented all the mortals of the universe. or was it universes? RosathanPlays 73 2025-01-22 05:50
Blacksmith Tweaks Improving basic tools like never before. The_Gamingb3ast 187 2025-01-21 22:43
Dragon Block C Additions A Dragon Block C Addon which makes some additions to the original mod that make the Dragon Ball experience more complete and immersive. enzp912 1557 2025-01-21 02:18
Thaumic Horizons Extends Thaumcraft's mechanics with creature infusion, essentia potions, and more! mitchej123, _ForgeUser19077221 3676236 2025-01-19 19:38
Neat - Shaders-Fix A mod that adds a health bar to mobs, but now works with shaders. Kotmatross 5643 2025-01-19 16:39
AppleCows This is a mod that adds various cows that drop apples and other resources. RosathanPlays 11 2025-01-17 14:41
Goblins Legacy Port of the Goblins! mod with a few improvements. Adds Goblin Villages to the overworld. Rozmir 153 2025-01-17 06:17
ChunkAPI Manage custom data inside chunks without hassle. FalsePattern 7658 2025-01-16 12:27
Iron Chest Unofficial Updated fork of Iron Chest for Minecraft 1.7.10 Clepto 1687 2025-01-16 11:24
GTNHLib Common functionality library for mods in the GT New Horizons Modpack mitchej123 62317 2025-01-15 11:27
CraftPresence Completely Customize the way others see you play in Discord! CDAGaming_ 34126445 2025-01-15 03:47
UniLib A common set of Utilities, designed for over 50 versions of Minecraft! CDAGaming_ 2149589 2025-01-14 22:40
Salis Arcana A collection of config, utility, and bug fix options for Thaumcraft 4 rndmorris, Midnight1458 85 2025-01-14 05:50
lwjgl3ify Allows running old Minecraft on modern Java and LWJGL versions eigenraven 2743 2025-01-13 21:52
MenuFPSUnlocker This mod raises the frame rate of the main menu from 30fps to 120fps Ptki_uo 1231 2025-01-13 09:14
TrivialThoughts Added some practical features to manametalmod. xueleihan120 18464 2025-01-12 12:20
Food addition Adds mutton/horse/calamar food for 1.7.10 awesome_hippo 276 2025-01-12 11:54
Sown's Star Wars Mod Expansive Star Wars-themed mod for Minecraft Sown 34977 2025-01-12 07:12
EnviroMine continuation Continuation of the Enviromine mod with some changes (but most of all, compatibility with Hbm's Nuclear Tech Mod) Kotmatross 700 2025-01-11 14:25
Amazing Trophies Trophy mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 Colen, glowredman 2044 2025-01-10 15:31
CodeChickenCore Unofficial 1.7.10 Contains common code for all Chicken-Bones (Unofficial) mitchej123 124251 2025-01-09 20:01
WCTMR Items A mod that adds items that are used in custom crafting recipes (Infinium Ingots are used in a recipe for Infinity Catalyst) in Avaratia on my server using the pack WC: Tech and Magic Revival Vivid_Tallow 5 2025-01-09 12:59
Deathly Hallows Powerful magic mod that extends witchery pydingabsorber 1760 2025-01-08 22:57
FalsePatternLib A library used by all of my other mods FalsePattern 133816 2025-01-08 20:52
Dragon Mounts: Classic This mod adds ridable dragons into your worlds. Soar through the skies with Jean The Dragon! Tomanex 171 2025-01-08 15:38
Metroid Cubed 3 Adding Metroid-based items, mobs, and dimensions into Minecraft! firemerald 94607 2025-01-07 23:16
DangerRPG Continuation Just a continuation of DangerRPG for 1.7.10 quentin4532 354 2025-01-07 00:52
OpenComputers Modular, persistent, programmable computers and robots. Sangar 48229840 2025-01-05 22:06
ninjinentities-Unofficial Added new NPCs to the DBC mod made by Jinryuu. ten 53924 2025-01-05 14:59
AM2PlayGround Ars Magica 2 addon that adds spell shapes, components, modifiers and some other stuff. Made for fun. AirBurn1 2177 2025-01-03 18:32
Storage Drawers Unofficial A fork of Storage Drawers for Minecraft 1.7.10 with better compatibility and new features. Clepto 938 2025-01-02 13:08
The Bible Adds the entire CPDV translation of the Bible as an item. Freef 4302 2025-01-01 23:25
ImACat Coordinates A lightweight Mod that Show coordinates,cardinal points and fps in game quentin4532 2587 2025-01-01 13:58
Unicode Fix Fixes force unicode font settings doesn't works on some languages in minecraft 1.12.2 below. Yukkuritaku 127 2025-01-01 11:28
hammer2 this mod adds armor to all types of armor and armor is in cobblestone en wood soancraft 1914 2024-12-31 20:37
GT New Horizons Core Mod Core Mod for GTNH Pack DreamMasterXXL, Namikon84 627304 2024-12-31 16:36
FalseTweaks Multithreaded rendering plus a large collection of improvements, fixes, optimizations and additions to 1.7.10 clients. FalsePattern 79741 2024-12-31 15:22
Neodymium Unofficial Reimplements chunk rendering using modern OpenGL features to improve performance FalsePattern 56126 2024-12-31 15:18
Compact Engine Adds high voltage redstone engine xiaby36 638 2024-12-29 10:23
OptimizationsAndTweaks Mod that add some Optimizations/Bugfix/Tweakings for minecraft 1.7.10 and mods quentin4532 19118 2024-12-29 03:14
Essentia Pipes A hassle-free Essentia Tube alternative for Thaumcraft 4 rndmorris 363 2024-12-28 17:09
BiggessPackTweak mod that add tweaks and bugfixes for my modpack : Biggess Pack Cat Edition quentin4532 1159 2024-12-28 14:09
Hbm's Nuclear Tech Mod A mod about technology, atomic science and nuclear weapons HBMTheBobcat 1198118 2024-12-27 23:20
Thaumcraft 4 Tweaks Scroll through aspect list with mouse wheel in research table, and other performance boosts gleee8 487885 2024-12-27 05:33
EndlessIDs Vastly extended IDs for blocks, items, biomes, and more! FalsePattern 41766 2024-12-25 22:23
Colored Lights (RPLE) Makes lights colorful, with extensive mod support. FalsePattern 577 2024-12-23 13:08
Cybersus Gives player ability to install implants in his body in techno-magic style. All implants have different abilities and require "fuel" (which can be anything, from thaumcraft essense to EU or RF) suslovilka 124 2024-12-21 20:24
TX Loader Loads official/custom assets glowredman 38297 2024-12-17 18:51
Czech Addon for TrainCraft Mod for Minecraft adding extra locomotives and other train carts using Traincraft mod addon API. Made for Ctyrk4 Community Server. Petsox 11 2024-12-17 17:52
WorldTooltips - ShadersFix World-Tooltips, but works with shaders Kotmatross 493 2024-12-17 13:44
Capsule Corp. Capsules(Fork) This Is a Unofficial Predecessor to the Capsule mod made by Lythom for 1.7.10 minecraft. I Really admire their work and would like feedback on the mod! RosathanPlays 79 2024-12-17 07:12
NBArmors More Armors and items vanity for de DBC mod. narukebaransu 103468 2024-12-17 03:07
Shader fixer A mod that adds more compatibility with shaders (1.7.10). Kotmatross 3753 2024-12-16 11:10
Alfheim Visit Alfheim - The World of Elves! AlexSocol 47024 2024-12-16 00:12
ASJCore Library for my mods AlexSocol 15508 2024-12-16 00:05
GraveStones - Die Classy Updated Somewhat maintained version of the Gravestones - Die Classy mod for 1.7.10 sergiusonesimus 1234 2024-12-14 17:18
ManaMetal Ultimate Minecraft RPG mod 草莓龍醬, mk456766 166580 2024-12-14 12:18
Mekanism Community Edition 1.7.10 & 1.12.2 Mekanism with fixes for ALL KNOWN bugs and dupes. Also includes several improvements and features. OpenSource aswell maggi373 169932 2024-12-13 16:14
Mekanism Community Edition: GENERATORS The generator module for mekanism community edition maggi373 139415 2024-12-13 16:13
Mekanism Community Edition: TOOLS The tools module for Mekanism Community Edition maggi373 53963 2024-12-13 16:11
Xaero's World Map Adds a fullscreen worldmap which shows you what you have explored in the world. Can work together with Xaero's Minimap. xaero96 91229236 2024-12-13 07:59
[Fabric] Realms Button Remover Removes the realms button from versions of Minecraft it doesn't support [1.7.10-1.18.2] blucobalt 6723 2024-12-11 23:36
XenoFactions Xenofactions is a fork of the Xradar factions mod with various improvements and usability for server owners wanting a factions/claiming mod without using plugins. ragexprince683 13 2024-12-11 19:01
Water/Particles Render Fix A mixins patch for Minecraft 1.7.10 to (finally) fix problem with water and particles render order sergiusonesimus 98 2024-12-10 12:40
StatTweaker Easily configure stats for mobs, tools and armor with MineTweaker3/CraftTweaker scripts AlexSocol 321 2024-12-10 08:52
Copious Dogs Reforged This was based on an existing mod available for minecraft 1.7.10 which does not seem to have been updated in quite some time. This started off as an attempt to fix various bugs and make it work nicely for my daughter. MrRudewords 2442 2024-12-09 21:52
Open Modular Turrets A mod that adds tons of modular turrets, upgrades, add-ons, and general manly security measures! Keridos 25615113 2024-12-09 21:27
Lumi A full replacement of the Minecraft lighting engine with an extendable API FalsePattern 1029 2024-12-09 18:14
D3Core fork [1.7.10] just a fork of D3Core for 1.7 quentin4532 1954 2024-12-09 06:13
Redirectionor [Retro] Avoid Enum values allocation in codes and improve game performance. Hileb 136915 2024-12-09 05:56
Mcheli Overdrive Loader Loader mod for Mcheli Overdrive the overhaul to the vehicle mod Mchelicopter ragexprince683 1068 2024-12-08 15:57
Sheep food Adds mutton drops from sheep awesome_hippo 79 2024-12-07 13:34
DB Apollo Client The Client mod for Dragon Block Apollo XeroZon 2692 2024-12-07 03:29
DB Apollo Bridge The Bridge mod for Dragon Block Apollo XeroZon 2022 2024-12-07 03:28
GregTech 6 Unofficial An unofficial but approved continuation of GregTech 6 that adds new machines, materials, and world generations. yuesha_yc 60615 2024-12-06 09:50
Inventive Inventory Experience seamless inventory management in Minecraft with Inventive Inventory, your one-stop solution for sorting, auto-refilling, profiles and slot-locking. Strobel273 8340 2024-12-05 20:01
Pokecube Legacy Pokecube 1.7.10 with many crashes fixed and QOL updates brandyn 81 2024-12-05 18:39
ID Conflicts Viewer A mod that simplifies the handling of conflicting IDs AlexSocol 1522 2024-12-05 08:50
Pagemaster Nights A quality of life mod that adds crafting recipies and reintroduces functionality for some popular mods in the modpack "Pagemaster" SteeleJr98 111 2024-12-01 08:31
Thaumic Bases Reboot Reboot of the popular addon mod: Thaumic Bases [1.7.10] SteeleJr98 3699 2024-12-01 07:42
Harvest Level Config Configure/edit harvest levels for blocks and tools awesome_hippo 43 2024-11-27 14:57
Campfire Backport Backports Minecraft 1.14/1.16 Campfires to 1.7.10 connor135246 167002 2024-11-26 22:42
Flan's Mod Ultimate 1.1 Modified 基于 FMU 1.1 的深度客制化枪械模组 | A Gun Mod That Been Highly Modified Based on FMU 1.1 Giant_Salted_Fish 16096 2024-11-26 11:37
Chitin equipment Chitin from spiders, for equipment in-between stone and iron. WT608 104 2024-11-26 04:06
Applecore Unofficial 1.7.10 An API for modifying the food and hunger mechanics of Minecraft. mitchej123 33806 2024-11-25 09:41
DivineRPG (Official) 8 New Dimensions ♦ 115+ New Mobs/Bosses ♦ Hundreds of New Blocks and Items ♦ Unique Weapons and Armor Velocityraptor, Nicusha 2575700 2024-11-25 08:24
JAOPCA Just A Ore Processing Compatibility Attempt TheLMiffy1111 28334565 2024-11-23 19:56
Challenge Tools A set of custom tools designed specifically for my modpack "The Modpack Challenge" PreDawnHydra 96 2024-11-23 18:59
NoExpensive The anvil has no expensive restrictions Enaium 653853 2024-11-23 18:33
Mobs Info 1.7.10 minecraft mod that adds a new NEI tab with the mobs info (Name, Origin (Mod), HP, drops) and villager trades. kuba6000 2445 2024-11-23 01:08
RenHider Hide area - improve FPS AlexSocol 339 2024-11-22 22:54
Thaumic Mixins A mod to add more configuration to Thaumcraft 4. Possibly bugfixes as well! unicornblood2468 580 2024-11-19 16:30
IC2C UU-Matter Addon for IC2-Classic adding JEI pages for UU-Matter and Plasma Cell creation Christofmeg 316378 2024-11-16 13:48
DPI-Fix Fixes the DPI of Minecraft jredfox_ 966 2024-11-12 07:54
Regions Displays the biome or village name while travelling Ninifey, brandyn 2278 2024-11-12 05:01
Thaumic Concilium Thaumcraft 4 add-on that explores how thaumaturgy affects society. Ilya3000 2304 2024-11-11 04:39
Kingdom of RIN | Regions Displays the biome or village name while travelling Ninifey, brandyn 2224 2024-11-10 19:15
Biome HUD [Eu] Biome HUD is a client mod that displays the name of the biome on the screen. You can write your own custom name for each biome and choose a custom color to display on the screen DemonicRous 125 2024-11-10 19:12
NarutoSword This mod adds a lot of weapons from Naruto Sendore 7 2024-11-10 09:22
Village Names Generate names for villages and villagers, as well as for other entities and structures. AstroTibs 3572863 2024-11-09 02:52
Not Enough Pets New cat/dog/parrot breeds and behavior controls AstroTibs 581647 2024-11-06 23:59
WorldEdit Legacy A re-maintained fork of WorldEdit for 1.7.10 FalsePattern 10 2024-11-06 07:47
The Aether The Aether Team presents: The original Aether mod! TheAetherTeam, OscarPayn 39729931 2024-11-04 22:13
ExDiff A kind of extra difficulty layer for Minecraft SolidoNaso_the_WoH69 116 2024-11-04 15:51
Et Futurum Requiem Brings the future to now... again. Roadhog360 83034 2024-11-04 05:56
TBCore Core API library for TechBlock packs. majek17, naczelny_pl11, Antonioo 123 2024-11-02 22:09
FandomCraft Infinite Now you can play your favorite games in Minecraft! This mod adds features from many games and media such as Kingdom of Hearts, Legend of Zelda, Star Ocean, Final Fantasy, Fringe, and many more redrosewarrior1 878 2024-11-01 02:49
CNPC+ DBC Addon Add DBC to CustomNPC+ | Enhanced Scripts | Custom Forms / Auras | Gameplay Changes and Status Effects KAMKEEL, somehussar 19114 2024-10-30 22:41
Zume An over-engineered Zoom mod by Nolij Nolij 1959449 2024-10-30 21:45
UniMixins A Mixin loader designed for maximum compatibility. makamys 526985 2024-10-29 23:39
Zoomer - Simple Zoom The mod allows you to zoom in on the image using the Z key and also zoom in or out using the mouse wheel. firstkalik 3 2024-10-29 12:35
Simple Screenshot Viewer The mod will open the screenshots folder on the END key or any other key. firstkalik 5 2024-10-29 07:44
Balkon's WeaponMod: Legacy Throw a spear in a zombie's head! Cut a skeleton in half with your brand new halberd! Shoot some slimes in pieces with an old musket! And more! HypaSpeeed 38369 2024-10-28 09:34
Smart Tree Felling Connected logs will break from the top-down. thestapler26 1041 2024-10-27 14:20
Better With Patches Reckless attempt at making Better With Mods for 1.7 playable yoghurt4c 750 2024-10-27 03:58
Sown's Back to the Future Mod bringing the time-traveling adventures of the Back to the Future trilogy into the blocky universe Sown 444 2024-10-26 07:51
I18nUpdateMod A Mod For Chinese Player TartaricAcid, xfl03, EpixZhang 3002287 2024-10-24 13:10
MultiColored Blocks Mod for colored blocks V5_MINECRAFT 335 2024-10-23 18:09
Jade Addons - IC2Classic Jade 🔍's additional mod support for IC2Classic CrossVas 23269 2024-10-21 07:53
Render Control Vastly increases entity and tileentity render distance. thestapler26 12 2024-10-20 03:34
Vault Patcher Let the hard coded change into localization string in some mods. fengming3093 80199 2024-10-19 12:50
Stranger Things - The Upside Down Survive the Demogorgon! This mod creates the parallel Upside Down within your existing world - NOT an alternate dimension. Experience the Vale of Shadows, get captured by the demogorgon and find your way back to the real world through the gate. Beardielover 157 2024-10-18 00:26
OG Vorpal Enchantment Adds Vorpal Weapon and Impulse enchantments HerrscherOfObjectivity 373 2024-10-17 15:36
NTM: Space The space travel edition of the well renowned HBM's Nuclear Tech mod JameH2 72 2024-10-16 03:56
Wild Caves 3 Archive Archive for Wild Caves 3 on CurseForge. mods_archive 206 2024-10-13 12:43
Indiana Jones Mod Indiana Jones mod: gear, relics, and adventures Sown 763 2024-10-12 07:46
Legendary Item This mod adds legendary artifacts from the Lord of the Rings to Minecraft. Hummel009 68534 2024-10-09 20:52
ItemPhysic Legacy Unofficial A minecraft forge mod that adds some physic to thrown items. Kotmatross 150 2024-10-04 07:43
CinderLoE Project CinderLoE is a project developed by the Lord of Embers LOTR Mod Server, it is considered as an addon allowing players to really expand upon the existing LOTR world keylime217 438 2024-10-04 05:31
Arda Addon The essential addon to the Lord of the Rings (LOTR) Mod Sown 7058 2024-10-02 08:30
OrespawnORG orespawn is an adventure mod that has different dimensions dungeons and etc... apolo02lives0 42 2024-10-02 01:54
Xaero's Minimap Displays the nearby world terrain, players, mobs, entities in the corner of your screen. Lets you create waypoints which help you find the locations you've marked. xaero96 117701168 2024-10-01 07:27
CustomNPC+ CustomNPC+ is an expansion from the original CustomNPCs to backport features from newer versions while also adding features of its own. KAMKEEL 878866 2024-09-30 22:39
LandOfSignals (Railroad Signal Mod) Adds many different railroading signals. MarkenJaden, danielxs01 43815 2024-09-28 18:14
Too much food mod Adds lots more food and some furniture to minecraft Forge_User_98392196 15680 2024-09-28 18:13
Lord of the Rings: Qualities of Middle-earth [Backport] An addon to the LOTR mod for 1.7.10 Sown 14 2024-09-28 09:30
Mine Trading Cards Open Source Edition A mod about collecting trading cards! Powerthegreat, AstroTibs, DigiRai 20808 2024-09-27 04:20
Flan's Mod NPC Vehicles Vehicles from Flan's Mod in the model list of Custom NPC Wolff 144710 2024-09-25 17:47
Sown's Modding Framework [1.7.10] A foundation that all mods by Sown Modding rely on. Sown 2701 2024-09-25 09:43
Sown's Arda Addon [1.7.10] Arda Addon: The essential addon to the Lord of the Rings (LOTR) Mod Sown 165 2024-09-25 08:51
GraviSuite Neo Deassetified GraviSuite Neo without the sounds so its FOSS EndangeredNayla 5 2024-09-25 04:07
NotEnoughIDs Unofficial Extended Block IDs and Metadata for Minecraft 1.7.10 Clepto, mitchej123 2605 2024-09-20 13:41
Money Legacy Add Money and a Wallet Twiqzs 553 2024-09-15 15:11
Gamma Anti-Cheat The mod will disable extra gamma for dishonest players on the client side. firstkalik 18 2024-09-15 12:17
Thaumcraft Integration A mod that integrates Thaumcraft into other modifications that do not support it. ShadowKing21 13117 2024-09-13 23:16
LLibrary The lightweight Minecraft modding library MCModDev, pau101, jamieswhiteshirt_, Gegy 70087977 2024-09-13 09:27
[TFC+] Satura Lanx A full plate of features for TFC+ thesnarkyknight 129 2024-09-12 16:03
Simple F3 Lite version debug f3 firstkalik 6 2024-09-07 11:43
EasyLAN A Minecraft Mod for Custom LAN servers Setting XiaoXian 22175 2024-09-07 10:22
Enzo's Plus A parody mod to you make the most powerful materials without effort EnzoHEHE 72 2024-09-05 23:10
Simple FPS Counter Simple fps counter firstkalik 9 2024-09-05 09:26
FMProjectE (FMPE) Patch ProjectE for 1.7.10. sousuke0422, hmhm009 9756 2024-09-04 19:11
Customizable Player Models OSC Compat A Customizable Player Models, OSC/VMC protocol compat mod. tom54541 18013 2024-09-03 15:36
Customizable Player Models Customize your minecraft avatar! tom54541 1671640 2024-09-03 15:29
EXLN Tab Mod, that aims to decorate the appearance of the player list laytin 27 2024-09-02 10:33
VajraPro A new addon to Industrial Craft 2 MillaAV 519 2024-09-02 08:23
Titanpower Powerful tools and blocks, best played with Mekanism maggi373 11683 2024-08-30 20:57
SOL - Carrot [Unofficial] 1.7.10 A mod that encourages dietary variety through diminishing returns, and dietary exploration by rewarding eating new foods. mitchej123 18644 2024-08-29 19:50
Game of Thrones This mod adds Game of Thrones world to Minecraft. Hummel009 31942 2024-08-29 19:11
Battle Defenders Go into battle with defenders, human soldiers that will fight for you, hold a position, and more! Combine with the WW2 mod Call to Battle for over 300 guns and weapons to equip your defenders with! Beardielover 1386 2024-08-23 22:05
TFC+ Aesthetics World generated decoration blocks for TFC+ to make the world prettier facetorched 2750 2024-08-20 07:10
Flan's Mod Ultimate Stability Edition Project aimed at making Flan's Mod as stable as possible for 1.7.10. Unknown025, GolddolphinSKB 173229 2024-08-19 19:54
Star Wars ACW Survival A survival based mod, focusing on the incorporation of Star Wars technologies, decorations, food, materials, droids and the many species of the galaxy to Minecraft survival in useful and creative ways! The galaxy is your sandbox! plaguemaster308 127012 2024-08-18 23:40
Loading Tips Added tips in somewhere very boring. AmarokIce 90 2024-08-17 02:21
Pineapple Psychic A lib mod. AmarokIce 21 2024-08-16 03:37
Chunk-Pregenerator Pre Generate your worlds Efficiently Speiger 21861716 2024-08-15 15:40
WithCoffee Let's have a cup of coffee! AmarokIce 13329 2024-08-15 08:54
WithRest Have a rest! Regen fatigue when you sit down! AmarokIce 6 2024-08-15 06:26
Pineapple Mending Taking the enchantment Mending to 1.7.10. AmarokIce 7 2024-08-15 06:03
Mobscaling Scales Normal Minecraft Mobs to work better with DBC, also allows for the creation of an adjustable boarder to block out explosive ki attacks in your worldspawn Stolz 141 2024-08-14 03:20
[DEAD] Voltz Engine No long supported QueenOfMissiles 1977793 2024-08-13 15:17
Loading Screen Messages Customizable Messages for your Loading Screen Rozmir 10 2024-08-13 08:41
Golem Tweaks Quality of life mod for Iron and Snow Golems with backported repairable Iron Golems and more! Rozmir 982 2024-08-13 04:18
Divine Intervention The lord will be with you when you need him most. _Karoll 2693 2024-08-07 20:20
JAOPCAGT Just A Ore Processing Compatibility Attempt: GregTech TheLMiffy1111 2590 2024-08-06 11:02
DragonOptiFix Fixed the issue where player model rendering failed when DragonBlockC mod and OptiFine were installed together. MayIHaveK_ 6 2024-08-06 05:26
Thaumic Rings Of Power LoTR Rings Of Power with 1.7.10 mod integration :D unicornblood2468 16 2024-08-04 01:42
limbloss A simple addition to Jinryuu's Dragon Block C mod, I did not modify any of his code to accomplish this, it exists for fun. When you get hit by a ki attack you have a % chance to lose a random limb. Obviously you need dbc for it to work Stolz 15 2024-07-31 23:19
Extreme Sound Muffler: Legacy Backport of Extreme Sound Muffler to 1.7.10 & 1.12.2 Lyft 325 2024-07-28 14:41
Egg Particle Fix Fixes MC-7807 - thrown eggs make snow particles for 1.7.10 Rozmir 1023 2024-07-27 01:55
RefreshDisplayLists Fix AMD GPU memory leaks by refreshing the display lists (1.7.10 only) Hoshroin 6 2024-07-25 08:16
Mega Randomizer Customizable Minecraft randomizer for bock, mob, and player drops! stevefal 7607 2024-07-24 01:02
SpeedRunIGT [Speedrun Verified In-game Timer / Support 1.3-1.21 / Fabric & Legacy Fabric] Displays the timer with Speedrun RTA, IGT in Minecraft RedLime 52168 2024-07-23 17:40
Keep Inventory Lose XP Players keep Inventory but drop experience on death. Rozmir 619 2024-07-23 09:28
MorePlayerModels+ ModePlayerModels+ is a Minecraft mod that allows you to customize your player with different body parts. ModePlayerModels+ is only a branch version of the 1.7.10 Forge version of the original and has no plans to add or update any other version KAMKEEL 6736 2024-07-22 22:51
OneKeyMiner This mod helps mine ore or other blocks by mining blocks in a chain reaction. Enaium 90986 2024-07-22 13:39
NovaCraft A 1.7.10 mod that looks to complement/enhance the base game. aetherlegacypro 3595 2024-07-22 01:45
First Person Realism True First Person Camera Mod for 1.7.10 entrapta754 788 2024-07-21 16:03
ArchaicFix Backport of Phosphor and other bugfixes for 1.7.10 embeddedt 37787 2024-07-20 22:04
Agenta A authserver and skin fix for legacy versions of minecraft. hanro50 1467 2024-07-20 13:55
Spider Queen Fixer Spider Queen may be having issues learning names, so this should help her out with that. MrSulvic 4223 2024-07-20 05:40
Dirt Tools and Armor This mod adds a set of tools and armor made from dirt. Hummel009 14470 2024-07-19 14:10
The Rings of Power This mod adds rings of power from the Lord of the Rings to Minecraft. Hummel009 70543 2024-07-19 14:04
Ultimate Backport Mod backports all features from newer versions, like 1.13 - 1.19 JustCody 47777 2024-07-18 15:18
Thaumcraft Recipes A small addon for Thaumcraft Tc_traveler 146 2024-07-16 15:17
DCS Mod - Dragon Block C Custom Mod for DCS Server | Dragon Ball, Dragon Block FR4NCIS198 504537 2024-07-13 17:39
NarutoAnimeMod10Tails This mod was created to play with friends.The mod includes updated models of Biju and not only,as well as the sage mode, the cover of the tenseigan chakra and much more. Don't forget to install cfg https://disk.yandex.ru/d/Wi-BD6qndFmWJQ aleksch 12791 2024-07-13 15:35
Sus MultiBlocked A dev-tool library which provides flexible creation of multiStructures suslovilka 33 2024-07-13 13:36
Controlling Adds a search bar to the Key-Bindings menu Jaredlll08 246648855 2024-07-06 11:30
Carbon Config IC2Classics Config Library Speiger, MedurisDev 552170 2024-07-05 13:55
Legacy Fabric-Api The legacy fabric version of the fabric api hydo_s, BoogieMonster1O1 58404 2024-07-02 21:25
CodeChickenLib Unofficial 1.7.10 Contains libraries for 3D math and transformations, model rendering, packets, config, colours, asm and a few other things. mitchej123 121973 2024-07-01 16:37
Personal Space Adds personal customizable dimensions with superflat-style presets eigenraven 17759 2024-06-28 20:35
Aether Departure An fork of the aether legacy with mostly brand new features and some features like ones from Aether II, Highlands, Cancelled Aether Mutation Update or Aether Extended which complement the original mod; think of this as Aether 1.5. aetherlegacypro 156 2024-06-27 05:22
Backhand A backport of vanilla Minecraft's offhand for 1.7.10 xonin_ 4030 2024-06-26 03:01
Astromech Droids Adds useful Droids from the Star Wars universe! Hqrvester 8137 2024-06-16 07:37
NoGuiEvolution What you have done will improve your abilities in which areas . strangesmell123 3541 2024-06-14 11:46
Wisla - What is Sauron looking at An addon for Waila to add support for the LOTR mod by Mevans. DwarfyAssassin 17961 2024-06-13 18:42
Dynamic Lights portable and moving lightsources atomicstrykergrumpy 15414161 2024-06-06 19:26
Super Sound Muffler: Legacy A backport of Super Sound Muffler to 1.7.10 FalsePattern 7030 2024-06-05 00:58
LagGogglesLegacy A backport of TerminatorNL's LagGoggles to 1.7.10 FalsePattern 6420 2024-06-05 00:50
LOTR Improvements Lite Lite version of the LOTR Improvements mod for servers jediexe 148 2024-06-04 16:27
Thaumic Boots This mod will be almost entirely focused on adding new boots and combinations of already existing boots found in Thaumcraft addons alastors_game 765 2024-06-04 02:46
Auto Attack Rebirth Forge mod to auto attack on cooldown stellarharbour 4218 2024-06-03 15:42
LOTR Improvements QoL additions to LOTR mod. Includes pouch viewer, attack indicator, trader viewer, and more jediexe 1318 2024-06-03 12:00
The Middle Torch Adds a key to the game to place a torch HenryLoenwind 68079 2024-06-02 02:25
Lost Era Core A Coremod for the Lost Era Modpack Technoparadox 7229 2024-06-01 21:01
Gravity Torch A simple torch that is mounted to a stone instead of the ground. It falls like sand. HenryLoenwind 3433 2024-05-30 07:56
Crashma What's Crashma, you ask? Crashma game LOL MoriyaShiine 1400 2024-05-29 18:56
CustomEmoji Create Emoji to use on your Minecraft MayIHaveK_ 24 2024-05-25 11:02
AdvancedScanner Gregtech 6 A GUI based scanner mod for GT6 BioAstroiner 186 2024-05-19 01:26
Entity Culling Fabric/Forge Using async path-tracing to hide Tiles/Entities that are not visible tr7zw 85998072 2024-05-17 22:10
Survival lock restricts the game mode change and use of explicit commands, making it full survival so that on the server/world admins do not take advantage of the permissions FletchesZ_xd 8 2024-05-16 21:05
JourneyMap Waypoint Radar Uses waypoints as pings for mcheli aircraft and other entities 1whohears 791 2024-05-14 03:49
JourneyMap QOL Additions Adds Share Waypoint Command, Waypoints as Formatted Chat, and other features to the ancient but wonderful Journeymap Mod 1whohears 1182 2024-05-14 02:42
Water's Fps Boost This mod simply makes Minecraft run better without deleting or adding new stuff Waterr 3711 2024-05-12 01:26
ColorMod Legacy The mod adds many new “rainbow” blocks, weapons, armor, tools and even new dimensions to the game. To get to a new dimension, create a portal from Rainbow Block and activate its Shiner. NicroMane 12 2024-05-11 12:26
Electroblob's Wizardry Continuation fork of wizardry for 1.7.10 quentin4532 1720 2024-05-10 13:00
Adventure Backpacks Patched This mod is an updated version of Adventure Backpacks by Darkona. Main change is removing the Sneak-Scroll tool Swapping. repletsin5 61 2024-05-08 00:58
LOTweakR Opinionated tweaks and unopinionated bugfixes for the LOTR mod. Lilirine 330 2024-04-30 11:00
Naruto Origin Mod Naruto Origin Server Mod SomeoneStoleMyName 690 2024-04-28 18:23
Config Backuper A simple mod for backing up all configurations at the start of Minecraft NaoCraftLab 472 2024-04-24 21:17
MGRR Discs This mod adds the Vocal tracks from Metal Gear Rising as Music Discs into minecraft. macskacico 12 2024-04-17 14:14
Lotr MiddleEarth Tweaks - The Lord of the Rings Vertical Slabs, Control Mountspeeds, /ConquestDecay, Ally Conquest Fix, Healthbar, very customizeable Verse 17 2024-04-15 02:22
No Hurt Resistant Time This mod removes Hurt Resistant Time(The 0.5 second damage resistance after a mob is hit) from (non player)mobs from most sources of damage. macskacico 12 2024-04-14 19:15
PC Compat Additional compatibility for PowerConverters3 tilera, LordMZTE 68 2024-04-13 13:10
JAOPCASingularities Just A Ore Processing Compatibility Attempt: Singularities TheLMiffy1111 2091830 2024-04-12 19:28
Prometheus Exporter Prometheus exporter for Minecraft. cpburnz 3112 2024-04-12 03:26
Forge Server Installer/Starter Jar-File for install and starting up and Install the Server automaticly, instead of using .bat or .sh Files HellBz 34150 2024-04-11 05:58
Geckolib-Unofficial Unofficial version of Geckolib for 1.7.10 version Goodbird 1036 2024-04-10 06:46
IC2 Classic The official classic remix of IC2. sfPlayer1, Speiger 1852450 2024-04-02 17:48
The one who Black A mod that has mobs, tools, and more! It has a lot of advancements so it's perfect for a challange! Have fun with it! Liem35851_YT 733 2024-04-02 09:13
Sneed's Piss & Hiss Formerly Chuck's yoghurt4c 156 2024-04-01 13:08
Matter Overdrive: Community Edition Matter Overdrive Community Edition is a 1.12 fork of Matter Overdrive maintained by Players, it is differing from the 1.7 Edition in certain ways from versions of the original that never made it to release. InfiniteBlock 130141 2024-03-31 01:41
ToggledPickup More detailed control of pickup behavior. MikhailTapio 342 2024-03-30 12:17
CNPC+ Armorer's Workshop Addon A Mixin Mod dedicated to creating compatibility between CustomNPC+ and Armorer's Workshop in 1.7.10 KAMKEEL 23 2024-03-22 08:36
SerializationIsBad A Minecraft coremod aiming to patch serious security vulnerabilities found in many different mods Dogboy21 1268294 2024-03-16 16:35
Porting Lib A collection of utilities for porting mods from Forge to Fabric. thatguynamedalpha, tropheusj 320211 2024-03-08 20:34
Graduated Cylinders Gives finer control over moving fluids between tanks Bedrockbreaker 31149 2024-03-06 04:27
Vivecraft A Minecraft VR mod on a loader of your choice! Ferri_Arnus, jrbudda 5385231 2024-02-29 01:04
Re: Translator Automatically translates all missing language keys to current language AlexSocol 18 2024-02-28 03:38
DefaultSettings Keep your game's local settings in case of an update to your modpack PT400C 12395967 2024-02-27 17:58
Mo' Creatures Legacy Restoration of the 1.7.10 Mo' Creatures mod with MAJOR bug fixes and more Rozmir 883 2024-02-27 13:06
[BBrains] Unsupported Mods Fixes Fixes for Thaumcraft, Botania and other mods dayd21twitch 3543 2024-02-27 07:57
The War of the Ring MC An unofficial addon for The Lord of the Rings Mod: Legacy TheSlayingSlayer 4023 2024-02-25 13:36
Better Line Break Better line-breaking mod for not alphabet characters. katatsumuri_pan 2109 2024-02-20 16:29
What That? Wolfhouse! A 'Wolfhouse' will help us finding anythings we need ! someoneice 1 2024-02-20 03:57
Faster Horses, Donkeys, and Mules Increases Horse speed by 50% (Also donkeys and mules) Technicboyman 1226 2024-02-19 05:20
Bigger Lightning Storms This mod increases the intensity of Lightning Storms Daeddyy 1215 2024-02-19 05:07
Call to Battle WW2 / WWII - World War II Experience for Minecraft Call to Battle WW2 is a complete World War Two conversion mod for Minecraft that transforms it into a WWII game. Experience the second world war like never before! Beardielover 356713 2024-02-14 21:23
My Ideas Updates biome upgrade mod mad_snyder86 61 2024-02-13 09:28
Dwarven Realm addon to the Lord of the Rings mod for minecraft 1.7.10 Elenath 22 2024-02-09 07:18
Cosplays NB Just some outfits for cosplays narukebaransu 1 2024-02-08 13:30
Golden Backpacks It's a portable storage mod for minecraft-1.7.10 Advait8370 560 2024-02-08 03:30
IngameIME Use input method in full screen Minecraft Windmill_City 129071 2024-02-07 10:03
Minecraft Mineralogy Continuation A Continuation of the geology-inspired mod for Minecraft that adds various types of real-world rocks. quentin4532 753 2024-02-01 20:50
Traincraft A mod for Minecraft adding trains and other vehicles Mrbrutall, canitzp, NitroxydeX, EternalBlueFlame, Spitfire4466 1179022 2024-01-31 05:43
No Baby Zombies Prevent baby zombies from spawning in your world Technicboyman 166067 2024-01-30 03:29
Ender's Addons Adds several features to pre-existing mods, and quality of life changes. EnderReaper64 938 2024-01-29 05:44
Epic weapons and items This mod offers a variety of random items and tools, ranging from easy to very difficult to obtain. frogggiboy 3515 2024-01-28 03:19
Zelda Sword Skills Continuation Fork of Zelda Sword skills that add fixes quentin4532 1477 2024-01-25 22:20
TragicMC 2 Continuation fork of TragicMC 2 for 1.7.10 quentin4532 690 2024-01-25 13:39
XRay - Ideal-State Added xray to minecraft client ketikai 1 2024-01-24 12:47
Enchiridion Continuation Just a fork of Enchiridion for 1.7.10 quentin4532 1 2024-01-23 02:53
YDM's Weapon Master With this Mod your Hotbar items will be visible on your Character. YourDailyModderx 9114781 2024-01-22 09:38
Stoney Pickaxi A stone pickaxe camoflaged as Stoney Pickaxi SkyDash 46 2024-01-21 01:22
Stoney Ingotaxi Stoney ingots that need provided resources for custom made tools! SkyDash 16 2024-01-20 22:10
Arcana Rpg Continuation This mod is a fork of Arcana Rpg quentin4532 1211 2024-01-19 02:42
Escape from Tarkraft+ It's a mod inspired by Escape From Tarkov. unzero25 3576 2024-01-12 15:14
IgnisChat A mod that converts romaji to kanji kana for Fabric/Legacy Fabric. pitan76 75 2024-01-11 13:23
Roguelike Dungeons Continuation fork of Roguelike Dungeons for 1.7.10 quentin4532 700 2024-01-11 10:01
Lumy Skin Patch Skin texture fix for Minecraft 1.2.5, 1.3.2, 1.4.x, 1.5.x, 1.6.x, 1.7.x using Mojang API lumy79 663508 2024-01-08 00:18
Wolff's Star Wars Pack for Flan's Mod A Star Wars content Pack for Flan's Mod Wolff 125107 2024-01-06 17:53
Slenderstalgia (The Slenderman by Colossali) adds Slenderman to Minecraft along with much more! Darthmendorian 2574 2024-01-05 15:57
Colored End Crystals Adds Colored End Crystals to the game Mayuna_1 7494 2023-12-30 22:22
Dupe Trigger Adds a keybind that doubles any item in your main-hand sevenboulevard 97310 2023-12-30 00:22
Just Enough Calculation A simple mod help you calculate the cost for recipes towdium 14939585 2023-12-27 04:10
Unbreakabler Give items "unbreakable" tag once they drop into your inventory. pOtAto__bOy 8504 2023-12-25 09:47
Xaero's Minimap (Fair-play Edition) Fair-play edition of the Xaero's Minimap mod, designed for fair PVP against players without a minimap. xaero96 3485806 2023-12-23 12:07
Tropicraft Continuation Fork of Tropicraft for 1.7.10 quentin4532 119 2023-12-21 20:21
Mo Creatures Continuation fork of Mo Creatures for 1.7.10 quentin4532 214 2023-12-21 20:20
Immersive Railroading A life size rail transport system for Minecraft cam72cam, Trainman264 3123582 2023-12-20 02:35
Universal Mod Core Core Library for version agnostic Minecraft Mods cam72cam 1541726 2023-12-20 02:24
Dimensional Doors Legacy This is meant to be a simple curseforge repository for the older version of Dimensional Doors. These versions are not actively supported and only being uploaded so they are available within the curseforge/twitch system. Waterpicker, stevenrs11 2326 2023-12-19 01:33
No Mob Spawning On Plants Forbids mobs to spawn in leaves, on trees or mushrooms AlexSocol 19 2023-12-18 07:40
Battle Tower Continuation This mod is a fork of AtomicStryker's Battle Towers for 1.7.10 quentin4532 444 2023-12-17 14:45
LOTR History Items Historical Items for Middle-Earth Durixiiik 1 2023-12-14 01:18
Portia A mod with cloth colors and some colored blocks unloadedchunk1 698 2023-12-02 18:24
[BBrains] Thaumic Fixes Fixed versions of your favorite taumcraft and its addons dayd21twitch 208 2023-11-30 14:22
Page Control Simple Player Detector and Entity Remover SteeleJr98 726 2023-11-29 03:29
More Flowers! Adds 16 new Farmable and findable flowers into minecraft Exqulsite_Star 96 2023-11-25 23:41
Red Core Red Core is the foundational library for Red Studio projects and associated projects. Desoroxxx 95633 2023-11-20 13:10
Barrier Block: Arai Craft Barrier Blocks for a version without them. arber_x 2094 2023-11-19 10:11
Glass Breaker Break all glass (and glass-adjacent) faster with a pickaxe unilock 463047 2023-11-16 19:17
[BBrains] Convert Charcoal To Coal More Coal Crafts dayd21twitch 2165 2023-11-15 11:52
ForgeEssentials Server utility mods and powerful permissions system Spacebuilder2020, MaximustheMiner, Zethalion 354680 2023-11-10 00:55
[BBrains] RedCoal An improved version of coal dayd21twitch 69 2023-11-09 08:17
[BBrains] Archive of mods Here you will find mods from the BreakBrains team dayd21twitch 1187 2023-11-07 13:12
ChocoCraft Plus Adds an improvable mount (Chocobo) and breeding tech tree. Renovation of Clienthax/Torojima/EddieV's ChocoCraft. AstroTibs 39869 2023-11-04 04:36
ElectricityInnovation This is a minecraft forge mod that adds useful tools and power machines to TerraFirmaCraftPlus. eternal130 186 2023-11-02 13:30
Ninjin Knockback DBC ( By Hedaox ) A simple knockback mod for DBC 1.4.79. TheShinobiAI 1 2023-10-31 10:09
LOTR Extended This mod adds Dark Lands and the Land of the Sun from the Lord of the Rings to Minecraft Hummel009 2402 2023-10-29 14:51
VillagerMetaFix A small coremod that makes villagers care about metadata/NBT malte0811 275982 2023-10-28 18:25
MAtmos MAtmos is a sound atmosphere generator for Minecraft. makamys 80652 2023-10-27 17:39
History of Middle-earth: Legacy A submod for the lord of the rings mod that changes the world into a version that stays true to the lore but adds more to the world of middle-earth supersam_792 5164 2023-10-22 09:19
Multithreadingandtweaks Mod that add multithreading for Entityspawning,liquidtick etc...... quentin4532 4850 2023-10-21 21:11
[BBrains] Jar Finder JAR file search utility dayd21twitch 16 2023-10-16 12:19
Bricksland Pride flags This mod adds 19 pride flags to Minecraft Leva 6 2023-10-15 22:25
Frustrator Dynamically show/hide areas within your world to improve performance, depending on if they should be visible or not. PT400C 189 2023-10-11 11:58
PanicleCraft Paint brushes, drawable paintings, graffiti, chess, broom and more… ee_man 280 2023-10-10 16:02
Recurrent Complex Arcana Rpg Continuation Edition This mods is a fork of Recurrent Complex TF-E quentin4532 49 2023-10-04 00:04
IvToolkit Arcana Rpg Continuation Edition This mod is a fork Ivtoolkit for 1.7.10 quentin4532 1 2023-09-30 22:14
Energy Control Monitor your energy Zuxelus 315704 2023-09-30 19:30
CropChance A mod for getting IC2 crop related information. Windmill_City 70 2023-09-15 05:36
hammer+imposiblium a mod that adds hammers and axes and swords and the new file and necessary to have everything supersoan16 854 2023-09-13 13:39
SafeKeyString Prevent Minecraft from crashing when displaying the name of a key MikhailTapio 0 2023-09-12 10:23
Tome of Knowledge Sharing Add a book for ProjectE which shares knowledge. Quarris 5 2023-09-06 01:26
Tinker's Middleearth Adds Tinker's Construct support for Mevans "The Lord of the Rings" - Mod! thecrafter4000 46616 2023-09-02 14:00
File Director Modpack creator tool for installing and updating modpack configurations with remote support Lily, ACGaming 31127 2023-09-02 06:41
EntityCulling Unofficial Backport of Entity Culling (1.8 version, under MIT) to 1.7.10. tclproject 123 2023-09-01 23:05
Jwan's DBC Essentials This is an addon mod for the Dragon Block C mod jwanplayzmc, FR4NCIS198 234800 2023-09-01 17:52
Doggy Talents Continuation A continuation of doggy talent for 1.7.10 quentin4532 36 2023-08-27 14:45
AŽD 97 Mod that adds AŽD 97 + AŽD 99 crossing signals t0biascz 59 2023-08-26 19:17
Immersive Cavegen Improves aspects of minecraft worldgen, namely caves, caverns etc. tclproject 15766 2023-08-26 17:57
DragonAPI My core library. reikakalseki 944915 2023-08-26 02:15
ExpandedRedstone A mod to greatly expand the power of vanilla redstone reikakalseki 96701 2023-08-25 04:32
Void Monster A mod to make deep mining unsettling reikakalseki 63443 2023-08-25 04:30
UsefulTNT A mod that makes TNT useful for mining reikakalseki 21716 2023-08-25 04:28
TreeClimbing Makes all trees - vanilla and modded - climbable. reikakalseki 4539 2023-08-25 04:27
LegacyCraft A mod to bring back parts of older versions reikakalseki 8536 2023-08-25 04:25
CritterPet Tameable spiders and other creatures reikakalseki 16948 2023-08-25 04:23
ReactorCraft A nuclear power RC addon. reikakalseki 580898 2023-08-25 04:22
CaveControl A mod to control cave generation reikakalseki 41986 2023-08-25 04:20
MeteorCraft A mod that adds ore-filled meteors reikakalseki 70774 2023-08-25 04:19
GeoStrata A decorative geological worldgen mod reikakalseki 109015 2023-08-25 04:17
CondensedOres A mod to easily and powerfully customize ore vein generation reikakalseki 16100 2023-08-25 04:16
ElectriCraft An RC addon to make RC power easier to transport and store reikakalseki 411970 2023-08-25 04:14
ArchiSections A mod that adds the ability to compartmentalize your base into discrete "rooms", each of which is an isolated render frustrum to reduce FPS lag in late-game bases. reikakalseki 14802 2023-08-25 04:13
LootTweaks This mod allows you to customize loot tables throughout the various structures in the game. reikakalseki 33455 2023-08-25 04:12
TerritoryZone A territory demarcation and enforcement utility reikakalseki 13186 2023-08-25 04:10
Satisforestry Adds Satisfactory's pink forest as a Minecraft biome. reikakalseki 4726 2023-08-25 04:09
ChromatiCraft My exploration-based magic mod, ChromatiCraft. reikakalseki 257356 2023-08-25 04:06
RotaryCraft My tech mod, RotaryCraft. reikakalseki 733822 2023-08-25 04:05
Neutron Adds Essentials-bukkit-plugin-like commands and features about teleportation and other serverside utilities mikhailtapio 426 2023-08-24 15:14
Simple Pings Allows you to send location pings to nearby players. Quarris 1 2023-08-23 23:54
Mob Stacker: Integration Integrates Mob Stacker with other mods AlexSocol 451 2023-08-23 01:00
Mob Stacker: Farming Stack farming utility AlexSocol 360 2023-08-23 00:59
Mob Stacker Stack mobs to reduce lags AlexSocol 947 2023-08-23 00:55
LOTR Attack Indicator Addon Addon to the LOTR mod that implements the 1.9+ attack indicator liqhtsaber 1769 2023-08-22 01:59
LOTR Pouch Viewer Addon Addon to the LOTR mod that reveals pouch contents on hover liqhtsaber 2782 2023-08-22 01:55
Sown Modding Framework a framework upon which all mods created by Sown require SownAthlete5923 12 2023-08-17 19:25
Fisk's Superheroes Choose between 60+ suits and become a real Superhero in Minecraft! FiskFilleAR 1584515 2023-08-15 17:10
GregTech 4 GregTech 4 is addon to IC2-Experimental adds bigger tech tree, more machines and harder gameplay overall TheDarkDnKTv 3845 2023-08-06 14:05
Zombie Plague 2 - Hardcore Zombie Apocalypse Zombie Plague Mod 2 is a mod that greatly complicates the gameplay! Now your main enemies are bloodthirsty zombies. bouh_zpm 9815 2023-08-06 13:47
PatPatPat [Forge] Pat your pets! MikhailTapio 751 2023-08-06 04:58
[Legacy] Trade Booths Enable offline player trading - bugfixed version thecrafter4000 1 2023-08-02 21:20
[Legacy] LotRExtraCoins Adds two new coins to Mevans LotR mod! thecrafter4000 1 2023-08-02 21:04
[Legacy] UnlimitedChat Legacy 1.7.10 mod that selectively removes chat character limitations! thecrafter4000 19 2023-08-02 20:55
PipeBlocker PipeBlocker is a mod that protects against exploits in deserialization using ObjectInputStream. IMS21, xyzeva 1204 2023-07-31 21:41
BdLib A library of generic code for my other mods bdew 93109258 2023-07-31 04:10
DVS Structure scan system for 1.7.10 supersam_792, DwarfyAssassin, Valiec2019 25 2023-07-30 18:39
Ender IO Ender IO crazypants_mc_the_second, HenryLoenwind, EpicSquid315, Rover656, Ferri_Arnus, agnor99, tterrag1098 73995265 2023-07-29 19:17
EnderCore Library mod for Ender* projects and others tterrag1098, crazypants_mc_the_second, HenryLoenwind 83549003 2023-07-29 17:23
LIDAR A mod that helps you navigate the world in a whole new way KAIIIAK, AlexSocol 54 2023-07-27 22:32
Omniconfig Version-independent mod configuration API CrucibleMC, Aizistral 20 2023-07-24 22:06
Arda Addon: Renewed The essential addon to the Lord of the Rings (LOTR) Mod, Arda Addon SownAthlete5923 4 2023-07-23 04:29
Thaumic Insurgence Currently meant to add functionality to GTNH alastors_game 180 2023-07-21 23:16
Additions to the Outer Rim The essential addon to Parzi's Star Wars Mod and Legends Mod SownAthlete5923 2365 2023-07-18 08:51
FlickerFix Disables nightvision flickering MutantGumdrop 15391903 2023-07-17 01:54
Star Wars HeroPack A HeroPack for the FiskHeroes mod that adds various different characters from the Star Wars Universe SymbioteSpidey 24952 2023-07-16 01:43
Grimoire API General-purpose Mixin loader framework, which allows to properly implement mixins on 1.7.10/1.12.2 versions of Minecraft. Aizistral 2657 2023-07-14 11:57
Name Pain Vanilla-friendly health-based nameplate coloring, better villager & pet name visibility, many configs. tags: nametags pets QoL lightweight client-sided clientsided tweaks tames quality of life combat cosmetics colors players disable forge fabric quilt naqaden 4673013 2023-07-11 20:58
Name Pain Vanilla-friendly health-based nameplate coloring, better villager & pet name visibility, many configs. tags: nametags pets QoL lightweight client-sided clientsided tweaks tames quality of life combat cosmetics colors players disable forge fabric quilt naqaden 3865143 2023-07-11 20:58
Shoulder Surfing Reloaded Shoulder Surfing Reloaded is a highly configurable third person camera mod for minecraft _ForgeUser21552638, Exopandora 22227802 2023-07-10 16:12
The Twilight Forest A realm basked in mystery and eerie twilight, you will overpower terrifying creatures and secure the adventure of a lifetime; in the Twilight Forest. Benimatic, Tamaized, jodlodi, Drullkus, Squiggly_Androsa, GizmoTheMoonPig 145171690 2023-07-07 03:14
Naruto Anime mod Final History This is a modification of Mathioks Naruto Anime Mod mod. In this mod, various modifications have been made, Jogan, Rinnegan, six path, Tenseigan, tenseigan Chakra mode and much more for you. leha589 131283 2023-06-29 21:50
FTD Additions A Helpful Mod, contributing crafting & functional items for my Modpacks, such as soldering iron, new ingots, new devices and etc. ForgeTheDragon 1625 2023-06-29 20:55
LOTR Drp v2 A Discord Rich Presence For The Lord Of The Rings Mod maximustheminer 0 2023-06-27 05:47
Fear The Darkness - The Deadly Shadows Mod A mod that makes the darkness hurt. FeldrinH 37920 2023-06-25 19:40
PrecursorBlockacy_KD A Jak and Daxter fan made mod. KnightDemon_ 990 2023-06-23 23:58
LightArea LightArea Himmelt 4556 2023-06-23 08:57
Auto Third Person Automatically put yourself in third-person mode when you perform certain actions. Clientside only! Configurable! quat 1040281 2023-06-15 02:32
Additional-Buildcraft-Objects Some useful additions to Buildcraft and Minecraft in general. da3dsoul 383406 2023-06-12 14:02
Electrical Age (ELN) Electricity - in your base! For Minecraft 1.7.10 desemen_ua, jrddunbr 0 2023-06-11 10:01
Love me love my wolf Everyone will never attack anyone's pet someoneice 0 2023-06-04 02:43
MinecraftCapes Mod Custom Capes anyone with the mod can see james090500 2758079 2023-05-29 14:30
TPalette Forge STORE NBTTAG IN BLOCKS! BUT FORGE! xKAIIIAKx, tpcore_another 0 2023-05-29 09:15
Elytra Bombing [Forge] Make player a bomber when fall-flying MikhailTapio 612036 2023-05-24 02:23
Raw Mouse Input Raw mouse input for 1.12.2 llumoo 1654 2023-05-17 01:54
With Json Let's you to do something with Json! someoneice 87 2023-05-08 15:31
D-Mod Backport of foxes and bundles to 1.7.10 makamys 3272 2023-05-05 18:14
JinGames Dragon Block C DBC. Dragon Ball Z, Super, GT Anime minecraft mod. NagyBenjamin97 869990 2023-05-05 11:08
JinGames JRMCore A Core mod, that is essential to run 1.7.10 JinGames mods. NagyBenjamin97 756395 2023-05-05 11:05
LavaSweeper Just removing lava traps in nether Hiiragi283 4478 2023-05-04 08:50
ItemFrameRemover Removing itemframes when get placed or already placed to a block 1.7.10 quentin4532 0 2023-04-27 06:14
TFC+ Automated Bellows TFC Automated Bellows for TFC+! Lily 0 2023-04-25 06:35
Eras of Arda: The First Age Legacy submod The hub for the Eras of Arda submods of both the 1.7.10 versions of The Lord of the Rings Legacy mod by Mevans and the Renewed First Age addon for the 1.16.5 The Lord of the Rings Renewed mod TepelStreeltjes, DwarfyAssassin, The_Ranger_Malvegil, Valiec2019 12690 2023-04-25 01:34
JinGames JBRA Client A Core Client mod, that is essential to run our 1.7.10 JinGames mods. NagyBenjamin97 691432 2023-04-24 19:54
Mobs no render skip entity render of entities if they are out of range in X Y Z in function of the player coords to have more fps (configurable via config file) quentin4532 50 2023-04-23 01:00
Galacticraft Legacy Experience the Solar System and beyond in Minecraft TeamGalacticraft, ROMVoid95, marcus_8448, craftablescience 794545 2023-04-22 01:25
Traincraft RWC Edition The custom Traincraft version use on the RailwayCraft (RWC) server. YT_KreativeKng 127 2023-04-10 01:07
Plonk Place items down in the world BlueAgent 4906614 2023-04-08 13:11
PackagedAuto Enhancing Autocrafting with Packages TheLMiffy1111 8685164 2023-04-07 09:38
Torch Key [Forge] Adds a hotkey (middle mouse button by default) to place a torch from your hotbar. vladislemon 13680 2023-04-06 18:35
Omni Ocular Display extra information on Waila based on target NBT data EpixZhang 351929 2023-04-05 13:10
LOTRFixer Fixes an incompatibility between the LOTR mod and DragonAPI. Prismaticraft 0 2023-04-05 01:56
Foam​Fix Simple, targetted optimizations for a popular block game asiekierka 85375053 2023-04-03 17:47
Naruto Reborn this is a naruto mod believe it TheDarkHighKing 3 2023-04-01 22:43
Growthcraft Community Edition A continuation of Gwafu's Growthcraft Alatyami, VonZeeple 1330005 2023-03-29 17:48
Server Redirect This mod provides a lightweight way for servers to transfer players to another server address, without the use of a proxy server. KaiNoMood 1282303 2023-03-27 09:22
EnhancedLootBags LootBags redefined. yuesha_yc, DreamMasterXXL 24886 2023-03-26 15:26
YAM Core Yet another modding library. yuesha_yc, DreamMasterXXL 33497 2023-03-26 15:23
Edit Mob Drops Edit Mob Drops is an easily configurable mod that lets you edit what mobs drop. Powerthegreat 203905 2023-03-25 18:54
More Bows: Restrung! A port of the More Bows mod to 1.7.10 and above! (1.7.10, 1.12.2, 1.16.5, 1.17.1, 1.18.2, 1.19.x, and 1.20.x) NeRdTheNed 528328 2023-03-22 02:05
EnviroMine for Galaxy Odyssey EnviroMine fork with a couple bugfixes and features AstroTibs 1286 2023-03-21 14:47
Cats features Just a mod that add some items,blocks related to cats like a mod template for my other mods. quentin4532, SkyDash 10 2023-03-21 00:52
World War 3 content pack World War 3 Content Pack for Flansmod GamingLP_82 35304 2023-03-18 09:13
Harvest Day Provided a sickle to harvesting crops in range! someoneice 0 2023-03-13 10:08
JCPlugin Core Plugin Library for JomcraftNetwork's mods PT400C 5025212 2023-03-10 18:53
MCInstance Loader A small mod that allows to install mcinstance files, a modpack format that can include overrides and download files. HRudyPlayZ 4541 2023-03-08 16:06
Russian MetroPack RTM This Mod Are Maked For The Real Train Mod Him Adding The Russian Subway (And This Is Mod Not Created By Me) Goodbye! andrejka_2023 20 2023-03-08 08:59
MainServMod This mod adds useful features for a minecraft server. It adds a shop, ranks and more amggow6 39 2023-03-07 13:12
Random Placer A mod that allows you to place randomized blocks from your hotbar. Learwin 4 2023-03-05 17:48
MixinBooterLegacy A core plugin that prepares, boots mixins. Making lives easier for 1.7.10 mixin modders. tox1cozZ 356 2023-03-04 12:34
Audino Peek at the ItemStack NBT! yoghurt4c 1761 2023-03-01 03:05
InputFix InputFix is a way to enable multi-byte input method in Minecraft. (windows platform, experimental on other platforms) LainMI 311622 2023-02-23 11:22
ReAuth Fixes the Problem of having to restart your Client when your Session invalidates TechnicianLP 77100757 2023-02-22 23:48
Hexxit Gear Restored The restored older versions of Hexxit Gear. UltralNova 4 2023-02-22 14:53
UpToDateMod Adds new Minecraft 1.8.0+ features to Minecraft 1.7.10 yuma140902 32928 2023-02-22 08:49
Infinitubes Infinitubes is a mod that provides a way to move items from A to B, by labelling them Artiwolf_Dev 0 2023-02-14 00:15
The Pillarmen a mod that adds the pillarmen from jojo's bizzare adventture NuclearJoestar 472 2023-01-28 14:02
Optifine Check Displays a reminder if optifine is not installed KettleMC_NET 19549 2023-01-28 10:25
Healer Patch up CVE-2021-44228 for minecraft forge 1.7.10 - 1.12.2 gleee8 80461 2023-01-27 17:33
Kaas Crops New crops, foods and flowers! kaaspianhertijn 1208 2023-01-25 01:43
Netherlicious Nether Biomes and more DelirusCrux 32325 2023-01-24 23:33
Legends Mod The Legends Mod is a Minecraft mod, created by the LMT, consisting of multiple packs such as Superheroes Unlimited, Star Wars, Kaiju, and Horror. Tihyo 1323701 2023-01-24 01:06
TerralizationCompat Modcore for Terralization modpack maggi373 102 2023-01-21 15:52
ForgeEssentials Server utility mods and powerful permissions system Spacebuilder2020, Zethalion 333836 2023-01-19 14:59
HighTierCrops Add and extend IC2 crop system claustra01 0 2023-01-19 00:51
Thaumic Revelations Good ol' TRv... Now with a new Dev! Octoturge 34858 2023-01-17 15:45
Modern Splash New Mojang logo and loading screen in old version kappa_maintainer 169735 2023-01-17 14:42
DBA Capsules Addon Mod for the Dragon Block C Mod adding capsules and overcharge levels. sn1pes_gg 0 2023-01-17 14:24
Teleport Asker A simple mod for player request to teleport. someoneice 14637 2023-01-14 16:02
HavenCore's DBC Custom Transformations HavenCore is an add-on to the Dragon Block C mod which provides the ability for you to create, customize, and add your very own transformations to the game! Dr0ri, LordHavenX 4821 2023-01-14 01:24
OAuth Adds the ability to login and authenticate to Microsoft, Mojang, or Legacy accounts! Sintinium 4653182 2023-01-10 18:57
Ankerite Adds a crystal that you can use to make a gem that heals you. misterxiiipi 12 2023-01-08 19:31
WatchDog Anti Cheat This is a mod for modpack creators/server owners to use to protect their servers against mods that use hacks maxish0t 289376 2023-01-08 08:57
OPWeapons Never lose a battle again. Symbols97 1556 2023-01-04 00:04
OPWeapons Mod Never lose a battle again. Symbols97 887 2023-01-04 00:04
Lunar Mana Generator Add some new ManaGenerator for ManaMetalMod someoneice 0 2023-01-03 13:14
Extra Player Render Render a player entity on the screen TartaricAcid 12719 2023-01-02 10:58
spark spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers and proxies. Iucko 101978703 2022-12-27 12:50
Proton A light mod for server player permissions management mikhailtapio 77 2022-12-27 03:55
Cuchaz Ships Unofficial Like the original Ships mod but with some minor bugfixes jer0me226 224 2022-12-24 22:53
Vine Climber Climb free hanging vines with the jump key DelirusCrux 267 2022-12-23 18:44
GasStation A mixin 0.8 loader for 1.7.10 that includes MixinExtras and runtime patches for mods that would need other loaders FalsePattern 1133 2022-12-23 10:50
marius0x Furniture Made for better designs, make a more attractive world and enjoy gameplay. marius0x 0 2022-12-22 00:41
Sim-U Sim-U, You can hire workers to work for you.Support both Chinese and English. trhsy_dasha, trhsy_sha 34866 2022-12-17 04:00
JinGames Family C Select a gender and create a family. NagyBenjamin97 41606 2022-12-15 16:13
CartLoad Makes all minecarts chunkload their surroundings, but only when they're in motion. FalsePattern 0 2022-12-11 10:22
GTNH Mixins Library that makes Mixins (0.85) easily available to other mods mitchej123 111 2022-12-08 15:26
Goat Drop Food (Fabric) Making Goat Drops editor_tech 147 2022-12-03 18:47
Ender's Additions A silly little mod. ItzLcyx 1527 2022-11-30 04:11
NoSecrets Remove "Super Secret Settings" in the options screen mikhailtapio 18 2022-11-25 09:17
ConfigMaxxing A library mod adding a potion and mob config picker, allowing for easy picker addition. jack_glows 17 2022-11-23 20:17
MaterialsPlus New armor and tools with no new ores RFYFK 54 2022-11-20 18:22
The Lord of the Rings Mod: Legacy Bringing Middle-earth to Minecraft, in older versions. 253690 2022-11-16 22:41
OfflineAuth 1.7 Forge auth mod jack_glows 186 2022-11-15 21:21
VCM Voltz Community Modpack Official Mod kmecpp 12443 2022-11-13 22:11
Thaumcraft Localization Optimizer Mainly for Thaumcraft 4, fix the problem of rendering errors in standard galactic letters when localizing. OmnisyR 1121 2022-11-13 03:34
TheCameraMod Take Photos without pressing F2 MartinchoXP 16 2022-11-05 16:06
TimeoutAgent A Java agent that increases the timeout time when connecting to a Minecraft Server Official_CreeperHost, covers1624, Gigabit101, Paul_T_T 66247 2022-11-02 17:59
Lazydfu-agent A Java Agent for disabling Minecraft dfu system Official_CreeperHost, Gigabit101, Paul_T_T, covers1624 3820 2022-11-02 17:54
Modern KeyBinding [Fabric] Add key conflict context and key modifier for FabricMC MikhailTapio 173660 2022-10-31 02:18
BuildCraft|Transport BuildCraft Transport Module Covert_Jaguar, AEnterprise, AlexIIL 5512089 2022-10-29 00:49
BuildCraft|Robotics BuildCraft Robotics Module Covert_Jaguar, AEnterprise, AlexIIL 5039684 2022-10-29 00:47
BuildCraft|Silicon BuildCraft Silicon Module Covert_Jaguar, AlexIIL, AEnterprise 4954507 2022-10-29 00:45
BuildCraft|Factory BuildCraft Factory Module Covert_Jaguar, AlexIIL, AEnterprise 5316714 2022-10-29 00:44
BuildCraft|Energy BuildCraft Energy Module Covert_Jaguar, AlexIIL, AEnterprise 336511 2022-10-29 00:44
BuildCraft|Builders BuildCraft Builders Module Covert_Jaguar, AEnterprise, AlexIIL 5220842 2022-10-29 00:43
BuildCraft|Core BuildCraft Core Module Covert_Jaguar, AlexIIL, AEnterprise 5965235 2022-10-29 00:42
Buildcraft Extending Minecraft with pipes, auto-crafting, quarries, engines and much more! Covert_Jaguar, AlexIIL 34667913 2022-10-29 00:39
vtubruh LOTR Mobs An addon to the "The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod" vtubruh 1 2022-10-23 23:36
AjMod Let's have fun with Aj! Kazezinhu 1563 2022-10-23 22:07
Modern KeyBinding [Forge] Add key conflict context and key modifier back to 1.7.10 mikhailtapio 360 2022-10-19 12:07
MC Terrain Editor Graphical world editing mod. ngt5479 127179 2022-10-16 07:14
RealTrainMod Adds real scale train, rail and more. ngt5479 658729 2022-10-16 07:12
NGTLib Library of ngt5479's mods. ngt5479 476221 2022-10-16 07:07
Keyboard Wizard: Legacy Helps with solving key conflicts in legacy versions mikhailtapio 138 2022-10-16 06:22
Naruto: Becoming a Legend |Adds items and mechanics from the popular Naruto anime series.| starlordiruskii 338 2022-10-15 19:21
AE2 Fluid Crafting Rework A port and reworked of AE2FC. Implement the fluid autocrafting mechanic in AE2. GlodBlock 442893 2022-10-13 08:46
DefaultServerList Include a selection of Servers in your modpack without including a servers.dat file! glowredman 32126 2022-10-12 19:58
MagiCrafted Rings Of Power Addon for LOTR and ArsMagica2 hohserg1 12 2022-10-09 11:07
CobblerMod Simple way to generate Cobblestone nelttjen_ 39 2022-10-08 16:59
Blockacy of Kain Mod based on Legacy of Kain series; Soul Reaver and Blood Omen; to bring a great franchise into the Minecraft World. KnightDemon_ 2769 2022-10-06 21:21
Quit Confirm before quitting MikhailTapio 548975 2022-10-04 02:41
Josiah Containers No more boring chests or shulker boxes! josiahhtwitch 0 2022-10-02 16:02
DraconicMinus- Addon for Draconic Evolution on 1.7.10 that ports Fusion Crafting System Asek3 941 2022-10-01 13:28
Banemode This mod adds new pvp possibilities for players. marius0x 349 2022-09-28 13:10
Boruto | Epsilon Mod based on Japanese anime "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations", recreating the atmosphere from the anime in the game using custom weapons,armours,buildings. marius0x 634 2022-09-28 12:57
Drink It![Forge] To drink what should be drank MikhailTapio 92247 2022-09-26 11:12
Master Chef Craft A little Cooking Mod le_martinox 65 2022-09-24 18:35
Bodyguards This mod adds bodyguard in your game to protect you from hostile creatures. kuchipo 676 2022-09-24 14:37
Autologin | Login Plugins Auto login so you don't have to enter your password anymore FR4NCIS198 146 2022-09-22 23:16
EZStats EZStats is a 1.7.10 Forge Mod that allows users to have access to easy statistics applesfruit 28 2022-09-21 02:30
Hives Refreshed Small mod adding hives that spawn mobs. jack_glows 20 2022-09-20 15:44
Pebbles Begone A lightweight coremod that removes the pebbles from Botania: Garden of Glass. jbredwards 47 2022-09-20 03:37
Dragon Block C Ninjin Entities (by Hedaox) A Dbc Expansion Ikar____ 1786 2022-09-18 21:38
BQEnergyExpansion A BetterQuesting addon mod that adds EU (Industrial-Craft Energy Units) quest tasks to BetterQuesting for pack makers. 0xKate 47 2022-09-18 19:07
In-Game Account Switcher This mod allows you to change your logged in account in-game, without restarting Minecraft The_Fireplace, VidTu 842765 2022-09-17 01:45
Beaming drops Backport of shiroroku's Loot Beams mod to 1.7.10 Veritaris 232 2022-09-16 11:39
Super Smash Bros Mod Brings Super Smash Bros to Minecraft redrosewarrior1 115 2022-09-15 03:56
Miner Watcher Notify everyone when specific block is mined by a player :D mikhailtapio 471 2022-09-14 10:10
SaltyMod Expanded An expansion to liahim85's SaltyMod, exclusively for 1.7.10 DariusDarkBum 98 2022-09-12 12:53
Naruto Anime Mod (new) Naruto Anime Mod OneRo___ 7658 2022-09-11 09:35
The Mini-Bosses Adds eight new bosses, new armor, and new weapons! themodsaver 323 2022-09-11 06:42
TFCPlus Bids A plugin for Terrafirmacraft+ that aims to realize various fully featured enhancements for gameplay and testing. unforbidable 305 2022-09-09 14:59
Eras of Arda: The First Age Legacy submod The hub for the Eras of Arda submods of both the 1.7.10 versions of The Lord of the Rings Legacy mod by Mevans and the Renewed First Age addon for the 1.16.5 The Lord of the Rings Renewed mod TepelStreeltjes, DwarfyAssassin, The_Ranger_Malvegil, Valiec2019 10541 2022-09-07 03:59
No Leaf Decay A small mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 that prevents leaves from decaying, that's it. HRudyPlayZ 39 2022-09-02 17:08
TabFaces Brings back player faces in 1.7.10 tab menu. jack_glows 52 2022-09-02 15:33
MysteriumLib A small library required for some of our mods HRudyPlayZ, tclproject 116 2022-09-02 15:08
Prevent Crappy Launcher A LaunchWrapper/ModLauncher CoreMod to prevent players from launching the game via a crappy launcher. GBLodb 2191 2022-09-02 06:22
Airport Light Mod [Add Lights & ILS] Adds equipment related to airfields and airplanes. AirportModTeams 15487 2022-08-29 14:43
Uncapped Enchants Removes enchantments limitations Adri_osu 1 2022-08-29 12:47
AnimFix Fixes the stuttering caused by animated textures FalsePattern 251 2022-08-28 17:57
MCEF Remastered Remastered for Webdisplays Remastered zacktherat1313 6478 2022-08-26 13:29
Webdisplays Remastered Webdisplays Remastered allows you to have the internet inside Minecraft! zacktherat1313 8485 2022-08-25 22:52
Webdisplays Remastered Webdisplays Remastered allows you to have the internet inside Minecraft! zacktherat1313 6118 2022-08-25 22:52
Bark for tfc+ A barks addon for Terrafirmacraft plus Lutic_PriscilLover 0 2022-08-18 11:57
CreepCoin2 adds coins for an roleplay to your game jaksonkai 0 2022-08-17 19:01
Eternal This mod is updated for now oscar213567 125235 2022-08-17 16:41
Kvass for tfc+ A drinks addon for Terrafirmacraft plus Lutic_PriscilLover 4 2022-08-16 22:47
Borscht for tfc+ A soups addon for Terrafirmacraft plus Lutic_PriscilLover 4 2022-08-16 18:33
BookStealer Minecraft client mod for book content saving. For saving the book, open it and click save button. MJaroslav 326 2022-08-12 20:06
TimeLimiter A forge mod that limits the time a player can be on a server, resetting after a set time. timestime44 27 2022-08-10 19:17
World State Checkpoints Adventure Edition WSC gives you a way to take snapshots of your SP worlds! anar4732 31 2022-08-09 21:31
SkinsDBC A Mod That Enables OMGisGreen Saga's Pack On Aternos Servers goatmaniscool 308 2022-08-08 02:07
Dust World Dust World is a mod with features specifically made for my Luria-3B modpack. shinra_dev 26 2022-08-06 22:47
TeloAddon Adds Features and Compatibility to TFC+ facetorched 1623 2022-08-06 18:51
Immersive Engineering Blueprint Tweaker Immersive Engineering blueprint recipe support for Minetweaker facetorched 356 2022-08-06 18:49
Lan Host Skin (Re-)Fix(ed) Fixes the bug where the LAN host's skin doesn't appear for all other connected players Parker8283 2036 2022-08-06 07:01
KokoaLinux-Retro 在Linux下使用输入法!/Use IME under Linux! kappa_maintainer 128 2022-07-30 08:47
Matrix Bridge Simple Matrix to Minecraft (and vice versa) bridge. jack_glows 33 2022-07-28 21:47
Craftable Warm Blood Lets you craft Warm Blood from Witchery Stewart_ma 127 2022-07-26 00:32
Heracleum Immerse your world in the chaos of hogweed! MJaroslav 1 2022-07-24 04:20
TFC-Additions for TFC+ Decorative blocks nuckable 1175 2022-07-15 08:22
FMProjectE Advanced Alchemy (FMPEAA) Patch of PEAA. sousuke0422 120 2022-07-14 06:54
Bray Guns Pack Flan's mod pack for minecraft 1.7.10. Focused on PvP BrayXd221 2125 2022-07-13 05:44
The Shadow World Explore a dark and mysterious parallel world! mari0brine 141 2022-07-12 22:48
Dense Ores no Worldgen Dense Ores with worlden stripped out Ruben991 45 2022-07-11 19:57
Electroblob's Wizardry The expandable RPG magic mod with over 180 unique spells! Electroblob 17502931 2022-07-09 22:19
Guerrilla vs Command mod This is war mod. Original version of this is made by MG36(twitter:@SCOPE_MG36) frou01 54641 2022-07-07 12:56
HandMadeGuns&VehicleModEX the Gun Mod. frou01 72274 2022-07-07 12:55
Advanced Botany Mod revealing technology of Elves when they lived on Earth x_Pulxes_x 1984 2022-07-07 10:21
Disable online mode Disable online mode on the internal server bsolos__ 264 2022-07-07 08:22
Instant Blocks Generate structures or perform actions instantaneously. Slymask3 496517 2022-07-04 06:31
JinGames Naruto C Naruto, Naruto Shippuden Anime minecraft mod. NagyBenjamin97 71438 2022-07-01 00:06
OreHider Anti X-ray server-side only mod AlexSocol 251 2022-06-22 14:04
Realms of Chaos . Have you ever gotten bored with a Minecraft world because you felt that you had collected all the items and explored all the structures and dimensions? Have you been looking for a mod that makes Minecraft seem more “endless”? We rifdrysixer 111 2022-06-21 17:27
Parzi's Star Wars Mod Explore the Star Wars Galaxy! parzivail 779713 2022-06-19 22:19
Custom Armor Bar Fork of Overloaded Armor Bar for 1.7.10 Evaraphi 5772 2022-06-18 17:29
Jehovah's Core (Forge) Math&Log library for Forge hye0ngit 55 2022-06-18 02:00
Ancient Warfare 3 A continuation of Ancient Warfare 2 with bug fixes and removed unfinished features. This version is stable and ideal for modpack/server usage. dylanlogan2581 1456 2022-06-17 20:25
Darwin Water Ambience Ambiet Water FX mod for 1.7.10 Ninifey, brandyum 278 2022-06-16 18:34
Wireless Industry Wireless energy transfer and much more! ultramarine11, denfop 26583 2022-06-12 19:32
The Titans Mod Fill your world with gigantic gods that rule your world Enderman_of_D00M, TheAvimala 433918 2022-06-12 05:03
Train Diesel Fix Traincraft fuel compatibility for Immersive Engineering (and now for Arcane Engineering too). MJaroslav 13960 2022-06-09 14:31
ForceASCIIFont-Backport Force the game display pixel font kappa_maintainer 181 2022-06-09 11:56
Naruto's Nindo This is a modification of Mathioks Naruto Mod. kid_flash2121 784 2022-06-03 19:55
TFCPlus-Tweaker Provides Minetweaker support for Terrafirmacraftplus facetorched 1650 2022-06-02 08:50
Custom Damage Particles Stripped version of ToroHealth Damage Indicators for 1.7.10 Evaraphi 704 2022-06-01 14:19
Custom Health Bar Fork of Colorful Health Bar for 1.7.10 Evaraphi 72024 2022-06-01 12:20
ReSiever Provides compat between NotEnoughItems Unofficial and Ex-Nihilo / Thermal Expansion glowredman 126 2022-05-31 19:34
Name Tag Recipe Adds a recipe to the name tag. tpskeleton 193 2022-05-29 16:10
Galaxy Space [Addon for GalactiCraft] Global addon for GalactiCraft BlesseNtumble 2129107 2022-05-27 05:50
Iridium reflector add-on Adds an iridium reflector to Industrial Craft 2 Natesky9 141 2022-05-23 18:27
Nuclear Control 2 Monitor your reactors! xbony2, dmf444 5725750 2022-05-23 00:29
Prospector's Journal Keep track of GT6 sample rocks and Immersive Engineering core samples. Canis_Artorus 116 2022-05-21 21:14
manyStones Adds 5 new mineral stones, which generation u can fully configure. varep_ 80 2022-05-21 21:03
Keys key , food and moonstone and sword mg_erdbeere 162 2022-05-21 16:53
MixinBootstrapLegacy Allow Mixin 0.8+ running under Minecraft 1.7.10~1.11.2 ZekerZhayard 1034 2022-05-21 03:11
Digital XP Lets you store your XP in a block and trade it with other players srdeivyplay 196 2022-05-19 22:34
Rainbow Jamuu Adds overpowered tools, food and other Saikkimus 66 2022-05-18 23:59
Votifier - Forge Version | Voting Command Spiritual sucessor to the votifier plugin for spigot or Sponge, available for the latest MC versions | previously Forge Votifier Beardedflea 32744 2022-05-18 22:12
CompatibilityLayerForCustomSkinLoader To make Custom Skin Loader can be loaded in Minecraft 1.7.10. ZekerZhayard 4915 2022-05-18 13:27
Touhou Spell Card Additional Pack This mod adds more spellcards, spawnable Cirno, Rumia, Hina, Yukari Ying-Yang Orbs, ect bestclownever123 1295 2022-05-18 07:42
Muya1.7.10 The RPG element for new dimension mod. (it's not finished yet) pearwb1235 6450 2022-05-15 16:55
Fabric-Discord Link A Fabric-Discord Chat Link the_cat_core 104394 2022-05-08 08:52
RTM Addon Add additional elements to RTM (Kaiz Patch). Example (Signal and branch management, alarm system) freedommoddevelopmentcom 165 2022-05-07 15:19
Satchels Modular player inventory upgrades makamys 1029 2022-05-07 00:56
Terrafirmacraft+ Continued fork of the original build of Terrafirmacraft dunkleosteus 54258 2022-05-04 00:02
Nuclear Control 2 TF-E mainly a fix for our modpack maggi373 445 2022-05-02 23:44
End Globules A very small mod that generates blobs of Endstone throughout The End. aetherlegacypro 125 2022-05-02 20:26
AE2-Additions Applied Energetics 2 Additions SirStarStory 66657 2022-05-02 20:12
Damage Emulator Emulate and test different amount of different damage types AlexSocol 212 2022-05-01 16:45
IMPACT: GREGTECH EDITION - Core Mod Core Mod for modpack IMPACT 4gname 1324 2022-05-01 05:30
SignStory A Minecraft mod for easily copying stories from a txt file onto signs. maximustheminer 117 2022-04-29 19:23
NextSpring [Fabric] Though turned to mud, they'd quicken flowers' birth next spring. MikhailTapio 36348 2022-04-26 10:12
NextSpring [Forge] Though turned to mud, they'd quicken flowers' birth next spring. MikhailTapio 16058 2022-04-25 06:34
Cosmetic Armor Reworked This mod allows you to wear two sets of armor, one for display, one for function. LainMI 111957909 2022-04-22 13:08
The Offhand Mod My interpretation of how the offhand should exist in minecraft. tclproject 1951 2022-04-19 20:49
Basalt Walker:Reborn Make exploration in the nether much easier! mikhailtapio 238 2022-04-19 09:56
Arcana RPG (Final Version) The Arcana RPG is a mod for 1.7.10, it's an RPG mod mainly centered around magic, mobs, bosses, dimensions, and dungeons. kazupathry 1165 2022-04-18 20:15
QuickPlant [Fabric] Toss and plant! MikhailTapio 39783 2022-04-17 09:15
QuickPlant [Forge] Toss and plant! MikhailTapio 14312 2022-04-14 13:24
Smithing In The "90'S" Bring netherite stuff and the smithing table back to legacy minecraft. mikhailtapio 290 2022-04-14 03:32
Naruto Anime - OrtoFosfat Team Edition A new life for all the famous project Naruto Anime Mod by Mathioks OrtoFosfatTeam 4641 2022-04-12 10:12
Greentech "Green" energy generation and storage for 1.7.10 mrdoritos322 2 2022-04-10 23:43
Lidl Power Minecraft Mod with Lidl items that give special powers wachtang 161 2022-04-10 13:38
Red Coal Upgrade Vanilla Coal dayd21twitch 628 2022-04-06 15:38
Convert Charcoal To Coal More Coal Crafts dayd21twitch 920 2022-04-05 13:40
Architect Tools - Converter Fixed formatting of .schematic files between WorldEdit and Schematica. nylaofarda 105 2022-04-04 12:29
Loading Progress Bar Brings back the progress bar from old versions jbredwards 7477 2022-04-03 21:47
LeapOfFaith [Forge] Allows you to land gracefully on a hay block, or other blocks mikhailtapio 6632 2022-04-02 11:55
Loot Games Play minigames to obtain the loot! Time_Conqueror 3840094 2022-03-31 00:45
Recurrent Complex TF-E This has a patch for crashes with newer versions of thermos maggi373 72 2022-03-30 20:51
Ore highlight Improve ore brightness trhsy_sha 2287 2022-03-30 04:54
Darkkrond Pack (RTM) Model pack for realistic Russian trains for Real Train Mod danilyuk1996, klykovm 24045 2022-03-28 15:51
KakikuSword The strongest sword in Minecraft that can kill any mobs like Witherzilla, ChaosWither, WitherStorm, ChaosGuardian, Titans, etc. kakiku2021 651 2022-03-27 06:53
Legacy Patch Patches mods in old Minecraft versions that no longer function properly heldplayer 222 2022-03-24 11:55
Lambda Craft LamdbaCraft adds new mobs, weapons and items from half-life to the minecraft world. ZiREX_CHAT 338 2022-03-23 09:39
FeatureCreep A Modloader for Making Version independent Mods asbestosstar 58953 2022-03-23 00:47
POLVO LUMINOSO TOOLS Add craft with the luminous dust. FreedomPro2004 51 2022-03-08 12:51
Speed-switchable Tools tools which can switch the BreakSpeed イワライナー 371 2022-03-08 02:08
Dimensional Teleporter Teleporter イワライナー 319 2022-03-08 01:52
TITANIUMORE Is a mod that adds a new ore. FreedomPro2004 65 2022-03-06 11:51
Not Enough Energistics Better JEI/NEI integration for AppliedEnergistics2 vfyjxf_ 786362 2022-02-25 10:02
Plants-to-ores Do you want to plants ores? With this mod you can plants ores. aminrayo1234 353 2022-02-21 22:25
Only Realistic Mobs removes all mobs that are not realistic ichatchi 4352 2022-02-21 21:58
Lucky Block Drops items, spawns mobs, structures and more! player_in_distress 1029615 2022-02-19 09:31
TFC+ Adventure Adding more utility tool and food to TFC+ 草莓龍醬 375 2022-02-15 16:40
[FLAN'S CONTENT PACK] Coco's LBD Pack Pack who contain the French LBD cocola6t 1538 2022-02-14 23:31
Naruto Kamui Naruto Kamui Core, the Naruto Mathiokes mod addon! xano52 6197 2022-02-13 04:33
Lavamelon Melon that produces lava イワライナー 266 2022-02-12 07:16
GExt The powerful and flexible OpenGL GUI extension stannismod 120 2022-02-07 18:39
Biome ID Extender Extends biome ID limit, allowing over 256 biomes in the game. tclproject, HRudyPlayZ 1017 2022-02-07 13:42
McBot🔗 Adds chat linking between QQ and Minecraft and QQ commands to request server data. cnlimiter 4387 2022-02-07 01:07
BotConnect🔗 Adds chat linking between QQ and Minecraft and QQ commands to request server data. cnlimiter 2107 2022-02-07 01:07
OptiCubes Optimizes your bases! Time_Conqueror, Socolio 292 2022-02-05 16:47
Classic Ben 10 3 Watches, 27 Aliens and a load of enemies. What could go wrong? danielcc9999 11357 2022-02-05 00:00
Infinity Water Bucket Allows the Infinity enchantment for Water Buckets using an anvil, providing an infinite portable water source. Lava, Milk, Powdered Snow too CoolSimulations 161763 2022-02-04 14:27
Memory Cleaner Reforged This mod is a port of the Memory Cleaner Mod for both newer and older versions. tristanmisja09 0 2022-02-04 00:59
RPG Stamina Adds a stamina bar to minecraft, inspired by RPGs. tclproject, HRudyPlayZ 893 2022-02-03 18:42
Tainted Magic An add-on to Thaumcraft 4 that explores the darker side of Thaumaturgy. tadashi_3 1368654 2022-02-02 16:25
Immersive Snowgen Spices up snow generation (a little) tclproject 487 2022-02-01 19:34
StarWars Craft Starwars lightabers guns and more in minecraft. dodokp26 510 2022-01-30 09:11
Concrete And Marble Mod 2 many marble, concrete and so on イワライナー 608 2022-01-28 08:45
Ars Magica 2 LE A fork of AM2, for casting spells and fighting bosses with magic Technoparadox 4083 2022-01-26 10:06
Ears (+ Snouts/Muzzles, Tails, Horns, Wings, and More) More skin customization options for just about every version + skin backports for pre-1.9 versions. Skinport port patch texture fix unascribed 1004813 2022-01-24 22:30
[Flan's Content Pack] Custom Rifle Pack Create a unique rifle using the attachment system con_man180 3816 2022-01-23 22:24
Burger Mod (Forge / NeoForge) A fun little mod that adds in burgers and other types of food to extend the vanilla food experience! AutovwDev 410853 2022-01-23 13:10
TerraMisc for TFC+ Misc, Magic, and More! nuckable 936 2022-01-22 09:43
Options Enforcer Modify values in options.txt and other top-level config files, and copy files from a subfolder into the mods folder AstroTibs 5049 2022-01-20 01:29
Enchantment ID Extender Extends enchantment IDs from 256 to 4096. tclproject 2066 2021-12-30 10:16
Aggressive Chickens Make your chickens be more aggressive! papadave66 5080 2021-12-29 07:08
ViaRewind Allow 1.8.x and 1.7.x on your newer server creeper12312332 9433 2021-12-28 15:33
Eras of Arda: The Second Age Legacy submod The hub for the Eras of Arda submods of both the 1.7.10 versions of The Lord of the Rings Legacy mod by Mevans and the Renewed First Age addon for the 1.16.5 The Lord of the Rings Renewed mod TepelStreeltjes, Sindavar33, Valiec2019 1082 2021-12-26 04:23
PlumePack WW1 - Flan's mod version! A WW1 flan's mod contentpack! plumepack 22280 2021-12-24 15:41
Additional Buckets Adds different types of buckets to the game DimensionsInTime 94 2021-12-23 19:23
ParadiseMod Paradise, pizza, wine, weapons, debug stick, command block, etc... SpaghettiGamer09 0 2021-12-18 12:08
Chisel Unofficial: Novus A port of Chisel to newer environment hye0ngit 638 2021-12-18 09:03
DeeperCaves DeeperCaves mod Valiec2019 1973 2021-12-13 16:51
Log4JPatcher A java agent to patch the CVE in L4J2 Official_CreeperHost, CloudyPSP, covers1624, Paul_T_T, Gigabit101, Jake_Evans 5296 2021-12-11 09:26
Log4J2 JNDI Exploit Fix This mod fixes a critical vulnerability in Log4J2 in conjunction with JNDI. sfPlayer1, modmuss50 2143 2021-12-10 08:23
Log4jExploitPatch NukeJndiLookupFromLog4j - Prevents a major vulnerability from being abused Rongmario 581 2021-12-10 03:34
Inventory Tweaks ExtraFoamy Assorted bugfixes for older InventoryTweaks versions. asiekierka 4431 2021-12-05 16:08
Real Stars Star Blocks for WarpDrive Technoparadox 2743 2021-12-04 13:57
Flans API Grants access to Flans Mod from bukkit/spigot plugins atomatotige 157 2021-12-04 12:53
Buildcraft Compat BuildCraft Compat is a BuildCraft addon designed to add cross-mod compatibility with other mods. Forge_User_75087269, buildcraftdevteam, AlexIIL 10094838 2021-11-27 14:23
APortingCore A mod that helps launch mods from new versions xKAIIIAKx 1811 2021-11-26 17:42
FloatingItems Makes items float like 1.13+ for 1.7-1.12, works server-side and on single-player too CoolSimulations 1191 2021-11-25 05:31
Matter Overdrive but with Infinite Replication Requesting Fork of 1.7.10 Matter Overdrive that allows you to request an infinite amount of an item from the Matter Replicator. (So it will continuously replicate that item forever) TheUnderTaker11_ 270 2021-11-24 04:19
SimpleThermosFix Fix some issues about Thermos server passenger_xe 77 2021-11-21 22:07
flans mod ww2 its a mod that adds planes and guns and wtanks to minecraft timgamesdomskegrappen 8384 2021-11-20 11:59
Metaworlds Unofficial An Unofficial Continuation of the Metaworlds Mod tclproject 275 2021-11-16 23:01
Solar Flux: Reboot Adds Solar Flux Reborn solars panels in 1.7.10 ! VadamDev 860 2021-11-15 23:52
Practicalities Magnet Keybind Mod Adds a keybind to toggle the Practicalities Item Magnet and Rare Earth Magnet on and off with a single keybind TheUnderTaker11_ 88 2021-11-11 02:49
Staff Of Traveling Keybind Client side mod which simply adds a keybind to use staff of traveling! You heard right, this will work even if it's only on your client!! TheUnderTaker11_ 11817 2021-11-10 23:12
ModDirector A mod to automatically download and load other mods before starting RealHansWasser, janrupf 450860 2021-11-06 18:16
DynamicLights Patch A Dimensional Blacklist addon for Dynamic Lights Technoparadox 3673 2021-11-05 09:05
Pumpkifiction A small addon for Thaumcraft 4 containing the very single fun-made wand focus mudresistor 208 2021-11-03 10:51
Just Road Stuff A fork of RoadStuff to remove the cruft dylanlogan2581 221 2021-11-03 06:58
M i n e c r a f t API (unofficial) MinecraftAPI イワライナー 1223 2021-10-31 03:19
Envirorot Enviromine food rotting without the rest. dylanlogan2581 92 2021-10-29 20:50
ElegantNetworking This is a framework that makes it easy to write networking code in mods hohserg1 41576 2021-10-27 17:10
Cave & Cliff Fundamentals Adds Very Basic 1.17 Snapshot Content to 1.7.10 and New Content that Compliments it aetherlegacypro 2177 2021-10-26 00:51
Enderlicious New End Terrain and Biomes DelirusCrux, Roadhog360 4452 2021-10-25 08:45
OMT - Lost Era Fork of Open Modular Turrets Technoparadox 2701 2021-10-22 11:19
GT4 Uncomplications Adds compatibility between Gregtech 4 and Uncomplications Technoparadox 2661 2021-10-22 11:00
Bare Ruins Enables compatibility between Fastcraft and Ruins Technoparadox 2828 2021-10-22 10:58
Fastcraft+Ruins Patch Enables the functioning of BareRuins Technoparadox 3768 2021-10-22 10:32
StatuesMod Fix A few small fixes for StatuesMod tclproject 705 2021-10-20 12:44
Vending Block Revived Simple blocks allowing safe trades between players TungstonMiner 675 2021-10-20 01:16
FancyDiscord Message transmission between Minecraft server and Discord channel. s99889989 4287 2021-10-19 09:33
Aroma Dimensional Fix Attempts to fix 1.7 Aroma Dimension Technoparadox 2887 2021-10-18 18:56
Entity Render Distance Extender Extends from how far away entities render. tclproject 2508 2021-10-15 19:26
Avatar: The Last Blockbender Avatar on Minecraft luimar321 232 2021-10-14 14:13
BetterGeo BetterGeo is a mod with more geology for Minecraft! We have increased the geological content and also made it appear more like reality by adding rock types, minerals, metals, gemstones and exciting areas of application for the new materials! sgusweden 63371 2021-10-14 07:09
Bane Tooltips Mod A Lord of the Rings addon that displays the progress toward a bane DarthChurros 562 2021-10-13 21:41
ism,instant structure mod this mod allows you to have structures with just one click felicefeli 0 2021-10-12 09:54
PlumePack: National Forces Flan's contentpack with french law enforcement uniforms plumepack 2290 2021-10-11 11:35
abm this mod add 10 beautiful sword based on anime xost4 277 2021-10-07 19:53
Stacy's Wolves Additional Wolves for different climates, mobs and ores! stacyplays, Lyrael_Rayne, burymaddie 322239 2021-10-04 05:26
RecipeConflict Fixer NoMoreRecipeConflict fixed to work on Tinkers'/Natura tables Jonius7 2333 2021-10-03 04:26
Biome Decoration Fix Fixes those pesky 'java.lang.RuntimeException: Already decorating!!' crashes tclproject 3975 2021-10-02 18:50
SCP Decoration Blocks Декоративные блоки из SCP , Decorative blocks from SCP Anon272 0 2021-09-27 14:40
CastomBlocks A mod that adds custom blocks to the game and diversifies the game barzoy 28 2021-09-24 15:09
[Flan's Content Pack] Last Winter Modern Warfare Content pack for Flan's mod which adds Modern Weapons! Akira_Moontail 2917 2021-09-20 22:05
LevelLib This is a support oscar213567 49219 2021-09-08 10:40
TFCTech Addon (TerraFirmaCraft+ Port) TFCTech Addon (by Shurgent) ported to TerraFirmaCraft+ 96mr 12 2021-09-07 15:06
LargeEnderChest Poor man's substitute for a backpack mod tclproject 142 2021-09-06 06:26
No Void Fog Simple - Removes void fog tclproject 338 2021-09-05 21:59
Mob Spawning Fix Fixes issues introduced by render distance controlling chunks loaded tclproject 3275 2021-09-05 15:49
PlumePack: Vietnam A Vietnam-themed flan's mod content pack made by _Plume! plumepack 1561 2021-09-05 10:43
Cosmic Horizons - GalactiCraft Addon Galacticraft Addon: Maximum upgrade of Solar System! the_genius64 225 2021-09-03 20:03
[FCL] Fexcraft Common Library Library with inbuilt API and some Util files. Ferdinand 500576 2021-09-01 12:11
Integrated mobility cdmx and transports of Mexico Mexico city subway mod harrygamer74tv 297 2021-08-31 17:18
[FLAN'S CONTENT PACK] Coco's Crane Pack a Crane in minecraft cocola6t 34 2021-08-30 20:20
[FLAN'S CONTENT PACK] Coco's Drone Pack General Atomics MQ-1 Predator cocola6t 0 2021-08-30 20:12
Akuto Engine Mods akuto2 38493 2021-08-29 17:07
[FLAN'S CONTENT PACK] Coco's SNK Pack Shigenki No Kyojin Pack cocola6t 242 2021-08-28 16:17
No Enchant Cap (Legacy backport) Backport of AmyMialee's No Enchantment Cap to Legacy Fabric PseudoDistant, AmyMialee 1943 2021-08-27 21:18
AnTitanic Make boats not painful to use in 1.8 and 1.7 PseudoDistant 159 2021-08-27 17:07
Alt HUD An alternative heads-up display for minecraft. tclproject 155 2021-08-27 15:23
Kingdom of RIN | Blocks New Blocks for Minecraft 1.7.10 Ninifey 251 2021-08-27 07:12
Rail Plus (unofficial) R+ イワライナー 1653 2021-08-27 00:38
GalaxyAspect Items, Armor, Weapons, Skills, Ores tclproject 217 2021-08-25 22:33
Richard's Coffee & Tea Mod A mod that adds coffee and tea to Minecraft along with everything required to create them. Includes Coffee and Tea bushes, cups, mortar and pestles, and potion effects. All items have 3d models. RichardPlaysMC 37358 2021-08-25 01:56
MCPlus Remastered MPlus Mods enhances our adventures in Minecraft without making the game too easy Ninifey, brandyum 270 2021-08-20 19:54
Old Backrooms The Old Backrooms, the Backrooms from my own interpretation! LudoCrypt 655 2021-08-20 01:34
PSWM-Fix (Deprecated) Does nothing anymore (used to fix bugs in Parzi's Star Wars Mod, has been merged with it) kb1000 108480 2021-08-16 04:39
No Poles Prevent the creation of nerd poles by jumping and placing blocks. [nerdpoles] Kreezxil 108019 2021-08-15 22:39
Real Time Chat Translation Mod Translates the Minecaft chat in real-time! Ringosham 103795 2021-08-14 12:01
Naruto M Hello! This mod is called a naruto M and its a configuration of naruto C that has multiplayer enabled, but with the classic naruto c mod settings. yxsfmc 1 2021-08-11 10:54
LOTR UCP It`s a addon to LOTR Mod AlgorithmLX 1144 2021-08-06 17:03
Durability Speed (Legacy Backport) Backport of AmyMialee's Durability Speed to older versions of Minecraft PseudoDistant, AmyMialee 286 2021-08-04 05:09
JinGames Notes and Tomes A customizeable book creator mainly for Forge 1.7.10 Servers NagyBenjamin97 2531 2021-08-04 04:21
Quant Energy IC2 addon that adds more machines and tools DarkShinigani 0 2021-08-02 19:41
AsakusaLib Lib with kotlin and some utils DarkShinigani 88 2021-08-02 19:40
ServerStop A small server-side Minecraft mod that auto-shutdowns a server at a certain time on a certain day. Supports 33 Languages. CoolSimulations 2469 2021-08-02 16:13
Looking At Display information of the block / entity in debug info . Kaiz_JP 67 2021-08-01 07:21
Just some Chocolate. Adds Chocolate. Because why not! (My first mod) The_Gamingb3ast 215 2021-07-30 17:54
LitLaunch Custom Modloader for versions 1.7.10-1.15.2 Codetoil 2598 2021-07-30 04:16
Lotr Survival Exported A Singleplayer Item editing mod maximustheminer 131 2021-07-26 00:07
Whatsapp Ore Mod Adds Whatsapp things to the game. PaoDeChapeu 1867 2021-07-25 19:33
[FLAN'S CONTENT PACK] Coco's Musket Pack Musket for everyone ;) cocola6t 2234 2021-07-22 14:54
Useful Emeralds -RP112 Adds New Items To Make Emeralds Useful richyplays112 1037 2021-07-19 22:35
mxt's THE BUIDERS SUPER WAND a buiding tool which can be so powerful theinecraftplayer 2 2021-07-19 07:53
mxt's You are God mod makes you a god with absalute power theinecraftplayer 0 2021-07-19 07:35
Raider Explosions and Base Reinforcement REBR, Raider Explosions and Base Reinforcement, base, C4, explode, tnt, rust, raider, fortification, privatization mrkt0to 1537 2021-07-18 16:22
MXT's entity 303 mod arch enemy of herobrine. he can summon creepy methods to kill you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! theinecraftplayer 1 2021-07-18 14:13
Darwin Sprinting System Sprinting System & Stamina Management Ninifey, brandyum 56625 2021-07-16 23:40
Toasted Bread And Wheat Flour This Is A Small Mod That Adds Toasted Bread And Wheat Flour RichyPlays112 4259 2021-07-14 02:36
Stuff Is Cool 2 - RP112 Its Another One Of My Dumb Mods''' OP!!! richyplays112 1988 2021-07-13 05:57
Stuff Is Cool - RP112 Adds Stuff That My Cousins Designed Including Me richyplays112 3 2021-07-11 16:36
MegamanLegendsCraft add MegamanLegends blocks and items Ryiun__ 1638 2021-07-11 09:54
Binding of Isaac Heart Mod This mod adds in 4 hearts from the Binding Of Isaac games! Ninifey, brandyum 1561 2021-07-10 11:39
ExtraCells2 - SamLam140330's Fork Giving you more extra cells and some other stuff for Applied Energistics 2 SamLam140330 498211 2021-07-06 17:17
TFC+ NEI TFC+ NEI Addon mabrowning 14485 2021-07-05 19:06
ATSAssistMod ATSAssist can easily build a railway signaling equipment. Kaiz_JP 388 2021-07-04 06:13
Random Resources Randomly appearing in your world! moondroid2pt0 327 2021-07-02 19:32
The Herobrine Mod (Classic) The classic mod for 1.7.10 SrKolobanov 9663 2021-07-02 16:11
Hatted Want a hat? moondroid2pt0 2827 2021-06-29 19:45
StealthMod StealthMod is a mod with various minerals and tools thefiery_ 6667 2021-06-29 12:50
Hbm's Nuclear Tech Mod but its a different version RBMK in curseforge modpacks, neato! Gordon_Freemin, HBMTheBobcat 2187 2021-06-26 07:29
Flying Cullers Calculates a framerate-based dynamic render distance for entities and tile entities AstroTibs, jss2a98aj 1524 2021-06-26 01:47
JinGames Years C Select an age and get old. NagyBenjamin97 165474 2021-06-24 22:03
FIRST-PERSON WITH HUD! First-Person Realistic Mod rippertroll 0 2021-06-18 21:58
slashblade addons-------finalblade adapted from stredge universe???/????(better) adbbart 41 2021-06-16 12:44
slashblade addons---stredge universe a op slashblade that does a trillion damage adbbart 1 2021-06-16 10:22
mo'herobrine this mod adds more herobrine ( alot (20)+weapons and items) adbbart 1 2021-06-16 09:44
PlumePack: On the way to the Eastern Front! A WW1 Flan's mod content pack! plumepack 1741 2021-06-13 11:59
Buildcraft Extention Add Lapis Engine イワライナー 1781 2021-06-10 15:48
It's the little things Enable changing of the minecraft icon, title, and adds other little options. Allows adding a dedicated server to the modpack Zlepper 22118670 2021-06-02 16:52
Super-Ability Tools A mod that adds more powerful tools and items itzduhkevin 15132 2021-06-01 00:27
MetaScrollChanger MetaScrollChanger is easily changing the Meta of a block/item. Kaiz_JP 73 2021-05-31 13:53
SoundLimitExtends This mod extends simultaneous audio playback to 1024. Kaiz_JP 747 2021-05-31 13:39
Nevermine Exp-Skill Addon for AoA adding a magic book for leveling skills pulxes_ 547 2021-05-29 07:51
mxt's tutu mod the starongest boss ever made for 1.7.10, it will take 999999*999999 hits with a diamond sword to kill him theinecraftplayer 746 2021-05-25 08:13
GT6 Ore's Prospector ore helper alexamway1988 4 2021-05-23 02:07
Days mod This new mod has arrived to burst dias_rp 7 2021-05-20 16:28
Barış's Music Player Listen to music with your friends! bariss26_ 815 2021-05-16 16:31
MEJORES MOD A mystery mod mejorescraft2 3103 2021-05-16 01:52
✨🎈 MEJORES MOD 🎈✨ The Firts year of the mod :D MeJoReScRaFt5 1594 2021-05-16 01:52
Witherite Armor Stronger but expensive labnetic 2 2021-05-15 20:34
FlyCommandMod add /fly command hamusuke2303 30634 2021-05-15 14:11
Careful Cast Corrector [CCC] Fixes Worldgen Spawner Speiger 122803 2021-05-15 04:53
TyroMod Tyrolium Modde TheMaximeSan 275 2021-05-13 20:52
Flumpt! Adds three blocks, Flumpts, in three different colors. moondroid2pt0 180 2021-05-12 22:17
GT6 Ore Helper Add GregTech 6 ore worldgen info to NEI Zuxelus 1611 2021-05-12 19:13
Naruto armor!(1) Naruto Armor goshort112 3593 2021-05-03 08:14
Anime Battle mod Play with the most famous swords of anime KillXda 0 2021-05-01 17:06
CodeChickenCore Base common code for all chickenbones mods. Chicken_Bones 27696196 2021-04-30 12:18
[FLAN'S CONTENT PACK] Coco's Civil Outfit Pack This is a content pack for Flan's Mod Ultimate. cocola6t 4477 2021-04-27 08:56
[FLAN'S CONTENT PACK] Coco's French Firefighter Pack This is a content pack for Flan's Mod Ultimate. cocola6t 3394 2021-04-27 08:52
[FLAN'S CONTENT PACK] Coco's Riot Pack This is a content Pack for Flan's Mod, need Flan's mod ultimate cocola6t 4787 2021-04-27 08:47
Beyond Space [Module for Galaxy Space] Extend horizons! BlesseNtumble, Asek3 20289 2021-04-26 14:18
GVC Dungeons The dungeon mod frou01 25493 2021-04-23 14:02
Advanced Utilities A bronze age tech mod. sudwood 1846 2021-04-22 23:23
Assassin's Creed Parkour Mod This mod was specifically made to add parkour mechanics into Minecraft. gorax42 3715 2021-04-22 21:56
Copious dogs!!! Copious dogs mod for 1.7.10 oPnda 10580 2021-04-20 14:10
Where Are The Ores? An Addon for NotEnoughItems to show Generation-Data of all your Ores! glowredman 500 2021-04-18 20:03
TOO MANY LOGIC Add logical things that should be there, like items, blocks, and crafts. HDDandSDD 7554 2021-04-15 19:32
More Plates Revamped This mod adds more gears, plates and rods to materials Mostafa55 367098 2021-04-15 17:59
Random Mod of Random Randomness Just Random Blocks. Highly Configurable DelirusCrux 145 2021-04-15 17:14
Shipwrecks! Adds shipwrecks to oceans and beaches ThWinslow 429762 2021-04-14 06:29
Fixed Pastebin Computercraft ALL VERSIONS! Pastebin command is fixed shadow_mpxgacha 22 2021-04-13 11:37
Heart Crystal The Heart Crystal mod allows you to mine heart crystals, which are found deep underground. When you mine one, you can eat it to gain one heart of maximum health! jobicade 2063 2021-04-12 13:41
AsphaltMod MOD that adds many Japanese roads and related accessories to the Minecraft world. Muka2533 26241 2021-04-11 13:16
Trollebas Pack (RTM) Pack in overhead contact wire Trollebas 2525 2021-04-10 19:51
Naruto destiny+Textures Slajman1337 New textures for some armor,new sharingans,new techics icons kitakillgame 6 2021-04-09 12:39
NeptuneFX Jomcraft Network custom GUI rendering engine PT400C 122414 2021-04-08 10:45
Bleach Reborn This mod was originally created by Littlebreadloaf, then picked up by Goddess, now Oreo mainly leads development. goddess2197 26378 2021-04-07 21:11
Manamod Radish tools and armor ダイコンツール及び装備 usun3n 284 2021-03-30 11:59
Herobrine Inventory Mod Ready to get the powers of Herobrine? SehajPlays 20483 2021-03-29 10:14
Birds of the feather reborn Instructions: In the creative inventory will be check new tab with feathers and the all of creatures it will be in miscallerous tab tab sharp447 4060 2021-03-29 09:34
MobDeleter You don't have to be afraid of monsters lausiv1024 442 2021-03-28 23:00
RubyCraft. Este Mod añade Objetos Basados en el Ruby y más. This Mod add different Object Based on Ruby joelgamer2 8303 2021-03-28 14:06
Nuclear Science Nuclear Science is a Minecraft Mod for version 1.20 focused around nuclear physics that introduces many new machines/blocks and items into the game. aurilisdev 875406 2021-03-27 23:18
Comes alive em Português is a mod from comes alive with another language so that players with preference in the language placed in this version can play, and facilitating the gambling of each player who previously had difficulty with other languages LordSrR 19947 2021-03-27 14:48
Tiny Tree compact tree イワライナー 208 2021-03-23 06:32
AkutoLib ModsLibrary akuto2 44870 2021-03-21 02:47
Skulls and Monkeys A mod that introduces the mystical monkeys, evil villager-eating simians. gbv1436 9882 2021-03-21 00:29
MedaCraft_KD Medabot / Medarot Anime and manga mod for Minecraft. Customizable battling robot pets. KnightDemon_ 4482 2021-03-20 23:16
ServerSync Sync server and client mods to make updating easier for developers. superzanti, rheimus 48515 2021-03-19 06:11
MFC- MoreFoodContent You need food? elitecute_ 287 2021-03-13 15:31
Bansōkō [絆創膏] - Mod Patcher A simple coremod that streamlines patching of mods. Rongmario 179534 2021-03-09 16:54
Plume's Deutsches Afrikakorps content pack a flan's mod content pack about the african theatre of WW2 plumepack 3137 2021-03-08 20:32
Torch Attack (unofficial) break gravel or sand quickly イワライナー 215 2021-02-28 22:57
D33 Rolls-Royce Package Package for Soviet Flans which adds Rolls-Royce vehicles. NewViStudios 3924 2021-02-28 07:39
Aluminum Utility This Mod adds Aluminium , Tools and Cheat items lausiv1024 70 2021-02-27 00:47
ExtraPlanets An advanced Galacticraft Addon MJRLegends 17237063 2021-02-23 16:24
SkinPort This mod adds rendering support for the new skin format introduced in minecraft 1.8 LainMI 109444 2021-02-21 20:08
TFC+ Quick Pockets TFC+ Addon that simplifies and streamlines inventory management. blatblatnik 661 2021-02-21 18:42
Mimicry mod 1.7.10 mod for minecraft for resourse null_evoy 267 2021-02-21 10:49
ScudMissileMod-Addon-Nuke Add Nuclear Scud Missile [ Scud Missile Mod Addon ] scudbeetle 1828 2021-02-19 11:27
Scud Missile Mod Add [Scud B Missile] & [MAZ-543] scudbeetle 32812 2021-02-19 11:19
Aegis Weapon System -Warship's Mod- Missile Defense System in Minecraft !! minecraft_defense_force 21059 2021-02-19 04:29
Naruto C 1.7.10 Naruto C TailsIsHere 8 2021-02-17 01:42
CastleBlocks Alternative to chunk claiming, build castles instead! jusipat 387682 2021-02-16 20:49
Botdustries addon for GTNH bot_365 54 2021-02-14 15:48
AniSkin Animated skins of any resolution AlexSocol 110 2021-02-12 13:53
NEI LOTR FA A NEI addon for the "The Lord of the Rings: The First Age" submod. The_Ranger_Malvegil 3977 2021-02-11 22:12
MoegAddon A GregTech6 Addon yuesha_yc 22159 2021-02-11 14:43
TFC+ Thin Ice Adds dangerous thin ice to TerraFirmaCraft+ Dinglydell 781 2021-02-08 21:23
Millennuim Racer Blocks All textures are created by Creat Studios, 1999. cingulari 975 2021-02-08 17:18
Nef's Medieval decoration Medieval furniture neoelfe0 3572541 2021-02-08 08:19
Electromagnetic Coherence Adds a laser, the power of which depends on the redstone signal winter_man8367 5306 2021-02-06 10:02
Terrafirma Botania-TFR Plant magic in Terra Firma Craft yuesha_yc 24818 2021-02-03 16:05
D33 BMW package Package for Soviet Flans and FVTM which adds BMW vehicles. NewViStudios 7073 2021-02-02 16:32
D33 Vaz package Package for Soviet Flans which adds lada vehicles. NewViStudios 23663 2021-02-02 16:05
Diamonds Compressor SP Compress diamonds. mfe_24 212 2021-02-01 20:47
TFC+ Addon: TFCDecorations TFCDecorations adds various decorative items to your TFC+ world. DEMMERS, nuckable 8131 2021-02-01 15:37
TerraFirmaCraft-TFR TFC for Modpack Terra Firma Rescue yuesha_yc, dashuaibiaa, duck_egg123 27548 2021-02-01 04:44
Dracona TFR Spawns Chao Dragons on Dracona Planet yuesha_yc 20250 2021-02-01 04:32
Modular Force Fields Systems Modular Forcefield Systems is a mod designed to provide forcefields in minecraft. It is based on the old voltz mod mffs however it is updated to the newer versions of minecraft! aurilisdev 253052 2021-01-31 16:33
Electrodynamics Electrodynamics is a Minecraft Mod focused around science and technology that introduces many new machines/blocks and items into the game. aurilisdev 1220988 2021-01-31 16:29
TFCPrimitiveTechPlus This mod adds Slinghot and paper processing to use with TerraFirmaCraft+. lfaoanl 1178 2021-01-28 15:16
SPORThappy Just a fun mod based on a strange label I've read on my classmate's backpack zEvilCube 117 2021-01-28 14:23
FoxBlocks Building Block Mod for MC 1.7.10 Bidahochi 210 2021-01-26 17:13
PetCo Core PetCo Base mod for the PetCo Addons Murdy007 1707 2021-01-26 08:38
PetCo Whiskas Addon Adds Whiskas petfood to Minecraft! Murdy007 1577 2021-01-26 08:35
PetCo FancyFeast Addon Adds FancyFeast petfood to Minecraft! Murdy007 1204 2021-01-26 08:34
PetCo Froyo Addon Adds Frozen Yogurt to minecraft! Murdy007 1233 2021-01-26 08:32
PetCo Purina Addon Adds Purina petfood to Minecraft! Murdy007 1211 2021-01-26 08:31
PetCo Dine Addon Adds Dine/Sheba petfood to minecraft! Murdy007 1180 2021-01-26 08:27
TFC+ Cellars TFC Cellars addon ported to TFC+ mabrowning 5922 2021-01-23 18:36
Mo' Pickaxes Mod actualizado this mod adds too many spikes game version 1.12.2 / 1.11.2 / 1.10.2 / 1.8.9 / 1.8 / 1.7.10 kronotoxxgamer 4344 2021-01-22 21:23
MLP Mythical Creatures Most Things are based from stuff in MLP and Mythology, others are either real, or just Completely made up by Me. OfficialHurricaneSHLBHP, SuTw 19943 2021-01-21 16:37
EpicProportions Mod This is a mod based on PopularMMOS EpicProportions series. jtrent238 83710 2021-01-19 16:49
KPC Mod (Forge) Powerful Weapons, Armor & Tools with Unique Properties thekitchengaming 458 2021-01-19 03:49
SpecialArmor Add some armor with spécial capacity. PowerFloyd 5 2021-01-16 14:18
Nbtedit for aternos For Aternos so everyone can change Nbt data Ingame instead of doing it out of the game bread344 2633 2021-01-10 08:36
GolfCraft A small mod that adds golf clubs and balls. MineCake147 114 2021-01-09 03:26
D33 Lexus Package Package for Soviet Flans which adds Lexus vehicles. NewViStudios 1499 2021-01-05 15:11
Kingdom of RIN | Mobs The mobs of KoRIN Ninifey 2021 2021-01-05 06:40
Better Questing - NPC Integration Adds support for using NPC dialogs and factions within Better Questing Funwayguy 572540 2021-01-02 01:33
GraviSuiteUnoficial 1.7.10 Addon`s fly to IC2 Chocohead 13037 2020-12-31 06:21
Wings Horns & Hooves, the Ultimate Unicorn Mod Adds unicorns, pegasi, nightmares, and destriers, new horse equipment, cross-breeding, custom horses, and more! KaneApollo 2931957 2020-12-30 05:24
Star Miner Anti Gravity Mod 24FeiFei 10740 2020-12-28 09:25
Decimation - Zombie Apocalypse Guns, Zombies, and War. What else could you want?! Decimation is a Minecraft Gun and Zombie Apocalypse Mod, consisting of guns, war, tools and features that create the ultimate Zombie Apocalypse experience! BoehMod 2425532 2020-12-27 22:15
Mekanism Patched Mekanism with all dupes and crashes fixed for 1.7.10. Made for the Voltz Community Modpack kmecpp 148187 2020-12-26 18:09
OC Patched Patched OpenComputers made for Voltz Community Modpack kmecpp 10217 2020-12-26 15:35
Dimensional Anchor Chunk Loader für die minecraft Version 1.7.10 | Chunk Loader for minecraft version 1.7.10 Toy_Freddy0193 31271 2020-12-25 17:34
DuplicatorTree This is the Duplicator Tree from OreSpawn jtrent238 29025 2020-12-25 03:54
DiscordIntegrationUnofficial Discord - Server Integration Miradae 72 2020-12-23 17:44
The Lost Records This mod adds in all the lost records of Minecraft! jtrent238 43573 2020-12-23 03:55
Uplink - Discord Presence Uplink adds Discord Rich Presence integration into Minecraft ijo42 4325 2020-12-22 21:06
Auto Reconnect Easily reconnect to the server kizinvanya 7386 2020-12-20 14:46
Architecture Utils convenience wands for building イワライナー 175 2020-12-20 08:00
D33 Porsche Package Package for Soviet Flans which adds Porsche vehicles. NewViStudios 2264 2020-12-19 08:36
D33 Skoda Package Package for Soviet Flans which adds Skoda vehicles. NewViStudios 1115 2020-12-19 08:34
Combo Armors Make your ultimate IC2 armor Zuxelus 13039 2020-12-16 16:12
Ore Scanner Overlay Scanner with support for all ores 4gname 652 2020-12-16 04:09
LOTR Drp (UNSUPPORTED ) A Discord Rich Presence For The Lord Of The Rings Mod Otis_Goodman 15706 2020-12-15 14:12
Otaku Craft Mod Mod of various Animes joaquin295 2963 2020-12-09 16:11
D33 Ford package Package for Soviet Flans which adds Ford vehicles. NewViStudios 19610 2020-11-28 11:19
D33 Dodge Package Package for Soviet Flans which adds Dodge vehicles. NewViStudios 3455 2020-11-24 17:02
PacketAPI PacketAPI kkashmir 132 2020-11-22 13:16
D33 Chevrolet package Package for Soviet Flans which adds Chevrolet vehicles. NewViStudios 3120 2020-11-18 20:30
A Cobblestone Crafting Table Mod adds new Workbench to the game! NeversXD 411 2020-11-17 23:41
Dense Collectors [1.7.10] Adds additional tiers of neutron collectors to Avaritia to ease grind and tps issues as... Asek3 1568 2020-11-15 08:11
Monospace Font Monospace Font for Minecraft papadave66 376 2020-11-13 14:46
SpongeMixins In short, a mod written by "TimeConqueror" Mod that improves and fixes Thaumcraft NEI Plugin Time_Conqueror 28593 2020-11-11 17:47
Recurrent Complex Unofficial Bugfix continuation for the great mod of Ivorius Miradae 105595 2020-11-11 11:34
Almor Mod A mod for all PvP Faction Mods! Nyrxi 2 2020-11-07 21:25
PEEX Mods akuto2 21353 2020-11-05 10:33
Multipurpose Tools Simple mod for adding multipurpose tools(multitools) VVowaz 9339 2020-11-04 19:22
Penny arcade i dont know bertzuwlp 483 2020-11-03 17:11
Tiny Teleporter (unofficial) Tiny Teleporter イワライナー 755 2020-11-02 13:28
Small Stairs (unofficial) 1/3 Stairs イワライナー 405 2020-11-02 13:22
Solomons Rod (Iwaliner) (unofficial) Solomons Rod (Iwaliner) イワライナー 330 2020-11-02 13:00
Eraser Bomb (unofficial) Eraser Bomb イワライナー 216 2020-11-02 12:37
NARUTO MOD BY ILIACOOL mod for minecraft 1.7.10 about anime naruto ulqiorra 2598 2020-11-02 12:36
Damage Tilt Tilts camera in the direction of damage. Restored 1.2.5 feature. Charles445 1852825 2020-10-30 23:18
Hedaox's custom Race mod A custom Race mod for DBC ScuffedMikey 513 2020-10-27 23:31
joint block con este mod podras crear mechas de dos patas y de cuatro patas incluso con seis patas también coches tanques y helicópteros sansreaper87 2042 2020-10-27 13:56
Terrafirma Loading Screen-TFR A Customized fancy loading screen for the modpack Terra Firma Rescue yuesha_yc 22994 2020-10-26 03:41
SupernaturalMC the tv show supernatural most liked characters lord4hurricane 365 2020-10-24 19:11
Amaleaf's_Expantion_World_MOD Add multiple ORES and ITEMS amaleaf703 164 2020-10-24 07:16
Magical Materials This is a test mod to see if I can create mods to be a content creator. isaac26042010, PongysProductions 1065 2020-10-19 15:19
Online Card add a online card Is_GK 773 2020-10-13 02:43
Alexandrite And More A mod that adds armor, tools, blocks, mobs, and more. maceswinger2000 476 2020-10-10 23:46
Pin Share the pin with everyone! Kokoa0429, sjcl, azure_crystal_ 272 2020-10-08 00:32
Ascended Ores New ores, materials, armours, and tools NemuiOW 208 2020-10-06 05:18
Arcana Rpg Arcana RPG Mod 1.7.10 is an rpg mod centered around magic, mobs, bosses, dimensions, and dungeons ivelliosgamer 12978 2020-10-04 13:03
TipTheScales Allows for more options when adjusting the GUIScale option as well as making it a slider. Jaredlll08 47841034 2020-10-01 21:31
Cyan Warrior Swords Mod This mod adds new swords with different habilities. You can upgrade and mix them to obtain the hability that fits you the best. juanra_mw 724956 2020-10-01 08:07
deports mod irgv Sports mod there was no before Irvingg2212 2 2020-09-30 05:16
Witchery Master Patch Vampires die to the sun? NO! zdeadmito 5444 2020-09-29 15:59
JavaFX Dependency A JavaFX dependency required for some of King Mammoth's mods. PulseBeat_02, MalekiRe 851 2020-09-22 15:16
Infinity Cobblestone Cobblestone Generator イワライナー 992 2020-09-13 05:39
No Nether Needed - Resurrected Removes the need to visit the nether. SnowShock35 3011 2020-09-11 10:00
Naruto Anime Mod Plus+ Naruto Anime Mod with extra content (Multiplayer Working) Ninjaespio1000 315871 2020-09-05 20:50
Matoi Vanilla Pack (RTM) Пакет моделей для RealTrainMod в стиле Minecraft. Pack model for RealTrainMod in Minecraft style. Trollebas, FrozeRain 21735 2020-09-05 20:07
Modklingen Mod This mod is made for anyone who wants stronger equipment. superfreekyt 2376 2020-08-30 10:52
GravityWorld Add gravity to game ! now forge and fabric ibon972 17742 2020-08-30 07:53
Waystones Jawsawn Fork Updated the 1.7.10 version so you can click and teleport between waystones without the warp stone. Following blay09's MIT License jawsawn 10465 2020-08-27 11:52
Glass Pipe add speed keep pipe sousuke0422, hmhm009 797 2020-08-26 11:40
Sword art Online MCSAO finalmente un mod para aquellos que juegan en esta version y hacen sever mediante aternos como yo RedWinter140 5067 2020-08-26 02:22
World Trigger anime series and manga World Trigger. yuting1 1144 2020-08-25 15:59
Naruto Eternal Life Addon for naruto anime mod joaquin295 316356 2020-08-24 16:42
Little Blocks Server not my mod jag3r6 67 2020-08-24 13:28
Conflict in Harmony Backported Allowing conflicting keybinds for some older versions of Forge sschr15 30590 2020-08-23 16:15
Numina Patched Patched version of Numina for MC 1.7.10. Fixes the sprinting animation bug kmecpp 32099 2020-08-23 16:10
Simple Godmode Enables godmode by command Br1ghtP3ssimist 3562 2020-08-20 06:31
Hamsterrific - Restored This mod adds in Hamsters to Minecraft! LightEchoes 6804 2020-08-18 05:48
HEXCraft HEXCraft is technology and decoration mod inspired by XyCraft. celestekteam 58425 2020-08-17 00:21
Eki Mod A station decoration mod based on 1.7.10 Station Mod! ChAoS_UnItY_ 8729 2020-08-16 08:11
RetroFuturistic Mod that adds blocks from 1.16.1 to 1.7.10 Veritaris 239 2020-08-12 19:26
PowerCraft 2 He is back! DannikInfo 2344 2020-08-12 09:24
Sponsor A mod can show patrons when players join world youyihj 383 2020-08-01 04:16
Just Another Simple Leather Mod Make Leather! Real16Bitboy 1027 2020-07-31 17:22
TFC+ Cellars Updated Preserve food in root cellars Mabmoro1 4084 2020-07-31 16:08
Mending for Older Version Add a Mending Enchant to 1.7.10. イワライナー 3362 2020-07-29 06:05
The Elemelon Mod Adds in elemental melons into Minecraft jawsomejasper 646 2020-07-26 21:43
TFR Tech Addon Fork of Shurgent's TFCTech Addon for modpack Terra Firma Rescue yuesha_yc 22687 2020-07-24 17:17
Advanced TFR Rocketry Advanced Rocketry for Modpack Terra Firma Rescue yuesha_yc 26638 2020-07-24 17:11
Alchemy Grate Addon Block for Advanced Alchemical Furnace TechnicianLP 1024 2020-07-22 18:58
realm mobs, weapons, ect zcopey 0 2020-07-17 12:01
Armourer's Workshop Cosmetic weapon and armour skins. RiskyKen, SAGESSE32 4404307 2020-07-14 23:10
Pastels Adds pastel styled blocks to your world. znick__ 1757 2020-07-12 22:27
RideOn Can ride entity morimori0317 13895 2020-07-07 12:12
SkyLandsForge World generator special for Sky Block Survival asd1995sse 3470402 2020-07-04 13:04
Gems & Jewels Tax Villagers, Crowns, Create support, Crystals, Ores for ruby, sapphire, amethyst, opal, topaz, and 18 other new gems, more uses for diamond and emerald, hundreds of new tools, armor, bows, crossbows, crystals sea_leaf 1282845 2020-07-02 00:31
The Power Rangers Mod Become Power Rangers in Minecraft RevenantHero_, oghero61 11244 2020-06-29 00:57
Вращение Земли Майнкрафтская (Accurate day/night-cycles Mod) Accurate day/night-cycles and time-speed mod for Minecraft - Make your MC days last longer than 20 mins - Now with varying day lengths Sedridor77 297576 2020-06-28 23:54
Getting Information get informations of block or item in Japanese イワライナー 105 2020-06-28 12:41
Meta Changer to use metadata blocks in survival by using Resource Packs イワライナー 388 2020-06-28 12:15
Spaghetti Bolognese Revival A revival of the 1.1 Spaghetti Bolognese mod and others by said author DrTinyFace 332 2020-06-28 09:48
ExtraBlocksy Extra decoration redstone lamps and sound blocks PT400C 204 2020-06-27 10:41
Power Rangers Grid Power Rangers Mod [ KennayePlayz 4 2020-06-25 19:42
Garbage Energy Get the Energy from your garbage! jikoto 346 2020-06-25 10:31
Advanced Solar Panels Old Old version of Advanced Solar Panels mod MRom1337 722 2020-06-25 08:13
NEI LOTR A NEI addon for the "The Lord of the Rings" Mod. The_Ranger_Malvegil 118817 2020-06-23 10:49
Lord of the rings m0d Lord of the rings Forge_User_26181340 2897 2020-06-22 12:18
Advanced Rocketry Mod that adds buildable Rockets and planets to the game zmaster587 18522483 2020-06-21 12:09
Soviet Flan's mod d33 soviet flans mod NewViStudios 38094 2020-06-21 06:34
D33 Cadillac package Package for Soviet Flans which adds Cadillac vehicles. NewViStudios 1492 2020-06-21 06:31
D33 Nissan package Package for Soviet Flans which adds Nissan vehicles. NewViStudios 4503 2020-06-21 06:25
Planetoids Generate worlds made of planetoids! HyperLemonPL 1103 2020-06-20 14:23
Middle-Earth Industry This mod brings some automation into the Middle-Earth SOLs_Gaming 983 2020-06-19 23:29
NetheritePlus+ Not Just Backport. Forge 1.7.10, 1.8, Fabric 1.14-1.15 Asek3 10000 2020-06-18 14:49
Middle-Earth Thaumaturgy This mod brings Thaumcraft's gadgets into the Middle-Earth. SOLs_Gaming 11337 2020-06-17 06:57
Inventory on death Mod keep the items when you die Ninifey, brandyum 490 2020-06-14 04:02
OMT Patched Patched version of OMT for 1.7.10 kmecpp 14182 2020-06-11 23:29
naruto dojutsu mod This is an addon mod for Mathioks naruto mod growtgid 66146 2020-06-11 08:38
Inventory Tweaks PFAA ITweaks optimized for TFC yuesha_yc 24535 2020-06-09 12:07
Awakening Load A custom load screen for Awakening modpacks. theshadowake 115412 2020-06-09 09:48
Random mobs mod This mod adds 125 mobs to Minecraft just completely utterly random but funny mobs. proxwarrior33x 1802 2020-06-07 21:17
Awakening Cursor Custom cursor for Awakening theshadowake 97 2020-06-06 19:15
Advent of Ascension (Nevermine) A massive exploration and RPG mod with thousands of items, hundreds of mobs, 20+ bosses, and 20+ new dimensions! Scimiguy 5796608 2020-06-06 02:16
Gear O' Plenty A mod adding tools and armor for Biomes O' Plenty Gemstones rstryke 271 2020-06-02 21:16
SiberiaMod This mod makes Minecraft as it should be: hardcore, harsh, moderately realistic and unforgiving. TwZerus 3075 2020-05-28 03:32
Muka Structure Mod Add a large number of building material blocks with a Vanilla Minecraft feel. Muka2533 6200 2020-05-27 07:37
Animal Crate Transport TFC animals. yuesha_yc 23058 2020-05-26 03:20
VanillaGenControl Controls additional Spawns of Vanilla Plants like Pumpkin and Big Mushrooms DelirusCrux 202 2020-05-23 23:43
GT6 Tweaker MTUtils with GT6 Tweaker completed and supported. yuesha_yc 21689 2020-05-23 05:59
BoP Quicksand Reducer Reduces the ammount of Quicksand that generates with BoP DelirusCrux 716 2020-05-22 18:45
D33 Plymouth Package Package for Soviet Flans which adds Plymouth vehicles. NewViStudios 1455 2020-05-21 17:35
HarvestCraft GenControl Set Biomes for HarvestCraft with IDs instead of BiomeTags. DelirusCrux 1216 2020-05-20 15:33
TPS Mod This mod allows you to measure the tps of a server on a client without a mod required to be installed on the server. Codetoil 9461 2020-05-15 21:35
More Objects Mod 0 sha3ow_sp3eds_yt 1021 2020-05-13 07:17
KekzTech A mod to add some content to GT: New Horizons Kekzdealer 19714 2020-05-12 10:55
FancyTab Adds a custom tablist msgaming8 1080 2020-05-12 08:24
Tiempo This mod add to your minecraft a experience of naruto ex: learn chidori rasengan summon gamabunta of naruto create your history in world of naruto pedro081229 8 2020-05-11 11:11
D33 Gaz package Package for Soviet Flans which adds GAZ vehicles. NewViStudios 5264 2020-05-11 09:38
D33 ZIL Package Package for Soviet Flans which adds ZIL vehicles. NewViStudios 4695 2020-05-11 09:20
D33 Tesla package Package for Soviet Flans which adds Tesla vehicles. NewViStudios 5617 2020-05-11 09:09
D33 Global Rims Package Package for Soviet Flans which adds various rims. NewViStudios 1094 2020-05-11 09:04
D33 Lamborghini Package Package for Soviet Flans which adds Lamborghini vehicles. NewViStudios 10421 2020-05-11 08:50
D33 Mercedes package Package for Soviet Flans which adds Mercedes-Benz vehicles. NewViStudios 1741 2020-05-11 08:40
D33 AZLK Package Package for Soviet Flans which adds MZMA / AZLK / Moskvitch vehicles. NewViStudios 2566 2020-05-11 08:32
Custom Crafting Ingredients Adds Some new crafting ingredients SuperRedingBros 100 2020-05-10 23:05
TFC-Additions This TFC addon adds Chisel(the mod)-like function to the TFC chisel, but does it the "TFC-way". raymondbh 959 2020-05-09 18:19
MoreUpgrade MoreUpgrade | | 1.7.10 FrostBrekerTV 125 2020-05-09 12:37
Mo'Burnables mod Mo'Burnables is mod that allows you to make things burnable. Also adding some new fire mechanics. pet055 647 2020-05-08 18:48
Call to Battle Auto-Updater WIP Auto-Updater for Call to Battle so that downloading the new version is no longer required CallToBattle2 32515 2020-05-07 23:13
NetherUpdate Netherite [Forge] this mod adds the Netherite in 1.7.10, 1.12.2 and 1.14.4 FrostBrekerTV 9252 2020-05-07 17:05
Better Questing - Standard Expansion Standard tasks, rewards, importers and themes for BetterQuesting Funwayguy 28339762 2020-05-07 02:15
Better Questing A new and improved questing mod for Minecraft pack creators Funwayguy 29001423 2020-05-07 01:08
Frost Arium The simple and easy mod FrostBrekerTV 506 2020-05-06 18:10
Forge NBTEdit In Game Forge NBTEdit In Game juplutune1290 170135 2020-05-06 10:31
Silmarillion mod The Silmarillion based off mod lord4hurricane, elmatadordelmarsalazar 2062 2020-05-06 01:44
Naruto Final Destiny Este mod es una modificacion del mod de mathioks PlayerOfGamesOver 400150 2020-05-05 08:06
DirtToDiamonds MOD Mod para transformar tierra a diamante loladeso 23 2020-05-05 00:57
Dbc Warriors V1 Dragon Block C hyperfireblack 1 2020-04-30 16:18
Egg Auto Hatch Hatch eggs for you papadave66 1829 2020-04-28 15:19
ObsGreenery New Trees, New Logs, Multiple Planks Styles JimMiningWorm 130 2020-04-28 08:14
EnderIO Unofficial EnderIO for 1.7.10 Zokonius 107329 2020-04-27 22:03
IC2 Crop-Breeding Plugin Adds a Ingame Breeding Calculator into the Game Speiger 447327 2020-04-27 14:00
Swylands Generate aesthetically pleasing skyblock islands. swyftgaming 1140 2020-04-27 06:28
DBCOmen MUST BE USED WITH DBC Odyssey2020 1 2020-04-25 16:03
UniQ Unify all the things. fake_domi 10063 2020-04-24 00:56
biospheres Advanced Biospheres Mod! [WE ARE BACK] the old mod that was not updated was from 1.5.2-1.6.4,the old one was made by wolfyuuuu 26412 2020-04-19 08:09
Naruto Strike Mod An alteration of the famous Naruto mod by Matthioks! vfoxes_yt 7596 2020-04-19 05:20
Better Questing - Quest Book Adds a quest book to Funwayguy's Better Questing Mod Drethic 15662071 2020-04-18 19:43
Anchors Modern chunk loader on fuel for Forge 1.7.10 Gunirs 2052 2020-04-16 05:13
Killer Pacman Killer pacman for curseforge SpagBagg 8850 2020-04-15 13:42
Arcane Arteries Using other magic mods to reduce the grind of early game Blood Magic maxish0t 797770 2020-04-14 19:24
Naruto Obeme Lox Mod Modified Naruto Anime Mod by Obeme Lox obeme_lox 117945 2020-04-14 11:20
Glowstone Ores Glowstone Ores NeversXD 443 2020-04-13 14:28
MyCommands server and client Commands Lordwissend 524645 2020-04-12 21:26
SurReel A new massive cavern discovered between hell and the surface, with characteristic from below and above. Leo_Emo_Rev 615 2020-04-12 16:15
CB's Derp Loader Fixes CB's Dep Loader by hacking it in weird ways. ThatGamerBlue 1546 2020-04-10 15:12
MegaPlanets MegaPlanets denfop 1120 2020-04-09 18:47
Nashorn (Custom NPCS ECMAScript) Enables the Custom NPCS ECMAScript feature. mutoplay2015 8046 2020-04-09 04:40
Advance of Mine This is a mod that adds several new itmes, weapons and ore. Forge_User_82188725 0 2020-04-07 20:05
To Much tnt Too Much TNT add 48 Dynamits and TNT. kemot240 46247 2020-04-07 19:31
Night Vision Decay Fix Patches night vision decay pulsing BuiltBroken, QueenOfMissiles 582 2020-04-06 19:28
TwoTility Blocks and Items for a better Minecraft TwoThe 2548 2020-04-06 13:11
D33 Lincoln package Package for Soviet Flans which adds Lincoln vehicles. NewViStudios 1479 2020-04-06 07:33
Signpost Signposts for teleportation and decoration Gollorum 9242770 2020-04-06 00:25
Bleach_KD Bleach mod based on the anime and manga made by Tite Kubo. KnightDemon_ 411415 2020-04-03 21:27
Bleach_KD - A Bleach mod Bleach mod based on the anime and manga made by Tite Kubo. KnightDemon_ 381802 2020-04-03 21:27
D33 Bugatti package Package for Soviet Flans which adds Bugatti vehicles. NewViStudios 4641 2020-04-03 07:51
OptiFine Fixer Removes the tile/entity count from the OptiFine TPS info text kmecpp 33261 2020-04-02 16:44
MineTogether A Minecraft mod that enhances community and server features, such as global chat, chunk pre-generation, auto server join from protocol uri (via FTBApp), friends lists, private chats and many more features linked to the MineTogether platform. Official_CreeperHost, covers1624, Gigabit101, Jake_Evans, CloudyPSP, Paul_T_T 24601173 2020-04-02 11:47
SolidBlocks Adds tons of solid-colored blocks only. BrytonBro 279 2020-04-02 08:52
Better Burning Improves the burning and fire mechanics of Minecraft. DarkhaxDev 9638621 2020-04-02 05:30
A Cheese Mod This mod adds various cheese items, armor, and tools! DaRubyMiner 4601 2020-04-01 20:45
Pirates mod This mod add pirate and ships. kemot240 1747 2020-04-01 17:56
NEI Recipe Handlers A recipe handler API on top of NEI The_Ranger_Malvegil 115964 2020-03-31 20:38
Colorful Items Mod Foods, Tools, Armors etc. YahyaOyunda1 157 2020-03-28 12:06
D33 Toyota package Package for Soviet Flans which adds Toyota vehicles. NewViStudios 3930 2020-03-28 08:49
Vacuum Horizon Vacuum beyond thw horizon... RonFall 2084 2020-03-25 10:31
Not Enough Characters Enhanced Chinese search in NEI 1.7.10 balthild 35943 2020-03-24 09:45
CCRailcraftAspects A mod that allows you to control Railcraft signals with a ComputerCraft peripheral TehPeachMaster 13 2020-03-20 20:01
MineChem Recompile MineChem recompiled for your entertainment VoidedYourWarranty 12766 2020-03-20 01:00
ASMC Backports sounds to earlier Minecraft versions AstroTibs 66140 2020-03-15 11:32
PvP Utilities Lots of utilities for Minecraft PvP, including limiting playtime, limited lives, XP-limiting and commandlogging. Rsge 619 2020-03-12 21:44
UpdateCheckerMod for minions serv UpdateCheckerMod minions Forge_User_82828459 0 2020-03-08 23:31
Super Unusual Pack/Mod um its my first mod A_single_apple 1762 2020-03-03 23:00
MT LOTR Minetweaker integration for the LOTR Mod The_Ranger_Malvegil 1990 2020-03-02 16:49
SmoothStoneBlocks Adds smooth stone block to minecraft TwiistsGaming 6378 2020-03-02 09:18
Steve's Bizarre Adventure Mod based around the franchise Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. KnightDemon_ 701226 2020-02-27 16:58
Progressive World Cleanup Slowly removes unwanted blocks from the world QueenOfMissiles 1636 2020-02-27 04:52
Ruby By imxiaoanag Ruby comes back! imxiaoanag 232 2020-02-22 07:11
Advanced Solar Panel For 1.7.10 (Unofficial) Adds new Solar Panel For Ic2 JarviceOne 179761 2020-02-21 09:43
config helper configure your modpacks with ease jredfox_ 755 2020-02-16 20:46
Silk Spawners Modded Edition Makes the ability to drop spawners with silk touch in the most advanced configed way possible jredfox_ 157065 2020-02-16 06:18
Evil Notch Lib A Library and API for both java and Minecraft jredfox_ 196587 2020-02-15 22:53
Spawn Property Controller Mob Spawner Ninifey 221 2020-02-15 13:25
Enet Bridge EnetBridge allows to use the RF and FZ Charge APIs from the IC2 energy net. The transition is without converter blocks or nasty hacks, it's just using the delegate capabilities of the IC2 energy net API to do so. JarviceOne 3309 2020-02-15 07:09
DupeMod Enables duplicating items in MCForge Versions ScribbleLP 15365 2020-02-10 19:04
True Invisibility Edits how you're seen when invisible. KnightDemon_ 299815 2020-02-10 12:46
Mandalorian MC Mod Compatibility Mod for the Mandalorian MC Modpack notsofunalex 12810 2020-02-09 07:00
Equivalent Exchange Revived A tiny mod to bring you back the original Equivalent Exchange 1 expreience. kspalaiologos 10883 2020-02-08 15:26
TFC+ Addon: TFC-Tweaks TFC-Tweaks to make TFC+ just a little better than it already is. Or easier? DEMMERS, nuckable 7139 2020-02-06 17:42
Apples+ Adds many new and exciting apples to the game. Blackiron989 140914 2020-02-05 12:15
SwordEnchantments Adds some enchantments SOTAGummy 2379 2020-02-03 12:23
[DEAD] Just Path The paths from 1.9 to 1.7 VadamDev 500 2020-02-02 13:18
MPM LOTR Integrates MPM with the "The Lord of the Rings" Minecraft Mod The_Ranger_Malvegil 8437 2020-01-31 13:41
Tile Accelerators Blocks to speed up things. Zokonius 34138 2020-01-31 11:34
What Should Be in MC (WSBIM) An all-around minecraft mod, that adds improvements to the UI and gameplay. FinalKillGaming 6455 2020-01-30 06:09
Potion Shards Adds over 20 new ores to your world. Each ore drops a different shard that can be activated to give you a potion effect. MinerKreep 465 2020-01-30 01:09
Not Enough Ores Adds 6 new ores into the game. flapflops 3351 2020-01-27 00:27
Arkif's Hoverboard Mod Adds futuristic, upgradable hoverboards powered by Redstone Flux along with machines to craft them. Arkif100 103457 2020-01-25 21:37
Extra Rubies Adds Rubies back into Minecraft minecraft201k 279 2020-01-20 02:24
bartworks A Gregtech 2 port with extras StreamHero 38541 2020-01-18 11:30
Server Tab Info A client and/or server mod that gives nice a way to view the mean tick time and ticks per second (TPS) of the game black_dog20 8746103 2020-01-18 08:15
Cities Deco Mod (Formally Saracalia's City Mod) More Decorations for your Minecraft World. doniroyjackson, Ferdinand, Saracalia 91807 2020-01-17 03:02
Cubics Mod We promise you: Unprecedented, resources, compatible and which does not require resources. Forge_User_11160877 16 2020-01-15 18:47
SummerMods A mod created by Summer for Summer Forge_User_61112432 683 2020-01-15 12:52
Craftable Chain Armor This mod allows you craft Chain Armor! officialzackattack 384 2020-01-14 22:54
Compressed Grass Grass Storage NeversXD 236 2020-01-14 15:30
Wallpaper Craft Legacy A decoration mod for Minecraft 1.7.10. oliviaoliviasson, TheRealForceX 92054 2020-01-13 13:58
Simple World Timer Minecraft mod of configurable timer for displaying world, in-game or system time. FoxAhead 307247 2020-01-12 18:44
TFC Metric An add-on to TerraFirmaCraft that converts food weight units to metric. tadashi_3 810 2020-01-12 17:49
Block Blocker Event Prevention for Blocks Kreezxil 37977 2020-01-12 13:39
TheAlfigame_deco https://thealfigame.com Forge_User_01805592 0 2020-01-11 18:56
Military Base Decor (dead) Mod aimed at providing military decorations for several different tech Eras QueenOfMissiles, Hennamann99 61781 2020-01-01 05:14
Assembly Line Automation, Crafting, and Robotics QueenOfMissiles 59380 2020-01-01 04:58
BlutmondCore Core mod for the mods by our DevTeam ProfessorAkaChris 347 2019-12-30 16:59
Sekwah41's Naruto Mod A mod based of the hit anime series Naruto Sekwah41 1690905 2019-12-30 00:47
Lan UPNP Port Forward your minecraft from lan to the internet using UPNP jredfox_ 98382 2019-12-29 06:48
Metro in Motion A content pack for Trains in Motion adding metros from all around the world! Oskiek, Ondar111 212 2019-12-27 22:06
Trams in Motion A content pack for Trains in Motion adding trams from all around the world! Oskiek 2723 2019-12-27 22:04
Mine Mine no Mi An adventure focused mod inspired by the One Piece manga WyndFTWz 5663675 2019-12-27 16:03
EpicProportions Mod -- Christmas Addon This is a Christmas add-on for my mod PopularMMOS EpicProportions Mod [Season 9] . All work is by me. jtrent238 37376 2019-12-26 01:22
Bidahochi's American Pack for Trains in Motion (BAP) A Content Pack for the mod Trains in Motion that specializes in North American rollingstock. Bidahochi 13 2019-12-24 05:42
Serene Seasons Seasons with changing colors, shifting temperatures, and more! TheAdubbz, Forstride 38580003 2019-12-23 01:06
Jaded NEI Adds NEI support to minetweaker 2 Tecrogue 357727 2019-12-21 09:29
PhareSoint Allows you to share waypoints with other players TeamDman 305 2019-12-17 09:05
JadedLibs Library downloading tool for JadedPacks Tecrogue 347417 2019-12-17 05:29
Jaded Menu A custom main menu for JadedPacks Tecrogue 371722 2019-12-16 03:12
Shinobi Mod 2 HUGE UPDATE -Adds the Akatsuki from Naruto tjray3403 26795 2019-12-15 22:57
Mooblooms and Mooshrooms (BoP Edition) Mooblooms and Mooshrooms for Biomes O' Plenty DelirusCrux 88007 2019-12-15 18:30
NEI Emmaitar A NEI addon for the "Emmaitar Mod" The_Ranger_Malvegil 4614 2019-12-15 12:07
Interstellar Reborn The movie interstellar lord4hurricane 190 2019-12-12 13:55
Advanced Lightsabers Adds nearly 420 trillion combinations of unique, advanced lightsabers. FiskFilleAR 1176414 2019-12-09 20:49
CraftTweaker CraftTweaker allows modpacks and servers to customize the game. With CraftTweaker you can change recipes, script events, add new commands and even change item properties! Jaredlll08, kindlich, TheSilkMiner 179312558 2019-12-08 22:23
Rulecraft Characters adds a group of new characters lord4hurricane 295 2019-12-04 04:18
MCLink Automatic Twitch/GameWisp/Patreon Whitelist Management Dries007 7688 2019-12-03 23:16
Blocklings for older versions a NOT official port of blocklings for older versions of minecraft, because this page doesn't have the mods for the old versions elnacho2000 12007 2019-12-02 13:45
Coloured Food Mod A mod that adds food in all colours! ombrepanda1 1 2019-12-01 14:50
Mod Name Tooltip Unofficial [1.7.10] Mod Name Tooltip mod for 1.7.10. This is unofficial! jbredwards 1300 2019-11-26 19:26
PaintBall Mod Explode Their Base minecraftixpll 3062 2019-11-22 08:47
Small Boats mod usable craft that have animated parts, working chests, and can carry multiple passengers. Boats include the Elegant Punt, the Whitehall, and the Hoy. minecraftixpll 18403 2019-11-22 08:11
All-U-Want Create and edit items, entities, spawners, and more! minecraftixpll 7203 2019-11-21 19:57
Lusty Lavender A fork of Electrical Age with more features! jrddunbr 2452 2019-11-21 01:17
Creative Swords Ultra strong, non-craftable swords! ada_studios 2808 2019-11-16 17:53
HMG-LMMLinker Add Maid mode which gunner of HandmadeGuns frou01 9159 2019-11-10 18:26
Track API A compatibility layer for train mods cam72cam 2357118 2019-11-10 14:18
Ordinary Coins Simple currency for server economy flametaichou 4989214 2019-11-04 09:18
Rediscovered Re-imagining lost features and concepts from Minecraft's distant past. ModdingLegacy, silver_david, KingPhygieBoo 380271 2019-11-04 04:41
TFC Fireworks Fireworks for TerraFirmaCraft svvvarg 5 2019-11-01 22:25
Easy Home Warp A small mod that adds simple warp commands StreamHero 12403 2019-11-01 11:55
Vic's Modern Warfare Mod 3D Firearms || HD animations || HD Warfare Vic4GamesTwitch 7966665 2019-11-01 02:53
EpicProportions Mod -- Halloween Addon This is a Halloween addon for my mod PopularMMOS EpicProportions Mod. jtrent238 37162 2019-11-01 00:50
HxC-Core Core mod for HxCKDMS KeldonSlayer, karelmikie3 156301 2019-10-31 15:01
Aurora GSI RGB lighting integration for Aurora. Forge_User_68881762, SexyMartian, Dr_Meteor 3334 2019-10-31 11:40
OreDictDumper Easily dumping all OreDict entries within a mod for FTB Gamepedia usage TheSatanicSanta 10422 2019-10-29 17:13
Security Craft Adds plenty of blocks and items to defend and secure your base with. Geforce132, bl4ckscor3, MasterPerki 57602330 2019-10-29 01:42
Fork-lift truck New Vehicle Ninifey 351 2019-10-23 17:12
LibVulpes Common Library required for my mods zmaster587 16445294 2019-10-20 01:25
UUID offline UUID needed in 1.7.10? No problem. Hacker6329 311 2019-10-19 23:24
Amun-Ra Upload Build your Star Ship in Galacticraft. wiktorco 5527 2019-10-17 18:28
Player Tracking 🔎 A PvP mod that encourages raiding. Allows the tracking of players via special trackers. Serilum 53169 2019-10-15 16:06
Healing Soup 🍲 [PvP Mod] Soup heals hearts. Adds recipes for chocolate milk, cactus soup and stew. Serilum 242104 2019-10-15 12:19
Not Enough Lucky Blocks Based on the Lucky Block Mod jtrent238 63493 2019-10-13 22:43
Mooblooms and Mooshrooms Adds Mooblooms, Brown Mooshrooms and Netherwart Mooshrooms to Minecraft Forge DelirusCrux 91048 2019-10-13 19:08
GregTech WeaponWorks Adds weapons and new machines to GregTech 6! SuperCoder79 1808 2019-10-13 12:35
DoublingTable Mods akuto2 12932 2019-10-12 10:50
Wild Netherwart Nether Wart growing wild in the nether DelirusCrux 70973 2019-10-02 00:38
QwerTech An overall expansion to GregTech 6 providing guides, tools, and more. QwertyGH05TY 11349 2019-09-25 23:32
Emergency Command Send server a command as soon as possible, hopefully before connection crash ElNounch 123 2019-09-25 22:45
TASTools Useful utilities for Minecraft TASing ScribbleLP 11414 2019-09-25 15:26
Parallel World Create a parallel world for the overworld and the nether. s920361 1373 2019-09-25 10:27
Smooth Entity Light Throw a torch on the ground and see it give off smooth light. LakMoore 9029 2019-09-22 17:55
TimerainCore Plushies, Dr.Gadget and more! Namensammler42 5176 2019-09-20 12:06
Cave Changes Very basic changes to the underground midgisaur 230 2019-09-19 10:59
InstantLava Create infinite lava sources just like water. Supports Forge and Fabric, 1.7.2-1.16.5 and 1.17-Snapshot. parlymc 99682 2019-09-17 14:40
TileEntityLimiter A very small server side only to limit the amount of tile entities per chunk & world MJRLegends 5685 2019-09-16 23:24
Forgotten Relics An addon to Thaumcraft 4 & Botania, built around discovery and usage of powerful artifacts. Aizistral 23060 2019-09-15 13:52
Naruto mod by Mathioks Test ace_zem 22899 2019-09-12 02:39
Better Invalid Session (Also works as ReAuth Addon) Modifies the default Minecraft kick message for having an invalid session to better explain how to resolve the issue if using a game launcher. All messages are configurable and the mod supports ReAuth as well. kmecpp 381490 2019-09-08 21:52
Stev's Apple Pie Adds a single food item, the apple pie. dinosaurrampage51 2325 2019-09-08 19:55
Dragon block C dragon ball super,Z y GT jj_ap_yt 12 2019-09-06 11:25
BIMAS The mod was created to play on older versions of Minecraft. And feel like the latest versions. Forge_User_54897814 5 2019-09-05 17:20
CraftItems Adds items for MineTweker creodenplay 185 2019-09-05 12:08
Swift's Water Craft 1.7.10 has always lacked hydro based things. This mod will support that by adding plenty of new features that are water based such as ocean mobs, water ore, water tools and much more! Swift's Water Craft will always be updating with new features. swifts_tech_talks 9 2019-09-03 20:20
The Farlanders This mod adds more Ender creatures to the game allowing the player to have more choices to trade, tame and enemies to battle. ModdingLegacy, Lachney, KingPhygieBoo 4046641 2019-09-03 03:38
Welcome to the Jungle An update mod for jungles, adding a little of everything. salvestrom 239953 2019-08-31 22:32
D33 ZAZ Package Package for Soviet Flans which adds ZAZ vehicles. NewViStudios 3507 2019-08-29 17:51
jrd's MoneyMod jrddunbr's MoneyMod - Money, in your game! jrddunbr 211 2019-08-29 02:30
Backpacks! Backpacks by Brad16840 Brad16840 4938146 2019-08-27 19:10
Lagenda Minecraft Lagenda is a mod that keeps growing. He is currently a small but fine mod but is getting bigger with new weapons, blocks and items. New biomes and new dimensions !! yourfavoritebikuta 9 2019-08-20 19:53
D33 Audi package Package for Soviet Flans which adds Audi vehicles. NewViStudios 9943 2019-08-20 08:54
OpenModsLib Common base used by OpenBlocks and OpenPeripheral OpenMods, 0x00716F62 55905267 2019-08-19 18:09
Occult Whispers A mod to add in religious practices into Minecraft corruptedsmoker 2549 2019-08-19 03:30
Sanchore This mod adds new ores to the game s4ncho0 271 2019-08-15 14:29
NonEvaporation Put water in the Nether. Supports Forge and Fabric, 1.7.10-1.16.2. parlymc 14919 2019-08-12 14:50
Good Night's Sleep Your dreams are new worlds for you to explore. ModdingLegacy, KingPhygieBoo 3382503 2019-08-11 17:24
Soul Heroes Pack What's this? This is a Hero Pack for the latest version of Fisk's Superheroes, made by FiskFille. notsofunalex 50742 2019-08-11 00:48
Invasions A mod that add a zombie raid wily_bst 11307 2019-08-10 13:07
OGPig: Birth of the creeper The Original Pig! jtrent238 37277 2019-08-08 17:22
Pocket Utilities Pocket-Utilities is a mod that adds in a portable version of crafting tables, furnaces, anvils, etc. jtrent238 232 2019-08-07 22:39
Agents Mod Become An Ender Or A Smith agent7playz 2491 2019-08-07 01:28
Soulbound Enchantment Soulbound enchantment, which keeps your items on death. Vova7865 7255 2019-08-06 19:05
MCTweaks WIP tweaks mod redstoneboy0509 96 2019-08-06 12:40
Yugioh Plus Every Cards of Yugioh in one Mod titoo8899 5171 2019-08-05 19:35
Eggy Goodness Adds edible eggs you can prepare in various ways and golden chickens and eggs. Senjin_the_Dragon 961 2019-08-05 12:40
Jaded OceanSpawns Enables spawns in ocean biomes Tecrogue 341728 2019-08-04 13:15
Concrete And Marble Mod add many blocks and support metadata resource pack イワライナー 1160 2019-08-02 05:09
[SBM] Colored Chests Chests with many colors BuiltBroken, QueenOfMissiles 80535 2019-07-30 12:24
SkyDreamMod Explore the new dimension netrolegend 10 2019-07-30 02:55
More Trophies (Massive Trophies) Adds more trophies to ObsTrophies mod jtrent238, JimMiningWorm 42363 2019-07-29 02:23
Come Closer Tweaks name tag render properties QueenOfMissiles 7641 2019-07-28 18:00
YumaLib Library for yuma140902's mods yuma140902 72 2019-07-28 07:57
The Flesh Mod A mod which adds various flesh-related items to your game! theStrobilus 700 2019-07-25 22:01
Dakimakura Mod A Minecraft mod that allows players to place dakimakuras on their beds and around the world. RiskyKen 70448 2019-07-23 18:13
Swift Dynamic graphics settings Paint_Ninja 4396 2019-07-23 14:30
Thai Fix A mod that can fix Thai language to display correctly. NickWildeTH 1864 2019-07-21 03:10
MoreEmeraldStuff Emerald Tools and more! Superior_Frog 39669 2019-07-20 18:39
Better Crafting Vanilla Add new craft and remove old craft of tools and other Forge_User_90719816 22 2019-07-19 11:29
TerraFirmaCraft - Hopeless Edit Disabled some features from TerraFirmaCraft. 코코냐 556 2019-07-15 06:22
StuffPack-1.0 Adds Modeled Blocks For More Creative Fun. snowielove1 366 2019-07-14 17:52
Tweaks for Galactic Science Custom Tweaks for Galactic Science SirWill 285381 2019-07-12 22:21
Vale of Shadows Stranger Things mod Forge_User_68784738 0 2019-07-09 14:18
Markiplier A mod that adds to the default game by adding a Markiplier boss and his various minions that assist the player in preparing to access the expansive and dangerous Markiplier dimension radbot_of_habsburg 251 2019-07-09 05:16
Command Blocks for Better Questing Makes updating packs easier! StreamHero 68101 2019-07-08 17:40
Blood Arsenal Vampire Patcher Vampire Costumes for everytime of the year. A few years too late. uvmidnight 3901 2019-07-08 16:25
Draconic Evolution Patcher Patches some stuff with old versions of draconic evolution. 1.7.10 only. Useful for chromaticraft users. uvmidnight 11623 2019-07-03 22:02
NepJr Mod NepJr's Mod gudak0_ 353 2019-07-02 04:05
FarLandsRestored Re-adds the Far Lands from Beta 1.7.3 and earlier Valiec2019 1318 2019-07-02 00:34
ExtraCells 2 Patched Patched version of Extra Cells 2 for the Voltz Community Modpack kmecpp 134181 2019-06-30 16:32
TFC Leather Water Sac 1.7.10 Leather Water Sac for terrafirmacraft. That's it MakovajaBulochka 79171 2019-06-29 10:19
Better Storage " It adds more storage options, like storage crates, backpacks, reinforced chests, lockers, armor stands, locks, keys and much more..." nmbr5 578749 2019-06-27 19:49
NVL's WarpDrive Extensions Add various blocks to support and ease Space operations and farming with CR0S / LemADEC WarpDrive MOD. Also adds useful new tools missing from vanilla MC. NVLMagic 236228 2019-06-27 18:11
Better Oceans Mod This mod adds in a bunch of stuff that makes the Ocean so much better eza317 231 2019-06-26 18:21
Vivecraft Forge Extensions Server-side mod for Vivecraft compatibility on Forge servers. Techjar 132296 2019-06-26 07:06
Wild Mobs More mobs & wildlife for a vanilla-like experience. Vamacher0n, DracoScythem 186087 2019-06-22 00:49
ECPhoenixCraft New Blocks, Items. Lickaaas 429 2019-06-20 06:31
MineReators2 um mod simples que adiciona algumas ferramentas uteis. Version2 TioCrowley013 386 2019-06-19 15:05
Better Sprinting New ways to control sprinting, sneaking, and flying. chylex 1151060 2019-06-17 05:03
Mining Helmet Mod Mining Helmet Forge_User_16701034 943 2019-06-16 22:23
Dipo's Money Mod Minecraft mod that adds Euro money. dipomc 57269 2019-06-16 22:20
Jaded Maps Singleplayer map templates Tecrogue 358518 2019-06-13 22:28
Dragon Block All Dragon Ball Z Mod super_kami_justin 47669 2019-06-13 00:06
ICBM - Classic Explosives, Missiles, and More!!! QueenOfMissiles 8096975 2019-06-12 04:28
ICBM - Interconnected Block Missiles Explosives, Missiles, and More!!! QueenOfMissiles 9291418 2019-06-12 04:28
Beast351x's Beast Craft Combining some of my abandoned mods into one. Beast351x 137 2019-06-11 19:25
FlenixCities Decorative things to build a city, plus a working economy! Fureniku 195744 2019-06-09 06:46
Fureniku's Roads Add all sorts of Roads to your Minecraft world! Fureniku 632902 2019-06-09 06:41
Decorative Blocks Mod Add Decorative Blocks jtrent238 39144 2019-06-09 01:07
Player Hunter Player Hunter is a mod that adds in a player hunter that will hunt players and kill them. jtrent238 1057 2019-06-09 00:41
jtrent238's Gem Mod Gems with special powers jtrent238 342 2019-06-09 00:14
jtrent238's Fancy Flower Mod This mod adds in a lot of flowers so far it only adds in 18 flowers. jtrent238 535 2019-06-09 00:02
jtrent238's Bag Mod Adds bags to Minecraft jtrent238 383 2019-06-08 23:53
OreDictionaryMaster Puts stuff from mods into the Forge OreDictionary that don't do it itself. jtrent238 3322 2019-06-08 23:41
NinjaStar Mod Adds NinjaStars to Minecraft. jtrent238 457 2019-06-07 21:59
Drinks Mod This mod adds in tons of new drinks 23 to be exact, more to come in the future. jtrent238 38241 2019-06-07 21:52
Doritos Mod This mod adds Doritos to Minecraft. jtrent238 39187 2019-06-07 21:41
jtrent238's YouTuber Mod Adds In Epic Youtuber Stuff jtrent238 38042 2019-06-07 19:55
Hammer Mod Adds tons of hammers to Minecraft jtrent238 50049 2019-06-07 17:56
Three Ore's This mod will add 3 new ores kedavras 77 2019-06-06 18:17
SharaXCommands Custom commands for SharaXOfficial's Minecraft server CarbonProton 106 2019-06-06 14:46
Ultimate Hunters A mod inspired by the weapons of the classic game Castlevania. zrrr2 1200 2019-06-05 15:44
Blue Ice Adds Blue Ice to Minecraft 1.12.2 SnowwyShiro 10099 2019-06-05 03:38
MobsAmulets Add amulets dncompany 16 2019-06-04 11:52
Tidbits Mod A standalone scaffolding mod for 1.7.10 by LogicTechCorp. ZippoMoon 498 2019-06-04 00:22
Carpenter's Blocks Customize your Minecraft world. _ForgeUser7446961, Mineshopper 21630830 2019-06-03 01:04
Doman's Additions A mod that adds interesting, useful, and inspired mechanics and objects. doman256354 394 2019-06-02 13:43
Jubby Sterf Fun sterfyness PresidentSnow39 170 2019-06-01 12:45
Minereators um Mod Simples que adiciona ferramentas Uteis TioCrowley013 264 2019-05-31 00:21
More Fun Quicksand Mod Adds 30 types of Quicksand and more! MrReallyBlackGoo 28779 2019-05-29 14:22
ChunkBorders Visualize chunk borders, locate chunk centers, and more. troyboy50 48565 2019-05-28 23:55
Kinetic Anti-Cheat Protect your modded server from cheaters. KAC helps block Xray, Pokeradar/Pixelradar and more SleepingTea, MrSoulPenguin 106725 2019-05-26 20:49
Endgame Materials Addons Some addons for Endgame Materials mastermelonx 355 2019-05-26 15:18
UsefulMisc Adds various building materials and much stronger materials to the game. ArchaeoAngie 1468 2019-05-26 10:31
Atlas' Library A loader for packs AtlasThe1st 2687 2019-05-23 06:31
Material Tweaker Customizable Tool and Armor Properties mooncat39 54 2019-05-23 01:32
Endgame Materials Some extra materials to help in late game! mastermelonx 800 2019-05-22 18:32
Modpack Configuration Checker A mod that allows modpack creators to display modpack credits and verify the modpack has been setup correctly. matt1235r 7826021 2019-05-19 22:29
Shingeki no Kyojin Based on the manga/anime by Hajime Isayama Dead_Tree_Bear 1383 2019-05-18 06:41
Crops ++ A IC2 Addon that focusses on extending the IC2 Crop Breeding System. StreamHero 59652 2019-05-17 20:05
M-BPS Patcher A bitwise Patching tool for Minecraft StreamHero 34903 2019-05-11 22:45
NewSaltCraft This MOD adds Japanese food and adds main salt and building blocks. shiotsu2 362 2019-05-11 13:11
CropLoadCore A small lib/ASM core for my mods. StreamHero 123198 2019-05-10 20:17
Monoblocks Blocks, items and other assorted doodads goldensilver853 136957 2019-05-09 23:13
Iron Tanks Expanding Buildcraft tanks similarly to the way IronChests expanded vanilla chests. SolderIO 486040 2019-05-09 08:11
Bit Moar Ores A mod that adds a LITTLE BIT of ores. glitchiiboi 4007 2019-05-09 03:57
MJUtils Mod-lib for MJaroslav's mods. MJaroslav 32069 2019-05-06 17:20
ThaumOres A small modification, additive Thaumcraft shards ore to the generation of the Nether, the End and bedrock layer of the Overworld. MJaroslav 53579 2019-05-06 17:12
SwSkin Skin again to version 1.5.2, 1.6.2, 1.6.4 and 1.7.10 SnowRunescape 1795 2019-05-06 02:21
Kroko's Youtuber Merch This mod adds Merch KrokoOnAir 6020 2019-05-04 16:15
Realistic Brewing Stand Little logical fix (in render) of the brewing stand. MJaroslav 6696 2019-05-03 22:55
Another Nether Expansion This mod aims to add more progression elements to the Nether ZMarotrix 151 2019-05-03 06:44
SlashBlade katana mod flammpfeil 3481746 2019-05-01 14:18
Xenorite Adding New Blocks & Items With A Good/Bad Effects! TechieCrow 28750 2019-04-27 12:12
Polycraft World Mod Not a stand alone mod, MUST be used in Polycraft mod pack. Frozen_Atlas 3484 2019-04-26 22:29
Utility Worlds Player-created useful worlds. Zarkov2 274220 2019-04-26 17:07
Workbench Plus A workbench that automatically refills when item runs out kojin15 2047 2019-04-26 11:31
NVL's Storage Blocks Add high capacity storage containers NVLMagic 6882 2019-04-25 09:59
NVL's Storage Blocks Add high capacity storage containers NVLMagic 3383 2019-04-25 09:59
NVL's Compressed Blocks This small MOD adds compressed variants of common materials NVLMagic 1656 2019-04-24 12:30
Contracts Randomly generated tasks! grodax_ 2854 2019-04-23 15:12
ZOI's MoneyMod It's ZOI's mod to add money in Minecraft. yukkuributa 125 2019-04-22 12:03
SwLatency Adds current latency to the HUD SnowRunescape 1792 2019-04-21 20:40
Chaotic Evolution A Draconic Evolution addon msgaming8 2 2019-04-21 01:59
Death Bags Bags. Of. Death! ...Or just a way to get your stuff back. codasylph 13006 2019-04-19 20:46
FastFlyBlockBreaking Allows to break blocks with normal speed when other mod enables flying in survival mode. barteks2x 259739 2019-04-19 01:28
Extra Crafting Storage Bigger AE2 Crafting Storages Zokonius 12225 2019-04-18 13:31
Yellow Dimension An Ore that Brings a lot of Things Hoster273 1582 2019-04-17 19:25
Invisible Blocks A simple mod to have invisible block VadamDev 1504 2019-04-16 09:08
Atlas' Server Utilities Adds functions and blocks/items mainly useful for use in a server AtlasThe1st 234 2019-04-15 17:40
Gravel Ores Ores but they are made of Gravel! B1ueN0va 401 2019-04-15 04:58
AnimalNet Catch mobs and animals with nets MrMarnic 569581 2019-04-15 01:48
Autofish Automatically reels in and recasts your fishing rod when you catch a fish. troyboy50 554864 2019-04-14 23:39
Flan's Mod Ultimate Ultimate version of Flan's mod vinidamiani126 73613 2019-04-14 17:30
Placeable Motor The mod let IC2 motor can be place. pinball3d 733 2019-04-14 08:37
Soul Sandstone Mod Finally a Sandstoneblock for Soulsand DelirusCrux 34986 2019-04-13 11:15
More Blocks/Armor Adds some coloured blocks to Minecraft. pistonunderscore 712 2019-04-12 10:55
Chest Hoppers Adds some hoppers with bigger inventory spaces. simplysimon0 264256 2019-04-10 20:26
CrashBandicoot Craft This mod add Crash Bandicoot's many box. Ryiun__ 4532 2019-04-10 16:07
PlayerLookDestroy Destroy Mobs or Player with one view! KrokoOnAir 42 2019-04-06 22:44
MatterLink Simple bridge between Minecraft, Mattermost, IRC, XMPP, Gitter, Slack, Discord, Telegram, Rocket.Chat, Hipchat(via xmpp), Matrix and Steam. NikkyAI 10869 2019-04-03 23:11
VE-FluidHandling Fluid module for Voltz Engine QueenOfMissiles 701287 2019-04-03 04:10
Modular Force Field Systems (MFFS) Use that extra power to protect your base QueenOfMissiles, Su5eD 3865718 2019-04-03 03:40
[DEAD] Basic Industry Base level content to start any industrial operation QueenOfMissiles 12346 2019-04-03 03:19
Addicted To Red More Restone, more devices, more Redstone fun QueenOfMissiles 30362 2019-04-03 03:01
Better Questing - RF Expansion Redstone Flux based tasks for Better Questing Funwayguy 1034881 2019-04-01 04:00
Melvin8D's Extra Blocks Adds Crying Obsidian, Glowing Obsidian and Reactor Cores into 1.7.10 melvin8dwiihax 286 2019-03-27 00:56
Damage Indicators Mod Displays current health and damage to creatures with ingame popoffs and a portrait. rich1051414 2451663 2019-03-26 22:48
WoolIntoStrings A mod that allows you craft a strings from a wool batratstd 908 2019-03-26 09:40
FantasticFish Fish Mobs and Improved Ocean Generation in 1.7.10 joetheantipro 11283 2019-03-25 02:00
IceCream world Add icecream in minecraft tugenocom303 58 2019-03-24 06:39
metllurgiya ada This mod allows you to merge the scrolls into one and make them tools of better quality. android8_stepashka 16 2019-03-24 06:30
Grindstone. The mod adds a grinding stone to the game for those who like to fight and attack. kirill_fantom1617 41 2019-03-24 05:01
Advanced Sharing Port forwarding becomes easier. urobbyu 5573 2019-03-24 01:37
Legacy MC Kotlin A Kotlin provider for 1.7.10 handicraftsman_ 212 2019-03-20 14:39
Recipes and More Recipes: Elytra, Horse Armors, Saddle, Rotten Flesh to Leather and more. Stacks: Boats, Beds, Cakes and more. Chainmail for Chainmail Armor. meldexun 21333 2019-03-19 21:46
Colored Porkchops Mod You can color Porkchop! サンキューリ 307 2019-03-17 03:25
Applied Integrations Add-on for mod Applied Energistics 2 azazell_curseforge 372066 2019-03-16 17:29
Multi-Hotbar Core Core Mod that Increases Minecraft's Hotbar to 36 Slots DoctorOfNone 79285 2019-03-16 05:15
Feruchemy Adds basics of Feruchemy from Brandon Sanderson's series, Mistborn MrDood1313 393 2019-03-15 00:10
NoDamI (No Damage Immunity) Every Hit Matters! How is a rightful hit [under certain condition] doing no damage acceptable? ProfHug0 268131 2019-03-12 23:46
Awakening Meats A selection of addition meat and fish for the Awakening modpack. theshadowake, DelirusCrux 119645 2019-03-12 15:26
Kinetic Add-Ons Add-Ons used in Kinetic Network's packs SleepingTea 22041 2019-03-12 00:30
Judgment API An API for Thaumcraft & MineTweaker 3, that provides additional possibilities in research customization Aizistral 1138 2019-03-11 13:15
DungeonTools v1.2.1 (Outdated) Adds various tools for Dungeons to be used in Adventure Maps. ASangarin 6304 2019-03-07 17:12
H Craft Easy life = Better life swifts_tech_talks 1946 2019-03-03 16:56
Project POWER A mod for those worthy nightwingcoder 426 2019-03-02 18:16
Nebulus Enter places that you’ve never observed, in a distant solar system. varahunter68 1944 2019-03-02 04:32
Random Teleport Block Adds a Block that, when right clicked; teleports the player anywhere within 10000 blocks of the original world spawn AtlasThe1st 32632 2019-03-02 01:22
Quiet Bosses Quiet Bosses is a client-side mod that stops any and all noises from boss mobs AtlasThe1st 7957 2019-03-01 08:50
Force Of Will A Whole Bunch Of Nothing Billeh007 102 2019-02-28 20:22
Xlv's Locks Locks for every blocks! kkashmir 1376 2019-02-28 06:19
Numina Various utilities machinemuse, lehjr 11780571 2019-02-27 23:30
NotEnoughIDs Extends hardcoded block id limit fewizz_, sfPlayer1 21673662 2019-02-24 08:20
Nomadic Tents Pocket dimensions -- set up your tent and keep everything in it! skyjay1 6804972 2019-02-24 05:52
NVL's Blocks Blocks which I think missing from vanilla Minecraft NVLMagic 7070 2019-02-21 11:59
Beyond The Future Tweaks My modpack Only zo_fei 441 2019-02-21 07:23
Key Combinations Key combinations system for old versions based on newest versions Forge key combinations implementation. austeretony 2753 2019-02-20 15:29
ReBind Ultimate control over the keybindings and more. austeretony 563171 2019-02-19 21:52
Notch Tools & Armor My Very first minecraft mod created from MCeator jredfox_ 905 2019-02-19 16:52
BnnWidget Easy but powerful Minecraft GUI widget Kamesuta 3371 2019-02-17 18:50
Villager Drop Mods cpprust 10729 2019-02-17 15:31
[IC2] Wireless Electricity [IC2] Wireless Electricity cihanezic 363 2019-02-16 22:20
Ore Excavation A lightweight veinminer alternative Funwayguy, darkosto 92780995 2019-02-13 02:50
BanHammerJ A modpack ban with URL fetcher StreamHero 183 2019-02-05 18:38
Space Advanced - Addon for Galactic Craft 3! Space great! LegendGamerOwner 11437 2019-02-03 19:59
LetsEncryptCraft A mod to allow you to utilize resources which utilise a Let's Encrypt certificate CloudyPSP 16042565 2019-02-03 17:58
ATOP Armor for Biomes O' Plenty Armor and Tools for Biomes O' Plenty DelirusCrux 627689 2019-02-02 19:48
modchu_defaultmodelset DefaultModelSet modchu 31831 2019-02-02 06:45
Minecraft Expanded Adds mobs, blocks, items, and other goodies to the game to give a better Minecraft experience. CodyCornell82 4802 2019-02-02 06:42
RealisticUtilities This mods adds Realistic Features KrokoOnAir 26700 2019-02-01 13:57
The Better Beds Mod This mod makes beds great again! (READ DESCRIPTION) JuliaHere1 5002 2019-02-01 13:26
modchu_modchulib modchulib modchu 42874 2019-01-31 08:45
CCLuaJIT Changes ComputerCraft to use LuaJIT instead of LuaJ sci4me 130 2019-01-31 02:41
Modular Powersuits High-tech expandable armor and tool/weapon machinemuse, lehjr 12815315 2019-01-30 23:10
modchu_hamsterunofficial HamsterUnofficial modchu 10534 2019-01-30 09:33
modchu_resurrectionfeather add Item modchu 8119 2019-01-30 09:29
modchu_models MultiModelSet modchu 26265 2019-01-30 09:25
modchu_playerformlittlemaid PlayerFormLittleMaid modchu 35317 2019-01-30 09:17
Sword Levels Combine any Sword with the matching Ore and Upgrade it. s4ncho0 2085 2019-01-29 14:45
No More Quick Move Prohibit quick moving items (with shift-click) in any containers. austeretony 3259 2019-01-27 12:14
otyacraftMOD Not only for tea morimori0317 2163 2019-01-25 20:55
DALEK-craft Based on the 60s film: Dr. Who & the Daleks Dead_Tree_Bear 435 2019-01-25 05:42
Cevi This is the official Cevi Mod s4ncho0 983 2019-01-24 16:32
Armors And Tools The King Crazy AR Mods Collection Armaduras y espadas mas 2 nuevos ores y 3 nuevas gemas aercking 13309 2019-01-23 23:07
Ito-World Based on the Manga by Junji Ito. Dead_Tree_Bear 682 2019-01-22 06:41
Teleportals Adds utility transportation portals into Minecraft! Geforce132 6749 2019-01-21 21:48
The Periodic Table The Periodic Table Mod is planned to add in every single element. Each element each has their own unique crafting properties, which can be used to make new items crusherboy20 406 2019-01-21 00:34
The War of the Worlds. (Jeff Wayne's Musical version.) Based on the novel by H.G Wells & the Musical by Jeff Wayne. Dead_Tree_Bear 1068 2019-01-20 03:42
Kei's cheese mod I will add various kinds of cheese keiji0501 1131 2019-01-20 03:12
Adiecta Materia A stepping stone utility mod allowing alternative methods for acquiring materials. clevernucleus 2729 2019-01-16 14:06
Fildium (cave block , caveblock) mod adds cave block & armor + sword laboriens 4332 2019-01-15 13:13
RoboWorks SMZ-S3L Classic Roofless Package Legendary SMZs now in Minecraft! roboworks 891 2019-01-11 07:17
RoboWorks SMZ-S1L Classic Roofless Package Legendary SMZs now in Minecraft! roboworks 838 2019-01-11 07:07
RoboWorks SMZ-S3L Classic Package Legendary SMZs now in Minecraft! roboworks 881 2019-01-11 07:02
RoboWorks SMZ-S1L Classic Package Legendary SMZs now in Minecraft! roboworks 4101 2019-01-11 05:05
RoboWorks SMZ-S3A Classic Roofless Package Legendary SMZs now in Minecraft! roboworks 1035 2019-01-11 04:55
RoboWorks SMZ-S3A Classic Package Legendary SMZs now in Minecraft! roboworks 1263 2019-01-11 04:45
RoboWorks SMZ-S3D Stock Package Legendary SMZs now in Minecraft! roboworks 1792 2019-01-11 04:31
RoboWorks SMZ-S3D Classic Package Legendary SMZs now in Minecraft! roboworks 2353 2019-01-11 04:26
Awakening Armor A collection of armor for the Awakening modpack. theshadowake, DelirusCrux 128357 2019-01-07 09:51
DBASkins Dragon Block All Skins super_kami_justin 145819 2019-01-06 22:41
Effects Withouts Limits (EWL) Get a Runnas And Craft "infinite" effects xfaire_ 348 2019-01-06 21:10
IC2 RPG Adds IC2 compatibility for DivineRPG, Advent of Ascension, & more! ZephaniahNoah 14112 2019-01-06 03:19
Non Update Prevent mod checking version update EpixZhang, _ForgeUser29836528 327440 2019-01-05 18:39
ServerObserver Observe Minecraft Server Status Kamesuta 297547 2019-01-04 12:52
OpenSecurity Security addon for OpenComputers MichiyoRavencroft, ben_mkiv 2173724 2019-01-04 05:07
Bigger Packets Please Extend compressed packet size limit ElNounch 4948004 2019-01-03 23:34
Namenax Plushies and other stuff of Zeranax & Namensammler42. Namensammler42 2161 2019-01-03 22:58
Dragon Block C Minimalised HUD Custom HUD for JinRyuu's Dragon Block C Mod drunken__monk 13993 2019-01-03 16:30
The Simple Foods Mod This mod is a basic mod to add foods that are easily craft able swifts_tech_talks 167 2019-01-03 03:43
Repair Gem Adds a repair gem that slowly repairs damaged item in the holder's inventory. davidmaamoaix 26833 2019-01-02 13:55
SanAndreasP's Manager Pack A collection of utilities which is used by my mods as a library. SanAndreaP 521372 2019-01-02 11:24
Liquid Enchanting Add potions effects to armors as if they were enchantments! Cookiehook 94479 2018-12-31 19:58
No Spawn Zone Create zones to prevent spawning Hexi346 11745 2018-12-31 14:36
Awakening Utils Various fixes and tweaks for the Awakening modpack. theshadowake 32371 2018-12-27 22:16
LockiesChests Adds in Lockable chests with unique keys. KnightDemon_ 639 2018-12-27 21:36
The Better Rings Mod Beta TheShadowtf 510 2018-12-26 17:17
Doctor Who Mod Prototype Doctor who enters minecraftia, time and space is leaking, the player needs to survive at all costs TheKiwiKingdom 209 2018-12-25 18:44
Angelo's Force Fields Force field mod Awesomenesspiza 758 2018-12-24 06:18
DBAExtra Dragon Block All Extra super_kami_justin 5338 2018-12-24 02:10
Forbidden Mod Adds in Forbidden Jutsu from Naruto super_kami_justin 10138 2018-12-24 02:03
More fun Quicksand SD matheuslorenz13 337 2018-12-23 17:14
CosmicNPCs Player-like NPCs via motion capture. Namensammler42 219499 2018-12-18 00:25
Primitive Mobs A small mod that adds mobs with "Minecrafty" feel. Daveyx0 8706170 2018-12-16 20:18
Popularmmos Bedwars Trade Items Adds Items For Trades for challenge games and bed wars. Made for Popularmmos(pat) snowielove1 1093 2018-12-09 17:34
Kei's compression mod You can compress various things keiji0501 139 2018-12-07 09:18
Special Berries Mod Berries, More Items and Explosive Berries! entallus 2808 2018-12-05 06:39
WA-CodeChickenCore CodeChickenCore without the broken update check. worldautomation 7120 2018-11-30 01:48
WA-VeinMiner VeinMiner for 1.7.10 without broken chat text. worldautomation 4896 2018-11-30 01:16
Dynamic Surroundings Alters the fabric of Minecraft experience by weaving a tapestry of sound and visual effects OreCruncher 62198059 2018-11-29 06:16
CompositeGear Advanced armor and weapons addon for IC2, TechReborn, ImmersiveEngineering and ThermalFoundation! Also integrated with Tough As Nails, AppleCore. zcaliptium 39220 2018-11-25 01:18
Counter - Strike : Global Offensive mod Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in Minecraft mod NewViStudios 37694 2018-11-24 18:10
The Pixels Mod Technology based adventure mod grodax_ 3669 2018-11-24 07:44
NeXTAPI [1.7.10][API]NeXTAPI fem_Skyelight 5238 2018-11-20 14:31
Barrier Block Mod Barrier Block for 1.7.10 sscards55 41047 2018-11-14 13:09
Ohgaming Drugs mod Drug mod Used on our OC Server FutureMagick 2062 2018-11-12 22:57
CreeperYeeter Yeet a Creeper illuzio571 78 2018-11-12 18:32
Casual Things More Items Minerals and Herobrine Boss danymazza 2086 2018-11-11 09:59
UPickaxe (UPI) A charm in your mining! Dhinozzauro 1709 2018-10-31 18:27
EnderCrack Adds an item made from end stone, and when eaten, gives you stats effects. MCE626 17594 2018-10-31 01:29
Chaos_God Modpack only mod zo_fei 236 2018-10-30 08:57
NetherCraft - Craftable Nether Items Craft Items from the Nether! And a new Armor with Tools! missingtempest 8899 2018-10-29 19:38
Fancy Block Particles 3D Digging Particles! MorphoxL 20125810 2018-10-26 23:15
SlashBlade in TFC Play SlashBlade in Terrafirmacraft sz0999312 8794 2018-10-25 07:55
E.M.M A mod for 1.7.10, cool stuff tonycript803 106 2018-10-22 05:02
TerraFirmaCraft TerraFirmaCraft (TFC) is a total conversion mod that overhauls and reinvents survival mode. Dries007, EERussianguy, AlcatrazEscapee, Bunsan 2329728 2018-10-14 23:30
Equivalent Energistics Autocrafting with EMC! Mordenkainen3141 2991012 2018-10-14 15:29
FPS Reducer Reduce GPU and CPU usage automatically when no user operation exists. bre2el 42251922 2018-10-13 06:49
Deconstruction Table Allows you to undo what you have crafted. bdkuhman 1564734 2018-10-12 08:32
Druidry A simple nature based mod that adds more early game variety, with a touch of magic FeyberryJam 191142 2018-10-11 19:14
Reconstructor A Redstone Flux powered machine to repair your stuff smbarbour 51687 2018-10-11 08:33
MylesZ's Good Drinks Mod Adds different types of Drinks to the game but some may have a Secret Hidden inside >:) MysticMylesZ 717 2018-10-07 01:24
ProjectE Advanced Alchemy (PEAA) Add-on for ProjectE GiftedWhitewolf 48913 2018-10-06 17:40
Thaumic Dyes Dye all the armours! Amerem, KryptonCapitan 82548 2018-10-02 13:24
Flagmod Europe Highlight your nationality by placing country flag somwhere in Minecraft World! Oskiek 4835 2018-09-29 09:58
Atomic Science Nuclear physics at your finger tips QueenOfMissiles 260426 2018-09-25 02:33
Minefantasy2 A middle-aged base mod for REAL crafters! _ForgeUser7966859, SirseS 102864 2018-09-24 13:56
SpawnController You can control spawning monsters! maru2213 318746 2018-09-23 13:13
Ex Compressum Ex Nihilo Addon. Attempts to reduce grind by adding pre-automation tools like compressed hammers. BlayTheNinth 27990505 2018-09-19 18:26
RecipeCalc A handy calculator for what your need for a recipe! itntpiston 2370 2018-09-19 17:35
ToolsEx Adds more tools Forge_User_55883960 100 2018-09-18 17:07
Conner Vegetas Castle Miner Z Mod items and mobs from Castle Miner Z universe prince_vegeta356 1253 2018-09-17 04:34
Tolkien Tweaks This mod originally intended for use in the TolkienCraft mod pack. brandon3055 112468 2018-09-16 22:48
MCDayZ The big configurable survival system for starting your own server kkashmir 3176 2018-09-12 21:25
LogicalCraft! Making survival mode more logical and fun! EM3R50Nmc 95424 2018-09-12 18:06
Doomlike Dungeons Causes procedurally generated dungeons rembling Doom levels to be placed in worlds JaredBGreat 39126101 2018-09-11 19:11
Mob Death Messages Provides death messages in chat when mobs and creatures die. MultipleMonomials 38818 2018-09-10 05:51
FarScape(Addon for Galacticraft 3) Addon for Galacticraft 3 Acsensia 2395 2018-09-09 18:04
Dimensional Pockets Portable rooms for your convenience! NPException 110070 2018-09-09 16:09
Smooth Font Draws all font smoothly for better readability and can replace to fonts in your computer. bre2el 23034352 2018-09-08 06:28
Additional Pipes for Buildcraft Adds extra pipes to Buildcraft, such as the Teleport Pipe and the Distribution Pipe. MultipleMonomials 417053 2018-09-07 20:40
StylerCraft A story based mod introducing new weapons and tools. lordstylers 309 2018-09-03 15:52
RealisticSolar Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 Daellhin 99 2018-09-01 17:10
adamantium ores adds admantium ore and ingots to the world of minecraft Boodaliboo2 412 2018-09-01 00:51
GemTools TFC Use your otherwise useless gems as a shovel bear989sr 758 2018-08-30 16:52
Punch Me Not Punching trees is painful, Stone is even worse bear989sr 62285 2018-08-30 15:57
BearCore A mod than controls sleeping, bonemeal, and enderman moving grass. bear989sr 4259 2018-08-30 10:15
Better Farmland Adds Tiered Farmland (Soil) To The Game! gkaze77 37060 2018-08-29 04:55
Gregtech++ [GT++] [GTplusplus] [All GT5/GT5u versions] Adds over 75 new materials, 20+ Multiblocks and numerous other new features! Draknyte1 88249 2018-08-26 07:34
Academy Monster Not only players can use superability. paindarx 20696 2018-08-25 13:23
A Lot Of Helpful Things A Lot Of Helpful Things! Forge_User_50849372 595 2018-08-24 11:09
Nuclear Physics Nuclear Physics is a mod that brings in realistic, world-based technological advancement experience into Minecraft. Halvorshalvors 30206 2018-08-24 05:34
Meldexun's Crystalic Void Adds ores, mobs, dungeons and more to add more fun to your world. Now with dungeon spawning system (you can create your own dungeons) meldexun 36463 2018-08-23 17:01
The PopularMMOs Mod! This is a mod I made for PopularMMOs' Mod Contest! HazeyGoldenAntlers 4615 2018-08-20 21:39
Tech Reborn Tech Reborn is a completely standalone tech mod including tools and machines to gather resources, process materials, and progress through the mod. modmuss50, drcrazy777 32166107 2018-08-19 18:58
Herobrine mod boss a mod that adds Herobrine lord4hurricane 1435 2018-08-18 12:08
Nuclear Hurricane Gamer Boss Mod a mod that adds me as a boss into your minecraft lord4hurricane, TwisterSHLBHP 1400 2018-08-18 11:35
Cursor Mod (Fabric/Forge) (Client side) Change your ingame cursor ATE48, Kevadroz 587052 2018-08-17 20:22
BananaCraft My first mod based on Bananas JuliaHere1 4230 2018-08-16 15:27
RoboWorks SMZ Package [Legacy] A Flans mod package which adds legendary SMZs to Minecraft roboworks 3098 2018-08-16 00:00
TPalette STORE NBTTAG IN BLOCKS! tpcore_another 372 2018-08-15 04:53
SHTM Super-hardened tools in Minecraft! h_serhaty 3144 2018-08-14 00:43
More Fuels Mod Light A light, tweaks only, highly customizeable variant of More Fuels Mod bored_hero 3808 2018-08-13 03:09
DecoBlocks Classic A mod where you can decorate all you want MrEyeballs29 2029 2018-08-10 01:39
AutoLogin Automatic / secure connection ATE48 14333 2018-08-08 10:57
Lucky Block Steven Universe 1.7.10, Install Orespawn And Steven Universe World hotpotato12345678 14182 2018-08-04 14:46
The Ultimate Ore Mod Tools, Weapons, Armor, and Bosses galore! HazeyGoldenAntlers 7111 2018-08-02 03:28
ColorizeJIS A Minecraft mod to add 267 Japanese color – JIS color – blocks. Isthmis 426 2018-07-27 14:41
Color Blocks Plus A Minecraft mod to add 340 color blocks. Isthmis 3072 2018-07-27 14:39
OpenFM Radio Streaming mod for Minecraft, MichiyoRavencroft 346177 2018-07-26 06:15
Yugicraft Yugioh in Minecraft! Brade1210 11224 2018-07-23 16:42
TIS-3D Low-tech computing for Minecraft Sangar 977452 2018-07-21 16:07
Extra Stuffs Adds extra weapons and armor! culupcodes 140 2018-07-16 23:54
Millenaire Millénaire is a Minecraft mod that aims to fill the "emptiness" left by the default Minecraft Villages by adding new NPC villages loosely based on 11th century cultures. kinniken, MoonCutter2B 2943939 2018-07-15 11:53
ServerPassword This mod allows you to lock your Forge server with a password PT400C 6978 2018-07-15 10:09
AcademyCraft Everything about superabilities. Become an ESPer and evolve your skills! weathfold 957156 2018-07-14 09:01
[Armory] ICBM Sentries Classic sentries from the original 1.6.4 ICBM mod QueenOfMissiles 42062 2018-07-14 03:36
GenesisCore Chaos Blades, Shards and more! Namensammler42 17275 2018-07-12 22:04
Zildium Reborn Zildium and ZMoreRessources in 1 MOD Yggdraszil_ 287 2018-07-09 15:38
Dynmap-Forge/Fabric Dynamically updated web based maps for Minecraft servers running Forge or Fabric Mikeprimm 837062 2018-07-09 12:23
SuperTiC Adds Potion Effects to TConstruct Tools Zokonius 263775 2018-07-09 08:59
Advanced World Selection Advanced World Selection lets you see detailed tooltips about your worlds in Minecraft's World Selection screen. Sedridor77 107900 2018-07-08 03:01
Empires Mod Server Protection System With Raiding/War Features. andrew20700 1994 2018-07-07 12:15
Login Shield Protects players from damage when client lags on server connect Glasspelican 12160848 2018-07-07 05:35
Mobs' crops A new type of mob farm. Add a crop to spawn each mob in minecraft and mods. You can change/add/remove several things in the configuration file. NaturaSpell 9262 2018-07-06 06:06
Cobalt Mod - Think blue This mod adds the ore Cobalt and a lot of other Stuff Dragonisser 24234 2018-07-05 08:03
BBM's Armory Weapons, armory, and firepower QueenOfMissiles 49293 2018-07-03 19:20
Better Questing - Lord of the Rings addon An addon for Better Questing that adds a new task to achieve a certain alignment with a certain faction. ArrowsendGaming 5981 2018-07-02 06:07
WarpDrive Build your ship freely, protect it with force fields, explore other dimensions, mine asteroids, and more... LemADEC 618370 2018-07-01 16:11
Eternal Singularity A Mod that Adds an Eternal Singularity! (That Works as a Singularity Binder) KingWealthyturtle, WanionCane, RCXcrafter 2906981 2018-06-30 15:17
Tool Upgrades Upgrade your tools, weapons and armor with modifiers! XxRexRaptorxX 257593 2018-06-30 11:53
Item Moonfall makes addition Ores, weapons/tools, Armor and more. Hendersonyt 2701 2018-06-27 21:18
NP Arcade An arcade machine for minecraft that lets you play user created games NPException 364 2018-06-25 16:50
Inventory Pets Inventory Pets are living animated creatures that exist in your inventory and give you amazing special effects, drops, buffs, utilities, defenses, and weapons in exchange for care and feeding. Purplicious_Cow_ 36512574 2018-06-24 19:42
DropOff Mod, in functionality similar to the DropOff button from the Quark mod. SCP200 56228 2018-06-24 16:01
FastLang Faster language change usernameak 22445 2018-06-23 15:46
Simple Ignore Simle mod with ignore words in chat ロ_ロ 6335 2018-06-23 13:14
NoFog A highly configurable client-side Fabric, Forge(<=1.20.1) and NeoForge(1.20.2+) mod that removes all fog Tommeh2, Virtuoel 4395511 2018-06-21 14:55
Dark's Tools and Utilities Mix of useful tools and machines QueenOfMissiles 3772 2018-06-20 09:55
Blockbuster Machinima studio mod McHorseYT 730489 2018-06-16 08:51
Extended Support Extended Support is an addon for ModTweaker, which adds more mods integration. juh9870 35033 2018-06-15 15:53
The New Dawn A mod determined to make Minecraft harder than it has ever been before. Forge_User_91494955 169 2018-06-11 14:15
OCJS JavaScript for OpenComputers mrmakeit 3198 2018-06-09 06:51
Oblivion mod based off the 2013 movie Oblivion TwisterSHLBHP 693 2018-06-09 03:36
Cool stuff This mod adds in more stuff dj_gaming27 1215 2018-06-08 20:23
WeedMeals Bonemeal that plants only weeds. Use it for making maps. MineCake147 598 2018-06-07 07:46
Fairy Factions Taming tribal fairies for silliness, fun, and profit! Allaryin 84599 2018-06-06 19:05
Thaumic Fixer Speeding up Thaumcraft 4 several years late Chocohead 148562 2018-06-05 19:36
EZGapples A mod that makes it easy to get golden apples iwillreku3206 20504 2018-06-05 05:44
NuclearCraft Brings complex nuclear engineering to Minecraft! tomdodd4598, HeatherWhite 31320139 2018-06-03 12:06
Mo Thingz it adds mo things! withiethewither 770 2018-06-03 04:34
BQ - Fallout Theme Fallout inspired Better Questing theme made for FallCraft Funwayguy 5694 2018-05-27 06:15
OEMod with ModernBlocks This mod features add many blocks for modern building. gaku_minecraft 14085 2018-05-27 03:04
Streams This mod introduces real flowing rivers, with a true current, to your Minecraft worlds. Compatible with many terrain generators! delvr 13233940 2018-05-26 22:12
Fortnite Battle Royale Fortnite content in Minecaft grodax_ 23351 2018-05-23 17:36
Extreme Decorations adds hundreds of purely decorative blocks supercat765 14020 2018-05-21 04:21
True Tier System Tiered Progression System RantingRaymond 3276 2018-05-21 01:29
Thaumic Energistics Essentia management in storage, transportation, and application nividica, TheRealp455w0rd, BrockWS 12194455 2018-05-20 09:10
Ore Sheep Mod This mod adds ore sheep. Convert regular sheep to grow ore! Ic3dice9 990779 2018-05-19 19:21
Art's Effects Spell Pack A spellpack for Electroblob's Wizardry nyqbgcd 5858 2018-05-13 17:11
ProactiveMod This mod can make world flat easily! maru2213 25265 2018-05-12 07:46
Waystones Teleport back to activated waystones. For Survival, Adventure or Servers. BlayTheNinth 176001971 2018-05-06 15:21
King Hogarth's Armor Mod A Mod that adds new ore, tools, and armor. thekinghogarth 2015 2018-05-04 15:26
StepUp [1.7.10-1.18.2] 3 options allow you to choose between no auto jump, Minecraft auto jump, and StepUp auto jump! NotTooManyItems 2243959 2018-05-03 22:08
NCC Stuff NCC Stuff Wuppertaler93 1881 2018-05-01 09:41
EE3 Helper In-game EMC Value Managment, and on-demand DynamicEMC invocation for Equivalent Exchange 3 rotatceps_2 119317 2018-04-30 05:00
OpenDisks OpenComputers addon to make adding Loot disks easier! MichiyoRavencroft 453156 2018-04-29 23:29
Balanced Exchange A transmutation mod inspired by Equivalent Exchange 2 Brad16840 14567 2018-04-29 04:31
Generic Food Custom food - your way! Forge_User_39353417, ffxivcorecf 97 2018-04-26 17:47
NVL Force Fields Adds easy to use forcefields to Minecraft NVLMagic 175462 2018-04-24 11:44
HxCHUD A Hud replacement mod by HxCKDMS KeldonSlayer 4975 2018-04-22 23:06
Simple Chess A mod that provides blocks for a chess game chrisyan2002 667 2018-04-22 20:56
CommandsGUI Simple UI for chat commands flametaichou 378 2018-04-22 19:39
UnbreakEn Enchantment that will save your instrument. MJaroslav 21769 2018-04-22 16:01
Sense Mod This is mod just for you see behind. gmff 82 2018-04-21 11:38
Reinforced Blocks Mod a mod that adds reinforced blocks Trhod177 6240 2018-04-21 06:11
LittleUtilities Useful recipes, blocks and more! Little Utilities. Nulcheck 7664 2018-04-21 01:34
Industrial&Imercive Mod Industrial&Immercive Giovanniricotta45 1010 2018-04-18 11:17
World Stripper Strips away blocks to reveal the underground world gen. A must have tool for all devs. dev ore map strip world EwyBoy 2830734 2018-04-17 11:26
HxCShards Reimagined Soul Shards KeldonSlayer, karelmikie3 1684 2018-04-17 00:21
CommandModBox Team Armor Adds Craftable Team Armors! johnplayedhimself 237 2018-04-15 21:35
RecordFPS Record your framerate of minecraft! maru2213 623 2018-04-13 11:07
Better Ping Display Displays ping in milliseconds in the player list in a configurable way Quintinity 5202448 2018-04-12 03:33
BowScope This mod for more precisely gmff 6376 2018-04-11 06:35
Portal Blocks This mod adds various blocks and items from Portal 2 that go well with the Portal Gun mod. XaeronTheProtogen 242901 2018-04-10 03:29
Per Fabrica Ad Astra: Geologica Realistic geology and ores lawremi 6088 2018-04-07 14:12
SimpleIRCBridge Connect your Server's chat with an IRC channel. Now with 1.16.4 support! xnrand 1890 2018-04-06 18:22
JAFFA Foods (A HarvestCraft Addon) JAFFA (Just Another Fun Food Addon) is a mod that adds even more food to HarvestCraft! Murdy007 211164 2018-04-06 08:31
BugPatch Fix some of the bugs present in version 1.7.10 denull 1555 2018-04-03 15:49
Invention Invention is a Minecraft mod that allows players and modpack makers to add their own simple content to the game without making their own mod. BetterDeltric 1447 2018-04-01 00:39
Multiverse Pouch Add a pouch sharing items among savedata. qwebnm 8958 2018-03-29 04:29
Ecology Mod Ecology Mod is a Minecraft mod that makes you care about consequences of your technical development. kabachuha 59150 2018-03-27 13:34
Trhod177's Recipe Mod a mod that adds a lot of new recipes and is open to community ideas Trhod177 9756 2018-03-27 08:07
Indicatia Simple and lightweight in-game info and utilities! SteveKunG 115538 2018-03-24 08:04
Disenchanter (The Disenchanter Mod) A small Mod adding a block to disenchant Items impelon 13983479 2018-03-22 06:39
Tinkers' in the Sky Tinkers versions of the Ex Nihilo tools codicoolwaffle 36433 2018-03-22 05:47
NMCLC (NoMoreCapsLockCommands) Allows the use of uppercase/capslocked commands. Hennamann99 27454 2018-03-21 15:04
Justice MC A simple Green Lantern Mod notsofunalex 5880 2018-03-20 01:26
VanillaPlus Making the Useless, Useful DiamondDiggersGaming 23521 2018-03-19 05:58
DiscordIntegration Communicate between Minecraft and Discord MiraWaNeko, SizableShrimp 3101761 2018-03-18 10:42
Larger Workbenches Adds some workbenches which can do extended crafting. リクト 6114 2018-03-15 11:10
TitaniumUranium This mod adds uranium things to minecraft. hobodave12 839 2018-03-14 19:41
Storage Drawers NEI Fix Fixes duplicate recipes in NEI caused by Storage Drawers NEI handler fake_domi 266571 2018-03-14 07:44
Eccentric Biomes Crazy new interesting biomes. Nulcheck 3966 2018-03-13 21:41
AstikorCarts [Horse Carts] A mod that adds carts that can be pulled by other entities. pau101 10181580 2018-03-13 16:12
PokeLucky This is mod use with pixelmon only. gmff 1560601 2018-03-13 10:23
Console Filter Hide annoying messages from your console logs. Chaosyr 805223 2018-03-12 23:28
Infused Ring A mod about potion effects. It add 3 items , the "magical stone" , the "infusing ring" and the "infused ring". (Require Baubles) NaturaSpell 14504 2018-03-11 13:59
AoDRP Loot Ores Mod A mod I made based on a tutorial, DemonKenny 361 2018-03-11 08:33
TorchBowMod Bow that can shoot and set up torches noriokun4649 2876799 2018-03-07 12:15
Ao No Exorcist (Blue Exorcist) Ao No Exorcist (Blue Exorcist) Biter_Gun 4470 2018-03-07 04:04
Dead By Daylight Reborn Improved Version of the mod vasthomass 4665 2018-03-06 19:38
Industrial Revolution by Redstone Rebooted An independent tech mod. plusplus_farore 12460 2018-03-06 09:46
Valentine Mod Just a simply little mod about Valentines Day! Brade1210 2816 2018-03-05 12:32
NoItemDespawn Modifying item-despawn on server- or clientside PT400C 2644 2018-03-03 11:49
PTMAMod This mod add an item which will attract monsters to themselves!! maru2213 534 2018-03-03 11:45
Sampler Performance oriented debugging/administration tools sfPlayer1 697141 2018-02-28 09:28
Redstone Stew Make food out of stone and more! thatguyherobrine 1853 2018-02-27 21:36
Rexalite Worlds New dimensions, materials and tools LoreSchaeffer 1662 2018-02-27 17:12
ThaumPatch Fix bugs in 1.7.10 Thaumcraft Kamesuta 12846 2018-02-27 04:32
Magic Cobblestone A mod based on finding a super rare useless (for now) block Kriogenic 391 2018-02-26 15:47
Enchanted Apples Enchanted & Boostable Apples GhostFromSparta 3934 2018-02-23 09:15
RubyZ mod This Mod Adds A Lot Of Ruby Stuff So0ony_Boy 888 2018-02-21 14:05
Extended Shaders Adding shader support for mods firemerald 191608 2018-02-21 09:29
Sit Allows you to sit on slabs and stairs. bl4ckscor3 26263028 2018-02-20 20:48
Topaz and sapphire Topaz&Sapphire TwisterSHLBHP 960 2018-02-18 18:39
Doctor who Npcs the doctor from doctor who TwisterSHLBHP 2086 2018-02-17 23:47
Armor Expansion Adds new armors, imbewed with potion effects when worn as a set! Cookiehook 86833 2018-02-17 17:03
Born in a Barn Fixed a Village ChunkLoading Issue Speiger, Chocohead 11125568 2018-02-15 17:19
Headcrumbs Advanced Modification Allows you to Modify Headcrumbs' Heads List, and Customize their Tooltips Too! KingWealthyturtle 164978 2018-02-15 09:49
BMW Mod "A BMW can't take you as far as a diploma" -Joyce Meyer Derec__ 3686 2018-02-14 22:05
Technical Details Technical-Detalis NightWorld_Project 176 2018-02-14 06:37
AppleCore An API for modifying the food and hunger mechanics of Minecraft squeek502 55795919 2018-02-13 08:39
Autowalk Adds autowalk button for minecraft. FORGE required. 1.8 1.8.9 1.10 wwrpg1 301245 2018-02-13 03:56
Wither Enhancement A mod that aim's to aid not only the player, but the Wither! gkaze77 2125 2018-02-11 14:12
WealthyturtleLib A Library for Many of Wealthyturtle's Mods! KingWealthyturtle 39822 2018-02-11 11:23
Deadly weapons None dan3567 7869 2018-02-09 22:49
ChinaCraft A mod with many Chinese elements _ForgeUser26603070 9891 2018-02-09 05:59
BrowncoalMod This mod introduces brown coal, which can be found in larger veins in the dirt layer. Christoph_XXL 6740 2018-02-08 03:21
Future Things & More 1.10, 1.11, 1.12 ,story mode,Quark in 1.7.10 luck4ssdv 8715 2018-02-06 18:10
Creatubbles Integration with the Creatubbles ("The safe social platform for creative kids") platform _ForgeUser22418478, tterrag1098 18350 2018-02-06 03:50
SaltyMod Food, blocks, farming, armor ... All the salt! liahim85 270695 2018-02-05 05:58
Server.Properties for LAN Get server.properties file for each Local World ...! Jaideep 572557 2018-02-03 07:18
Even More Food A mods thats add a lot of foods Forge_User_39960752 7776 2018-02-01 20:09
Exotic Birds This mod adds a variety of different birds into your game. ThePavoReality 10171272 2018-01-31 20:10
Tanzanite Resources This was just a experimental project,of course. DayGuyfrom2000 203 2018-01-31 01:03
Unicode Font Extension Unicode font extended rendering utility. bre2el 28982 2018-01-28 00:41
Runic Blink Teleportation mod for Minecraft chekote 15466 2018-01-27 20:16
AI Improvements Performance and logic upgrades for mod AIs QueenOfMissiles 70624538 2018-01-27 03:52
Interface Reconciler Fixes de-synchs in the interface between Better Questing and the NPC mod. Mostly meant for the Warhammer 40k: Blood & Iron modpack. Forge_User_30667345 2052 2018-01-26 15:58
World of Warcraft WoW supernickita45 76497 2018-01-26 12:38
Extra Colors This mods allows you to paint blocks, so you don't have to build your home out of wool and clay anymore. 9av2r2bt 1126 2018-01-25 12:38
Crafting EX Duplicated recipes will be able to craft with a vanilla crafting table. kegare0127 435520 2018-01-25 08:06
Tools Done Right Adds magical and balanced tools, including End tools which can transfer broken blocks to the player's ender chest jobicade 8977 2018-01-25 00:08
Better HUD Customizable vanilla HUD and 25+ new in-game widgets. Configure everything! jobicade 965236 2018-01-24 21:42
Dogpack a little something for my modpack DogGirl5ONE 20108 2018-01-22 16:48
FullMetal Alchemist Mod Become an Alchemist in the world of Minecraft bumblebee34033 2484 2018-01-22 02:07
FastCraft A powerful universal optimization mod without game play changes. sfPlayer1 13281792 2018-01-20 15:04
Realistic Terrain Generation Generates realistic terrain for overworld biomes, including those added by other mods. WhichOnesPink, zeno410 3213719 2018-01-18 15:29
MagicSubs e um mod de magia e rpg em desenvolvimento maicongamer123 3382 2018-01-17 14:59
Block Sniffer A Scenter-like Mod Himmelt 5993 2018-01-17 13:49
CCFRAddons CCFRAddons is a mod that add some peripherals to ComputerCraft Forge_User_99447660 414 2018-01-17 12:14
Infinity Craft Marvels Infinity Stones in Minecraft leytilera, AnvilcraftMC, EliasTD5 1455393 2018-01-16 21:51
Ungrab Mouse Mod This is a simple mod to allow players to ungrab the mouse to do other things on their PCs while the game runs. Jaideep 1023562 2018-01-15 14:32
Doggy Talents Talents, new models, new AI, beds and more! percivalalb 18210454 2018-01-14 19:32
LMM Bankbook for LittleMaidMobX Ver0.1.1. Automatically distribute sugar. Karemomiji 2636 2018-01-13 09:47
Avaritia A parody mod to end all mods Spiteful_Fox, TTFTCUTS 9357457 2018-01-12 23:20
Super Solar Panels Addon for Advanced Solar Panels, MC version 1.7.10 ultramarine11, denfop 105219 2018-01-12 17:24
Chicken Chunk Patcher Fixing little bugs within CodeChickenLib to make everyone happier Chocohead 303199 2018-01-10 15:05
Prototype Weapons Guns, armour and swords lord_ekans 10404 2018-01-09 05:29
BlankPlanet Its main purpose is to add a blank planet which is called "Black Hole" to the solar system. This is great for mod packs(story) and for a server in which you want to create a lobby and more. MJRLegends 374356 2018-01-09 01:41
Random Islands Adds an Islands world type Superfrogman98 4519 2018-01-08 21:30
SDM-mod Mod for 5W33T.DR3AM5 modpack 154King154, _ForgeUser9083808 968 2018-01-07 18:08
DragonTorango A small mod that aims to help me to have a better gameplay on DragonBlock evernife 2476 2018-01-07 05:53
Bird's Foods Cooking with Vanilla no_space 755191 2018-01-06 05:15
CsokiCraftUtil Alternative download site CsokiGaming 351072 2018-01-05 23:32
Remove Mouseover Highlight (Fabric-Forge-NeoForge) Remove Mouseover Highlight - Remove Selection Box MrAmericanMike 309112 2018-01-04 00:09
Chemical World Chemistry, World, Adventure, Wasteland vamiga 86 2018-01-03 16:50
Forbidden Fruit: Tide Pods Tide Pods to eat within Minecraft volbott 750 2018-01-03 01:09
Bigger Crafting Tables Adding more Crafting Tables! WanionCane, BloodWorkXGaming 600359 2018-01-02 16:59
Stupercraft A Mod That Adds All Sorts Of New Tools And Weapons To Minecraft! super737_ 424 2018-01-02 01:23
Shinobi Mod A bunch of enemies from naruto bumblebee34033 9946 2018-01-01 22:37
Coffee Spawner Adds a coffee machine which spawns a drinkable coffee every morning. Ruuubi 576582 2018-01-01 14:56
Little More Mod This mod adds new ores, armors and tools. _ForgeUser20872281 9178 2018-01-01 13:48
Female Creepers Mod Female creepers and 1 item. crusherboy20 1470 2018-01-01 00:42
More Planets - Galacticraft Add-on An add-on adds new exotic planets into Galacticraft! SteveKunG 3664993 2017-12-31 03:04
Codename ChocolateChips Some new, usefull or decorative Blocks and Items Forge_User_97820034 63 2017-12-29 19:55
Dynamic Trees Trees that grow... Forests that spread. MaxHyper, ferreusveritas, HarleyOConnor 33550568 2017-12-28 22:27
Matter Megadrive Continuation of Matter Overdrive for 1.7.10 Ionaru 16030 2017-12-28 22:24
Alloyed Tools With this mod, you can alloy your Armor, Tools and Weapons to get stronger versions. kuhler_Stratege 13523 2017-12-28 13:34
interstellar mod The interstellar based off of mod TwisterSHLBHP 1465 2017-12-26 13:13
UsefulPlus A Minecraft version 1.7.10 mod made to make enrich your minecraft experience by adding new recipes for items and just new items!!! YellowEllo15 11592 2017-12-24 22:57
Noah's Chocolate! This mod adds several new Chocolate bars to minecraft! deerangle2 7328 2017-12-24 10:27
Weather, Storms & Tornadoes Stormfronts and Tornadoes! Localized weather! See rain and nastier storms coming in from a distance Corosus 8833464 2017-12-23 18:29
Weak Drops Tweaked Tweaks the drops of most, if not every mob in vanilla Minecraft. ironicallyjpg 2892 2017-12-23 00:08
Wither Ring It's a ring that protects you from wither effect Zokonius 859 2017-12-20 19:32
SecretRoomsMod Secret blocks to hide your valuables AbrarSyed, wyn_price 7565264 2017-12-19 23:45
AvA:Advanced Vanilla Ascension Is a mod that consists of adding items based on vanilla items and more. theogtmgamer 2597 2017-12-18 23:32
NetherStars By VeizerMell VeizerMell 112 2017-12-17 07:20
Zoocraft Discoveries The custom mod used in the Zoocrafting series. Adds new mobs and blocks to your worlds! ThePavoReality 441004 2017-12-16 18:44
HotOil Plus :0 FXGCurse 284 2017-12-16 18:08
BioBomb You can explode any mobs! maru2213 1975 2017-12-16 10:51
Bottle Water Destroyer Removes the source block when you fill a water bottle. Forge_User_23886247 150 2017-12-11 05:35
Command Spammer Send a large amount of command ATE48 10674 2017-12-07 18:44
Primitive Materials Primitive building materials and techniques feckofftwitch 378 2017-12-05 20:22
NiftyBlocks NiftyBlocks is a creative and survival-friendly mod that adds in various materials, lawn flamingos, decorations, 72 road signs, and much much more! shmeggels 2102496 2017-12-05 08:08
Jerry's Mod A mod about the slime Jerry from CaptainSparklez's playthrough Forge_User_83949547 22187 2017-12-04 06:11
Prospecting Various techniques for discovering ore feckofftwitch 200 2017-12-03 01:59
[Armory] Sentry AA & AMS Anti-Air and Anti-Missile System Sentry Guns for the Armory Mod QueenOfMissiles 13404 2017-12-02 04:19
Squake Quake-style movement for Minecraft squeek502 75031 2017-11-30 04:28
Multi-Hotbar Multi-Hotbar is a Minecraft Forge mod that extends Minecraft's hotbar past nine slots. DoctorOfNone 151173 2017-11-26 22:34
EnchantChanger-Enchantment Changing System- Add a enchantment changing system, items and blocks in Minecraft aktwich 34680 2017-11-24 11:47
Bobo's supermarket Mod Hello! Have you ever been bothered because of a lack of something in Minecraft? Lack of variety? Well I was, and that is why I developed supermarket. My goal was to add variety in foods to Minecraft. And that is what I accomplished. Enjoy the mod! Smacpats 20194 2017-11-24 01:07
Pixels in pixels NotBanMePLZ Delirious206 3806 2017-11-23 14:49
RoboWorks VAZ Package A Flans mod package which adds legendary Ladas to Minecraft roboworks 18749 2017-11-23 09:23
Avaritiaddons A Mod that tries to expand the meaning of Infinity! WanionCane 3870425 2017-11-21 15:53
WarStuff MilitaryMod Updated version! ginnadezons 65601 2017-11-21 07:02
Particles Toggler A Super simple mod for Minecraft that allows players to toggle their particles settings with one single key stroke. Perfect for mods that add to many particles. Error_MiKeY 3454 2017-11-19 21:05
Chat Emotes (formerly EiraMoticons) Twitch Emotes in Minecraft. BlayTheNinth 4179433 2017-11-19 14:51
EnhancedVisuals Feel the pain! CreativeMD 32312860 2017-11-19 12:58
Mob Battle Mod (Forge) Creative utensils in creating mob battles flemmli97 1488627 2017-11-19 03:38
minecraft meme edition some of the latest memes out there endercass 741 2017-11-19 01:40
Better Foliage Makes the vegetation in your world more natural and awesome octarine_noise 25346154 2017-11-17 11:38
MapleCrafted The MapleCrafted mod adds in the realm of MapleStory to Minecraft. moonlightroses_mc, EzraKhonsu, jayghoul_mc 14352 2017-11-14 19:24
Biomes O' Plenty Adds 50+ unique biomes to enhance your world, with new trees, flowers, and more! Forstride, TheAdubbz 157061506 2017-11-13 00:39
Ender Tools A mod that adds tools made of obsidian and 'ender' along some other fun toys! hotrods20 14546 2017-11-12 22:56
HarvestWithDispenser A mod enable range harvest with dispenser block and shears. defeatedcrow 324912 2017-11-10 13:04
MTUtils Addon for MineTweaker & Underground Biomes Constructs Ore Api LionZXY 77239 2017-11-10 10:43
The Walking Dead Mod(Comics) Kill or be killed. The Walking Dead. aweexx 3645 2017-11-10 02:15
Updated Blocks Adds many blocks from new versions andreykov9 194 2017-11-08 16:18
ItemPhysic Full #enhancedphysics CreativeMD 32170576 2017-11-08 10:01
Minecraft Mineralogy A geology-inspired mod for Minecraft that adds various types of real-world rocks. jriwanek, SkyBlade1978 170823 2017-11-07 05:19
Namiumcraft A Mod who you can have more Tools tolegit_ 1656 2017-11-06 20:48
Tainted This Mod Is About The Taint An Evil Force That Is Trying To Take Over The World. CreepChomper 111 2017-11-06 04:48
Gui Commands Check the Players Gui Speiger 21310 2017-11-01 02:15
Squeedometer Adds a speedometer to the HUD squeek502 63997 2017-10-30 04:16
Dynamic Sword Skills Is vanilla Minecraft combat too boring for you? Fear not, Dynamic Sword Skills will have you parrying, dodging, and attempting to perform strategic devastating attacks on your enemies! _ForgeUser11801975 715707 2017-10-29 20:45
Project Superhuman Superheroes in Minecraft DarKnighT_0_9 1116955 2017-10-29 19:07
Custom NPCs Create your own npcs and liven up your world or create your own adventure. Includes quests, a dialog system and a ton of items and blocks. Noppes_ 18495670 2017-10-29 17:53
RemoveHUDbutNotHand Have you ever wanted to create Realistics 1rst person Cinematics / Screenshots ? SquixReal 53108 2017-10-28 14:36
Pich Pictures in minecraft's chat JustAGod__ 361 2017-10-27 21:54
Coins Mod Coins mod add coins! Vital1kS 210 2017-10-27 13:01
Slaitnesse Mod An essentials mod super_kami_justin 380 2017-10-26 10:44
SevenElevenCraft Just convenience stuff and sphagetti IjiMendeleev 361 2017-10-20 09:50
Mo'Minecraft Makes Minecraft Fun unspekableminecraft 621 2017-10-19 12:36
Colorly This mod adds lots of blocks in different color variations. _ForgeUser20192238 622 2017-10-18 13:34
The Grunt Mod Adventuring Gruntxtv 106 2017-10-15 16:17
MusicCraft mod Playable instruments and sound recorders in Minecraft! Doc_Ned 91639 2017-10-15 10:26
Gun Customization Highly configurable guns including flamethrower, pistols, sniper rifle, knife, etc. LemADEC 215563 2017-10-11 19:59
Simple Gamemode / Simple Commands Change gamemode easy EditName83 797 2017-10-09 22:59
World Primer Automatically run commands or generate and place simple structures on world creation masady 5402011 2017-10-09 12:13
DiscordChat Forge (server-side only) mod to relay MC chat to Discord and vice versa. ShadowfactsDev 66910 2017-10-08 19:14
Weighted Inventories Adds Weight mechanics to game jredfox_ 1223 2017-10-07 23:10
Brown bricks mod adds brown bricks smernald 102 2017-10-07 18:45
OnlinePictureFrame add pictures directly from the internet to the game CreativeMD, gegy1000 2979826 2017-10-03 07:59
The Spice of Life Encourages dietary variety through diminishing returns squeek502 13066116 2017-10-03 04:53
OpenSensors OpenSensors for OpenComputers MichiyoRavencroft 4950 2017-10-01 18:13
DungeonPlus New dungeons, structures, statues, ruins, houses, traps. Lickaaas 53367 2017-10-01 12:56
OpticManager #synchronizedConfig CreativeMD 93946 2017-10-01 12:00
Arcane Gear May Arcane save you. DEV14NCE 143 2017-09-30 20:12
BicBiomeCraft Adds 35 Biomes, 8 Ores,Ingots,Tools,Armor,New Trees and plants foods and more PoisenFox 5584 2017-09-29 16:43
Elder Weapons RPG Use villagers and other mobs as weapons PoisenFox 1080 2017-09-27 15:27
Model Railroads This mod adds a whole range of track pieces, and locomotives and rolling stock. You can build you own layout, and run trains, in your attic, without taking up to much space! vincentmet, _ForgeUser12211004 6769 2017-09-27 12:11
DanganRonpa Murder Mystery This mod makes searching for a murder mystery plugin a lot easier in a mod that has the features of normal murder mystery mightyex101 2902 2017-09-24 21:49
ZMoreRessources More Ressources, BackPack, More craft, more food and others.. Yggdraszil_ 713 2017-09-24 13:32
Item Scroller Move items by mouse wheel scrolling, Shift + dragging, etc. masady 5666704 2017-09-24 05:21
Galacticraft Addon - Moon Of Mining A Mod made for Galactic Science 2! Bennyboy1695 28491 2017-09-24 02:33
MinePlus New mobs, ores, biomes etc. Lickaaas 197 2017-09-22 06:08
Uranium Reenriched mod A mod inspired by the old Uranium mod CsokiGaming 2411 2017-09-22 05:50
Zetta Industries ZI for shorts a mod that aims to extend other mods by adding various functionalities. marcin212a 1309939 2017-09-21 08:44
Mynko (Mine Co.) Collectibles Collectible Minecrafter Figures from blind boxes! DarKnighT_0_9 14113 2017-09-21 04:56
Better Placement Syncs block placement to cursor movement, allowing easier and faster building. tterrag1098 1682641 2017-09-20 00:08
DimmiesLib A Variety of Whatever-ness DimmiesTV 175 2017-09-18 01:32
[SBM] Wooden Rails Wood minecrafts and rails BuiltBroken, QueenOfMissiles 73890 2017-09-17 15:59
Minecraft Money A mod adding currency Items for trading. Forge_User_46506699, _ForgeUser16855943 49466 2017-09-15 21:24
Portal Gun This mod adds the Portal Gun, as well as several other portal-related aspects, to Minecraft! ohaiiChun 32471523 2017-09-15 03:43
GregTech 5 Unofficial Unofficial but approved continuation of GregTech 5 Forge_User_35950078, _ForgeUser19382171 131930 2017-09-14 18:48
InGameConfigManager #allingame CreativeMD 87275 2017-09-13 18:20
[SBM] Bone Torch Simple mod to create torches from bones BuiltBroken, QueenOfMissiles, bl4ckscor3 2076085 2017-09-12 22:18
Exo's Simple Steel Adds Steel _ForgeUser20183700 371 2017-09-12 19:29
Darwin Mod Unofficial Unofficial version Darwin Mod nazarkin 6378 2017-09-11 14:03
Obelisk Sometimes a slightly glassy lavarock is magical. Sometimes it isn't. a_frosted_one 3505 2017-09-11 01:53
HxCEnchants Adds More Enchants KeldonSlayer, karelmikie3 136553 2017-09-11 00:34
Binary Dimension Explore the Matrix, fight bugs and viruses, craft machines. QuantumBinary 17889 2017-09-10 16:59
More Swords Add alot of cool swords out of almost every material. Also eatable. Mcenderdragon 392229 2017-09-10 16:05
Clay Conversion Convert your clay blocks to clay balls easily KadenSharpin 406500 2017-09-10 15:32
BetterBeginnings Mod A mod to extend the beginning portion of Minecraft's early game and diversify vanilla gameplay, without breaking too much from the typical gameplay flow. GCTypo 160275 2017-09-09 20:29
Soggy's Guns New Guns For Projectiles SoggyStache 60892 2017-09-08 19:32
AutoRun Hotkey for autorun Mysticdrew 5082909 2017-09-07 21:19
Mekanism High-tech machinery, powerful energy generation, fancy gadgets and more. Now on Curse! bradyaidanc, pupnewfster, Thiakil, thommy101 121773945 2017-09-04 19:20
Mekanism Tools Powerful tools and armor for Mekanism. bradyaidanc, pupnewfster, Thiakil, thommy101 82048885 2017-09-04 19:15
Mekanism Generators Advanced energy generation for Mekanism. bradyaidanc, thommy101, pupnewfster, Thiakil 107398188 2017-09-04 19:13
Minenautica A Subnautica mod for Minecraft Viperfish2000, _ForgeUser24567423, _ForgeUser24500680 168267 2017-09-04 17:15
ZMultiTools More tools armor and weapons ! Yggdraszil_ 603 2017-09-04 17:06
Pressure Pipes Unlimited Fluid Transport bdew 7259614 2017-09-04 14:43
Infini-TiC Easily add custom Tinkers Construct tools, parts, fluids and buckets LakMoore 409906 2017-09-03 11:22
CreepTech Technology + Adventure Purplicious_Cow_ 8260 2017-09-02 12:38
Advanced Finders A bunch of new finders that make the mining process much more interesting and time-saving EnderLanky 11446852 2017-09-01 17:43
Better mobGriefing GameRule 'Better mobGriefing GameRule' is a Minecraft mod which improves the 'mobGriefing' game rule, allowing separate values to be specified for individual types of entity. Judge40 745520 2017-08-30 23:38
StructPro Mod (Fast Schematic Spawning System) Automatic structure generation based on schematics Ternsip 92919 2017-08-29 13:08
More Creative Block More Creative Block rostislaw1228 110 2017-08-29 08:55
BrickmotionMod A mod by Brickmotion, adding lots of food, ores, tools and much more Brickmotion 478 2017-08-28 08:39
MinEvil Mod MinEvil comes! _ForgeUser10806621 79 2017-08-27 12:49
Storage Drawers Interactive compartment storage for your workshops. Texelsaur 184270052 2017-08-27 04:30
Survival Tweaks Extra mechanics to make the game more interesting sorazodia 47074 2017-08-25 08:24
MCTitle MCTitle _ForgeUser19510086 20940 2017-08-24 14:43
Magic Bees Adds more Bee species to Forestry; provides some integration with Thaumcraft and other mods. MysteriousAges, Elec332 26577571 2017-08-23 22:36
Torchplacer Make your Minecraft Life easier! MineSpeed200 13631 2017-08-22 10:32
NVL Simple Blocks Adds simple decorative or other blocks NVLMagic 6315 2017-08-22 09:01
Binnie's Mods Various expansions for Forestry adding new bees and trees _ForgeUser9116757, mezz 23524312 2017-08-20 19:55
CreepyPasta CreepyPasta Ghostgamez505 20595 2017-08-20 17:50
Weird Force The force field mod we have all been waiting for :) _ForgeUser16490951 3379 2017-08-19 02:00
Currency Currency, your new money system for your Minecraft server! Ionaru 137261 2017-08-19 00:20
Hot-Swappable Armor A mod that allows you to at the click of a button switch between armor pieces without having to open your inventory. themattyboy 6470 2017-08-18 14:16
Custom Crosshair Mod A dynamic and customisable crosshair. Sparkless101 1086873 2017-08-17 18:51
Gear++ More Gear _ForgeUser23608844 855 2017-08-16 19:52
Max's Magic Mod A mod that adds in various magic items and mobs Forge_User_36572429 228 2017-08-15 11:27
Dao_Za_StackSizeFix Change stack sizes of items daoza2018 416 2017-08-15 04:44
MoreDyes Adds more than 100 new dyes, blended from existing colors. kg6jay, Naverene 49126 2017-08-14 22:07
Extra Utilities Tweaks A mod including some Extra Utilities 1.7.10 Tweaks MJRLegends 10180 2017-08-13 17:38
Telegram Integration a Minecraft mod for relaying some messages to Telegram UpcraftLP 4876 2017-08-13 11:45
Tiles Mod by Minecraft King Mod that add tiles into Minecraft. _ForgeUser21675431 315 2017-08-12 21:36
Red VS Blue Content Pack A mini mod that adds weapons, items and blocks for PVP Based servers. TheMasterGeneral 4901 2017-08-12 14:34
RealisticLivestockMod New realistic livestock Matheus_Vieira22, RedCDev 5228 2017-08-11 05:59
Villager Mantle Fix A small modification that returns to villagers their mantles MJaroslav 15893 2017-08-10 13:08
ServerInfoProvider Display server related values on a website! K4Unl 108305 2017-08-10 10:17
SafeZone One of the best server protection tools Melonslise 2889 2017-08-10 01:21
ItemPhysic Lite #spinning CreativeMD 14927636 2017-08-09 14:07
LittleTiles #BuildItYourself CreativeMD 11839611 2017-08-09 14:02
CreativeCore a core mod CreativeMD 113866646 2017-08-09 13:58
VoxelMap Minimap and Worldmap. Have an overview of your surroundings, or view the entire world. Create waypoints. MamiyaOtaru 12764648 2017-08-09 00:18
Voxels Voxels are a new in-game currency used by intelligent Creepers, who live in highly socialized Creeper Villages and specialize in trading, economics, and explosives. Purplicious_Cow_ 554152 2017-08-07 22:50
IUtils IUtils add new cool and useful things ! Infinite_X2 499 2017-08-07 12:42
Advanced Chimneys Adds chimney pipes, through which smoke from the fire or furnace goes up into the air EnderLanky 29177521 2017-08-05 19:55
BloodyQuests (BetterQuesting|Blood Magic Bridge) Blood Magic - Better Questing Bridge FreneticScribbler 135958 2017-08-05 14:01
Wireless Crafting Terminal An addon for Applied Energistics 2 that adds a wireless version of the Crafting Terminal TheRealp455w0rd 39933600 2017-08-05 02:23
The Steven Universe Ruby Mod It Adds Stuff From Steven Universe Sweglife123 378 2017-08-05 01:02
Minerals 4 crafting craft ores and new recipes for mineral blocks FutureFlash2024 988 2017-08-02 23:51
SidedBuffer - Aids to create crafting factories A mod that adds blocks which helps to make factories punyo_ 996 2017-08-02 21:10
CraftGuide A recipe viewer, with a scrollbar! Uristqwerty 2314767 2017-08-02 19:59
Arcticraft This is a continuation of the Old Arcticraft That Never Got Released jredfox_ 3304 2017-08-02 18:18
Rails of War Railroading on a grand scale. Nathaniel_Iten 462414 2017-08-02 12:02
iYAMATO's Mod Add weapons and mobs iyamato_japan 37316 2017-08-02 08:11
Vanilla Life mod Bedrock/Obsidian Armor/Tools and More jredfox_ 10488 2017-08-02 07:17
Charcoal Block mod Adds In charcoal blocks, golden charcoal blocks and more jredfox_ 2498 2017-08-02 07:03
Diamond World What's to explain? is a world of diamonds tacodude101 9163 2017-08-02 05:36
Dimensional Tales Remember your old Minecraft worlds where you only had 2 Dimensions and that was it? Did everything and waited for a new update that added a new dimension to explore? Here you Go gudak0_ 769 2017-08-02 01:02
Railcraft Redefine your rails! Covert_Jaguar 30822609 2017-08-01 23:47
More Recipes Adds recipes to advance the vanilla game FutureFlash2024 4009 2017-08-01 23:35
Space Astronomy Tweaks Small Tweaks for the Space Astronomy Series of Mod Packs MJRLegends 1060466 2017-08-01 03:04
Command Block Server Reset Enabler This server-side mod adds a new command, /breset, which functions much like the /stop command, but can be issued from a command block. vapidincarnate 567 2017-07-31 22:24
The Ultimate Elements A Minecraft Mod that adds some elements that can make powerful tools _ForgeUser23025958 2683 2017-07-31 14:17
modchu_playerformlittlemaidfml PlayerFormLittleMaidFML modchu 14606 2017-07-31 08:38
modchu_ridingindicatingrod add item modchu 2221 2017-07-31 08:24
modchu_actionindicating add item modchu 3420 2017-07-31 08:19
Lava Vacuum Lava Vacuum ValgardT 213 2017-07-30 14:08
SkyTech Crops Mod add new crops - designed for skyblock game type Forge_User_48216018 3819 2017-07-30 10:09
Farseek A Scala API for Minecraft mods. delvr 13526267 2017-07-29 19:50
United Cult Explore Thaumomothol, the dimension of Hagitsurine! NiceGuyAndrew 204 2017-07-29 18:22
Map Making Tools - Item Editor, Quick Builder.. Edit NBT data, quickly create structures all in-game! percivalalb 16327 2017-07-29 15:32
Super Bacon Mod You like bacon? If yes this mod is for you! superehostile 539 2017-07-29 14:41
Unchant Provides a way to stop the use of specific enchantments. kojul 402 2017-07-28 22:14
FTBTrophies Trophy mod for FTB Modpacks RazzleberryFox 548853 2017-07-28 21:37
Crafting Tweaks Allows you to rotate, balance or clear the crafting matrix by the press of a button, in any (supported) crafting window. BlayTheNinth 115690714 2017-07-28 13:20
The Vegan Option Adds vegan alternatives for all mob/animal products in Minecraft squeek502 51902 2017-07-28 02:18
SkyCraftBlock Mod, that adds various crafting recipes for enhanced SkyBlock experience. Forge_User_69234678 1010 2017-07-26 20:04
Useful DNS Useful items for the DNS Techpack mAdcOck83, stacdoubleflow 97192 2017-07-26 17:33
Experience Store Experience Store ValgardT 461 2017-07-26 12:51
Bag'o'Sleep Sleeping Bag npo6ka 166830 2017-07-24 17:26
EELimited EE revival mod punyo_ 3114 2017-07-24 13:38
GreenGrow+ A drug mod for Big Gaming's Disorderly Conduct CraftingGamerTom 265 2017-07-24 00:18
Mo' Glowstone A small mod that adds differently colored glowstone blocks! TheMasterGeneral 861768 2017-07-23 18:43
XathCraft New Item Upgrade System (Tools, Bow and Armor) with custom values, New Ores, New Dimension Forge_User_50680532 574 2017-07-23 18:19
Timestamps adds timestamps to chat messages g4bri3l23 19859 2017-07-23 10:55
Wolf core Collection of commands and classes derwolfytstreams 5800 2017-07-22 21:33
InventoryBook On respawn, you are given a book containing a list of items lost Forge_User_40934822 60061 2017-07-22 15:06
Diamond Apple Madness!! A Diamond Apple itsfflame 1599 2017-07-22 06:47
Antique Atlas Antique map featuring infinite scrolling, zoom and custom labeled markers. Hunternif 23059693 2017-07-22 01:16
Hit Range Mod This modification visualizes the hit range of players with circles. Krymonota 15718 2017-07-21 11:10
The Seasons Mod Seasons in Minecraft! TheWeatherPony 43268 2017-07-19 18:36
Coin Mod Adds coins inf1425 1728 2017-07-19 10:57
External Tweaker Tool to help create, manage, and edit CraftTweaker scripts and recipes on 1.7.10, 1.10.2, 1.11.2, and 1.12! Bartz24 1207896 2017-07-19 00:43
Grappling Hook Mod A mod which adds grappling hooks yyonne 15524833 2017-07-19 00:17
Roshroom For the Roshroom Pack solely Kazioac 468 2017-07-17 17:23
La Prison Un Mod pour la map "La Prison" GalliCraft 3118 2017-07-17 11:06
Nature's Compass Nature's Compass is an item that allows you to locate biomes anywhere in the world. Chaosyr 174308899 2017-07-17 01:40
Snowy's Fluids Liquids of items, blocks, etc. mcmaster_19 334 2017-07-16 22:10
Heal Mod For those who can't run NEI, here's the heal command! mcmaster_19 443 2017-07-16 17:58
SignPicture The sign tells us how beautiful it is! Kamesuta 465366 2017-07-14 14:12
HxCWorldGen Adds Commonly used Ores. KeldonSlayer, karelmikie3 3790 2017-07-14 03:38
Rockhounding Mod Decorative blocks and building parts made of different materials and by different processes. globbypotato 94010 2017-07-12 11:51
MonstersRegularArmy Defend with full of your Power namayake5, cixon 13734 2017-07-12 04:34
Walking Dead Content Pack Adds a ton of Armor and post apocalyptic items. aweexx 4158 2017-07-12 03:50
[SBM] Baggable Plants Quick way to move large plants that can't be moved without being broken QueenOfMissiles 49355 2017-07-12 02:54
Superheroes Unlimited Play as your favorite superheroes and supervillians in Minecraft! Tihyo 214244 2017-07-11 19:07
Old Beacon Make beacons great again zr22 3970 2017-07-11 10:26
Totem Defender 4 totems, which defend territory from enemy entities kordum0801 97684 2017-07-07 08:59
HP Spells Cast over 40 spells with your voice using speech recognition software! Asweez 25974 2017-07-04 23:20
Gravestone mod - Graves Gravestone nightkosh 3688095 2017-07-04 21:20
Bacon Wrapped Tools! Eat your Minecraft Tools! NotTooManyItems 4570 2017-07-04 00:55
Zollern Extras An extras and additions mod that changes the world and breathes more life into it. ZollernWolf 4153 2017-07-02 03:29
Notes A clientside mod that provides a fully functional in-game notepad. Chaosyr 6190429 2017-07-01 17:45
CraftMC CraftMC Forge_User_45368428 487 2017-06-29 17:03
Space Research [Addon for Galacticraft3] Space Research [Addon for Galacticraft3] whitewarrior___ 13086 2017-06-29 09:54
Minecraft Refinement Minecraft Refinement - A refinement modification for Minecraft ValgardT 102 2017-06-28 20:28
[SBM] Helm Bucket Use your helm as a bucket BuiltBroken, QueenOfMissiles 46319 2017-06-27 02:47
Zane's Extras Mod that adds extra items and structures to Minecraft _ForgeUser9734985 1739 2017-06-25 18:33
Saracalia's Vehicle Mod Add Decorative Vehicles to your Minecraft Projects! Saracalia, FEX___96 139984 2017-06-24 05:11
Mojo-Alchemism ZakRealms Recipe modifications CombatZAK 2906 2017-06-24 01:37
Mundus Magicus Design, Create and Customize your own Spells CAS_ual_TY 18326 2017-06-23 16:28
Aliens Vs Predator A Minecraft Mod, based entirely off of the AVP franchise. It's also based off of other related franchises, such as Prometheus, Predator, and Alien. Ri5ux, cybercat5555 891864 2017-06-22 15:56
MDXLib Minecraft Development Library X Ri5ux, cybercat5555 766234 2017-06-22 15:43
Mercurius An analytics mod for those interested in numbers TamasHenning 24787211 2017-06-21 01:16
Tick Dynamic Dynamic control of the world tickrate to reduce apparent lag. The_Fireplace 480859 2017-06-20 20:40
Creative Tab Randomiser Because having a consident order is really boring. Chocohead 4063 2017-06-19 22:21
Yet Another Recipe Mod Just a small and little mod that adds some recipes. SupG_NL 1065 2017-06-19 13:12
The 1K Mod This mod will add 1000 mods to your game! The_Nick_Dev 1860 2017-06-18 10:15
VeinMiner VeinMiner Portablejim 16464013 2017-06-17 07:49
FriendlyMobs Any mob can become friendly. kegare0127 42147 2017-06-16 12:02
Repose This mod allows you to walk up and down hills without jumping. Give your spacebar a break! delvr 59103 2017-06-16 05:51
Alloyment Make your own dynamic tools... hmmmm... Rongmario, _ForgeUser31957984 89 2017-06-16 00:05
Ketaan's Ore Plants Plants that can grow ores _ForgeUser11428973 3414 2017-06-15 17:53
StarShip Mcheli Modpack _ForgeUser24137228 22107 2017-06-15 14:46
GTUnderground A whole new world of things that some might wish didn't exist, but too bad here they are Creeperologist 99 2017-06-15 11:15
Fernanfloo Mod 2 Curly dog, tools, armor and more MorelPlay 14941 2017-06-13 21:05
Vanilla-Inspired Teleporters Teleport with ease! salarymanexe, Forge_User_41096743 113279 2017-06-13 11:25
Advanced Hook Launchers Adds different hooks with launchers which give you ability to climb, abseil, jump off the cliffs, pull entities or players, and even slay the dragons! EnderLanky 54918389 2017-06-11 15:06
ForgeEndertech Shared library used by all Endertech mods EnderLanky 95913552 2017-06-11 14:57
TombCraftMod This mod add tombs, artifacts and traps. SnakeRoyal 313 2017-06-11 11:41
Magnum mod Magnum mod is a mod that adds tech tools and a few new blocks! magnum1231 591 2017-06-10 22:20
Mineralistic Adding ores and mod compat (for modpacks) Rongmario, _ForgeUser31957984 382 2017-06-09 12:05
Never Enough Currency A currency mod based on paper money and ATMs. JemmaZZ 111125 2017-06-07 18:09
WanionLib Shared code library used by all WanionCane mods! WanionCane 54934469 2017-06-07 17:56
Classes of Warcraft Classes with abilities, talent specialization and items from World of Warcraft! (Battlegear fork project) _ForgeUser27129357 14116 2017-06-06 16:03
YukariLib An library for Kotlin Modders. トリナー, c6h2cl2 122412 2017-06-06 13:50
Caveworld 2 Adds more new cave dimensions, items, blocks, cave mobs and others. kegare0127 120168 2017-06-05 13:33
Techguns Guns, Armors and a lot more. pWn3d_1337, redrosewarrior1 6288376 2017-06-05 07:24
Shromulum Mod! Adds shromulum. FragrantGingerCalamari 411 2017-06-05 00:36
Power Drop Allows items to be dropped more powerfully OmegaJak 55424 2017-06-04 17:23
Custom Debug Replace default debug on more nice DannikInfo 6274 2017-06-03 11:06
War On The Mobs (WOTM) Wage strategic war against an Undead Army! shadow_mods 12381 2017-06-02 23:58
Mytic2 More Armors, Tools + stuff Forge_User_62757978 614 2017-06-02 08:41
Logistics Pipes Logistics Pipes is an extensive overhaul of the Buildcraft pipe system. It allows for better distribution of items via pipes, more organised stockkeeping and easier automated crafting. mc_rs485, theZorro266, davboecki 11423214 2017-06-01 10:07
Carson's mod BLOW UP AND KILL STUFF carsonzoo 1742 2017-06-01 00:22
V.A.E Vanilla Armoury Extended derwolfytstreams, KatFartz 650 2017-05-31 01:32
Blur Adds a blur effect to all GUI backgrounds tterrag1098 7971157 2017-05-30 07:27
HEXeco The new Green Power derwolfytstreams 2800 2017-05-26 23:30
CD4017BE Library Mod Library (also adds microblocks since 1.16) Cd4017be 5799753 2017-05-26 19:52
Dynamic Torches Satisfies your Minecraft OCD and automatically positions torches exactly in a corner where possible. Forge_User_60012931 12215 2017-05-26 16:23
LanteaCraft Adds Stargates, and other Stargate inspired technology. MichiyoRavencroft 163072 2017-05-25 12:30
Glare Torch This torch illuminates a wider area than a normal torch. Guriguridqm4 572394 2017-05-25 10:59
New Gems Mod Another mod that adds gems in Minecraft. ktreus 593 2017-05-23 18:16
BiblioCraft Bookcases, armor stands, shelves and so much more! Nuchaz 80181612 2017-05-22 23:28
Trade Booths A mod that allows player stores! galuhornblower 5704 2017-05-22 07:28
Complex Crafting A Mod That adds Many Tools and Armour sets With Complex Crafting Recipes! HyruleOrphan 1926 2017-05-18 21:33
Mob Hives Mod Fight against naturally spawning Hives of Mobs! shadow_mods 874 2017-05-18 21:22
Fidget Spinners A mod featuring Fidget Spinners to use as weapons! volbott 61685 2017-05-18 20:24
Transsib Pre-built Subway grid network under your feet! alfuken 2149 2017-05-18 11:18
Botanic Energistics Implement AE2 Autocrafting for Botania in a more easier manner Holladiewal, _ForgeUser7858348, Boxed_Hellfire 34462 2017-05-17 15:12
Karat Garden Karat Garden - Not regular carrots MrAmericanMike 3950374 2017-05-16 23:56
LATL: Lamps and Traffic Lights Adding lamps, traffic lights and railroad crossings to your worlds! WThieves2 41023 2017-05-16 20:45
WMobility Adding cars to minecraft! WThieves2 14444 2017-05-16 19:38
Dubstep Gun Adding the iconic dubstep guns to minecraft, but they're not limited to dubstep only! WThieves2 43586 2017-05-16 19:21
So Many Enchantments An all new enchantments... (W.I.P) ShelterRin, Charles445, fonnymunkey, Rikka_Kitani 17761625 2017-05-16 01:09
Under Umbrella Mod (Totally "not" *wink wink* for Witchery Vampires) Makes a layer of blocks above your head to protect from rain or sun when held. TheUnderTaker11_ 2048 2017-05-15 18:55
Uncrafted Craft the uncraftable! - over 120 new crafting and smelting recipes! - enable or disable recipes! XxRexRaptorxX 553879 2017-05-15 15:51
Chance Cubes A Game of Chance and Skill TurkeyDev 39826382 2017-05-14 19:53
Automation Utilities A small mod designed to fill in the gaps in tech mods. ProfLucario 2307 2017-05-14 17:05
Craftable Command Block Mod Adds in a recipe for the command block. _ForgeUser21183901 3644 2017-05-14 13:05
Bavaria Mod Bayern Mod (Bavaria Mod) | Minecraft (1.12.2...WIP) Hawkk97 809 2017-05-14 12:13
[SBM] Grappling Hook Travel around with a pull of a rope BuiltBroken, QueenOfMissiles, bl4ckscor3 51014 2017-05-14 07:07
Medieval Weapons and Tools Mod Medieval Weapons Mod Hawkk97 7973 2017-05-13 22:55
Gilded Game Utils - Fix Fix for the lib file for aether Rongmario, _ForgeUser31957984 846719 2017-05-13 21:58
Cyancraft Mod Bringing the future to 1.7.10 cyancraft 749 2017-05-13 02:37
[SBM] Oil Ore Alternative to oil fluid mods BuiltBroken, QueenOfMissiles 44438 2017-05-13 00:43
Grue It's pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue. Shinoow 10445698 2017-05-12 09:31
SCP - Containment Breach Based on the game SCP - Containment Breach! shmeggels 47108 2017-05-12 00:38
Terracart Terraria-like minecart for Minecraft alfuken 38122 2017-05-10 13:45
Thaumic Additions: Reconstructed Meet new neat and handy features to Thaumcraft VI Zeith, DragonForgeMC 3085879 2017-05-09 12:16
Matter Overdrive Andriod Shield Tweak Makes the cool-down time and length of the shield you can use as an android be configurable. TheUnderTaker11_ 3016 2017-05-07 21:44
LiveNotifier Tell your subs when you go live! K4Unl 5813 2017-05-07 19:54
Mystcraft Writable Dimensions XCompWiz 13350789 2017-05-07 16:49
Different Utilities A new mod that adds a lot of Different Utilities! _ForgeUser20192238 1690 2017-05-07 09:27
Kitteh6660's MoreCraft Enhance your vanilla experience with a large yet simple Forge mod that adds over 100 items and several new blocks. Kitteh6660 150956 2017-05-07 06:47
Advanced Thaumaturgy 2 This project is on hold due to Thaumcraft's suspension! BipolarExpresss, _ForgeUser11959921, gaeakat 47735 2017-05-07 00:58
Giant Tools Adds more Tools, Weapons, Sticks, Ladders, Ores, Machines, and Batteries! Rellit_219 1608 2017-05-06 22:10
Meta Metals New Metals! tahuthelegend 121 2017-05-05 18:14
VisibleRayGenerator Powerful generators which create INFINITY EU from visible ray for IndustorialCraft. aktwich 57661 2017-05-05 05:19
Custom Loading Screen Allows you to completly customise the loading screen with json files. (Formally Better Loading Screen) AlexIIL 3382200 2017-05-02 00:00
Decocraft Decorate your minecraft world with epic models, choose from over 3.000 objects! More are added every week! RazzleberryFox 39844209 2017-05-01 16:18
Evil Ocean Evil Ocean is an world generation mod with custom generation Kormic911 30819 2017-04-29 00:48
More Planets Extras A addon of the Galacticratt Addon More Planets MJRLegends 1393690 2017-04-27 01:15
CookieTech A bit of tech for your vanilla world The_Nick_Dev 644 2017-04-26 09:32
Supreme Laser This adds a laser that is wayyyyyyy faster than the BuildCraft Laser btreelar 6096 2017-04-25 01:32
ManyTools Add 12 kinds of tools r3dist 3261 2017-04-24 02:33
K4Lib The library of K4 K4Unl 493577 2017-04-22 17:07
Leinad's Currency Simple mod which adds a simple currency system Sir_Leinad_ 899 2017-04-22 13:19
Houb'Mod Peripherals Peripherals CC & blocs decorative for mini game AdslHouba 1729 2017-04-21 16:41
Arkia's Mores More Ores! IrresoluteArkia 16223 2017-04-21 01:49
Compressacraft A lite mod that adds in small items like a Compressed Diamond Sword! UnitedSlyer 477 2017-04-20 20:47
EvilCraft An evil mod for Minecraft. kroeser 28853283 2017-04-20 18:16
Call to Battle-The WWII Mod Call to Battle is a WWII Mod that focuses on a realistic and detailed depiction of WWII combat CallToBattle2 104337 2017-04-20 15:48
Industrial Dyes A tiny mod that adds a set of dyes! MyNameIsKodos 399 2017-04-20 07:08
ProjectilesOfDoom(POD) Intresting But Horrifying Projectiles, DO NOT GET TARGETED BY THEM OTHERWISE YOU'D END UP DEAD. goldenbrosytgaming 1940 2017-04-18 20:10
InfusinBrewing Implements brewing system in infusion crafting mariri2u 5568 2017-04-18 15:09
Ender IO Addons Ender IO Addons adds more machines to Ender IO HenryLoenwind 4009183 2017-04-17 22:08
ExperienceApple It is magic MOD using experience otamusan32 1822 2017-04-17 13:21
Infinite's Swords Mod Infinite's Swords Mod Infinite_X2 2037 2017-04-16 19:38
Networks Manager This mod allows to view and commanding your (RF , Fluid , Gas) Networks LithimzTV 53004 2017-04-16 09:59
Aqua Mod Try To Make Everything Become Aqua! 荻寶仙 5507 2017-04-16 02:15
MmmMmmMmmMmmPatch Leveling Iguanas Tinker Tweaks' tool with MmmMmmMmmMmm' scarecrow Kamesuta 12539 2017-04-15 04:43
ShinColle Add powerful and cute mobs. lulanxd 295312 2017-04-11 09:33
Rainbow Trees Simple Rainbow Trees added hotrods20 5723 2017-04-10 09:27
DeathQuotes / Death Quotes Displays funny quotes when you die in Minecraft lordcazsius, tfarecnim 5108751 2017-04-09 23:01
God of Minecraft Become the god of your world mrdood131313 14619 2017-04-09 20:52
High Pressure Tanks High Pressure Tanks is a Minecraft mod that adds multiblock tanks that can store any liquid under high pressure. It comes with many machines that are not only used to craft the tank components but can also create some nice decorative blocks or even items patrick96MC 12551 2017-04-09 19:31
Potato knishes It adds foods produced in the Little King John's little factory from "Ratboy Genius dreams Minecraft" show. LoneDev 427 2017-04-09 17:10
Fancy Battleaxes Adds Battleaxes from some Materials with a fancy 32x texture alexdaum1 186623 2017-04-08 13:04
Golden Apple Leaf Make leaves great again zr22 1606 2017-04-08 07:22
Even More Buttons Mod Adds in Loads of buttons MinecraftPalace 41796 2017-04-07 19:36
Inventory Tools A mod with tools, typically involving inventories animeniac7 17489 2017-04-05 16:42
Enhanced Inventories A mod that add more inventories to the game intended to be both functional and asthetic animeniac7 982230 2017-04-05 16:33
MC Heli Privacy Shield Protect your privacy from the spyware mod, MC Helicopter Mod Kamesuta, Kokoa0429 9876 2017-04-05 06:37
Achievement Books Multiple achievement books with easy config vsbMeza3 304330 2017-04-03 13:20
Just Another Crafting Mod This mod adds simple recipes for items/blocks that you can't get in Survival SupG_NL 999 2017-04-03 11:12
NewSim For Builders, Adds old SimCraft decorative blocks. anar4732 902 2017-04-02 01:29
Hearthstone Mod Brings WoW-like Hearthstones to Minecraft! Sythiex 611784 2017-04-01 01:42
NeighborCraft: The Hello Neighbor Mod! Mod adds in things from Hello Neighbor! _ForgeUser21016084 155666 2017-03-29 21:38
ReinforcedTools The cost is higher, but the spec is very high! トリナー, c6h2cl2 216156 2017-03-29 05:24
Super (cheating) Armor very cheaty armor Br1ghtP3ssimist 4919 2017-03-27 09:56
[SBM] Gas Can Gas can that supports any fluid BuiltBroken, QueenOfMissiles 41706 2017-03-27 01:08
Vanilla Supplements Subtle additions to round out vanilla minecraft Sythiex 391 2017-03-26 23:47
Gregtania Gregtania - Gregging Botania pharaun6666 15236 2017-03-26 04:40
Minecraft Flight Simulator Realistic flight in Minecraft! don_bruce 999571 2017-03-25 14:28
HxCPeripherals A computercraft peripheral addon mod. KeldonSlayer, wiggle1000 3177 2017-03-25 00:27
Random Bits Mod This mod adds random things that could be useful. The is a very, very early version of the mod, so I apologize for the lack of content Ligionbob 1130 2017-03-23 23:36
Just HealerBlock healer block for 1.7.10 Br1ghtP3ssimist 1009 2017-03-23 14:28
Mo Guns Adds Guns and 1 Mob the_silent_dragon 188 2017-03-21 23:55
MCHeli Minecraft Helicopter Mod A mod designed to implement planes, helicopters and turrets into Minecraft Fureniku 1316836 2017-03-21 18:47
JMOD - The JavaScript MOD Loader JMOD provides an API to write simple mods in JavaScript and takes care of loading them _ForgeUser13668446 7634 2017-03-21 10:59
Laugicality Adds a few Laugical things. Laugic 684 2017-03-20 23:56
saomclib Library for common things used in mods by SAOMC Bluexino 124913 2017-03-20 10:11
BountifulElements Add 1.8~ elements to 1.7.10. _ForgeUser20329379 4082 2017-03-19 15:09
Crystalik Mod Litle mod. Vital1kS 527 2017-03-19 09:32
Iron Furnaces Inspired by cpw's Iron Chests, this mod introduces a variety of new furnaces to the game. XenoMustache, pizzaatime 44384786 2017-03-19 09:29
EssentialCraft 4 Unofficial The unofficial version of the EssentialCraft mod with some changes and fixes. TheLMiffy1111, mrapplexz 58483 2017-03-19 00:50
Reasonable Realism A small collection of mods aiming to add a small bit of realism to minecraft in order to further advance and enhance gameplay. Draco18_s 18250 2017-03-17 22:03
Harder Wildlife Giving life to the world. Draco18_s 173391 2017-03-17 22:00
Enter the Forest An RPG mod for version 1.7.10. Explore a world now full of strange and quirky NPC friends. argontheminer 2097 2017-03-16 22:24
Paddle Boats A small mod that adds adorable swan boats into your game. ThePavoReality 12631 2017-03-15 10:27
SodiumCraft Giving Mekanism sodium a use! CsokiGaming 164917 2017-03-15 09:16
Polearms Spears in Minecraft! DerTrueForce 2822 2017-03-15 03:54
RTmod The RTmod made by rookietube adds many new fun things to your world. This mod was made with MCreator. coolmanxander 973 2017-03-15 03:41
Refined Relocation Sorting Chest Networks, Modular Item Transport and more Forge_User_50076546, BlayTheNinth 2366876 2017-03-14 18:28
Building Boots MOD Add boots which place blocks automatically namayake5 32760 2017-03-14 15:03
MineCalc Adds a forge-based calculator in minecraft chat! blackop778 12145 2017-03-12 23:13
Terraria Mod Terraria Mod Forge_User_81733841 6178 2017-03-11 18:12
Akatsuki Mod Mod about organization in world Naruto supernickita45 6561 2017-03-11 17:52
Simply Platinum A Vanilla+ balanced upgrade for Gold equipment. MistFox 59729 2017-03-11 08:26
WorldEditCUI Forge Edition This mod provides a client-side user interface for the WorldEdit plugin allowing you to see your selected region in-game in real time hexosse 549425 2017-03-08 21:00
Unusing Not break your tools. ロ_ロ 662 2017-03-07 14:15
Military Dropped This mod add MRE and Plane Axe AllInMods 2376 2017-03-07 00:35
The Dirtbike Mod Adds dirtbikes to Minecraft! sheenrox82_ 23713 2017-03-07 00:26
The Mists of RioV An RPG mod that adds mobs, dimensions, bosses, hundreds of items and blocks, and more! sheenrox82_ 73540 2017-03-07 00:12
Official MaplePets The MaplePets mod adds in a number of pets from MapleStory and Lineage to the world of Minecraft. moonlightroses_mc, EzraKhonsu 13673 2017-03-05 21:17
CoroUtil Library Mod for Weather/Tropicraft/ZombieAwareness/etc Corosus 34726032 2017-03-04 19:56
Thermal Expansion Expanding Minecraft Thermally! A server-friendly and content-rich blend of magic and technology! TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH 118673235 2017-03-04 18:51
Thermal Dynamics Thermal gets Dynamic! Adds ducts - transportation for Redstone Flux, Fluids, and Items! TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH, RWTema 90578588 2017-03-04 18:47
Thermal Foundation The Foundation of a Thermally Expanding World! TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH 131479123 2017-03-04 18:40
CoFH Core Contains Core Functionality for all Team CoFH mods. Also does some really cool stuff on its own! TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH 152737993 2017-03-04 18:36
CoFH Lib Library/API required by all CoFH mods. It's also meant as a resource for other modders! TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH 13379798 2017-03-04 18:31
WoodCore You need lots of new ores, resources and other stuff? Get this one :D! krabbelp_ 668 2017-03-04 03:04
ObsTrophies Trophies for your favourite Mobs! JimMiningWorm 79201 2017-03-04 03:01
ColorUtility Make handling ColorCode more easily. axeryok 2361708 2017-03-03 16:41
Json Loot Bags Configurable loot bags with full NBT support! DoubleDoorDev, Claycorp, Dries007 479240 2017-02-28 20:43
Elrol's GUI Elevator A One Block Elevator Mod ArrowsendGaming 77827 2017-02-28 10:28
Health Bar A simple health bar that pops up when hurt. Always displays your correct health. SilentChaos512 235588 2017-02-27 18:37
OpenPeripheralIntegration OpenPeripheralCore addon that converts few blocks to peripherals OpenMods, 0x00716F62 6737285 2017-02-26 20:49
OpenPeripheralAddons Random peripherals for OpenPeripheralCore OpenMods, 0x00716F62 6741618 2017-02-26 20:42
OpenPeripheralCore Simple ComputerCraft and OpenComputers integration layer OpenMods, 0x00716F62 6850955 2017-02-26 20:36
OpenBlocks Random collection of blocks. Some of which aren't blocks at all. OpenMods, 0x00716F62 56095921 2017-02-26 20:32
Insider Trading Villager trade editing! DoubleDoorDev, Claycorp, Dries007 441215 2017-02-26 16:21
Ex Fusile Bringing back broken/crushed/powdered ores to Tinker's Construct Smeltery. WanionCane 176565 2017-02-25 22:43
MushroomMod This mod will add a lot of mushrooms in minecraft _ForgeUser27320838 1906 2017-02-25 19:43
Cooked Flesh Mod A neat little mod to help get rid of all that Rotten Flesh. _ForgeUser30954730 1168 2017-02-23 23:17
Heavy Ores Limit stack size of ores to force new logistics problem solving. typheusibor 456 2017-02-23 07:41
Symcity core This is Core mod for symcity' s mod. symcity 904 2017-02-22 08:28
Zelda Sword Skills The ultimate Zelda mod for Minecraft! Including nearly every Zelda item, sword skills such as Link's Spin Attack, mobs, dungeons, several quests, and more. _ForgeUser11801975 496193 2017-02-22 00:56
BBtweaks Tweaks mod for Nuts and Bolts Pack Saereth 18670 2017-02-21 06:26
Essential Additions Adding to Minecraft What Mojang Forgot. spikespaz 7646 2017-02-20 07:54
Multiplycraft Mod This mod adds many more features to Minecraft. _ForgeUser30861014 692 2017-02-19 01:38
SafeStones Can't spawn mobs on this block mariri2u 3965 2017-02-18 12:19
GTProspector New Item: Prospector assist you to look for veins of GregTech mariri2u 6941 2017-02-18 11:49
Handy Recipes Mod A mod that adds/edits recipes _ForgeUser21689415 155 2017-02-17 21:04
AssariazMod AssariazMod by Sancho_Lp s4ncho0 558 2017-02-17 16:29
Glod Mod Simple mod... _ForgeUser15847308 93 2017-02-16 19:54
MaschinengewehrMod MaschinengewehrMod by Sancho_Lp s4ncho0 739 2017-02-15 19:47
Gagimod This Mod is made by Gagi s4ncho0 301 2017-02-15 18:02
The Wings of ALO Mystical magical wings from The SAO (Alfheim)! "Unofficial" poleno18 5175 2017-02-15 12:46
SemeiasUtils A small mod for Sprucians. _ForgeUser30771210 105 2017-02-14 15:11
BotaniaVisualizer This mod visualize mana of Botania mariri2u 210410 2017-02-14 14:56
McAssistant Assist your playing of minecraft by many functions mariri2u 36252 2017-02-14 10:00
Refugee to Regent Utilities A utility mod for players of the FTB Refugee to Regent Challenge SenseidragonMC 12806 2017-02-13 23:40
MineTweaker RecipeMaker No more will you need to type out shaped or shapeless recipes.... EVER! DoubleDoorDev, Claycorp, Dries007 11657330 2017-02-13 18:45
CraftableHorseArmor J35W3Y _ForgeUser20692852 5677 2017-02-13 00:28
Just Another Spawner Configurable replacement for vanilla entity spawn system crudedragos 605076 2017-02-12 22:18
Special Weapons New Tools and Weapons to your Minecraft! DoutorWhite 20593 2017-02-12 12:59
TFCTech Addon This is a cross-over mod, which integrates technical mods with TerraFirmaCraft. Shurgent 227958 2017-02-12 12:26
PeacefulSurface peaceful than normal LainMI 342561 2017-02-12 06:07
FlatWorld Flatten the ground easily and more. For 1.7.x-1.11.x. _ForgeUser29178155 65983 2017-02-12 01:49
Skull's Decor Blocks Mod Want some extra blocks to spice up your adventure? Look no further, as this mod will suit all of your needs! skullmassarce75 907 2017-02-11 22:12
r2s Radio Play your own music , (mp3, aac), and share/listen to your favorite radio stream sir_titi 38208 2017-02-11 20:40
The SolarSPICE Mod This is a mod based on all of SolarSPICE's Favorite things. RedWire989 362 2017-02-09 19:52
CocoaInput Support IME input(Japanese , Chinese , Korean) in Minecraft on macOS,Windows,Linux. axeryok 59459 2017-02-09 15:56
The Sea Of Rust Mod The Sea Of Rust Mod Maks2103 183 2017-02-09 08:11
FuelCanister Adds a Fuel Canister which can be filled with coal and used in a furnace. alexdaum1 368206 2017-02-08 16:54
Wild Cryptids And Conspiracies Mod A mod that adds in Cryptids. _ForgeUser11897280 5087 2017-02-07 06:52
Metallitech (Discontinued) A Mod Based Around Metals and Technology The_Lemon_Juiced 908 2017-02-07 01:54
Bionisation When viruses and bacteria come in minecraft ThunderModder 4562 2017-02-05 13:16
FancyTools Adds Emerald and Obsidian Tools with really nice Textures alexdaum1 65703 2017-02-05 12:35
BLaK's Kevlar Gear Mod Adds Kevlar And Other Stuff Version: 1.7.10 _ForgeUser30200828 503 2017-02-05 03:41
Bonsai Man Mod Bonsai Man is very terrible mob. _ForgeUser20329379 1333 2017-02-04 12:35
Saracalia's Random Stuff Mod! More decorations for your Minecraft World Saracalia 13221 2017-02-04 07:11
BLaK's Mineral Dimensions Mod This Mod Adds More Dimensions Version: 1.7.10 _ForgeUser30200828 363 2017-02-04 01:15
Space Food Mod Adds Tube-Shaped space food to MineCraft ! Forge_User_26059488 1297 2017-02-03 12:09
SuperMiner [Unified] SuperMiner - Making mining easier... o_DuelMonster_o 185932 2017-02-01 20:30
The Obsidian Guard A mod that adds obsidian tools and armor as well as a mob called the Obsidian Guard. _ForgeUser27865227 1085 2017-01-30 16:59
Team Up Team up with ur friends! Make your own faction! EwyBoy 82797 2017-01-30 15:41
mxTune Adds musical instruments that allow you to play music in MML format. Aeronica 927527 2017-01-29 15:59
PowerSticks This mod will help you survive in Minecraft. _ForgeUser22925860 1366 2017-01-29 15:54
GraveStone Mod Places a gravestone with your inventory items inside when you die henkelmax 61328005 2017-01-28 22:10
Juju's ClothingCraft Wardrobe & Accessories JujuAwesomeBeans 92030 2017-01-28 05:51
Lemon's Essentials A Random Collection Of Stuff My Friends And I Want Added In The Game The_Lemon_Juiced 639 2017-01-28 00:00
MahMeat That's mah meat! heldplayer 3204 2017-01-26 18:29
SpmodAPI A gag based technical mod with some other features Speiger 14352 2017-01-26 15:51
More Crafts This is small mod , but it adds more... ) _ForgeUser23549061 2735 2017-01-26 13:40
TierraMod-3.5.1 TierraMod-3.5.1 TONOCRAFTCM_YT 4219 2017-01-25 18:58
OreDictCombo Disassembly Ore Dictionary Word _ForgeUser16877705 8728 2017-01-25 06:47
Palimpsest Erase Maps and Books for reuse by rubbing with Redstone Dust. Stormwind99 24905 2017-01-24 18:05
Pantography Copy Map item data to other Maps including different scale Maps with a Pantograph, an advanced Cartography Table. Stormwind99 28517 2017-01-24 06:53
CoreIO Basic multiplayer server fuctions unitedworldminers_curse, _ForgeUser7230149, _ForgeUser18477638, derEgges 49041 2017-01-23 18:17
BaseIO A library for serverside coding mostly used in UWM mods unitedworldminers_curse, _ForgeUser7230149, derEgges, _ForgeUser18477638 45408 2017-01-23 18:08
Curdled Milk A mod that adds items & tools made out of milk curds. _ForgeUser30295739 125 2017-01-23 04:51
Cacti (Categorical Creative Inventory) Redesigns the creative inventory to enable more immediate access to mods' creative tabs. pau101 10726 2017-01-22 02:18
Unifier Simple, highly configurable mod to unify items from different mods. Aristine_ 104909 2017-01-21 13:22
Diablo Theme [BQ] Adds a Diablo 3 style skin to Better Questing's themes Funwayguy 2443 2017-01-21 07:45
Fakename Fakename adds Commands to change the display name Tschipp 220820 2017-01-20 17:39
Cobble Breakdown A simple mod that allows you to get gravel, sand, and dirt quickly. Beast351x 434 2017-01-19 16:17
StacyPlays Mod Have StacyPlays in your world! _ForgeUser12578382 102740 2017-01-19 08:49
PackGuard Monitors the modpack for user modifications, and tells the user to not report any errors if anything has been changed! CoolSquid 2927418 2017-01-18 17:31
Additional Compression A Mod that Adds Compressed Blocks to Minecraft KingWealthyturtle, RCXcrafter 1548922 2017-01-18 13:10
EconomicalMilkTea This is an addon of MCEconomy2 for add the order system and shop blocks. defeatedcrow 3799 2017-01-18 11:49
Glass Bottles to Glass (GB2G) Turn your Glass Bottles back into Glass Blocks shadow_mods 645 2017-01-18 03:24
NetherOres Ores in the Nether! Coal, diamond, gold, iron, lapis, redstone, tin, copper, emerald, silver, lead, uranium. skyboy026 13826141 2017-01-17 18:29
Ender Armor Gives features of an Endermen superirongamer6000 48947 2017-01-17 02:54
FRSM - Fex's Random Stuff Mod A Mod adding some random, but still not useless Stuff to Minecraft. FEX___96 109211 2017-01-16 19:27
Falewin Adds random things to your minecraft game! eazyftwmc2 377 2017-01-15 17:26
Hostile Worlds - Monsters Buffs monsters around you in various ways based on a dynamic difficulty system Corosus 794 2017-01-15 00:54
Hostile Worlds - Invasions Every few nights zombies will invade and dig into your base Corosus 937875 2017-01-15 00:52
Simple Ore Scanner Scans nearby area for ores. _ForgeUser7500924 2466 2017-01-14 18:08
Blacksmith Of Tamriel This mod adds armor and weapon from TES V Skyrim. dimon22220 1630 2017-01-13 12:59
SwordsMod A mod that will add multiple swords to the game DeaSTL 528 2017-01-13 08:20
Element Craft Adds every single element on the periodic table + more to your Minecraft world! _ForgeUser29793136 839 2017-01-12 18:56
Ruins (Structure Spawning System) A structure spawning system atomicstrykergrumpy 24734455 2017-01-12 11:47
wood This mod only for my project (JaB), but you can use it(with minetweaker) for your modpacks. all_in_chat 311 2017-01-10 19:17
Crystallz-z-z This mod only for my project (JaB), but you can use it(with minetweaker) for your modpacks. all_in_chat 304 2017-01-10 19:00
SoulBox This mod only for my project (JaB), but you can use it(with minetweaker) for your modpacks. all_in_chat 322 2017-01-10 18:16
Minefactory Reloaded MFR aims to automate a number of tasks that previously would be difficult, boring, or work-intensive. skyboy026 21047854 2017-01-09 14:04
Kitsu's ForgeCraft A mod about BlackSmithing and Medieval Weapons / Items KitsuShadow 200118 2017-01-08 22:42
SG Craft Stargates for Minecraft gcewing 1372547 2017-01-07 08:02
[SBM] Cacti Bucket When your in a desert with no bucket BuiltBroken, QueenOfMissiles 41119 2017-01-05 20:27
LanServerExtended Adds more things to LanServers KewaiiGamer 6898 2017-01-05 15:08
The Bleach Mod Drinkable Bleach and Windex jdawg3636 33412 2017-01-04 23:00
Green Gems It adds green gems to your world HyruleOrphan 329 2017-01-04 22:54
Mob Defensive An assortment of blocks and weapons to help defend yourself in the night. _ForgeUser29853078 1381 2017-01-04 21:36
MMD Player Block for loading pmd and playing vmd _ForgeUser29884436 806 2017-01-04 21:25
HunterMods Versión 1.0.2 _ForgeUser29768764 774 2017-01-04 05:28
Time HUD Adds the time and date to the Minecraft HUD; highly configurable The_Fireplace 215574 2017-01-03 22:22
AbyssalCraft Integration Integration mod for AbyssalCraft, handles cross-mod integrations. Shinoow 11247174 2017-01-02 23:46
ROWAM (Rails of War Automation Module) Automate your ROW trains! don_bruce 29952 2017-01-02 06:00
MoreMaterialsAndUtilities Materials for tools, Utilities _ForgeUser26266507 1537 2017-01-02 03:51
Starcraft Mod - SCMC A mod based off the franchise Starcraft. user_33725806, cybercat5555, _ForgeUser21765861 38012 2017-01-02 00:23
Advanced XRay (Neoforge Edition) A simple but advanced xray mod that allows you to find all of your most loved blocks. ErrorMikey 4976898 2016-12-31 22:28
Can I Join Now? Updates MOTD to reflect current in-world time to show if it is safe to join CallMeFoxie 149628 2016-12-31 07:08
No Mob Spawning on Trees A mod prevents mob spawning on wood logs. oldjunyi 20551925 2016-12-31 04:04
Nightmare Creatures II (Unofficial Multiplayer Patch) A patched version of the "Nightmare Creatures" mod by TheMineshafter, allowing for multiplayer support. TechDG 363458 2016-12-30 22:15
SimpleLeather Smelt Rotten Flesh for Leather. easy. MCOfficer 73169 2016-12-30 18:03
Life And Death REBORN whether you like darkness or brightness you will enjoy this mod! xxxrobodogxxx 3652 2016-12-28 23:21
Real First Person 2 Whole-body rendering in first-person. stereath 503433 2016-12-26 23:46
Stacksize Change item stacksize wwrpg1 2406351 2016-12-26 19:11
Experience Rings Simple Experience Rings Mod MrComputerGhost 7349014 2016-12-25 21:16
INDEV - Alchemagy Alchemy in Minecraft, using the power of souls and the elements. jayelovee 1537 2016-12-25 18:56
EnergyAdditions IC2 Experimental addon. Energy shields, modificators, chargers and more ThunderModder 5617 2016-12-24 16:47
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Content Pack This is the first Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Content Pack for Minecraft! It features CS guns with sounds straight from the game! Skins, knives, grenades, and more are in the pack! skullmassarce75 46231 2016-12-24 08:09
GTFO, Gems are Truly Fabulous and Outrageous A gem unification mod that also adds tools and armor in a tiered progression. ReignOfMagic 28039 2016-12-24 06:05
Climate Control/Geographicraft Control climate zone and ocean sizes zeno410 3183766 2016-12-23 21:42
Custom Friends Capes A mod for server owners to have the ability to give their friends capes TheRealp455w0rd 132421 2016-12-23 12:33
p455w0rd's Library Lib Mod to consolidate common functionality used across p455w0rd's Mods TheRealp455w0rd 47837171 2016-12-23 12:01
Mineableable and Craftible Drops Makes certain mob drops mineable or craftable and adds two weapons user_16826580 948 2016-12-23 09:20
Mine-Tech A combination of magic and technology! geometrically_ 3377 2016-12-23 05:50
Bassebombecraft A collection of 100+ magical books, idols and potions for adventuring and construction. bassebombecraft 18461 2016-12-22 15:16
Essential Thaumaturgy Unofficial The unofficial version of the Essential Thaumaturgy mod with some changes and fixes. TheLMiffy1111 7074 2016-12-22 13:56
AOBD/JAOPCA Ore Chunks An addon for JAOPCA that adds ore chunks that drop from smeltable ores RCXcrafter 96962 2016-12-22 10:48
MGGA Make Gems Great Again! MCOfficer 956 2016-12-21 16:50
Restricted Portals A mod that requires the obtainment of an item before allowing the player to enter a dimension. MoreThanHidden 2278074 2016-12-21 16:40
Auto Refresh Automatic refreshing and alerts for your multiplayer server list. Chaosyr 11795 2016-12-21 05:20
FragHappy Reborn Tired Of TNT As Your Only Way To Blow Stuff Up Then This Is Your Mod! _ForgeUser28807642 2444 2016-12-20 02:42
p455w0rd's MOTD Customizer ServerSide-Only mod for MOTD Customization TheRealp455w0rd 12148 2016-12-19 14:56
Twilight Forest Portal Catalyst A Mod that Adds a Twilight Forest Portal Catalyst, which Can be Used as a Custom Portal Creation Item for The Twilight Forest! KingWealthyturtle 210539 2016-12-19 04:43
(Chat) Ping! Notifying users when they are mentioned in chat TheSatanicSanta 331506 2016-12-19 02:43
Explosive Deaths Mod Player and other creatures will well... explode on death. AnonymousWaffles 2029 2016-12-19 02:39
World Tooltips Adds customizable tooltips for in-world items on mouse-over. GenuineSounds 525645 2016-12-18 14:33
Wolf Armor and Storage Legacy Adds armors and storage for wolves! satyrnidae 12021363 2016-12-18 00:58
CakeIsALie Mod This mod add more cakes with new effects in the game Toinane 40456 2016-12-17 19:12
Universal Command [Ger] Universal Command, german translate. _ForgeUser26419206 219 2016-12-17 15:54
Universal Command [Rus] Unihelp mod, in russian _ForgeUser26419206 1631 2016-12-17 15:42
Universal Command An universal command for minecraft, that give info about you. _ForgeUser26419206 452 2016-12-17 14:55
Cube's Rubiks Cubes Mod This mod adds several Rubik's Cubes to the game. It will place 2x2x2, 3x3x3, and 4x4x4 Rubik's cubes throughout the world. _ForgeUser29506437 1671 2016-12-16 22:32
Craftable Animals This mod adds a variety of new features concerning animals and mobs. Features include: crafting animals, transporting animals, creating spawners, applying armor animals and many more. Cheraktai 43918 2016-12-16 21:57
Better Builder's Wands An attempt to make a nicer-to-use builder's wand Portablejim 74024239 2016-12-16 21:53
Thaumic Utilities Some utility Thaumcraft addon. Saegusae 6434 2016-12-16 20:21
Real Craft Core A Realism Mod nix13mods 354 2016-12-16 14:42
TFC Seasonal Events Mob based events for the seasons in Terrafirmacraft Zeroui9 697 2016-12-16 06:58
Baublelicious An addon of Baubles DenBukki 2861772 2016-12-15 21:21
LootBags Adds bags of loot to mob and dungeon drops Mina_the_Engineer 26582799 2016-12-15 15:36
TechBlocks minimal mod. adds tough tech-like blocks. Nixavius 874 2016-12-15 00:33
Friendly Fire Modifies combat to prevent friendly fire to pets and other mobs. DarkhaxDev 6261488 2016-12-14 05:26
CraftableWitherSkulls Craftable Wither Skulls gudak0_ 18701 2016-12-14 04:02
Infinity Magic - The Remastered Update Have you ever wondered how it would feel like to be able to wield a wand and master the arts of magic, well now you can? Infinity Magic is currently in early development stages but go ahead and master all the magic you can for now. _ForgeUser20293408 563 2016-12-12 12:47
Matsuo's Skyblock Recipes Ex Nihilo addon _ForgeUser20970173 1794 2016-12-11 18:55
Killerjdog's Chocolate Mod This mod adds edible chocolate as well as buildable chocolate blocks to the game. As well as a dimension Filled with chocolate. Killerjdog51 13177 2016-12-11 15:35
FTB Islands Island creator made for FTB Infinity Skyblock FTB, Cricket 1385034 2016-12-09 12:59
Industrial Craft A versatile, feature rich tech mod for Minecraft, initially released 2011. sfPlayer1, Chocohead, Aroma1997, Forge_User_85580626 38346783 2016-12-09 10:48
Tropicraft This is Tropicraft, the utopian idyllic getaway that you have been waiting for! Cojomax99, Gegy, tterrag1098, Corosus 10434660 2016-12-09 04:51
Venomous Ignis An Melee-based RPG mod that adds bosses and swords, but no blocks and bows! _ForgeUser26419206 3113 2016-12-08 14:05
Clayium Clay Industry, for CpS (Clay blocks per Seconds) Challenger _ForgeUser24077589 49783 2016-12-08 12:05
Classlessrook32's Simply Processing This mod is designed to simplify ore processing. classlessrook32 257 2016-12-08 05:38
WorldEditCUI Client-Side User Interface for WorldEdit Mumfrey 228045 2016-12-06 16:28
ArchitectureCraft Architectural features for your Minecraft buildings gcewing 5827731 2016-12-05 07:29
Cupcake Madness An experiment and personal project. Please play and give suggestions! _ForgeUser25881573 1823 2016-12-03 19:07
JoistMod add a joist corresponding to vanilla wood kojin15 456 2016-12-03 09:52
Building Blocks Plus New bricks and woods Eandrave 15017 2016-12-03 08:57
WAILA Plugins Extra WAILA info for your favorite mods! tterrag1098 8168895 2016-12-03 03:19
Amazing Syringes Adds Syringes to Minecraft! _ForgeUser28471689 770 2016-12-02 19:46
ThemedQuestingPack Expansion A BetterQuesting Expansion Pack The_CodedOne 117033 2016-12-02 19:07
Mob Rebirth Allows mobs and animals to be reborn when they die. Very configurable. The_Fireplace 306648 2016-12-02 03:14
RSMC: The Third Age RSMC is a mod designed to overhaul Minecraft and turn it into a massive RPG with skills similar to RuneScape. jperk1118, Rageous 24365 2016-12-02 01:38
RSMC - The Third Age RSMC is a mod designed to overhaul Minecraft and turn it into a massive RPG with skills similar to RuneScape. jperk1118, Rageous 23883 2016-12-02 01:38
Juju's CoffeeCraft Build the cafe of your dreams! JujuAwesomeBeans 8105 2016-11-30 19:57
Unify Unifies the ore types between various mods _ForgeUser28858790 3982 2016-11-30 08:16
Crooked riches mod RICHES MAN RICHES _ForgeUser29190782 272 2016-11-30 01:13
Lou's X-Ray X-Ray Mod _ForgeUser10319433 6784 2016-11-29 03:33
Creeper Nuggets A dangerous food item. phygz 11466 2016-11-28 15:35
Ore Dictionary Initializer A mod that adds ore dictionary entries TheLMiffy1111 6964 2016-11-28 12:52
Universal Singularities A Mod that Adds an Unending Amount of Singularities! KingWealthyturtle, WanionCane 2124152 2016-11-28 07:08
Gobblegum This mod is based on Black Ops III _ForgeUser10682847 678 2016-11-28 06:40
The Essence of Everything (Mod) A mod made for the "The Essence of Everything" modpack vizthex, XDFlame 2911 2016-11-27 17:02
LeKoopa's HotDOG Mod (Lumpi) The cutest Minecraft Mob! LeKoopa, Purplicious_Cow_ 40394 2016-11-27 16:28
Playtime Logger A utility that keeps track of the time spent in a world Tschipp 25659 2016-11-26 21:05
Frames that move blocks A Funky Locomotion fork which aims to fix a few issues that have not been merged in the original repo for 1.7.10 WoutWoot 1350 2016-11-26 15:59
Sound Reloader Allows you to reload the default sound device without reloading all resources! TheWhoAreYouPerson 2079389 2016-11-26 08:25
AOBD singularities An addon for AOBD that adds singularities for avaritia. RCXcrafter 636691 2016-11-25 09:22
DevWorld Create a quick and easy Development Test World FireBall1725 11055 2016-11-25 06:47
The Dormant A dark dimension. _ForgeUser29089266 79 2016-11-24 16:52
Sieuus'sPlays A minecraft Tech, Magic Modpack. Sieuus 81 2016-11-21 16:57
Staff O' Power by CoolioSauce A powerful staff where one may craft for good or evil. Using craftable modifiers, create good or evil spells. _ForgeUser23583159 3345 2016-11-21 09:15
Road Stuff Road Stuff adds everything you need for your road dreams in Minecraft! Mapper 420055 2016-11-20 16:31
Raiti's Mod Core Raiti's Mod Core _ForgeUser26916040 818 2016-11-20 15:04
Art's SurvivalCraft A tools and weapons mod with 3 new tiers! therealart602 595 2016-11-19 13:22
I AM, Funny chat replacement Tired of these chat spamming trolls/racist/whatever? Make fun of them! _ForgeUser7997537 1446 2016-11-19 07:54
Obsidian Items by CoolioSauce Realistically balanced, but powerful tools for those who put in the time to earn them. _ForgeUser23583159 621 2016-11-19 04:44
Simple Crafting Recipes More crafting recipes Xydera 3388 2016-11-18 22:18
Ewy's Workshop Adds a modular project table that can be customized and automated for your needs. EwyBoy 1092115 2016-11-18 13:09
Auto Join Join full public servers easier JoseRobJR 8816 2016-11-17 11:20
Ender Batteries Wirelessly transport infinite RF insaneau 1616251 2016-11-16 07:06
OpenTransport MoarCarts, but with Boats coming soon! Sky_Som 181198 2016-11-13 22:55
Glenn's Gases Adds dangerous gases to Minecraft jamieswhiteshirt_, Trentv4 245779 2016-11-12 19:45
Gases Framework Adds gases and other things to Minecraft jamieswhiteshirt_, Trentv4 238617 2016-11-12 19:34
Essence Powder Mod This mod makes it possible to duplicate your ores (and other stuff). _ForgeUser21183901 51479 2016-11-12 02:28
NeXTech [FORGE] NeXTech mod fem_Skyelight 14928 2016-11-11 16:22
Levack Obsidian Stuff Mod Mod adding Obsidian Stuff danlevack 1135 2016-11-11 03:45
Galactic Ores A small mod made in less a day to add ore to Galaxy Space addon for Galacticraft Mapper 30795 2016-11-10 22:03
Locks Flexible and universal locks, a fun new lock picking mechanic and lots of other useful tools Melonslise 2941575 2016-11-10 13:44
Deadly Materials Deadly Materials mod for 1.7/1.8 and soon for 1.9 and 1.10 Xeocas 236 2016-11-09 22:21
Harder Ores Making ores more realistic, without breaking the wonderful abstractions that make Minecraft enjoyable. Draco18_s 167540 2016-11-09 18:24
Souls A hardcore revision to post-death inventory storage. Chaosyr 86384 2016-11-09 01:11
Barkifier Adds a tool to make six-sided bark logs Tschipp 422048 2016-11-07 11:06
Chest Transporter Adds an item that allows you to move chest with contents cubex2 36645343 2016-11-06 12:26
Sharpness Core Add-On (Food) This Mod adds unique food for you! krabbelp_ 623 2016-11-06 08:58
TerraFirmaCraftNEIplugin Adding NEI support to TFC Dries007 222347 2016-11-05 21:15
Sharpness Core A mod for my new YouTube series krabbelp_ 1553 2016-11-05 08:22
Brain Stone Mod A simple mod with some nifty features BrainStone, The_Fireplace 54130 2016-11-05 06:46
TragicMC 2 Want more difficulty to compliment Minecraft's Vanilla gamplay? This mod is for you. Lots of difficult, unique mobs (and bosses), magical weapons and a mythical dimension await. TragicNeko 184574 2016-11-04 06:19
MoreCommands Adds a lot of commands. PlanetTeamSpeak 183051 2016-11-03 16:09
Simple Diamonds Make Coal into Diamonds Easy _ForgeUser10319433 2693 2016-11-03 00:59
TFC-Tweaks Small terrafirmacraft tweaks Dries007 65262 2016-11-02 18:27
AppleMilkTea2 A whole new way to cook food in Minecraft and decorate while you are at it! RazzleberryFox, defeatedcrow 608218 2016-11-02 12:41
TorchBoots Add boots which place torches automatically namayake5 33240 2016-11-02 11:36
Disposition Technology Make transpoting a lot more easier zr22 822 2016-11-02 09:49
ExGregilo The skyblock GregTech addon quantum640 4601 2016-11-01 22:24
ProjectE Equivalent Exchange 2 (EE2) for modern Minecraft versions. SinKillerJ 49353172 2016-10-31 16:38
Not Enough Stuff Odd miscellany that can prove to be oddly useful goldensilver853 15357 2016-10-31 08:31
Tools of Obsidian Mo' obsidian mo' problems goldensilver853 6297 2016-10-31 05:11
LED Lighting LED strip lighting for all goldensilver853 12965 2016-10-31 05:04
WitcheryPatch A small mod that uses ASM to fix some bugs in Witchery TheSatanicSanta 137342 2016-10-30 21:03
Placeable Items This mod allows players to place items as 3D models Ferdz_ 6060307 2016-10-30 19:51
Vehicular Movement Light Enables cars from Vehicular Movement to have Dynamic Lights compatibility goldensilver853 5911 2016-10-29 23:16
Birds Nests Birds nests drop randomly from leaves and give you rewards! cleverpanda714 3628859 2016-10-29 05:36
CTD Mint Formerly known as CTD Currency, this mod adds currency to Minecraft, based loosely around USD. TheMasterGeneral 27889 2016-10-28 12:47
Puffer-Tech Make pufferfishes great again! zr22 103 2016-10-27 07:59
Grimoire of Alice A Magical mod based on the Touhou Proyect of Team Shanghai Alice. Awekyuwusu, Katrix400 14993 2016-10-26 19:23
Recurrent Complex Adds a ton more structure generation, dungeons, and randomized loot - Fully customizable Ivorius 43250654 2016-10-26 19:03
JMW's Mod A mod for my modpack _ForgeUser27977707 509 2016-10-26 09:55
Team dracolyte mod weapons, blocks and more _ForgeUser26272936 375 2016-10-25 14:28
Starch Psst kid, wanna eat some fine pure starch? zr22 315 2016-10-25 09:01
Iron Backpacks Portable storage and item manipulation through tiered backpacks and a system of modular upgrades. gr8pefish, TehNut 45792847 2016-10-25 06:06
ObsAoA An Add-on for Advent of Ascension JimMiningWorm 8388 2016-10-24 03:38
ObsCore A Library required for ObsTrophies and ObsAoA JimMiningWorm 78549 2016-10-24 02:10
Bloody Enchanting Sacfrise livings' lifes and forge them into an enchanting book zr22 1964 2016-10-23 13:25
Gadomancy Another addon for Thaumcraft makeoo, HellFirePvP 1748339 2016-10-23 12:02
Wigster's Wizadry Opens minecraft up to the magical world of wizadry _ForgeUser27262233 1510 2016-10-22 22:16
Wizardymod Wizardy _ForgeUser28410351 246 2016-10-22 10:12
OnePiece CharaMi OnePiece CharaMi Mod _ForgeUser24265629 6691 2016-10-21 08:48
Morph “Acquire” and turn into most living mobs by killing them including other players, silverfish, other mods, and more! ohaiiChun 16422543 2016-10-20 22:59
Sync This mod provides clones, or as we like to call it, “shells”. These shells are basically a new individual, with their own inventory, experience level, and even gamemode. ohaiiChun 10881445 2016-10-20 22:54
iChunUtil Shared library used by iChun's mods iChun 95865962 2016-10-20 22:45
Weather Breaker The worlds smallest mod. Adds one block ^^ _ForgeUser17839995 119 2016-10-20 14:59
Block Monster Be careful when mining. zr22 266 2016-10-20 10:44
Realistic Fluids Overhaul compatibility and rainfall fork Compatibility for RFO and other mods; adding rainfall, etc keybounceminecraftforum 11581 2016-10-20 00:50
Special Color Lucky Block This lucky block has mysterious thing to explore!! _ForgeUser25313630 11537 2016-10-18 21:37
Energy Matters This mod allows you to exchange energy and matter _ForgeUser22208171 1109 2016-10-18 14:00
Cool's Stuff A cool assortment of items intended to add useful and helpful items. _ForgeUser11921157 1250 2016-10-17 02:46
Runic Inscription Adding simple yet feature packed magic Melonslise 1564 2016-10-16 19:05
OpenEye Telemetry and crash collection OpenMods, 0x00716F62 1657199 2016-10-16 17:55
Custom Stuff 3 Create blocks, items, recipes and more in-game cubex2 147709 2016-10-16 11:56
Mod of Boredom A mod with a lot of random and weird mobs zr22 295 2016-10-16 08:00
DangerRPG Element of RPG in Minecraft Mixac1 29698 2016-10-15 21:34
IGCore Coremod for the Industrial Gigant Modpack Forge_User_35950078 1986 2016-10-14 23:44
CMDCam Be camera & actor at the same time - Smooth camera paths CreativeMD 1509288 2016-10-14 18:50
Cestaberous' Tools A collection of useful and powerful gadgets and gizmos. _ForgeUser19738061 563 2016-10-14 18:37
Electro-Magic Tools Integrates Magic and Industry fewizz_, thesilentum 121373 2016-10-14 13:21
Craftable Saddles Just adds a Crafting Recipe for Saddles and some other Horse related Items alexdaum1 1273386 2016-10-12 19:30
Hydrophobic Skeletons Skeletons in the water giving you a bad time? No more! EasyToPronounceUserName 8398 2016-10-12 07:12
YUNoMakeGoodMap World generation mod to crate skyblocks. LexManos 6351490 2016-10-11 23:16
BeastOfAdventure BeastOfadventure _ForgeUser22978204 3209 2016-10-11 16:49
OreChicken Ore-infused poultry! CsokiGaming 2760 2016-10-09 17:32
CustomOreGen Custom ore generation via XML configuration lawremi 264657 2016-10-09 13:29
CCTweaks Tweaks, bugfixes and additions for ComputerCraft SquidDev 172111 2016-10-08 14:15
Oreplus Mod 7 different ores added _ForgeUser27720579 6250 2016-10-08 02:24
Thermal Tinkering Cross-Compatibility mod for Thermal Expansion and Tinkers' Construct samboy063 965119 2016-10-06 14:52
SoggyMustache's Transportation Mod Vehicles SoggyStache 1751346 2016-10-03 21:32
Forestry Bringing bees, butterflies and more trees. as well as eco-friendly energy production and mail to Minecraft. mezz 65602795 2016-10-03 00:23
BTAWC This is a simple mod that add items to improve farming and other stuff. Its experamental. aod6060 454 2016-10-02 21:14
Soul Forest Mod 1.9.75 Go on an adventure through a mystical world full of shiny gems and dangerous creatures! _ForgeUser9336403 10381 2016-10-01 12:41
Custom Talisman A mod that adds different talisman that give potion effects whilst holding it. _ForgeUser12033111 375 2016-09-29 20:56
Quality Order (Clientside only) Revolutionizing Creative! Will allow you to get almost any item or block through creative (Skulls, banners etc.) Ruukas 14360 2016-09-26 16:11
Hunger Overhaul Ever thought hunger should be more integral to surviving? Harvest vanilla crops without having to replant? Tooltips on food items And more...! ProgWML6, Alexbegt, Parker8283, squeek502 7599168 2016-09-26 14:01
CGUpdater Adds a command to download scripts from the internet ethanbrews, Acrogenous 473 2016-09-25 15:43
Entity Blocker Block Primed iTNT, Nukes, Mobs and More _ForgeUser26935497, _ForgeUser11580348 307 2016-09-25 07:10
Kablooey A quick explosives mod I made sci4me 441 2016-09-24 05:19
Winnetrie's Expansion Mod New items, blocks, stairs, walls and slabs for terracotta and concrete blocks Winnetrie 44423 2016-09-23 17:45
Insane Food Mod Food _ForgeUser23332567 534 2016-09-23 15:02
MinePass Virtual Passports - Security + Whitelisting + Web-Portal _ForgeUser18907083 3004 2016-09-22 01:25
Guntopia Legend of the Guns Introduces guns into minecraft, RPG style, 3d models, 30 gun effects, 9 weapon styles _ForgeUser16806030 613755 2016-09-21 04:24
Matter Overdrive: 1.7 Edition Matter Overdrive is a mod that features Item Replication, Phasers and Tricorders, inspired by Star Trek. Simeonradivoev, The_CodedOne 1365268 2016-09-19 19:19
A Block of Charcoal Adds a charcoal block to minecraft TurkeyDev 5315595 2016-09-19 00:29
Chuck Norris this mod contains Chuck Norris armor and weapens _ForgeUser24544839 780 2016-09-18 23:21
Resource Engineering Turn gravel and sand into diamonds and gold kg6jay 13186 2016-09-18 20:44
MobileCraftExp MobileCraftExp _ForgeUser27658741 914 2016-09-17 13:25
Sevo's Mod 11+ Items 2+ Armor 2+ Mobs 3+ Dimensions 8+ Tools 24+ Blocks and more! SEVOTASTIC 577 2016-09-17 12:40
CustomThings Adding custom items, blocks, and more to minecraft via JSON files tterrag1098 3749891 2016-09-17 03:31
CandyCraft A new survival dimension made of Candies valentin4311 118675 2016-09-16 13:59
Nyck's New Mods A mod that adds new gems,ingots,ores,blocks,tools, and more. _ForgeUser15853715 137 2016-09-15 18:53
AbyssalBlocks Lucky Block spin-off filled with AbyssalCraft rewards/punishments Shinoow 52932 2016-09-14 18:00
UniDict a mod to unify all ingots/ores/etc; with: AE2, Immersive Engineering, Mekanism, IC2, Thermal Expansion, and a lot more Integrations. WanionCane 44437141 2016-09-13 17:51
MapleItems The MapleItems mod adds in loads of misc items from MapleStory and Lineage to the world of Minecraft. moonlightroses_mc, EzraKhonsu 6344 2016-09-13 13:06
Plunder Rummage Dynamic treasure hunting - Incentive to Adventure! _ForgeUser6996484 15708 2016-09-12 22:03
Ekul's Mod A short mod of random items. ReLapis 1450 2016-09-12 18:44
[SBM] Magic Mirror Simple magic item that auto records a teleport location when entering caves or dungeons StrikerRocker 56828 2016-09-11 23:38
DiseaseCraft DiseaseCraft is a mod that adds new diseases that alter the player's movement and everyday life. Try to survive and thrive as disease and plague sneak towards you at every corner! Mitchellbrine 61322 2016-09-11 17:13
Just a Few Fish Adds fish entities for the vanilla fish items, as well as some content for them like fishing rods and fish tanks. Tmtravlr 7809985 2016-09-11 04:02
DieHardTeams Random Stuff mod Random Things gudak0_ 589 2016-09-10 21:22
VariousTweaks Misc Utility for Expert-Mode-Modpack _ForgeUser20347639 97 2016-09-10 19:49
Server Sided Chunk Loader chunkloader without cliedside mod _ForgeUser8112882 9954 2016-09-10 09:20
[SBM] Wooden Shears Simple addition of primitive sheers made of wood BuiltBroken, QueenOfMissiles, bl4ckscor3 8005263 2016-09-09 23:28
The Adventure Mod A mod of epic Adventures therealart602 2925 2016-09-08 22:01
The Realistic Leaves Mod A mod to make the leaves blocks more realistic! _ForgeUser13706784, TheWeatherPony 4870 2016-09-08 00:24
Solid Xp You can save your experience as item c6h2cl2, bagu_chan500 120265 2016-09-07 11:37
Chlod's Mod! Overpowered stuff. In a very exploitable way ChlodAlejandro 1046 2016-09-07 10:47
Unified Stone Tools Let's you use different stone types for stone tools alexdaum1 14476 2016-09-07 10:27
Trapodoxie Mod This mod adds in various tools weapons and armor _ForgeUser19052235 127 2016-09-05 20:11
MC Plus What should be in vanilla Minecraft! _ForgeUser19081364 1488 2016-09-05 15:53
Bonemealable babies Makes baby animals bonemealable. xbony2 8971 2016-09-04 23:48
Endless Dragons Unlimited Dragons in the End! dummyzzzzzz1 2143 2016-09-04 14:20
MPUtils ModPack Utilities making Developer lives simpler by making player experience better GenDeathrow 34577453 2016-09-04 03:06
Realistic Torches Makes torches burn out after a configurable amount of time. Chaosyr 16673957 2016-09-03 18:32
Coffee's Energy This mod adds a new coffee plant pewidot 655 2016-09-02 22:29
Ore Zombies A mod that add This mod adds 8 new Zombies that will spawn randomly* in your world. georgetsak 3832 2016-09-02 10:53
Prehistoric Spawns (A Fossils and Archeology Revival Add-On) You are no longer the top of the food chain... JayZX535 242004 2016-09-02 02:31
Auto Pickup Auto Pickup allows items to be picked up automatically or blacklisted and never picked up. Furgle 543687 2016-09-01 20:45
DiscordCE Allows you to chat, manage your friends and block list, join and leave guilds/servers and more. _ForgeUser6894203 7787 2016-09-01 18:45
The Metal Works Forge[1.7.10] Metals Galore _ForgeUser8359670 317 2016-09-01 07:20
Deadly Book There is a little chance for enchanted books to explode when taken out of their places _ForgeUser18983928 1050 2016-08-31 20:56
CraftingTable IV The successor of the well-known CraftingTable III mod! Elec332 314118 2016-08-31 10:19
Mowzie's Mobs Powerful overworld enemies and more! bobmowzie, wadoo154, vakypanda1, pau101, noonyeyzz 47932123 2016-08-30 22:48
CustomGUI Full customization graphic user interface Ayupro 1805 2016-08-30 08:49
Official Sword Craft Online Mod This is the Official Sword Craft Online Mod used in the Official Sword Craft Online Modpack. moonlightroses_mc, jayghoul_mc, EzraKhonsu 11330 2016-08-30 02:38
Colored Light Core Colored Lighting Mod - Not Maintained _ForgeUser10388928 10479 2016-08-30 00:57
Industrial Peripheral Industrial Peripheral for controll IC2 machines from Computer Craft _ForgeUser27266279 22345 2016-08-28 11:22
NEIlootbags A small nei Addon Gigabit101 2355748 2016-08-27 12:33
Universal Currency Adds a physical form of currency into minecraft! shmeggels 683 2016-08-27 11:36
Moon Mod Renewal A renewal of sutr90's moon mod for Minecraft 1.8.9 and 1.7.10. nanorover59 18918 2016-08-27 05:16
RefineCraft Refine CraftTable tier940 10601 2016-08-26 01:59
Howling Moon Unleash the inner beast and become a werewolf. razmenwolf 1210720 2016-08-25 09:33
Invisibility Armor Armor that makes parts of you invisible. don_bruce 751 2016-08-24 13:39
Additional Glasses This Mod adds useful glasses _ForgeUser25864227 969 2016-08-24 12:52
DragonRealm A fun mod that aims to bring the challenge and adventure of slaing dragons to all players. trusty_side_kick 483693 2016-08-23 15:58
Intelligent Energistics Addon for Applied Energistics. Adds several submods to extend AE in functionality thatsIch 1011779 2016-08-23 14:03
Water Power Adds many watermills(1~32768EU/t), fluid tanks, trousers. huanghongxun 96444 2016-08-23 10:25
Compendium An ever growing expansion. Lance5057 2017249 2016-08-23 02:43
Universal Coins Unofficial A continuation of TED_996's mod _ForgeUser21121740 27016 2016-08-22 16:22
LocaleFixer Fixes crashes caused by various locales jikuja 83300 2016-08-22 16:04
Metalforge - the blacksmith mod Smithin' _ForgeUser15662628 8694 2016-08-22 11:15
Craft Convenience The Craft Convenience mod adds more functionality to standard Minecraft recipes and even improves a few _ForgeUser26980158 429 2016-08-21 07:51
Industrial Expansion [TE Addon] IC2 Diamond Recipe for Thermal Expansion brforgers, Allan181 268926 2016-08-21 01:00
Gadgets n' Goodies Mod Just a cool little mod with awesome new gadgets and other goodies. themattyboy 99578 2016-08-20 15:13
TheEscapistsMod This mod adds in features from The Escapists into minecraft. _ForgeUser21016084 10646 2016-08-20 14:45
JABTM Very basic biome tweaking TheOldOne22 327 2016-08-19 07:37
Mariculture Fishies! Coral! Kelp! Magic! Machines! joshiejack 1928010 2016-08-19 01:33
Flame Gear Flame Based Gear! Naverene, kg6jay 6310 2016-08-18 23:17
Armour++ Adds loaaaads of Armor into Minecraft 1.7.10 complexicon 15867 2016-08-18 11:59
ThermalShade A small fix to make Thermal Dynamics Duct Covers work with ShadersModCore ferreusveritas 37059 2016-08-18 00:47
RadixCore RadixCore WildBamaBoy 7164755 2016-08-16 19:16
Minecraft Comes Alive (MCA) No more boring Squidward villagers! Interact with human villagers and raise a family! WildBamaBoy 11571591 2016-08-16 18:44
NotEnoughResources Adds NEI integration for world resources like ores and mob drops way2muchnoise, _ForgeUser16618358 7125765 2016-08-16 17:39
OC-Minecarts Addon for Open Computers feldim245 778187 2016-08-16 16:34
Reliquary Reincarnations Many magical items to help you in your minecraft world P3pp3rF1y 69529823 2016-08-16 14:46
Reliquary Reincarnations Many magical items to help you in your minecraft world P3pp3rF1y 51257688 2016-08-16 14:46
Torch mod Un utilitaire pour placer des torches _ForgeUser22952711 545 2016-08-16 10:04
LabStuff Adds machines, items, and blocks for use in labs and the name of science! keeganditty 13466 2016-08-16 08:30
Colored Iron Colored Iron Blocks itsquesotime2 1024 2016-08-15 11:32
Craft Arcanum 1 Aiming to bridge Vanilla, Thaumcraft, and Immersive Engineering in Minecraft 1.7.10 mallrat208 6887 2016-08-15 08:22
obcraft version 2.5 TBrownMoo 695 2016-08-15 03:53
BoPTweaks Grow big trees! CombatZAK 2869 2016-08-15 00:42
BananaWorld Small, survival mod. _ForgeUser26903630 209 2016-08-14 14:14
Sticky Sleep A cobweb like block that allows the player to set their spawn, but does not pass the night. Rhilenova 470 2016-08-14 13:53
RiteClicker Mod This mod adds the functionality first introduced by Vazkii in the Botania Garden of Glass mod. Whereby players can right click a grass block and get pebbles. P3PSIE 1702060 2016-08-14 11:36
SimplyDaggers Simply adds daggers. _ForgeUser12985331 23360 2016-08-14 05:17
Krafter's Extras Mod Adds Extra's like coloured Diamonds and other stuff _ForgeUser25419732 599 2016-08-14 03:46
Metallurgy Metallurgy adds over 50 new metals for players to mine and make into tools/armor! Shadowclaimer, Vequinox 3243073 2016-08-13 17:30
Metallurgy Core Team Metallurgy's core mod Glazzmaker 2645581 2016-08-13 17:19
CobbleDrops Get nuggets and ores from your cobblestone generator! _ForgeUser9105930 4821 2016-08-12 12:31
Carpenters Tools Adds in Saws and Nails! _ForgeUser13524917 2423 2016-08-11 21:56
SpatialIO Compat Addon for AE2 to improve support for Spatial IO AlgorithmX2 602678 2016-08-11 18:33
Hangul esay,simple skyab5001 18670 2016-08-10 03:27
Mulan's Dragon Rockets Adds TNT Cannons styled after the dragon-headed rockets from Mulan Exo594 2535 2016-08-09 01:12
Just Stone Survive enclosed in a world full of stone TwoThe 1777 2016-08-08 18:29
LookingGlass A utility mod to allow other mods to create renders of other dimensions XCompWiz 456566 2016-08-08 02:15
Sacrifice to Hephaestus "Craftable" Chain Armor! Exo594 758 2016-08-07 20:44
Fossils and Archeology: Revival Adding Prehistoric Animals and archeology into Minecraft! ddinodan, sbom_xela, DarkPr3d, _ForgeUser18449974, tyranno66, ASDFGirl, javaraptor, Gegy 7461212 2016-08-07 19:39
Sushicraft Sushicraft KingstoneKingdome 12298 2016-08-07 16:42
LambdaLib A common library that provides many modding utilities. weathfold 1046438 2016-08-07 01:50
Additional Recipes This mod adds various crafting recipes to minecraft. Its purpose it to add recipes to items from mods and minecraft itself that are somewhat "missing" or would be nice to have. _ForgeUser7800738 8522 2016-08-05 16:50
OreCrops Mod The Companion for any skyblocker or modpack maker that completely removes ores from the world. _ForgeUser18894098 7874 2016-08-04 04:06
[SBM] Cardboard Boxes Too lazy to move the slow way, then box it BuiltBroken, QueenOfMissiles, bl4ckscor3 614650 2016-08-04 02:08
meinmod My Mod Philipp_IRL 2566 2016-08-03 11:02
Solar System Mod Adds All The Planets & Some Dwarf Planets/Moons Alexescalatorguy 12098 2016-08-02 18:33
The More Tools Mod Want OP tools made of more materials? Here you go! Broulf 65203 2016-08-02 14:42
Router Reborn Bring's the good old router back to Minecraft 1.7+ TomEVoll 2643430 2016-08-02 13:45
FTB Tweaks This is a very simple mod that introduces the concept of game modes. For want of a better description this allows you to set up multiple minetweaker profiles and switch between them on the fly (no server restart required) This gives you the ability to... Jaredlll08, FTB 6076905 2016-08-02 10:29
Void Decay Devastating world eating corruption Funwayguy 14269 2016-08-02 02:33
Extended_Drinks This mod contains cool drinks. _ForgeUser26470118 1661 2016-08-01 16:26
CoFHTweaks Various performance improvements skyboy026, TeamCoFH 84751 2016-08-01 03:39
FloodLights Adds floodlights and more to Minecraft! Keridos, drzepka 1196032 2016-07-31 15:32
Evil Sky Evil Sky is a void dimension mod with custom generation Kormic911 1134 2016-07-30 03:29
DragonTech Here be Dragons! AdrianTodt 68449 2016-07-29 22:59
Block Armor This mod adds various block armors to the game. 2piradians, Furgle 3329793 2016-07-29 14:02
Wither Armor An armor, which is absolutely OP. _ForgeUser19331317 16436 2016-07-29 09:27
AHO - Adventure Humans Online This mod greatly diversifies your game _ForgeUser23549061 3574 2016-07-28 19:44
BIGB Because I Got Bored sneakytactician 785 2016-07-28 13:54
EvilNihilo ExNihilo meets EvilCraft _ForgeUser19707126 753 2016-07-28 11:28
Elijah's Chocolate Mod Anything is better when you add chocolate! erose524 590 2016-07-28 03:09
SAO Crystals 3 crystals heal , medicine , teleport kioto_oll 19869 2016-07-27 13:36
An Interesting Survival Tired of installing so many mods for the little features that you want from them? Well, look no further than here. This mod contains all kinds of things from ores, to more tools and armor, to more types of blocks and food! skullmassarce75 168 2016-07-27 07:12
Blocks O' Plenty - AKA: Pointy Blocks A mod packed with new and fun things! _ForgeUser26567485, _ForgeUser26571424 213 2016-07-26 23:47
Lucky Cases Open a case like in CS:GO and recieve a random item Intektor 320332 2016-07-25 09:21
CherryPig Pigs the size of Cherries? Othlon 14495 2016-07-25 07:04
View EMC A bridge between Waila and Project E. Silly511 729611 2016-07-25 00:23
HxCLinkPads Adds Link Pads. KeldonSlayer, karelmikie3 1824 2016-07-24 21:33
Amine Sebastian You've discovered the remnants of an ancient civilization TheKing530 13488 2016-07-24 07:33
Fission Warfare Adds custom missile crafting and launching into the game. _ForgeUser10038341 53521 2016-07-23 16:20
Extreme Food Extreme Food adds food that you never thought you'd ever eat.. Would you eat a tomato sandwich? Probably not, that's my point, and yes there legit is a Tomato Sandwich. _ForgeUser18894098 19342 2016-07-23 05:19
ExpandedBonemeal Adds a lot of new uses for bone meal josephcsible 656903 2016-07-22 19:29
Rise of the von Hort Fight against your destiny. _ForgeUser10821398 83 2016-07-22 15:49
Fullscreen Windowed (Borderless) for Minecraft Allows minecraft to run in fullscreen windowed mode hancin 15618974 2016-07-22 00:43
The Best Of Games This is a mod that adds the best things from other games into your minecraft world.. _ForgeUser21293185 167 2016-07-21 19:02
Teletubbies Mod Teletubbies for Minecraft! Rexbas 1282080 2016-07-21 10:06
Animus Bloodmagic addon with rituals and more TeamDman, Saereth 3025982 2016-07-21 06:59
Item Blacklist Now is not the time to use that. DoubleDoorDev, Dries007, Claycorp 3290391 2016-07-20 22:52
[ANGRY PIXEL] The Betweenlands Introducing the Betweenlands, a dark and hostile environment... MrCompost, GoryMoon, Rotch_Gwylt, TheCyberBrick, pau101, vadis365, Tripleheadedsheep, Squiggly_Androsa, Forge_User_95734610, petasiwastaken, wightofshadows, bobmowzie, SeriousCreeper 20163599 2016-07-20 17:21
Coloured Torches V2 New, coloured torches! Forge_User_63629976 20935 2016-07-20 12:21
Flint Instead of Wood Simple replacement of wooden tools with flint tools. It makes more sense! skyjay1 506231 2016-07-18 18:10
Hardcore Ender Expansion Overhauls the End with many new areas to explore, bosses to fight and rewards to gain. chylex 1950210 2016-07-18 17:11
Crafting Redstone A mod based around the item called the Energized Crystal! kittygirl113, GoldenEliteGaming 10913 2016-07-18 05:03
Essence Armory A small, mob-kill based weapon, armor, and trinket mod Escapee_ 5697 2016-07-18 03:43
Craftable Command Blocks A mod that allows you to craft command blocks. Broulf 7740 2016-07-17 21:12
KNightmare Mod Adds a loot of adventure! _ForgeUser24422999 826 2016-07-17 18:51
SAO UI Brings the Sword Art Online user interfaces to minecraft! Bluexino, Tencao, Blaez_Dev 575559 2016-07-17 02:53
The Lunch Money Mod You can take mob's lunch money _ForgeUser26332732, queenofsquiggles 689 2016-07-16 14:16
MagnumOpus Alchemical Science An_Sar 21810 2016-07-16 03:23
InfiniteFluids Control which fluids are infinite josephcsible 2519872 2016-07-16 02:02
Crash Log Additions Adds Addition Custom Information to Crash Reports Dyonovan 201313 2016-07-15 22:52
Ex Nihilo The Skyblock Companion Mod Erasmus_Crowley 7702870 2016-07-15 18:34
Gems+ Adds 17 new gems and alot of colored blocks. Forge_User_42137705 755740 2016-07-15 13:32
myMineMin Web based Log parser, chat log and other stats _ForgeUser17197761 2874 2016-07-15 09:27
Dynamic Craft A magic world in minecraft... With DynamicCraft you can make it! brforgers, RennanR 4329 2016-07-14 21:42
Architect's Friend Pixel Arts, Big Builds, doesn't matter. With Architect's Friend you can build it! brforgers, Allan181, AdrianTodt 2072 2016-07-14 20:15
Obsidian Buster A tool, useful only for quickly mining obsidian. Exo594 3289 2016-07-14 19:47
Placemod Schematic structure auto generator Ternsip 39996 2016-07-14 07:11
BRCore The Core of the Team. I'm sure you need it! brforgers, AdrianTodt, Allan181 95318 2016-07-13 22:10
Titanium Expansion Adds titanium tools and armor to minecraft. alexbinind 2079 2016-07-13 05:15
GrasslessDirtBackport Backports most of 1.8's coarse dirt functionality to grassless dirt josephcsible 471 2016-07-13 04:47
XPlates XPlates - mod adding tier plates and made for "The X" modpack DenisMasterHerobrine 745 2016-07-12 17:52
Golden Apple Cow Mod Golden Apple Cow Mod a.1.0.0 _ForgeUser18772320 1808 2016-07-12 10:13
Seed Drop Make anything drop from breaking grass, configure with JSON or Commands EwyBoy 2119621 2016-07-12 02:01
WebShooter Makes spider attacks cause their target to get covered in a cobweb josephcsible 397611 2016-07-11 20:57
Compact Lava Generator Redefined Lava Generators ljypanda 14861 2016-07-11 12:33
Shells MOD Shoot 12 kinds of shells with TNT-Cannon and Artillery! namayake5 6624 2016-07-11 11:05
JurassiCraft Jurassic Park in Minecraft! lordcazsius 6814506 2016-07-11 09:37
Ore Tweaker Disable, tweak and add your own ore generation features using JSON for Minecraft Forge - OreTweaker EwyBoy 5133894 2016-07-11 01:46
FullscreenWhileInactive Allows Minecraft to stay fullscreen when it becomes inactive, also fixing bug MC-55045 josephcsible 84960 2016-07-10 19:17
Epic Armor! New Custom Armor Dereliktt 1876 2016-07-10 11:20
ILoveFood! ILoveFood! _ForgeUser22512003 178 2016-07-10 10:54
Glistre Mod Adventure mod . . .save Minecraft from destruction from ice and snow! _ForgeUser18817068 2916 2016-07-09 16:48
Hardcore Survival Mod Making your first days more challenging UpcraftLP 34820 2016-07-09 14:06
Asterix and Obelix mod Mod adds many things. _ForgeUser21675431 1001 2016-07-08 18:26
More-Utilities All of the items for a lazy person. _ForgeUser11700374 1493 2016-07-08 08:52
FBToggle Fullbright Toggle Mod _ForgeUser17278575 8374 2016-07-07 23:57
Extra Coal Re-adds Cactus/Sugar Charcoal/Coke Ruuubi 74588 2016-07-07 16:36
Health Amulet Health Amulets are small ornaments carried by the player for its magical benefit ExtraMeteorP 1384 2016-07-07 09:34
MobInhibitor A selection of blocks that disable mob spawns in a configurable way korazail 2319 2016-07-07 00:19
Vampirism - Become a vampire! Vampires are fast, strong and blood-thirsty entities, which do not like the sun, but don't fear the night, and the best thing is: You can become one! maxanier, Cheaterpaul 16360885 2016-07-06 19:25
ModTweaker ModTweaker is an addon for CraftTweaker, a recipe manipulator utility for Minecraft. It allows you to modify the recipes of other mods that add their own crafting mechanics Jaredlll08 82053800 2016-07-06 08:51
Portaportal Portable Portals in Minecraft Unh0ly_Tigg 3957 2016-07-06 03:07
Draconic Evolution Draconic Evolution is a mod that adds some extremely expensive high tier items to the game. brandon3055 79225332 2016-07-05 11:54
Randomization (Completely) randomize block drops! Eladkay 18032 2016-07-05 08:51
YuutoLib A library required by my other mods. animeniac7 464237 2016-07-04 16:58
config Item and Block creator Create Items and Blocks inside the config file. _ForgeUser10437100 527 2016-07-04 04:33
ImmortalObjectTip It can show "Immortal Object" Tip danny50610 11343 2016-07-03 14:06
More Ores And Resources Mod Adds more ores, tools and armor into Minecraft 1.7.X _ForgeUser24686286 4326 2016-07-03 11:03
Influence(MachineApi) An API to allow easy creation of (basic) MC Forge Machines based on RF(Thermal Expansion) Forge_User_26159640 455 2016-07-03 08:02
DinoHybrids 2 A Dinosaur Mod Unlike The Rest! _ForgeUser25907194 8590 2016-07-01 00:42
AquaTweaks Compat Makes every mod work with AquaTweaks! JemmaZZ 9224 2016-06-30 18:45
Minecraft Animated Experience your professionally animated mobs in Minecraft WorldSEnder 152901 2016-06-30 18:16
Harder Underground Adding variety and challenge to mining, making the caving experience more varied and interesting. Draco18_s 133620 2016-06-30 04:58
HardLib Library Core for Reasonable Realism Draco18_s 242394 2016-06-29 16:59
Expanded Industry A few more tools in your toolbox for automation, vanilla style. Draco18_s 144818 2016-06-29 16:54
OptionSync A Mod about syncing your options between Minecraft instances Ellpeck 61349 2016-06-29 11:38
The Dungeon Crashers Mod This mod adds items from Castle Crashers to the game of minecraft. Metocolipson 3277 2016-06-29 01:27
CustomItems A simple way to add new stuff to minecraft marcel0ll 360563 2016-06-28 22:04
Baconators Bacon .. on a stick! ~burp BumblecatDev, Baijson 6287577 2016-06-28 13:57
Hot Water Mod Adds more types of water and food into the game sorazodia 99658 2016-06-28 06:42
Fusion Warfare Adds missiles, guns, reactors and futuristic tech! _ForgeUser10038341 22012 2016-06-28 05:59
Misc Configs Adds miscellaneous config settings to the game. MiningMark48, StrikerRocker 78631 2016-06-28 02:51
Dark Ores This is a mode the implements dark ores into the world/nether. _ForgeUser25880396 663 2016-06-28 02:43
Tree Growing Simulator Make your skyblock more interesting! tterrag1098 10953599 2016-06-27 23:26
AbyssalCraft Explore the world of the dead, along with Dark arts and Lovecraftian horrors. Surpass the boundaries of sanity! Shinoow 19874184 2016-06-27 22:06
Loot++ Lets you customize chest loot among other things, and lets you add new items and blocks. Tmtravlr 2988887 2016-06-27 17:22
[RTM] Redstone Tools Mod Adds redstone tools and armor to the game _ForgeUser23474092 6046 2016-06-27 09:37
Baby Mobs Baby Mobs adds baby versions of many vanilla monsters, each with its own special abilities. Furgle 1694040 2016-06-27 00:14
Weather Effect Change weather on 1 click FRSharko 1315 2016-06-26 22:46
Runic Dungeons A Simple Dungeon Dimension. MrComputerGhost 6344134 2016-06-26 19:29
Subheads (formerly Twitchcrumbs) Twitchcrumbs. Headcrumbs Addon. Adds headcrumbs players from remote sources such as Twitch subscriber whitelists. BlayTheNinth 10516883 2016-06-26 16:15
AIRI A Minecraft Mod Development Library Ri5ux 131407 2016-06-25 14:45
Supernatural Objects Supernatural Objects _ForgeUser25854159 122 2016-06-25 10:32
Craftable Blazerod Mod Adds in crafting recipes for blazerod. _ForgeUser21183901 7087 2016-06-24 20:34
WailaAddonBC It enables you to show pipes' and machines' information! punyo_ 104444 2016-06-24 15:01
Decorative Styles A mod that adds more decorative blocks to the game. mariot7 314630 2016-06-24 10:54
Platforms Make decks, bridges, mineshafts or even wooden coasters ShetiPhian 30471579 2016-06-23 22:44
ElecCore Shared code for Forge mods Elec332 17773977 2016-06-23 19:20
WorldEdit In-game Minecraft map editor - build bigger things more quickly! sk89q, wizjany_, me4502, octylFractal 45572435 2016-06-23 13:22
Mo' Villages Adds more villages and to more biomes TheWeatherPony 8027781 2016-06-23 04:59
MobCages Adds cages to ease the storage and transfer of animals. Quintinity 68233 2016-06-23 03:24
Thermal Singularities bringing Thermal Singularities to Avaritia! WanionCane 2309476 2016-06-22 20:51
GamerMan's More Water Mod! Water Mod! ADDS ALOT OF WATER ITEMS! _ForgeUser21962123 134 2016-06-22 13:34
SimpleLabels Labels for the Deep Storage Unit, and more! insaneau 10308790 2016-06-22 08:45
Blood Baubles Blood Baubles is an add-on for Blood Magic that adds Blood Magic themed Baubles to the game. Z_Doctor 183249 2016-06-22 08:09
Cannibalism Adds in the aspect of eating villagers... or yourself sorazodia 944772 2016-06-21 09:02
Mystical Mobs mobs mod for ambience, convenience, and challenge cadaverous_queen 407581 2016-06-21 03:53
Illuminati and Stuff Mod Alotta Illuminati! derwolfytstreams 2533 2016-06-20 16:08
Aser Mod Aser Mod _ForgeUser9408508 2421 2016-06-19 23:50
Enhanced Vanilla Armors Enhanced Iron, Gold and Diamond Minecraft Vanilla Armors MorelPlay 23770 2016-06-19 21:16
Turret Mod Rebirth A mod that adds defense turrets SanAndreaP 128790 2016-06-19 20:32
Photoptics Mod related with optical Instruments. jriwanek 186293 2016-06-19 14:31
Stellar API General API for mods related with celestial objects. jriwanek 723308 2016-06-19 13:16
Zyancraft A mod with three parts zykersheep 1281 2016-06-19 12:12
WikiMod (FTB-WikiMod) Print your mods Speiger 934 2016-06-19 10:48
Aqua Creepers! Another reason to stay away from the ocean... vadis365, MrCompost 1059745 2016-06-19 09:49
Burger Mod Adds burgers into 1.7.10 _ForgeUser24686286 2109 2016-06-19 06:53
Squid Meat Mod Adds squid meat into 1.7 _ForgeUser24686286 651 2016-06-19 06:26
Mutton Mod Adds mutton into 1.7 _ForgeUser24686286 4543 2016-06-18 20:57
Stellar Sky Realistic sky mod with fancy stars, sun and moon! jriwanek 802188 2016-06-18 18:40
Craftable Music Discs Mod Adds in crafting recipes for music discs. _ForgeUser21183901 4261 2016-06-18 18:18
D3Core "Core" mod used for DoubleDoorDevelopment mods! DoubleDoorDev, Claycorp, Dries007 3794904 2016-06-18 13:37
ProductionLine IC2 Addon Very early _ForgeUser25705890 586 2016-06-18 03:42
VeinMiner Mod Integration Add extra things to Veinminer to make it harder Portablejim 683773 2016-06-18 03:33
Electric Armor Mod The Electric Armor Mod _ForgeUser9408508 8922 2016-06-18 01:57
World Of Bones A mod that add items and worldgen based around bones and giving a bloody feel. This was originally for the modpack Hypvolemia Bennyboy1695 1490 2016-06-17 21:36
Anti Id Conflict Helps you solve id conflicts Elix_x 651842 2016-06-17 20:06
Resource Pack Organizer Enhances the Resource Pack menu by adding folder support for easier pack organization, ability to search packs by name or description, new sorting options, and quick refresh button directly in the GUI. Supports Forge & Fabric. chylex 163381 2016-06-17 18:52
Fragile Glass and Thin Ice Sugar blocks which shatter on impact FredTargaryen 140458 2016-06-17 14:42
Customizable Artillery MOD Craft arty ,ride and shoot! namayake5, cixon 15523 2016-06-17 11:39
Custom Pets Make your own Custom Pets! Dynamic and Real Time! Purplicious_Cow_ 549101 2016-06-16 19:32
Dairy products Dairy recipes _ForgeUser23499713 2020 2016-06-16 15:06
Tom's Mod [Discontinued] A technical mod which adds custom power types, multiblocks, ores, base defensive items, LASERS, and more... tom54541 12535 2016-06-16 12:27
Weapon Case Loot Adds weapon cases found in loot chests with special weapon inside them Winter_Grave, Iskall85_Dev 2956491 2016-06-15 18:13
BrassUtils Similar to OpenBlocks or ExtraUtils, just a collection of useful things. Contains EnderGlove FreneticScribbler 1685 2016-06-15 16:19
BetterCoal Turn that coal laying around into something useful. Kylanrock8 131 2016-06-15 06:34
ShetiPhianCore Required for ShetiPhians Mods ShetiPhian 54810788 2016-06-15 05:20
AMTweaker MineTweaker addon for various mods Belgabor 2575 2016-06-14 22:15
AgriCraft Mob Drop Crops AgriCraft compatibility mod for Pam's Mob Drop Crops Belgabor 280142 2016-06-14 19:17
Sponge Armor sponge armor _ForgeUser25517408 409 2016-06-14 14:16
Bouncing Balls Hop around the world with Bouncing Balls! Rexbas 114977 2016-06-14 13:59
RF Utilities Useful blocks for your projects with RF XFactHD 75189 2016-06-14 13:25
Extra Ordinary Materials Fun mod not much in it. _ForgeUser25119735 428 2016-06-14 13:14
Obscurity Tweaks Minor Alterations for the Minecraft Modpack Obscurity SnowShock35, AKTheKnight, VikeStep 21293 2016-06-14 12:30
Virus Blocks Mod Adds virus blocks to your world to infect and destroy everything. Inspired by stevenrs11's discontinued grey goo mod _ForgeUser25343017 5266 2016-06-14 12:13
FullThrottle Alchemist FullThrottle Alchemist for Minecraft 1.7.10 _ForgeUser2957537 166482 2016-06-14 11:45
FireBallsForPlayers FireBallsForPlayers Makes It Easier To Take Down Mobs _ForgeUser19008154 9479 2016-06-13 17:58
Steamcraft2 Steamcraft2 is the second iteration of Proloe's Steamcraft mod.The mod has an entirely new take on all things steampunk. FreneticScribbler, Sky_Som 205198 2016-06-12 19:19
DynmapCBBridge Support Dynmap-using Bukkit plugins on MCPC+, BukkitForge with DynmapForge Mikeprimm 23778 2016-06-12 15:41
Minestones Skystones(Skylanders)/Triple Triad(Final Fantasy) in Minecraft, collect stones and battle your friends! SinKillerJ 4085 2016-06-12 04:31
More Real Glass Glass breaks without splinters? Forget it. livingoff 2139 2016-06-12 00:16
LiveWithoutMobs Exlude Mobs from spawning naturally _ForgeUser21242896 989 2016-06-11 22:23
Nether Star Core use to make stars! _ForgeUser25517408 1238 2016-06-11 10:36
Tinkered Constructor A balance fork for the 1.7.10 version of Tinker's Construct capitalthree 17909 2016-06-09 21:20
Practical Logistics View your data, in style. sonar_sonic 867314 2016-06-09 01:33
Calculator A Unique Crafting Mechanism with RF/TESLA Generators, Portable Crafting, Unbreakable Tools, Trees etc sonar_sonic 5141684 2016-06-09 01:03
Round Robin Hopper A modified Hopper with Round Robin mode. Ruuubi 14786 2016-06-09 00:46
Random Stuffs My first mod with a few random bits _ForgeUser19481962 1048 2016-06-08 19:30
Sonar Core Sonar's Modding Framework sonar_sonic 38203330 2016-06-08 17:51
Alloys Plus A mod all about metals, tools, and armor _ForgeUser18498927 2976 2016-06-08 15:31
Levels A simple mod focused on the aspect of weapon and armor leveling to unlock unique abilities. sayeeed 3444347 2016-06-07 17:58
Simple Solar Panels This mod adds one solar panel and wind mill which creates energy for modded or vanilla furnaces pewidot 15681 2016-06-07 14:38
Lingering Loot Granularly customize item despawning time and behavior! capitalthree 646167 2016-06-07 05:32
Minecraft Worlds mod (MCW) The ultimate world generator peegee85 59249 2016-06-07 01:29
Simple Armor Fly Simple Armor Fly MorelPlay 21717 2016-06-06 19:59
OnlySilver A Simple-ish Silver Ore Mod _ForgeUser11588566 5456 2016-06-06 19:01
MiscTweaks_ Set default world options, time & weather, resize chests, modify fire sources & fire tick rate, disable sleep & spawn points, limit some client options, etc. CoolSquid 534345 2016-06-06 16:58
MPUtils Basic Tools MPUtil Expansion: Gives modpack developers basic tools to improve a modpack GenDeathrow 27931702 2016-06-06 10:23
MPUtils Tip Alert Adds an In-Game helpful tip notification system. GenDeathrow 174567 2016-06-06 10:15
ScionicaMods A Mod that adds a bunch of base items LordPhrozen 923 2016-06-06 06:30
PlanetguyLib Library _ForgeUser7925258 123117 2016-06-05 22:54
Gizmos Gizmos _ForgeUser7925258 52502 2016-06-05 22:51
Ranchable Fluid Cows Compatibility between Minefactory Reloaded and Moo Fluids JDLogic 3482856 2016-06-05 22:08
MagicCurrencyBooks(MCB) A Mod Used In Your RPG Maps Or RolePlaying Series With CustomNPC's And Ars Magica 2 Installed In Your Mods Folder _ForgeUser25421917 1103 2016-06-05 20:31
TARDIS Mod Adds the ability to own TARDISes to the game. DarkholmeTenk 618502 2016-06-05 18:58
Darkcore A mod to provide utility functions to my other mods DarkholmeTenk 449056 2016-06-05 18:35
Carnival Mod A mod adding carnival based items, just a bit of fun really. DanCarlyon 41636 2016-06-05 17:17
Get Off My Tardis Stops mob spawning on the Tardis world for the Tardis mod _ForgeUser15642870 16024 2016-06-04 21:28
Anarchy's Vanity Blocks Random blocks and items i felt mc needed. _ForgeUser7014347 11824 2016-06-04 14:41
Friendlyfier Make your hostiles friendly. patrick96MC 17425 2016-06-04 14:01
Hodge-Podge Mod A mod that addsvarious, random additions to Minecraft. (This mod was made using Pylo's MCreator ) trueeonaut 3468 2016-06-04 13:50
The Erebus A dimension ruled by colossal invertebrates... Enter the darkness and uncover its secrets. vadis365, DylanKaizer 12044023 2016-06-04 02:05
Equivalent Exchange 3 Equivalent Exchange 3 pahimar 1537133 2016-06-04 00:53
Conor Co. Stuff Random blocks for the Silvania: Ultimatum modpack/server Forge_User_01738343 1758 2016-06-03 17:27
ClearChat A simple chat clearing mod. CBouton 31584 2016-06-03 08:09
Dais Gems Mod! a small gem mod that adds gems! _ForgeUser25274600 119 2016-06-03 03:30
Thermal Smeltery Redux A simplified remake of ThermalSmeltery T145_irl 42860 2016-06-02 15:31
[SBM] Wooden Buckets Simple mod that adds a few wooden buckets for early game fluid transport BuiltBroken, QueenOfMissiles 753328 2016-06-02 05:09
Boilerplate A simple library mod required by all BrassGoggledCoders mods. FreneticScribbler, Sky_Som 412805 2016-06-02 03:46
One Chunk Companion Mod This mod is the base, and essential part of the One Chunk modpack. MattProvalone 1132 2016-06-01 23:49
UndergroundBiomesConstructs UndergroundBiomesConstructs zeno410 933671 2016-06-01 23:01
Uncharted A simple Biome Panel Epidra2077 38834 2016-06-01 22:01
OP Armor and Tools Adds in new OP Armor and Tools _ForgeUser24958042 17622 2016-06-01 09:37
MeddleBootstrap Provides the ability to use the Meddle mod loader and mods on Curse by using Forge as a stepping stone. FyberOptic 967 2016-05-31 22:13
RPGLoot Adds a RPG-Like looting system. FusionLord 301526 2016-05-31 14:14
Dragon Egg Replicator The Dragon Egg Replicator mod adds a new method to replicate the Dragon egg _ForgeUser18983928 11335 2016-05-31 13:58
UBC Ore Registrar Registers Ores with Underground Biomes Construct mallrat208 713452 2016-05-31 00:03
Sporks Stuff All the random stuff I feel like making _ForgeUser21467772 2446 2016-05-30 22:32
Ebon Arts Adds new ores, blocks, items, and equipment! Vies 152699 2016-05-30 10:28
Primeval Primeval supernickita45 4131 2016-05-30 06:16
Forbidden Magic A mod to add a little darkness to Thaumcraft Spiteful_Fox 10193975 2016-05-30 03:29
Zev's Additions Adding random things to make Minecraft more interesting, while keeping a (mostly) vanilla fell. _ForgeUser12340588 584 2016-05-29 20:22
TWBB Tweaks A collection of tweaks for my simply brutal modpack, There Will Be Blood Undead_Zeratul 4198 2016-05-29 18:34
The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivin from the Elder Scrolls video game series. _ForgeUser19806959 1525 2016-05-29 01:15
TheCakeMod Adds an insane crafting challenge to minecraft. HellFirePvP 862 2016-05-28 16:07
Irish Luck Irish Luck Blocks MrAmericanMike 443176 2016-05-27 10:15
InfiniteInvo All the inventory space a player could ever want and excessively more Funwayguy 326974 2016-05-27 08:01
Ultra Awesome Tools Mod This mod adds in a bunch of new items! xyperX992 10670 2016-05-27 04:51
KnightPeripherals Adds additional peripherals to the popular Minecraft mod ComputerCraft KnightMiner 16477 2016-05-27 03:24
Gwycraft - A colored blocks mod Adding colored blocks and glowing blocks to your world. Gwydion0917, Glazzmaker, zepanv 51804 2016-05-26 19:37
InviBlock Invisible Blocks You can place torches on these ivisible blocks. They are very simple and have no texture. AndreNoel 5558 2016-05-26 01:31
CharcoalOnCoalMod Charcoal On CoalMod _ForgeUser25237251 141 2016-05-25 22:57
Sandy Ores Ever thought it's unrealistic that ores just generate in stone? Here you go! pewidot 99241 2016-05-25 10:31
Dimensionloader A Mod which force loads dimensions. Watschman 8016 2016-05-25 09:35
Whitelister Allows server admins to load one or more whitelists from the web and enforce them Quetzi 32274 2016-05-25 08:44
XP Blocker Blocks XP from non-ore sources. lordcazsius 2305 2016-05-25 05:13
MobSpawnTweaks Whitelisting and blacklisting mobs based on dimension. Digitalseraphim 944 2016-05-25 03:13
It's Raining Food! Ever wondered why you couldn't eat rain? Me neither. insaneau 6117052 2016-05-24 23:49
Cj Lamps More light for your Minecraft _ForgeUser9676835 2201 2016-05-24 23:30
Pack Fixer A simple mod that fixes an issue with the Mystic Mesa modpack for Minecraft 1.7.10 SnowShock35 104035 2016-05-23 20:53
Jabba Jabba (Just Another Better Barrel Attempt) is focused on providing an affordable mass storage block. profmobius 17832168 2016-05-23 17:00
NotEnoughItems Recipe Viewer, Inventory Manager, Item Spawner, Cheats and more Chicken_Bones 30627785 2016-05-23 14:03
Just Another Crafting Bench Just adds a single block, a crafting bench that stores its inventory Forge_User_98128854 886757 2016-05-23 13:03
SuperSecretWeaponPhone(joke) Adds Nokia 3310 MJaroslav 2893 2016-05-23 12:26
Ore Flowers A Geobotanical Prospecting Meathod Draco18_s 47072 2016-05-22 23:40
Magma Blocks Backport Mod Adds the new 1.10 Minecraft nether blocks to the version 1.7.10! thewitherlord 368026 2016-05-21 19:12
Ratchet & Clank mod A Ratchet & Clank mod for Minecraft DWGugu 55444 2016-05-21 16:21
Leather Strips Leather strips and string crafting _ForgeUser24491741 434 2016-05-21 14:48
Slime Crafting Craft slime from clay and sugar _ForgeUser24491741 8146 2016-05-21 12:58
Pong Pong shows the actual ping in the player list modmuss50 6459 2016-05-21 12:33
Flaxbeard's Steam Power A tech mod based around steam power TheSatanicSanta, _ForgeUser17222645, xbony2 995948 2016-05-21 04:27
Gliby's Voice Chat Distance based real-time in-game voice chat. thegliby 224000 2016-05-20 16:26
In Character A mod adding various systems to allow for a better roleplay experience in Minecraft. Mario90900 1047 2016-05-20 03:50
Cheese Mod v 1.4.1 Cheese Mod adds four new types of cheese, along with several other fun things! _ForgeUser24731326 1085 2016-05-19 23:12
TitanOre TitanOre adds a new ore to minecraft that can be used to make tools and weapons. New blocks crafted from it are explosion-proof. A camo block looks like a stone but is super resistant! _ForgeUser24441469 167 2016-05-19 19:34
Progressive Automation This mod provides low tech automation tools for common tasks. The tools are upgradable as the player progresses. Forge_User_98128854 9047497 2016-05-19 09:06
No More Achievements Removes all things related to Achievements and Statistics GenDeathrow 359788 2016-05-19 08:28
No More Rain Removes rain from you world! insaneau 1657393 2016-05-19 03:32
BinniePatcher Run Binnie's Mods with Forestry 4 Chocohead 5314693 2016-05-18 15:49
FluidityFoodstuffs This mod add some liquid food materials (ex. wheat flour, sugar) and some liquid handling device. defeatedcrow 9099 2016-05-18 13:50
Celestial Craft Harness Celestial Magic and use it to your advantage. HalestormXV 71665 2016-05-17 19:58
Auto Dropper Adds an automated version of Minecraft's Dropper. Ruuubi 326203 2016-05-16 05:52
Colorful Armor Colorful Armor : Dye all vanilla armor Torquebolt20 488531 2016-05-16 02:59
Jragonium Mod Adds Tools And Armor Forge_User_62206827 477 2016-05-15 18:57
Translocators transfer items and fluids Chicken_Bones 10407887 2016-05-15 08:55
No Bat this mod remove all bats on the world LithimzTV 20284 2016-05-15 07:13
TFC Ambient Creatures Ambient Creatures for TerraFirmaCraft Konlii 26573 2016-05-15 05:38
FuelcraftA Extra Fuels for Minecraft 1.7.10 iceman11a 1290 2016-05-14 22:26
Hungry Animals This mod changes animals' behavior more realistic. It provides plentiful config options. 오르트구름 159788 2016-05-14 13:22
Antique Atlas Overlay - Minimap Minimap Addon for the Antique Atlas Mod kenkron 90530 2016-05-13 20:02
Much Blocks New blocks for your buildings!! [1.7.10] (41 blocks) _ForgeUser24097374 440 2016-05-13 13:01
Tumbleweed Tumbling tumbleweeds in Minecraft! bconv 25820011 2016-05-13 12:31
Quantum Pack Quantumize your Player Speiger 10483 2016-05-13 07:07
Sanguimancy Sanguimancy: Automation for all your Blood Magic needs! tombenpotter, _ForgeUser19615697 3699685 2016-05-13 05:38
Simply Currency Trade your things using a Universal Currency. JemmaZZ 5359 2016-05-12 21:45
Negativa End game equipment at end game prices! _ForgeUser7665535 183 2016-05-12 21:39
Keeping Inventory Automatically enables keepInventory and disables mobGriefing on startup. Silly511 1099424 2016-05-12 14:28
Iron and Dimensions Mod Adds more iron and guns and more misc... _ForgeUser24382327 8874 2016-05-12 14:15
Arcane Engineering An addon for Thaumcraft and Immersive Engineering cadaverous_queen 259420 2016-05-12 04:57
ExtraTiC Extra tools & weapons for tinkers' construct Glazzmaker 14365458 2016-05-11 02:59
Super Ores More Ores! abused_master 562256 2016-05-10 22:06
VillagerTradingBan Simple mod to disable villager trading modmuss50 709756 2016-05-10 09:39
Cooking for Blockheads Adds a multiblock kitchen that shows recipes you can make with what ingredients you have available. BlayTheNinth 147367451 2016-05-10 07:11
Hexi's Functional Decoration Decorative blocks with added functionality! _ForgeUser6853400 678 2016-05-09 16:02
Immersive Engineering A retro-futuristic tech mod! BluSunrize, Sky_Som, malte0811 135453751 2016-05-09 15:49
Advanced Generators Freeform Multiblock generators that produce MJ, RF and EU bdew 26704184 2016-05-09 07:45
Viveporter Viveporter mod adds a simple teleportation item that looks like a laser pointer that lets players teleport around. Forge_User_44517976 309 2016-05-08 13:37
Furnus Upgradable and configurable Furnace and Grinder KidsDontPlay 1800129 2016-05-08 12:07
Supertramp Bouncing without the logic goldensilver853 18246 2016-05-08 08:57
Wawla - What Are We Looking At Waila/Hwyla addon which adds all the info. DarkhaxDev 58290014 2016-05-08 05:15
Blackout Adds torches that burn out. Configurable ! R3ido101 794 2016-05-07 21:02
Redstoner's Wrench Adds a wrench that can place various redstone-related blocks RandomMcSomethin 167 2016-05-07 15:43
TNTUtils More control over explosions ljfa2 9135971 2016-05-07 12:10
PurpleIRC Bridge Minecraft and IRC chat. cnaude 8459 2016-05-07 08:15
Weapons 'n Drills Mods _ForgeUser11428973 4704 2016-05-06 18:23
Clicky Remote Activator GodsVictory 2785 2016-05-06 16:38
GravelMiner Automatically breaks falling gravel blocks that get in your way while mining. BlayTheNinth 1706670 2016-05-06 02:09
Pickle Tweaks Crafting grid tool repairing, paxels, watering cans and more! BlakeBr0 31655426 2016-05-05 20:55
StuffCraft StuffCraft adds enchantments, achievements, food, mobs, blocks, tools, items, and more! _ForgeUser24441469 1157 2016-05-05 20:42
Colourful Blocks Color any block in any color! Vanilla, modded, tile entities... Elix_x 10685 2016-05-05 18:00
HumanTooth Play with a huge human tooth and to be a dentist in game _ForgeUser23317635 301 2016-05-05 14:01
Slack Bridge Connect Slack and Minecraft together AlxandrHeintz 1322 2016-05-05 12:09
Scottybot Whitelister Easily use Scottybot's whitelist and sublisting system, plus non-Scotty sources! _ForgeUser3895116 2141 2016-05-05 09:44
Baubles Stuff Baubles Stuff - Modular Baubles (Pendant,Belt, Rings,Upgrades) dogegamingboy 1555076 2016-05-05 09:20
MineAmp Minecraft mp3/ogg/wav/m4a/flac player MamiyaOtaru 35753 2016-05-05 04:15
Nether Tweaks A mod which helps to live xclusively in the nether, or better anywhere else Angayoco 11876 2016-05-04 14:00
Silent's Gems Customizable tools! Colorful building blocks! Handy gadgets! SilentChaos512 9054642 2016-05-04 04:18
Excore Required by all elix'x mods to run. Elix_x 3143151 2016-05-03 19:13
Simplib The simplistic library for developers MageP 515 2016-05-03 11:03
Ender Utilities Miscellaneous utility items and blocks, many are inventory or storage related. masady 13198309 2016-05-02 14:09
Waterhook Waterhook is a tool/core mod to add a "water forming" event to Forge HenryLoenwind 2562241 2016-05-02 03:15
Testerino Various useful world generation features and tools. MrComputerGhost 4071 2016-05-02 01:45
CustomizedLore Adds a new block that allows you to add lore, or tooltip text, to any item. TheSatanicSanta 27733 2016-05-02 00:29
BeeBetterAtBees JEI Addon that makes bees a little less painful HellFirePvP 1030974 2016-05-01 21:43
Pearcel Mod Pearcel Mod is a mod made by MiningMark48 and textured by Codyrule040 that adds blocks and items related the Pearcel to make Minecraft better than ever before. MiningMark48 267550 2016-05-01 14:41
airbreathercore A library of classes used by all my mods airbreather 257207 2016-05-01 14:36
NoobCore Core mod for all TND mods. _ForgeUser24656677, Forge_User_30607850 2479 2016-05-01 00:24
Simply Hammers Custom Hammers! Mods Hammers and more modifiaction! Full Customize! LionZXY 21508 2016-04-30 19:24
No more free powa This mod which requires ImmersiveEngineering and will make redstone usage conditional _ForgeUser24334763 983 2016-04-30 18:02
Command Keybindings Allows you to bind commands to keys so they can be used instantly. The_Fireplace 847010 2016-04-30 17:31
Extra zombies mod My mod adds alot of zombies in minecraft _ForgeUser24687721 28130 2016-04-30 14:34
Regional Water Changes how infinite water source block creation is handled Vexxel 9940 2016-04-30 06:29
Villager INC - Leaking Dimensions A small Tech-Dimension mod, based off the Villager INC puzzle maps and modpack. Diamond_Hunter_Zero 11119 2016-04-30 05:19
DarkMatterMod This is a mod that lets you use a different form of matter and unleash its full potential. _ForgeUser24666947 934 2016-04-29 23:58
Mine Trading Cards Trade cards with your comrads ! Forge_User_11279080 34567 2016-04-29 14:43
IncreaseMobs Increase the mob spawns. kegare0127 347895 2016-04-29 02:45
Catwalks 2 Good looking fast player transport thecodewarrior1 531114 2016-04-29 00:44
DayZ for Minecraft [1.2.5-1.8.9] - 150000+ Downloads _ForgeUser7511657 107835 2016-04-28 07:09
Deathwatch Simple mod to track player deaths serverside _ForgeUser6733207 1411 2016-04-28 01:40
NVLIC2Machines Add extra machines to IC2 NVLMagic 9242 2016-04-27 11:37
Applied Energistics 2 A Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world.. thetechnici4n, TeamAppliedEnergistics, shartte 162364629 2016-04-27 10:21
Camouflaged Creepers This mod changes the default Creeper texture to the texture of the block it is standing on. It supports almost all Minecraft blocks. As this is a Client-Only mod it can even be used to non-modded servers. georgetsak 335028 2016-04-27 08:09
Backlytra Backports Elytra to 1.8.9 and 1.7.10, backports Elytra sounds to 1.9 unascribed 141930 2016-04-27 01:08
RPGCore RPG skills system API for Minecraft Fureniku 3104 2016-04-26 16:27
SugiForest Adds the Sugi tree, related blocks, items, and the Sugi Forest biome. kegare0127 48597 2016-04-26 12:48
TooMuchArmor Adds armor made ot of many materials from vanilla Minecraft. vsparklol 72929 2016-04-26 00:54
Blocked Layers Reborn Blocked Layers continues Gigabit101 598 2016-04-26 00:13
Improved Hoes Improved Hoes makes farming with hoes much quicker and easier. Furgle 1248066 2016-04-25 17:54
EggWars Mod A mod of server for do all very easy! WORK IN PROGRESS _ForgeUser24574230 3847 2016-04-24 09:47
Uncomplication This brings back the old UUMatter, Recipes and EnergyNet back to IC2Exp. Aroma1997, Speiger 100497 2016-04-24 08:27
Sidben Redstone Jukebox Adds a new and improved jukebox. Allows custom records. sidben 22664 2016-04-24 03:15
EnderTanks Public, Personal, and Team EnderTanks and EnderBuckets ShetiPhian 29322566 2016-04-23 20:52
My Own Music aka McMusicPlayer This mod communicate with a musicplayer to play the given playlists (mp3) at the appropriate moment _ForgeUser24334763 1512 2016-04-23 19:21
xavi´s dimension mod This mod add a new dimension by end block . This add mobs and new recipes . _ForgeUser24560375 159 2016-04-23 10:43
MobPlus Just a few completely new mobs! _ForgeUser24491741 811 2016-04-22 16:21
IC2 BuildCraft Power Converter - Stabilizer Mod Unite IC2 energy with BuildCraft energy Ternsip 164571 2016-04-22 11:12
MineMania Rebirth Bringing MineMania back to life! _ForgeUser9902995, _ForgeUser8121217 429 2016-04-22 04:54
FullThrottle NEI Additional NEI support for FullThrottle Alchemist. matthew_117 27190 2016-04-21 09:46
TbscClick Simple Autoclicking Auto-Clicker Tbsc_ 31748 2016-04-21 07:47
Beast351x's Extra Craft This mod adds blocks, recipes, and items. Beast351x 1916 2016-04-21 02:07
Pick Block Plus A lightweight, clientside mod that significantly improves the vanilla pick block function. Chaosyr 380900 2016-04-21 00:57
NeoofUtils Decrafting table, obsidian hammer (3x3x3), Boiled eggs _ForgeUser22512447 865 2016-04-20 23:10
TbscFPS A small FPS counter in the corner of the screen. Tbsc_ 15384 2016-04-20 20:21
Dimensional Flight Ban Stops creative mode flight by dimension _ForgeUser6948878 3275 2016-04-20 15:12
More Fuels Mod A mod that allows more things to be smelted into fuels and adds cool ores and fuel related blocks and items! bored_hero 239486 2016-04-19 19:23
ASM Fixes (J.A.F.M) Just Another Fix Mod Aims To Correct Miscellaneous issues TheMattaBase, covers1624 66669 2016-04-19 15:12
J.A.C.C Just Another Chroma Config TheMattaBase 383 2016-04-19 14:38
Roguelike Dungeons Randomized dungeons, loot and spawners Greymerk 28049747 2016-04-19 00:29
Minimapsync Minimapsync allows to sync all your waypoints from your favourite minimap with the server, so that others can use them. _ForgeUser10765177 45642 2016-04-18 18:04
Dæmonis Umbra Altare A mod that Adds, new dimension's, Items, Blocks, Mobs, Weapons, Tools along with other things as well (all styled in a Demonic red, with a steam-punk theme surrounding the higher level stuff) _ForgeUser24503645 336 2016-04-18 10:07
ChaoticKarma A mod that implements a karma system. TheSatanicSanta 6374 2016-04-18 03:00
FrostKing's Guard By DrMesaa a small mod but its cool! _ForgeUser24498661 873 2016-04-17 22:32
SextiarySector2 Add agriculture, fisheries, industry, mining, commerce to Minecraft shift02ss 9666 2016-04-17 04:45
Max200004 The Rise of the von Horts Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 _ForgeUser10821398 106 2016-04-16 20:49
IvToolkit Versatile mod framework Ivorforce 37308860 2016-04-16 17:25
MCEconomy2 API of the economy shift02ss 17620 2016-04-16 13:42
Advanced Inventory Improve your inventory with more space and special upgrades cubex2 476213 2016-04-16 08:40
Lockdown A simple mod to create worlds from templates TheAdubbz 3208482 2016-04-15 10:31
Finger in the Wind Displays the ambient temperature and rainfall level onscreen Konlii 36150 2016-04-15 04:27
OpCraft Official Project This mod will be the MOST Over Powered Mod of All asmcx15 1413 2016-04-14 21:28
Wild Life improves nature and game mechanics such as farming, etc. _ForgeUser24310329 228 2016-04-14 07:14
Civilised Commands add better commands to minecraft Forge_User_86359804 112 2016-04-13 23:00
MyEssentials-Core Core mod used by MyTown2 Forge_User_23721837, _ForgeUser8591000 16324 2016-04-13 21:59
Minecraft Story Mode Mod It adds some things from Minecraft Story Mode Kiriot22 37897 2016-04-13 11:14
Gatemod - Teleport WallSign-Button Mod Teleport in the world by activating button under wallsign with special mounts Ternsip 4125 2016-04-12 15:46
Minecraft Calculator Adds a working, craftable calculator into the game. _ForgeUser21582251 1598 2016-04-12 12:14
Gendustry Adds industrial apiaries, advanced genetic manipulation and mutation (Forestry addon) bdew 32835987 2016-04-12 10:51
Fool's Gold Foolishly going where a bunch of men and like nine women have gone before. Lordepos 1288 2016-04-11 23:01
Island Craft 2 A simple mod to make people have their own island structure. Zeitheron, DragonForgeMC 15840 2016-04-11 19:25
MineCapture Simple and easy in-game screenshot uploader SWDTeam 6193 2016-04-11 15:09
GoatSlack An easy way to ping an Admin on Slack TamasHenning 971 2016-04-11 14:30
Mattock DireSlime Fix Tinker's Construct patch for compatibility with Ender Zoo asanetargoss 11354 2016-04-10 17:15
M-Ore mod If you are tired of the old ores or if you just want more ores – this mod is for you! _ForgeUser9958840 60028 2016-04-10 16:30
Right Click Dye Allows wool to be coloured by right clicking on it with dye in hand. _ForgeUser21582251 1169 2016-04-10 11:53
Clay Bucket Adds a clay bucket for early game. abecderic 3242462 2016-04-10 09:51
TiConAutoToolStation Automateable Auto Tool Station which automatically applies Modifiers to Tinker's Construct Tools Blubberbub 3538154 2016-04-10 09:15
Biome Reactors Change Biomes via Redstone Flux sbom_xela 10027 2016-04-10 03:52
SimpleOres A small mod that adds 5 unique and balanced ores. skrallexy 2373815 2016-04-09 12:12
SimpleCore API API used by SimpleOres and other plugins. skrallexy 2179543 2016-04-09 12:04
Yvolution Technology Evolved _ForgeUser10531345 1626 2016-04-08 22:15
Dark Items Adds new items biba_baba 1034 2016-04-08 22:08
Day/Night Commands Day/Night Commands _ForgeUser24152603 1214 2016-04-08 20:21
Soundless Background The ability to mute Minecraft when it is in the background. _ForgeUser8171756 7639 2016-04-08 19:08
Ender Crop A crop that grows ender pearls DrManganese 8153181 2016-04-08 13:43
Ritual Enchanting Modifies the vanilla enchanting system to make enchanting more fair, more balanced, and mainly, less random. _ForgeUser936657 5821 2016-04-07 19:39
Resource Loader A small mod that allows users to add their own resources to minecraft without making a resource pack Lumien231 102394177 2016-04-07 11:00
Placebo Effect Exactly what it sounds like! Lordepos 1606 2016-04-06 19:56
[SBM] Red Cow Redcow gives you wings BuiltBroken, QueenOfMissiles 78835 2016-04-06 12:17
Clay WorldGen Adds configurable clay veins to the natural world generation! EwyBoy 477952 2016-04-06 07:27
Diamond Plate Mod A mod used to dupe diamonds mrfunn1 145 2016-04-06 01:12
Super Mario Mod Addon Adds Different kinds of Toads and Mario and Luigi into Minecraft! SuperMario20 7505 2016-04-05 17:44
Fusion An alloy mod with a unique twist. Other plugins add more content to it. skrallexy 155215 2016-04-05 02:56
JourneyMap Server Server Plugin to assist and administer features in the JourneyMap Client Mod techbrew, Mysticdrew 189926 2016-04-05 00:36
RandomCraft V0.1.0 Adds Armor, Tools, Items, and Blocks. _ForgeUser22687014, TruePhantomParadox 1513 2016-04-04 22:32
IC2 Wrench Plugin Add Wrench Support to IC2 Machines Speiger 94835 2016-04-04 16:42
Fov Control Get more control over your fov _ForgeUser17156129 5457 2016-04-04 13:57
Brandon's Core This is the core mod that will be used by most of my mods from now on brandon3055 78997178 2016-04-04 13:19
Uncle Jeff's Paintings 16 whole new sets of 31 paintings -- each set has a theme, and you can choose which you want by thecolor of carpet you use in crafting uncle__jeff 43694 2016-04-04 06:41
Floocraft Teleport like Harry Potter. FredTargaryen 1216046 2016-04-03 21:13
Ore Pings Technically not cheating! Kokolihapihvi 22237 2016-04-03 15:28
Back in Slime - Slime Blocks for 1.7 Add slime blocks from 1.8 to 1.7.10 don_bruce 40227 2016-04-02 21:52
Topaz & More Adds Topaz & More Such as a starter house spawner. _ForgeUser23638312 1164 2016-04-02 20:15
Insanity:Assorted Magics Magic-based composite mod using the sanity point plusplus_farore 2441 2016-04-02 10:24
Favorite Items Small mod, which allows you to favorite items. Lellson8 6686 2016-04-02 08:12
Melon Pants Adds Melon Pants into Minecraft MinecraftPalace 59062 2016-04-02 07:55
FTB Utilities (Forge) FTB Utilities is a mod by FTB. It aims to provide several useful utilities within the FTB Platform ranging from friends list, server configuration utilities, world borders, guide system and many other features... FTB 73240202 2016-04-01 22:03
XPTeleporters This mod adds teleporters, that use experience levels as fuel LatvianModder 448472 2016-04-01 21:13
FTB Library (Forge) (Legacy) FTB Library is a library mod that is used for some of our mods. FTB, Error_MiKeY 75773567 2016-04-01 17:24
VortexUtilities A simple mod for VortexCraft project. Luck8r 703 2016-04-01 09:42
Unstackable Mod Makes survival mode more challenging! You can only stack up to ONE on every item! _ForgeUser24012545 358 2016-04-01 02:39
SighCraft When you're missing a mod just sigh _ForgeUser18889994, Gigabit101 690 2016-03-31 22:43
Simple Sky Grid A forge implementation of Sethbling's SkyGrid Vorquel 47775 2016-03-31 00:28
HoloInventory HoloInventory Dries007 1455995 2016-03-29 17:47
External Announcements Displays announcements from an external files, local or web based QueenOfMissiles, Hennamann99 7835 2016-03-29 04:04
Helpful Villagers Put those lazy villagers to work! _ForgeUser7279718 491388 2016-03-29 02:39
Emerald Items This mod adds various emerald items. AdityaSF 24540 2016-03-29 01:15
Bottled Animals Animals like items! _ForgeUser7466539 10161 2016-03-28 15:30
Difficulty Locker Lock the difficulty on your worlds for versions prior to 1.8 MattsOnMc 15223 2016-03-28 14:42
Uranium Mod Adds in Uranium items, food, tools, and armor. _ForgeUser19488318 799 2016-03-28 14:11
D3 Commands Helpful commands for servers or singleplayer! DoubleDoorDev, Claycorp, Dries007 286545 2016-03-27 22:55
Just What I Needed Mod Convenience features for any game and any pack. ssblur 164159 2016-03-27 19:34
CobbleWorks A small mod with a single goal: Generate the basics! _ForgeUser24135348, _ForgeUser12420202, Name_Is_Taken_Now 36517 2016-03-27 19:03
Weapon Upgrade Weapon Upgrade Mod 1.7.10 _ForgeUser24217940 410 2016-03-27 08:42
MyWorldGen MyWorldGen makes it easy to add your own custom world-gen to your worlds. impiaaa 413592 2016-03-26 21:41
Skype2MC Displays Skype messages in Minecraft chat. scarabcoder1 3593 2016-03-26 16:39
MinecraftSolder A TechnicSolder API implementation as a minecraft mod _ForgeUser19437309 2175 2016-03-26 15:28
akkamaddi's Ashenwheat a small farming mod, adding four utility crops: Ashenwheat (a fuel, and can make charcoal), Ossidroot (can make Bonemeal), Thundergrass (can make gunpowder), and Scintillawheat (can make Glowstone Dust). Sinhika 131493 2016-03-26 10:45
More Items More Items adds Machines, Blocks, Items, Armor, Tools, and Food Ronaldi2001 48220 2016-03-26 00:25
Enchantment Crafting Mod By Coder300 a.k.a MewMaster Enchantment Crafting _ForgeUser21839622 209 2016-03-25 22:35
FluxFyre Fyre from the heart of the Flux, also other cool stuff planned. Rallias 3715 2016-03-25 16:45
Ghostwatch Ghostwatch - watch or be watched Watschman 842 2016-03-25 10:21
Light Level Overlay Reloaded A mod visualizes the light level on top of blocks. oldjunyi 7485646 2016-03-25 04:01
Immersive Integration Integrates IE with other mods, as well as some useful addition to IE itself UnwrittenFun 8037470 2016-03-24 14:54
Audio Death Plays a user-defined music file on death Portablejim 4296916 2016-03-24 13:03
Red Controls A small redstone controls mod for Minecraft xperientia 1378 2016-03-24 03:39
MFR Magical Crops Compatibility For those times when magical crops don't add their crops to MFR. Portablejim 1472188 2016-03-24 02:53
Extra Golems WAILA Addon Simple WAILA addon to display Extra Golems attack power and special abilities in-game skyjay1 75845 2016-03-24 02:37
OpenPrinter Printer for OpenComputers MichiyoRavencroft, ben_mkiv 1780468 2016-03-24 00:56
myBiomes (Make your own biomes + Disable the defaults) Make your own biomes + Disable the defaults! _ForgeUser8846250 17656 2016-03-24 00:50
Over Crafted Mobs 2 Second Version Of Overcraftedmobs SoggyStache 1820 2016-03-24 00:27
Et Futurum Golems Addon Addon to Extra Golems to add 1.8+ golems through Et Futurum skyjay1 7431 2016-03-24 00:10
Crazy Craft Mod This mod is really fun to play with! xanplayzgamez 50801 2016-03-23 19:13
Metal Golems Addon (Limited Edition) Use modded metals to build golems! skyjay1 8191 2016-03-23 06:07
Java Enforcer Force players to be up to date with correct java version for a mod pack and block client side mods. GenDeathrow 801937 2016-03-23 05:00
Tinkers' Golems Addon Use TConstruct blocks to build golems! skyjay1 261221 2016-03-22 23:28
WitherCrumbs An addon for Headcrumbs that adds custom user based withers TurkeyDev 10902927 2016-03-22 17:13
Extra Golems Adds 100+ golems with unique abilities! skyjay1 6759390 2016-03-21 22:39
Blood Arsenal A Blood Magic addon adding in new tools weaponry, and mechanics! Arcaratus 7812489 2016-03-21 22:14
AutoPackager Automated crafting of 2x2 or 3x3 recipes smbarbour 10817580 2016-03-21 22:11
WIT (What Is That) Displays information about things you are looking at. SilentChaos512 408395 2016-03-21 19:43
Super Multi-Drills Adds highly customizable RF-powered drills. SilentChaos512 729743 2016-03-21 17:39
Nincraft Lib A common library Minecraft Forge mod for Nincraft modpacks. Nincodedo 4263 2016-03-21 13:19
WatkinsBase A base mod for mods I produce _ForgeUser936657 2218 2016-03-20 23:17
Closed Captions Closed Captions is a mod that adds beautiful closed captions to Minecraft. GenuineSounds 3203 2016-03-20 22:28
Emerald Stuff - _ForgeUser24131142 797 2016-03-20 21:12
Iguanas Tinker Tweaks Iguana Tweaks for Tinkers Construct. bonusboni 11009179 2016-03-20 09:37
Unicode Font Fixer A mod fixes broken text caused by small Unicode font. oldjunyi 88200 2016-03-20 07:03
Fluxed-Core A mod that contains helper functions for all of my mods Jaredlll08 67070 2016-03-19 15:08
Holographic Victory Monument Display your achievements proudly. - When an item frame isn't futuristic enough. abecderic 256883 2016-03-19 09:31
Epic Siege Mod Advanced mob AI for ultimate death and destruction! Funwayguy 7683815 2016-03-19 07:50
Lonely Biome Allows you to generate worlds that consist of just one biome. WhichOnesPink 200101 2016-03-19 00:00
Server First Achievements for being the first on the server Karjah 3104 2016-03-18 04:00
Hardcore Torches (Fabric) Makes torches and lanterns temporary, burning out with time. Can also be configured to require torches be lit after placement. WolfieWaffle 27747 2016-03-18 02:39
Slabify Cut blocks in the world into slabs Forge_User_96740422 4823 2016-03-17 17:14
Chisel A builder's best friend. tterrag1098, minecreatr, Drullkus 119068113 2016-03-17 03:11
Digimobs Bringing you all your favorite Digimon from the digital world right into minecraft CyanGenesis 1013513 2016-03-16 14:04
RFTools RFTools, blocks and items to help with Redflux (dimension builder, crafter, monitor, scanner, ...) McJty 65699008 2016-03-16 08:15
Guide-API Simple library mod for in-game guide creation TehNut, tombenpotter 63359498 2016-03-15 20:02
Arcanum Make Minecraft just that little bit of extra fun with magic and tools xHellBreecher 92176 2016-03-15 19:46
TheRemoved Mod This mod adds in features removed from the game. _ForgeUser21016084 906 2016-03-15 05:29
ASP + GS Patcher Fixer mod for Advanced Solar Panels and GraviSuite Chocohead 3906235 2016-03-15 00:56
Think Big Core A utility library necessary for any Think Big Corp mod. superdextor 678403 2016-03-14 23:53
Ad Inferos The Nether has been upgraded! New Dimension, Dungeons, Bosses, & More! superdextor 622052 2016-03-14 23:35
Potion Core Adds a whole lot of potion effects to the game. Tmtravlr 18788070 2016-03-14 18:53
Kingdom Keys 2 A mod which adds elements from the Kingdom Hearts games Wehavecookies56, Abelatox 284687 2016-03-14 12:33
Strong As Steel Adds Steel to MC. this mod was made with MCreator _ForgeUser18218744 536 2016-03-14 06:12
Resonant Toolbox An addon for thermal expansion that adds a new end game tier of tools and weapons. Silly511 4941 2016-03-14 03:52
Thaumic Inventory Scanning (Thaumcraft Addon) Allows hovering over items in inventories with a Thaumometer on the cursor to scan them. BlayTheNinth 26167911 2016-03-14 01:48
Aspectum Magus Simple custom spell mod. _ForgeUser9338838 341 2016-03-13 23:16
Random Mod of Randomness A Random Mod _ForgeUser23661939 319 2016-03-13 19:35
Mine & Blade: Battlegear 2 Minecraft Combat: Advanced amedwards, Forge_User_08823382 8119151 2016-03-13 12:33
Advanced Factory The way to green industrial mod. _ForgeUser10236810 2114 2016-03-13 11:24
LightningCraft Harness the raw power of lightning to shape the world to your whim! SBlectric 1088193 2016-03-13 04:04
Thaumaturgical Knowledge A mod focusing on Thaumcraft's alchemy system _ForgeUser20908836 682420 2016-03-12 22:42
We Bare Bears Mod Adds In stuff from the T.V. show We Bare Bears SoggyStache 10707 2016-03-12 19:20
AFSU Mod An IndustrialCraft 2 addon to extend energy storage a tier more. xbony2 206541 2016-03-12 15:55
Everything Blocks Make blocks out of any item for dense storage and decoration! SBlectric 23965 2016-03-12 14:18
Magic Ink Mod More Inks!!! _ForgeUser24028226 699 2016-03-12 11:49
Chest Maker Never run out of Chest! _ForgeUser11933729 11223 2016-03-11 21:26
Innocence Small Tweaks and Addons for some mods _ForgeUser18951274 1565 2016-03-11 17:02
dungeon keeper 2 mod (W.I.P) This is the dungeon keeper mod created by: bulldoggames1 Forge_User_12593705 468 2016-03-10 15:46
Teleplates Higly advanced teleportation: portable, movable, renameable... Elix_x 8787 2016-03-09 14:00
Growing Up Core Skyblock with a twist, you are spawned above a radioactive Overworld, this mod is story driven and applies different radiation values to the world based upon biome data. _ForgeUser7227355 2809 2016-03-09 08:18
Peripherals++ MiscPeripherals reimagined (with other stuff too)! austinv11 352189 2016-03-09 04:22
MorePets More Pets addon for Inventory Pets _ForgeUser18620459 2826 2016-03-09 03:47
Crafting Slots Adds an inventory crafting table and a normal portable one. BlayTheNinth 1295475 2016-03-08 10:56
CraftingCraft Adds an inventory crafting table and a normal portable one. BlayTheNinth 1025426 2016-03-08 10:56
CAJlO's Realism Mod CAJlO's Realism Mod 1.7.10 Ptabuchis 2789 2016-03-08 03:20
Fire Mod 1.7.10 firemario211 1790 2016-03-08 03:00
Rage Player Little mod to Explode or Burn Players Immp 521 2016-03-07 16:43
SaltyAdditions It`s a combatibility Mod between Salty Mod and ActuallyAdditions canitzp 1444 2016-03-07 14:58
Minecraft: Knights of the Old Republic Introduces force powers and lightsabers to Minecraft. Inspired by KotOR, Jedi Knight, and The Force Unleashed. FatherToast 1088 2016-03-07 11:29
Aquaculture 2 Spices up fishing with a number of new biome specific fish, recipes, and more! Shadow, Girafi 100191525 2016-03-06 21:57
Ascribe General fixes and tweaks for the base Minecraft game. unascribed 44569 2016-03-06 21:25
Zombie Awareness - Smarter more aware zombies (and skeletons), they track you down via blood scent, sound, and light source awareness Corosus 18132932 2016-03-06 19:31
Invisible Armor Add the armor invisible. _ForgeUser18951274 8505 2016-03-06 07:06
The Cheese Mod A Cheese mod that adds cheese related things! Winnetrie 626 2016-03-05 02:43
WorldDelete Automatically deletes server world when the server stops. Karjah 4930 2016-03-04 19:01
Automagy An addon for Thaumcraft 4+5. Automation, Logistics, and Other Toys Tuhljin 5929458 2016-03-04 14:33
Ancient Warfare 2 Research based tech tree. NPC driven automation and combat. Template based world-generation (structures). Shadowmage4513 5368861 2016-03-03 19:44
Plena Inanis A highly configurable mod that allows you to process items through its provided machines. It contains a composter for organic waste, a sieve for knocking stones loose from dirt and a block squasher for....BLOCK SQUASHING! + Recipe Maker _ForgeUser7227355 2624 2016-03-03 18:36
Lamps & Lighting adds a bunch of different lamps and lights shmeggels 9205 2016-03-02 00:31
Conveyor Craft Automate all the world! Zeitheron, DragonForgeMC 29037 2016-03-01 15:23
FortressCraft-like Mining Super-dense ores have finally arrived!! Holladiewal 242 2016-03-01 14:54
Thaumcraft Research Helper This Mods helps you complete Thaumcraft Research. designflawz 98243 2016-03-01 13:34
AromaBackup IT DOES BACKUPS!!! (Works in SSP and SMP) Aroma1997 27721648 2016-03-01 11:38
MoarSigns Adds a lot of signs GoryMoon 5687733 2016-02-29 13:12
KleeSlabs Break only the half of a double slab that you're looking at. BlayTheNinth 90561164 2016-02-29 08:37
The Amethyst Mod Adds a new ore as well as tools and armour. dicerulez 2333 2016-02-29 06:35
Battle Axe Mod This mod adds a battle axe for every metal teir. dicerulez 2473 2016-02-29 05:38
3D Maneuver Gear 3D Maneuver Gear from Shingeki No Kyojin (Attack on Titan) in Minecraft InfinityRaider 276261 2016-02-28 22:02
Warp Book A simple waypoint based teleportation mod ferreusveritas, panicnot422, MelonVRneu 1876696 2016-02-28 20:13
{ JSONAbles } Add Tinker's Construct tools via json! Jaredlll08 391301 2016-02-28 18:34
MalisisDoors New animations for doors. You can build you own doors with millions of possibilities! Ordinastie 42188822 2016-02-28 13:32
Extra Commands This adds four commands so far. (Intended for use with Beam Interactive) _ForgeUser11708560 1323 2016-02-27 21:50
Painted Biomes Painted Biomes allows using image templates for the biome layout masady 52822 2016-02-27 19:04
AgriCraft Agricultural farming extended. InfinityRaider, ketheroth 29619205 2016-02-27 08:51
Dark's Fossilcraft v0.5 Prehistoric creatures in minecraft! _ForgeUser21760087 320 2016-02-27 08:06
IKWILA (I Know What I'm Looking At) Allows you to disable item tooltips Vazkii 2445 2016-02-27 03:05
Substreetution Allows for Swamp biome trees to be replaced with any block Vazkii 499 2016-02-27 02:13
TapeMouse Automate any keybinding! With custom delays. Dries007, Claycorp 139420 2016-02-27 00:17
Thump A simple, highly configurable Minecraft chat multiplexer with built in IRC support Carrot 19215 2016-02-26 18:58
Void Lamp This vary special lamp does not emit light but appears to apply pressure to the void pushing back the fog Glasspelican 295 2016-02-25 20:56
Botania An innovative natural magic themed tech mod Vazkii 131184473 2016-02-25 19:21
Crystal Worlds Mod A mod which adds in crystal tools/wepons/armor _ForgeUser22716024 324 2016-02-25 15:51
Dwarven Proc This is a MinecraftForge mod which recreates the previous incarnation of the proc (Powerful Rampage of Course!) from Robert "Urealms" Moran's Minecraft Game called Dwarves vs Zombies. Blitzsy 5820 2016-02-25 13:23
Ding (Forge) Plays a configurable sound when Minecraft loads and reaches the Main Menu, connects to a server or finishes reloading resources. iChun 50626567 2016-02-24 03:01
Additional Resources Add loose resources to the game without needing the user to install a texture pack themselves. Portablejim 5062794 2016-02-24 01:13
SlackMC Connect Minecraft chat to a Slack channel Compwiz1548 1185 2016-02-23 19:07
Crazy Gem Of Insane Madness hard crafting mod with op tools _ForgeUser23730636 210 2016-02-23 07:46
Expanded String This mod adds some new string related items. dicerulez 744 2016-02-23 03:53
Ruby&Sapphire Mod This mod adds 2 new gems to the game. dicerulez 1657 2016-02-22 22:02
Custom CutScenes/SplashScreen Allows Modpack Owners to create Custom Cutscreens / Splash Screens. GenDeathrow 12102 2016-02-22 18:42
Tinkers' Steelworks (fork) Tinkers' Construct addon based around steelworking Ephys, _ForgeUser6983959 661533 2016-02-22 16:50
Gods' Weapons Adds a bunch of powerful weaponry, armors, including rings that have unique abilities. NuclearHexagon 466511 2016-02-22 16:18
MalisisCore Framework over Forge. Ordinastie 41288350 2016-02-22 11:07
Mob Properties Allows you deep customization for your mobs, including drops, attributes, NBT, and more! FatherToast 5099430 2016-02-22 08:43
Archmagus This mod adds numerous spell books to the game, turning you into a powerful archmagus! realAgadar 558638 2016-02-21 22:23
Ender Mystic A mod about Ender Mans and her mystics. Korti11 3081 2016-02-21 18:46
Tinker I/O Tinker I/O is a addon which use to extend the series of TConstruct Smeltery . GKBm2011, tokomikea 11030497 2016-02-21 08:44
Achievement Get Create stat-based achievements killjoy1221 2760 2016-02-21 06:42
Growable Goodies Grow different resources in your garden HellerTech 6597 2016-02-20 06:18
Lots of Things Weapons, Materials, Syringes? Got it all. Featuring: Mystery Cubes. superdextor 125284 2016-02-20 05:59
MedievalTimes The mod with all things medieval! _ForgeUser23686613 409 2016-02-20 03:39
Potatians Adds Random People into your Minecraft World! superdextor 20067 2016-02-20 00:29
PixelGalaxy Galacticraft Add-on that Adds New Galaxy to Galacticraft. _ForgeUser23755578 577 2016-02-19 14:38
Hardcore Wither The Wither's difficulty adapts to the players thor12022 5984537 2016-02-19 12:49
Potato Power Craft Everything is Potato! Items, Blocks, Creatures even a Dimension! superdextor 37207 2016-02-19 07:58
Big Reactors Big Reactors is a mod for Minecraft, built on the Forge modding platform. ErogenousBeef 10585849 2016-02-19 00:50
Carnivora Eat more meat! Allaryin 524 2016-02-18 22:31
Pet Bats Fly! Hang! GET HIM! atomicstrykergrumpy 243387 2016-02-17 10:47
Assembled Blocks Your blocks take less place ! _ForgeUser15784725 307 2016-02-17 10:03
Slimeless Flatworlds Stop slimes from spawning in superflat worlds Spiteful_Fox 9788 2016-02-17 08:23
Redstonium Redstone based tools and armor! _ForgeUser20512357 202 2016-02-17 01:22
Rope Bridge Ever wanted to build a rope bridge to an inaccessible area? With Rope Bridge, you can! lordcazsius, Mrbysco, tfarecnim 9023137 2016-02-16 22:24
EnderMod Ender world,wariors,armor,tools _ForgeUser23708949 1884 2016-02-16 18:09
Davincis Vessels (Formerly Archimedes Ships Plus) Sail a boat, Fly in the skies, or Plunder the depths of the oceans. darkevilmac 6040120 2016-02-16 09:36
MovingWorld A core mod to let modders have collections of blocks as entities. darkevilmac 5840494 2016-02-16 09:25
JAPTA Some useful blocks and items for RF, TESLA, and Forge Energy. phygz 461480 2016-02-16 05:09
ExplorerCraft In-game mapping utility zeno410 10707 2016-02-15 23:23
Sushi Mod This mod adds various sushi tools, armor and items. Ghost295 3767 2016-02-15 19:39
Bedrockium Mod Adds a bunch of Tools, Armor and different Building Blocks! Tschipp 27936 2016-02-14 23:31
Zelda Sword Skills - Addon Addon for ZSS, adds what didn't make it into the main mod. Forge_User_47170217 103378 2016-02-14 23:25
Bordo Bereliler Modu You may be more powerful thanks to the game mode. _ForgeUser21159323 312 2016-02-14 21:34
MoarRecipes Because "more" is never "enough"! AdrianTodt 3739 2016-02-14 12:56
More Shearables Shear Pigs, Cows and Chickens! Lellson8 7350324 2016-02-14 09:00
Blobfishes + more!!! This mod adds blobfish things like blobfish armor, food, and mobs. Mostly just a fun little mod that adds a little bit of blobfish tweaks to minecraft. _ForgeUser23248847 1591 2016-02-14 07:56
Gladius - Combat Evolved Improves upon the existing Minecraft combat system. JemmaZZ 5577 2016-02-14 03:06
Botanical Addons Wield the power of beautiful rainbows! _ForgeUser22007539, wiresegal 62016 2016-02-13 18:31
Dynamic Dynamos Buildcraft-like animated dynamos for Thermal Expansion unascribed 374387 2016-02-13 18:22
Biplanes Mod a mod that adds multiblock small aircraft into minecraft stephen_789 41750 2016-02-13 17:45
Battle Text Battle Text is a mod that adds floating combat damage as 3D graphical effects. GenuineSounds 118916 2016-02-13 06:15
Paintbrush Paint all the things! mmdlexiconn 35481 2016-02-12 22:03
Remain in Motion Moves blocks _ForgeUser7925258, da3dsoul 94327 2016-02-12 10:26
Custom Chest Loot Allows you to modify chest generation on a per-chest basis, taking the position of the chest into account. FatherToast 692215 2016-02-12 03:58
Block Properties Allows you deep customization for blocks, including drops, break speed, flammability, and more! FatherToast 1029877 2016-02-12 03:08
Pocket Nether Link Never venture to the Nether again! kandivia 243090 2016-02-11 16:04
The World Explorer Mod Mod focusing in exploring and adventure Winter_Grave 41793 2016-02-11 06:26
EiraIRC (Discontinued) Mod is no longer being developed. BlayTheNinth 268626 2016-02-10 22:16
Special AI Adds new AI patterns to creatures to make your game more interesting and challenging. FatherToast 7071180 2016-02-10 19:02
Random Item Command (Configurable) This adds a simple command that spawns a random item from a list of your choosing. _ForgeUser11708560 2458 2016-02-10 07:56
Mo' Shiz Mod Tools, Ores, Trees, Backpacks, 1000+ Blocks, Enchantments, Potions, and a lot more! profit_orange 391635 2016-02-09 23:13
Alpha Daggers Mod A mod about daggers! Broulf 1358 2016-02-09 15:04
Fortification Adds a few blocks that will help defend your base from intruders! _ForgeUser7602731 789 2016-02-09 05:40
Ars Magica 2 A look into minecraft with a splash of magic... AWildCanadianEh, Growlith1223 4238200 2016-02-08 23:56
Sparks Hammers Vanilla style hammers which work similarly to the Tinkers Construct ones! bright_spark 768773 2016-02-08 22:35
ManyMoreOres Adds new ores and armor, weapons, etc! _ForgeUser23608494 2082 2016-02-08 21:21
Morpheus Sleep vote system Quetzi 92017822 2016-02-08 11:35
Foundation Foundation - Privat your home! Ptabuchis 504 2016-02-08 10:42
Project Red - Compat Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Compatibility module for Project Red. MrTJP, covers1624 23074326 2016-02-08 07:12
Project Red - Exploration Exploration module for the Project Red series MrTJP, covers1624 28959919 2016-02-08 07:02
Project Red - Expansion Expansion module for Project Red series MrTJP, covers1624 31026019 2016-02-08 06:51
Project Red - Illumination Illumination module for the Project Red series MrTJP, covers1624 37515630 2016-02-08 06:41
Project Red - Fabrication Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Fabrication module for Project Red. MrTJP, covers1624 19520089 2016-02-08 06:30
Project Red - Integration Integration module for the Project Red series MrTJP, covers1624 40106901 2016-02-08 06:20
Project Red - Core Core module for the Project Red series MrTJP, covers1624 42622494 2016-02-08 05:48
BlipBot Interactive Give your Beam livestream viewers control of your game, by letting them help and hurt you through Beam Interactive and your in-chat points. _ForgeUser23605423 4037 2016-02-07 17:40
Storage Drawers: Misc Pack Wood style addons for Storage Drawers using wood from several mods. Texelsaur 6153079 2016-02-07 06:48
Storage Drawers: Forestry Pack Wood style addons for Storage Drawers using the Forestry mod Texelsaur 5687117 2016-02-07 06:41
StepAssist Control (Discontinued) Mod is no longer being developed. BlayTheNinth 6381 2016-02-07 04:02
Screen Sizer Adds a gui to change the screen size in-game. GenuineSounds 27687 2016-02-07 02:02
Calendar API Universal API for all your day and time needs! CallMeFoxie 49074 2016-02-06 11:32
CompactFood This mod add zipped foods c6h2cl2 1207 2016-02-06 05:33
Majora's Maskcraft wear all the masks from Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask damagicgeek 50191 2016-02-06 05:02
Hammerz Bringing hammers to various existing toolsets VapourDrive 505451 2016-02-06 00:34
Spider Queen Become the Spider Queen! A monster that can web up creatures, lay eggs and hatch spiders, and more! WildBamaBoy 149637 2016-02-05 20:32
Zuleoscraft adds tons of cool stuff _ForgeUser23329009 512 2016-02-05 15:16
Ore Dowsing The Ore Dowsing helps you find ores in balanced ways. _ForgeUser12323043, Buuz135 7481 2016-02-05 12:05
Headcrumbs Celebrities heads as dungeon loot + heads for all the mobs you can think of! TurkeyDev, Forge_User_15685180 19563398 2016-02-04 11:40
Beam Integration Mod Bring your _ForgeUser3895116 10830 2016-02-04 09:10
BiomeTweaker Used to tweak properties of, add, and remove biomes. superckl 14013979 2016-02-04 05:20
Convenient Items Speed up smelting and store multiple items in one! HellerTech 1881 2016-02-04 05:00
Special Mobs Adds many RPG-style mob variants fitting with vanilla Minecraft. FatherToast 3226266 2016-02-04 03:29
Infinium Gems Small tech mod. Adds a few helpful tool. elementalrift 1572 2016-02-03 22:56
Craftable Gunpowder by Netglex Has it always bothered you that only Creepers and Ghasts drop gunpowder? Then, you are at the right place. This mod enables crafting your handmade gunpowder. _ForgeUser10442521 4939 2016-02-03 22:16
Turkish Meals This mod adds Turkish meals and drinks. Like Kebap and Yoğurt AtariKafa 27315 2016-02-03 08:43
Mega Blue Mod A Mod based around Lapis and Redstone Broulf 2132 2016-02-03 02:16
SimpleHarvest Right click crop harvesting TehNut 20118152 2016-02-02 19:38
Technological Monstrosity Tech mod with a heavy focus on lasers _ForgeUser19499035 2610 2016-02-01 23:45
Dismantling Loot Mod This modification adds a number of recipes that provide a lot of resources from loot. _ForgeUser23176185 1869 2016-02-01 21:19
Hydraulicraft A mod about Hydraulics K4Unl, CallMeFoxie 185897 2016-02-01 16:55
MrTJPCore Miscellaneous utilities for all my mods MrTJP 23892888 2016-02-01 02:22
NetherPortalFix Ensures correct destinations when travelling back and forth through Nether Portals in Multiplayer. BlayTheNinth 94984361 2016-01-31 23:37
Triumph Achievement Get! bloodnbonesgaming, Blargerist, superckl 12865236 2016-01-31 22:38
AnimeCraft New Weapons, New Armor, And more, from your favorite animes! PanicPoison 2331 2016-01-31 19:42
Snad Finally, sand that actually makes sugarcane grow faster. TheRoBrit 41518801 2016-01-31 19:35
Activator Adds a variety blocks that automatically activated the held item. ShadowfactsDev 5040 2016-01-31 17:38
Too Many Ores Are you confused about which mod is adding which ores into your pack? AKTheKnight 14869 2016-01-31 13:36
BetterCombat Adds Ores Armor and More _ForgeUser23218322 301 2016-01-31 02:51
The Shadow Gems Mod Adds new Items, Ores, Tools,etc. _ForgeUser16284764 406 2016-01-31 02:00
McWallCraft - Easy Crafting With this mod, you can now craft mob drops in peaceful mode! Forge_User_48724746 1860 2016-01-30 17:51
Feed the Creeper Tweaks Tweaks used in The Feed the Creeper Pack thor12022 670 2016-01-30 11:00
One More An End game mod, witch alows you to use alot of diamonds for the good armor _ForgeUser23486439 1900 2016-01-30 08:24
LiLRichy Mod A Small Collection of blocks and items for use in the LiLRichy Mega ModPack! LiLRichy 14701 2016-01-30 03:14
Santa's Decor A mod based on decoration using mob drops and other resources. Dyes are for chumps. TheSatanicSanta 101132 2016-01-30 00:21
PayDay Minecraft Mod kEERill kEERill 6764 2016-01-29 17:17
Bed Craft and Beyond Colored Beds and flowing Carpets! zorn_taov 58603 2016-01-29 12:56
Bookshelf An open source library for other mods! DarkhaxDev 251732433 2016-01-29 10:47
Enderman Disruptor Stops endearment teleporting in a 16 block radius. _ForgeUser10981985 15178 2016-01-29 09:33
Desolate Wasteland Tweaks Tweaks for the Desolate Wasteland Modpack. Kashdeya 1928 2016-01-29 05:24
Special Swords Mod! New swords with their own unique abilities! Right click to activate their special powers! _ForgeUser23474092 11209 2016-01-28 23:23
Materials Galore | Sparkonium Name. _ForgeUser11838951 181 2016-01-28 18:07
The Apocalypse Lucky Block V3 This mod seeks to make an incredibly cruel lucky block. Let me know if i did a good job! _ForgeUser17193794 21339 2016-01-28 11:18
Forbidden Industry Forbidden Industry _ForgeUser22428553 711 2016-01-28 07:34
Attack Of The Gemstones Fight the gems that attacks _ForgeUser23466439 106 2016-01-28 05:22
ÉmeraudePlus Objets en émeraude / emerald object superwizzman 1337 2016-01-27 21:26
PlayerTrophy Players drop a trophy when killed by another player lewis_mcreu, lordcazsius 36769 2016-01-27 15:39
TurkeyUtil A mod with lots of user inspired items TurkeyDev 219087 2016-01-27 10:10
Drama Generator: Ruby Edition Splash Adding a little drama to your main menu splash screen TheSatanicSanta 8594 2016-01-27 10:09
NoXray Mod for Minecraft to prevent x-ray resourcepacks _ForgeUser9672748 750 2016-01-26 16:38
Emerald Stuff Mod This Mod Adds New Uses For Emerald. _ForgeUser23432694 223 2016-01-26 07:06
Mythical Creatures Most Things are based from stuff in MLP and Mythology, others are either real, or just Completely made up by Me. veryfeesh, SuTw 95673 2016-01-26 01:48
Redstone Arsenal Behold the Redstone (Flux) Revolution - adds a set of RF-Powered Armor and Tools to make your adventuring Fluxtastic! TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH 57802182 2016-01-25 20:01
Compressed Redstone Tools Mod Cool New OP Tools And Weapons! _ForgeUser21837627 453 2016-01-25 02:49
Dead Mess World Gen Modifying Mod dmf444 5596 2016-01-25 00:02
KoRIN Bluebedrock (easy) MobProtection for Server Ninifey 1525 2016-01-24 23:21
Grinder Mod Grind. Grind a lot. _ForgeUser23028255, thesansabasongbird 284 2016-01-24 20:17
ForgeSlack Connects Minecraft and Slack Derimagia 1200 2016-01-24 17:12
Default Options A way for modpacks to ship a default (key) configuration without having to include an options.txt file. BlayTheNinth 109403308 2016-01-24 09:53
[Discontinued] Reinforced Diamond Sword (RDS) This adds reinforced weapons NicosaurusRex99 9463 2016-01-24 09:41
ExtraE Adds additional blocks to the ProjectE mod solidDoWant 21373 2016-01-24 01:39
Pam's Need Moar Sticks Turn everything back into the appropriate amount of sticks for all those times you need a stick! pamharvestcraft 107912 2016-01-24 00:09
Extra Food A mod that adds food, drinks and time 'consuming' blocks to get them! dmf444, mincrmatt12 303483 2016-01-23 20:25
Chicken Mittens Quiet Chickens Icynewyear, Gigabit101 2592 2016-01-23 20:08
Tinkers Construct Modify all the things, then do it again! mDiyo, bonusboni, Alexbegt, KnightMiner 165101252 2016-01-23 15:44
NotEnoughCodecs Additional audio codecs OpenMods, 0x00716F62 188995 2016-01-23 14:26
The Unusual Cobblestone Mod Create powerful weapons and tools out of Cobblestone black_dog20 1234 2016-01-23 13:58
Recording Status Mod A recording and streaming indicator fuj1n 7834 2016-01-23 13:30
Slime Carnage A world of slimes awaits! _ForgeUser1208971 68229 2016-01-23 12:43
Hammer Time! Adds in tweakable vanilla 3D modeled hammers & excavators that mine a 3x3 area EwyBoy 1009670 2016-01-23 09:36
So Much Stuff Mod A mod that adds tons of useful blocks & items to the game! methatsmebytheway 4460 2016-01-23 06:30
SuperRubyMod This mod adds rubies in the game minecraft! _ForgeUser23392119 137 2016-01-22 23:39
Pathways Minecraft Forge mod for Player Translocation OreCruncher 1621 2016-01-22 15:36
Location Saver Save a location and teleport back to it! SwanGoose_Foodie 559 2016-01-22 05:45
No Fall No Fall prevents you from falling a specified distance. Furgle 8102 2016-01-22 02:49
Restructured Adding Village Structure and World Gen using Schematics OreCruncher 20582 2016-01-22 02:17
Loot Roulette Objects allowing for gambling on unique resources Triactis 6898 2016-01-21 23:10
xChatMC Stream chat and emotes in Minecraft! _ForgeUser19510049 1250 2016-01-21 23:02
Wallace and gromit mod ( W.I.P) just a mod i thought i would make i didnt find any mods on this so i made one _ForgeUser20433576 159 2016-01-21 20:52
CompactStorage Up to 24x12 upgradable Chests, Barrels, Backpacks and Drums! Now with wooden varieties! witchica 14411593 2016-01-21 19:47
Insta Boom Adds a chance for creepers to explode instantly when hit AKTheKnight 3188 2016-01-21 17:28
The false TNT Minecraft 1.8 _ForgeUser23323899 4753 2016-01-21 15:18
Evolved Controls Pretty up your switches and buttons! CweLTH 5855 2016-01-21 10:01
Fidelis Soulbinding. Because you're worth it. UnderMybrella 1109 2016-01-21 05:48
DrCyano's Wonderful Wands & Wizarding Robes Dr. Cyano's Wonderful Wands & Wizarding Robes add a magical flair to your Minecraft game without breaking it. jriwanek 450484 2016-01-20 22:44
Inventory Centerer Simple mod which centers the inventory when a potion effect is active. _ForgeUser9800795 125750 2016-01-20 21:32
DrCyano's Lootable Bodies Saves your items on a lootable corpse when you die. jriwanek 755500 2016-01-20 11:57
ice mod minecraft _ForgeUser22966806 953 2016-01-19 23:02
IcyAdmin A Minecraft admin panel _ForgeUser9672748 4071 2016-01-19 15:33
[Forge] Ore Spiders (1.7.10) The Ore Spiders mod adds various types of spiders relating to correlating ores with each spider having different abilities and drops. Vaderman24, _ForgeUser7663419 6282 2016-01-19 10:55
Expanded Armory An add-on for Balkon's WeaponMod that adds more weapons mallrat208 130472 2016-01-19 08:30
NotEnoughKeys Updated version of NotEnoughKeys dmodoomsirius, TheTemportalist, Girafi, kolatra 2536020 2016-01-18 20:51
FFS - Fancy Fluid Storage A simple fluid storage mod that's gonna fancy up your world! Lordmau5 1533182 2016-01-18 20:01
Magneticraft Industrial tech mod with a more realistic approach to machines and factories. cout970 7060767 2016-01-18 19:56
Music Choices Gives you more choice about what music plays in-game (based on biomes/dimensions/day/night/ect.) Tmtravlr 335820 2016-01-18 10:01
Moses Mod Moses Mod Hunternif 29487 2016-01-18 09:52
Food Expansion Simple Mod, which adds new Food into the game. Lellson8 10300849 2016-01-17 14:24
Wizarding Tools Adds mystical Ores, Baubles and other Artifacts into the game! Lellson8 12150 2016-01-17 13:50
Storage Drawers: Erebus Pack Wood style addons for Storage Drawers using the Erebus mod Texelsaur 26246 2016-01-17 08:54
Storage Drawers: Natura Pack Wood style addons for Storage Drawers using the Natura mod Texelsaur 8224452 2016-01-17 08:46
Storage Drawers: Biomes O' Plenty Pack Wood style addons for Storage Drawers using the Biomes O' Plenty mod Texelsaur 5156245 2016-01-17 08:37
Ambience Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky Music Pack A music pack for Ambience, which uses the soundtrack from Pokemon Mystery Dungon: Explorers of Sky Empour 13593 2016-01-16 21:59
Biome Height Tweaker Simple mod to dump and tweak the heights/variance of registered biomes ezterry 35231 2016-01-16 21:15
MalisisAdvert Ingame advertisement Ordinastie 1559882 2016-01-16 13:31
LLibrary Legacy The modding library that claims to be lightweight mmdlexiconn 708916 2016-01-16 10:52
Automated Redstone Advanced Redstone-based measurement and control systems Cd4017be 144819 2016-01-15 15:08
Wither Mod This mod adds WitherOre based crafting, tools and weapons _ForgeUser22844160 4826 2016-01-15 07:57
Alt-F4 Alternative Furnace Full of Fancifull Features VapourDrive 105790 2016-01-15 01:53
M4th Things A random assortment of blocks to make your adventures more mathematical. M4thG33k 7189 2016-01-14 23:45
Transport Terminals Tech Based Teleportation & Dimensional Travel with Waypoints vadis365, Forge_User_15685180 9290 2016-01-14 23:11
Inductive Automation A tech-mod for people that like having machines doing all the work for them. Cd4017be 38483 2016-01-14 21:42
Armor Chroma A Forge mod which adds a more descriptive armor bar with material, enchantments and leather color. jobicade 243085 2016-01-14 20:43
ColorCraft - Baconator_NoVeg Version ColorCraft is a cosmetic Minecraft mod that adds things like paint and colored blocks to Minecraft. _ForgeUser23011442 1091 2016-01-14 19:04
Highlands Integrator Allows arbitrary biomes to be used with Highlands World Gen thor12022 4316 2016-01-14 09:07
Underp Hangables A small mod that removes the derpyness of broken Paintings and Item Frames masady 1334589 2016-01-14 08:58
ConegeTTS Adds text-to-speech functionality to Minecraft. spiral6 890 2016-01-13 23:30
Shrink Craft Adds "Shrink stuff" allowing you to shrink stuff AKTheKnight 21147 2016-01-13 22:20
Tanks Adds tanks that can hold 32 buckets of any liquid Jaredlll08 20875 2016-01-13 18:23
Ambience (Music Mod) A music mod that lets you add your favorite soundtracks to Minecraft Vazkii 934751 2016-01-13 02:40
Thermal Recycling Thermal Expansion 4.x add-on for repurposing unused and useless items OreCruncher 852132 2016-01-13 00:38
phantomquarry a better quarry mod _ForgeUser6958654 1190 2016-01-12 18:45
EMC Condenser This mod adds EMC Condenser for EE3 (Equivalent Exchange 3) LatvianModder 40885 2016-01-12 16:47
LatBlocks Adds random blocks and items. Previously known as LatBlocks LatvianModder 150083 2016-01-12 16:39
V-Tweaks Adding New Mechanics without New Items! oitsjustjose 10159183 2016-01-12 16:23
Precious Shot Precious Shot strongly supports Minecraft's "screenshot" function. _ForgeUser12310603 3226 2016-01-11 11:45
Deep Resonance Deep Resonance is a power generation mod for Minecraft McJty 22465315 2016-01-11 09:50
Vehicular Movement Move around with style and speed goldensilver853 432114 2016-01-11 09:16
Simple Grinder Add machine-crasher. Rumaruka 767690 2016-01-11 09:02
ezWastelands A small mod to generate a mostly (but not completely) flat wasteland terrain. ezterry 243843 2016-01-11 06:40
AE2 EE3 EMC Add-On Adds EMC to AE2 Items FireBall1725 146223 2016-01-11 05:53
Bow Overhaul Changes the mechanics of bows, allowing headshots and reducing the damage arrows deal at close range. FatherToast 6708 2016-01-11 05:13
Java Version Checker Warns the user if they're using outdated Java. Useful for modpacks that don't run on Java 6 or 7. chylex 694462 2016-01-10 21:12
Actually Additions Fan-favorite magitech mod full of fun and useful gadgets Ellpeck 68536758 2016-01-10 19:55
Strata Adds layers of stone into the world. _ForgeUser6857107 2528 2016-01-10 07:30
Iskall Mini Mobs Miniature trainable mobs Winter_Grave 206400 2016-01-09 13:55
SpACore Library Mod heldplayer 281143 2016-01-09 11:26
legendary kings Plus 3boss and 2 monster and 5item _ForgeUser21780532 2250 2016-01-09 09:05
StacksOnStacks Place any ingot on the ground to create a pile! Madxmike856, primetoxinz 1161602 2016-01-09 03:37
Zap Apples MLP Style Zap Apple Goodness BarelyAPrincess, jsn_man 5787 2016-01-08 21:38
Schematica Display ghost structures and export parts of your world, all inside Minecraft! Lunatrius 6515625 2016-01-08 15:47
BioCristals Mod that supports the early game and agricultural part of play _ForgeUser7053913 3288 2016-01-07 22:39
StabilityTooltip https://github.com/TehNut/StabilityTooltip TehNut 6884 2016-01-07 20:35
Better Boat A mod which fixes several things about your ordinary Minecraft boat. SanAndreaP 1328674 2016-01-07 17:13
Wood Stuff Adds wood objects for several mods planks! Forge_User_15685180 96535 2016-01-07 10:40
Pam's Clay Spawn This mod adds in clay deposits underground with the frequency and density of iron deposits. pamharvestcraft 676079 2016-01-07 10:21
InventoryCalculator Adding a craftable and modular InventoryCalculator to the game in order to do basic math operations in Minecraft! LimpLungs 1822 2016-01-07 09:13
LimpCraft3 Taking Carbon Manipulation to a whole new level! LimpLungs 4232 2016-01-07 09:04
DaVincing Minepainter continued TwoThe 46881 2016-01-06 21:13
Quantum Energy Want infinite energy? Hope you have the resources! Caleax999 1608 2016-01-06 16:58
Super Massive Tech A mod all about stars, black holes, and all the powers and disasters that accompany them. tterrag1098 347295 2016-01-06 07:17
Regrowable Leaves Leaves will slowly regrow. LiLRichy 30691 2016-01-05 21:40
BigTrees Adds big trees to world generation vidaj 525345 2016-01-05 21:10
Don's Lightning Rod Mod Working lightning rods. don_bruce 20239 2016-01-05 18:43
FavoriteItems Never accidentally void or incinerate an item again! thecodewarrior1 1003 2016-01-05 11:20
OP WOW No longer supported, but still playable. onigiri_chirashi 108454 2016-01-04 23:39
Pistronics 2 Modular Pistons, Rotators and Statues Letiu 242026 2016-01-04 09:45
Totemic A mod with a focus on Totems, music and nature ljfa2, Forge_User_22859052 16473036 2016-01-04 08:50
Thermal Smeltery Smelt your metals in the Magma Crucible for Molten Metals! Drullkus 2360591 2016-01-04 08:20
Legacy Farms Old forestry farms. covers1624 19143 2016-01-04 08:12
Dashing Dashboard A simple server side mod that sends server statics to dashing Glasspelican 10324 2016-01-04 04:36
Wheel Of Time 1.7.10 mod based on the Wheel of Time books projectmayhem2018 999 2016-01-04 00:13
Covers1624 Lib A common library for me to use instead of copy and paste. covers1624 16692 2016-01-03 22:48
RFDrills Adds RF-powered tools to Thermal Expansion and EnderIO gardenapple 500410 2016-01-03 14:29
Forestry Fermenter Addon Use items from other mods in Fermenter (Forestry mod) to get Biomass kordum0801 19177 2016-01-03 13:35
Vanilla Extended Extra Vanilla Style Content for Minecraft _ForgeUser23095064 233 2016-01-03 10:54
CTMLib Contains the core code Chisel 2 uses for CTM and other texture types. Shipped with Chisel 2. tterrag1098 1616529 2016-01-03 07:29
littleMaidMobX littleMaidMob adds a (tameable) mob called the Little Maid, who can do a lot of stuff for you! KuroNeko87 564273 2016-01-03 01:30
BorderControl A whitelist for you Twitch Subscribers _ForgeUser1509091 348 2016-01-02 20:39
CursorPosSaver Keep your cursor pos makeoo 1963 2016-01-02 13:17
Ender Structures Creator Create content for Ender Structures crazypants_mc_the_second 378 2016-01-02 11:17
Ender Structures Villager and Structure generation crazypants_mc_the_second 597 2016-01-02 11:07
TCBotaniaExoflame Botania Exoflame support for Thaumcraft's Alchemical Furnace _ForgeUser20459859 718012 2016-01-02 10:47
The Aether II Explore a world long forgotten, high above the clouds which you know. New mobs, blocks, and much more await you in the Aether. GildedGames, OscarPayn 4837521 2016-01-02 04:54
Gilded Games Util Utility mod used in the mods by Gilded Games such as the Aether II. GildedGames, kingbdogz 2027149 2016-01-02 04:04
ExtrabiomesXL ExtrabiomesXL is a mod for Minecraft which adds new biomes that enhance game play and make exploring fun and interesting. annysia63, Allaryin 3096243 2016-01-01 17:49
BlazeTorch Utilitites All the utilities you need to survive across dimensions! juanra_mw 3357 2016-01-01 12:48
VanillaStrappolation VanillaStrappolation - Continuation of MineStrappolation 3 and IndustrialFlow! _ForgeUser20315716 280 2016-01-01 10:47
Roulette Ores It's like Lucky Blocks and Troll Ores in one! Funwayguy 242845 2015-12-31 09:00
Instrumentus Adding Miscellaneous Utilities, Tools, and Equipment BeanBot 146549 2015-12-31 04:05
PristineAlveary PristineAlveary nightkosh 2475 2015-12-31 00:06
Emerald and Star Wars Custom tools and items _ForgeUser23067852 469 2015-12-30 07:40
Fast Leaf Decay Makes leaves decay faster when a tree is cut down. olafskiii 128358597 2015-12-29 19:32
Buildcraft Additions Extending Buildcraft with Fluid Canisters, Kinetic Capsules, Power Tools and much more! AEnterprise 783453 2015-12-29 19:04
Ye Olde Tanks A simple mod that adds 1 thing: tanks. ShadowfactsDev 494002 2015-12-29 15:08
Player Rugs Decorate your Minecraft world with your "favourite" players! Kihira 203800 2015-12-29 12:48
Origin A mod which provides an API, Foundation, and Main branch for TheTemportalist's mods TheTemportalist 2021688 2015-12-28 20:52
The Lazy Miner's Dream Mod Allows you to make your life as a Miner even easier Broulf 18118 2015-12-28 18:05
PortableCrops Crow crops easier with farms you can hold in your hands. Crops grow when shaken (Right-clicked). _ForgeUser23034805 1099 2015-12-28 15:52
Placeable Gunpowder Lets you place gunpowder much like redstone dust. It ignites with flint and steel (or fire arrows) and lets you create a non-redstone fuse trail for TNT. Tmtravlr 101109 2015-12-28 10:23
UsefulDNS Helps you get to other mods content, quicker and miscellaneous other useful things thrown in. _ForgeUser10362252 4521 2015-12-28 07:43
Vocation A mod that allows for pack creators and the sort to add overlayed voiced messages with triggers and actions Vazkii 61575 2015-12-28 03:35
Like1.8 This mod updates so you don't have to. _ForgeUser21016084 1629 2015-12-28 03:15
QuantumFlux Wireless RF and other gadgets to make gameplay fun FantasyTeddy, jotato_ 10709229 2015-12-28 02:22
Cubic Villager Transform villager to a block, and build automatic trading system. a1lic 115573 2015-12-28 01:30
Thaumic Expansion This mod takes the hassle of scanning things, for Thaumcraft, in Minecraft. By creating a Thaumic Analyzer, you can pipe items to and from it to automagically scan them, like you would a Thaumometer. By installing a Decomposer Upgrade, you turn the Thaumic TheTemportalist 301129 2015-12-27 20:01
Weeping Angels A mod derived from Doctor Who and a_dizzle's 1.5.2 mod TheTemportalist 136772 2015-12-27 19:41
Compression Allows you to compress any normal item or block TheTemportalist, theBiochemic 79217 2015-12-27 19:35
MoreTools This is my first mod and it adds more tools into minecraft _ForgeUser22825225 4004 2015-12-27 18:22
AE2 Stuff Various Extensions for Applied Energistics 2 bdew 45125131 2015-12-27 15:49
Dyetopia Liquid Pure Dye Ipsis 4354 2015-12-27 15:02
Wini What I Need Is Ipsis 987 2015-12-27 14:50
Instrumento Instrumento. DenisMasterHerobrine 958 2015-12-27 14:26
Mankini A minecraft mod allowing you to become a mankini wearing star. What would you ask for more? MasterAbdoTGM50, Mrbysco 40738 2015-12-27 13:02
Helper Tools Building Tools AnonymousWaffles 116615 2015-12-27 06:53
McJtyLib Companion mod for all mods by McJty (RFTools, XNet, Deep Resonance, Not Enough Wands, SignTastic, ...)) McJty 132637812 2015-12-27 06:29
You Can't Roast Eggs! Cook eggs in Minecraft guyman70718 818 2015-12-26 23:19
Ping Inspired by Portal 2, this mod brings the Ping tool into Minecraft Girafi 7259449 2015-12-26 16:26
Fast Travel Allows you to fast travel to all your locations! K4Unl 17850 2015-12-26 14:42
JARM Just Another Random Mod _ForgeUser15902725 2851 2015-12-25 08:28
Tinkers' Mechworks Tinkers' Mechworks is a mod that adds various redstone machines. mDiyo, fuj1n, bonusboni, Glazzmaker 18448434 2015-12-24 09:36
eTools This mod adds different Items into minecraft ashketchumps 576 2015-12-24 02:37
Quartz Party Brings Quartz to the surface in a balanced manor along with some other pretties. Nano_Heart 3717 2015-12-23 07:32
Fas Mod 1.7.10 _ForgeUser17230611 285 2015-12-23 01:32
RAINZ Make it rain on demand! _ForgeUser10301352 361 2015-12-23 01:08
Chucky The Killer Doll Chucky the killer doll , mod that adds chucky with some unique abillities! rolik1997 4543 2015-12-22 19:58
Biome Stats Adds a thermometer which displays the temp and humidity levels ProspectorDev 4406 2015-12-22 07:20
BlockRenderer Renders PNGs of blocks and items on-demand unascribed 32392 2015-12-21 11:09
Korean Chat Mod Allows you to chat Korean in minecraft _ForgeUser20193151 3849 2015-12-21 05:22
Ingotarium Mod Adds Ingotarium which can be made into things i.e. iron, gold and diamond! methatsmebytheway 961 2015-12-21 02:14
Experience Orb Adds an experience orb item, which stores 100 experience points ProspectorDev 1602 2015-12-20 18:43
Jewelrycraft 2 Create jewelry that you can wear and that render on your character, modify them to give you special effects, curses and many more! OnyxKnight 132905 2015-12-20 14:40
Cash Craft A mod to add physical currency to Minecraft TehStoneMan 32544 2015-12-20 09:29
Advanced IC2 Tools A re-implementation of the advanced tools from Sentimel's GraviSuite Axleoca 8461 2015-12-20 08:26
TeleFlux A teleportation mod xperientia 695 2015-12-20 08:14
Sensible Crafting Do what Vanilla crafting should have HellerTech 541 2015-12-19 18:25
RPG-Hud [Forge] This mod will change your HUD (Heads Up Display) and add a few new features to it! Raelzaryn 3689354 2015-12-19 09:46
PvPTime PvP only enabled during the night. Guichaguri 46376 2015-12-19 09:25
LifeGauge The lightweight damage indicator. mmdlexiconn 44382 2015-12-18 21:06
XtraCraft Mod 19 New mobs, over 100 new items, a new dimension, and more! _ForgeUser7719306 39745 2015-12-18 19:54
Quick Crafting Craft without crafting. KidsDontPlay 61448 2015-12-18 08:47
Anti Spam Cancels a ClientChatReceivedEvent when it looks spammy _ForgeUser97046 2244 2015-12-18 07:08
Ross' Holiday Food Mod Yum! _ForgeUser22481912 1553 2015-12-18 05:09
Practicalities Practicalities is a mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 that focuses on adding simple and practical functionality. jotato_ 1704154 2015-12-18 00:22
Fun Ores Custom ore generation config and mob drop ores SilentChaos512 528734 2015-12-16 23:45
JumpPad++ Jump up, jump up and get down! T145_irl 59207 2015-12-16 20:01
Chopper_wood Chopper_wood kioto_oll 151 2015-12-16 10:00
No Grass, No Flowers Disables world-gen for grass and flowers. Also blocks their creation using bonemeal. skyjay1 3473 2015-12-16 03:48
Network Transport Made Simple. QKninja 5344 2015-12-16 03:19
Builder's Toolbox Useful Tools and Blocks to help the builder work smarter and more efficiently.", _ForgeUser11905239 2647 2015-12-15 20:52
Glowing Glass A small mod which adds glowing variants of the vanilla glass. bright_spark 16997 2015-12-15 13:16
The Tool Tooltip Tool Adds useful information to the tooltips of many tools thor12022 7411 2015-12-15 10:51
Waila Harvestability An add-on for Waila that adds information about the harvestability of what you are looking at squeek502 48191793 2015-12-15 07:49
McTimer A small timer mod for both client and server Gigabit101 586 2015-12-15 03:46
ReCubed A server-side stat tracker and comparer Vazkii 29921 2015-12-13 20:41
TwoGrave Keeps your items safe on death TwoThe 65255 2015-12-13 11:51
New Dawn A completely new terrain engine for Minecraft TwoThe 24873 2015-12-13 11:21
LavaDiamond It adds more perpose to lava! _ForgeUser22735618 1474 2015-12-12 18:18
ThrowableTorch A simple mod that allows a throwable torch. tool_user 76724 2015-12-12 12:40
Hardcore Questing Mode [FORGE/FABRIC] Hardcore Questing Mode LordDusk, _ForgeUser7319596, Forge_User_02129608 16058000 2015-12-12 10:20
Overpowered Inventory More inventory slots that you unlock with experience Lothrazar 344599 2015-12-12 04:15
Micro's Mod Micro's mod adds in new blocks, items, ores, tools, grow-able items, and more! MicroHacker07 3711 2015-12-12 03:39
Fairy Lights This mod adds decorative string lights. pau101 28907659 2015-12-11 22:27
BNBGamingLib Library for Blood N Bones Gaming mods bloodnbonesgaming, superckl, Blargerist 25222835 2015-12-11 20:01
Uncrafting Grinder Dump almost anything into this block, it will look up the recipe and give you the materials back Lothrazar 65034 2015-12-11 06:26
Pam's HarvestCraft A farming mod that adds 60+ new crops, 36 new fruit trees, 17 new fish, simple beekeeping, and over 1100 new foods and items! pamharvestcraft 81368203 2015-12-10 21:56
iCraft Smartphones in MineCraft harleywf 196602 2015-12-10 21:16
Mystical Rpg Mod Rpg Mod Add New Dimension, Armor, Tool, Mob aldysuhandi 28412 2015-12-10 11:08
Blocked Layers Create your own quests in a JSON file and complete them to dig deeper. KidsDontPlay 8480 2015-12-09 14:05
Not Enough Bones Makes more mobs drop bones! h3r0887 16394 2015-12-09 09:51
BaublesHud BaublesHud is a small add-on for Baubles that allows you to see your equipped Baubles at all times. Gigabit101 6557240 2015-12-08 14:31
RF Windmills Generate Redstone Flux from the Wind piepenguin 1953897 2015-12-08 11:25
QuiverBow A mod that adds lore-friendly ranged weaponry, as thought up by Steve. _ForgeUser7513261 559427 2015-12-08 07:31
World Drop Drop from one dimension to another. _ForgeUser7513261 20768 2015-12-08 07:18
Bedrock Replacer A mod to replace bedrock in your world with the block of your choosing. The_Fireplace 61256 2015-12-07 18:07
Korean_Patch KoreanPatch _ForgeUser22782125 10108 2015-12-07 16:15
Gondola A simple mod that adds Benis to the game. _ForgeUser20190755 780 2015-12-07 14:32
ChikachiLib Library mod for Chikachi's mods MiraWaNeko 418 2015-12-07 12:40
NEI Addons Addons for Not Enough Items for various mods bdew 19601354 2015-12-07 11:26
Compacter Rapidly compacts items that can be crafted in 2x2 or 3x3 pattern bdew 11157704 2015-12-07 10:58
EnviroMine A little bit of realism New physics, Temperature, Hydration and more! Funwayguy, GenDeathrow, thislooksfun1, Timbucktato 561545 2015-12-07 05:22
Nincrafty Things Silly mod for Nincraft servers Nincodedo 1353 2015-12-07 04:17
Garden Stuff Make your gardens and landscaping beautiful with multi-part plants, decorative planters, and more. Texelsaur 4961138 2015-12-07 03:00
LiMI Lightweight Mod Indicator (aka Waila clone without the fluff) Vazkii 77994 2015-12-07 00:42
MC Steering Wheel Support You can now play MC with a Steering Wheel and Gas Pedal EwyBoy 4721 2015-12-06 19:16
Applied Energistics 2 Utilities AE2 is better with some stuff... DragonForgeMC, Zeitheron 3517 2015-12-06 09:36
Poop Be Gone! Adds blocks that can remove the poop in a surrounding area! _ForgeUser22761927 1111 2015-12-06 03:44
CloudMaster Config file based cloud height editing. Covert_Jaguar 95289 2015-12-05 22:45
The Dead Sea Group's Pug Mod Adds pugs to minecraft! Is there any more I need to say? _ForgeUser22423810 276 2015-12-05 22:22
Entity Dismemberment A simple little clientside mod that splits mobs into bodyparts when you kill them _ForgeUser18610287 27681 2015-12-05 16:58
ShadowTweaks My tweaks mod! ShadowfactsDev 29985 2015-12-05 15:37
Tea, Anyone? Adds tea with the ability to absorb magical properties. Xyfero 3651 2015-12-05 14:45
Extra Ores Adds more ores to Minecraft along with a few other features. enderlord72 37547 2015-12-05 07:50
Kc's Growable Ores Adds growable reed versions of ores and includes mod support for mods like Applied Energistics, Mystical Agriculture, Create, and many more! B0bB0t, XsquadKc 232507 2015-12-05 07:06
Kc's Growable Ores Adds growable reed versions of ores and includes mod support for mods like Applied Energistics, Mystical Agriculture, Create, and many more! B0bB0t, XsquadKc 231888 2015-12-05 07:06
ComputerCraft Computers, Programming and Robotics in Minecraft DanTwoHundred 20066507 2015-12-05 01:59
Feathered Mod This mod makes use of the seldom used feathers _ForgeUser22732170 995 2015-12-04 06:49
Googly eyes A helmet that gives your player dynamic googly eyes. DoubleDoorDev, Claycorp, Dries007 16833 2015-12-03 19:02
BedRock+ Adds Bedrock Blocks manmaed 32625 2015-12-03 14:03
MineCommand Modular Command System For MineCraft RlonRyan 342 2015-12-03 09:49
Big Doors Bigger 3x3 block-sized double doors. Texelsaur 1145783 2015-12-03 05:21
WhisperingShout Regional RPG Chatting mod Hexillium 2996 2015-12-02 22:07
Foundry Melt ores/metals into liquid, make alloys, and cast into items. exter7 273886 2015-12-02 16:38
Hermitcraft Core Addon for TConstruct & AoA _ForgeUser20310189 3640 2015-12-02 05:59
Decoratable Christmas Trees Mod This mod allows players to set up their very own unique Christmas tree in their house. With 1323 combinations your tree will never be the same as your friends! zcsoftware 40027 2015-12-02 02:55
Backpacks Provides the player with multiple, colorable backpacks Eydamos 6929304 2015-12-01 17:06
MoneyMod Adds money into your Minecraft world henkelmax, Forge_User_38077232 32967 2015-11-30 22:27
Watch Companion The helpful friend we can all have MageP 1330 2015-11-30 22:18
Thaumic Sanity Warp Free Eldritch research for Thaumcraft gaeakat 212608 2015-11-30 14:05
RednekFisshin Explosions in water = Fish covers1624 628 2015-11-30 13:15
VanillaSkills Skill leveling + Vanilla feel _ForgeUser11939975 1437 2015-11-30 11:02
Lycanites Mobs Strange and Deadly Creatures! Lycanite 22191301 2015-11-29 18:47
Anthonian Steel Armour Sweet New Set Of Armour!!!! _ForgeUser22691814 219 2015-11-29 16:41
Compact Machines Adds one simple game mechanic: Small rooms inside of blocks. It basically gives you the ability to build your contraptions inside of a single block. davenonymous, RobotGryphon 47264633 2015-11-29 12:17
Neat Minimalistic Functional Unit Frames for the modern Minecrafter Vazkii, Uraneptus 97920812 2015-11-29 01:50
Wormholes Have you ever wondered what happened if you went through a wormhole in minecraft? Forge_User_55043922, _ForgeUser22653281 2193 2015-11-29 00:47
ResourcefulCrops Simply JSON based resource crops TehNut 155264 2015-11-28 23:32
Magical Stone It's basically does what the old Minium Stone did Forge_User_70617144 345 2015-11-28 20:49
ChatAlert Notifications for the Minecraft chat mmdlexiconn 4552 2015-11-28 13:48
Reborn Core Powering Team Reborn modmuss50, drcrazy777 91920587 2015-11-28 11:07
WTF's TextureGeneratorLib An overlay and stitch texture generator, for use with mods that want to generate textures Forge_User_75842574 1438905 2015-11-28 09:07
Soul Infused Weapons And Armor!!! This Mod Adds A Set Of Weapons And Armour!!!! _ForgeUser22664944 3132 2015-11-28 08:51
Best Mazes New 3D mazes and Minotaurs! Different types of mazes, each with different loots. _ForgeUser22653281, Forge_User_55043922 644 2015-11-27 23:57
The Furious Mod TheFuriousMod _ForgeUser22666393 2915 2015-11-27 17:41
Soul's Deadly RPG A Short Little Mod I Whipped Up In About 4 Hours It Has 1 New Dimension And 5-6 New Items! More Mods Coming Soon _ForgeUser22664944 2003 2015-11-27 13:54
Better Aquatics Mod Makes aquatics in Minecraft more enjoyable to the player. MiningMark48 999 2015-11-27 07:35
Weeping Angels - Flesh and Stone Adds Weeping Angel statues and entities from the Dr. Who universe skyjay1 8303 2015-11-27 04:43
Thut's Elevators Adds elevators to minecraft Thutmose_III 3938255 2015-11-26 23:50
Equipment API An API that allows mods to register their own equipment slots thecodewarrior1 1604 2015-11-26 22:36
Power Apples Add 9 new apples, similar to Gold Apples. Lothrazar 234245 2015-11-26 12:12
Inventory Control Keys Key bindings to move the current column or hotbar up/down in your inventory Lothrazar 2934 2015-11-26 06:54
Glass Shards Makes glass drop shards when broken ljfa2 433792 2015-11-25 12:57
Toxic World Adds a Toxic Feeling to the game Speiger 17518 2015-11-25 10:55
CrackedZombie Cracked Zombie Mod pbrane0 360574 2015-11-24 19:06
The Wings of Alfheim Magical wings from Alfheim! tadashi_3 276100 2015-11-23 19:53
Armory - Armoring the World Make it as you wish. OrionOnline, Forge_User_63629976 184015 2015-11-23 12:46
Metallurgy Classic Machines Metallurgy's Tiered Machines Glazzmaker 670831 2015-11-23 12:18
CWACOM Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs KidsDontPlay 6817 2015-11-22 13:30
New Dungeons A dungeon mod _ForgeUser22479073 798 2015-11-22 09:53
Timers of Death Are your modpack or server players dying just to get around game mechanics? It's time to change that CallMeFoxie 999 2015-11-22 06:39
Adventure Backpack Special Backpacks for Minecraft Darkona 4221112 2015-11-22 04:34
Nakranoth's Herdcraft Adds herding behaviors to Minecraft animals. ScottKillen 12769 2015-11-22 03:48
Mob Options Mob scaling and more! _ForgeUser17110259 51837 2015-11-21 22:40
Highschool DxD Mod A mod based on the anime Highschool DxD _ForgeUser20517757 48241 2015-11-21 17:17
Shingeki no Minecraft an Attack on Titan mod _ForgeUser20517757 124498 2015-11-21 17:06
Style Domestic Dog Breeds, plus Teleportation! _ForgeUser19616757 1224896 2015-11-21 02:50
Armory - Weaponry Tinkers Construct Addon for Armory OrionOnline 178606 2015-11-20 18:49
Armory-World WorldGen Addon for Armory. Adds common metals to the Armory Armor System. OrionOnline 22820 2015-11-20 18:17
Aggro Wolves This mod takes the vanilla wolf and make it so it attacks even though you didn't hit it _ForgeUser8583747 37859 2015-11-20 11:53
TrashSlot Adds a trash slot to the inventory screen that allows deletion of unwanted items. BlayTheNinth 61072159 2015-11-20 11:31
TFCBotania Compatibility mod between TerraFirmaCraft and Botania. vidaj 756 2015-11-20 03:22
Apocalypse Mod Makes monsters more powerful with time and periodically attack your base (also other stuff). FatherToast 240866 2015-11-19 20:57
Quick Stack Now you can quick stack to chests like Terraria! Vorquel 2551 2015-11-19 13:13
Cutting Edge Little things I want to make, bundled together in one mod TTFTCUTS 8522 2015-11-18 19:24
FRSM - Decayed World Extension This is a Extension for the FRSM Mod adding Post-Apocaliptic and Decayed Stuff. FEX___96 6510 2015-11-18 15:26
Additional Items A mod that adds a big variety of different items _ForgeUser19097860, _ForgeUser23785335 4318 2015-11-18 12:39
Do It Yourself Decorative Block Create you own block packs! Ordinastie 26134 2015-11-18 10:39
TFCRailcraft Compatibility mod between TerraFirmaCraft and Railcraft. vidaj 155690 2015-11-17 17:30
Bring Color to my Skies Adds night-time auroras to the Minecraft world heldplayer 8200 2015-11-17 14:12
Inventory Interactor allow to interact slot item of player import and export item and more... LithimzTV 2181 2015-11-17 13:11
Cthulhu Tweaks A set of tweaks for the Cthulhu modpack Tedyhere 3089 2015-11-17 01:28
Gear Swapper Gear Swapper is a simple but flexible block to allow swapping hotbar+armor easily McJty 1341762 2015-11-16 18:19
Showcase Showcase your Tabula models mmdlexiconn 38251 2015-11-16 13:45
ForgeAutoShutdown Schedules a specific time of the day for server to shut down or automatically restart abused_master, _ForgeUser13575627 6084 2015-11-16 07:07
ModLister [SHUTTING DOWN] ModLister is a mod & website combo targeted at enabling users to share their mod lists for Minecraft in a convenient and aesthetic way. ohaiiChun, Quetzi, Forge_User_09424603 423230 2015-11-15 23:21
Wintercraft - gruntpie224 Experience Christmas in Minecraft! Santa Visits, Presents, Reindeer, and much more! DiamondDiggersGaming 43386 2015-11-15 22:59
ContentTweaker Allows you to add Items and Blocks Jaredlll08, Sky_Som, kindlich 27498927 2015-11-15 20:53
NotEnoughThaumcraftTabs Improves Thaumonomicon by adding buttons to it fewizz_, thesilentum 618619 2015-11-15 14:59
LomLib Library for Lomeli's mods Lomeli12 390555 2015-11-15 06:05
Biltiful Grass :D It's all about a plant... with my face... that drops stars '-' WilkerS1_ 140 2015-11-14 18:56
Not Enough Wands Adds various very configurable utility wands to Minecraft romelo333, McJty 26382081 2015-11-14 15:39
PetCreepers mod freindly creepers!!!!!!! vsparklol 2352 2015-11-14 11:47
Mystilities Mystilities (or Mystical Utilities) is a mod aimed to add basic blocks, items, and tools that helps with basic survival. _ForgeUser21238304 1558 2015-11-14 10:49
Better Sleeping Modifying how beds work in Minecraft CallMeFoxie 537341 2015-11-14 07:44
Similsax Transtructors - Builder's Wands A wand-like tool that builds: Now you can place blocks *behind* the block you click on or in a line. Lothrazar 1322452 2015-11-13 23:30
QuantumStorage A mod that adds a Deep Storage Unit to hold all the things Gigabit101 27159306 2015-11-13 16:59
Pokécube - Revival adds Trainers and Mod Compatiblity for Pokécube mods. Thutmose_III 1560676 2015-11-13 15:54
Second Screen Allows you to observe and control Minecraft from your Smartphone/Tablet maxanier 7809 2015-11-13 12:13
WorldBorder-Forge Unofficial port of Brettflan's Bukkit plugin WorldBorder to Forge abused_master 51716 2015-11-12 21:11
Pinkium Mod Is diamond not OP enough? _ForgeUser18620459 1386 2015-11-12 04:46
VortexCraft [WIP] Tech, Magic , Combat epicness _ForgeUser9930487 354 2015-11-12 04:14
Youz a Wuzord Harry Magicians with Crossbows creamylinguine 115 2015-11-12 03:26
Diamond Plus Too many diamonds? We can help. _ForgeUser22481912 3338 2015-11-12 01:42
Silent's Pets Adds some more pets to keep you company and help you fight. SilentChaos512 17643 2015-11-12 00:46
Suspended Server Suspends the server when no players are logged on bloodnbonesgaming, Blargerist, superckl 13091 2015-11-11 03:48
NorthCraft Mod A mod thought of by the North-Craft community made by PixelPacker Twitching_Pixel 2967 2015-11-11 01:01
Flame The Minecraft Plugin for ScorchForge.com _ForgeUser13013413 230 2015-11-09 23:31
Pickle Mod By;SoggyMustache Pickles are cool SoggyStache 299 2015-11-09 21:20
Aetheric Expansion Addon mod the the Aether II: Genesis of the void mod _ForgeUser10809520 15787 2015-11-09 04:47
ChatFuel Generates energy (RF and EU) from things said in chat (ingame and IRC). Fully configurable. abecderic 3184 2015-11-08 17:28
DIGGERMod First Mode _ForgeUser22428553 591 2015-11-08 15:14
Jaded Base Base mod for Jaded Mods jadedcat 3733 2015-11-08 14:30
Electrical Engineering You can do what the name suggests... _ForgeUser22231591 4621 2015-11-08 10:47
Move Plus Dodging, Ledge climbing, Crawl anywhere, Reduced knockback Corosus 337649 2015-11-08 02:03
Particle Man Control the elements with an awesome glove, mario sunshine like water flying Corosus 66903 2015-11-08 01:54
Hostile Worlds - Classic Zombie Miner and his buddies Invade and do wacky things to get into your base Corosus 1055 2015-11-08 01:45
KinetiCraft 2 KinetiCraft 2 _ForgeUser7019343 948 2015-11-07 11:08
Tinkers Tailor Armor for the discerning Tinkerer Forge_User_06804776 4764 2015-11-07 06:53
3D Furnace This mod adds a new Furnace that is a 3D Model that displays the items inside. _ForgeUser294193 47669 2015-11-07 05:49
LightsPlus A mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 that adds in new decorative lighting options _ForgeUser20999200 12536 2015-11-07 00:40
Light Levels Allows commands or damage to be applied after a given time in various light level ranges. _ForgeUser14942886 130 2015-11-06 20:49
MmmMmmMmmMmm (Target Dummy) Target Dummy that show damage dealt and can be equipped with armor. Damage numbers! MehVahdJukaar 69587179 2015-11-06 14:56
Survivalist's Generator A mod about generating diamonds and emeralds. gibustheinfamous 1186 2015-11-06 04:49
LatMap LatvianModder's Minimap Mod LatvianModder 1170 2015-11-04 22:42
George's Armor And Tools Mod Adds In New Armor, and Soon Tools Will Be Added SoggyStache 1988 2015-11-04 19:47
Jaded ModTweaks cross mod tweaks for Jaded packs jadedcat 4007 2015-11-04 18:28
Jaded Charcoal Tweaks Changes charcoal amounts from logs jadedcat 2042 2015-11-04 18:02
[Discontinued] Stick Of Death This stick has approximately 9001 damage NicosaurusRex99 10050 2015-11-04 04:07
AbyssalCraft Heads Modpack utility for questing modpacks using AbyssalCraft. Shinoow 108289 2015-11-03 23:51
Lava Furnace Enables furnaces to be heated using a lava fuel block (placed below) mierzen 35569 2015-11-03 22:39
Mob Disabler A simple mod that enables you to disable any vanilla mob through the config file. _ForgeUser16008379 3700 2015-11-03 16:21
Starvation Ahoy Editing Food, Processing meat and overall Difficulty++ dmf444, mincrmatt12 18293 2015-11-03 04:06
Hard_Wire(D)_Lib Hard_Wire's core files and Library extensions to make my modding life a little easier and more flexible. _ForgeUser11905239 3752 2015-11-02 07:01
Crafting Slabs A simple mod that adds 1 thing, a slab version of the Crafting Table ShadowfactsDev 144453 2015-11-02 05:55
Runes of Wizardry Dusts, Runes, and more Dusts... xXilef11 474187 2015-11-01 23:59
GimmeTime Adds an ingame clock and an alarm system iTitus 753 2015-11-01 20:54
TimeTraveler! Mod that allows you to travel to the past and future! _ForgeUser6834061 42218 2015-11-01 19:35
Minestuck A Homestuck Minecraft mod mraof, Kirderf1 124731 2015-11-01 13:53
Blood Magic An arcane art for ultimate power WayofTime, TehNut 68655175 2015-10-31 22:38
Custom Main Menu Allows you to modify the main menu using a simple json file Lumien231 101716232 2015-10-31 15:22
Pumpkin Tools Tools enderlord72 3275 2015-10-31 14:07
Remote IO Remote IO dmillerw 326001 2015-10-31 12:18
Tea And Biscuits Adds tea and biscuits to minecraft TwiistsGaming 53479 2015-10-31 07:40
Creeper Chickens Breed and raise Creeper infused Chickens AnonymousWaffles 53764 2015-10-31 04:52
MORE STUFFS MOD This is a work in progress _ForgeUser22355905 235 2015-10-31 01:03
Hard Mode Tweaks Gameplay tweaks to play with natural regeneration off. Hea5veN 29920 2015-10-30 23:23
Mod-list generator This simple utility mod generates mod-list.txt file inside your game directory, which contains list of all installed mods _ForgeUser19382171 4089 2015-10-30 17:34
RealBench Makes vanilla workbench usable Prototik, afdw 6402854 2015-10-30 07:10
SoundCap Increases the maximum number of sounds that can play at one time thecodewarrior1 9377 2015-10-29 22:58
OpenLights Color changing lights for OpenComputers MichiyoRavencroft, ben_mkiv 103068 2015-10-29 09:02
iGoodie's Farm Some improvements in farming. iGoodiex, Redowar 534 2015-10-29 01:28
Extra Utilities Just a bunch of useful things Forge_User_06804776 84429304 2015-10-28 20:50
Screenshot Uploader Upload your screenshots with the push of a button Kihira 45073 2015-10-28 14:07
Redstonic Adds different Redstone Flux powered tools to Minecraft. Raizu 1789389 2015-10-27 21:41
Mantle Shared code for Forge mods mDiyo, fuj1n, Alexbegt, KnightMiner, bonusboni, ProgWML6 188948074 2015-10-27 18:28
Zoom Adds binoculars to Minecraft Forge_User_01627895 9852 2015-10-27 16:47
Craftable Spawn Eggs Craft spawn eggs for your mob farms! TransbianSarah 9800 2015-10-27 02:55
FairStairs Makes Minecraft's stair recipes fair. hlaaftana 831 2015-10-26 23:24
Telepad Taking teleports to a whole new level AbsolemJackdaw 762657 2015-10-26 18:09
Brewcraft Brewcraft, a brewing overhaul for Minecraft, adding potions and a complex brewing system. _ForgeUser11063544, lordblackhole_ 380292 2015-10-26 00:51
I'm Recording Mod Shows who's recording heldplayer 6753 2015-10-26 00:19
NEI Mystcraft Plugin Mystcraft NEI integration heldplayer 478775 2015-10-26 00:08
Simple Achievements Customizable "checklist" style achievements tterrag1098, insaneau 9970639 2015-10-25 23:15
Tedious But EZ Emeralds Adds a way of getting emeralds early game. gibustheinfamous 660 2015-10-25 19:20
MoreChisels More chisels to chisel your things with. TehNut 3129565 2015-10-25 16:29
Futurepack Mod - Now with flyable Spaceships! The Futurepack is a modification adding future-themed materials, resources and other stuff. Mcenderdragon 1194144 2015-10-25 14:13
CMIP Because we don't have enough mods that add integration with WAILA/NEI yet! Elec332 2990 2015-10-25 14:04
Redstone Armory Enhancing the Redstone (Flux) revolution! TehNut, tombenpotter 454722 2015-10-25 03:04
PremiumCraft Reccomended addon to PremiumCore _ForgeUser18913043 273 2015-10-25 01:44
PremiumCore core for Premium Series _ForgeUser18913043 250 2015-10-25 01:37
Alchimia Alchemy! _ForgeUser17803238 183 2015-10-24 20:15
TougherTools -=DEMO=- The demo versions for Upcoming TougherTools mod. _ForgeUser11939975 662 2015-10-24 12:02
Tmtravlr's Arrow Trails Little mod that adds coloured arrow trails Tmtravlr 18845 2015-10-24 07:03
SiriusMC New (original) tool tiers and solid fuels, with deco blocks for your adventures! SiriusWolf 36007 2015-10-24 05:23
All The Ores Adds ores and ore variants from user configs. Richetoku 810 2015-10-23 22:28
CrissCross Vanilla Styled Low-Tech Machines oitsjustjose 28805 2015-10-23 22:16
Command Your World A mod which allows you to change the game rules without needing OP DiscworldZA 717 2015-10-23 12:29
For String Custom things for my modpack String Theory _ForgeUser10500257 503 2015-10-23 07:47
PTDS (Plants That Drop Stuff) Mod Adds in plants that give resources when broken RandomMcSomethin 283 2015-10-23 01:55
Useful Glass Mod Adds a bunch of things from glass. gibustheinfamous 649 2015-10-23 01:47
Waila Inhibitors This mod provides some balance to the Waila Mod. DarkhaxDev 172328 2015-10-22 23:15
Back To The Future Mod Adds a Delorean and hoverboards to you game! SWDTeam 62100 2015-10-22 19:36
AntMan The Ant-Man Suit with the ability to shrink! Lucraft 808077 2015-10-22 10:59
Custom Server Items Allows creating custom items on a running server olee92 1586 2015-10-22 08:36
Thaumic Exploration Thaumic Exploration is a Thaumcraft 4 addon, with the goal of simply adding more balanced Thaumcraft content of the quality you would expect from Azanor himself. gaeakat 6907468 2015-10-21 23:38
Rat Mod Adds rats and a loot bag! _ForgeUser6831610 4341 2015-10-21 22:32
Framez Now you're thinking with frames! amadornes 139703 2015-10-21 12:22
Hardcore Resurrection Adds a configurable revival ritual for dead friends in Hardcore mode. Server-side only. Originally made for ZeekDaGeek's Hardcore Subserver. BlayTheNinth 18128 2015-10-21 07:54
Random Block Mod A mod that adds a block which can drop almost everything in the game! _ForgeUser13912194 23282 2015-10-21 02:26
Kittens, Milk, and More! Purple and Kittens jadedkitty 3280 2015-10-21 01:41
Trajectory Trajectory is a mod/API that allows other mods to move blocks around the world amadornes 46711 2015-10-20 22:28
Deadly Feesh You like silverfish? No? Too bad. _ForgeUser21191897 1282 2015-10-19 23:17
ChunkPurge Systematically check for and unload chunks that shouldn't be loaded _ForgeUser12240070 352623 2015-10-19 21:51
WAILA-features Extra things for WAILA way2muchnoise 1410934 2015-10-19 14:05
Wool Armor Just wool armor AlasDiablo, liotamiu, Safyrus 12552 2015-10-19 07:24
Power Converters3 Converting Power Between Mods! covers1624 433000 2015-10-19 05:11
Simply Stone Adds a stone torch and ladder ProspectorDev 2476 2015-10-18 22:36
GraveStones -Die Classy an advanced Gravestones mod ! AbsolemJackdaw 102368 2015-10-18 20:15
The Evil Laugh Mod Mod, that adds evil laugh to minecraft. kabachuha 845 2015-10-18 08:24
Void Compression Compress any block in minecraft TurkeyDev 1551 2015-10-17 01:45
AsdIntergaterMod Not Bad! asd1995sse 2537 2015-10-16 19:13
Apples Evolved A fun mod theat adds several new OP Apples to the game! SheWhoExists 1239 2015-10-16 16:57
Candy Floss World mod A mod so there is candy floss in the modepack Candy Floss World. ladymorepork 4018 2015-10-16 03:19
Tombenpotter's Icarus Over are the days when wings gave you free and unlimited flight! tombenpotter 21767 2015-10-15 17:56
Agriculture Agriculture adds 120+ new cooking recipes, 6 new machines, and enhances the hunger system! Glazzmaker, RebelKeithy, Shadowclaimer 103204 2015-10-15 12:49
Bad Ores A collection of suboptimal ores Ivorforce, _ForgeUser8928850 101875 2015-10-14 21:11
Hungry Zombies Zombies attack wildlife Icynewyear, Gigabit101 74452 2015-10-14 19:10
Dalek Mod [Forge] Features from the TV show, "Doctor Who" like Daleks, Cybermen, and the TARDIS! [for Minecraft Forge] SWDTeam, didgeridoomen_swdteam, RedDash16_ 991876 2015-10-14 14:08
Minicraft Quest Minicraft Quest _ForgeUser7563516 41360 2015-10-14 13:18
Hardcore Darkness This mod removes the minimum light that's always present in minecraft Lumien231 7996863 2015-10-14 10:34
Unbreakable++ Adds blocks, and tools that are unbreakable. Sangam1 1665 2015-10-14 05:32
TickrateChanger Change the speed that your game will run Guichaguri 1201871 2015-10-13 20:26
Sodacan Utilities Add some new lighting blocks to your world! ProspectorDev 54236 2015-10-13 03:23
CrayCrafting The Original Crafting recipe randomiser that started it all. DoubleDoorDev, Claycorp, Dries007 147883 2015-10-13 02:08
GlassWorks A few more CTM Blocks to aid your builds! oitsjustjose 11898 2015-10-13 01:27
Witching Gadgets Adding even more magic to Minecraft! :D BluSunrize 3403138 2015-10-12 18:33
Traveller's Gear RPG Inventories! Armorstands! Cross-Mod Interaction! Woohoo! BluSunrize 4529250 2015-10-12 17:35
Ender Storage linked color coded ender chests Chicken_Bones 15306424 2015-10-12 14:26
Electrometrics Electrometrics is a Minecraft mod that brings content that lets you monitor the electricity flow of your grid. Halvorshalvors 10265 2015-10-12 06:33
Dimensional Cake Delicious Travel for all insaneau 4631566 2015-10-12 04:41
Mod Friend, the mod Mod popularity data collector for the Mod Friend website elcuchaz 1280 2015-10-12 03:00
MobDrip A mod that makes mobs stuck in blocks try and move towards open spaces. _ForgeUser11935830 1033 2015-10-11 20:53
Ancient Trees Ancient Trees adds thirteen species of extinct trees to your world. ScottKillen 879403 2015-10-11 18:39
Quest Sheets Adds import/export of HQM pages _ForgeUser16618358 151444 2015-10-11 15:41
NoMoreNerdPoles A simple mod that stops the player placing a block while jumping Gigabit101 809 2015-10-11 15:32
Thaumcraft Minus Thaumcraft When you wanna play Thaumcraft without so much Thaumcraft Spiteful_Fox 124756 2015-10-11 05:56
TooMuchLoot Removing that excess dungeon loot you don't want, and adding what you do want dmillerw 145165 2015-10-11 04:38
Hardened Stone Tools Mod Add extra strength stone tools! _ForgeUser7644266 2075 2015-10-11 03:04
Aura Cascade A new full-featured magic mod pixlepix, _ForgeUser13874874 1780627 2015-10-10 11:10
Never Enough Candy Adds new candys for you to eat and collect. DarkhaxDev 142645 2015-10-10 04:28
Potion Storage - pause your effects and save them for later Adds a button that simply puts your active potion effects on hold Lothrazar 7067 2015-10-10 01:24
More EMC Equivalent Exchange 3 Addon _ForgeUser11751359, hasunwoo 584 2015-10-10 00:30
Mixed Magic Add-on for Thaumcraft _ForgeUser16818220, supernickita45 7366 2015-10-09 13:59
Torchieeeeness A small mod that allows the player to place blocks by right clicking with a tool Gigabit101 2479 2015-10-09 13:34
Realistic Gem Tools ads new gemstones with tools and tools for existing gemstones _ForgeUser20190755 205 2015-10-09 09:27
Sub-Basement It's like the build limit, but configurable! _ForgeUser16618358 569 2015-10-08 21:40
ServerInfoViewer Allows you to see information about the world before logging in! K4Unl 52947 2015-10-08 15:39
Metalium Mod This mod is called Metalium. _ForgeUser16868673 527 2015-10-07 20:52
Balloons Mod Adds 16 coloured decorational Balloon blocks. Forge_User_87627378 19027 2015-10-07 20:16
Jaded Tweaks a mod that adds balance and tweaks for jaded's packs jadedcat 1027214 2015-10-07 15:06
Torcherino Torch that speeds up tile entities. sci4me, lukegrahamlandry, MessyEllie 3117832 2015-10-07 07:58
BusterCraft Adds blocks for building. _ForgeUser20204743 307 2015-10-07 04:52
EmptyList Collection of things as I slowly make a amazing mod! _ForgeUser6834148 1351 2015-10-06 11:56
Invisible Blocks - Chunk Survival Simple adds 2 invisible and unbreakable blocks to the game. MrAmericanMike 1730 2015-10-06 10:23
Food Overhaul This mod adds food, so you'll have no problems with it. DenisMasterHerobrine 40186 2015-10-06 08:18
Prayers Pray to Notch for healing! tterrag1098 5510 2015-10-06 02:24
Toggle Blocks Switch around blocks with the flick of a switch (Literally) Forge_User_69820874 2503 2015-10-05 10:09
QuasarCraft Miniature Quasars that can do many things. _ForgeUser11939975 2290 2015-10-05 06:45
Armor Overlay Customize the armor bar. TheOldOne22 428822 2015-10-05 03:47
TorchTools Right click with any tool to use the "place" action with the next slot in your hotbar DoubleDoorDev, Claycorp, Dries007 1072430 2015-10-05 00:57
Epic Guns Mod This mod adds a gun that does 5 hearts of damage! _ForgeUser18786535 1033 2015-10-04 22:33
Sirmatt's Ore Mod More Ores! Forge_User_76353592 3437 2015-10-04 18:47
Geocraft Geocraft lordblackhole_ 19279 2015-10-04 16:45
Red Gear Core Red Gear Core lordblackhole_, _ForgeUser11063544 46135 2015-10-04 16:33
EnderTech Ender themed technological expansion Carrot 9744967 2015-10-04 12:52
Atelier Canvas - Custom Paintings Adds custom paintings to Minecraft. sidben 28601 2015-10-04 04:12
Quirks and Perks: Warp Pipes and other stuff A mod that brings networks of inventories, rooms, and all of that together via interfacing blocks connected with Warp Cabling. _ForgeUser21990901 13923 2015-10-04 02:12
Grimoire of Gaia Mobs, Monsters, Monster Girls Silentine_ 4042251 2015-10-04 01:41
Parachronology A skyblock Resource mod. ZenDarva 21450 2015-10-03 20:55
BetterAchievements An improvement of the Achievement screen way2muchnoise 5080991 2015-10-03 20:05
Frame Companion Sensors that complement block-moving capabilities _ForgeUser7925258 6550 2015-10-03 17:41
InGame Info XML A customizable "F3 screen". Lunatrius 22262143 2015-10-03 13:52
Builder's Helper Copy/paste structures at a click. Save/load/autogen structures, with randomness. sjshipway 14310 2015-10-03 09:12
Advanced Systems Manager The solution - regardless of the transportation problem. _ForgeUser16618358 8293 2015-10-02 19:01
Advanced Spawn Control Take control of mob spawns bloodnbonesgaming, Blargerist, superckl 45225 2015-10-02 17:01
Pipe Additions Adds little Options to the Game which allows big logic Circuits! Speiger 6005 2015-10-02 10:13
villager lucky block villager lucky block _ForgeUser22028014 515 2015-10-02 08:52
Youtubers+ Mod Adds Youtubers and other things from their videos supercat765 554380 2015-10-01 05:19
Islands In The Sky A server side mod for multiplayer Skyblock servers. ZenDarva 9956 2015-10-01 01:49
DivineFall fantasy, mobs, and fighting Mmklop_ 2502 2015-10-01 00:57
AgameR Paint Mod AgameR Paint Mod adds paintbrushes into Minecraft which let you paint your own creations _ForgeUser14538834 2156 2015-09-30 15:50
Chunk Animator A small client side mod that animates the appearance of chunks so that they don't just appear instantly. Lumien231, HarleyOConnor 20532582 2015-09-30 06:36
Guardian Chests A "death chest" mod that will keep all your items in a chest when you die. _ForgeUser21041498 42763 2015-09-29 02:38
Structure Mod Structures. liahim85 1255 2015-09-28 18:56
Control Craft ControlCraft is a mod about sending and receiving wireless redstone signals _ForgeUser9879730 4710 2015-09-28 18:33
CivilianWeapons Adds various items and weapons for everyday use _ForgeUser12998387 3034 2015-09-28 15:35
GrassConfig Add more grass to your world! elucent_ 1916 2015-09-28 04:02
Mini (Shredded) Wheats Just a small mod I made for a post on /r/Ethoslab VineyardBerry 1395 2015-09-27 08:15
UsefulFood Vanilla like food items, Juices, Sandwiches, Cakes, Pies, Tea, Soups with most recipes based on vanilla items _ForgeUser7529503 275678 2015-09-26 19:21
Reverstone Smelted too much stone? Reverse it back with Reverstone! ハルユキ 1624 2015-09-26 07:39
InstaBreak A mod that adds blocks into the game which can be instantly broken. _ForgeUser10355326 778 2015-09-26 06:09
LSCraft LSCraft grants Minecraft players the ability to make their own lightsabers within the game. _ForgeUser9981229 5336 2015-09-26 01:50
Mad Help Minecraft map installer and more! brandon3055 259683 2015-09-25 16:48
Mmklop's Mario Mod Mmklop's Super Mario Bros. Mod Mmklop_ 4880 2015-09-25 15:33
Dimensional Control Tool used to create custom dimensions bloodnbonesgaming, Blargerist, superckl 5203263 2015-09-25 05:50
BuildcentricTweaks BuildcentricTweeks is a small mod that makes little tweaks for the Buildcentric Modpack. Gigabit101 1520 2015-09-24 23:18
Easy Breeding Easily breed animals by tossing food on the ground. Icynewyear, Gigabit101 835973 2015-09-24 16:57
StuffPlus StuffPlus thaun1 958 2015-09-24 06:02
PlasmaCraft Caustic Liquids, Energy Weapons and More! Malkierian 20169 2015-09-23 14:52
BlockPhysics Let the blocks rain down bloodnbonesgaming, Blargerist, superckl 40138 2015-09-23 04:43
MetallurgyChisel Compatibility add-on mod to add Metallurgy variants to Chisel Glazzmaker 811804 2015-09-22 19:53
Mmklopity Core mod For my mods Mmklop_ 456 2015-09-22 14:34
Teehcraft Adds New Progretion Steps To Minecraft And Some Other Misc Stuff _ForgeUser17021507 2418 2015-09-22 12:15
Simple Storage One chest with simple size upgrades VapourDrive 11977 2015-09-22 02:59
hueCraft A full immersive experience with Philips hue! _ForgeUser17329405 5560 2015-09-21 19:12
GreenScreen Adds a green-screen to Minecraft for video composition TehStoneMan 8637 2015-09-21 05:58
Mapwriter 2 An open source mini-map! VectronDiablon 1910107 2015-09-20 21:35
Adventure Backport Brings Minecraft 1.8's Adventure Mode back to 1.7.10 ljfa2 3353 2015-09-20 20:56
Alchemy Mod Adds Alchemy skills to Minecraft, elements are all you need! _ForgeUser19606017 2129 2015-09-20 20:43
sprinkles_for_vanilla Mod that adds config options for vanilla VikeStep 601825 2015-09-20 20:37
Natura Natura mDiyo, ProgWML6, Alexbegt 51724538 2015-09-19 23:13
Nightmare Craft Adds in blood stuff like blood guns and demension _ForgeUser19349559 214 2015-09-19 22:06
AdvancedVanilla The Mod for more compatibility between Mods canitzp 27637 2015-09-19 21:57
Aroma1997Core This is a mod required by most of my other mods, so you should install it, if you want to run any other of my mods. Aroma1997 57217613 2015-09-19 19:34
Extra Potions adds bunch of useful potion related stuff. hasunwoo 6702 2015-09-19 14:04
Chunky Peripherals chunk loaders for Computercraft _ForgeUser12853988 3934 2015-09-19 13:39
Medieval Age Bringing the middle ages into minecraft _ForgeUser21681971 7452 2015-09-19 04:27
ShadowCraft Provides a set of tools to help you rule the darkness ZenDarva 20782 2015-09-19 00:23
CommuMod A community driven mod BitForger 5933 2015-09-18 17:46
Eac Mod The Official Eac Mod From The Eac crew EnderWolfEac 3202 2015-09-18 15:56
The Carrot Mod A mod with extra carrot things... That's it... BUT IT'S A FUN MOD! Potatothecarrot 1132 2015-09-17 20:21
Rainbow Block Adds block that changed color when mined. _ForgeUser10437100 1435 2015-09-17 19:55
Don't Pick Up A simple mod allowing you to not pickup certain items superckl 23429 2015-09-17 19:02
Hammers of Induo Tools, recycle items, material refining vaileasys 824 2015-09-17 07:39
Chronos Control the length of a Minecraft day mmelvin0 1390 2015-09-17 05:14
EulaFixer Checks for the EULA before any mods are loaded. WildBamaBoy 1070 2015-09-17 01:54
Fire's Clay Spawn Generate clay/terracotta/stained terracotta/glazed terracotta underground like an ore. Highly configurable. The_Fireplace 27309 2015-09-16 18:03
Custom Villagers Mods that allows the user to add custom villagers with custom trades Elec332 53336 2015-09-16 14:01
Loading Profiler A small mod that logs how long other mods take to load / for the fml cycles Lumien231 443719 2015-09-16 12:53
Ore Dictionary Dumper Dumps all ore dictionary entries into a text file. hlaaftana 4062 2015-09-16 11:59
FluxHeater RF powered fuel. exter7 2317 2015-09-15 14:54
Ender Book - Use XP to visit your waypoints Use XP to visit your waypoints Lothrazar 25013 2015-09-15 04:40
chunkgen Preload Chunks on demand! gecgooden 51978 2015-09-15 00:15
Turretry Mmklop's simple Gun Mod Mmklop_ 3292 2015-09-14 20:38
STFU STFU is designed as a simple to use log-cleaner. _ForgeUser16618358 20219 2015-09-14 19:14
Soulstaff Unique power generation! _ForgeUser8679717 2637 2015-09-14 12:04
DummyCore API required to launch all mods made by DummyThinking Team _ForgeUser9083808 1053986 2015-09-14 11:25
Vending Machines Revamped Adds Vending Machines, soda, candies and more. NibblePoker 85683 2015-09-14 01:50
Outrageous Everything A mod with the mission to do everything backwards. Markyroson 441 2015-09-13 17:37
Death Log Records Death stats of players ExpiredMinotaur 33744 2015-09-13 09:52
Survivor's Pack Additional pack of recipes, items and etc. for survivers on limited maps _ForgeUser21715531 2821 2015-09-13 09:19
BiblioCraft: BiblioWoods TerraFirmaCraft Edition Adds support for TerraFirmaCraft woods to BiblioCraft blocks. Requires BiblioCraft to run. Nuchaz 267796 2015-09-13 06:59
Health Indicators Plays a sound when you are low on health. Jaredlll08 160835 2015-09-12 23:36
Passive Torch Disable all the other spawns! _ForgeUser16618358 99264 2015-09-12 20:17
Dinosaur Dimension Time traveling fun! skyjay1 56050 2015-09-12 06:18
Science of Dread A Mod about dimensions, mobs, fantasy, lollys, trolls, cheese, 1+2=7, imaCoconut Mmklop_ 1557 2015-09-12 04:54
OpMe Mod I like to play as a normal player but be easily opped when needed. A command to toggle operator status and creative game mode for players you preauthorize in a config file. For security, nothing can add anyone to the list from in-game. AndreNoel 55685 2015-09-12 02:05
Tinkers' Modifiers Modifying all the modifiers for your tools! UnderMybrella 256613 2015-09-11 23:31
Blink Expand you knowledge about the powers of the Endermen! EwyBoy 1123 2015-09-11 00:42
XCompCraft Server Dimensions - Lightweight dimension utility for server administrators and pack makers MysteriousAges 3508 2015-09-10 21:57
Visual Redstone It visualizes redstone! Naverene, Lance5057, kg6jay 848 2015-09-10 21:06
Atum 2: Return to the Sands Adds an entirely new Egyptian-themed dimension to Minecraft. Shadowclaimer, Girafi 14632774 2015-09-09 18:52
MrPlank's Extra Food More food for Minecraft! _ForgeUser20840446 14384 2015-09-09 12:41
Country Item mod Love your country? You're going to love this mod. _ForgeUser21682817 666 2015-09-09 11:39
Infusium Tools Mod A small mod that adds cool weapons, armor, and food to the game! _ForgeUser21622771 1195 2015-09-09 09:11
Cheesa Mod Adds Tools, Armor, Food and more! _ForgeUser15084297 1172 2015-09-09 05:31
SetNow Sets your bed spawn at any time day. TehNut 35419 2015-09-09 03:52
Ice Shards Addon to Glass Shards which makes ice drop shards ljfa2 158897 2015-09-08 16:00
Simple Usage Log Log server usage simply and independently. Logs server start and stop, and player login and out. The log file Simple Usage Log.txt is located in the server main folder. AndreNoel 4375 2015-09-08 14:32
Entity LagFix / Lag Fix Removes lag by removing too many entities such as from dropped items, arrows, explosions etc... An op tool to count or remove all Items or Mobs or Entities or TileEntities or Blocks within a distance of the op. CommandBlock compatible. AndreNoel 65988 2015-09-08 13:04
SpawnCommands / Spawn Commands Teleport Teleport commands in chat for spawn, home, named locations, and teleport ask. Many configurable features. AndreNoel 127811 2015-09-08 12:05
Dense EB Ores Dense Ore versions of Enhanced Biomes ores WhichOnesPink 8782 2015-09-08 10:17
KitchenCraft Adding custom foods via JSON files! tterrag1098 159473 2015-09-08 04:24
ModpackInfo Gathers information about the mods in a modpack into a convenient log file OreCruncher 1540 2015-09-07 13:50
AchieveSON A mod that lets you create achievements using JSON. Lomeli12 2343 2015-09-07 07:36
DixPeripherals Adds a few computer peripherals ingame _ForgeUser10492255 145 2015-09-07 05:01
RF Guns An upgradable and modular weapon powered by redstone flux. _ForgeUser13085881 23452 2015-09-07 00:48
Collective Framework A library mod for my mods, also includes a few interesting features austinv11 1103033 2015-09-06 23:41
MorphAdditions MorphAdditions' intention is to create abilities for morphed players to trigger, up until the time comes when Morph inherently provides this functionality. TheTemportalist 81636 2015-09-06 21:25
Alchemy Craft 2 overhauled successor to Alchemycraft damagicgeek 46510 2015-09-06 18:32
Cards vs. Crafters A shameless clone of a shameless game Mitchellbrine 1778 2015-09-06 17:45
Decorative Video Game Systems A mod that adds video game systems Jawser78 31666 2015-09-06 00:16
Star Wars Star Wars in Minecraft _ForgeUser19052235 47707 2015-09-05 13:34
Tmtravr's Version of WTFOres A version I made of WTFOres (with permission of the mod author of course). Tmtravlr 1080 2015-09-05 08:08
Toggle Pumpkin Blur Allows users to toggle the blur from pumpkins. _ForgeUser21582251 155 2015-09-05 07:39
TeamIEC Exploration A resource mod for all TeamIeC mods. REQUIRES TEAMIEC CORE ! Forge_User_54167930, Jade_the_Cat 381 2015-09-05 03:13
DMTweaks A Tweak Mod For General Modpack Use. _ForgeUser12813242 4300 2015-09-04 16:14
Kd8lvt's Stone and Wooden Armor The armor you never know you needed early game. kd8lvt 4267 2015-09-04 14:21
FusionUtil A utility mod for my mods. FusionLord 192596 2015-09-04 05:18
SeedCopy A command to copy the world seed to the player's clipboard TheSatanicSanta 61841 2015-09-04 04:41
Lyra's Magnificent Trinkets One of those "Random Items" mod. :3 Nano_Heart 2470 2015-09-04 03:10
FTB Pax Timer Timer mod used for the FTB Pax challenge map FireBall1725, AlgorithmX2 11407 2015-09-04 02:19
Maple Crafted Maple crafted Brings the world of MapleStory items to the worlds of Minecraft! jayghoul_mc, moonlightroses_mc 355 2015-09-04 02:02
Magic Cookies A thaumcraft expansion mod that adds some extra features, golems and nether structures mdibbets 59643 2015-09-03 22:57
Modifiable Armor All about creating your own armor Intektor 28548 2015-09-03 18:01
FirePeripherals Various peripherals for ComputerCraft FireHead996 14200 2015-09-03 03:00
TeamIeC Core A core mod for all TeamIeC mods Jade_the_Cat, Forge_User_54167930 1437 2015-09-02 15:03
Simple Sky Grid Utilities A helper mod for Simple Sky Grid Vorquel 39027 2015-09-01 23:00
Gem Buffs - Infinite Potion Effects! Eternal Potion Effects! _ForgeUser17182918, _ForgeUser8767412 23015 2015-09-01 20:12
PowerConverters (Portablejim's fork) Fork of Powercrystals' Powerconverters / Power Converters Portablejim 440443 2015-09-01 06:40
Chisel Facades Adds Chisel's blocks as BuildCraft Facades Choonster 1776540 2015-09-01 05:47
Origins of Darkness Mod This mod adds various new tools, armors, blocks, ores, mobs, items, and biomes. _ForgeUser21260268 2610 2015-09-01 05:12
archisite its a new block that has different colors and i added my other mod to it its bassically the same thing as the other one so yeah i hope you enjoy _ForgeUser20955453 741 2015-09-01 00:56
The Daventure Mod- Formerly the Infinite Adventure Mod If you want more adventure, mobs, blocks, and dungeons in your Minecraft world, this mod is for you! DaveIsHangry 111920 2015-08-31 14:28
Better Dungeons Better Dungeons _ForgeUser7772252 3360849 2015-08-31 13:28
Ships Mod Build a sailable ship out of blocks elcuchaz 375907 2015-08-31 13:16
Parachute Mod Parachute Mod pbrane0 961498 2015-08-31 13:04
Terraformer Real biome changing terraformer _ForgeUser8112882 5292 2015-08-31 07:15
ColorblindHelper Provides a way to add overlays to any item in the game, to assist with colorblindness in Minecraft. tterrag1098 12457 2015-08-31 06:15
Dole's Mod My first mod! _ForgeUser15154845 925 2015-08-31 06:03
Notepad2 An ingame notepad to write your tasks down in. _ForgeUser21582251 22032 2015-08-30 18:14
Gradient Blocks Mod This mod adds gradient textured blocks. _ForgeUser17796689 685 2015-08-30 13:35
Basic Ingredients Small Mod, which adds some Tools to recycle your stuff. Lellson8 1317 2015-08-30 07:03
Tools ReAmped Have potion buffs by holding weapons! _ForgeUser21093638 1774 2015-08-30 01:45
Chat Bubbles mmorpg style chat bubbles, shows what players say above their heads MamiyaOtaru 576993 2015-08-29 22:24
Tails A bunch of different tails, ears and wings to enhance your character! Kihira, TTFTCUTS 2369699 2015-08-29 17:47
HxC-Blocks Adds misc. Blocks KeldonSlayer, karelmikie3 2435 2015-08-29 15:50
Icarus-1 Prometheus stat tracking for Minecraft and the JVM. _ForgeUser16783202 2640 2015-08-29 13:28
Better Items A mod that adds end game weapons and armours plus lots of little things. _ForgeUser21575486 6469 2015-08-29 02:20
ChiselTones Chisel compatibility for Ztones TehNut 2276653 2015-08-28 22:30
Selim's Random Things Some random things I thought of adding. Selim_042 17045 2015-08-28 21:39
MoCandyMod MoCandyMod MinecraftPalace 39914 2015-08-28 15:38
CorvusMod Corvus Mod adds a bunch of new Tools, made from Dirt, Obsidian, Redstone, Emerald and from Platinum. Additionally this Mod adds new food to the game, for example different burgers and some Salads. kid2407 995 2015-08-28 14:01
Arctic's Dragon Mod Adds dragons! _ForgeUser21215413 5314 2015-08-28 05:26
Deathman Labs Stuff Adding DL to Minecraft keeganditty 2187 2015-08-28 04:08
Yarm (Legacy) Yet Another Random Mod (Legacy) unreallegacy001 23091 2015-08-28 02:15
Wallpaper Wallpaper adds 16 decorative wallpaper designs of various themes. pau101 217092 2015-08-27 21:03
Fragile Torches Torches can be knocked over by (moving) living entities. Lothrazar 24231 2015-08-27 13:38
FluxPads Charging pads for RF items exter7 10196 2015-08-26 18:12
ElvenExperience A Botania addon based on a typo TehNut 4381 2015-08-26 03:06
Skype4MC Connecting Skype and MC so you don't have to leave your game! dmf444 2976 2015-08-26 02:57
Auto Ore Dictionary Converter Automatically converts items to their configured ore dictionary counterparts MattDahEpic 4823502 2015-08-25 23:15
SaloCraft Just misc mod, made to prank my feiends mrelan 193 2015-08-25 20:15
Universal Electricity Archive of UE downloads QueenOfMissiles 56565 2015-08-25 18:15
Shutters | The way to style yourself Re-defining Factories MageP 3196 2015-08-25 12:22
Nether Vitals a mod that allows survival in the nether _ForgeUser18296842 119 2015-08-24 22:50
Alternative Recipe A Mod that adds new recipes to Vanilla Items hardwarextreme 2311 2015-08-24 20:22
Survival Command Blocks Six blocks triggered by redstone. Lothrazar 6353 2015-08-24 00:07
ShadowJS Make simple modifications to Minecraft using JavaScript ShadowfactsDev 511 2015-08-23 23:38
Furby Mania Minecraft mod adding Furbies to your world alberyjones 75660 2015-08-23 21:15
Search Commands New commands: /searchitem, /searchtrade, /enderchest, /home, /gethome, /worldhome Lothrazar 3805 2015-08-23 07:03
Necromancy sew your own unholy Minions together atomicstrykergrumpy 444349 2015-08-23 05:40
Sausage Linkioli Craft A Joke mod that became a reality. CMWolfMagic 979 2015-08-23 01:54
Red Diamond Mod This mod adds more common Red Diamonds HomelesWaffle 359 2015-08-23 00:45
Doors O' Plenty Adds A Variety of Doors using the Biomes O' Plenty Materials _ForgeUser2633630 54803 2015-08-22 18:37
Utilities Mod A Mod full of Helpful Tweaks and Changes _ForgeUser18682095 740 2015-08-21 19:51
McNuggetRPG A new/WIP rpg mod that aims to spice up Minecraft by adding new dimensions and mobs, along with weapons and just about everything in between! nuggetmc_live 867 2015-08-21 17:33
WAILA Blacklist Selectively disable the WAILA HUD for blocks, entities, or whole dimensions. Requires Waila Events by Darkhax SanityCh3ck 318042 2015-08-21 02:35
LaunchGUI A way to notify your players! TehNut 4318031 2015-08-20 20:37
Blank Mega Mineral Mod Just adding 1 item to make getting minerals easier! _ForgeUser20640070 2516 2015-08-20 15:43
Limited Resources Limits Block placing per Player. _ForgeUser13011725 980 2015-08-20 08:04
Hehe Compression Craft This mod adds many different compressed blocks to free up your inventory space both at home and on the go. _ForgeUser8369316 1982 2015-08-20 00:59
Over Crafted Mobs Awesomeness SoggyStache 8337 2015-08-20 00:18
Multidimensional Ores (End Ores 2) A mod which adds a whole lot of ores to all vanilla dimensions. hlaaftana 18245 2015-08-19 18:33
Waila Events This mod adds several new events to the Waila mod. DarkhaxDev 499721 2015-08-19 06:16
Reinforced Stone Recipe Adder Adds in the old Reinforced Stone recipe TheNumenorean1 4904 2015-08-19 03:27
Custom Sword Customize your sword to make more than 1,642,890,600 different Custom Swords. _ForgeUser11972009 74311 2015-08-19 02:49
Fluxed-Crystals 2 Generate resources and materials at the expense of RF! Jaredlll08, NamrocSmith 287455 2015-08-18 16:37
ClicketyClack On-screen mouse and keyboards indicator 0x00716F62 4800 2015-08-18 08:02
EnjinForgePlugin This is an updated version of the EnjinForgePlugin for MC 1.7.10+ hsyyid 18337 2015-08-18 00:07
TYNKYN (Things You Never Knew You Needed) A little of this. A little of that. DarKnighT_0_9 9914 2015-08-17 23:56
CrystalMod Random Mod about Crystals alec_wam 6632 2015-08-17 00:06
Matt's Mod Tray This mod is a working concept to see all current activated mods from your status bar, please notice that this mod is still experimental. MattsOnMc 1286 2015-08-16 19:38
Votifier Votifier for forge clienthax 2751 2015-08-16 12:18
CookBook adds a bunch of new foods and cooking utilities shmeggels 3795 2015-08-16 06:09
Project Science A Mod Were You Use Science To Experement With Atoms And Atom Structure! _ForgeUser10996341 4790 2015-08-15 19:20
Ender Zoo New mobs in keep with 'native' minecraft mobs. Companion to Ender IO crazypants_mc_the_second, tterrag1098 11492554 2015-08-15 17:36
Ender-Rift The Powered Bottomless Storage System gigaherz 749477 2015-08-15 13:25
Ore Swords Adds Swords made of basic ores. UberAffe666 5566 2015-08-15 12:51
ProjectE Aether Addon Adds new content that bridges ProjectE and Aether 2. SinKillerJ 1830774 2015-08-15 04:44
Mimicry Catalytic Item Multiplication sparroha 1180749 2015-08-15 03:56
Modular Armour Modular Armour for Minecraft. _ForgeUser12354442 451053 2015-08-14 23:33
EssentialCraft 3 A huge tech mod, that gives the impression of magic with lots and lots of different devices and items to play with. _ForgeUser9083808 388692 2015-08-14 17:34
EZStorage Storage made easy. zer0fall 338420 2015-08-14 16:30
Invisi Zones Make anything invisible! From houses to castles! From farms to lakes! Elix_x 9435 2015-08-14 12:15
Funky Locomotion Every block in the groove Forge_User_06804776 15879672 2015-08-14 09:51
Slime Crusher Not only a simple tool.. :) ChaosChaot 1097 2015-08-13 22:11
Territorial Dealings Adds factions, chunk claims, protections and methods to deal with that. _ForgeUser7513261 54555 2015-08-13 19:39
Companions An addon for Traveller's Gear that adds title scrolls which give you a companion. InfinityRaider 685167 2015-08-12 15:17
Easy Config Button Fixes that Mod Options button in the world pause menu so it actually works. Shnupbups 12017 2015-08-12 08:29
Butterfly Mania 220 realistic behaving butterflies that you can catch and catalog Tyronx1 174455 2015-08-12 04:54
Mimic 1.8 - Prismarine, Red sandstone, Granite Adds the some of the cosmetic content from 1.8 such as items and blocks Lothrazar 6685 2015-08-12 04:11
Population Mod This mod adds in people that wander around for things like adventure maps. _ForgeUser18807990 306 2015-08-11 22:21
TransportCraft Adds a configurable, RF powered, fast-travel system to Minecraft. codasylph 2898 2015-08-11 17:49
Steve's Universe Mod Steven Universe in Minecraft, Whaa?!? ItsRouter 46397 2015-08-11 02:59
Climate Control to Mystcraft Mystcraft pages to change Climate Control parameters zeno410 23558 2015-08-10 22:05
Custom NPCs Spawner Allows Clientside-cloned NPCs to be used in multiple worlds automagically, and allows servers to have NPCs synced to every world used Jaredlll08 120816 2015-08-10 19:51
Misc-Add A mod that adds random features into the game johnsmith0608, UnRealDinnerbone 790 2015-08-10 18:39
Increase Particle Distance This mod increases the default particle range from 16 to 256. CrowsOfWar 1481 2015-08-09 21:40
Stone Blind Adds many stone types to the game for decorative purposes. _ForgeUser11706870 1817 2015-08-09 07:57
Blue Power Blue Power adds a variety of ways to manipulate and transport blocks and redstone signals to the game Quetzi, Zness, K4Unl, MoreThanHidden, amadornes, Forge_User_59359881 3307866 2015-08-08 15:55
Lucky Button Adds a button to the inventory which gives a Lucky Block when clicked. SinKillerJ 27275 2015-08-08 06:53
AutoCrafter2000 Simple Autocrafting table that instantly crafts and allows for pipe/hopper interactions. DoubleDoorDev, Dries007, Claycorp 209885 2015-08-07 17:22
PlaceableTools Place your tools in the world! DoubleDoorDev, Claycorp, Dries007 142833 2015-08-07 17:11
Elemental Masters Combat System A new Elemental Masters remake with a better attack system. SwanGoose_Foodie 39855 2015-08-07 05:19
Ender Infusion Infuse tools with the essence of the end. reiily_ 203 2015-08-07 03:58
NevermineTiC Adds Nevermine support to Tinkers' Construct mraof 18235 2015-08-06 02:28
LimpCore This is the mod used as a dependency for LimpLungs' mods. LimpLungs 4513 2015-08-05 22:00
Particle Physics Particle based power generation that rewards creativity jakimfett 41680 2015-08-05 20:28
Bad Mobs A mod to blacklist mobs from spawning. DarkhaxDev 21977777 2015-08-05 00:01
Another Internet Mod This is a Internet Mod that allows you to enter the Internet _ForgeUser19008154 15500 2015-08-04 22:30
Thaumic Bases Thaumic bases is a Thaumcraft 4 addon, which adds a whole bunch of random additions to Thaumcraft _ForgeUser9083808 506548 2015-08-04 15:50
Solar Flux Solar Panels that produce Redstone Flux _ForgeUser14240544 6675997 2015-08-04 14:03
Friend Namer A mod that gives you the ability to add nicknames that show up for you BitForger 6217 2015-08-04 12:35
Extra Carts Put all the things in carts. Scott_DTA, Sky_Som 52656 2015-08-04 04:59
Pixelrite Mod Adds a new ore called Pixelrite _ForgeUser21159641 841 2015-08-04 04:00
Direwolf20 9x9 House Mod Revamped This is a revamped version of the original 9x9 house mod by code_rage MattsOnMc 2084 2015-08-03 16:40
Modular Systems Modular Systems, furnaces, storage, crafting oh my! pauljoda 250843 2015-08-01 22:54
Bookshelf API Library Collection of functions used for TeamCoS and TeamBR mods _ForgeUser23555848, pauljoda, Dyonovan 2154276 2015-08-01 18:45
MoarSwords Adds swords with all the different potion effects and enchantments. _ForgeUser23852690, _ForgeUser18787179 11102 2015-08-01 15:37
Animated Player Mod Better and animated player model shcott21 2895722 2015-08-01 08:44
Thaumic Alchemy An addon for Thaumcraft that expands and explores Alchemy. codasylph 13917 2015-08-01 06:22
Mutant Creatures Mod A pack of huge mutant mini-bosses of the original Minecraft mobs. shcott21 4678690 2015-07-31 17:31
Combat Plus Addon mod to OpenModularTurrets - Hack, power and Protect dmf444 155990 2015-07-31 16:13
Pirate Craft Mod All the piraty things in one mod! Forge_User_48992976 8681 2015-07-30 20:49
bigpodgurc core my first project _ForgeUser11249507 714 2015-07-30 19:02
NetherEnhancements A better nether _ForgeUser10138177 3826 2015-07-30 17:16
ApplePie This mod adds in a new food that will give you a sweet tooth _ForgeUser19008154 1347 2015-07-30 16:09
Forge Relocation Move ALL the blocks! MrTJP 3890058 2015-07-30 15:21
EnderSpawn Unleash the dragon's power again.. and again ! ShadCanard 7511 2015-07-30 10:38
More Desserts Mod [1.7.10] [forge] vsparklol 7474 2015-07-30 10:04
Arcadian Octo Duck An odd name for a makes boss fights more interesting. Lomeli12 1082 2015-07-30 04:53
Steve's Addons Adds additional functionality to Steve's Factory Manager _ForgeUser16618358 4797354 2015-07-29 18:17
FudgeYoshi108 This Mod adds in various foods like Ham Burgers to Cheese Burgers and Yogurt. All the food are inside the creative tab. _ForgeUser21197791 222 2015-07-29 16:39
ExtraMobs Mod This mod just adds some cool new mobs and bosses. Really fun to use in modpacks. nuggetmc_live 23369 2015-07-29 09:06
Potion Packs This lets you tie potions together into a usable stack of 8. _ForgeUser7513261 70089 2015-07-28 23:01
AwesomeItemsMod Dimensions! Boss! Armours items And Epic Weapons! _ForgeUser19052235 4385 2015-07-28 19:47
NoPortals Prevents portals to the overworld from being created when the dragon dies. ShadowfactsDev 789 2015-07-28 14:47
Magical Stick Magical Stick AlasDiablo 9222 2015-07-28 09:07
Sodacan Swows For all your swowwy needs! ProspectorDev 5405 2015-07-28 02:16
Violet Energies VioletEnergies is a New Way of Creating Power _ForgeUser20923216 305 2015-07-27 09:49
DifficultyRecipes Recipes which can change based on the current difficulty tterrag1098 1087 2015-07-26 23:23
Genetic Infusion Combine entities to create creatures you never could have imagined. _ForgeUser9210980 14133 2015-07-26 20:58
Cobblestone Armor Mod Cobblestone Armor... _ForgeUser20840446 9562 2015-07-26 17:52
Ruby Stuff Mod This Mod Adds Ruby Stuff _ForgeUser21159641 784 2015-07-26 17:03
Liquipacks Backpacks for fluids! _ForgeUser13222620 28807 2015-07-26 04:34
Chickenbits tiny bits of chicken MattDahEpic 708 2015-07-26 04:02
Crafting Plus A Mod that adds recipes of vanilla items that aren't craftable enderlord72 3288 2015-07-26 01:37
Billund (Port) A port of the modjam mod Billund by dan200 way2muchnoise 14796 2015-07-25 15:19
ParticleLib Moved to Hammer Core DragonForgeMC, Zeitheron 210398 2015-07-25 13:19
Hardcore Map Reset This mod is for modpack makers who include maps that might need to be reset after death. modmuss50 5748405 2015-07-25 10:04
Santa's Toys Cheaper single-use fire starters, infinite use guns that may cause 'splosions, and more! TheSatanicSanta 7945 2015-07-25 04:01
SimplyScrub Small additions intended for use in the Vanilla ENHANCED ModPack Cuyoya 644 2015-07-24 23:51
Twisted Tweaks Some twisted tweaks to make the game even more fun! PuppetzMedia, artdude543 204501 2015-07-24 19:56
CookieCore Lib for ephys' mods Ephys 5089508 2015-07-24 12:17
Industrial age This mod added energy, blocks and more... _ForgeUser13180170 29080 2015-07-24 10:05
Artifice Blocks and more Shukaro 525870 2015-07-24 03:52
Animal Skins By Townlake101 Make tools, guns, and even armor! townlake101 3483 2015-07-24 02:25
Elsewhere Border Simple world border for Forge TehNut 31467 2015-07-23 17:32
Draco Animus - Dragon Soul See minecraft through the eyes of a dragon _ForgeUser12672939, _ForgeUser16979160 7727 2015-07-23 14:35
PurpleOre Mod adds an ore called purple ore, which is 1 tier above diamond _ForgeUser10437100 29433 2015-07-23 11:48
More Everything Mod Adding alot of new items! Sangam1 2666 2015-07-22 22:35
SpawnerCraft SpawnerCraft allows you to have the power and convenience of moving/creating spawners in survival. CAD97 201789 2015-07-22 16:13
Limited Lives (Forge) Limit yourself to a set number of lives in a world, with your health decreasing every respawn! iChun 943975 2015-07-22 16:06
Extruder Mod Adds... little... extruder-block-things. _ForgeUser14371099 1750 2015-07-22 15:36
DynamicLib Common library for all of my mods. _ForgeUser14371099 1156 2015-07-22 14:59
DangerSense Adds an item for detecting nearby hostile mobs Daomephsta 4337 2015-07-22 07:20
Stackie Stacking all the things (even experience)! Lunatrius 6740474 2015-07-22 02:13
Commoble's Critter Pack Critter(s)! _ForgeUser11943050 4470 2015-07-21 22:01
LikeMOD Introduction, Benefits _ForgeUser21021416 7906 2015-07-21 20:22
Ore Crafting Mod This mod adds crafting recipes for iron, gold, diamond and emeralds. _ForgeUser12318030 213 2015-07-21 12:51
Phase Stone Blocks became non-solid. Draco18_s 1778 2015-07-21 01:26
Rope Exploration Pack Mod This exploration themed expansion pack adds ropes to Minecraft. _ForgeUser9861441 2626 2015-07-20 18:06
Integration+ Let's integrate the whole modded world! _ForgeUser8999175 196 2015-07-20 13:00
FSMM - Fex's Small Money Mod A Small Mod adding Some "Money" Items to Minecraft. And also an fully working Banking system in the latest version :) Ferdinand 180507 2015-07-20 11:59
[7 Days to Mine] 7 Days to mine is a large zombie apocalypse mod, based on the 7 Days to Die game by The Fun Pimps. Survive in a world full of ruins, abandoned cities, and zombies. Nuparu00 180879 2015-07-20 08:19
Backward Recipes A mod for when you seem a little backwards MageP 685 2015-07-20 07:55
Engineer's Toolbox Customizable Modular Machines _ForgeUser6906380 393403 2015-07-19 19:38
FAMM - Fex's Alphabet & More Mod A Mod adding some Letter Blocks to Minecraft. FEX___96 23125 2015-07-19 17:10
Smarty Mod Smarty Mod KolyaFomichev, _ForgeUser20633662 2764 2015-07-19 13:41
FortuneOres Allows all ores to be harvested with Fortune and Silk Touch in a similar fashion to Diamond/Coal/Lapis/Redstone DemoXin 171310 2015-07-19 05:41
Greenhouse Industry How to Greenhouse 101. (With Extras) _ForgeUser10715204 1097 2015-07-19 04:15
Magnanimous Tools Second tier tools with a nature-based twist VapourDrive 196544 2015-07-19 03:50
Creepermite An alternative to endermites, tiny little creeper demons! _ForgeUser12357873 7983 2015-07-18 20:36
Chocolate Candy Mod Candy Bars in Minecraft _ForgeUser21035124 235 2015-07-18 20:04
multiblock power storage my first tech mod (doesnt work) _ForgeUser11249507 293 2015-07-18 18:45
Flag Blocks Adds new flag styled blocks to your minecraft game! _ForgeUser19435374 751 2015-07-18 15:25
Vanilla Guide An in-game documentation of Vanilla Minecraft Arcaratus 1825 2015-07-18 14:13
Geko's Lasers Laser weapons and tools in Minecraft Geko_X 147529 2015-07-18 09:09
Basalt Paver Redpower2! Add Basalt Paver! EstellarColapse 3145 2015-07-18 04:21
Steel Age Steel Age _ForgeUser18917490 859 2015-07-18 00:05
Bricks Get bricked goldensilver853 6069 2015-07-17 05:06
Mounted Pearl - Bring your mount along when you enderpearl Stay mounted when you use ender pearls Lothrazar 183205 2015-07-16 18:56
The Coal Mod A small mod that gives coal a little more use. Stebrus 2569 2015-07-15 20:40
Thaumcraft Node Tracker Tracks nodes you have scanned in Thaumcraft. Dyonovan 4826078 2015-07-15 18:17
MagicalDecorations Adds decorative blocks to Thaumcraft grumbosch 87202 2015-07-15 17:05
Counter Strike Global Offensive Knife Mod knives from csgo _ForgeUser21013177 8394 2015-07-15 16:25
Ocean Floor - Clay Sand and Dirt Spawns patches of Clay, Sand, and Dirt, within the Deep Dcean layer of boring gravel Lothrazar 6555962 2015-07-15 08:00
Biome Growth Controls Restrict (disable and control) sapling and plant growth per biome Lothrazar 37230 2015-07-15 07:26
RPGCraft The Ultimate RPG Mod!!! A Smallish mod right now but going to be very big in the future!!! dustfather 494 2015-07-15 03:20
Food Details Shows the food hunger and saturation on any edible item Lothrazar 604988 2015-07-15 02:24
Inventory Crafting Grid 3x3 Crafting in your inventory Lothrazar 179064 2015-07-14 20:48
SquidAPI (abandoned) Legacy, do not use CoolSquid 2153164 2015-07-14 19:40
Popcorn Mod 1.8 The Popcorn Mod adds popcorn, corn and corn plant _ForgeUser10925101 20656 2015-07-14 15:42
Splinter Mod A Small mod that adds splinters into the game minecreatr 1255 2015-07-14 14:56
Thaumic NEI Adds Thaumcraft support in NEI gudenau 1961181 2015-07-14 00:10
Omnis Core A library designed to make the whole process of making a mod easier and quicker. _ForgeUser7219134 38512 2015-07-13 21:43
Stalker Creepers Creepers sneak up and stalk you atomicstrykergrumpy 1195531 2015-07-13 18:56
EIORecipesTEInductionSmelter EIO alloy recipes in TE Induction Smelter XFactHD 961189 2015-07-13 14:33
Chain Armor Adds recipes into the game to craft chain armor in survival mode. ndh175 3763 2015-07-13 08:32
RecipeResearch Study and research crafting recipes! (Thaumcraft style-ish) Funwayguy 8541 2015-07-12 21:47
Mo' Stew Adds more stew. _ForgeUser20968166 4228 2015-07-12 19:56
Crossy Road Mod All Crossy Road Characters In Your Minecraft World SoggyStache 2412 2015-07-12 11:55
Extra Content A new mod developers first mod adding tools and planned armor. Twitching_Pixel 853 2015-07-12 09:12
Slash It's a mod that gives vanilla/Lan servers bukkit plugin like functions _ForgeUser9638750 16122 2015-07-12 02:22
Norske/norwegian Youtubere mod This mod adds in some norwegian YouTubers to minecraft, and a new dimenson! _ForgeUser20971246 182 2015-07-12 00:48
Spoodercraft Spooderman added. _ForgeUser20968166 705 2015-07-11 20:43
Tmtravlr's Timer Simple little timer! Tmtravlr 9518 2015-07-11 15:48
MomentumCore A mod used for the Momentum modpack AEnterprise 687 2015-07-11 11:40
TiC Tooltips Adds stats to the tooltips of Tinkers' Construct tool parts squeek502 17590410 2015-07-11 06:12
SyndromeMod Cyborgs, Powerful Multitool, Acid, Fried Guinea Pig, Syndrome Meterial, Syndrome Ore, Syndrome Blocs, and More! _ForgeUser20949437 489 2015-07-10 14:54
Equivalence EE3 Addon Gigabit101 106596 2015-07-09 14:07
Terminator Genisys Minecraft Mod Minecraft Mod _ForgeUser20929298 5335 2015-07-09 13:21
Magical Crops: Decorative Magical Crop addon, adds many decorative blocks to your world! Mark719 4627336 2015-07-09 11:58
Useful Additions A mod that simplifies smelting, INVISBLE ARMOR :O , and more :) HellerTech 3696 2015-07-09 03:24
Reliquary That mod with the 'magical swag'. _ForgeUser6954937, _ForgeUser10605471 2365501 2015-07-09 01:17
Achievement Extreme Adds more achievements to the game. PlayPrey 11766 2015-07-08 21:13
Magical Instruments A Minecraft Mod about magical instruments that give you various buffs similar to any potion. Forge_User_55043922 44820 2015-07-08 19:16
Botania: Garden of Glass A botania addon that adds a skyblock mode Vazkii 16169262 2015-07-08 18:44
Lucifer Core Core _ForgeUser20906475 1276 2015-07-08 16:00
Tutiam Mod Adds 3 Ores theodoreeposasd 315 2015-07-08 10:34
Aquatic Abyss A mod that adds life, both mythical and real, to the oceans of Minecraft. shcott21 331102 2015-07-08 04:58
LodeLoader it loads lodes! marcin212a 1035 2015-07-07 19:40
RobinSamseCraft https://www.dropbox.com/s/xaw12pywivhaj7y/RobinSamseCraft1.0%201.7.X.jar?dl=0 _ForgeUser19445664 1206 2015-07-07 17:58
EE3 Mod Compatiblity This mod adds EMC values for other mods. modmuss50 1198 2015-07-07 12:36
Pam's Get All the Seeds! This mod makes pumpkin seeds, melon seeds, carrots, and potatoes drop from tall grass at a very low frequency in addition to wheat seeds. pamharvestcraft 2849665 2015-07-07 03:00
Pam's Simple Recipes This mod adds several crafting and smelting recipes to the game. pamharvestcraft 5091091 2015-07-07 02:49
Everything Mod of Ultimateness! This is my new mod! I made it with Mcreator! dustfather 1297 2015-07-06 13:19
Universal Tools Universal Tools _ForgeUser18127691, _ForgeUser20177403 232 2015-07-05 17:43
NoHungerCore Removes the hunger system _ForgeUser13071679 2396 2015-07-05 12:12
The Whetstone Mod The Whetstone allows you to sharpen or 'Hone' your Iron Sword or Axe to increase its Damage Output by 1, matching that of the Diamond Equivalent. LordDan_YT 11543 2015-07-05 09:45
Sliced! A food mod dedicated to enhancing your Minecraft eating experience! TheGuyRunningSouth 2355 2015-07-04 23:56
Periodic table mod An awesome mod awkwardone_ 5696 2015-07-04 23:46
Magical Crops: Core/Regrowth Grow & Harvest all your resources! Mark719 5357009 2015-07-03 12:58
What Is Its EMC A WAILA plugin and EE3 addon to display the EMC of blocks. Lomeli12 115454 2015-07-02 22:04
Spanish Mod This mod its "Typical Spanish" _ForgeUser19721082 1488 2015-07-02 13:16
The BeastZ Just A W.I.P Mod _ForgeUser11767662 103 2015-07-02 05:16
Reinforced Iron Mod Gives new stages of iron to you. _ForgeUser20840446 810 2015-07-01 23:59
Anddros Extreme Tools Mods An Realy Expensive mod thats Uses a lot of ores =D mineranddros 1879 2015-07-01 20:03
Miscellaneous Stuff Stuff I felt like I needed in the game. Forge_User_01738343 1926 2015-07-01 18:50
ComputerCraftEdu ComputerCraft goes educational! DanTwoHundred 215725 2015-07-01 14:17
RpgRampage adds cool weapons items armour _ForgeUser14068227 5401 2015-07-01 12:37
Omni-Things Multiple Things (Armor/Tools) in One Selim_042 3548 2015-07-01 02:09
Adventurer's Amulets Who needs diamonds when you can have a belt? msrcodes 678186 2015-06-30 16:59
Iguana Tweaks Customizable tweaks to vanilla Minecraft Parker8283 80815 2015-06-30 16:35
ColorChat Adding colored chat to Servers without Bukkit K4Unl 87994 2015-06-30 15:21
Hlestakov's Screwdriver Omnitool mod _ForgeUser13969240 5357 2015-06-30 12:33
CrazyItems This Is A Crazy Mod _ForgeUser18150496 2803 2015-06-30 07:09
Lightwave's Tweaks Small mod that adds some additional content. Lightwave413 297656 2015-06-29 23:48
H4ZECraft It's my first mod I created for my friends and I to play but I wanted other people to play it to! PotterPlaysGaming 5062 2015-06-29 18:50
Turkey Bakon Adds turkey bacon to Minecraft. _ForgeUser20253513 167 2015-06-29 14:18
Magical Crops: Armoury Armour and Weapon addon for Magical Crops 4! Mark719 4950453 2015-06-29 12:17
Bakon Adds bacon to minecraft. _ForgeUser20253513 234 2015-06-29 11:16
Forge Relocation - FMP Plugin Put parts inside frames? Preposterous! MrTJP 3849981 2015-06-29 05:02
Real Life Mod Taken from reality directly into Minecraft| Realistic Survival, Vehicles, Robots, Furniture and more-Early Alpha (5 Viewing) ItsAMysterious 498865 2015-06-28 12:00
Account Manager A minecraft account login mod for LiteLoader _ForgeUser7995995 14515 2015-06-28 08:56
Simple Condensers Adds basic condensers to EE3. Lomeli12 261002 2015-06-28 08:23
Elemental Essences A WIP magic mod intending to provide a new perspective on the 4 elements. _ForgeUser10046264 3289 2015-06-28 07:40
Scott's Tweaks Scott's Tweaks adds several of my favorite gameplay tweaks to the game. ScottKillen 291746 2015-06-28 01:54
ZombieRain Raining zombies! ShadowfactsDev 2976 2015-06-27 23:00
Kore Sample Kore Sample provides a set of tools and base classes for other Minecraft mods that depend on it. ScottKillen 1121277 2015-06-27 22:28
ShadowMC A library mod required by all of my other mods. ShadowfactsDev 26942630 2015-06-27 21:55
Final Science Science changes our lives. Science determines the future. But we will not be there forever and so also our science. What will be the final product of science? Nuparu00 9968 2015-06-27 21:45
CompactWaterTurbines A IC2 addon that adds Compact Water Turbines Gigabit101 5274 2015-06-27 13:06
pvpToggle Let players opt-in or opt-out of PVP on your server K4Unl 84324 2015-06-27 09:40
Trophy Slots Earn your inventory slots! Lomeli12 391689 2015-06-27 08:40
Subsistence A Skyblock Utility theCyanideX, TehNut 48744 2015-06-27 05:09
GoodyBags JSON based loot bags TehNut 43059 2015-06-27 00:14
EXTREME SWORDS This mod adds new sword feautures to the game. _ForgeUser20322041 278 2015-06-26 19:35
Applied Exchange New EMC Sorting mod for AE2 _ForgeUser12308910 1712946 2015-06-26 17:27
ZombieBrains Tame and Train hostile mobs TehStoneMan 2115 2015-06-26 12:09
ttCore Core library mod for tterrag's and others' mods. tterrag1098 1014803 2015-06-26 03:59
Better Time Command Adds to the time command. _ForgeUser11708560 128 2015-06-26 02:39
Despicable Me Craft Aplha Despicable Me Craft Aplha _ForgeUser8676012 22503 2015-06-26 01:42
Progression Tech Trees, Class Systems, Gameplay Choices, Craft Locking, in any combo desired. The_CodedOne 340393 2015-06-25 20:43
Useful Grass Mod for Useful Grass babypandajunior 238 2015-06-25 19:42
Compass Coordinates Minor extension of the vanilla compass Quetzi 271537 2015-06-25 07:37
BransonLBL I started making mods about a week ago and this is my first mod! _ForgeUser20446595 683 2015-06-24 23:30
PokeyOne's DNA Mod Adds DNA which can be used to make spawn eggs and other creatures. _ForgeUser8509838 5810 2015-06-23 23:32
BetterFps Performance Improvements Guichaguri 72143210 2015-06-23 22:36
Jackson's Power Tools Mod This is a mod that adds power tool weapons _ForgeUser11715721 12891 2015-06-23 21:16
No Coords A small client-side mod that disables coordinates on the F3 overlay. Lomeli12 1423 2015-06-23 13:46
AquaTweaks Making fluids a little prettier! BluSunrize 95007 2015-06-22 17:19
Arma MC If you are not familiar with the series of Arma then a basic explanation of it is a Military Sandbox and a realistic shooter. _ForgeUser17484401 1171 2015-06-22 15:22
Variety Chests Mod A mod that adds a variety of different decorative chests. SanAndreaP 27395 2015-06-22 14:29
Waterproof Makes Redstone and Rails not be destroyed by water Vazkii 173398 2015-06-22 13:05
Galindus This is my first mod, and I hopefully won't abandon it. _ForgeUser12011117 1047 2015-06-22 10:15
More Materials Adds more modern/realistic building materials and recipes. _ForgeUser9933714 868001 2015-06-22 01:37
BetterUsefulArmorMod A Mod that add tons of new armor and blocks _ForgeUser20707478 3065 2015-06-22 00:02
Sleepy Hollow Mod Sleepy Hollow AMC In Minecraft!! _ForgeUser19288900 229 2015-06-21 23:19
SmartCursor Easy solution to watch important information on your screen (Now with API!) asaskevich 152048 2015-06-21 19:58
Sliptopian Utilities Made for the Sliptopia Modpack! _ForgeUser19445484 646 2015-06-21 16:48
InvisibLights Invisible light sources from Glowstone or ForgeEnergy! Supports Forge & Fabric. fake_domi 181297 2015-06-21 12:40
JakimBox Random potentially unhelpful modding classes jakimfett 1176 2015-06-20 21:17
Stuff for MC This Mod adds different items that (as I think) are useful or cool to the game. _ForgeUser20692775 577 2015-06-20 18:10
Dcraft OverPowerd and Awsome! _ForgeUser20503683 610 2015-06-20 15:29
ScientificAlchemy A mod about Alchemy, a bit of Magic and a bit of Science! _ForgeUser9842683 9069 2015-06-20 14:14
D3Log Player and event logging for forge servers. DoubleDoorDev, Claycorp, Dries007 779 2015-06-20 07:06
Chocolate Minecraft All the things not in vanilla Minecraft (that should be). aidan_gbm 27425 2015-06-19 23:59
Interdiction Pillars Bringing back Interdiction Torches with a twist! JemmaZZ 38288 2015-06-19 08:39
Dungeon Mobs Introduces a variety of hostile creatures. _ForgeUser1566764 574463 2015-06-19 05:58
Tube Transport System A different way to travel. polyrobot 299936 2015-06-19 00:16
DataCircuits Mod DataCircuits is a mod expanding vanilla minecrafts redstone system. Horeaki 1696 2015-06-18 16:25
MiscUtils [Modding Utilities] A modding utility mod Horeaki 9052 2015-06-18 15:32
Youtubers Mod (BR) Mod Que Adiciona Diversos Youtubers Brasileiros e Portugueses _ForgeUser19288900 2405 2015-06-18 09:52
FoodStuffz++ More Foods! _ForgeUser20658141 385 2015-06-18 07:26
Alchemy Rocks Adds new rocks. ionelaipatioaei 2999 2015-06-17 12:49
Interactive Crafting Table A crafting table with no GUI _ForgeUser9065339 1557 2015-06-16 12:14
Config Patcher Apply patches to config files. Lunatrius 4487 2015-06-15 22:30
Forge Multi Part an opensource library for having multiple things in the one block space. Chicken_Bones 6394765 2015-06-15 20:03
More Player Models Character creation screen, animations, chatbubbles and more. Noppes_ 6953462 2015-06-15 18:56
Model Citizens Allows placement of posable character models containing items. FyberOptic 149564 2015-06-15 00:03
Simply Magic! No bells and whistles. Just magical. _ForgeUser9795310 1538 2015-06-14 23:49
FLORA Reborn An updated version of Pixlepix's FLORA dmf444 4194 2015-06-14 18:39
Enchiridion Custom Books with pictures, recipes for modpack makers. As well as a library for storing and reading modded books. joshiejack 6794690 2015-06-14 16:03
Pfaeff's Mod Unofficial 1.7 port of Pfaeff's Mod Vazkii 61420 2015-06-14 15:34
Version Checker Easily find updates for your installed mods! Forge_User_50076546, Geforce132 215679 2015-06-14 09:22
Mo' Bends Changes the look of players and mobs to act more realistic and epic. IVESIRIS 19597357 2015-06-14 06:57
Lemon Mod A mod i made for my sister but you can still download it _ForgeUser10574784 1049 2015-06-14 03:03
Potion ID Helper Designed to help resolve potion id conflicts in your pack and expand the potion id cap brandon3055 172797 2015-06-13 20:44
freddycraft there are only the animactronics from fnaf1 [lol] _ForgeUser19337903 1219 2015-06-13 17:47
Elemental Creepers Fire Creepers, Water Creepers, and so many more! Lomeli12 912501 2015-06-13 08:13
Symcalc A mod that allows you to see how stable your infusion altar really is. meew0_ 96786 2015-06-12 13:49
AMTGenerators Adds Generators to AppleMlikTea Glazzmaker 136531 2015-06-12 06:16
StarStones Meteors! DarkhaxDev 2588 2015-06-12 00:57
Random Armors Mod This mod some really crazy armors _ForgeUser20442036 150 2015-06-11 20:46
Enhanced Portals 3 Manipulating the subatomic particles of life and space.. polyrobot 792500 2015-06-11 14:57
HUDWidgets Freely move and add HUD widgets around your screen Fureniku 37161 2015-06-11 13:24
Canadian Money Mod Adds Canadian currency to the game. _ForgeUser2335805 203 2015-06-11 00:10
Falling Meteors Mod Meteors naturally fall upon your world, holding incredibly useful ores AlexDGr8r 910514 2015-06-10 19:19
RuneTune Environmentally aware RuneScape music in Minecraft Vazkii 2032 2015-06-10 16:57
Extrabiomes Meadow (EBXS) Standalone Meadow biome from Extrabiomes. Allaryin 348 2015-06-10 15:07
Extrabiomes Autumn Woods (EBXS) Standalone Autumn Woods biome from Extrabiomes. Allaryin 864 2015-06-10 14:59
ExtrabiomesCore (EBXS) Base functionality for Extrabiomes (EBXS) mods. Allaryin 3385 2015-06-10 14:51
GenCreator Create Worldgen Structures Ingame Vazkii 30999 2015-06-10 13:16
mineTunes Ingame mp3 music player Vazkii 75376 2015-06-10 12:45
ChatFlow Full control of incoming chat messages via Regex Vazkii 3340959 2015-06-10 12:29
Emotes Lets you perform Emotes in Minecraft Vazkii 1545284 2015-06-10 12:05
CraftHeraldry Coats of Arms in Minecraft, customizable with over 1200 different choices Vazkii 733267 2015-06-10 11:58
Derponite This is a mod made for fans of derpy stuff _ForgeUser20585837 926 2015-06-10 01:43
Healing Altar Simple mod which provides balanced early game healing for hardcore players. _ForgeUser9138749 2857 2015-06-09 20:03
KingCoins This is a Currency mod made by me for fans of my Mods _ForgeUser19008154 608 2015-06-09 13:24
We Are The Warriors Fight your way through warriors from millions of years ago and entities that were formed by a dark magic and work your way through different tiers of armor and swords. This mod adds various new weapons, armor, items, and more. _ForgeUser19558518 4149 2015-06-09 03:58
GamerCaleb's Computer Mod This mod adds computers! _ForgeUser20573775 212 2015-06-08 21:14
GMC SimpleCraft Adds useful items and recipes into Minecraft! _ForgeUser12608265 1772 2015-06-08 17:23
NanoN Its a shotgun weissmoon 680 2015-06-08 13:13
WeissCore A small utility library. weissmoon 25309 2015-06-08 12:54
Thaumcraft NEI Plugin NEI Integration for Thaumcraft 4 jan2048 11767613 2015-06-08 08:25
Dynamic Liquid Tanks DYNAMIC LIQUID TANKS 2 _ForgeUser7482754 22868 2015-06-07 21:29
Chatrooms Allows multiplayer chat across servers and single player SWDTeam 3760 2015-06-07 19:44
MoarPeripherals Community-driven addon mod developed for ComputerCraft _ForgeUser8182586 222273 2015-06-07 05:57
SkylerCraft My mod adds many different things to minecraft including my best friend Skyler WokiLoki24 648 2015-06-05 23:57
Useful Things Useful and Useless things. LightningZBolt 4467 2015-06-05 06:05
Get Ya' Tanks Here Adds fluid tanks of various materials. DarkhaxDev 5147216 2015-06-05 02:33
Pam's Harvest the Nether Adds trees, fruits, bushes, crops, glow flowers, and survival recipes to the Nether pamharvestcraft 776786 2015-06-05 01:15
EnkiTools A mod that replaces most of the basic bukkit plugins functions - factions, permissions, ranks, homes, invsee, etc. LatvianModder 2059 2015-06-04 23:16
LatCoreMC LatCoreMC Is a core mod for all LatvianModder's mods LatvianModder 169247 2015-06-04 22:53
Fluxed-Crystals RF-Powered Crystal Farming Jaredlll08, NamrocSmith 219010 2015-06-04 17:19
Sugar Infused Blocks Adds blocks that speed players and NPCs up. _ForgeUser12100314 2106 2015-06-04 13:33
Deep Sea Diving Mod Dive into the deep oceans without fear of drowning, and defend yourself with your harpoon gun! _ForgeUser20517757 33273 2015-06-03 23:41
ObsidianTools This mod adds obsidian tools to Minecraft. _ForgeUser17518192 2627 2015-06-03 18:20
Stones as they should be! Adds stone and ore related stuff. _ForgeUser11771098 4718 2015-06-03 14:00
Wall Teleporters Walk into walls and teleport anywhere in the world, or out of the world.. UnwrittenFun 8851 2015-06-03 13:20
PotionExtension Extend Potion Array Using ASM Library aktwich 223001 2015-06-03 12:36
Elemental Stones Perform smelting and freezing in a crafting table with elemental stones! _ForgeUser12351217 2617 2015-06-03 03:26
Stuff and Things Made for sl1pg8r. Basically a mod full of random stuff that somehow ends up being useful. the_Unlocked 1767 2015-06-03 01:58
QmunityLib Library required by several Qmunity mods Quetzi, K4Unl, Forge_User_59359881, amadornes 942014 2015-06-02 23:13
Revenge of the Blocks When the blocks get angry at being taken advantage of by the player, they begin to take their revenge... DaveIsHangry 78048 2015-06-02 20:50
CopperTools Lots and lots of tools and armor. Recipes for ALL the ingots! gardenapple 6865 2015-06-02 13:32
Bedrockium Paintable Bedrock Tahg 14255 2015-06-02 04:32
Hidden Storage Storage blocks hidden inside of regular minecraft blocks! Blackiron989 201 2015-06-02 01:21
OpenAutomation Automate ALL The things. thesandromatic 288055 2015-06-01 14:06
Project Spawn A mod that gives survival players a way of spawning mobs! _ForgeUser10446625 4305 2015-05-31 21:15
PowerSurge Adds awesome abilities to the game, but they don't come cheap! Elec332 1288 2015-05-31 08:48
Tele Dimension Set the spawn of every player on first join, even cross dimension! LordDusk 14127 2015-05-31 08:43
ShihTzuMod A Wip Mod with Little 3 Types of ShihTzus _ForgeUser20426581 201 2015-05-30 23:05
Real Time Clock Adds a highly configurable clock to the HUD xXilef11 89434 2015-05-30 20:45
Extended Potions A small mod that extends the potion id limit to whatever you like Lumien231 1229245 2015-05-30 09:33
Mod Pouches A Minecraft mod that adds many Pouches! tombenpotter, _ForgeUser19615697 3524 2015-05-30 08:51
TPV TelePort Vanilla XCompWiz 14658 2015-05-30 07:51
CraftingMagika CrafingMagika _ForgeUser11212697 292 2015-05-30 06:43
Lore Expansion There is always more to the story... theCyanideX 198624 2015-05-30 04:53
qTweaks Tweaks for Minecraft made by Qberty. _ForgeUser20043768 1689 2015-05-29 22:55
Ridiculous World A mod that adds unrealistic, fantastic biomes Spiteful_Fox 17386 2015-05-29 08:34
Wood Converter This converts different types of wood items/blocks into different colors and lets you back-craft some wooden items. bl4ckscor3 34852 2015-05-28 23:13
Psychedelicraft Psychedelic Effects for Minecraft Ivorius 409979 2015-05-28 22:15
UnlockCraft Locks all recipes to be unlocked by selling stuff. _ForgeUser1221834 465 2015-05-28 22:10
The Crazy Items Mod This mod adds in a bunch of crazy things into your minecraft word _ForgeUser20442036 339 2015-05-28 20:32
UnwrittenBlocks A collection of useful blocks and items. UnwrittenFun 4899 2015-05-28 19:04
The Life Aquatic Fun with underwater adventure! _ForgeUser19457023 487 2015-05-28 09:18
JQuarry More quarries! GamingEnthusiastic 35299 2015-05-27 09:02
Jack's PLP Mod Demo mod for PLP project _ForgeUser20428741 152 2015-05-27 07:28
Dark Menagerie A bunch of exotic creatrues that would very much love to kill you Forge_User_06804776 994306 2015-05-27 03:53
CreeperCollateral Get those blocks back! _ForgeUser16919252, _ForgeUser290187 761860 2015-05-26 21:36
Roadblocks Great roads, foot paths you name it SgtPunishment 75814 2015-05-26 18:55
MCoreLibForge An easy-to-use library for Forge developers. _ForgeUser10791856 1411 2015-05-26 18:14
Jadeds Shinies A small mod for Jadedcats modpacks bonusboni 1305479 2015-05-26 14:46
JeckelMilkMod JeckelMilkMod implements milk as a custom fluid, allowing it to be used in fluid systems, similar to water and lava. _ForgeUser9478921 1095 2015-05-26 04:04
JeckelArmorMod Introduces new sets of basic wooden and stone armor. _ForgeUser9478921 1224 2015-05-26 02:30
Ex Astris Adding more Mod Support to Ex Nihilo! insaneau 4247527 2015-05-25 15:14
Thermal Casting Small utility to make blocks for all! insaneau 3062874 2015-05-25 14:27
This is the: A bunch of random stuff mod Adds a bunch of random stuff to mc, for more info look at the thread! _ForgeUser14105680 3493 2015-05-25 09:28
Customizable Armors Mod By V3thos Futuristic Armor Customization asterome 11664 2015-05-25 04:16
Project Bench Enhanced crafting bau5bot 38389 2015-05-25 00:27
Laser Creeper Robot Dino Riders From Space Adds some cool things vadis365 1739566 2015-05-24 21:32
Auto Paths Turn grass into dirt paths as you walk around the_Unlocked 1474 2015-05-24 14:20
MultiWool Adds a block that changes colour upon redstone activation _ForgeUser19334896 1548 2015-05-24 08:55
Additional Records Be the jukebox hero of your world goldensilver853 5250 2015-05-24 06:45
PixyteMod Add Pixyte Ore in your world. _ForgeUser14753107 3170 2015-05-23 22:07
SwagCraft - Awesome Characters Mod This mod adds in a bunch of random people and stuff like that.. _ForgeUser18807990 1931 2015-05-23 19:59
Clockwork Phase Time magic wrapped up in brass. Lumaceon 287889 2015-05-23 19:02
Pixel Sauce Mod A mod with Ideas form the Pixel Sauce Server _ForgeUser19175378 1219 2015-05-23 12:28
Sapphire Mod and More... A Sapphire Mod _ForgeUser17078977 172 2015-05-23 06:26
Common Fun Just a library used in my other mods UnwrittenFun 8119 2015-05-22 22:16
Leo Survival 5 Adventure Mod made by Leo Warrior for his Modded Survival Series _ForgeUser11583329 2265 2015-05-22 11:39
Mob Amputation Inspired by Mob Dismemberment, tools will have a random chance of amputating limbs of several Minecraft mobs ohaiiChun 1505954 2015-05-21 19:43
BiomeChecker This mod add a new command for get biome category in ForgeBiomeDictionary Azuxul 1638 2015-05-21 18:49
The Derpy Shiz Mod A mod that adds some random stuff. Under it a biome, an animal and other intresting things! wuerfel21 42315 2015-05-21 08:04
Diamond2Apple Turn your diamonds into useless apples! Haderix 851 2015-05-21 04:12
Simply Paths Simply Paths is a mod which adds many types of paths to Minecraft based on both Custom and Vanilla blocks. JemmaZZ 41483 2015-05-21 02:36
Lucraft: Core Core Mod for other Lucraft-Mods! Lucraft, nictogen 4776116 2015-05-20 19:42
TFCWaterCompatibility Compatibility mod for TFC fresh water and several other mods vidaj 1135 2015-05-20 13:59
MangoMod The MangoMod with Mangos! _ForgeUser19483189 773 2015-05-19 19:03
IronMan The Minecraft Version of IronMan! Lucraft, nictogen 1338302 2015-05-19 16:55
Overworld Quartz Adds nether quartz to the overworld! WildBamaBoy 12548 2015-05-18 22:11
Mo' Glowstone Mod This mod adds 6 new glowstone blocks (more to come, though!) _ForgeUser19738791 406 2015-05-18 19:37
Stefinus 3D guns mod! Adding some 3D guns to Minecraft! _ForgeUser7932257 516171 2015-05-18 15:08
Project Fruit With Project Fruit I built around the Lemon Land mod and added a whole new dimension that's made of fruit. When you enter the fruit dimension you'll see four different biomes. The lemon biome, the lime biome, orange biome and the blueberry biome. NortieDeveloper 46348 2015-05-17 15:30
Mortar and Pestle Mod The Mortar and Pestle allows you to grind up a few substances to obtain a little more by product than normal. LordDan_YT 2830 2015-05-17 12:15
No bats stops bats from spawning _ForgeUser16425659 3988 2015-05-17 11:41
Boneskels WarFare Mod If You Like Blowing Stuff Up This is For You! _ForgeUser17226831 159 2015-05-17 00:34
The Useful Tools Mod Adds some useful tools, and armor, and some explosives. stonytark_mkii 1739 2015-05-16 18:30
INpureCore Core mod for all INpure mods _ForgeUser16919252, _ForgeUser290187 12663013 2015-05-16 16:10
Rapid Guns A mod that adds a series of rapid firing guns Rocketblaster37 50220 2015-05-16 15:13
QuiverMob Adds mobs capable of using QuiverBow weaponry. _ForgeUser7513261 41654 2015-05-16 14:41
Oharaicaine's Tweaks A tweaks mod to make minecraft more challanging _ForgeUser16151935 758 2015-05-16 00:42
ExtraFunctions Extra things to enhance your game GamingEnthusiastic 1766 2015-05-15 17:04
The Mytheral Mod Do you dare venture the Mytheral World... _ForgeUser9771151 1565 2015-05-15 13:19
Magic Tools The Answer to new tools! _ForgeUser10229289 3229 2015-05-15 00:04
TwinTails A tribute mod for the anime "Ore, Twintails Ni Narimasu" Hea5veN 16534 2015-05-14 22:33
Colorful Mobs Add diversity to your Minecraft world, by adding more colors! DarkhaxDev, _ForgeUser19115744 32996 2015-05-14 07:20
Fruit Charcoal A mod that burns "Fruits" into a charcoal variant. MinecraftDevin11 427205 2015-05-14 05:31
Simply Leather Small Improvements to Minecraft to do with Leather. A must have tfff1 940 2015-05-14 05:15
Lumberjack New axes that can chop whole trees or even the entire forest! DoubleDoorDev, Claycorp, Dries007 1198336 2015-05-13 17:15
Any Dimension Mod! Make a Dimension of ANY block you want! luxmiyu 601161 2015-05-12 20:15
TerraArts TerraArts is a mod, that adds some accessories from Terraria into Minecraft. _ForgeUser9083808 6574 2015-05-11 13:03
a More Armor Mod This mod adds armor and tools of every ore you can mine in Minecraft that is not vanilla! sbmf21 65150 2015-05-11 11:11
Sanguine Utilities A Blood Magic addon with certain utilites that make things a bit less tedious Alex_hawks 184161 2015-05-11 05:54
Stained Clay Bricks Astetic clay bricks in all 16 colors. LightningZBolt 1697 2015-05-11 00:32
Push and Shove Push players around, be pushed by players killjoy1221 14121 2015-05-10 19:47
Cola Mod Cola and Cola-Powered Machines _ForgeUser8203894 1292 2015-05-10 14:51
Just Another Ruby Mod! (JARM!) The title is a complete lie, this mod has way more than just ruby! Nicusha 200724 2015-05-10 11:42
Better Armour And Tools Better Armours and Tools NorCraftgaming 345 2015-05-10 10:07
OcoMod Let an oco in your friends _ForgeUser20211744 2109 2015-05-10 07:40
UpToDate Extensible version checker for MC _ForgeUser17222645 279 2015-05-09 12:57
Sleep Sleeping better at night Arcaratus 29737 2015-05-09 11:38
Fancy Cheeses A mod that adds different cheeses to Minecraft. dude22072 706 2015-05-09 02:28
Dye Seeds "Easy" dye creation M4thG33k 246 2015-05-08 23:05
Laundarray Alchemical Laundry _ForgeUser16783202 1951 2015-05-08 15:22
NoDebug A simple mod that prevents the F3 debug information to be shown _ForgeUser12580425 1481 2015-05-08 10:40
Ye Gamol Chattels Collection of (mostly) purely decorative objects Ivorforce 290679 2015-05-08 10:25
Extra Diamonds Mod This mod adds a variety of diamonds to Minecraft, each with different abilities thedocdjz 25124 2015-05-08 07:48
Wandz 5 interesting wands crafted with vanilla items _ForgeUser20165993 3219 2015-05-08 03:38
Forest Mods Old nature mechanics of the Forest Nedelosk 2883 2015-05-07 14:06
OpenGlasses Adds Augmented Reality features to Minecraft marcin212a 240115 2015-05-07 13:06
Infinitely Tweakable Armor ITA Allows for great customization of armors both in games and through a powerful config _ForgeUser9639093 2969 2015-05-06 16:50
Buffed Tools Buffed tools is a small mod that adds the tool buff system from Terraria into Minecraft _ForgeUser9083808 99302 2015-05-06 16:37
Noob Mod OOOOHHH no. Its a noob MightyDanp 3818 2015-05-06 12:44
Epic Swords Mod Adds nine beastly swords! _ForgeUser19783145 28845 2015-05-06 07:29
Magical Crops Grow & Harvest all your resources! Mark719 3316896 2015-05-05 14:29
Essential Thaumaturgy Essential Thaumaturgy is an addon both to EC3 and Thaumcraft 4. _ForgeUser9083808 79508 2015-05-05 09:48
Quantum Utilities Add some items, blocks, recipes, fluids, etc. _ForgeUser10232823 883 2015-05-05 03:52
Custom Trades Mod Allows in Game Custom Villager trade Generation supercat765 395190 2015-05-05 03:06
Iron/Mixed Pressure Plate mod A mod that adds a fully configurable pressure plate and a player sensitive one _ForgeUser7342171 3366 2015-05-04 22:18
Silicio LatvianModder's attempt on a Tech mod LatvianModder 107218 2015-05-04 21:32
El Mod de HelldogMadness!!! Siéntete como el rey del parkour mas kawai, chachipistachi, manco y cojo de minecraft!! _ForgeUser20117338 1088 2015-05-04 18:17
JAM Just Another Mod _ForgeUser19822098 960 2015-05-04 13:41
Quartz Mod Adds tools and armor made of quartz! _ForgeUser18903796 1300 2015-05-04 00:04
Revamp Rivvest's Enhanced Villager and Mob Performance _ForgeUser9525624 377599 2015-05-03 19:11
Colour (Color) Blocks This mod adds many new blocks to decorate your buildings surfie007 1260 2015-05-03 03:03
TOA It's currently a WIP mod adding lots of tools including extreme weapons BLSKis1 554 2015-05-02 21:20
Claim That Chunk A mod that allowed members to claim chunks! _ForgeUser10618262 1670 2015-05-02 07:43
Template Tools Template tools allow you define blocks that you want harvest _ForgeUser5529448 239 2015-05-02 03:30
akkamaddi's Additions A set of add-ons for AleXndrTheGr8st's Simple Ores 2, originally by akkamaddi Sinhika 9785 2015-05-02 00:42
Ultramatrium Wonders The Ultimate Addition To Your Minecraft Worlds FateForWindows 1864 2015-05-01 23:22
Grumpy's Mod Basically its a mod filled with things that I like. _ForgeUser12747005 1291 2015-04-30 19:42
Pixel Art All the colours of the rainbow and more! _ForgeUser18787179 18378 2015-04-30 15:32
Mist Core A core mod needed for mods using the mist mechanic Hennamann99 394744 2015-04-29 17:50
Rainmaker A block that makes it rain when placed into the world. EwyBoy 1307694 2015-04-29 14:25
Griswold's Workshop A Minecraft Mod about being a Blacksmith. feandrad 4493 2015-04-29 04:36
Arbitrary Objects (0.5a) Random things that I've always wanted in Minecraft _ForgeUser12303997 1047 2015-04-29 01:37
Extra Fixes Fixes some bugs with Extra Utilities Generators _ForgeUser16618358 252218 2015-04-28 07:27
FantaBobMod "Le mod le plus show !" of Minecraft. ShadCanard 6184 2015-04-28 06:02
Machines Machines plugins for SimpleCore API. Adds new unique furnaces. skrallexy 44411 2015-04-28 05:14
Drop Editor A little mod that allows you to easily add or remove drops from blocks _ForgeUser16618358 448 2015-04-28 05:02
The Bat Belt Bats' Utilty Mod PrinceVollukk 2683 2015-04-27 22:58
CutePuppyMod Cute Puppys manmaed 94805 2015-04-27 21:22
Cake Mod Many cakes in one mod! mcforum_b_d2 694 2015-04-27 19:33
CustomNPC Tweaks A small tweak/fix mod for CustomNPCs austinv11 62655 2015-04-27 17:44
Steve's Pantry Keep your pantry full with ALL the food kg6jay, Naverene 3722 2015-04-27 12:53
Some More Stuff This mod adds "Some More Stuff" to your game TheLunchTrae 2398 2015-04-26 23:09
Experience Tools Weapons and miscellaneous items fueled by experience _ForgeUser12486792 170 2015-04-26 17:45
ForgeConomy A Simple Wallet mod to implement Economies on Forge Servers vulps22 708 2015-04-26 14:02
Eureka Learning as you go AEnterprise 699070 2015-04-26 12:38
GreenThumb Right click those crops to harvest them and replant IN ONE CLICK! DoubleDoorDev, Dries007, Claycorp 825238 2015-04-26 05:14
Eldercraft - Relics of the Past Adds blocks carved with runes, which each have a separate function _ForgeUser10178323 1351 2015-04-26 04:03
Configurable Health Adjust Player and Mob Health Via Config File kandivia 41119 2015-04-26 02:27
AdvancedConfig [WIP] It changes Configs! _ForgeUser17909040 182 2015-04-25 21:39
Werkbench Upgraded crafting table for Minecraft jakimfett 99252 2015-04-25 20:51
Elite Armageddon All the World Destruction One Could Want _ForgeUser8676198, Raldian_ 35621 2015-04-25 18:51
RIF Mod Re-In-Forced Mod! MiningMark48 537 2015-04-25 12:49
Mythic Divergence WIP Fantasy themed lightweight magic mod sparroha 421 2015-04-24 16:48
Cobble-Nator-9000 A mod made for dmaster8's Modpacks _ForgeUser12813242 35811 2015-04-24 15:35
Marble Fancy-pantsy decoration! 2-block tall torches! gardenapple 7146 2015-04-24 10:14
Town Builder This is a small utility mod for map makers and server owners. brandon3055 1237550 2015-04-24 07:48
Musica A framework for easily adding new records into Minecraft. Great for music lovers and server communities. DarkhaxDev, _ForgeUser19115744 67785 2015-04-24 04:08
Futuristic Decor A decoration mod with the ultratech decoration blocks cout970 202043 2015-04-24 02:41
Cheese Mod Reborn 1.8 Cheese mod Reborn frostyrblx_ 1168 2015-04-24 01:57
Oldowan Obsidian Small mod - alters obsidian, adds some funky saw-swords _ForgeUser9997871 267 2015-04-23 03:32
CharcoalBlock A mod that simply adds a charcoal block. MinecraftDevin11 13896 2015-04-22 02:41
The Wine Mod Create your very own winery with this mod. _ForgeUser9383888 363 2015-04-21 18:58
Colourful Portals Mod Colourful Portals Mod adds portals from anywhere to anywhere (even between dimensions) made with wool/stained clay. Tmtravlr 175766 2015-04-21 17:51
M-Ballz Little puzzle game playable also in Creative Mode globbypotato 959 2015-04-21 17:12
ODIB OreDictionary Ingot-Blocks Namikon84 189 2015-04-21 11:15
MyCustomOres Custom Ore Gen mod for Minecraft _ForgeUser9647666 418 2015-04-21 06:12
Pig Manure - Poopin' Pigs! Pigs passively drop manure, which has various uses airbreather 173732 2015-04-21 03:46
YAFM - Yet Another Food Mod Add various food items to the game airbreather 1092248 2015-04-21 03:33
YALSM - Yet Another Leather Smelting Mod Smelt rotten flesh into leather. airbreather 85982 2015-04-21 03:20
World Preset Manager Lets modpack makers to create superflat world presets Winter_Grave 2302 2015-04-20 21:46
Mystic Tools Mod A Mod That adds tools made of Mystic. These tools are end game tools that are created by making Mystic which is made by making a Mystic Apple. When the mystic apple is smelted it turns into an ingot. This ingot can be combined into many different metals. lillobby6 23235 2015-04-20 17:46
Durability Viewer shows your armour and item durability directly on the HUD! _ForgeUser7726936 158570 2015-04-20 06:34
Awesome Sauce Core Core mod for gjgfuj, and possibly others. thesandromatic 299406 2015-04-20 02:18
Supernatural Flora By the Gods! _ForgeUser19738061 182 2015-04-20 00:42
More Boiler Options Custom sizes for Railcraft boilers UntouchedWagons 453 2015-04-19 22:50
Simple Ruby Mod This Mod Adds Rubies! _ForgeUser19619357 1054 2015-04-19 11:34
Spawnable Liquids Spawn source blocks of liquid, so you don't have to deal with water flowing everywhere. Forge_User_31332919 1077 2015-04-19 04:33
Prattle Chat modification to make support multiple channels profmobius 37621 2015-04-19 00:05
Dense Ores Adds Dense variants of ores (includes support for numerous mods) Forge_User_06804776 12176222 2015-04-18 22:05
HorseCrafting mod Horse related items! plajdo 10577 2015-04-18 10:46
FNAF 3 mod This mod adds FNAF3 animatronics to Minecraft 1.7.10 for PC using Forge _ForgeUser18601076, _ForgeUser20174048 76576 2015-04-18 08:14
Dirty_Diamonds Adds a new ore, set of tools, sword, and a few items _ForgeUser19578833 5844 2015-04-18 07:33
CartFixes Fixes Steve's Carts _ForgeUser16618358 106003 2015-04-17 23:44
No Creeper Drops Removes the gunpowder that Creepers drop. JemmaZZ 9607 2015-04-17 21:51
Flight Feather Fly through the sky on a feather. mrmakeit 1004 2015-04-17 09:53
The Camping Mod Camping at its finest rikmuld 1612852 2015-04-17 01:30
The Adobe Mod Build with adobe and adobe bricks _ForgeUser19706635 1511 2015-04-17 01:03
Witchery Witchcraft and nature magic with a bit of voodoo and necromancy too _ForgeUser11995118 13813811 2015-04-16 18:52
Schematic Meta-Blocks Tools for designing schematics for use in Mod World Generation AtomicBlom 3886 2015-04-16 10:19
Fixelmon Fixes rendering issues with Pixelmon blocks; makes apricorn farms not lag! ZithiaSatazaki 3741 2015-04-16 04:57
Mr.T Mob Boss Mod Popular MMOs asked for it so.... _ForgeUser18807990 209 2015-04-16 02:57
Mob Statues Adds collectible statues of mobs Miyukiku 84222 2015-04-16 02:17
Wrath of the imagination mod A really fun mod, especially if you right click bithonite _ForgeUser19698993 172 2015-04-15 22:16
Exchange Orb A mod that adds a mid-game item capable of converting some of the various types of vanilla matter between each other. MattDahEpic 46998 2015-04-15 13:33
MattDahEpic Core (MDECore) Common code for all MattDahEpic mods. Adds helpful commands too. MattDahEpic 5409194 2015-04-15 11:53
More Passive and Hostiles Mobs New mobs for Minecraft! 2kb_gd 377 2015-04-15 01:33
The Agartha Mod Adds the magical realm of Agartha! queenofsquiggles 5065 2015-04-14 11:35
Iron Fence Protect your yard even better than before goldensilver853 5755 2015-04-14 05:08
Zombie Infection Gives zombies the ability to infect you with horrible effects. 61352151511 199226 2015-04-13 23:23
Infernal Sky Color Allows customized sky colors in the overworld and nether FyberOptic 164041 2015-04-13 22:04
Lighting Edit "Fixes" the Sky Lighting = No lighting lag _ForgeUser7995995 20702 2015-04-13 19:25
Bagginses Adds 2 Tiers of bags, and a void bag. LordDusk 8115781 2015-04-13 18:36
Heart Drop Mobs drop hearts when they die, which heal you when you pick them up. Konlii 126180 2015-04-13 02:46
Fire Flower Get your hands on the legendary Fire Flower! mrmakeit 5581 2015-04-12 20:03
The SkyBox Mod Storage,Building, and more! _ForgeUser19588013 450 2015-04-11 21:51
FantasticCraft Fantastic Tools! Fantastic World! DenisMasterHerobrine 1576 2015-04-11 21:38
TechliumCraft A aesthetic mod with glowing things kkaylium, kkaylium13 415 2015-04-11 21:18
TanglerGrenade A collection of cobweb-generating non-lethal grenades tool_user 2474 2015-04-11 19:14
Gravity Gun Adds the Gravity Gun from Half-Life 2 into Minecraft ohaiiChun 4326687 2015-04-11 14:01
Progressive Transmutation Transmutate blocks and items in the game using a Magical Stone _ForgeUser19656211 760 2015-04-11 12:23
Reinforced Armor ...and tools _ForgeUser19579675 2764 2015-04-11 10:10
SoulBound A simple mod for custom maps. thesandromatic 1653 2015-04-11 08:18
The Chocolate mod-For all of your sweet needs Adds in blocks, items, food, armor, tools, and an ore DocNose21 1530 2015-04-11 05:36
Weather Carpets Mod In a world, where upholstery can manage to change the world around you... Mitchellbrine 2943 2015-04-11 03:21
Clay Plus Mod Tools, a Dimension and a food _ForgeUser19645273 226 2015-04-10 14:47
The Ice Cream Sandwich Creeper Mod Adds a variety of ice cream themed items and blocks, including Ice Cream Sandwich Creepers! ultrahexahedron 72106 2015-04-10 13:19
Amorphous Craft A unique block manipulation mod with technical and graphical elements _ForgeUser12607699 202 2015-04-10 13:05
BetterChests New modular Chests! And modules! And a Backpack Aroma1997 202971 2015-04-10 09:42
Squidless A quick serverside fix for Squid spawning lag _ForgeUser16618358 602248 2015-04-09 21:51
Let the fun begin NOW!!! Let the fun begin NOW with this mod ;) _ForgeUser18626807 2439 2015-04-09 16:50
Illuminated Bows Lighting up your world with shootable glowstone! insaneau 40877 2015-04-09 13:02
TeleSleep Teleport the player to coordinates in a certain dimension when the sleep in a bed. ShadowfactsDev 1155 2015-04-09 11:08
Ragdoll Corpses Adds ragdoll physics to Minecraft. Add a new exciting death effect. IVESIRIS 153295 2015-04-09 10:11
ChemLab ChemLab is a Minecraft mod about chemical industry and modern metallurgy ItarosMoplok 13865 2015-04-08 22:04
Toolcraft Custom Tools and armor Firestar311 1649 2015-04-08 17:49
CustomSelectionBox Customize the your selection box and breaking animations _ForgeUser7970142 53414 2015-04-08 16:39
DualCraft A Dual Crafting Solution with no new Blocks PrinceVollukk 1224 2015-04-08 12:10
Keygrip - Mocap Mod Mocap mod allowing you to record and rerecord over your previous recordings to create a scene full of life and people. Full User Interface available. ohaiiChun 6108 2015-04-08 07:14
TacoHut A Minecraft Mod with Tacos! Towsty_ 319 2015-04-08 06:17
Directional Redstone Adds a Directional Redstone Block sonar_sonic 5447 2015-04-08 00:39
Mad Mobs Mod Crazy Mobs! tfff1 3744 2015-04-07 22:32
Wootz Steel Steel loosely based on the process used in ancient India TheOldOne22 1260 2015-04-07 21:05
Thaumic Upholstry A thaumcraft addon that adds armor upgrades! EtsyTheDragon 108788 2015-04-07 20:51
More Fusion Furnaces adds extra fusion furnaces TheOldOne22 3766 2015-04-07 20:48
Fusion Blacksmith Adds a villager blacksmith with a fusion furnace TheOldOne22 2142 2015-04-07 19:42
ChickenChunks Chunkloading, chickenbones style Chicken_Bones 10256694 2015-04-07 19:32
Netherrocks Fusion Alloy pack for Netherrocks TheOldOne22 2648 2015-04-07 19:07
WR-CBE-Universal The combined WR-CBE mod Chicken_Bones 8372444 2015-04-07 18:55
Enhanced Server Moderation Create Moderators on your servers! Mysticdrew 10655 2015-04-06 20:30
Night Vision Mining Hats Night vision mining hats _ForgeUser8661783 29492 2015-04-06 18:39
A Path to the Diamond World This mod adds 6 new DIMENSIONS and 5 new ORES! Forge_User_59878279 6979 2015-04-06 10:11
Mo' Creatures adds new mobs to minecraft DrZharky 7109476 2015-04-06 00:43
Custom Mob Spawner required utilitiy to cotrol Mo' Creatures Spawning DrZharky 4319943 2015-04-06 00:18
Elvish Islands A collection of cool magical stuff! _ForgeUser10659880 13341 2015-04-05 18:09
TurfMod (Merged with BrassUtils) Artificial Lawn! Biome independent! FreneticScribbler 813 2015-04-05 17:28
CC's Factory Manager Allows ComputerCraft to handle items, fluids and RF similar to Steve's Factory Manager but with the power of lua. davenonymous 545 2015-04-05 08:09
Full Chests Fixes Minecraft double chests to allow proper Inventory interactions _ForgeUser16618358 2091 2015-04-05 07:10
Realistic Pain Bring the pain! Add some visual effects to pain to make your game more interesting pauljoda 657008 2015-04-04 22:37
Mob Inhibitor A mod to remove mobs tomatheb 11775 2015-04-04 22:18
A to Tweaks This is a mod to add a few little tweaks to minecraft. Acrogenous 227 2015-04-04 21:04
Thaumic Tinkerer Tinkerering with Thaumic Creations! gaeakat 10162961 2015-04-04 20:51
JAS Compatability Addon JAS-Compatability-Addon (JASCA) is an library extension for Just Another Spawner enables additional capabilities within JAS crudedragos 11450 2015-04-04 01:19
Lattice Mod Adds wooden and nether brick lattices, to achieve a wide variety of visual effects. FyberOptic 81913 2015-04-03 22:23
Aton Armor Mod More Amor! _ForgeUser11765205 987 2015-04-03 15:57
Time & Weather stones One usage stones that change time and weather. LordDusk 6064 2015-04-03 08:59
HardcoreFixes Applies the Steve's Addons Search optimization to HQM _ForgeUser16618358 20237 2015-04-03 08:26
Nugget Processing Adds an upgradeable furnace and other goodies! codasylph 211 2015-04-03 05:49
Futucytakun MC-MOD Forge_User_71235090 1612 2015-04-02 20:23
Subway Sandwiches Mod A mod on the Subway franchise _ForgeUser19562740 3647 2015-04-02 20:12
Youtuber mod Youtuber mod by NXT fem_Skyelight 544 2015-04-02 18:53
SynthiteMod New Ores which you can craft tools yet Christoph_XXL 1249 2015-04-02 17:56
Opis Opis is a server profiler for Forge server. profmobius, RazzleberryFox 1366696 2015-04-02 16:14
Doors by iChun Adds a couple of doors of different styles to Minecraft ohaiiChun 130622 2015-04-02 15:40
MobiusCore Core mod for ProfMobius' mod collection profmobius, RazzleberryFox 5480738 2015-04-02 15:29
World Handler - Command GUI Minecraft ingame GUI for commands Exopandora 248430 2015-04-01 21:28
Multishot Automatic motion and screenshots for timelapses etc. masady 46376 2015-04-01 20:16
Ars Magica 2 Plant Fix Allows Ars Magica 2 plants to be acquired through bonemeal _ForgeUser19514745 77269 2015-04-01 08:36
DirtDiamond Finally a use for those shiny blue rocks! sorazodia 1165 2015-04-01 08:25
ServerTools-BACKUP Backup module for ServerTools matthewprenger 32244 2015-04-01 06:59
Shatter This mod adds a new death animation. Mobs die, their bodies wrecked, and souls shattered, they just seem to fade away. ohaiiChun 389627 2015-04-01 02:53
It Fell From The Sky Adds a block of compressed raw porkchop be be built with! Oinks when you place/punch/walk on it! Beware the mighty overlord however. ohaiiChun 157492 2015-03-31 22:46
Tabula – Minecraft Modeler Built as an in-game Minecraft Modeler, made to succeed Techne. The modeler to the model format that Hats will be using in Minecraft 1.8. Includes support for animations and exporting usable Minecraft java code! ohaiiChun 277692 2015-03-31 22:29
Trail Mix This mod adds a single food item, called trail mix. This food item does plenty of crazy things when eaten. ohaiiChun 1246174 2015-03-31 22:21
Torched Adds a couple of items which aids with torch placement. Mainly a gun, rocket, and launcher. ohaiiChun 141739 2015-03-31 22:05
Streak This mod leaves a trail of different flavours following players around as they move, fading away over time. ohaiiChun 38828 2015-03-31 21:56
Picture-in-Picture (PiP) Renders other player’s Point of Views in a “Picture-in-Picture” style on the Minecraft screen when no GUI is open. ohaiiChun 238875 2015-03-31 21:21
Photoreal This mod adds a camera, as found in CorridorDigital’s Photoreal, when snapped it forms a screen ahead of the player, showing the view that was just there. ohaiiChun 6549 2015-03-31 21:06
Paraphernalia Paraphernalia adds a variety of cool blocks and items to Minecraft. There's no real theme. _ForgeUser18954310 3359 2015-03-31 20:23
Hat Stand An addon to Hats, adds Hat Stands for display of hats, anywhere. ohaiiChun 7725797 2015-03-31 20:19
Hats Runner-up of the 1st ModJam, adds unlockable hats onto players and mobs ohaiiChun 25127705 2015-03-31 19:54
Guilt Trip Your victims of slaughter will haunt you! ohaiiChun 25979 2015-03-31 18:12
Mob Dismemberment Several mobs will break apart to gibs when killed! ohaiiChun 6988878 2015-03-31 18:06
ExtraMaterials ce mod vous ajoute de nombreux blocs Forge_User_17042489 992 2015-03-31 17:33
Death Counter (Forge) How many times did you die? iChun 2903484 2015-03-31 17:28
Backwards Swords Adds backwards swords to Minecraft. Comes in the normal vanilla varieties (wood, stone, iron, gold and diamond) _ForgeUser18954310 182 2015-03-31 16:51
Back Tools Displays the last used tool of the player on their back ohaiiChun 8183741 2015-03-31 16:14
Attachable Grinder Successor to the Pig Grinder, attach grinders to mobs to gain their spoils! ohaiiChun 90881 2015-03-31 13:55
Fancy Clothing Mod Look super fancy in minecraft! No more words needed. Simply amazing. _ForgeUser13093504 6482 2015-03-31 01:05
Better Sugar Cane Giving sugar cane more uses. ZCipher90 128457 2015-03-30 17:55
Carvable Pumpkins Mod Carve Pumpkins In Minecraft! SWDTeam 82313 2015-03-29 19:11
MineFX MineFX SpiesAmice 3177 2015-03-29 16:52
Hololens [NeXTech Addon] Hololens fem_Skyelight 569 2015-03-28 08:23
No More Heroes [Beam Katanas!] Beam Katanas and even more to come in the future of development! _ForgeUser16994103 3115 2015-03-28 05:33
ReddCore Coremod for all of my mods _ForgeUser16994103 3550 2015-03-28 05:22
Ore Control A small mod that can disable some or all of vanilla ore generation (including andesite/diorite/granite and silverfish blocks) masady 69111 2015-03-27 15:58
RoboticsCraft How would you like to play much robots? _ForgeUser7826030 496 2015-03-27 05:06
AtomicStryker's Battle Towers Battle Towers atomicstrykergrumpy 17028916 2015-03-27 01:04
Pixel Art Mod Convert pictures into minecraft structures. _ForgeUser19473229 17978 2015-03-26 19:30
Ore Gen Anything This is a OreGen Mod which allows you to spawn any Block, anywhere you want. designflawz 8065 2015-03-26 14:01
Potatoes! Adds Potato Uses _ForgeUser9902995 1851 2015-03-26 04:46
MineMania A mod that does not look like much, but it is! _ForgeUser9902995 6467 2015-03-26 03:30
Recipes+ Over 68 new crafting recipes! _ForgeUser11747048 14416 2015-03-25 21:31
Switches Continued A remake of Switches for 1.7.10 insaneau 188157 2015-03-25 13:05
ChickenShed A light forge mod that allows chickens to shed feathers occasionally. ZeroLevels 180437 2015-03-25 07:28
Grimmreeper's Emerald Tools & Armor In my own opinion I think that minecraft should've come out with other uses for emeralds. This modification for Minecraft will add an emerald pickaxe, sword, shovel, hoe, axe, chestplate, helmet, leggings, and boots. _ForgeUser18590943 6349 2015-03-24 18:39
Alternate Terrain Generation An alternative to the vanilla overworld terrain generator. TTFTCUTS 1456841 2015-03-24 16:20
Rotten Flesh to Leather Adds recipe for processing Rotten Flesh into Leather TheNerdWonder 277287 2015-03-24 02:46
JewelryCraft - Molten metals and rings! Jewels with special properties and Thiefing Gloves to steal stuff from Villagers. Jewelrycraft 2 has been released, which contains the same items and blocks and even more awesome things! OnyxKnight, bspkrs 16324 2015-03-23 19:11
ChromiumCovered Mod This mod adds in a new material, Chromium, which is used to make tools better than iron, but worse than diamond. AlexL29 1052 2015-03-23 10:47
SkeletDimension SkeletDimension _ForgeUser16936699 1429 2015-03-22 23:25
Fast Food A mod that adds more food and machines to the game ExpiredMinotaur 251387 2015-03-22 22:23
Compact Solars Compact Solar mod ProgWML6, Alexbegt 18800473 2015-03-22 22:03
Iron Chests Iron Chest mod ProgWML6, Alexbegt 174996122 2015-03-22 20:21
Tons_Of_Ores_ Lots of ores are now in your game. _ForgeUser19090026 212 2015-03-22 05:53
Dynamic Transport Expandable Moving Transportation Tarig 272712 2015-03-21 08:23
Builder's Guides A small collection of blocks to help with aligning your walls Ipsis 754318 2015-03-21 05:58
Aesthetics Aesthetics addon for SimpleOres. Adds new decoration blocks. skrallexy 146284 2015-03-20 08:09
Netherrocks A mod that adds 6 new unique ores to the Nether. skrallexy 279510 2015-03-20 07:51
Swapper Just a mod that auto swaps tools _ForgeUser9639093 7452 2015-03-20 02:22
Redstone eXpansion A nice use for redstone. _ForgeUser19379215 111 2015-03-20 02:04
Talismans 2 Adds Talismans what can be used to grant your player with buffs when equipped Gigabit101 751092 2015-03-20 00:14
WoodyOres A simple way to get alot of wood on your first trip mining! _ForgeUser19379215 802 2015-03-19 09:38
Modern Alchemy Creating Items With Lightning and Radioactive Material _ForgeUser19256727, pauljoda, Dyonovan 10551 2015-03-19 08:25
Toggler Toggle click, toggle sneak, toggle run, toggle sprint, toggle jump, hold to attack _ForgeUser12488899 16103 2015-03-19 01:06
Waila Waila (What Am I Looking At) is a UI improvement mod aimed at providing block information directly ingame. profmobius 34249642 2015-03-18 17:29
Aether Aspects Adding Thaumcraft aspects to the Aether, Brenwwe 134741 2015-03-18 10:45
Five Nights At Freddys 1-2 The return of one of the best Five Nights At Freddys mods out there with a new facelift. _ForgeUser17484401 5828 2015-03-18 04:54
The Gods Of olympus Adds Greek Gods To minecraft _ForgeUser19370259 1585 2015-03-18 04:29
Soul Shards: The Old Ways Ever wanted to create your own mob spawners? Now you can! SgtPunishment, TehNut 12354432 2015-03-17 23:28
RCLabs (map builders "Lab" mod) This is a generally cosmetic mod for the FTB modpack TestSubject291 and for anyone who wants to build a map with an unbreakable lab! Acrogenous 192 2015-03-17 21:23
World of Darkness The world is no longer the same. _ForgeUser18911887 519 2015-03-17 14:17
Steve's Carts 2 Introducing modular carts to Minecraft. Let your carts mine, farm, get powered by sunlight, shoot mobs, craft items and much more. _ForgeUser7319596 6460881 2015-03-17 04:40
Steve's Factory Manager Program the Machine Inventory Manager to do your every bidding. It is programmed using its intuitive graphical coding interface. _ForgeUser7319596 6470786 2015-03-17 04:15
Craftable Gunpowder A new way to get gunpowder! JTRTw 12120 2015-03-16 21:09
Letterman This mod adds Letter Blocks into Minecraft. _ForgeUser9383888 564 2015-03-16 16:01
StargateTech 2 Adds Stargate-themed technology to Minecraft LordFokas 19829 2015-03-16 04:40
Catwalks A mod that adds Catwalks and Caged Ladders to make traveling long distances easier—they also look cool thecodewarrior1 48313 2015-03-16 02:44
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つGib༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ All the things ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ TehNut 950 2015-03-16 01:21
DimensionGuard Filters items and entities by dimension _ForgeUser16618358 13167 2015-03-15 23:08
Realistic Explosives !!IC2-EXP ADDON!! This mod is about crafting explosives with basic chemistry _ForgeUser18969653 10638 2015-03-15 17:52
OreRegen Regenerative ores for RP/Adventure maps profmobius, taelnia, Tschipp 79035 2015-03-14 18:14
Lightning Stick Mod Adds a Lightning Stick to Minecraft, and it has many uses! _ForgeUser13929736 13965 2015-03-14 13:48
CarsterCraft RPG Mod Rpg Mod that adds bosses guns, swords, armor, food and more Valencce 442 2015-03-14 06:25
Cool Tools and Things WIP Mod, addting Tools and else to the game! _ForgeUser10307504 255 2015-03-13 18:55
NerdingCraft Teaching the Forge mod build system to the world. kylevb 241 2015-03-13 03:32
Candi's Per-User Difficulty Per-User Difficulty Mod CandiceJoy87 2920 2015-03-13 00:45
Caticraft Programming project of 2014-2015 _ForgeUser10251638 170 2015-03-10 09:27
Randomite A mod originally by AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN Cricket 130809 2015-03-10 01:38
Mob Drop Ores Adds ores that drop mob drops MattDahEpic 101640 2015-03-10 01:00
Rainbow World This mod adds all sorts of rainbow-related stuff to your game! _ForgeUser15845253 40166 2015-03-09 18:00
The Dimensions This mod allows us traveling in various dimensions and also adds several items, such as armor, weapons, tools made with the new minerals and resources available in the mod ... AND also adds new mobs and bosses to face challenges. Callofvampire 3344 2015-03-09 11:57
TeamBR-Core Function Library for Team BR Modding _ForgeUser19256727, Dyonovan, pauljoda 824 2015-03-09 03:22
ColorXMod This Mod adds in different armor, weapons, and Items. _ForgeUser18804943 331 2015-03-08 23:52
Minecraft !Alive! Many! Many! Mobs! _ForgeUser11278852 314 2015-03-08 13:06
Strange Vanilla Recipes Mod Strange Vanilla Recipes DenisMasterHerobrine 2312 2015-03-07 19:46
Ender Berry Juice This is a mod that adds a new plant, bucket and foods to minecraft _ForgeUser19008154 1545 2015-03-07 18:00
Redstone Distortion The mod revolving around energy. _ForgeUser13826795 530 2015-03-07 17:15
DevTooltips Tooltips for mod(pack) developers gardenapple 3530 2015-03-07 15:02
BiblioCraft: BiblioWoods Highlands Edition Adds support for Highlands woods to BiblioCraft blocks. Requires BiblioCraft to run. Nuchaz 303779 2015-03-06 10:12
BiblioCraft: BiblioWoods Natura Edition Adds support for Natura woods to BiblioCraft blocks. Requires BiblioCraft to run. Nuchaz 11893729 2015-03-06 09:53
BiblioCraft: BiblioWoods ExtraBiomesXL Edition Adds support for ExtraBiomesXL to BiblioCraft blocks. Requires BiblioCraft to run. Nuchaz 1670332 2015-03-06 09:34
BiblioCraft: BiblioWoods Biomes O'Plenty Edition Adds support for Biomes O' Plenty woods to BiblioCraft blocks. Requires BiblioCraft to run. Nuchaz 6894128 2015-03-06 09:14
BiblioCraft: BiblioWoods Forestry Edition Adds support for Forestry woods to BiblioCraft blocks. Requires BiblioCraft to run. Nuchaz 8130622 2015-03-06 08:46
Mob Drop Exchange Orb Turn mob drops into different mob drops MattDahEpic 3966 2015-03-06 03:58
Your A Wizard Stevey HARRY POTTER MOD _ForgeUser19207269 2559 2015-03-05 15:10
Coal and Candy Craft Adds various coal and candy items to your game! _ForgeUser15470936 467 2015-03-05 06:31
Desteria Tweaks A few UI tweaks for Desteria servers, and probably other faction servers _ForgeUser19247015 190 2015-03-05 06:13
AMCore Shared libraries for all AdvancedMods mods _ForgeUser19052699, _ForgeUser8512406 3153 2015-03-04 12:46
Launchable Things Launchable Things adds three item launchers to minecraft that can shoot arrows, snowballs and eggs! shmeggels 1309 2015-03-04 12:06
Custom Interaction Sounds Minecraft Forge singleplayer/multiplayer mod to add custom sounds to player interactions with blocks, items and entities. _ForgeUser18554857 3217 2015-03-04 09:41
Cart Livery Decorate your minecarts! octarine_noise, kuenzign 258865 2015-03-04 07:28
Ascension An immersive, challenging adventure awaits... sayeeed 46326 2015-03-03 21:46
Craftable Horse Armour & Saddle [CHA&S] Adds configurable recipes to horse armour and saddles from vanilla MC. EwyBoy 14929398 2015-03-03 16:47
The Last Sword You Will Ever Need Mod It really is the last one you will ever need... queenofsquiggles 343081 2015-03-02 10:56
Timely Stones Mod Stones that alter time! _ForgeUser12413276 967 2015-03-02 04:35
CobbleHaters Hate Cobble! skyboy026, TeamCoFH 17460 2015-03-02 03:58
GnomGnom's Utils A mod for Minecraft that adds useful things (pronounced /ɡnom/, /ɲom/) Gnomorian, _ForgeUser8687510 4962 2015-03-02 01:55
Drinkcraft Mod Coca-cola, Pepsi, Diet Coke, 1.7.10 _ForgeUser13044387 13632 2015-03-01 17:33
PlantsPlus PlantsPlus is a mod devoted to adding new types of food and crops to Minecraft. _ForgeUser18434713 6162 2015-03-01 16:15
Biota Adding life to plants Forge_User_50076546 580 2015-03-01 13:14
Protection Plus Some Cool and Wacky Armor and tools. _ForgeUser17843367 4495 2015-03-01 03:45
Kronite Mod More Ores, Weapons, Tools, Armour Come Check It Out! _ForgeUser18831269 7113 2015-03-01 01:56
Theerapak's Mod 0.0.2 Theerapak's Mod 0.0.2 _ForgeUser16664519 545 2015-03-01 00:36
Da_Youtubers_ Youtubers _ForgeUser19090026 191 2015-02-28 18:13
Condensed Food Adds recipes and items to default Minecraft such as Condensed Foods and Food Blocks thepotatomessiah 2459 2015-02-28 14:46
Spawn Regulation This mod regulates what can spawn where. TheTemportalist 38044 2015-02-28 08:39
More Tool Mod In this Mod you can have Cool Tools And Ores. It's cooler than Vanilla _ForgeUser17031310 4922 2015-02-27 14:31
Wildycraft Adds a Runescape Dimension to Minecraft Miyukiku 249235 2015-02-26 23:28
CompactArmour Store your armour sets in 1 handy item! Elec332 5402 2015-02-26 15:21
More People And Biomes Made Using MCreator _ForgeUser19166959 187 2015-02-26 07:10
Macro Maker A mod which allows for the creation and use of key and mouse macros austinv11 1776 2015-02-26 04:10
Power Tools Save time. Use better tools. elcuchaz 50788 2015-02-26 03:54
Insta House Instant Structures Mod _ForgeUser7445973 182367 2015-02-26 02:00
Screenshots Enhanced Makes taking screenshot way smoother and makes it easier to share and manage them _ForgeUser14025859 8140 2015-02-25 21:38
Draconix-ThePowerOfUsers Rock your World. _ForgeUser16272013 1300 2015-02-25 17:32
Compressed Cobblestone Adds a single Block SgtPunishment 6024 2015-02-25 15:43
Steel Industries Adding Steel to your world~ Forge_User_78338655 17078 2015-02-25 15:13
TooMuchTime Control over Minecraft's day/night cycle dmillerw 59780 2015-02-24 23:57
Tinkering Make insane tools and armor with some difficulty. _ForgeUser12041927 906 2015-02-24 19:57
Ninja's Cash This mod adds a realistic physical currency to the game, based on GBP Stirling Paint_Ninja 17868 2015-02-24 13:31
Biome Compass Helps in locating biomes Drazisil 22435 2015-02-24 10:28
ServerTools-TELEPORT Adds a teleport module to ServerTools matthewprenger 19537 2015-02-23 20:57
CrayTokens Lite A lightweight rewrite of CrayTokens by Mr_Crayfish for Minecraft 1.7.10 Paint_Ninja 2599 2015-02-23 17:17
Geochests Take the world with you! sirwol 17839 2015-02-23 09:44
Condensed Block Mod Reborn Condense all your item into blocks Gigabit101 9552 2015-02-23 02:30
EmeraldArmorandTools Adds armor and tools for emeralds. As well as a emerald apple. master9909twitch 2582 2015-02-23 00:20
Bunch of stuff Adds emerald armor, emerald apple, tools, ruby ore, rubies, ruby armor, and ruby tools. (More Coming:)) master9909twitch 480 2015-02-22 23:55
Rainbow Liquids Mod Adding New color's of liquid into minecraft _ForgeUser6834741 22689 2015-02-22 10:16
WYEM (Wear Your Enemies Mod) A mod that adds armor made from minecraft mobs, that give you the mobs effects. Gnomorian 28740 2015-02-22 08:03
RubyMod This adds ruby ore, rubies, armor, and tools. master9909twitch 3262 2015-02-22 06:19
Castle Protect Castle Protect is a mod that allows a player to reinforce their castles, homes, and other structures by creating reinforced building blocks. These blocks are blast resistant (TNT, creepers, etc.) and grief resistant (other players if on LAN, Endermen, etc) _ForgeUser19105125 14679 2015-02-21 07:17
JavaScript Automation God, all these tech mods are the same! Can't I have automation MY WAY? Mitchellbrine 413 2015-02-21 04:07
MyFit Mod! Get fit in Minecraft!! Asweez 37165 2015-02-20 22:50
Pancakes Pancakes in Minecraft, each with unique effects _ForgeUser16994103 1513 2015-02-20 17:40
BloodLust A very basic mod from me to you. timeclock555 167 2015-02-20 16:34
Highlands Adds 44 new biomes, many mountainous, also new trees and plants. Sime biome specific ore generation. fabricator77 759011 2015-02-20 04:30
Troncraft A mod that brings the world of Tron into Minecraft _ForgeUser7125094 26173 2015-02-18 20:30
FoxLib A library mod that provides various useful functions Kihira 1677322 2015-02-18 13:36
BeProductive Limit your or other players time in-game Kihira 735 2015-02-18 12:24
AtomicStryker's Magic Yarn see other player's yarn! atomicstrykergrumpy 77528 2015-02-18 00:16
Simply Hax because yes we can atomicstrykergrumpy 23715 2015-02-17 23:23
Kenshiro Mod Rage atomicstrykergrumpy 6074 2015-02-17 22:41
Ropes+ now with Hookshot and 3D Ziplines! atomicstrykergrumpy 192622 2015-02-17 21:59
Multi Mine pause and resume breaking, across players! atomicstrykergrumpy 16313849 2015-02-17 20:56
Finder Compass OpenGL over hacks atomicstrykergrumpy 145738 2015-02-17 19:10
KludsCraft A New mod with very few things _ForgeUser14698632 771 2015-02-17 17:04
Magitek Magitek combines the aspects of both magic and technology in order to make advanced machines and magical items. _ForgeUser9608366 69509 2015-02-17 15:39
Minecraft Minions evil always finds a way atomicstrykergrumpy 549458 2015-02-17 10:23
AtomicStryker's Infernal Mobs Diablo Style Modifiers atomicstrykergrumpy 35506665 2015-02-17 08:37
Antique Markers Lets you add new markers to Antique Atlas with a configuration file. _ForgeUser7227355 38595 2015-02-17 06:10
Shucky Blocks An anti-cheat addon for Lucky Blocks. _ForgeUser7227355 3065 2015-02-17 05:59
Thaumcraft Thaumaturgy is the capability of a magician to work miracles. This is what this mod is all about - drawing magic from physical objects in the form of Essentia and reshaping it to perform miracles. Azanor13 48211707 2015-02-17 03:00
ServerTools-PERMISSION Permission module for ServerTools matthewprenger 18447 2015-02-16 23:18
Hearts Bar Collapses the vanilla multiple rows of hearts into a colour coded single layer TheTemportalist 7680 2015-02-16 19:16
bspkrsCore A set of shared classes used by all mods released by bspkrs. bspkrs, Error_MiKeY 4865744 2015-02-16 18:23
Forge TeamSpeak 3 Integration A Client side mod that introduce a TeamSpeak Overlay and merge the TeamSpeak chat with the Minecraft Chat jan2048 15453 2015-02-16 12:04
Alternate Scoring Alternate method of scoring skyboy026, TeamCoFH 1109 2015-02-16 09:22
Invisiblocks 1.2.1 Invisible, craftable blocks which serve multiple purposes _ForgeUser9805973 18420 2015-02-16 08:57
MoreRealms This creates a new variety of realms like the Diamond Realm! samtaber 4104 2015-02-15 13:57
Simple Flight [WIP] Simple Flight isn't your average, wimpy flight mod that lets you creative fly in survival mode -- No, Simple Flight has you FLYING and GLIDING based on your worn wings or gliders. deep_ci 118570 2015-02-15 05:52
BnBTweaks Tweaks mod for the Blood N Bones pack Eyamaz, Blargerist, squeek502 171848 2015-02-15 05:35
Shut The F#$% Up The background music is really annoying. 61352151511 35903 2015-02-14 21:47
Recycle Items Plus You can get 33% of precious material from smelting that item. _ForgeUser8181592 181963 2015-02-14 10:15
Speed Ring A rather unique ring I made for fun kenny2810 677 2015-02-12 19:58
Steel Sheep It's a known fact that the sheep that give us steel wool have no natural enemies. _ForgeUser9142316, Mitchellbrine 1757 2015-02-11 10:09
Horizontal Glass Panes Horizontal Panes for Forge and Fabric witchica 346036 2015-02-10 13:18
Where are you? Share your location pauljoda 1535 2015-02-09 05:50
Extension Fixer [DISCONTINUED] Fix incorrectly named mods. Lunatrius 2974 2015-02-08 23:54
BrightBlocksMod and XtraFoodMod The BrightBlocks mod adds colorful blocks that have always needed to be in Minecraft. The XtraFood mod is simple, it adds more food to Minecraft. _ForgeUser18958817 1258 2015-02-08 18:43
AJrules RubyMod RubyMod is a mod that re-adds the original ruby into Minecraft, and 5 new ores! _ForgeUser18434713 4109 2015-02-08 13:43
Global GameRules A mod that allows for global/default gamerules GoryMoon 11994176 2015-02-08 03:59
NoItemRotation Stops item entities from rotating ljfa2 1191 2015-02-07 14:23
AetherCraft Aetheral Alchemy! Turn matter into any other kind of matter! _ForgeUser10245589 158951 2015-02-07 02:29
More Metals Than You Ores all over the place, and more use for them. MarkOfTheBeast1427 1584 2015-02-06 19:33
Custom Recipes Allows you to make your own custom recipes and such, with no coding experience. _ForgeUser7662154 83123 2015-02-06 14:50
Creative Blocks Creative building in survival (allows specified blocks to be placed/broken as if the player was in creative mode) squeek502 2923 2015-02-06 01:00
Hunger Strike Suspends hunger and restores instant-heal food. Texelsaur 515069 2015-02-05 07:46
OreDictionaryConverter Adds blocks and items that convert between different versions of the same ore using the Forge ore dictionary exter7 2211752 2015-02-04 17:47
Item Identifier Item Identifier is a quick little mod that allows you to identify the item id, data value, and NBT tags of the item you're holding. MattDahEpic 8156 2015-02-04 17:02
FoodGalore Adding a bunch of food _ForgeUser7546858 537 2015-02-04 15:34
Mine World Mod Mine World Mod Minehendrix 23730 2015-02-04 11:41
Portable Craft Bench Just a portable craft bench RenEvo 342198 2015-02-04 04:19
Clay Soldiers Mod Little clay figures which fight eachother. SanAndreaP, SilverChiren 1289821 2015-02-04 02:13
Henry Loenwind's OreShards This mod provides low yield ores for map makers HenryLoenwind 2783 2015-02-04 01:10
Floating Rails Adds rails with the ability to float on top of water and Lava. EwyBoy 70224 2015-02-03 20:37
SmeltToIngots Smelt your armour and tools back into their materials! More Coming Soon! _ForgeUser18773890 8717 2015-02-03 19:13
Customgen Customgen is a mod that lets you to add player-created features to terrain generation. Generation features are saved as resource packs and may easily be shared with others. mickelus 38805 2015-02-03 01:14
Legend of Zelda Mod Adds zelda related items into minecraft. dude22072 149563 2015-02-02 03:38
The Soda Mod :3 A mod with.. SODA!! :3 _ForgeUser18638656 9269 2015-02-01 10:10
FarFalCraft (New deserts - Nuevos desiertos) Nuevos tesoros y items / New treasures and items _ForgeUser17167140 1896 2015-01-31 23:41
Movement Enhancement Suits and Armor (MESA) This mod adds different types of armor that each aid player movement in different ways. maximuse 123618 2015-01-31 14:13
AdminCraft Android Remote Control for Forge based Servers _ForgeUser15564968 5549 2015-01-31 12:46
Durability Show Simply shows the durability of tools/armor on your screen. 61352151511 1690549 2015-01-31 12:12
ServerTools-CORE A server-side mod that adds a variety of utilities and commands for server administrators matthewprenger 81185 2015-01-30 19:13
Classlessrook32's Coin mod this mod adds 16 coins 1 representing each color of dye . classlessrook32 1649 2015-01-30 02:08
IronFist Smash things like a man! _ForgeUser6868877 27512 2015-01-29 13:10
Neptune Splash API Custom Splashes for your Minecraft title screen! JavaMatrix 879 2015-01-28 18:59
Auga-Tech a tech mod based around a fluid power system _ForgeUser11775891, _ForgeUser11864082 234 2015-01-27 13:04
Randomod The mod that is random. _ForgeUser18754627 172 2015-01-26 18:37
MultiCMD A simple client/server command allowing multiple commands on one line _ForgeUser12998387 373 2015-01-26 03:07
Bunkermod - unbreakable blocks Bunkermod adds various blocks and equipment resistant to explosions and unbreakable for normal items _ForgeUser12488581 177677 2015-01-25 20:21
Springboards Add springs to break falls and launch players _ForgeUser18784988 3723681 2015-01-25 14:23
Overpowered Stuff Mod EPICNESS OF COMBAT! _ForgeUser18781886 1045 2015-01-25 08:25
InGame Mod Configs [DISCONTINUED] Replaces the FML test config GUI with a functional menu. Lunatrius 22785 2015-01-23 21:53
Random Things Random Things adds various miscellaneous items and blocks to minecraft Lumien231 41440793 2015-01-23 18:42
tools done better mod normal tools are boring _ForgeUser16917915 283 2015-01-23 07:46
Simple Refinement A simple way to refine your basic metals, allowing better quality tools and armor. FyberOptic 18043 2015-01-22 17:22
BlocksPlusPlus IT9 _ForgeUser16983774 392 2015-01-22 10:21
YACBM - Yet Another Craftable Bedrock Mod A simple mod that allows you to craft bedrock ハルユキ 11686 2015-01-22 00:07
Default World Generator Change the default world generator selected for Single Player Minecraft FireBall1725 951235 2015-01-21 20:48
Dark World A new dimension, it's evil, darkness rules there. _ForgeUser8457753 4602 2015-01-21 18:52
LunatriusCore A (small) compilation of utility classes used in Lunatrius' mods. Lunatrius 37952589 2015-01-21 11:42
The Maze World Mod Adds an Infinate Maze Dimension supercat765 41990 2015-01-21 04:47
Endermanage Endermanage allows you to control which blocks Endermen can carry. FyberOptic 12074 2015-01-20 12:48
The Weed Mod Come smoke a Joint in Minecraft johnwilliker 25974 2015-01-20 07:04
Moo Fluids Dynamically adds different Cows that when bucketed give you different fluids. TheRoBrit 6575982 2015-01-20 01:39
DaBells We've added bells to Minecraft. Hope you enjoy them!! s3xydexydoo 5740 2015-01-19 08:58
Niceties Simple ideas to help without upsetting the balance _ForgeUser9336581 3481 2015-01-19 07:00
More Swords Mod A simple mod that adds new swords and enchantments into the game. DarkhaxDev 728084 2015-01-19 03:05
NBTReader NBT reading & sorting thislooksfun1 881 2015-01-19 01:07
Sent MOD SENT MOD _ForgeUser18654137 1290 2015-01-18 12:14
AdventureTime Mod AdventureTime Mod ItsRouter 121744 2015-01-18 04:29
Baubles An addon module and API for Thaumcraft Azanor13 108193245 2015-01-17 20:07
Zeron PowerCraft Help us conquer the Internet with Zeron Power :D _ForgeUser11939408 17738 2015-01-17 10:01
The Vanilla Enhancer Mod This mod enhances your minecraft gameplay. We take elements and implement them to create an enhanced version of minecraft for you. _ForgeUser9264604 10495 2015-01-17 03:44
Gravel to Clay Convert Gravel to Clay pjlasl 22371 2015-01-16 17:34
Chime A social Minecraft experience _ForgeUser6969542 505 2015-01-16 05:43
RubyOre Mod first mod _ForgeUser17310565 1007 2015-01-15 22:21
ChocoCraft This mod adds a mob called Chocobo to the game. This includes different coloured mob types with different attributes in their grown-up and juvenile form. clienthax 5939030 2015-01-14 07:17
the diamond dimensions its cool _ForgeUser18617828 4741 2015-01-13 23:20
Quantum Anomalies Entropy, Chaos and all things Bad _ForgeUser17317013 4166 2015-01-13 14:27
DeathSound A simple little mod that plays a sound on your players death. _ForgeUser9336581 1823 2015-01-12 11:15
Minerals+ by owloctogons Minerals+ _ForgeUser16339441 654 2015-01-12 00:11
the blu gem a blu mod _ForgeUser16917915 118 2015-01-11 23:24
TellMe A mod that can output registry dumps and other information and lists about the game masady 4925696 2015-01-11 22:07
ScriptCraft Minecraft Modding using JavaScript _ForgeUser10322610 3594 2015-01-11 16:12
The Yolo Mod Tools, Weapons, New dimensions and Overpowered mobs _ForgeUser18580419 1443 2015-01-11 11:48
CleanView CleanView is a minecraft client mod that removes potion particles from your viewpoint LainMI 6533798 2015-01-11 06:16
Break Cancel Break Cancel is a simple mod which allows map makers and modpack owners the ability to disable and enable block outlines, and the possibility to break blocks. JemmaZZ 1452 2015-01-11 05:36
Minecraft Revolution RPG A rpg with a new combat system _ForgeUser17225858 4127 2015-01-11 00:43
XEliteZ FrostCraft A winter themed mod by Kalvin from XEliteZ _ForgeUser7342171 8570 2015-01-10 12:40
Drop Items Forever! Drop items from inventory forever pjlasl 1351 2015-01-09 19:47
Ultimate Ruby Mod Adds Ruby Tools, Items, Armor and more earfart 15692 2015-01-09 12:27
Crafting Pillar mod Fancy 3D way of crafting, smelting and more... Forge_User_42127699, _ForgeUser9408743 187358 2015-01-08 23:35
Craftable Glowstone Crafting Glowstone DiG0011 143335 2015-01-08 17:37
Dungeon Masters A mod based off of D&D _ForgeUser13456111 3647 2015-01-08 15:19
WIGM Plant/Tea Mod (Unofficial Jolly Mod) Adding new plants to minecraft A_Quack 2368 2015-01-08 12:07
Sound Filters A client-side mod that adds reverb to caves, and mutes sounds when you're underwater or when the sound is behind a wall. Tmtravlr 25660861 2015-01-08 07:59
Gammabright Allows you to increase/decrease your in-game brightness beyond the default limits! (Brightness/Fullbright Mod) digitalshadowhawk, _ForgeUser7418432 249625 2015-01-07 16:03
Skeleton World This mod adds in a new boss, new food, a new block, new items, new recipes, and a new dimension! HowBoutNo 1015 2015-01-07 00:58
MiscItemsAndBlocks MiscItemsAndBlocks is a mod that adds random items and blocks Horeaki 14615 2015-01-06 16:57
HelpFixer Fixes the /help command matthewprenger 8654044 2015-01-06 06:01
Minecraft Mob Armor Mod Minecraft Mob Armor Mod _ForgeUser18459747 33108 2015-01-05 16:20
Ore Shops Mod Ore Shops _ForgeUser18461496 3509 2015-01-05 13:42
Extra Tools - Perry About Extra Tools - Perry _ForgeUser18396275 2640 2015-01-05 11:36
YouShallNotStack utility for modpack makers InfinityRaider 47876 2015-01-05 08:27
Ztones Ztones adds modern/futuristic/fantasy style decorative building blocks. _ForgeUser12514463 5268095 2015-01-05 05:49
Beheaded Heads, skulls, brain-holders, all of 'em! _ForgeUser17317013 3809 2015-01-05 05:02
Palettes Painted Pixels _ForgeUser17317013 2775 2015-01-05 04:46
SourceCodedCore A main, core API for most of my Mods _ForgeUser17317013 15404 2015-01-05 04:30
Hogans Golems Mod Hogans Golems Mod _ForgeUser18459747 10532 2015-01-04 21:36
Poop Poop Mod V1.3 _ForgeUser7059733 28891 2015-01-04 20:08
McpiApi Minecraft Pi API for your regular Minecraft - easy programming within your world! _ForgeUser18485125 360 2015-01-04 12:09
Prospector Mod A mod that allows you to find ores ThatSava 265 2015-01-03 10:11
AlchemyPlusPlus Expanded brewing and potion mechanics for the aspiring Alchemist jakimfett 12584 2015-01-02 05:41
Moar Items! A simple mod xclockpie 130 2015-01-01 17:23
Model Railway Mod Model Railways in Minecraft! _ForgeUser6840990, _ForgeUser12211004 403 2014-12-31 16:40
BinniFenceCraftingFix restores fence recipes from Binnie-mods marcin212a, _ForgeUser9718369 3881 2014-12-31 15:32
Boom Plus More Explosives, Items and Ores! _ForgeUser11994537 2203 2014-12-31 13:14
some things mod 0.2 some extras to minecraft! _ForgeUser16874892 114 2014-12-31 11:31
The Fishtank Mod Add some decorative blocks and items to the game. _ForgeUser11856568 22061 2014-12-31 09:14
Experience Ore The simplest mod ever! Read description for more info! Forge_User_19982668 7329 2014-12-30 22:43
The Fabulous Amazing Brilliant Hoes Mod A mod based completely around hoes _ForgeUser18424464 1238 2014-12-30 19:45
iBench A portable crafting table similar to Dartcraft's clipboard _ForgeUser18227031 186311 2014-12-30 00:52
MC-MB Tools Tools to work with MineCraft Multi Blocks thejigmeister 1298 2014-12-28 05:41
Auto Whitelister Automatic whitelister with mysql support. LordDusk 4052 2014-12-25 16:13
Christmas Add-on for M'Ores Christmas Add-on for M'Ores _ForgeUser11943603 3449 2014-12-25 02:41
Miscellany Mod that adds different items and blocks. Raizu 2716 2014-12-24 07:03
Luppii's Ladders Luppii's Ladders Forge_User_25919909 446286 2014-12-23 16:52
Clock HUD A simple clock that displays in your HUD QKninja 610440 2014-12-23 03:19
Wireless Item Passaging No longer will you need a bunch of conduits to transport over long distances. Instead, you can create Item Conduits from Wireless Item Passaging, set their locations to pull from, and save tons of space! Mitchellbrine 6042 2014-12-23 02:54
Truss Mod Truss Mod adds motors that can move blocks and frames that can form big moving constructions.It was inspired by Red Power 2 by Eloraam. _ForgeUser10152498 4366 2014-12-22 20:58
Michail756 Author "OresPlus" mod _ForgeUser18312034 217 2014-12-22 18:51
The Ice Cream Mod As in the name, adds craftable ice creams into the world of Minecraft. _ForgeUser14769880 18803 2014-12-22 16:31
Fallen Craft New structures, weapons, and mobs! Will optimize your Minecraft experience. Have fun! _ForgeUser18305389 237 2014-12-22 12:35
PlayerTag Tag players thislooksfun1 1748 2014-12-22 01:24
Koadmasters Pirates Koadmasters Pirates _ForgeUser8189299 4881 2014-12-20 00:51
HyperionCraft Travel and DIE like in Borderlands 2! jan2048 11915 2014-12-19 10:44
No More F3 An alternative to the F3 debug screen _ForgeUser9916000 3288 2014-12-19 05:24
Easy Books Make paper and books from just a bit of wood. metachaos 747 2014-12-18 04:48
Failstick lets you craft a failstick using a arrow and two lime dyes. With the failstick you can now take a sunny day and make it rain! JoepedPlays 752 2014-12-17 09:06
ToolUtilities Area of Effect Mining, Right Click Placing and More! insaneau, tterrag1098 35758 2014-12-17 07:49
MineSafety You should wear a helmet when you go mining... DoubleDoorDev, Dries007, Claycorp 15954 2014-12-15 04:56
Attained Drops Making mob drops farmable in creative manners VapourDrive 63431 2014-12-14 05:25
Twitch Notifier In-game notifications from StreamTip and Twitch FireBall1725 6168 2014-12-13 21:20
Ender Enhancement Draw on the power of the Enderman Wavebrother 125793 2014-12-12 21:46
AnimationAPI AnimationAPI shcott21 5892512 2014-12-12 19:16
CallowCraft Allows customisable reduction and grouping of XP drops _ForgeUser16618358 994 2014-12-12 13:41
Netherless Disables Nether Portals _ForgeUser16618358 396390 2014-12-12 13:24
Large Sign 2.0 "Large Sign" which has bigger block size and font size.You can edit text or insert item icon on it. _ForgeUser8535704 11549 2014-12-12 13:00
NoSwim Removes the ability to swim in minecraft. PricelessKoala 17764 2014-12-12 07:40
Magician's Artifice "Where proper magic meets the elusive magician!" -Mitchellbrine (2014) _ForgeUser17144689, Mitchellbrine, _ForgeUser10982753 703 2014-12-12 06:26
Better Armor 2 Better Armor ameberlan, InvictaMonstrum 35750 2014-12-12 05:37
MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod Adds over 80 unique pieces of furniture into Minecraft! MrCrayfish 52556572 2014-12-12 04:48
Pandora's Box Pandora's Box is a relic of many mysteries. What secrets could it possibly hold? Ivorius 3584151 2014-12-11 07:28
Dedicated BUD Adds a single block that emits a redstone signal when a block next to it changes. _ForgeUser7513261 2508 2014-12-10 17:17
Zyin's HUD Zyin's HUD adds useful information and additional hotkeys. Designed with the advanced Minecrafter in mind. Zyin055 203752 2014-12-10 05:53
Class Loader API An Item and Entity Loading API for large Minecraft Mods. Gnomorian 2311 2014-12-09 11:44
Computer LandMarks Adds a ComputerCraft Peripheral that acts as a BuildCraft Landmark _ForgeUser18133331 7234 2014-12-09 00:20
Build Helper Adds wands that help with building (Not meant for survival mode) Slymask3 25397 2014-12-08 23:49
Extra Achievements More to strive for in the world of minecraftia! dude22072 97872 2014-12-08 00:06
Minicraft Manager Minicraft Manager _ForgeUser7563516 20414 2014-12-07 15:34
NoNausea Replace the vanilla nausea effect with something less headache inducing Lumien231 1642530 2014-12-07 11:36
Ammar's Emerald Tools Mod Emerald Tools _ForgeUser16496557 4140 2014-12-06 09:32
JourneyMap Tools Command line utilities for manipulating the image tiles generated by the JourneyMap client. techbrew 158304 2014-12-05 17:19
Reedcraft A mod that adds various reed-based items while keeping the vanilla atmosphere. _ForgeUser12499859 1548 2014-12-05 13:09
Carbonization Fuel Oriented Technology Mod Mina_the_Engineer 3146 2014-12-04 23:31
MalCore Base Mod for all of Mal's Mods Mina_the_Engineer 3706 2014-12-04 23:05
Mob Stats Too fed? Make the mobs harder! _ForgeUser735050 11924 2014-12-04 06:28
Granter Change it graphicly! _ForgeUser16139870 5088 2014-12-04 01:39
Zero Quest More Mobs, Blocks Items and Dimensions! XNovaViperX 12921 2014-12-03 15:28
Azathoth A small library mod & chat mod _ForgeUser7013719 828 2014-12-03 14:37
Cosmetic Armor Because it's important to be stylish DarkhaxDev 468035 2014-12-01 01:39
Jaffas and more! Adds complex food crafting chains - ideal content for automatization mods - build your own Jaffa Cake factory! _ForgeUser9228132 13080 2014-11-30 13:03
Monnef Core library used for monnef's mods _ForgeUser9228132 16574 2014-11-30 12:42
Divine Weapons This mod adds new weapons to minecraft, some with special abilities! _ForgeUser18028423 259 2014-11-30 11:39
Micro-Tools, Macro-Tools, and More! A Mod that adds Mini-Tools and many more features. _ForgeUser17543742 5367 2014-11-30 05:42
Creepers Fire A mod to make Creepers explode instantly when they are on fire _ForgeUser17222645, CoolSquid 16655 2014-11-29 03:41
GimmeNBT A little Minecraft mod which adds some useful information to the item tooltip and a /dump_inv command iTitus 3970 2014-11-28 10:52
Decrafting Mod 1.7.x Decraft non-decraftable items in Minecraft! _ForgeUser17918899 570 2014-11-27 10:28
Flowing Flux Redstone Flux Conduits for the savvy engineer! _ForgeUser12187638 23971 2014-11-27 00:16
Mr.Robertman's More Ores Mr.Robertman's More Ores _ForgeUser11943603 119857 2014-11-26 23:22
Cube's Edge A mod that resuming the movements of the famous game : Mirror's Edge. _ForgeUser7452664 143843 2014-11-24 18:18
Binnie Fix Now Obsolete PrinceVollukk 3353 2014-11-24 15:35
AllForFun's Modpack A custom-coded modpack all in one mod! _ForgeUser9761674, ndh175 3735 2014-11-24 07:05
Sophisticated wolves Sophisticated wolves nightkosh 1398191 2014-11-24 05:44
Sparkly Pants A mod about sparkly pants! TheSatanicSanta 1609 2014-11-23 19:11
Freedom Express your freedom by eating fried chicken and drinking MTN Dew! TheSatanicSanta 6529 2014-11-23 18:31
AutoBomb Special Minecraft Mod with BOMBS! _ForgeUser17936142 2874 2014-11-23 17:29
Jukebox Reloaded An Upgraded version of the jukebox Cazzar09 49153 2014-11-23 00:50
CazzarCoreLib Core Library for Cazzar's mods Cazzar09 43407 2014-11-23 00:09
Plain Blocks Just plain blocks with one color. Wavebrother 2519 2014-11-22 10:13
Custom Mob Drops Customize the drops for almost all mobs _ForgeUser16979160 2752 2014-11-21 09:48
Energy Drinks Mod Adds Insane Energy Drinks Into the Game!!! _ForgeUser16193249 12673 2014-11-21 01:15
Shinsei Find new uses for your unused and old items. New modular machines. _ForgeUser17459769 3285 2014-11-19 02:44
Let-it-Burn (add furnace fuel with config) Configuration based furnace fuel editor. DoubleDoorDev, Dries007, Claycorp 3792 2014-11-18 16:23
The Moo Mod Adds a new ore, new tools, new armor and more! aianmoo16 557 2014-11-18 05:51
UnLogic This is a 'Random Things' mod that aims to add a lot of useful content. The_Fireplace 1549 2014-11-16 19:01
Nearby Mob Finder Finds the nearby mobs when you can't sleep VikeStep 12196 2014-11-16 13:11
BladeCraft Provides complete color customization of swords by gilding the blade, hilt, and handle with colored alloys. _ForgeUser7860677, Ghostrec35, DarkhaxDev 57397 2014-11-16 07:06
LightAir A utility mod adding airblocks with a customizable light level! lewis_mcreu, lordcazsius 9735 2014-11-15 04:24
Resonant Engine Dead Mod, only exists for older modpacks QueenOfMissiles 53894 2014-11-15 04:06
Percy Craftson Be a Demi-god in Percy's World. Get Riptide (Penand Sword) and Olympus. More Coming Soon. You'llhave fun worthy of the Gods _ForgeUser17765030 617 2014-11-14 23:00
Aroma1997s Dimensional World One world for mining Aroma1997 31515130 2014-11-14 20:00
Multi Page Chest Adds a chest with 5 pages. cubex2 450822 2014-11-14 17:55
Chunk Explorer World manipulation tools for Mod Writers AtomicBlom 432260 2014-11-14 14:14
WorldStateCheckpoints WorldStateCheckpoints gives you a way to take snapshots of your SP worlds! bspkrs, Error_MiKeY 13328 2014-11-14 14:11
StartingInventory This mod gives you items and blocks each time you start a new world. bspkrs 6096581 2014-11-14 13:48
FloatingRuins Floating islands taken from the ground with mini-ruins on top. The ruins' shape, material and mob spawners' choice of mobs are all biome-based. bspkrs 808655 2014-11-14 13:22
CrystalWing Magical winds, take me home! bspkrs 163444 2014-11-14 11:35
StatusEffectHUD Displays your currently active potions/effects without having to open your inventory! Sweet! bspkrs 2517696 2014-11-14 11:06
DirectionHUD Displays your magnetic compass heading at the top of your screen. bspkrs 411243 2014-11-14 09:03
ArmorStatusHUD Shows your currently equipped armor and held items on your HUD! bspkrs 4153493 2014-11-14 08:19
Treecapitator Allows players to chop down trees by breaking a single log. bspkrs 4791556 2014-11-14 05:17
Devon's Random Things This is a mod that adds content requested by EnderDevon321 The_Fireplace 738 2014-11-14 01:12
Fluxed Trinkets RF Powered Baubles Jaredlll08 32207 2014-11-12 14:32
More Backpacks [Forestry Addon] More Backpacks [Forestry Addon] lordblackhole_ 94701 2014-11-11 06:12
Baymax Mod Adds Baymax from Big Hero 6 into the game. _ForgeUser10996961 4124 2014-11-10 21:37
FlatBedrock Xplosion's Edition Customizable Flat Bedrock generation big_Xplosion 2285059 2014-11-10 21:19
OilCraft A technical mod that uses oil Forge_User_01740825 9071 2014-11-10 14:37
Ore Dictionary Log A simple mod to log all the ore dictionary registered stuff _ForgeUser8281990 1576 2014-11-10 12:06
Etsy's Mod A mod I made that adds a few things which should already be implemented! EtsyTheDragon 8275 2014-11-10 03:07
Food Potion Mod Combine Food and Potion user_16207256 4410 2014-11-10 00:15
DonutCraft This mod is part of the DonutCraft Modpack on the ATLauncher _ForgeUser9236667 6440 2014-11-09 10:14
Tubes! Tubes provides the best item transport and sorting solution for all your transport, sorting, and automation needs. _ForgeUser9575823 133663 2014-11-09 04:29
The Revival Hello Everybody this mod is a aesthetic block mod Made by me FlawlessGecko _ForgeUser15997475 3292 2014-11-08 06:57
Enchanting Plus Enchanting Plus DarkhaxDev 11874339 2014-11-08 01:40
BurnCreeperBurn A simple mod that replaces vanilla Creepers with Nocturnal Creepers that burn in sunlight. _ForgeUser17733189 4722 2014-11-07 18:15
The Last Night 1.7 This mod adds some great high-tech stuff and looks just awesome. It also adds some cool events. There is still a lot of cool things so check for the updates of the mod _ForgeUser17136356 5177 2014-11-06 02:33
Journey of a thousand adventures A big fun (WIP) RPG/Adventure mod, updating all the time! _ForgeUser17712727 2684 2014-11-05 22:57
DeathDoor World A new and dangerous dimension _ForgeUser15564968 4789 2014-11-04 16:12
RandomBlocksMod The Randomest Mod Ever! Adds in tons of diferent items/blocks/mobs _ForgeUser17699475 2149 2014-11-03 18:43
Personalized Recipes 2.0 A Minecraft mod that allows you to add all sorts of custom recipes to the game! xandayn 9710 2014-11-03 13:53
Custom Portalz Customize your nether portals! _ForgeUser13944113 2642 2014-11-02 14:39
Murdered By Zombies Zombie Apocolypse with Guns, think Resident Evil meets Parasite Eve _ForgeUser16806030 4420 2014-11-02 05:27
JPiston A mod that makes pistons more fun and upgradable _ForgeUser8281990 352 2014-11-01 11:03
ColorCraft CC _ForgeUser17608192 234 2014-11-01 05:07
Splash Dye Craft dye and water bottles into throwable dyes to change the colours of your sheep! notnosi 1083 2014-10-30 05:28
Thermal Tinkerer A unique kind of insane, in Thermal Expansion addon form. SisterJacq 2019 2014-10-30 04:02
Electrolysm Electrolysm allows you to bring the science to Minecraft. From just the basics, to the most advanced sciences that Minecraft can allow. _ForgeUser11275026, _ForgeUser11284934 644 2014-10-29 10:13
The Wonder Staff DarkLands biome, conquer the Dark Castles, get the materials for the Staffs _ForgeUser14639451 4878 2014-10-29 09:29
Wrath's Random Random mod _ForgeUser10001847 807 2014-10-28 23:12
YoshiCraft YoshiCraft is a mod based on our beloved Yoshi from the games of Super Mario! _ForgeUser16567897 3449 2014-10-28 11:27
C9Light Lasers, logic, automation, etc. camerondm9 2792 2014-10-28 08:34
StoryRPG customize your story _ForgeUser17525243 412 2014-10-28 00:17
Peaceful to Dye For Use vanilla Dyes to create hostile mob drops. ShadowSyllvet 4365 2014-10-27 19:57
Code: CRAFT The Code: LYOKO mod for the best. keeganditty 3652 2014-10-27 08:47
RacesForMinecraft Allows players to pick a race and limits items based on that race. TheTemportalist 1263 2014-10-26 23:47
Owner Emitter A block (or two) which track their player's and emit redstone if they are online. TheTemportalist 14089 2014-10-26 23:25
HorrorWeen This a mod made for halloween. Its to have fun and just play around with. Feel free to add in to any mod pack you want you dont need to ask. _ForgeUser17540236 20571 2014-10-26 16:06
Mod Control A small server mod that lets you control which mods your players can / have to use on your server Lumien231 12295 2014-10-26 07:13
Forgotten Realms A mod that will transform the player's World into a Realm of fantasy and adventure Raslar21 2826 2014-10-26 03:18
FlatSigns FlatSigns provides new sign functionality allowing signs to be placed flat on the ceiling or the floor and edited via sponges. Myrathi, _ForgeUser3937 4356457 2014-10-25 05:59
Buildcraft Schematic Mod Adding builder support for mods werl 16234 2014-10-24 17:17
Crystalline Magic Crystalline Magic is a magic mod based around energy generation and usage through spells and other means of magic usage. Horeaki 283 2014-10-24 13:54
Warp Theory Expand Warp Shukaro 100339 2014-10-23 19:08
InfiniBows (Infinity Bow Fix) InfiniBows removes the need for a single arrow in the inventory when using an "Infinity I" enchanted bow. Myrathi 3910531 2014-10-21 19:45
SurvivalTabs SurvivalTabs will allow mod developers to add their own survival tabs that will correspond with other tabs and will work together side-by-side! _ForgeUser11981949 1428 2014-10-21 11:37
ThaumicNEI An NEI Plugin for Thaumcraft 4! austinv11 33314 2014-10-21 01:57
Never Say Nether Item transformation mod _ForgeUser4148245 2042 2014-10-20 01:39
Insomnia Simple server side mod that prevents Player's from sleeping through the night, while retaining the ability to set their spawn point dmillerw 6835 2014-10-19 00:59
DoubleJump Bringing that second block within reach K4Unl 11537 2014-10-19 00:41
Villager's Nose A small joky mod about cutting of noses. _ForgeUser12799758 662151 2014-10-18 08:16
Fast Building Fast Building is a mod used to lay down multiple blocks quickly. ChaseSan 36081 2014-10-18 07:00
BetterRottenFlesh Yet another rotten flesh to leather mod... (How many is there now?) InvictaMonstrum 19547 2014-10-18 01:48
Feed A Friend A Minecraft Forge mod which allows players to feed each other food. notnosi 6631 2014-10-17 08:35
FogNerf Reduces various types of fog (e.g. void fog) Portablejim 155159 2014-10-16 18:55
Lazy Zombies small changes for less agressive zombies _ForgeUser6979253 1073 2014-10-15 16:07
Item Search Allows you to find items in inventories with commands briman0094, Dries007 7441 2014-10-15 11:52
Creative Tools Creative tools for use in survival _ForgeUser7841726 355 2014-10-15 11:01
LearningMobs Mod Custom mobs whose AI is managed by q-learning controllers. _ForgeUser12917372 315 2014-10-14 17:29
Pixelnauts It's like Awesomenauts but in Minecraft _ForgeUser16994103 1151 2014-10-13 13:35
Stone Dust Stone Dust _ForgeUser7755782 1919 2014-10-12 22:47
Balkon's WeaponMod Balkon's WeaponMod adds a variety of new weapons to Minecraft. _ForgeUser6815172 1425033 2014-10-12 11:39
FluidConverters A mod for converting fluids. kroeser, _ForgeUser13545288 50047 2014-10-12 00:55
LibSandstone Sandstone, the foundation for pyramids. Another modding framework. _ForgeUser10605471, _ForgeUser6954937 128026 2014-10-11 11:42
Adventure Dimensions Simple utility mod that will put a player into adventure mode when they enter a dimension on a list. Lightwave413 7822 2014-10-11 04:32
Half Stick Mod A Mod adding in half sticks half torches and small DEADLY DAGGERS! _ForgeUser12441069 2992 2014-10-10 19:55
Ext Deco 0.5 Ext Deco 0.5 _ForgeUser7755782 10710 2014-10-10 17:16
Luppii's Green Mod Adds more blocks and items to your game. Forge_User_25919909 8068 2014-10-10 03:39
CreeperSpores If creepers aren't annoying enough _ForgeUser17321375 335 2014-10-09 22:20
Pre-fab walls Put block in the corner of the crafting grid to make a wall on the crafting table. Tru_MaNicXs 884 2014-10-09 12:45
Taunts! it adds taunts! Forge_User_37782361 2681 2014-10-09 12:27
Floaty Armor Bouyant Leather Armor _ForgeUser13704488 765 2014-10-08 22:53
Eraser Mod Turn useless blocks into something more by erasing them! _ForgeUser13704488 613 2014-10-08 22:35
ObsidianPlus The Revolution of the Obsidian _ForgeUser11858885 2089 2014-10-08 17:46
The Giving Blocks Mod The Mod That Makes It Easy To Get Stuff _ForgeUser16823217 137 2014-10-07 23:01
Basic Ores, Armour and Tools (BOAT) New Ores, Armour, Tools and more to be discovered _ForgeUser17304077 327 2014-10-07 06:22
Weird Biomes 6 new biomes! _ForgeUser11858111 783 2014-10-06 16:02
Rock Digger Adding blocks one by one. LordDusk 498011 2014-10-06 11:35
Realm of Mianite Mod Adds weapons and more from the Realm of Mianite, a series by CaptainSparklez, iiJerichoii and Syndicate. _ForgeUser12672939 25494 2014-10-06 08:55
sapphire adds new sapphier tools and a hidden kik _ForgeUser17304493 246 2014-10-06 06:32
Bow Infinity Fix (Forge/Fabric) Removes need to have an arrow in your inventory to use the Infinity enchant on your bow or crossbow Parker8283 4344088 2014-10-05 19:26
Building Mod Built like you have never built before with this mod. It also adds dimensions and armor. _ForgeUser12204030 587 2014-10-05 00:33
RunUp Lets you step up 1 block edges when moving over certain blocks. Forecaster71 1661 2014-10-04 23:45
KinetiCraft A mod that adds kinetic RF generation and storage. Run! Jump! Swing... but not too much or you'll hurt yourself. _ForgeUser7019343 8353 2014-10-04 21:52
Player Proxies A bunch of utilities Ephys 4023 2014-10-04 08:30
IGD Access mod documentation in-game _ForgeUser7181521 1449 2014-10-04 00:55
BetterLeather Leather but better. _ForgeUser14088706 59119 2014-10-03 12:47
Liquid Dirt This mod adds liquid dirt to minecraft ace5852 12093 2014-10-03 02:57
Passthrough Signs Enable the ability to right-click through wall signs, to interact with chests & other TileEntities Girafi 4030971 2014-10-02 23:11
Heavy Rain Weather mod _ForgeUser9262221 269 2014-10-02 21:18
GobBob's Animated Blocks Doors, Trap Doors and Levers that actually move! IVESIRIS 43163 2014-10-02 18:40
Waila NBT Waila NBT is a mod to show player defined specific NBT info on Waila HUD. EpixZhang 92815 2014-10-01 20:04
Codex Core The Core For Codex Mods _ForgeUser14389158 623 2014-10-01 17:26
CraftingCosts NEI addon for showing overall crafting costs for items. Sangar_ 11888 2014-09-30 13:09
Biomes Tweaker Allow you to edit biomes Zehir_ 6475 2014-09-30 08:01
GL Handler This is a core mod to handle Open Gl Stuff _ForgeUser8281990 815 2014-09-30 07:39
Slendercraft 2 Dimension Mod _ForgeUser9851297 2740 2014-09-30 05:06
HPCheck HPCheck shows damage in chat to help pack creators. PuppetzMedia, MindlessPuppetz, Vazkii 668 2014-09-29 10:48
Magic crusade RPG mod Spells, Classes, Dimension, Dungeon, Weapons, Stats _ForgeUser9251289 191571 2014-09-29 07:53
StopGap When you're caught short. Othlon 9920 2014-09-29 05:46
Ore Dictionary Tooltips Ever wanted to see what ore dictionary entries an item is registered under? _ForgeUser7897196 460 2014-09-28 21:45
DarkRegenBowl Mod! This is mod with a DarkRegenBowl. hehehe _ForgeUser10313662 22870 2014-09-28 02:18
Zelda Swords Mod the swords of the legend of zelda _ForgeUser17224631 373 2014-09-28 01:40
Useful Resources - Formerly More Tools Just a simple tools mod - Recent Name Change Firestar311 4884 2014-09-27 01:17
WTP - What's This Pack Adds a short modpack name or message to the main menu. Robosphinx 782360 2014-09-24 00:56
Better Minerals Mod Adds and educational twist to MC queenofsquiggles 8447 2014-09-23 21:54
Hunger In Peace Normal hunger and health regen in peaceful mode squeek502 621784 2014-09-23 04:37
Random Randomness How do it know? Torquebolt20 1865 2014-09-23 02:11
MineMenu Mine Menu - Radial menu, 'nuff said Girafi 9018963 2014-09-22 14:55
Prismarine Enhanced Adding more functionality to prismarine Torquebolt20 4587 2014-09-22 11:28
Mob Ores A new mod that generates ores in the overworld giving players a chance to get the drops from hostile mobs from mining. _ForgeUser15909993 5590 2014-09-22 10:13
LazyMod Get the rarer items you want through the easier to get ones! _ForgeUser11960787 3785 2014-09-22 06:28
Pickup Control Fixes your hoarding tendencies! For 1.7.10. SMP compatible. _ForgeUser11952546 575 2014-09-22 03:58
BCMod Core mod required for Backpacks! 2.6 and Balanced Exchange 2.6 Brad16840 33947 2014-09-21 17:17
Rollercoaster Mod One of the oldest mod requests for minecraft has been the ability to build rollercoasters. Now, as a result of one wacky modjam idea and a limited amount of time, you can do so! _ForgeUser15852776 307967 2014-09-21 14:07
Additional Ore and Ingots A library like mod for all of Chibill's Additional Mods. mc_chibill 1134 2014-09-20 22:16
Stained Ender Tables Teleportation mod for Minecraft _ForgeUser16436888 9192 2014-09-20 06:01
[DEAD]Artillects Mod is not being updated QueenOfMissiles 2487 2014-09-19 22:26
EggCraft Adds craftable mob spawn eggs to minecraft ndh175 37693 2014-09-19 09:24
GlassPlus Adds new types of glass to the game ndh175 19526 2014-09-17 01:57
Emerald Tools & Armor Mod that adds a set of emerald armor and tools ndh175 37922 2014-09-16 23:29
SpiritOres Mod Adds 4 new ores, aluminum, copper, steel and spirit. _ForgeUser12939819 6658 2014-09-16 19:16
More Pistons Jiraiyah Version The continuation of More Piston Mod _ForgeUser8281990 88992 2014-09-16 11:54
Chisel - Venerable A mod to add in decorative blocks into Minecraft using a item called the Chisel. Forge_User_22859052 561181 2014-09-16 07:20
Salt Mod This mod adds salt and other items in game! _ForgeUser11713535 4707 2014-09-16 00:39
Uncle Jeff's Sensors Moon Phase Sensor and Weather Sensor (+ pressure plates in 1.8+) uncle__jeff 12225 2014-09-15 20:05
Lost Books Makes mobs drop pre-written stories. FatherToast 227882 2014-09-15 05:45
UltraTech UltraTech Mod cout970 21543 2014-09-15 00:59
EasyCrafting Craft items with just a click of a button. LepkoQQ 217046 2014-09-14 19:39
Natural Absorption Re-purposes vanilla absorption to act as a regenerating shield. FatherToast 1345083 2014-09-14 17:41
Utility Mobs Expands upon vanilla's utility mobs. FatherToast 914706 2014-09-14 16:50
Deadly World Makes your worlds more dangerous and lets you configure ores. FatherToast 976625 2014-09-14 16:33
Lava Monsters Adds monsters that spawn in lava. ModdingLegacy, KingPhygieBoo 1788354 2014-09-14 16:17
Fabricators Adds a replacement for xycraft fabricators khitiara_ 7029 2014-09-14 12:21
Amalgam Ultimate crafting customization user_7057418 4188 2014-09-14 07:07
Survival+ Mod Survival+ adds more food to enhance survival. pinejh 3039 2014-09-13 22:52
Mo Cookies Mod Adds More Cookies to minecraft MinecraftPalace 270 2014-09-13 00:10
Uncle Jeff's Anystone Walls New wall type that can be made of many different materials uncle__jeff 28217 2014-09-12 17:41
tgame-core a Common library shared amongst all of my mods _ForgeUser11855517 6287 2014-09-12 11:11
Inductive-Charge-Systems A mod designed to add inductive and magnetic charging methods to RF Based energy. _ForgeUser11855517 3568 2014-09-12 10:51
Lag'B'Gon Lag reduction utility for Forge, inspired by ClearLagg for Bukkit. ZenDarva 40349 2014-09-12 06:38
Better Title Screen Better Title Screen is a client-side mod that provides options to customize Minecraft's title screen. Girafi 8943746 2014-09-11 19:44
CraftingManager Adds an ingame configuration option, including an api CreativeMD 14098 2014-09-11 16:21
The Mining Mod This mod will extend your mining possibilities! It adds new ores, tools and armor sets which vary from eachother. Mithril will give you maybe the biggest challenge ever. This ore is extremely rare, but the armor and tools are insanely strong! _ForgeUser8976188 13209 2014-09-11 12:37
Hide Names Hide name tags above other players thislooksfun1 1141521 2014-09-10 22:42
ForgeUpdater A small API to allow easy version checking for modders thislooksfun1 8414 2014-09-10 22:21
Steve's Workshop Adds a production table that contains multiple modular crafting tables and/or furnaces. _ForgeUser7319596 6195382 2014-09-10 18:37
Dimension Inventorys A small mod that allows you to specify in which dimensions players have the same inventory and in which they have unique ones. Lumien231 6624 2014-09-10 18:17
Mob Party Mob Party adds new mobs to mincraft norgefyr 9133 2014-09-10 17:56
EXVR (Extra Vanilla Recipes) Adding vanilla recipes for those pesky uncraftable items! _ForgeUser19727638 4389 2014-09-10 15:34
Female Gender & Age Mod ARCHIVED/DISCONTINUED. Adds player age and gender settings to Minecraft. Uses new hurt sounds, female models and textures based on the player's settings. Zombies use new textures based on the zombie's age and gender. iPixeli 578300 2014-09-10 13:32
Flightless Dragon Adds some goals that require killing the bosses and beyond. You play as gem-eating dragon on a quest to become as powerful as possible with the help of some new items. _ForgeUser16931046 2298 2014-09-10 07:05
The Deathstroke Mod Adds all kinds of Deathstrokes arsonal to be at his best. _ForgeUser13072725 2700 2014-09-10 05:02
Vanilla Improvements A mod that adds all the random shit that comes out of my head! _ForgeUser10757915 246 2014-09-10 02:19
Craft Z (Another Zombie Apocalypse) Another Zombie Apocalypse _ForgeUser9851297 2540 2014-09-09 15:28
Common Sense Food Adds some common-sense recipes to the game _ForgeUser735050 7877 2014-09-09 04:56
Old Book Recipe Mod It makes the old recipe of the book craftable! (Book will now only take 3 paper to craft) _ForgeUser12943524 18230 2014-09-08 20:17
Hearts & Damage (Craftable/Permanent) Craft permanent extra health and damage buff items, and extra food. _ForgeUser735050 382423 2014-09-08 19:14
RuneMagic Runescape inspired magic system, with runecrafting Callumhutchy 8646 2014-09-08 15:17
Invincible Hamster Mod A continuation of Ivorious' Invincible Hamster Mod BitForger 7972 2014-09-08 13:42
Pullback Teleporting un-re-imagined. Axleoca 6931 2014-09-08 07:08
FuelCraft Fun way to fuel! Use water, torches, and redstone just like coal! _ForgeUser10996961 1355 2014-09-07 18:10
Diamond Ender A mod which adds more fun into minecraft, a massive WIP kulalolk 681 2014-09-07 12:57
UniversalCore Core for all the UniversalTeam mods big_Xplosion, _ForgeUser13826795, SeamusFD 4739 2014-09-07 11:43
Nodal Mechanics Create Thaumcraft Nodes Shukaro 2323015 2014-09-07 11:13
Jojajoj Adds useless junk to minecraft which might be useful...! _ForgeUser8187884 1485 2014-09-07 10:43
Demi Gods Legendary weapons, armor, craftable health/damage, and food! _ForgeUser735050 19698 2014-09-07 03:32
Turtle Gun Adds a gun that fires explosive turtles! Lomeli12 21664 2014-09-07 00:05
Female Creepers Adds female creepers and other fun creeper related items into the game. _ForgeUser7665166 50967 2014-09-06 02:59
Additional Tools and Armor An armor and tool diversification mod with three new and equal colored minerals _ForgeUser12001691 4365 2014-09-06 01:33
TKO Cement A simple yet fun mod that can add to your vanilla experience or elevate your heavily modded game with Cement. _ForgeUser9367300 183 2014-09-06 01:05
Refined Tools and Armor An armor and tool diversification mod that utilizes standard resources found while playing Minecraft _ForgeUser12001691 2750 2014-09-05 22:06
Tabula Rasa Blank Slate - add your own blocks to Minecraft! TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH 416061 2014-09-05 12:17
Thaumic Warden A Thaumcraft Addon aiming to add a sense of adventure to Thaumcraft MasterAbdoTGM50 113909 2014-09-04 14:01
BiomeMusic Biome / Dimension specific music in minecraft! _ForgeUser10573595 471 2014-09-04 02:40
ForgeAnvil My utilities mod and a API so people don't need to reinvent the wheel! AnvilModLoader is an easy one file way to load dependencies and mod packs! Mitchellbrine 1128 2014-09-03 12:09
Quadrum Allowing the player to easy and simply add blocks and items to the game! dmillerw 1616535 2014-08-31 02:00
EssentialsForge Mod that provide basic utility commands for server use _ForgeUser9868533 36541 2014-08-30 01:53
PermissionForge Ported version of PermissionEx, PermissionForge gives the ability for server admins to use permissions. _ForgeUser9868533 32139 2014-08-30 01:18
OresPlus Resource Management for Minecraft 1.7.2 TarynnWren 222857 2014-08-29 20:54
Cliffie's Goos Crazy taint/nanotech goos ending the world, tough survival! CliffracerX 2064 2014-08-29 20:37
Obsidian Boat Obsidian Boat adds a boat capable of traveling on lava zilulil 257995 2014-08-29 08:46
ImelCraft 200 new blocks and items including new ores, tools, armor, doors, fluids and lots lots more _ForgeUser16806030 3416 2014-08-29 07:49
Perfect Spawn A mod that allows you to control the spawn point & dimension of each dimension. Lumien231 3120222 2014-08-28 07:13
CompanionCubeMod Mod is a small but diversifies the game _ForgeUser16414921 886 2014-08-28 06:53
Mob Tools Craft Tools from those mob drops! pauljoda 5227 2014-08-28 04:01
Admin Commands Toolbox A collection of commands used to facilitate server adminitration profmobius 101581 2014-08-27 19:13
Coolers Adds coolers, they feed you. gudenau 80530 2014-08-27 13:32
Realistic Survival A mod to make Minecraft more realistic. No more punching trees! Zzyllian 30702 2014-08-26 23:20
WeaselCraft WSC _ForgeUser12487392 1452 2014-08-26 02:49
Renkin42's Stuff Worth Throwing Mod Adds many new throwable items, as well as related blocks and mobs. _ForgeUser8310820 15156 2014-08-25 02:56
Omnifluids Makes every fluids placeable Ephys 2315 2014-08-25 02:31
MineCamera Client-side mod that allows players to create and view their world from any number of cameras dmillerw 111683 2014-08-24 21:10
Dual Hotbar Double your hotbar space RebelKeithy 281778 2014-08-22 18:38
ZoomMod ZoomMod _ForgeUser7054695 31820 2014-08-22 08:23
Uncle Jeff's Smart Pressure Plates Each p-plate is sensitive to different things, and its output signal gives more info uncle__jeff 814 2014-08-21 22:22
CleverMob API - Fun & Usefull - Simple "LightWeight" chat API! (All MC versions) A fun, lightweight Minecraft chat API. _ForgeUser10573595 318 2014-08-21 21:23
RainbowCraft Add all the rainbows Cricket 13381 2014-08-21 13:12
Quartz Plus All sorts of Quartz magic-ness Robosphinx 16080 2014-08-20 14:34
Mod Info Finder This is a simple mod which, on game start up, polls many registries in-game and makes sorted lists of information for anyone to use. _ForgeUser11935830 790 2014-08-20 01:23
Tool Expansion A Huge range of tools and other blocks to help you build with. _ForgeUser12816573 1759 2014-08-19 07:12
Agadar's Brewing-API Agadar's Brewing-API is an API that allows modders to conveniently add new brewing recipes to the game. realAgadar 514774 2014-08-19 04:34
FLORA Fluid-Based armor mod. pixlepix 21972 2014-08-18 23:37
Mo' Pickaxes Adds more pickaxes! _ForgeUser9902995 42189 2014-08-18 14:51
Rancraft Penguins Seventeen species of penguins, and penguin items with special properties. _ForgeUser8179107 92120 2014-08-18 08:02
Ender Tech Armour, Weapons and Ores _ForgeUser8969075 709 2014-08-17 23:39
Thunder Powered Thunder powering minecraft _ForgeUser16629644 312 2014-08-17 13:32
emerald armor emerald armor that is 50% more stronger that diamond coexxxx 1552 2014-08-17 07:30
floating island mod A mod that allows a floating island to randomly generate in your world. coexxxx 2487 2014-08-17 06:47
TastyFoods A mod that adds tasty foods. _ForgeUser8908391 4136 2014-08-17 02:14
Artemis STDOUT/STDERR tracing (and more) _ForgeUser16783202 2312 2014-08-16 11:23
Auto Sapling A mods that automatically replants saplings! Lemonszz 374299 2014-08-16 10:09
Complex Crops This mod adds several unique crops to Minecraft. Corn that grows on two-block tall stalks, rice that grows on water, and cucumbers that grow on vines! Ic3dice9 156246 2014-08-16 00:03
Paint Everything! +300 New Colored Blocks, Stairs, & Fences! Kwestionmark 20531 2014-08-15 16:09
Wynncraft GUI Mod Clientside enhancement of the Wynncraft experince while following a vanilla theme _ForgeUser10481590 4474 2014-08-15 09:20
Mo' Crafting More crafting! _ForgeUser9902995 18370 2014-08-15 05:44
Water Walking Mod Allows the player to walk on water _ForgeUser9642948 23211 2014-08-14 22:12
SecureCraftProtect This is a mod for [REDACTED], based on the SCP-Foundation. hanetzer 58305 2014-08-13 18:55
Twilight Advancedments A mod that takes you from the big and clunky stone age to the small and delicate future of machines jamzam90 319 2014-08-13 05:29
Dooglamoo Jr. Archaeology Alternative and fun ways to get items that are only obtainable from killing mobs and animals and going to the Nether. Presented with an archaeological theme. Dooglamoo 39248 2014-08-13 03:35
More Resources Mod This mod adds lots of new resources to your Minecraft game, such as: uranium, copper, red steel, and others. It also adds in the emerald dimension! _ForgeUser16745488 2508 2014-08-13 03:12
Liquid Potions Like potions, but liquid! _ForgeUser16300752 7837 2014-08-13 01:53
BetterVanilla BetterVanilla is a mod that attempts to improve vanilla gameplay by changing existing mechanics and expanding upon existing content. realAgadar 13393 2014-08-12 13:43
Stop Dirt Underground Dirt Generation Stopper _ForgeUser13995563 3584 2014-08-12 06:05
BetterBedrockGen Makes BedrockFlat Gigabit101 3755140 2014-08-11 22:04
Talismans Talismans Minecraft Mod Requires Baubles Gigabit101 59344 2014-08-11 21:36
MCTwitter Sending and Reading Tweets in Minecraft! _ForgeUser8113076 1115 2014-08-11 20:25
Billund A port of Dan200's Billund mod, with some of my own tweaks thrown in dmillerw 11014 2014-08-11 20:11
Craftable Horse Gear Craft horse gear! _ForgeUser9902995 7210 2014-08-11 15:42
Blocks Plus A mod which adds a number of cosmetic and technical blocks to the game as well as secure blocks designed with server security in mind. DylanGore 32414 2014-08-11 13:35
FpsPlus Boost fps plus other things abandenz 1665370 2014-08-11 03:41
Redstone Paste Adds a paste form of redstone, which can stick to various surfaces. FyberOptic 10529999 2014-08-10 21:33
Hopper Ducts Adds ducts, which connect to hoppers and send items in any direction, including upwards. FyberOptic 13985713 2014-08-10 21:05
Enhanced Comparator Adds comparator support for every IInventory Ephys 1440 2014-08-10 17:19
SGS Metals Metals! mod. gottsch 7817 2014-08-10 16:36
Block Envy Envious of blocks I can't have yet or want to exist arkturuks 1504 2014-08-10 12:22
Pneumatic Cooking WIP. Adding Pressure Cooking. Addon to PneumaticCraft Forge_User_78338655 23269 2014-08-10 12:08
LegoMan Adds legomen into the game _ForgeUser16691706 1780 2014-08-10 08:15
LapisDimension A Dimension full of lapis and sponge _ForgeUser16691706 2899 2014-08-10 07:44
TameHumans Tame humans to fight and mine for you! _ForgeUser15292409 517 2014-08-10 06:29
BloodMod adds a new ore and tools I called them Blood _ForgeUser16702086 235 2014-08-09 18:23
GeoActivity GeoActivity - customizable tools/armor, ore quadrupling and much more!Now with JEI support. decebaldecebal 175885 2014-08-09 15:37
FandomCraft Now you can play your favourite games in Minecraft! This mod adds features from many games and media such as Kingdom Hearts, Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Star Ocean, Fringe, etc. _ForgeUser9342653 8844 2014-08-09 04:31
miscMFRcircuits adds new circuits to Programmable Rednet Controller _ForgeUser10450739 1555 2014-08-08 09:12
Flans Mod World Of Tanks Content Pack A content pack for Flans Mod 4.4 that adds tanks from World of Tanks. _ForgeUser13154196 183598 2014-08-07 22:14
RussoulCore Core mod for all my mods _ForgeUser10876922 1605 2014-08-07 19:22
Easy Multiblock Structures Easy Multiblock Structures Forge_User_58465767 3490 2014-08-06 11:16
Inventory Tweaks [1.12 only] Tweaks to inventory handling for ease of use, including sorting and automatic replacement of broken tools or exhausted stacks of items. JimeoWan, Forge_User_09631947 103700248 2014-08-06 01:42
Better Horse Hud a small mod to improve the functionality of the minecraft horse heads up display _ForgeUser7726936 107559 2014-08-05 20:01
Rotatable Blocks Rotate almost any full size opaque blocks. AlgorithmX2 47996 2014-08-05 14:20
Voxel Player Models Create your own character for minecraft! Cazzar09 14649 2014-08-05 11:20
Transmutation Transmute iron, gold and diamond into each other! _ForgeUser6840333 5134 2014-08-05 09:20
BuildTech BuildTech _ForgeUser13826795 10344 2014-08-04 17:29
ObsidiPlates ObsidiPlates provides pressure plates that can only be activated by either players or NPCs, depending on what they're made of. Myrathi 4464484 2014-08-03 03:55
Creeper-Spider Mod This mod adds the mutated creeper-spider to Minecraft. It has the capabilities of both the spider and the creeper! Ic3dice9 13652 2014-08-02 16:07
Animal Bikes Ride around your world on all kinds of animals Noppes_ 2074632 2014-08-02 10:38
FinndusFillies Provides horsemeat, cleverly disguised as beef. Also, glue (as slime-balls). May contain traces of satire. Myrathi 1327859 2014-08-02 01:43
Ze Torches Mod Ze Torches _ForgeUser13647302 3701 2014-08-02 00:49
Lemon Land Do you love lemons? If so, this is the mod for you. We have lemons, a lemon sword, lemon tools, a lemon biome and more! NortieDeveloper 17237 2014-08-01 16:35
TitaniumMod This mod adds Titanium weapons and armor _ForgeUser16597762 337 2014-08-01 04:38
Json Recipes My version of Minecraft mod called CustomRecipes. It is for 1.7.2/1.7.10 and it uses JSON format to add recipes in the game. _ForgeUser12556837 3487 2014-07-31 19:16
RussoulConstructor Have you ever wanted to build awesome detailed structures in Minecraft ? Now it is possible ! _ForgeUser10876922 1128 2014-07-31 18:49
Show Durability 2 Show Durability 2 - a simple durability HUD mod. _ForgeUser8463677 54454 2014-07-31 14:04
MultiHouse House with Gui Lordwissend 11422 2014-07-31 09:57
Fried Chicken & Bacon A mod that add Fried Chicken and Bacon to the game BitForger 99 2014-07-30 21:24
Batty's Coordinates PLUS! Mod for Forge Batty's Coordinates PLUS! Mod for Forge BatHeart 571685 2014-07-30 17:27
Batty's Coordinates PLUS! Mod Batty's UI improvements: coordinates and stop-watch combined BatHeart 304335 2014-07-30 17:04
Rubik's Cube Block Decorative Rubik's Cube Block _ForgeUser10348145 1125 2014-07-30 08:13
Sinhika's Bark Make things with tree bark, such as unbreakable birchbark canoes Sinhika 7063 2014-07-30 00:46
Jelly Beans Jelly Beans added to the game Callumhutchy 2025 2014-07-29 23:23
AE2 Tech Add-On Tech Add-On for Applied Energistics 2 FireBall1725 211464 2014-07-29 20:28
Dooglamoo Painter Mod Add color and pattern to your Minecraft world. Dooglamoo 36278 2014-07-29 04:00
Human Mob Mod This mod adds a new mob - Humans! _ForgeUser12769355 61233 2014-07-28 02:20
Piston Everything push tile entities (chests and stuff) with plain old pistons _ForgeUser6979253 13786 2014-07-27 04:31
ReadThatWiki A small mod for forcing to read the wiki _ForgeUser8705815 951 2014-07-25 15:58
Growing Flowers breed Flowers _ForgeUser12252399 6370 2014-07-25 15:32
Mysterious Cookie Adds in some rather unique and random cookie ;) kenny2810 758 2014-07-25 06:10
Uncle Jeff's Nether Gem A set of ore, gem, tools and armor including an enchantable hoe plus the new "Smart-Harvest" enchantment for it uncle__jeff 164054 2014-07-24 23:12
First Mod My first mod ever it has ore items and armor all custom textures gamingredeye 1611 2014-07-24 21:01
XtraRecipes Xtra Recipes adds over 150+ Recipes to Minecraft. _ForgeUser5898664 25750 2014-07-24 15:32
MobDrops 2 New drops to Creatures and Monsters KenPham 10593 2014-07-24 11:23
Simple Ender Things Adds an Ender Pouch and an Ender Tome, for portable vanilla Ender Chest usage and for returning to your bed from adventuring! DemoXin 66863 2014-07-24 09:59
MobDrops Adds Custom Drops to Minecraft Mobs KenPham 94924 2014-07-24 01:54
Securecraft Securecraft lordblackhole_ 7840 2014-07-23 08:50
Zombie Total Conversion Craft Total conversion that changes Minecraft into a zombie survival first person shooter. _ForgeUser12912071 276 2014-07-23 06:15
GlaciaCraft 1.0.0 GlaciaCraft _ForgeUser15852065 2731 2014-07-22 20:34
Mouse Tweaks Enhances inventory management by adding various functions to the mouse buttons. YaLTeR 274904092 2014-07-22 18:34
Enhanced Spawners 2 A mod that aims to add a way to automate mob farming by the use of upgradable spawners that can spawn any mob! Yakman_123 75980 2014-07-22 16:46
Snowfall Snowfall lordblackhole_ 31861 2014-07-22 10:44
Colorful Tools Colorful Tools Torquebolt20 122831 2014-07-21 15:33
Ultra Compression Mod Make all the things smaller PrinceVollukk 24751 2014-07-21 12:53
Blurite Mod My first minecraft mod BluriteMod I hope you like It tempcurse 1580 2014-07-21 10:39
CreepyPastaCraft Player beware, you're in for a scare! hanetzer 251691 2014-07-21 08:25
RPG Advanced Mod This is a mod intended to add a few RPG features inside Minecraft. #Modjam4 mod. profmobius, _ForgeUser10674989, taelnia 473332 2014-07-21 01:23
ExtraTools Adds obsidian and emerald tools and armor _ForgeUser7023878 5577 2014-07-20 23:46
Creeper Confetti No more Kabooms SR2610 9637197 2014-07-20 01:37
Blocks to Items New recipes that turn blocks into their composing items _ForgeUser11846652 8741 2014-07-19 23:41
Nuclear Bomb Mod Blow a village with one block up! _ForgeUser12895312 102505 2014-07-18 13:18
Forge Multipart Integration (FMPI) Addon for FMP which add's all block's as a microblock. _ForgeUser8113076 88742 2014-07-18 09:09
Cube Elementals Mod (Cube Monsters Mod) Adds new swords and some tiny, but deadly, mobs. _ForgeUser16019664 8232 2014-07-17 23:07
Pam's DesertCraft Allows for easier desert survival and adds new plants, armor, tools, and explosion proof glass. pamharvestcraft 472797 2014-07-17 19:52
Pam's Mob Drop Crops This mod adds bushes to the world that drop mob items and allows you to plant mob item crops. pamharvestcraft 629703 2014-07-17 18:46
MumbleLink A client-side Mod so that Minecraft now natively supports Mumble's positional audio feature. You hear where voices come from and how far away they are! snipingcoward 456731 2014-07-17 00:13
Midas Turn Trees into gold. Torquebolt20 1281 2014-07-16 05:43
Multilus Changing Minecraft in a bright way. _ForgeUser10301559 4866 2014-07-15 19:47
Talisman Craft This mod introduces many new powerful items called Talismans that allow various different magic possibilities. _ForgeUser6927976 4049 2014-07-14 21:42
Clearing Block Mod The Clearing Block Mod lets you craft a block that cleans up the space around it _ForgeUser12895312 47190 2014-07-14 21:30
RealTime Mod Sync Mincraft time to the server time _ForgeUser12758440 20517 2014-07-14 13:56
AssassinCraft - Assassin's Creed Mod AssassinCraft by castielq _ForgeUser7273770 53431 2014-07-14 03:56
Reinforced Tools Mod Adds tool variations with a technical approach! orcinuss 3836 2014-07-13 19:42
Unified Items Unify your world generation Chazwarp923 74744 2014-07-13 04:19
Hotdog Mod A Forge Mod that adds Hotdogs to Minecraft user_16207256, _ForgeUser12641365 3709 2014-07-13 01:04
TeamInfo Allows friends to add you as a friend to share stats _ForgeUser6871738 8621 2014-07-11 19:46
Crowns Making you feel like a king. _ForgeUser1966951 12569 2014-07-11 10:28
Ejector Rail This adds a new rail that will eject any passengers from a minecart that passes over it while it's powered by redstone. bjbinc 2382 2014-07-11 05:01
Villager Trading Info Shows a small HUD over any villager you are looking at showing each offer they have available. It even works on baby villagers! bjbinc 2530 2014-07-10 22:00
Batty's Coordinates Mod Batty's on-screen coordinates display BatHeart 73545 2014-07-10 21:36
Batty's Coordinates Mod for Forge Batty's Coordinates Mod for Forge BatHeart 46994 2014-07-10 21:00
MANA-Mod Infuse your tools with MANA!! _ForgeUser10678641, _ForgeUser13745885 2589 2014-07-10 15:47
Pluto - Harness the Power of Gold! Golden items will enchant themselves when you right-click! JavaMatrix 9737 2014-07-09 19:41
EasyXP Mod Just a mod that allows mobs start dropping experience regardless of whether it has killed a player or he died himself. _ForgeUser15597280 3060 2014-07-08 14:29
Explosive Mining A small mod that allows you to edit the explosive resistance of some blocks. Forge_User_63958027 1228 2014-07-07 09:59
Archimedes' Ships Craft and create your own ship... And sail it across the seven seas! _ForgeUser6815172 3313311 2014-07-07 08:34
Jaded's Blood Modification that adds the ability to add custom Blood Magic recipes through JSON, as requested by Jadedcat. Minalien 177274 2014-07-07 00:53
Modular Forcefield System Adds powerful Forcefields to Minecraft! gaeakat, Forge_User_13192535 4152140 2014-07-06 22:40
Hot Green Fire A simple mod that adds green fire which is more powerful and dangerous than Vanilla fire. _ForgeUser8113487 1378 2014-07-06 15:48
More Furnaces Adds 5 furnaces with different abilities to the game cubex2 11184743 2014-07-06 10:52
AWH Haggis Mod This mod adds more food items into the game, including Haggis and various ingredients. UltimateDillon 24853 2014-07-05 16:39
N-Craft N-Craft Experimental Mod Forge_User_58465767 2754 2014-07-05 10:06
FeedCraft FeedCraft _ForgeUser10743741 2295 2014-07-05 09:56
ForFriendsMod ForFriendsMod Forge_User_58465767 1211 2014-07-05 09:24
Modular Flower Pots Adds larger flower pots that hold most plants and connect together Texelsaur 254003 2014-07-04 17:43
ExtraButtons Adds additional button and switch-like blocks. Texelsaur 1124341 2014-07-04 17:26
Alchemical Bling Accessorize your player with all sorts of alchemical tools and objects dmillerw 5174 2014-07-04 01:04
Island Spawner Builder Spawns in an island within seconds LordDusk 170014 2014-07-03 20:08
Description Tags Add witty comments to your items! BluSunrize 137740 2014-07-02 09:15
TooMuchRain Gives players more control over Minecraft weather patterns dmillerw 47274 2014-07-02 03:53
Chunkloader a Chunkloader Block Lordwissend 790398 2014-07-02 01:33
Rock Candy An Underground Food Mod traverse_joe 3269388 2014-06-30 06:58
Pam's Random Plants This mod currently adds in a venus fly trap plant that generates in swamp biomes. pamharvestcraft 92189 2014-06-30 02:20
Pam's Temperate Plants This mod adds in sixteen new plants that spawn in Forge Biome Dictionary biomes marked plains, forest, mountain, and hills. pamharvestcraft 110948 2014-06-30 02:10
Pam's BoneCraft This mod adds in a set of armor and tools made from bone and fossil 'ore' that drop bones along with a crafting recipe of two bone into four sticks. pamharvestcraft 331727 2014-06-30 01:18
Pam's Weee! Flowers This mod adds fourteen new flowers, allows you to farm those flowers (plus yellow and red MC flowers), and make decorative flower vines. pamharvestcraft 680049 2014-06-30 00:58
Uyjulian's X-ray Mod A mod that will allow you to see through blocks. uyjulian 89101 2014-06-28 12:37
MultiWorld MultiWorld fabricator77 34535 2014-06-28 08:27
Planter Helper Planter Helper is a rather simple mod that helps to plant crops Portablejim 38295 2014-06-28 00:42
Craftable Nether Star + Crafting Recipes for Nether star and more. Speedy3210 61008 2014-06-27 04:32
Spencerio's Mod Mod Spencerio's Mod Mod: Loads of stuff, + spawn even long-lost GIANTS using Customizable and Boss Spawners! _ForgeUser12505383 3526 2014-06-18 00:53
Custom Mealery Configure your own Minecraft foods kroeser 2433 2014-06-16 18:59
Thaumcraft Mob Aspects Adds Thaumcraft's Aspects to Mod's Mobs Parker8283 1002587 2014-06-14 21:30
FlintStone Tools FlintStone Tools PlatonShubin 337 2014-05-21 18:37
Eatable Livestock Add a ability to directly eat livestock animals for food. Lampchops included sorazodia 1352 2014-04-12 08:33
Coal 2 Charcoal A mod that allows conversion between coal and charcoal InvictaMonstrum 15493 2014-03-28 03:58
Growth Tonic This adds a tonic that can turn dirt into grass blocks. _ForgeUser7513261 5477 2014-02-09 05:46
BoosterMod Restores minecart boosters _ForgeUser13130352 2931 2014-01-31 12:10