63 modpacks, updated at 2025-01-30 00:39. All times are UTC.

Name Description Author(s) Download count Last modified
Through The Years - An Experience Lost To Time Nostalgic Modpack that aims to recreate the gameplay experience of a misc-themed 2013 modpack Nolwke 15 2024-12-01 15:48
Gotta Play With Trains of old This is a 1.6.4 modpack with trains and decorations, Come Join on the semi modded adventure djjew1 19 2024-06-26 01:48
Mint-Fracture It's a difficult one but also with bosses and armor with new biomes DandagameZ 4642 2024-01-29 13:57
BDSMP 2: Electric Boogaloo Vanilla+ Plus Guns. Super light for baby pcs beavernamedbucky 8 2023-12-07 05:32
Iballisticsquid's Boss Battles A fantasy and exploration modpack based on Iballisticsquid's Boss Battles Series. Can you defeat every boss? Cram9io 30 2023-05-08 18:36
Supreme Xray Scanner - Mining Ores Detection & Finding [FABRIC] Simply a Xray modpack with all the features theslime 13789 2023-05-01 02:19
Supreme Xray Scanner - Mining Ores Detection & Finding [FORGE] Finally a Xray modpack with all the features theslime 73009 2023-04-28 14:48
Ultimate Xray (Forge/Fabric) Finally a Xray modpack with all the features theslime 1347 2023-04-28 14:48
Naruto Ninja Pack naruto combat killblade1911 319 2023-04-09 21:46
Really Better World - Survival Adventure & Fantasy Exploration A Better Vanilla+ Adventure Experience Enhanced and Balanced with magic, dimensions, farming extra's, 200+ biomes, boss, and much more. All evolved! theslime 30287 2023-03-22 19:32
Really Better MC A Better Vanilla+ Adventure Experience Enhanced and Balanced with magic, dimensions, farming extra's, 200+ biomes, boss, and much more. All evolved! theslime 3533 2023-03-22 19:32
Medival Lands. a medieval modpack tyrvalo 3673 2023-01-07 00:43
Decorated Survival This modpack builds upon the mechanics of vanilla Minecraft to give a more realistic and fun experience. From farming to travel to home decor, TheRealDrewskii 0 2022-11-07 19:38
Admin have fun playing with your friend trying out admin weapons. jayiszxcool123 4566 2022-08-17 17:17
Tw239 A collection of tech and magic mods. destiny_master1011 253 2022-07-26 23:16
werewolf vs vampire by powerbuilder15 and warlord The modpack about you able to be a werewolf or a vampire and you are able to rise a village to get materials ppowerbuilder15 1 2022-07-25 15:40
Neromi World The combination between farming, magic world and technology. namipearl 72 2022-07-12 13:34
Oneris [One Block] oneblock Faction multiplayer modded for anyone wanna great gameplay fun tag: Skyblock Sky Block survival rpg hardcore adventure forge exploration magic quests vanilla mystical server minecraft curseforge vote french français hardest mods youtube modpack theslime 17999 2022-07-12 01:11
Mechanics, Magic, and Munchies Mechanics Magic and Munchies is a modpack made for the sole purpose of creating a “low-weight” but impactful mudpack that is based around three things: Industrialization, Sorcery, and good food. Lastnecromancer 167 2022-05-31 05:47
Crafting Dead Legacy [ORIGINS] This modpack is for the people on curseforge who want to play CD Legacy nexusnode, Arownic, Sm0keySa1m0n 3943 2022-05-02 21:06
Crafting Dead Roleplay Pack Roleplay Pack Crafting Dead Arownic 1697 2021-11-23 02:09
Gejmr_Futurecraft Intergalactic and fun modpack named Futurecraft Aldax 1211 2021-10-29 20:57
ponyo3590 a cool mod pack heywhatevs 2606 2021-05-29 05:39
Greek Stuff Magic and mobs from greek mythology. kingofthosepotatoes1 0 2021-04-29 11:10
Heavenly Traces A nice Old Faithful modpack! Singularitaet__ 123 2021-04-27 18:45
dungeon and play dungeon pkpankake 1 2021-04-12 09:41
SerumXCraft A Zombie Roleplay Pack BruhItsZrooLha 0 2021-03-31 00:32
CarnageXCraft A Survival Pack BruhItsZrooLha 0 2021-03-26 16:44
Unofficial Crafting Dead Origins CurseForge Launcher Survive a Zombie Apocalypse alone or with a friend! ki1llen 1862 2021-03-23 13:51
The Turtle Pack: Dark Ages | TTPDA TTP but in 1.6.4 remagstreams 252 2021-03-05 20:44
TacoCraft YT basically just craziness bennyboo2020 214 2021-02-14 21:53
TNWC's Friendpack testing TNWC14 16 2020-08-13 22:36
caden1234rex modpack caden1234rex 0 2020-07-12 19:30
Tinker's MetalWorld Tinker's Construct + All the add-ons. For Minecraft 1.6.4, 1.7.10, 1.10.2, and 1.12.2! GlitterStorm74 2544 2020-04-10 16:49
Agrarian Skies The original quest map pack. jadedcat 342416 2020-03-02 22:50
Dragons and Vampires There's dragons and vampires stephalefacus 1 2020-02-23 00:55
Sandrew 2 A fun modpack full of adventure and excitement. Spookhie 3234 2020-02-17 00:11
Yigothu's dimension pack A modpack for people who like dinosaurs, Biomes, Creatures and many more dimensions! Forge_User_83711381 4031 2019-07-30 11:17
Solar Survival Survive Zogan_Zorkron 31 2018-06-23 18:17
Material Energy Classic A Rerelease of ME^3 parcel31u 17284 2017-12-20 23:31
DA BIG BADDIE for 1.6.4 The sword of a PRO!!! _ForgeUser29233259 1579 2017-11-22 13:33
lilcraft this pack is for people who love tech, magic,adventurer even ruling you own kingdom. lilwhitenite 15207 2017-05-05 02:22
Sim-U-Life Sim-U-Kraft with Tech Forge_User_26063795 4186 2017-04-15 16:06
Minecraft Vanilla + A modpack combinding elements from Minecraft and adds mods _ForgeUser23359514 1775 2017-04-09 15:28
Timecraft 2 Pack Made by Timeboy70 TimeRealms_Network 1378 2017-03-12 13:42
FairyTale This modpack is designed for adventuring, having fun, and exploring exciting and popular mods! _ForgeUser26585409 9095 2017-03-11 17:16
CurrentsInfaDimension A modpack made for adventure... seeking the Mods I have in this took awhile, and I will keep this updated! currentsplashstorm 2479 2017-03-05 04:51
Dan's Choice Pack A lot of favorite mods that go into a modpack _ForgeUser30799263 708 2017-02-20 22:21
MinjenPack MinjenPack is an modpack for an SMP. _ForgeUser29766668 1034 2017-01-13 20:48
OurPack Created by JoaoGradim _ForgeUser21091334 574 2017-01-06 22:41
Medieval Warfare Explore the world and fight everything! _ForgeUser25763379 95 2016-07-31 18:30
EnderCraft I Technology ModPack! _ForgeUser22363354 1893 2015-11-04 17:36
DaLife NDA Modpack by Youtubers Nico's Diamond Army and LarissaLaliia adding a loads of stuff Forge_User_37056252, _ForgeUser20609087, _ForgeUser9737526 2185 2015-06-21 07:08
Magic Farm 2 Don't Starve jadedcat 49080 2015-06-07 21:09
Crash Landing You've managed to crash land on a dry, dusty planet. 1skandar 713642 2015-04-25 02:46
Blood N Bones Classic When Hardcore just isn't Hardcore enough bloodnbonesgaming, Eyamaz 247574 2015-04-23 02:24
PAX East 2014 Challenge The official modpack used in the 2014 PAX East tournament challenge. FTB 5935 2015-01-15 22:16
Tech World 2 A 1.6.4 technology-themed pack that serves as a sequel to the original Tech World. Like the original, use the latest in modern machinery to accomplish your goals, build up your resources, and explore the world around you. FTB, _ForgeUser22105055 177645 2015-01-15 21:07
FTB Monster Let the monster rise! This large all-encompassing 1.6.4. pack is designed to offer a wide selection of mods to play with as well as a whole brand new set of custom world generation to discover and explore. FTB, _ForgeUser22105055 144286 2015-01-15 20:39
Magic World 2 A 1.6.4 magic-themed pack that serves as a sequel to the original Magic World. Experience all the mythical and magical mods that 1.6.4 Minecraft has to offer. FTB, _ForgeUser22105055 182019 2015-01-15 18:51
FTB Horizons Created to showcase some lesser-known 1.6.4 mods in the Minecraft world that don’t often get put into larger packs. You’ve certainly never played a modpack like this! FTB, _ForgeUser22105055 53619 2015-01-15 18:42
FTB Lite 2 A lightweight, simple-to-use 1.6.4 modpack designed for both users who are either unfamiliar with mods or those with computers unable to withstand larger packs. For those interested in constructing their own packs, it also functions as a base pack from... FTB, _ForgeUser22105055 47526 2015-01-15 17:50
Direwolf20 - 1.6.4 Play along with Direwolf20 in this FTB pack curated and designed to match his 1.6.4 YouTube series. FTB, _ForgeUser22105055 144807 2015-01-15 16:32