6040 mods, updated at 2025-01-30 00:39. All times are UTC.

Name Description Author(s) Download count Last modified
Crash Assistant Shows a GUI after Minecraft crashes, immediately showing all affected logs. KostromDan 690725 2025-01-29 21:51
Euphoria Patches Euphoria Patches is an add-on for Complementary Shaders, extending it with more optional features and settings. SpacEagle17 19432101 2025-01-29 21:15
Neko's Enchanted Books Gives each and every Enchanted Book a unique texture! Nekomaster1000, InfernalStudios 18292340 2025-01-29 21:01
AddonsLib A library to facilitate registration between mods, in particular macaw's bridges/roofs/fences/etc... Samlegamer_ 15461 2025-01-29 20:04
Byzantine Styles Pack for Minecolonies Byzantine Styles Pack for Minecolonies 1.20+ (Byzantine/Shogun) spumantii 1974408 2025-01-29 19:19
Advanced Backups A powerful and customisable backup mod for any minecraft version. HeatherWhite 501121 2025-01-29 19:11
Exordium Render the GUI and screens at a lower framerate to speed up what's really important: the worldrendering. tr7zw 980373 2025-01-29 18:00
Paxels Paxel mod is a mod that allows you to craft a tool which you can use as a pickaxe, axe or shovel TheGabo56 1333 2025-01-29 15:42
Simple Uncrafting Table Add an Uncrafting Table for Fabric/NeoForge. (分解台を追加します。) pitan76 539768 2025-01-29 13:48
Inventory Sorter Simple inventory sorting tweaks cpw 56820283 2025-01-29 11:07
Better doors!! (Connecting doors open at the same time.) Connecting doors open at the same time. Misosoup1107 79 2025-01-29 08:20
adminlogger A Minecraft mod designed for server admins to log player commands and chat messages since their server entry Jonatas_peraza 41 2025-01-29 06:16
Popular Biology Popular Biology adds popular internet characters as tamable pets in Minecraft. With unique models and sounds, they fight for you, each with special abilities and weapons. Tame them, command them, and enhance your adventure with these loyal companions! Dwinovo 8865 2025-01-29 03:52
Some More Blocks Some More Blocks, an Minecraft Mod with 500+ new blocks. SefaceStudios 68 2025-01-29 01:33
Contagion - A Zombie Infection Mod This Zombie Infection Mod adds the functionality that Zombies are able to give you a deadly infection. MCModsPete 7616 2025-01-28 22:05
Controlify Adds controller support to Minecraft! isXander 3392657 2025-01-28 17:03
Jerotes Village Add multiple villager professions and a new dimension Jerotes_ 11239 2025-01-28 16:44
Only Excavator Only Excavator mod is a mod which adds Excavator which mine 3x3 TheGabo56 661 2025-01-28 16:20
PolyLib A Minecraft lib used for all of CreeperHosts mods Official_CreeperHost, Paul_T_T, Gigabit101 24125836 2025-01-28 12:54
EnhancedTooltips A mod that overhauls tooltips, and adds some extra information. UltimatChamp 1269 2025-01-28 12:48
Villager In A Bucket Pick up a villager in a bucket JustDoom 89981 2025-01-28 09:06
Fabric Language Kotlin Fabric language module for Kotlin modmuss50, sfPlayer1 42646299 2025-01-28 08:48
Reactive Music Refactors Minecraft's music to be dynamic and reactive, including new fantasy and celtic tracks to give an air of adventure. CircuitLord 219470 2025-01-28 06:35
MCPitanLib Pitan's Minecraft Mod Library (Architectury API) pitan76 1427907 2025-01-28 05:52
Leavesly All the leaves will slowly be covered with snow when the snowstorm comes iShikyoo 586 2025-01-28 05:01
FTB Chunks - Modded Support Adds support for popular modded blocks and entities in FTB Chunks map. BenchmarkTeam 12746 2025-01-28 02:58
Small Mob Arena Adds a small mob arena for challenging fights and great rewards SuperWarioModTeam 53 2025-01-28 01:37
Awesome Dungeon - Forge This mod adds structures/dungeons to your world. jtl_elisa, jtl_tom 3630452 2025-01-27 23:24
Rebind Narrator it's 2021 and you can't change the narrator key UPDATE: it's 2022 and you still can't change the narrator key UPDATE: it's 2023 and you still can't change the narrator key UPDATE: it's 2024 and you still can't change the narrator key UPDATE: it's 2025 and quat 9579080 2025-01-27 23:11
Styled Chat Change style of your server's chat! (Fabric) Patbox 1959561 2025-01-27 19:57
Search on MCMOD Search for item under the cursor on mcmod.cn bling_yshs 74 2025-01-27 17:55
Only Hammer Only Hammer mod is a mod which adds hammers which mine 3x3 TheGabo56 452 2025-01-27 17:45
CameraOverhaul Makes gameplay more satisfying through the use of various camera tilting. Mirsario 1557950 2025-01-27 17:38
Rediscovered Re-imagining lost features and concepts from Minecraft's distant past. ModdingLegacy, silver_david, KingPhygieBoo 380271 2025-01-27 17:38
World First Join Message World First Join Message is a customizable mod that displays a unique welcome message when a player joins for the first time. Reggarf 692 2025-01-27 15:22
Frog stuff Lots of mobs, items and blocks that will help you in the game and make your game much more fun, interesting and cool! sprgiaroro 10 2025-01-27 14:04
Desert Watchtower Adds a Watchtower with villagers to the desert biome SuperWarioModTeam 34 2025-01-27 00:54
Dungeons Weaponry Adds weapons from Minecraft Dungeons. JeremySeq 725066 2025-01-27 00:18
Craft Slabs Back into Blocks [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge] A fully configurable mod that lets you craft slabs back into blocks Mars 542572 2025-01-26 23:48
Better Villages - NeoForge This mod enhances the villages in Minecraft by improving existing structure, making them feel more alive and engaging to explore. jtl_elisa, jtl_tom 17035 2025-01-26 23:26
Better Villages - Forge This mod enhances the villages in Minecraft by improving existing structure, making them feel more alive and engaging to explore. jtl_elisa 17579674 2025-01-26 23:08
Better Villages - Fabric This mod enhances the villages in Minecraft by improving existing structure, making them feel more alive and engaging to explore. jtl_elisa 1631448 2025-01-26 22:55
Purposeful A simple mod which adds purposes to underused/unused vanilla features. blorbilon 46 2025-01-26 22:50
Zombie Nightmare Expansions - Undead Horror Monsters Adds various creepy undead entities with unique mechanics and intricate designs Vllax 5335 2025-01-26 22:14
Day Count A mod that displays the current day in the top left. Intijir 8165 2025-01-26 22:11
Big Horse Stable Adds a Big Horse Stable to the plains and forest biome SuperWarioModTeam 1055 2025-01-26 20:22
Small Wagons Adds unique wagons to different biomes SuperWarioModTeam 421 2025-01-26 20:22
Ore Creeper Add Creepers that when it explodes they transform the surroundings into Ores! Cozary 568226 2025-01-26 18:58
AlphaSkins Alpha channel rendering of skins Mja00 58691 2025-01-26 17:39
no attack cooldown & damage delay removes the attack cooldown and damage delay Quantum_mutnauQ 8279 2025-01-26 17:29
Talk Balloons [Forge | Fabric | NeoForge] Add bubbles above players heads when they send a message in the chat. Cerbon 10203 2025-01-26 15:51
Red Panda Add the nice Red Panda. Cozary 41974 2025-01-26 15:30
Smelting Sand in a Blast Furnace [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge] As the name says Mars 358528 2025-01-26 14:57
FPS Boost Want to optimize your game and improve performance? This mods is for you The_TCT 165377 2025-01-26 14:49
BTETerraRenderer Map renderer for BuildTheEarth project. tf2_mandeokyi 2719 2025-01-26 14:42
TCT Flashlight this mods added something to light up during your travels or exploration of haunting places The_TCT 155260 2025-01-26 13:19
Modpack Update Checker An update checker designed for modpacks! Jab125 10286755 2025-01-26 10:46
Enchanted gapple!! We will bring back the enchanted golden apple recipe in various versions. Misosoup1107 91 2025-01-26 09:09
LUMINOUS: MONSTERS LUMINOUS: Monsters brings 12 new Zombie and Skeleton variants to the base game, each in their own respective environment. All 12 of these variants can be found in my other mod - LUMINOUS - but this mod is just for those looking to fight these undead foes! RipleysMods 69470 2025-01-26 04:39
Vivecraft A Minecraft VR mod on a loader of your choice! Ferri_Arnus, jrbudda 5385231 2025-01-26 04:11
Carpet AMS Addition A fabric-carpet extension mod. It offers some interesting and useful features. 1024_byteeeee 16482 2025-01-26 02:25
TCT Core This mod allows you to centralize all the other mods in order to be able to access the information or settings directly in the game The_TCT 250329 2025-01-25 23:07
ImmediatelyFast Speed up immediate mode rendering in Minecraft RaphiMC 43155255 2025-01-25 22:27
MAtmos ambient sound The MAtmos ambient sound mod adds environmental sounds and interaction sounds to greatly improve your audio experience during your games. The_TCT 99173 2025-01-25 22:16
Terrastorage Brings Terraria's amazing storage features to Minecraft! TimVinci 45198 2025-01-25 20:59
Craft 6 Stairs Instead of 4 [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge] makes it so that you get the same amount of stairs from crafting as you get from the stonecutter Mars 37538 2025-01-25 19:38
Fazcraft [Minecraft x FNaF] It adds Freddy, and some other junk. Ahur. moffmoth1 525013 2025-01-25 18:46
MonoLib A library mod for Fabric, Forge, and NeoForge development. jason13official 4352245 2025-01-25 18:28
orange gemstone Add Ruby Ore and Diamond to craft Orange Gems to craft Orange Gems tools and weapons, and add Ore Detectors and Chest Detectors Riordon666 84 2025-01-25 14:56
CherryVillage Add Cherry Village for cherry grove. skniro 22 2025-01-25 13:19
Seamless Trading New trade offers appear instantly as soon as the villager XP progress bar fills. No more level up and trade refresh delay. JuaanP 263 2025-01-25 13:11
Chat Heads See who are you chatting with! Now for Forge too! dzwdz 43053884 2025-01-25 12:07
Cludos Hyliacraft Legend of Zelda oot inspired weapons and equipment pack TheCludo 402 2025-01-25 10:32
Minato's Furniture I am in the sixth grade of elementary school. With MCreator, I also wrote and created a slightly more advanced code. minato 5976 2025-01-25 08:06
Grennds A mod that adds many green reskins to vanilla blocks and items Logan_Lambert 13 2025-01-25 05:04
Awesome Dungeon - Fabric This mod adds structures/dungeons to your world. jtl_elisa, jtl_tom 3897535 2025-01-24 22:59
ImagineBook Clientside images in books JumperOnJava 633 2025-01-24 21:33
FNAFA This is several FNAF mods in one! angryth3streamer 39886 2025-01-24 21:24
MDM (formerly Modern Decorations Mod) modern style decorating blocks and furniture opaleq 25124 2025-01-24 20:32
LUMINOUS Illuminate your Minecraft world with new mobs, blocks, and monsters! RipleysMods 166891 2025-01-24 17:10
Free Look or Perspective [NeoForge] Allows you to move your camera without moving the player's head. Quantum_mutnauQ 4376 2025-01-24 17:04
Uranus A Library contains animation engine, object helper and so on. Partly based on LLibrary and Citadel. IAFEnvoy 97059 2025-01-24 14:29
Bookling Gear Library and in game configuration for Eruannie_9's mods Eruannie_9 5296 2025-01-24 12:50
HandToHand The HandToHand Mod makes item sharing more immersive. Press R to give items directly or hold them out for others to take. SaltyWater 131 2025-01-23 23:49
Keep The ResourcePack (Fabric) Keep the Resource Pack loaded even after leaving the server. focamacho 15262 2025-01-23 20:53
Micro Teleporters Quickly teleport anywhere with Micro Teleporters wyu1 79 2025-01-23 20:36
Library Ferret - NeoForge Shared lib for the mods of jtorleon-studios-team jtl_elisa 13119 2025-01-23 20:14
XaeroPlus Xaero WorldMap / Minimap Extra Features CoinRS 9405130 2025-01-23 20:03
Chat History Plus A mod that allows for configurable chat history size. imide 84 2025-01-23 16:08
Essential Mod The best way to play Minecraft. Enhanced Minecraft features in one simple mod. Fast, friendly, and for everyone! SparkUniverse_ 25908715 2025-01-23 12:21
More Pillager Tower Variants Adds 8 new pillager towers to your world! More to explore. SmartStreamLabs 10685 2025-01-23 08:57
ManMan: Uncraftable No More Adds various crafting recipes to items that lacked them thetruemanman 522 2025-01-23 05:16
Random Misfits Armor, multitools, relics & other random utilities jahirtrap 6758 2025-01-23 05:06
Speed Cap Cap your speed! DialingSpoon527 784 2025-01-23 04:35
Minecart Turning Reforged MC-201 fix; player camera turns with minecart (and other uncontrolled entities) donmor3000 29 2025-01-23 04:18
PartialHearts Exact health displayed with fractions of a heart. DialingSpoon527 83 2025-01-23 01:58
Kuro Materials Unique materials with useful features jahirtrap 184 2025-01-23 01:22
Immersive Snow Small tweaks that add to Minecraft's winter theme. Intended for use with a season mod. riis 19177 2025-01-23 00:45
Patchful Hackily fixes the rendering of text in Patchouli books when Emojiful is installed. Jake_Evans 263 2025-01-22 23:35
Gear & Tools Back To Ores Change Your Gear & Tools Back To Ores ( Using a Crafting Table ) SmartStreamLabs 3469 2025-01-22 21:26
Wavey Capes The cape shouldn't be a static slab tr7zw 5478348 2025-01-22 16:58
Power Axes Unleash the power of the axes! ⚡🪓 Martinfer22 28 2025-01-22 13:16
Larion World Generation World generation overhaul inspired by epic fantasy, designed for exploration badgerson 1139 2025-01-22 12:06
QuickBackupMulti A mod can make some backup for your world and you can restore them in any times! SkyDynamic 1295 2025-01-22 11:50
Kinecraft Serialization Library that adding kotlinx serialization support for Minecraft classes settingdust 567 2025-01-22 06:40
Sculk Horn Creates an area or distance sonic attack with 2 new horns. anvian 252447 2025-01-22 00:13
Bizzy's Tooltopia A mod I made that adds lots of stuff, mainly focused on tools like copper armour and emerald tools, but also structures and a new ore called ruby. Real_bizzy 1048 2025-01-21 23:38
Nexus (Tower Defense Battle Mode) This mod allows you to play a team based tower defense game mode! XxRexRaptorxX 12462 2025-01-21 19:14
Questbind A addon for QuestCraft that allows you to change the Keybindings. DialingSpoon527 1446 2025-01-21 18:06
ChatMC Adds a very helpful and useful Ai assistant into the game, who is aware of player info and gives very personalized info and suggestion. Mod_MC 405 2025-01-21 14:53
Lios Seafaring Dungeons Complex Underground & Oceanic dungeons! Liopyu 12078 2025-01-21 14:26
Lios Overhauled Villages A complete Overhaul to Vanilla Villages making them modernized. Liopyu 563797 2025-01-21 14:20
Anvian's Lib A small utility library for Anvian's mods. anvian 1158 2025-01-21 01:58
Remove Mouseover Highlight (Fabric-Forge-NeoForge) Remove Mouseover Highlight - Remove Selection Box MrAmericanMike 309112 2025-01-20 23:41
souls-like universe: epic fight & better combat play dark souls & elden ring in minecraft! sunwoolove777 258165 2025-01-20 23:09
Fusion (Connected Textures) Fusion allows resource packs to use additional texture and model types such as connected textures! SuperMartijn642 31408476 2025-01-20 22:54
More Mob Tower Variants This mod adds: 16 new mob towers to your world! no more pillager towers only SmartStreamLabs 5435 2025-01-20 19:49
ViaForge Client-side ViaVersion implementation for Forge EnZaXD 151005 2025-01-20 18:01
Mod Sets Control mods loading with gui. Useful for modpack and server with optional function. And also for geeks want to control mods without file operating. settingdust 2405 2025-01-20 15:51
Multiverse Adds rifts to a dynamically generated multiverse davidqf555 118214 2025-01-20 14:39
FTB Quest Localizer A Mod to export FTB Quests into Lang Files for easier translation Litchiiiiiii 39013 2025-01-20 14:28
Clearviews removes the annoying blindness/nausea/darkness effects and removes overlays like water fog, pumpkin, spyglass, portal overlay etc. Compatible with sodium and highly configurable michiel587 958 2025-01-20 14:15
arichat Adds AI-RolePlay to Minecraft via Headless Automation of Agnai website Evanechecssss 56 2025-01-20 12:41
Tax Free Levels (Fabric/(Neo)Forge) Flattens the ever-increasing anvil and enchantment costs and makes renaming items always cost 1 level Fourmisain 977631 2025-01-20 12:17
Better Jungle Temple Minecraft mod that adds a big new jungle temple! ( no overhaul ) SmartStreamLabs 5575 2025-01-20 11:29
YggdrasilProxy When starting the client/server, use this machine agent to accelerate Yggdrasil verification 404Setup 32 2025-01-20 08:57
Selective Mining This mod, when enabled, prevents mining blocks other than the initial one you clicked on. Which is pretty useful when you break blocks really fast. Taleuxss 1585 2025-01-20 08:33
Progression Reborn Completely reimagines and rebalances early and mid-game progression in a vanilla-like fashion. The true survival progression overhaul mod. rebel0459 2813 2025-01-19 23:30
Library Ferret - Forge Shared code for my mod. jtl_elisa 25483869 2025-01-19 22:21
Library Ferret - Fabric Shared code for my mod. jtl_elisa 4678503 2025-01-19 21:43
Friends&Foes (Forge/NeoForge) (Copper Golem,Crab,Glare,Moobloom,Iceologer,Rascal,Tuff Golem,Wildfire,Illusioner) Adds outvoted and forgotten mobs from the mob vote, expanding on their original concepts and adding new vanilla-like features. (Copper Golem,Crab,Glare,Moobloom,Iceologer,Rascal,Tuff Golem,Wildfire,Illusioner) Faboslav 18480385 2025-01-19 20:30
Friends&Foes (Fabric/Quilt) (Copper Golem,Glare,Crab,Moobloom,Iceologer,Rascal,Tuff Golem,Wildfire,Illusioner) Adds outvoted and forgotten mobs from the mob vote, expanding on their original concepts and adding new vanilla-like features. (Copper Golem,Crab,Glare,Moobloom,Iceologer,Rascal,Tuff Golem,Wildfire,Illusioner) Faboslav 17056038 2025-01-19 20:30
PTS-Deco This Mod adds new Decorations things with that you can decorate your world Nik123123555 422 2025-01-19 17:16
Terralith ReStoned An UNOFFICIAL add-on to Terralith that re-adds normal Andesite, Diorite, and Granite blobs underground the_catter1 439 2025-01-19 14:56
Just a Few Ohana Add a few... various flowers. Mechalopa 17208 2025-01-19 08:40
Not Enough Animations Bringing first-person animations to the third-person tr7zw 65048396 2025-01-18 19:13
Soul fire'd Let Soul Fire burn! CrystalSpider, MoonstoneWebber, sZeta99 1852458 2025-01-18 18:18
Dive Into the Abyss The Abyss is a dark and mysterious place, filled with ancient ruins of a long-gone civilization. The player will have to explore the Abyss to find new resources, new mobs, and new structures, and defeat the Contagion! LuciferC137 344 2025-01-18 17:47
CompatDatapacks The mod enables backward compatibility for datapacks pitan76 1132 2025-01-18 14:57
Auto HUD A mod which dynamically hides parts of the user interface Crendgrim 485557 2025-01-18 10:08
RealPlayer Globally disables all fakeplayer checks. This allows for things like mob mashers to drop apotheosis gems for example ton185 70 2025-01-18 07:20
Just Enough Immersive Multiblocks Immersive Engineering addon that adds JEI support for multiblocks. aronson_1 6782886 2025-01-18 05:48
Progressive Mob Wave Activations - PMWA - Day/kill-based control of mob spawning! Progressive Mob Wave Activations PMWA - Mobs enable after a select number of days or after killing a specified mob Vllax 1427 2025-01-17 19:42
Geophilic – Vanilla Biome Overhauls A subtle-ish overhaul of vanilla Overworld biomes! Reworked! bebebea_loste 22124108 2025-01-17 17:44
Fire Arrows Ignite Fire [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge] Fire arrows set blocks on fire Mars 251227 2025-01-17 17:35
Epic Terrain Generate epic terrain wonderfulaichen 59804 2025-01-17 15:18
TypingInChat Clientside mod, that allows server to know when you are writing in chat. Orphey98 134 2025-01-17 12:24
Inventory Profiles Next Take control over you inventory. Sort. Move matching Items. Throw all. Locked slots. Gear sets! And much more. mirinimi 24396565 2025-01-17 05:09
Broken Tool Replace Broken Tool plus_200 818 2025-01-17 03:34
TransparentCapesPatch A mod that ports the transparent capes patch from CustomSkilLoader mod donmor3000 11 2025-01-17 02:40
Chicken Feather Get feather by right-clicking on chicken plus_200 67 2025-01-17 01:00
Undead Nights - Zombie Horde Nights This Mod adds Horde Nights to the game, with hordes of Zombies hunting the player in a Zombie Apocalypse. MCModsPete 3300 2025-01-16 23:11
Another Recipes Mod Another recipe mod, New recipes, blacklisted and QoL. Zokaritas 1492 2025-01-16 22:10
Fantasy Weapons (Medieval Series) Various new medieval fantasy style weapons that fit in nicely with the vanilla style. Kenddie 86994 2025-01-16 21:29
Unidye Create your own custom dyes by mixing the existing ones! The number of combinations is infinite! Diemond_Player 526 2025-01-16 19:29
PickUpTorches Pick up torches by right-clicking it. It makes torches and lanterns 3d with a cool holding animation. SaltyWater 17853 2025-01-16 16:00
Blood Bits Blood Particles RollingDice26 27264 2025-01-16 15:40
Signal Flares Flares with colored smoke RollingDice26 513 2025-01-16 13:59
SimplySneak Minecraft equivalent of a crouch button, sneak past mobs by pressing Z Cool animations included! SaltyWater 20545 2025-01-16 11:13
Breaking Bedrock Allow bedrock to be mined with a netherite pickaxe! AnAwesomGuy 10573 2025-01-16 10:52
CustomSkinLoader A Custom Skin Loader for Minecraft xfl03 2934850 2025-01-16 10:11
Music Notification Add toast notifications when music is played in game KosmoMoustache 33627 2025-01-16 02:58
Entangled Entangled allows you to 'entangle' two blocks together! SuperMartijn642 36370596 2025-01-16 01:12
Item Descriptions This mod adds unique descriptions for all blocks, items, and mobs - built in a way that makes it easy to add modded content. cassiancc 2064 2025-01-16 00:17
Packed Up (Backpacks) Packed Up allows you to pack up all your things into new amazing Backpacks! SuperMartijn642 2740905 2025-01-15 23:36
Simple Notes A simple mod for making simple notes. Pyrotonic1 416 2025-01-15 22:09
Jobs+ Tools Adds tools to the Jobs of the Jobs+ mod. DAQEM 11869 2025-01-15 19:54
Lithosphere Lithosphere aims to change the overworld worldgen to be more cinematic, polished and beatiful. J4yzet 465834 2025-01-15 19:49
Build Guide A client-side only mod to project shapes like circles and spheres into the world. It works both in singleplayer and multiplayer, even if the server doesn't have the mod installed. brentmaas 6381565 2025-01-15 17:28
Bok's Banging Butterflies A simple mod that adds butterflies to the game. DocBok 114784 2025-01-15 17:24
ViveCraft Compat Improves compatibility between vivecraft and various other mods. tom54541 149729 2025-01-15 14:00
The Body Boosts Upgrade your body for useful benefits RiRa, Mesophil 4077 2025-01-15 11:50
Cobweb Crystal Nest API CrystalSpider, sZeta99, MoonstoneWebber 3383910 2025-01-15 10:29
Flight Affinity Adds a new enchantment: Flight Affinity. It removes the speed penalty applied when mining while in the air. baneina 17 2025-01-15 10:17
CraftPresence Completely Customize the way others see you play in Discord! CDAGaming_ 34126445 2025-01-15 04:34
OneKeyMinerForge This mod adds the ability to chain tools to break blocks and chain farming while holding down the chain button. If you break a block, the adjacent blocks will be destroyed together, or if you hold a seed, the adjacent farmland will also be planted. mai_xiyu 6593 2025-01-15 00:58
Arthropod Phobia Expansions + Horror Bosses (Spider Moth) ArPhEx: Intricate, phobia-inducing, realistic mobs, and supernatural bosses. Vllax 2910945 2025-01-15 00:54
Beyond Mines: Falling Everything around falling down! Leonniclass 336030 2025-01-15 00:08
UniLib A common set of Utilities, designed for over 50 versions of Minecraft! CDAGaming_ 2149589 2025-01-14 23:33
CreatureChat The Minecraft mod that allows entities to respond naturally using AI! jonoomph, owlmaddie 46825 2025-01-14 22:57
ItemSwapper Inventory update concept for hotswapping items. tr7zw 595848 2025-01-14 19:03
AvaritiaNeo An unofficial Avaritia NeoForge version remastered mod. AquaThree 4464 2025-01-14 18:26
ColorBlindness Potion effects that simulate color blindness (Forge, NeoForge, Fabric, Quilt) thecech12 135938 2025-01-14 16:55
Boss Items A Mod That Adds New Drops For Each Boss Mob (Ender Dragon, Elder Guardian, Wither, Warden) EeveeCat24 72 2025-01-14 16:31
Mine Treasure Makes mining more rewarding and exciting! Frozytime 1902 2025-01-14 14:40
LUMINOUS: NETHER Explore new nether biomes with dangerous foes! Build with new blocks, and decorate with new decorations! RipleysMods 73891 2025-01-14 13:58
Disable Double Tap to Sprint Disables double tapping the Forward key to start sprinting pajic 220 2025-01-14 12:04
Redstone Torch Random Tick Redstone Torch Random Tick makes burnt out redstone torches be reactived by random ticks, similar to older minecraft versions. This only affects non-scheduled, burnt-out torches, avoiding breaking any redstone contraptions! 2No2Name 4 2025-01-14 11:11
Ultimate Mining Machine The mod adds a block that, when stood upon, breaks the blocks below it until it reaches bedrock. AwsTurtle 482 2025-01-13 23:30
Pickaxe of the Gods (Mod) An unbreakable pickaxe with 20 levels (POG), which improves level by level ! LAMDIS_ 225 2025-01-13 19:14
Trade Enchantment Display Automatically display the enchantment name of traded items imoonday1008 8811 2025-01-13 18:06
Pick Up TNT Make TNT pickable and more fun. IAFEnvoy 2138 2025-01-13 14:03
FPS Optimizer Optimizes FPS by reducing it when you're idle/afk (not moving) awesome_hippo 2200 2025-01-13 13:03
SupplementalTools It is a supplementary mod and provides several complementary equipment. shiri47s 2685 2025-01-13 10:19
Health Indicator TXF Health indicator on player screen jahirtrap 425535 2025-01-13 01:33
Tesseract Tesseract allows you to transport Items, Fluid and Energy SuperMartijn642 15206975 2025-01-13 00:43
PaperDoll Get a customizable (bedrock like) preview of yourself tr7zw 530826 2025-01-12 17:54
JumpAnimation Adds a jumping animation (and some cool mechanics) SaltyWater 28536 2025-01-12 15:52
Ping Wheel Allows players to temporarily mark locations and entities LukenSkyne, RXJpaw 15870044 2025-01-12 14:56
Desertification (an 'infection' mod) Adds an "infectious" desert to your world (that will not spawn on its own). This desert can also "cleanse" other infections. Contrary to most infection mods you can live in this desert. nergizer81 1772 2025-01-12 14:07
BlockBeats BlockBeats allows all players to upload their own music and sounds to the server in real time and play them there for all players at any time without having to load and update resource packs. MrJulsen 1033 2025-01-12 13:58
TrimsEffects - 2.0 NOW AVAILABLE! Armor trims will now give some special effect Lupin, luavixen 4095052 2025-01-12 13:41
DragNSounds API A simple API to upload custom sounds or music to the server and let them play in realtime to any player at any position without the need for a resourcepack. MrJulsen 1860 2025-01-12 13:38
MSS - Moog's Soaring Structures Lots of awesome vanilla style floating islands full of loot, mobs and dungeons for you to explore! finndog_123 2160947 2025-01-12 12:39
Cherry Grove Starter House Adds a Cherry Grove Starter House to the game SuperWarioModTeam 4815 2025-01-12 11:34
Old fisherman swamp house adds an old fisherman’s house to swamp biomes, with villagers and aquatic mobs beneath it SuperWarioModTeam 11013 2025-01-12 11:33
More Additional Paintings Adds 15 more vanilla style paintings SuperWarioModTeam 560 2025-01-12 11:33
Wan's Ancient Beasts Are you ready to meet all the beasts of Minecraft's ancient past? Like the Sniffer, they are all creatures from prehistory and each one brings with it amazing new features! WanMine, Millenniar, FedeRex 22440 2025-01-12 11:20
Fabrication A huge collection of vanilla tweaks and small features. Trident improvements, bugfixes, furnace minecart changes, note block enhancements, old lava, old logo, oh my! unascribed, sfort__ 338390 2025-01-12 09:47
Item Protection Enchantments Adds enchantments to protect items Torikun9971 1458 2025-01-12 07:44
Puncher Simple Fabric and Forge mod to pick up your boats and minecarts faster: Shift + LMB to break them. Custom boats / minecarts compatible! shizotoaster 32 2025-01-12 02:08
AutoWhitelist A way to automate the whitelist of a minecraft server based on discord roles AwakenedRedstone 453 2025-01-12 00:29
Fancy Outline Adjust the color and size of a block's outline. Eruannie_9 1608 2025-01-11 21:00
Pickable Villagers [Fabric] Turn Villagers into Items an keep them in your pocket! ShiftTheDev 883412 2025-01-11 14:43
SuperMartijn642's Core Lib SuperMartijn642's Core Lib adds lots of basic implementations that allow for similar code between different Minecraft versions! SuperMartijn642 88452798 2025-01-11 14:20
generators by sick_volhard722050 it adds generators sick_volhard722050 545 2025-01-11 14:09
Iron Repair Kits A mod that enables you to repair items RollingDice26 24192 2025-01-11 13:02
Show'em the horn! Give your car a horn! Redynine 46 2025-01-11 04:57
EMI Featureful and accessible modern item and recipe viewer with JEI compatibility EmilyPloszaj 10836406 2025-01-11 03:21
Stock Market This is a mod that allows players to buy and sell specific items to a global market. KROIA 491 2025-01-11 00:21
BankSystem BankSystem is a Minecraft mod that brings money in to the game. Used as a dependency for other mods KROIA 448 2025-01-10 23:57
DisarmTripwire Brings back the tripwire disarm feature to forge. Left click any tripwire with shears to disarm it, just like in vanilla. ton185 23 2025-01-10 21:04
Bark Craft Strip bark from trees and use it as a reliable fuel source for furnaces. Enhance your survival experience with this new resource, perfect for when traditional fuels are scarce. Rayl1x 37 2025-01-10 20:35
Discord Statusbot A discord bot that will come online when your MC server is online mopsy14 9352 2025-01-10 19:40
Carpet TIS Addition A carpet mod extension with more features Fallen_Breath 518153 2025-01-10 19:17
Origins++ A collection of more than 100 unique origins QuantumXenon 2031531 2025-01-10 16:47
KROIA_Utilities Utilities mod, only needed for the Quilt Platform KROIA 45 2025-01-10 12:03
Mekanism Extras Ported "Mekanism-Evolution" to 1.20.1 and added some other things as well. lost_myself8 124077 2025-01-10 10:43
Enhanced Doors Connects double doors, and animates all doors. Cammie 234 2025-01-10 10:38
QueQiao A plugin/mod that establishes a connection between Minecraft and NoneBot. 17TheWord 713 2025-01-10 08:59
BetterGrassify Gamers can finally touch grass!? OptiFine's Fancy and Fast better grass implemented on Fabric and NeoForge! UltimatChamp 332749 2025-01-10 07:34
Fel's Machine Guns WWI The power of WWI weaponry in your hands felinacatness 995 2025-01-09 20:33
Iguana Lib An iguana lib core for my mods. felinacatness 8556 2025-01-09 20:15
SimplyWalk Let´s you walk half speed by pressing C with some cool animations SaltyWater 63101 2025-01-09 20:11
Multi World Borders Unofficial Makes world borders work per dimension GalievDev 1223 2025-01-09 16:09
Achievements 240+ 240 New Achievements For You! Collect Them all SmartStreamLabs, Developer_Ada 4856 2025-01-09 15:59
CreeperHost Presents Steve's Carts Steve's Carts allows for the player to customize and design minecarts that can be used for automation. Official_CreeperHost, Gigabit101, Paul_T_T 1683417 2025-01-09 12:09
Sitting+ How much can you express yourself with a single key? 20+ togglable animations for contextual sitting scenarios, role play to the next level. SaltyWater 339219 2025-01-09 03:34
YellowText Makes menu text yellow when hovered, like in versions before 1.15 MisterCheezeCake 16 2025-01-09 00:49
Better Capes X Select or Upload Your Custom Cape! Notium 3793 2025-01-08 21:31
bad packets Bad Packets allows packet messaging between different modding platforms. badasintended 19685195 2025-01-08 20:30
Mage Flame Mage Flame is a small mod that adds the ability to create dynamic light sources that follow you wherever you go. gottsch 285726 2025-01-08 19:25
GottschCore This is a new base library of code that is used in all of my other mods. gottsch 12715771 2025-01-08 19:19
Rug Extension for gnembon's Carpet Mod adding loads more rules RubixDev 5353 2025-01-08 16:22
Customizable Player Models (Fabric) Customize your minecraft avatar! tom54541 346643 2025-01-08 14:34
Customizable Player Models Customize your minecraft avatar! tom54541 1671640 2025-01-08 14:29
IMBlocker Automatically switch on/off Input Methods reserveword 445254 2025-01-08 11:44
Draconic Evolution Draconic Evolution is a mod that adds some extremely expensive high tier items to the game. brandon3055 79225332 2025-01-08 08:55
GrowableOres Extension A simple mod subsidiary of GrowableOres add a machine to help you process your ore cane. skniro 4769 2025-01-08 08:54
CFX Fabric mod that patches certain hazardous exploits videogamesm12 2930 2025-01-08 04:21
Old Villager Statue Adds an Old Villager Statue to the plains and forest biome SuperWarioModTeam 48 2025-01-08 02:29
Dragon Priest This mod adds things related to Dragon Priests from Skyrim. AgustinJ879 901 2025-01-07 23:01
Hermaeus Mora Mod This mod is based in The Elder Scrolls games (including skyrim) adding Hermaeus Mora. AgustinJ879 8929 2025-01-07 21:52
Animated Loading Screen Replaces the loading screen with the animation from Minecraft Dungeons cheyao 2595 2025-01-07 16:58
MightyRacingMod A mod that will take your boat racing experience to a next level! MightyBunch 280 2025-01-07 15:15
Legendary Origins Legendary Races, Classes and Professions for an immersive Minecraft RPG and PVP game style. Zerofire 50214 2025-01-07 06:42
MC VR API An API that allows mods to interoperate with Vivecraft 275hammy 190042 2025-01-07 01:03
Magic And Oddities A not so little magic mod for fabric. JackThee 33 2025-01-06 22:56
CraftTweaker CraftTweaker allows modpacks and servers to customize the game. With CraftTweaker you can change recipes, script events, add new commands and even change item properties! Jaredlll08, kindlich, TheSilkMiner 179312558 2025-01-06 21:59
Pinguinmike,s Dragon Toy (Better to Play/MVS) The Ender Dragon Toy from the Better to Play (MVS) mod as a mod for many versions! PinguinmikeTV 55 2025-01-06 17:51
Better Copper / Armor and Tools Adds copper armor tools and blocks in 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20 and 1.21 Anto1_12 1086300 2025-01-06 15:46
Carpet Gamerules An extension Mod for gnembon's Carpet Mod that adds all vanilla gamerules to the carpet settings RubixDev 6849 2025-01-06 12:08
MagicLib A library for mod dependencies. HendrixShen, plusls 141947 2025-01-06 03:17
Additional Placements Fabric Additional placement states for many blocks, including vertical slabs and stairs firemerald 5639 2025-01-05 23:24
Additional Placements Additional placement states for many blocks, including vertical slabs and stairs firemerald 405276 2025-01-05 23:19
kamen rider gavv eating food allow you to create minions which you can use to transform into gavv kamen_rider_gavv 952 2025-01-05 19:56
metric and milas gastronomy a mod that adds more foods to minecrcaft metriclote 564 2025-01-05 19:53
Yapping Flora (Talking Flowers) Adds talking flowers and other funny stuff to your world. bitgen 19 2025-01-05 17:32
Custom Totem Particles Fanciest totem particles in the west! Tektonikal 8505 2025-01-05 17:28
Custom End Crystals Customize how your end crystals are rendered. Tektonikal 2144 2025-01-05 17:18
World of Lush Caves Generates only lush caves. c3l3rno 16 2025-01-05 13:50
DragonLib A library mod for all my other mods. MrJulsen 6566 2025-01-04 20:33
TrafficCraft A Minecraft mod that brings roads, traffic signs, traffic lights and much more to your Minecraft world. Build your own cities and roads according to your wishes. MrJulsen 28073 2025-01-04 20:16
Advanced Book Book with graphics! Eennou 573 2025-01-04 19:30
Stacked Blocks Stack your blocks and save 8 times the space! Never run out of storage again. axperty 6479 2025-01-04 18:22
Sneak To Edit Allows interaction with blocks behind item frames and signs. Client-side only. cgcm 284 2025-01-04 18:17
SuperCake SuperCake Mod introduces a delicious variety of cakes and pies to your Minecraft world imperialroma10, jsdpk 344 2025-01-04 17:29
Disable Compliance Notification Disable Compliance Notification for South Korean users. MPThLee 2006 2025-01-04 16:04
MT Random Block Placement Simple placement of random blocks from hotbar MEGATREX4 705 2025-01-04 15:07
Byzantine Style Pack for Minecolonies Byzantine Style Pack for Minecolonies 1.20+ spumantii 1392623 2025-01-04 02:51
Just a lot more enchantments Adds a lot more enchantments A_teapot_orbiting_the_sun 182758 2025-01-03 23:31
Accessible Step Walk up full blocks without reaching for another button. Auto-jump begone! secret_online 26600 2025-01-03 22:31
craftable grass by sick volhard7220500 it only adds craftable grass recipe sick_volhard722050 65 2025-01-03 21:32
Simple Keybinds A mod that adds simple(r) keybinds to Minecraft. Dillon8775 876 2025-01-03 21:10
Nether Wart Blocks to Nether Warts [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge] With this mod you can craft Nether Wart Block back to Nether Warts Mars 112464 2025-01-03 21:01
Dorcamo's Joyful Mining A simple mod that makes mining more rewarding and enjoyable. Dorcamo 4706 2025-01-03 19:11
Improved Vanilla adds small new features to Minecraft Vanilla like easy farming / easy crop planting / mineable spawners / ... Buecher_wurm 37379 2025-01-03 15:57
CosmeticArmours A Mod Adding New CosmeticArmours into Your Minecraft Worlds! iiJowonny 1062646 2025-01-03 15:14
Forgotten Graves Fabric mod that stores items and XP in a decaying grave upon death Syhlo 258213 2025-01-03 07:13
OffersHUD (Fabric) Display a list of villager's trading offers as a HUD. naari3 11104 2025-01-03 04:52
Jupiter A powerful, auto sync config library. IAFEnvoy 58360 2025-01-03 03:30
CraftOres Craft Minecraft's ores with balanced recipe. jetpacker06 18 2025-01-03 02:16
Profanity Guard Profanity Guard is a Minecraft mod that utilizes datapacks to filter and block profanity in chat, ensuring a cleaner and more respectful experience for players. MeAlam 22 2025-01-02 22:47
Dungeon Crawl Generates large underground dungeon structures in the overworld. xiroc_ 51283550 2025-01-02 22:27
CraftSense A Minecraft mod that predicts crafting recipes in real-time, allowing you to instantly craft suggested recipes with one click, while adapting to your crafting habits over time. Dooji 5381 2025-01-02 21:54
Pufferfish's Attributes [Fabric & Forge & NeoForge] Adds more attributes to the game. Pufferfish 2450501 2025-01-02 21:48
Spawner Tweaks Allows you to configure spawners Project8gbDeRam 80 2025-01-02 19:44
TuffBlocks Adds tuff blocks from 1.21 to older versions MaximeriX 3794 2025-01-02 17:53
easierworldcreator library mod that help you creating features by generating 3d shapes RodoFire_ 3679 2025-01-02 14:40
Corpse x Curios API Compat Adds Curios API support to Corpse Project8gbDeRam 110042 2025-01-02 14:31
UnChipped Craft Chipped‘s blocks back to their origin using a stonecutter schinkennuggetbruzzler 205 2025-01-02 14:23
gravity origin a origin mod addon DownTownDragons 12 2025-01-02 13:39
Enchanted Monsteroom ( Neo) Forge Fabric Old monsteroom is boring? this mod adds a bigger monsteroom! SmartStreamLabs 2160 2025-01-02 12:41
TPRequest A mod for teleport requests in Minecraft, allowing players to send and accept requests to easily meet up in the world. Zonoikk 135 2025-01-02 12:27
Lit it Up Furnaces won't light up unless the player interacts with them. Eruannie_9 210155 2025-01-02 11:53
X Backup Advanced backup mod for servers and clients. steve47876 165 2025-01-02 10:54
ArmorWeight Adds weight to armor, making the game more difficult ptayur 910 2025-01-02 08:09
Legacy Skins Adds support for skin swapping to Legacy4J RedRain0o0, Jab125 2931 2025-01-02 07:25
Spitting Image Spit on anything you don't like with a press of a button! PaleMannie 221 2025-01-01 22:44
Quick Turn Mod Pressing a configurable key will make the player do a 180 Endode 3299 2025-01-01 21:42
Unbreakable Limitless Anvils Makes anvlis unbreakable and removes the "Too Expensive" limit. miki1106 1511 2025-01-01 20:44
QuickBench Crafting table optimisations. Ampflower 11982 2025-01-01 18:46
TerraMath Create custom terrain using mathematical functions and formulas for unique procedural world generation. addavriance 209 2025-01-01 15:27
Solar Craft A big magic progression-based mod about using nature powers. FINDERFEED 284866 2025-01-01 13:34
Mishang Urban Construction 迷上城建 An amount of blocks and items that make a beautiful city! SolidBlock 15723 2025-01-01 12:29
TweakerMore A collection of client-side tweak kits to enhance your Minecraft game experience. Tweak Minecraft and beyond! Fallen_Breath 99807 2025-01-01 11:58
Paladin's Furniture A Modern Furniture mod for Minecraft where things are functional! UnlikePaladin 6528740 2025-01-01 11:36
KnuckleDusters a weapons addition mod Based off of ChinosAnimated's cool animation found here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YlRUgWmW4S8 ChromaticUniverse 18 2025-01-01 09:08
Iron Bookshelves Bookshelves with more enchantment power jahirtrap 668576 2025-01-01 05:22
Wheat Chronicles it adds some wheat stuff sick_volhard722050 18 2025-01-01 04:20
The Immersive Music Mod The Immersive Music Mod adds a TON of new music to Minecraft. GoldEagleProductions 10454 2025-01-01 04:18
ReNDI Update NoDamI to 1.20.1 Kaleb_Langley 5662 2025-01-01 03:33
Saro´s Interactive Blocks This mod is made to make blocks execute commands Sarocesch 901 2025-01-01 00:20
hammer2 this mod adds armor to all types of armor and armor is in cobblestone en wood soancraft 1914 2024-12-31 20:37
Unwrecked Ships (Fabric) Vanilla shipwrecks repaired and sailing the seas! WillFord27, shadow_of_wights 33566 2024-12-31 15:57
Oh no! I'm zombifying [INFECTION MOD] This mod adds a zombie infection to your gameplay Anteria_ 74 2024-12-31 09:51
Stardew Fishing Fabric Making fishing fun with a minigame directly inspired by Stardew Valley(fabric version of Stardew Fishing)! kltyton 621 2024-12-31 07:13
Lankasters Nether Nether overhaul focused on adding biomes lankasteria 353 2024-12-31 06:36
Unwrecked Ships (Forge) Vanilla shipwrecks repaired and sailing the seas! shadow_of_wights, WillFord27 88596 2024-12-31 03:38
Better Fog Improve immersion with a more pronounced fog! falling_colud96 666261 2024-12-31 02:42
Ad Astra: Per Spatium Et Tempus An Addon for Ad Astra improving space exploration by adding new structures. Roi_Pasteque 422 2024-12-31 01:02
Double-Edge: Split Tools & Armor Split tools and armor! Pigling 454 2024-12-31 00:29
More Divines This mod is based in The Elder Scrolls (Skyrim specially) games and will have all the shrines of the divines, daedras (except Hermaeus), some amours, swords, advancements, trades,etc! AgustinJ879 4292 2024-12-30 22:39
Hardcore Torches (Fabric) Makes torches and lanterns temporary, burning out with time. Can also be configured to require torches be lit after placement. WolfieWaffle 27747 2024-12-30 19:21
Blue Hearts A new type of health: Blue Hearts. A new color, new mechanics! antthLuca 93 2024-12-30 18:44
Relics of Grim A mod that adds 6 unique end game relics and puts nether stars to use. grimsaw 18 2024-12-30 18:42
Loot Randomizer Randomizes block drops c3l3rno 2710 2024-12-30 17:40
Improved Pillager Outpost The "Improved Pillager Outpost" Datapack revamps the standard Minecraft Pillager Outpost into a challenging, multi-level tower. This overhaul adds detailed architecture, tougher enemies, and exclusive loot, creating a more immersive and rewarding experie sashiro 20188 2024-12-30 16:57
Infinite Storage Bundle Make your bundles be your new storage solution! sashiro 37258 2024-12-30 16:35
Legacy4J This mod adapts all the features from old Minecraft Legacy Console edition Wilyicaro 178737 2024-12-30 14:51
MoreCulling A mod that changes how multiple types of culling are handled in order to improve performance FX_PR0CESS 5112725 2024-12-30 12:35
Deimos Lib Config and datagen library based on midnight lib Mars 5491 2024-12-30 12:12
Tooltips TXF Additional info on tooltips such as durability, food & more jahirtrap 436 2024-12-30 12:08
Elemental Weapons Elemental weapons and necklaces for the 4 elements DevMC 1976 2024-12-29 20:26
Additional Ores: Armor and Weapons New ores, weapons, armor 7heFiNaTy 42 2024-12-29 15:06
the figures - CEOofAUTIZMZ (dweller)(horror)(cryptid)(stalker) add multiple entities to scare you CEOofAUTIZMZ 140900 2024-12-29 14:04
Parrot's Cage Cages and Tamagotchi like mechanics for parrots! Eruannie_9 41 2024-12-29 10:38
Death Counter Fabric Death Counter with OpenAPI and client Web UI DuckyHatsu 4954 2024-12-29 05:03
Rail Placement Fix With Rail Placement Fix you can place curved rails by sneaking and looking at the corner of a block or place sloped rails like a top-side slab. This mod enables you to create any rail pattern you like without changing the shape of neighboring rails. 2No2Name 13 2024-12-29 03:29
Railroad Blocks Forge This mods adds railroad-themed blocks to Minecraft. InterurbanDev 11668 2024-12-29 03:20
Railroad Blocks Fabric This mods adds railroad-themed blocks to Minecraft. InterurbanDev 5425 2024-12-29 02:51
Glowing Torchflower Mod that make Torchflower glow NikitaCartes2 34139 2024-12-29 02:42
Wandering Trader As A Villager Wandering Trader As A Villager Trygon2598 7 2024-12-29 00:22
Tick Tweaks Optimization Mod for Tick Rates Banduty 4648 2024-12-28 21:06
Shared Resources A mod for sharing game files like resource packs, shaders, saves and more between separate Minecraft instances. enjarai 3135 2024-12-28 18:52
ClickThrough Plus Click through Signs and Item Frames to Chests and other containers - a port of ClickThrough to Architectury. cassiancc 3319 2024-12-28 16:35
Factory API An API that supports different mod loaders and is the basis of mods like Factocrafty Wilyicaro 492448 2024-12-28 14:44
Nameless Trinkets Add powerful trinkets, which you will find when exploring the world. Cozary 4508224 2024-12-28 14:37
PneumaticCraft: Repressurized Doing cool stuff with pressurized air desht_08, Minemaarten 53958797 2024-12-28 12:22
Food TXF Some useful food & cannibalism jahirtrap 66795 2024-12-28 07:58
Wall-Jump TXF Wall jump, double jump, fence jump & more jahirtrap 1238466 2024-12-28 07:34
ThDilos Fox Origin Expanded 4 Evolutions for the basic fox ThDilos 8240 2024-12-28 07:22
ThDilos' Customed Fox Origin Expanded 4 Evolutions for the basic fox ThDilos 7079 2024-12-28 07:22
ThDilos Fox Origin An overly complicated Fox Origin ThDilos 33475 2024-12-28 07:17
ThDilos' Customed Fox Origin An overly complicated Fox Origin ThDilos 29311 2024-12-28 07:17
ANTS by sickvolhard722050 it adds ants and automation of makeing them mybe ... hopefully it some how will work with create if not GOD I PRAY THAT SOMEONE MAKES A ADDON ABOUT THIS sick_volhard722050 55 2024-12-28 05:25
Pufferfish's Skills [Fabric & Forge & NeoForge] Adds a fully configurable skill system to the game. Pufferfish 9441524 2024-12-27 22:40
Load My Chunks A Server Friendly Chunk Loading Mod Drathonix 32253 2024-12-27 21:30
Clean F3 Removes useless information from the debug screen. tyrannus 769043 2024-12-27 20:03
Station Decoration Decorate your railroad world with decorations like catenary! aida64ex 87680 2024-12-27 17:25
Particle Rain replaces the default weather with particle effects PigCart 784493 2024-12-27 15:47
Tianjin Metro A small mod for Minecraft Transit Railway. ZiYueCommentary 3250 2024-12-27 14:29
Loot Beams Up Customizable loot beams for items EnsoX 380 2024-12-27 06:08
Realistic Physics A library mod containing core functionality needed for xBigEllx's Realistic Block Physics mod. xBigEllx 36804 2024-12-27 01:03
Revamped Shipwrecks (Mod) Shipwrecks redesigned with jigsaw degradation stages, hundreds of unique combinations! WillFord27 7501 2024-12-26 19:53
Biome Replacer A quick way to get rid of a biome. Useful for tweaking datapack-based generators (like Terralith) that don't have a convenient configuration. WerDei 82725 2024-12-26 19:22
CobbleGen [Fabric/Forge] Customize (and randomize) cobblestone generators ZiRO2264 613083 2024-12-26 15:46
Fantasy Armor (Medieval Series) New armor sets with 3D models in medieval fantasy style. Kenddie 104851 2024-12-26 14:15
Stamina-Bar A mod that will complicate your game by adding stamina LurenYT_ 2090 2024-12-26 12:39
KeepEquipped Keep your armor and items in your hands when you die. domkss 15 2024-12-26 11:15
Raise Sound Limit Simplified A mod that raises Minecraft sound sources limit in a simple way ishlandmc 21581 2024-12-26 09:11
Infrastructury Cross-version modding API MrMelon54 613 2024-12-25 22:30
RespawnEye RespawnEye, a mythical creature Mod. HuanMeng_ 576 2024-12-25 08:53
Scoreboard Tweaks Client side customization of Minecraft's Scoreboard/Sidebar MicrocontrollersTV 8232 2024-12-25 07:29
Tab Tweaks Improvements and customization for Minecraft's Tab / Player List HUD MicrocontrollersTV 497 2024-12-25 03:00
Easy Homes Easy and lightweight /sethome mod ivkond 2364 2024-12-24 22:46
Omnilib A framework for enhanced UI elements and customization Dooji 527 2024-12-24 22:40
FPS Overlay 🖥️ Shows your FPS (or Coords, Time) on the screen iqudev 51 2024-12-24 13:31
Electronic Device Mod Decorative mod that adds plenty of electronic devices to decorate your house. opaleq 9453 2024-12-24 13:31
EffectMC Trigger effects in-game using devices like Stream Decks! MoSadie 5224 2024-12-24 08:17
Unlit Campfire Placed campfires are unlit. (Forge, NeoForge, Fabric, Quilt) thecech12 590976 2024-12-24 07:53
Womp's Shellfish Mod (Fabric / Forge) Adds several types of shellfish to the game, enhancing aquatic life and ambience. Womp6 4220 2024-12-24 04:32
ServerConfigCleaner Avoids syncing sensitive values in configs to the client malte0811, ThatGravyBoat 47 2024-12-23 21:08
Provi's Origins Adds 9 unique origins with fresh concepts and many new power types. Provismet 18011 2024-12-23 17:31
Copper instrument RU: Этот мод добавляет новые инструменты, а также новую броню. Eng: This mod adds new tools as well as new armor MichaelBoss 145 2024-12-23 14:33
Ancient Aether An Aether add-on that expands upon the concepts of the original mod Builderdog841 750361 2024-12-23 13:43
Sophisticated Core (Unofficial Fabric port) The Unofficial Fabric version of the Sophisticated Core Library salandora, P3pp3rF1y 513768 2024-12-23 13:16
Skin Restorer A server-side mod for managing and restoring player skins. Lionarius 265209 2024-12-23 09:28
Subnautica HUD Adds the Subnautica HUD to Minecraft(Client Side) Gonnulf 3 2024-12-23 01:21
Enchantment Transfer Features: Enchanted Table adds selective decomposition Spells into enchanted books, Anvil added Enchant so the spell was transferred to a grimoire, Anvil too expensive Increase to level 180 GuTabai 62 2024-12-23 00:41
Nik's CraftableOres A mod that allows you to craft ores using their corresponding items. All vanilla ores are craftable e.g. Iron ingot, Diamond, Emerald, etc. NikDev 57 2024-12-22 20:18
LoTAS-Light Tools for creating Tool-Assisted Speedruns in MC 1.21+ Scribble 252 2024-12-22 18:16
Craftable Elytra [Remastered] A not official 1.16+ version of craftable elytra mod from shmeggels hir0shiyt 102964 2024-12-22 17:03
CICADA Confusing, Interesting and Considerably Agnostic Development Aid enjarai 1275897 2024-12-22 15:17
Mod-erate Loading Screen An "alternative" to Mod Menu that's a lot less usable. enjarai 103653 2024-12-22 13:28
Unusual End 🌌 An Improved Vanilla+ End ! Sweetygamer 7604698 2024-12-22 09:58
Item detector Don't let the smugglers go any further than they've gone! Redynine 12 2024-12-22 07:21
First-person Model (Forge/Fabric) Enables the third-person Model in first-person tr7zw 8507127 2024-12-21 23:29
Rock Candy An Underground Food Mod traverse_joe 3269388 2024-12-21 23:20
Villager Saloon Adds a saloon and a new potion to the badland biome SuperWarioModTeam 608 2024-12-21 23:12
Atmosfera Adds atmospheric sounds to Minecraft! HephaestusDev 153544 2024-12-21 19:54
Pickable Piglins [Fabric] Turn Piglins into Items an keep them in your pocket! ShiftTheDev 16305 2024-12-21 17:01
The Wool Collection adds wool variants for various blocks, like fences, stairs, gates, buttons and more Buecher_wurm 8989 2024-12-21 16:35
Ore Growth Ore Growth adds crystals which can grow on ores! SuperMartijn642 203815 2024-12-21 14:17
Korean Chat Patch Convenient Korean Patch Mod 나죠안 24995 2024-12-21 09:24
Dropped Item Tweaks Small changes to the way dropped items render MicrocontrollersTV 458 2024-12-21 04:41
Biome Beats Custom music tracks, seamless playback, and condition-based music control. Play whatever you want, whenever you want. Maki99999 10806 2024-12-20 21:10
ParticleGenerator Adds Particle Generator block mt1006 5982 2024-12-20 20:34
Phantom Pillows A block that prevents elytra collision damage. haykam 1781 2024-12-20 18:02
Earn money money textur headking10 3641 2024-12-20 14:00
Deeper and Darker Deep Dark expansion mod adding new mobs, items, blocks and a new dimension. KyaniteMods, ttv_pedro270707, angg_xdd, nitro_dynamite18, NewJumperr 37492380 2024-12-20 13:21
Just Enough Breeding (JEBr) JEI/REI/EMI plugin that displays breeding information Christofmeg 10526250 2024-12-20 12:30
LUMINOUS:BUTTERFLIES Illuminate your Minecraft Overworld with 23 different types of butterflies! RipleysMods 8036 2024-12-20 07:26
Uni-Tool Tired of switching between tools while exploring or building? UniTool combines all the essential tools into one. smjlf 42 2024-12-20 03:41
Hearths A handful of additions to vanilla Nether biomes bebebea_loste 9806443 2024-12-19 21:36
Bouncy Pearls Makes Ender Pearls bounce on the Ground/Walls and Fluids ! Project8gbDeRam 25 2024-12-19 20:01
Josh's Magic Staffs Adds 15 New Elemental Staffs! JoshB 253 2024-12-19 19:26
Impossible crafts now possible makes impossible crafts now possible ArthurOrsi 356 2024-12-19 01:24
Botany Pots Adds pots that you can use to grow crops! DarkhaxDev 44410086 2024-12-18 18:53
Velveeta Shells Adds Velveeta Shells & Cheese to Minecraft jdawg3636 580 2024-12-18 12:58
Selfexpression A mod that will add clothes suitable for any skin! Redynine 37805 2024-12-18 10:11
Salvage Furnace This mod adds several different salvage furnaces, one for each different type of material. You can use these furnaces to recycle various tools and armor pieces and recover some of the materials. kentime 16925 2024-12-18 07:53
[EMF] Entity Model Features [Fabric & Forge] EMF is an, OptiFine format, Custom Entity Model replacement mod available for Fabric and Forge. traben_0 30965413 2024-12-18 06:39
TradeHacker Allow players in creative mode to get villagers' goods without paying. LitnhJacuzzi 162 2024-12-18 02:52
Entity Render Disabler A minecraft mod to disable selected Entity Render Ponchisao326 84 2024-12-18 02:13
Fossils and Archaeology: Legacy Adding dinosaurs since 2024! A fork of the original Fossils and Archaeology mod by Team July to the latest versions and patched up! Willatendo 1333 2024-12-18 01:51
iChunUtil Shared library used by iChun's mods iChun 95865962 2024-12-18 00:56
Sciophobia Customize Minecraft's text shadow rendering globally MicrocontrollersTV 302 2024-12-18 00:34
MCRGB - A Colour Picker for Blocks Search for blocks based on the dominant colours in their textures. bacco 2284 2024-12-17 23:31
Convinient Crafts Craft rare armor trims, glow ink sacs easily! awesome_pare485440 22 2024-12-17 22:59
Customizable Player Models OSC Compat A Customizable Player Models, OSC/VMC protocol compat mod. tom54541 18013 2024-12-17 22:07
Multiplayer Server Pause (Fabric) Pauses servers when all connected clients are paused. Fabric version. iChun 61472 2024-12-17 21:56
Multiplayer Server Pause (Forge) Pauses servers when all connected clients are paused. Forge version. iChun 60039 2024-12-17 21:56
Hotbar Swapper Adds shortcuts to swap your hotbar items by row or by column iChun 1924 2024-12-17 21:55
Sit! Adds sitting to minecraft! Endless customizability for hand restrictions and sittable blocks. Oth3r 25089 2024-12-17 18:50
wsmc Enable Websocket support for Minecraft Java. rikka0w0 249 2024-12-17 18:01
Chunk Schedudeler Efficient and controlled chunk loading (server friendly). hd42 616 2024-12-17 11:11
Witcher Medallions Add functional Witcher Medallions to the Minecraft World. Tenebris_Mors 8355 2024-12-17 08:14
rakes by sickvolhard722050 it adds 5 rakes and 3 leafs and block versons too sick_volhard722050 36 2024-12-17 01:59
Player Radar Get notified when players are near. Arcadesmasher 84 2024-12-17 00:09
AnalogMovement Unlock the power of your analog keyboard in Minecraft. Verotek 42 2024-12-16 20:40
vred's Weaponry A mod that adds a lot of exciting weapons with new materials and a brand new crafting system! vred_ 6 2024-12-16 17:47
Simple Coords Show coords in overlay (configurable) R4mBLe 875 2024-12-16 16:26
EverFurnace EverFurnace enables vanilla Furnace, Blast Furnace, and Smoker to cook even when they are not loaded. gottsch 384 2024-12-16 15:34
Storage Delight (Fabric) Extra furniture for Farmer's Delight that makes your kitchen or any space look better. axperty 198056 2024-12-16 00:50
Respawn Pointer Neo(Forge) Easy Respawn Point! Right click to set a respawn point, No Beds Needed Anymore. SmartStreamLabs 66 2024-12-15 22:14
More (Item/Painting) Frame Variants (MStV+) Item Frames and Painting Frames for all the woods pnku 2500 2024-12-15 22:04
LibAnalog A library bringing pressure-aware keybindings for analog keyboards to Minecraft. Verotek 104 2024-12-15 19:58
Storage Delight (Forge & Neoforge) Extra furniture for Farmer's Delight that makes your kitchen or any space look better. axperty 2102142 2024-12-15 18:53
Woodwalkers Transform into a mob! ToCraft 327380 2024-12-15 16:33
Open Parties and Claims Adds the ability to claim chunks and make player parties, integrates with Xaero's Minimap and World Map xaero96 24122330 2024-12-15 12:02
Combatlog A mod to prevent combat loggers WildToastyMop 118428 2024-12-15 01:02
Starter Shelter Offers players a cozy, fully-equipped starter home upon first spawn, complete with essential tools, resources, and a safe haven to kickstart their adventure in style! Perfect for a seamless and exciting survival experience! PhieHolie 18 2024-12-14 19:42
Luna Core mod for all Luna Pixel Studios modpacks. LunaPixelStudios, SHXRKIE, ElocinDev 13440467 2024-12-14 17:05
Kinetic Hosting Addition Adds a button to the main menu that links to your Kinetic Affiliate link. WereF0X 7 2024-12-14 14:11
Default Key Setup Customize the default key of key binding Giant_Salted_Fish 294 2024-12-14 14:10
From Animation To Mod This mod contains some of the weapons from the Animation Life and the Annoying Villagers. Inspired by the two animators Squared Media and MrFudgeMonkeyz Studios. FAVONIUS 6 2024-12-14 11:36
Less Airpockets This mod disallows placement in fluid for many vanilla blocks zer 30 2024-12-14 11:09
Blockbuster Studio Animation studio and content creation tool McHorse 9990 2024-12-14 10:13
StackOne You can't stack anything!!! laosun1234 2805 2024-12-14 09:53
Tarot Cards Adds the 22 Major Arcana tarot cards with unique passive bonuses shiroroku 2572902 2024-12-14 02:22
More Torch Variants (MStV+) Torches, Soul Torches and Redstone Torches for all the different woods pnku 4243 2024-12-14 00:52
Refabricated Mob Heights Adds realistic size variations to Minecraft mobs while maintaining gameplay balance. digitalbeth 24 2024-12-13 19:46
CraftedCore Another API mod ToCraft 387866 2024-12-13 14:13
Xaero's World Map Adds a fullscreen worldmap which shows you what you have explored in the world. Can work together with Xaero's Minimap. xaero96 91229236 2024-12-13 08:18
Easy Ender Pearl Struggling to find Ender Pearls for your adventures? Mr_Sun 95 2024-12-13 05:13
Easy Iron Bored of mining endlessly just to craft iron ingots? Mr_Sun 60 2024-12-13 04:45
ViaFabric Allow connecting to servers with different versions creeper12312332 652892 2024-12-12 22:16
Balanced Ore Detector Fully configurable Ore Detectors that do not break the balance of the game, and still make prospecting a challenge, without forcing you to hollow out the entire world. pintergabor 581 2024-12-12 21:53
FastBoot FastBoot is a mod that engineered to drastically reduce game loading time dnlayu 378184 2024-12-12 20:41
Player Emotes Allows the players to express themselves in more ways than previously possible Vierdant 277 2024-12-12 18:00
I Can't Do Math! Calculate resources in shulkers, double chests and stacks animepdf 39 2024-12-12 17:43
Poor Golems (Mob Farm Drop Rate Control) Prevent Iron Golem population explosions. Also, control Iron Golem drop rates per hour. MacTso 20161 2024-12-12 04:22
More Shield Variants Shield variants for all the different woods pnku 11556 2024-12-12 00:15
Bake Your Bread Bake Your Bread! (...and cookies, cakes and pies!) + Cook Your Beetroot Soup! (...and mushroom and rabbit stew!) pnku 832 2024-12-11 23:50
[Fabric] Realms Button Remover Removes the realms button from versions of Minecraft it doesn't support [1.7.10-1.18.2] blucobalt 6723 2024-12-11 23:36
More Armor Stand Variants (MStV+) Armor Stands for all the different woods. A 'More Stick Variants' Add-On. pnku 4866 2024-12-11 22:41
More Smoker Variants Smokers for all the different woods and two more stone types pnku 5567 2024-12-11 21:04
Datapack Utils Adds extra utility features to datapacks rhm176 425 2024-12-11 20:39
More Bed Variants Beds for all the different woods pnku 9691 2024-12-11 20:11
More Grindstone Variants Grindstones for all the different woods and multiple stone types pnku 6817 2024-12-11 19:49
Big Sign Writer Allows for easy writing of large multi-line characters on signs! chililisoup 111 2024-12-11 15:36
Scalable Cat's Force Scala language provider for Minecraft 1.13.2 and newer Kotori316 27082509 2024-12-11 10:18
[ETF] Entity Texture Features - [Fabric & Forge] Custom, Emissive and Varied mobs like Optifine and so much more.. +Player skin features!) Traben 43624698 2024-12-11 09:25
RealSurvivor This mod just hard survivor. gmff 211688 2024-12-11 05:05
Brandon's Core This is the core mod that will be used by most of my mods from now on brandon3055 78997178 2024-12-11 04:24
More Lectern Variants Lecterns for all the different woods pnku 8668 2024-12-11 02:26
Potassium (sodium port) Welcome to Potassium, a Performance Based Fork Of Sodium! gamerbenyt 46 2024-12-10 23:40
Smooth Skies Smooths out the skybox colors on far render distances. MicrocontrollersTV 4985 2024-12-10 22:58
TierTagger Displays everyone's tier from the Vanilla PVP Tierlist VoxelStudios 186 2024-12-10 22:19
Resourcify In-game resource pack, data pack and shader browser and updater DeDiamondPro 665697 2024-12-10 19:05
Land of Goblins [Forge & NeoForge] Land of goblins! Challenge the beliefs of these mini beings by defeating their gods 5Rnz 20386 2024-12-10 14:50
More Barrel Variants Barrels for all the different woods pnku 13629 2024-12-10 13:21
More Stick Variants (MStV) Sticks for all the different woods. A base mod for other variant mods using sticks as crafting ingredients. pnku 17808 2024-12-10 12:38
StrEq String to Equation! Banduty 623 2024-12-10 11:15
Black Flashed! Adds new pvp and pve mechanic - black flash! kitaniz__ 795 2024-12-10 10:11
DisenchantingFabric Adds a block for disenchanting items onto books chirptheboy 12060 2024-12-10 03:54
Macaw's Trapdoors Adds vanila trapdoors in every plank variation, and some new trapdoors too! sketch_macaw 56643945 2024-12-09 17:39
Annihilation Recreated datapack that aim to recreate the boss Annihilation from the Wynncraft server Creeperj2_0 5286 2024-12-09 16:09
Modern UI Creates UI with smooth font, animations, emoji, blur effect, optimization, international text and many features BloCamLimb 1873831 2024-12-09 14:09
Hero Proof Earn a medal after winning a raid, and remind villagers to remember you as a hero! Eugene2000 20241 2024-12-09 12:48
Language Reload Reduces load times and adds fallbacks for languages Jerozgen 14245077 2024-12-09 12:22
String Utilities A mod that provides more NBT string operations. Myitian 35 2024-12-09 11:51
Redirectionor [Retro] Avoid Enum values allocation in codes and improve game performance. Hileb 136915 2024-12-09 05:56
Extended Block Shapes 扩展方块形状 Adds stairs, slabs, fences, fence gates, buttons and pressure plates for many vanilla blocks. SolidBlock 62991 2024-12-09 01:28
Ultimate Pickaxes ⛏ Unlock a new level of pickaxes and feel the power in your hands. With special tools that transform mining, get ready for a powerful and unique experience! Martinfer22 2267 2024-12-08 22:58
Soul's Shurikens A small mod that adds various shurikens to Minecraft, some with special abilities. Soul_R_MC 3851 2024-12-08 21:53
Clockhud Display a clock on client side MrMelon54 4400 2024-12-08 19:25
Forgotten Battle Towers Adds common tower like dungeons to the game. A_teapot_orbiting_the_sun 142 2024-12-08 14:28
Simple HUD Enhanced A Minecraft mod that enhances the game's Heads-Up Display (HUD) by introducing customizable elements and features to display information. SoRadGaming 64459 2024-12-08 13:42
Chat Impressive Animation Makes chat messages appear with a smooth animation. Wulian233, TexTrue 298166 2024-12-08 11:28
More Weapon Variants (MStV+) Swords, Bows, Crossbows and Arrows for all the different woods pnku 5487 2024-12-08 02:13
Perk-A-Cola Adds Perks from Cod Zombies into Minecraft great_xerxes 2887 2024-12-07 17:38
AdaptiveView Mod for dynamically adjusting the servers view distance based on performance. TreSet 2041 2024-12-07 17:22
Mob Armor Trims Makes mobs be able to spawn with naturally trimmed armor majo24 273671 2024-12-07 14:39
Item Alchemy (Fabric) A developing port of Equivalent Exchange (like Project E) for FabricMC. pitan76 69261 2024-12-07 14:28
Suppress OpenGL Error 128(0-2) A simple Fabric mixin which disables the error spam of OpenGL debug message to the log. AdamRaichu 12366 2024-12-07 13:19
Skin Layers 3D (Fabric/Forge) Render the player skin layer in 3d! tr7zw 46083167 2024-12-07 13:10
Useful Tools Early game items for your building, farming and mining needs. Crare1 49085 2024-12-07 09:12
Fzzy Config Config API with automatic GUIs, powerful validation options, server-client sync, and more! fzzyhmstrs 7310220 2024-12-07 00:25
Simple Death Chest Places chest when players die, containing all of their items. isaiah 19494 2024-12-07 00:23
Mushroooms Mod that add many things such as plants like mushrooms, mobs, biomes, blocks. RodoFire_ 4390 2024-12-06 23:11
Entity Culling Fabric/Forge Using async path-tracing to hide Tiles/Entities that are not visible tr7zw 85998072 2024-12-06 18:59
Harvest with ease Don't break crops, right click them! CrystalSpider 15409592 2024-12-06 18:50
SSkins Custom skin servers with higher resolution 128, 256 512 Pixel!! PPekKunGzDev, MCKimKunG 70 2024-12-06 17:44
Fix Mouse Keybinds Fixes mods where mouse keybinds simply do not work GoldenretriverYT 2804 2024-12-06 16:22
Remember My Txt Remember My Txt makes sure unrecognized values in the options.txt file get saved when changing other options, preventing things like losing keybinds when you are waiting for a mod to port to a newer version of Minecraft. DuncanRuns 657 2024-12-06 16:05
Fog A total overhaul of Minecraft's fog, offering options to customize fog color, start, and end points. Enjoy a more immersive experience with enhanced depth and visuals, all while keeping the same view distance. IMB11 146119 2024-12-06 12:57
Name Pain Vanilla-friendly health-based nameplate coloring, better villager & pet name visibility, many configs. tags: nametags pets QoL lightweight client-sided clientsided tweaks tames quality of life combat cosmetics colors players disable forge fabric quilt naqaden 4673013 2024-12-06 06:59
ResourcePackCached Optimizes server resource pack handling by caching, reusing across sessions, and eliminating redundant loading and unloading. Furq 2011 2024-12-06 01:02
Inventive Inventory Experience seamless inventory management in Minecraft with Inventive Inventory, your one-stop solution for sorting, auto-refilling, profiles and slot-locking. Strobel273 8340 2024-12-05 20:44
Durability Overhaul Reworks and adds depth to Minecraft's durability system. falling_colud96 4388 2024-12-05 20:27
Gold Nugget Recycling Lets you smelt most gold-requiring items into Gold Nuggets. Must-have for Vanilla+ playthroughs. creep 1340 2024-12-05 19:21
Iron Nugget Recycling Lets you smelt most iron-requiring items into Iron Nuggets. Must-have for Vanilla+ playthroughs. creep 2313 2024-12-05 19:18
Litematica Server Paster Let Litematica be able to paste tile entity data of block / entity data in a server Fallen_Breath 30315 2024-12-05 19:09
Rez Me! A simple player revieve mod RollingDice26 416 2024-12-05 17:16
Broken Nametags Makes your pet's drop memorials upon death rhm176 689 2024-12-05 16:27
Spice of Overhaul Minecraft isn't difficult enough for you? This mod changes food related stuff and food system at all. MarkTheLark 806 2024-12-05 09:46
Gothic Church A mod about a Gothic Church structure with villagers and hidden loot SuperWarioModTeam 296 2024-12-05 00:36
Repurposed End I have added 3 new mobs including a new wither, skeleton , and wither skeleton, a new item called dragon scale which the ender dragon drops on death, can make new tools sets of armor and more with it. BaffledBanana87 3352 2024-12-04 23:50
PatPat [Mod & Plugin] Simple Client and (Optional) Server side Fabric mod for patting any (living) mobs! LopyTwich 1994 2024-12-04 22:56
YetAnotherConfigLib A builder-based configuration library for Minecraft. isXander 23551274 2024-12-04 21:02
Pistorder A mod that shows the block movement order of a piston Fallen_Breath 1271161 2024-12-04 18:48
Continuity A Fabric mod that allows for efficient connected textures Pepper_Bell 21479762 2024-12-04 18:38
Item Repair Repair tools & armor. Biorfn 1109 2024-12-04 08:48
BadOptimizations Optimization mod that focuses on things other than rendering thosea 11231093 2024-12-04 05:35
Decorative Wooden Lattices Lattices to decorate your buildings Alexander8VKHZ 43795 2024-12-03 23:59
Smelt Copper To Gold Smelt Raw Copper To Raw Gold ( Easy smelting using a furnace or blast furnace ) SmartStreamLabs 75 2024-12-03 21:58
Dynamic Lights [Server] [Forge/Fabric/Quilt] Supported entities and items such as torches or lanterns emit light! Tschipcraft 1617636 2024-12-03 21:29
More Mobs [Server] [Forge/Fabric/Quilt] Humanoid mobs get new variants through over 85 custom player heads or unused vanilla mobs! No Resource Pack needed! Tschipcraft 257387 2024-12-03 21:17
Dynamic FPS Improve performance when Minecraft is in the background juliand665, LostLuma 17150854 2024-12-03 18:03
Simple Discord Link Bot A simple to use discord-minecraft/vice versa chat link bot with Whitelisting [Forge/Fabric] HypherionSA 1252020 2024-12-03 11:41
CraterLib A library mod for First Dark Development and HypherionSA's mods HypherionSA 8374970 2024-12-03 11:15
Speedy Path The player is able to move faster on the designated path pitan76 880 2024-12-03 11:10
Hot Kettles Adds kettles and drinks to Minecraft slainlite 23088 2024-12-03 10:03
CoffeeG's Double Jump Add double jump mechanic to Minecraft CoffeeG 10167 2024-12-03 03:01
Create: Immersive Tacz Integration This mod adds an immersive way to use Tacz into your Create playthrough using Create Armorer and new items and recipes! MYR 3939 2024-12-03 00:19
NBT Autocomplete Adds suggestions for NBT tags in commands mt1006 902480 2024-12-03 00:11
Better Fluid Pipes This mod adds realistic fluid pipes that show the fluid flowing inside the pipe MarvinEckhardt 294 2024-12-02 23:40
craftable bees and honeycomb and honey it only adds craftable usless stuff sick_volhard722050 36 2024-12-02 23:16
Playsound Play custom music with the /customplaymusic command and let others develop their own HUDs carpinchogaucho 2 2024-12-02 22:26
Mod Credits Reborn Adds mod credits to the minecraft credits screen rhm176 459 2024-12-02 22:13
Detail Armor Bar Compat Adds mod compatibility for Detail Armor Bar rhm176 119 2024-12-02 21:00
Vanity: Aesthetic Armory Greatly expands the user's armory by providing new weapon, tool and armor skins for your favorite items. Farcr 18571 2024-12-02 20:34
Vanity: Colossal Weapons Expands the user's armory by providing new weapon skins, of Colossal Size. For the strongest of warriors. Farcr 15194 2024-12-02 20:32
Dynamic Crosshair A Minecraft mod that hides or changes the crosshair dependent on context Crendgrim 1893499 2024-12-02 20:26
Nether Additions | Swedish Frog Nether Additions is a mod meant to subtly expand on the Nether, in a vanilla friendly style. Loscan 518 2024-12-02 17:30
Vegan Delight Farmers Delight addon that adds soybeans, tofu and other items to make any food from vegan ingredients ChriSimo, Player_005 375861 2024-12-02 15:04
Presence Footsteps An overly complicated sound mod S0llace 13065186 2024-12-02 11:04
MacOS Input Fixes This mod fixes many Minecraft macOS input bugs. It makes scrolling with shift work properly on macOS, left click + control = left click (instead of right click) and more fixes! hamarb123 658307 2024-12-02 08:53
Cubic Turret A mod that adds turrets pitan76 757 2024-12-02 05:03
Bedrock Tools76 Bedrock Tools is a mod that adds tools from bedrock and obsidian to the game. pitan76 5420 2024-12-02 04:18
Ender Cane (Fabric/Forge) Added an item for a player to teleport to easily save coordinates with consuming ender pearls pitan76 6164 2024-12-02 02:40
Block Entity Wrench Add wrench to save block entity data etc pitan76 255 2024-12-02 01:56
Universal Wrench Universal Wrench compatible with many industrial mods pitan76 228 2024-12-02 01:48
OpenBlocks Trophies Adds a flexible trophy system inspired by the trophies from OpenBlocks GizmoTheMoonPig 787847 2024-12-01 23:40
Hud Texts If you want UI texts with variables then this mod is for you. AntrolGamingOfficial, seabat0101 252396 2024-12-01 23:35
Numerical Durability No more imprecise bars! See you durability numerically, client sided! AverageGameUser 65 2024-12-01 23:17
Totem Counter Counts the amount of Totem Pops VoxelStudios 882 2024-12-01 22:20
The Nether Dungeons I have added a dungeon that spawns at the depths of the nether which has a summing room where you have a chance to summon 3 different bosses. BaffledBanana87 1244 2024-12-01 15:47
Nether Dragon Adds a challenging dragon creature for the Nether dimension modsbyblast 50987 2024-12-01 15:18
Toro's Auto Mine Mod that allows players to automatically mine while being afk torobolin 6787 2024-12-01 14:59
Ordinary Crook (Fabric/Forge) Adds ExNihiloAdscensio's crook. Croop is a dedicated tool for destroying leaves. pitan76 16518 2024-12-01 14:36
Dynamic Flight Control This Mod Let's you fly With different game method, so you don't have use shift and space. You can fly up and down, just by pointing towards it. Mod_MC 84 2024-12-01 13:51
Solomons Rod (Fabric/Forge) Solomons Rod Reproduction pitan76 1385 2024-12-01 13:50
Space Cube (Fabric) Space Cube is a mod that creates space in another dimension. Inspired by Compact Machines pitan76 3231 2024-12-01 13:25
Hardcore Torches Addon: Recipe Reveal This datapack enhances consistency and gameplay experience by implementing a criteria-based recipe unlock system that the Hardcore Torches mod lacks, a necessary feature for players with the doLimitedCrafting gamerule enabled. Adahel 16 2024-12-01 10:10
Thematic Superhero Mod (Fabric) Become a Superhero in Minecraft. This is a Minecraft Superhero mod for the latest version of Minecraft. Featuring Deadpool, Wolverine, Batman, Green Arrow, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Hawkgirl, Martian Manhunter, Black Canary, Supergirl, and Red Hood. notsofunalex, Bovi 86789 2024-12-01 06:33
Gentle Reminders Gentle Reminders is a mod that sends mindful messages to the player every so often based on a customizable config file. jackperry2187 417 2024-12-01 04:46
ManMan: Starter Kit Gives you a leg up when you spawn! thetruemanman 284 2024-12-01 00:52
Wizard Tower Adds a Wizard Tower along with a new wizard mob mini boss SuperWarioModTeam, SuperWario 8252 2024-11-30 22:05
Server Unpacker Extract those pesky Server Resource Packs Soumeh 214 2024-11-30 20:32
Zoomglass Use a spyglass quickly, with a press of a button! WerDei 6382 2024-11-30 20:32
Dimensional Weather This is a lightweight mod designed to fix https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-186626. crafter312 772 2024-11-30 17:50
Orby this mod adds a sweet mob that drops a lot of xp OrzechPL 514 2024-11-30 15:02
Security Craft Adds plenty of blocks and items to defend and secure your base with. Geforce132, bl4ckscor3, MasterPerki 57602330 2024-11-30 13:24
Small Stairs Updated The mod adds small stairs pitan76 65264 2024-11-30 08:41
AutoModpack Enjoy a seamless modpack installation process and effortless updates with a user-friendly solution that simplifies management, making your gaming experience a breeze. Skidam 53257 2024-11-29 20:05
DirectionHUD Fabric A plugin style HUD mod for fabric server & client. Oth3r 5669 2024-11-29 18:30
Crate Delight (Forge & Neoforge) Useful crates and bags for Farmer's Delight that will save you storage and look great. axperty 235522 2024-11-29 16:15
Private Messages Simple private messages for server Son1kX 57 2024-11-29 15:52
Enhanced Quarries (Fabric) Fabric's mod that add Quarry, Filler pitan76 257382 2024-11-29 00:39
Dynamic Crosshair Compat Mod compatibility support for Dynamic Crosshair Crendgrim 158043 2024-11-28 19:39
Halo HUD Adds a small halo style indicator around the crosshair, showing player health and hunger without having to look away from the screen center. Crendgrim 159872 2024-11-28 19:14
Tidal Towns Several pieces of driftwood have been gathered to form a village that floats on the waves. joshieman 2050986 2024-11-28 17:12
Extra Tools\Weapons Epic Minecraft mod with 🔥 Slime (super jump), 💜 Ender (teleport), and 🔥 Lava (fireball) tools! Big updates every 7–10 days—dive in and discover more! 🎮✨ FMSFaris 7151 2024-11-28 16:24
End Crystal Optimizer Optimization that fixes waiting on the server after a end crystal breaks before end crystal entities are cleaned. VoxelStudios 2667 2024-11-27 21:47
LUMINOUS: BEASTS LUMINOUS: BEASTS adds TWENTY FOUR legendary beasts into the game, from forest Tree Ent's to Piglin Executioners. Hunt them down to get new loot! RipleysMods 48451 2024-11-27 19:30
InfiniteCraft Uses randomness to generate new recipes on the fly. ProfessorQu1 955 2024-11-27 19:01
Phenomena Structures Adds lots of new dungeons and loot! mckeksiksk 743487 2024-11-27 18:50
More Frogs - Fabric/Quilt/Forge Adds more frog variants to minecraft. frikinjay 486728 2024-11-27 16:49
(Untitled) Weirdness This mod makes minecraft weird by adding new mobs, dimensions and blocks. Wardenlimo 137 2024-11-27 15:20
Signed Paintings Display web images as vanilla-like paintings using signs, Scale images automatically for a pixelated look! Nettakrim 14127 2024-11-27 14:15
Additional Small Stairs The mod adds vanilla small stairs. Small Stairs's Addon pitan76 6081 2024-11-27 12:51
Craftable Loot Chests Elevate your Minecraft experience with the Craftable Loot Chests Mod! This innovative mod allows players to create their own themed loot chests using specific in-game items. kentime 1315 2024-11-27 10:16
Depression This is a mod that adds brand-new emotion and mental health mechanism to Minecraft! block_137 2179 2024-11-27 10:03
Electro's PowerCraft Survival Addon/ Element Survival Mod ElectroGaming10 186 2024-11-27 01:39
Gamemode Unrestrictor Allows players to open the gamemode switcher and toggle their gamemode even if they do not have the required permission level. haykam 1940 2024-11-26 20:56
Yamato Gun (Fabric/Forge) Add simple guns. You can kill mobs more easily. pitan76 43560 2024-11-26 14:48
YTech YTech improves early game by increasing time to reach "iron age". yanny7777 4027 2024-11-26 08:38
AutoRun Enhanced Implements auto-walking/auto-running in a similar way to Fortnite. snope42 408 2024-11-25 22:19
Cloud Layers Add multiple layers of vanilla-style clouds pymsrps 162 2024-11-25 19:03
Random Respawn On Death Respawn Randomly In World Upon Dying TheeMrCheeky 166 2024-11-25 04:16
Zombie Hardcore Get ready to face thirsty zombies, they will break all blocks to get to you! Literally. Martinfer22 1782 2024-11-25 04:09
Vanilla Furniture this mods adds interior and exterior decoration blocks, construction blocks such as flooring or doors (Inspire by Jammy Furniture and Ext Decordation mods ) The_TCT 27343 2024-11-24 21:44
Wander Wander is a structure mod that adds many new structures to the game. It currently adds 38 structures of varying sizes as well as 6 music discs. EMC 109 2024-11-24 21:24
ShetiPhianCore [Fabric] Required for ShetiPhians Fabric Mods ShetiPhian 1146950 2024-11-24 18:03
ShetiPhianCore Required for ShetiPhians Mods ShetiPhian 54810788 2024-11-24 17:59
Snow Under Trees (Fabric)​ 1.19+ continuation of Snow Under Trees (Fabric) IMB11 5129417 2024-11-24 17:03
Villages & Pillages Structure mod that brings an exciting twist to Minecraft by introducing hostile and unfriendly pillages, providing a thrilling contrast to the peaceful villages. Faboslav 7371112 2024-11-24 11:20
GrowableOres - Ore Cane(Forge) GrowableOres Mod is a modification that contains a good amount of content to help to farm ores. skniro 16073 2024-11-24 10:15
GrowableOres - Ore Cane(Fabric) GrowableOres Mod is a modification that contains a good amount of content to help to farm ores. skniro 38319 2024-11-24 10:15
GrowableOres - Ore Cane(Neoforge) GrowableOres Mod is a modification that contains a good amount of content to help to farm ores. skniro 3338 2024-11-24 10:14
Fronrer This mod adds super strong material - Fron JHXStudio 32 2024-11-23 21:14
Large Iron Sign Adds a sign that displays a single large character JordanL2 370 2024-11-23 20:50
Squake Ported A Quake style movement mod for Minecraft PaleMannie 157 2024-11-23 20:41
Chisel Chipped Integration Adds blocks from the chisel mod. zSemper 1247779 2024-11-23 19:37
Iron Signs Create signs in all colors of Minecraft pintergabor 521 2024-11-23 08:14
Better Night Vision Allows slight customization of the night vision effect, such as disabling it entirely and changing the warning flashing to be a smooth fade out. MicrocontrollersTV 506 2024-11-23 04:25
Formations (Structure Library) Formations adds utilities for structure datapacks! SuperMartijn642 10118679 2024-11-22 22:24
Crate Delight (Fabric) Useful crates and bags for Farmer's Delight that will save you storage and look great. axperty 86161 2024-11-22 21:05
[C.T.O.R] CheneTulipe Technology, Ores, Resources New Ores, Tools, Armors, Blocks chenetulipe 1736 2024-11-22 18:38
Costumes Rebuilt Addon for Palladium Mod that Adds Costumes and Items from Pop Culture ATROX 21269 2024-11-22 12:13
Roblox Doors Music Discs Adds music discs for all the tracks from Roblox Doors (Vol. I-IV) into Minecraft with crafting recipes! Credit to LSPLASH for the music tracks (non-copyright). DaCommander31 117 2024-11-22 10:23
EnderChests Public, Personal, and Team EnderChests and EnderBags ShetiPhian 21080777 2024-11-22 10:21
EnderTanks Public, Personal, and Team EnderTanks and EnderBuckets ShetiPhian 29322566 2024-11-22 10:20
Terraqueous Fruit Trees/Vines/Plants, Cloud Blocks, Flowers, Doodads, Pergola, Tools ShetiPhian 4081475 2024-11-22 10:19
More Composter Variants Composters for all the different woods pnku 13418 2024-11-22 10:01
More Loom Variants Looms for all the different woods pnku 4869 2024-11-22 08:42
More Feeding Trough Variants 'Animal Feeding Trough's from the mod with the same name for all the different woods - A 'More Composter Variants' Add-On pnku 6062 2024-11-22 08:28
More Fletching Tables Fletching Tables for all the different woods pnku 5457 2024-11-22 08:11
Terraqueous [Fabric] Fruit Trees/Vines/Plants, Cloud Blocks, Flowers, Doodads, Pergola, Tools ShetiPhian 4556 2024-11-22 05:05
EnderTanks [Fabric] Public, Personal, and Team EnderTanks and EnderBuckets ShetiPhian 13994 2024-11-22 05:01
EnderChests [Fabric] Public, Personal, and Team EnderChests and EnderBags ShetiPhian 316791 2024-11-22 04:56
Unofficial Monumenta Mod An unofficial client-side mod to complement the Monumenta MMO server. Njolbrim, Ascynx 12335 2024-11-21 18:13
Arrow pointers Allows you to place arrows on any full block to aid you on your mining journeys. Never lose your way again. pintergabor 426 2024-11-21 18:00
Dementia Mod adds dementia in minecraft R4mBLe 3839 2024-11-21 17:06
Color Pointers Place high contrast arrow pointers on any full block to aid you on your mining journeys pintergabor 245 2024-11-21 16:29
-54 hardcoded lava level fix a fix for the hardcoded lava level bug ( mc-237017 ) that doesn't break normal lava gen like "Deep Underground Lava Fix" mrmcdiamonds 384 2024-11-21 14:23
Registry Blocker Blocking registries' entries from registration settingdust 58 2024-11-21 14:07
Low Fire Reborn This mod lets you lower first person fire! SmushyTaco 1604 2024-11-21 04:24
Infinity Water Bucket Allows the Infinity enchantment for Water Buckets using an anvil, providing an infinite portable water source. Lava, Milk, Powdered Snow too CoolSimulations 161763 2024-11-21 02:55
Nuclear Trash Can A variant of the regular Trash Cans that allow you to dispose of your Nuclear Waste Project8gbDeRam 10 2024-11-21 00:06
Return Copper Horns Re-implements the Copper Horn that was added and removed in the Bedrock Previews potatoboy99999 9512 2024-11-20 22:58
CursorCentered Fix A Minecraft mod that fix the cursor centering issue that occasionally happens when opening a GUI. LitnhJacuzzi 13572 2024-11-20 16:50
[Forge] Snad Sand makes sugarcane grow faster!! lazy31, TheRoBrit 5533086 2024-11-20 10:00
Incendium: Biomes Only Removes structures, items, mobs and bosses from Incendium, leaving only the biomes and terrain. naomi 6546 2024-11-20 08:44
NBT Editor Edit items, blocks, and entities in-game. mega12345mega 30571 2024-11-20 03:13
Heart Lantern Heart Lantern grants health regeneration to nearby players. [New Update!] SmileLulz 2974 2024-11-19 08:46
Baubley Heart Canisters Bauble Heart Canisters traverse_joe, UpcraftLP 24713958 2024-11-19 00:59
Solar Apocalypse: Refabricated This mod starts a Solar Apocalypse. SmushyTaco 49119 2024-11-19 00:29
Milkable Blazes Let's you milk and shear blazes. rhm176 83 2024-11-18 21:48
Luki's Grand Capitals Rebuilt vanilla villages and illager structures to breathe new life into your world! lukidon 471666 2024-11-18 21:21
Early to Bed A few items to make very early game a bit easier to play pintergabor 832 2024-11-18 21:00
Extra Blocks, Items, and More (Remastered) Transform Your World With 100+ Things AlexMuseMatrix 27 2024-11-18 18:33
cat_jam clientside mod that makes cats jam to the rhythm of music discs :3 shmove 3170148 2024-11-18 18:18
DirtCheap Make dirt duplication really cheap pintergabor 845 2024-11-18 18:06
Carpet Variants A mod that gives you the ability to place carpets on walls and ceilings ludwici 3694 2024-11-18 10:13
Carpets Core Simple lib for creating multifaced carpets ludwici 127 2024-11-18 09:56
Silent Fullbright Fullbright but silent. No toggle, everything become bright when the mod loads! awesome_hippo 58 2024-11-18 09:30
Swamp Boat Adds a swamp boat to mangrove swamps SuperWarioModTeam 1104 2024-11-18 02:37
Japanese Residence adds a traditional Japanese residence SuperWarioModTeam 810 2024-11-18 00:06
Animal Barn Adds a cozy animal barn to the plains biome SuperWarioModTeam 1080 2024-11-18 00:03
Villager Clock Tower Adds a Villager Clock Tower with unique rooms and a challenging parkour passage. SuperWarioModTeam 2182 2024-11-18 00:02
Craft Notch Apples Use Golden Blocks to Craft Notch Apples! AlexMuseMatrix 26 2024-11-17 18:40
Item Counts (Fabric) Display the total amount of items in your hotbar. BlazingTwist 44729 2024-11-17 14:37
spoky This is a small mod made to scare you with sounds that play in caves. wonnder 7 2024-11-17 14:23
Framework A library providing powerful utilities for developers MrCrayfish 33187419 2024-11-17 13:47
True Ending ~ Ender Dragon Overhaul True Ending: Ender Dragon Overhaul Public A dramatic overhaul to the Ender Dragon boss fight. New attacks and elegant particle animation come together to form a more satisfying ending. limesplatus 29684 2024-11-17 00:09
FullGrownCropMarker Adds a little marker over all crops that are at their maximum age! Buecher_wurm 122507 2024-11-16 21:16
Not So Useless Copper Makes copper not useless by making copper actually a part of the game. Micro0005 179 2024-11-16 13:22
Royal bosses Adds royal bosses and other things. Qrux 46 2024-11-16 11:39
random worms it adds ton of worms sick_volhard722050 145 2024-11-16 11:30
RP Info Panel A mod for Minecraft Forge that allows for players to create a roleplay profile for themselves that other people are capable of viewing. Zonespace 375 2024-11-16 02:16
Bizzy's Tooltopia Rejected Ideas These are just some rejected Ideas for my mod, Bizzy's Tooltopia, just for people who want more to my mod if it doesn't get updates for a while :o Real_bizzy 277 2024-11-15 21:46
Essentials Commands Adds very useful commands present in the plugin "EssentialsX" WereF0X 6119 2024-11-15 15:41
Zigy's Player Animator API API for playing player animations from server side. ZigyTheBird 182793 2024-11-15 15:40
More Cartography Tables Cartography Tables for all the different woods pnku 4818 2024-11-15 13:16
spamro's story mode additions adding paintings, blocks and other nice bits of story modes terrain and world, into the base-game user_okp320xeltiq2x8v 104 2024-11-15 04:51
Infinity Blocks A mod that adds infinity room style blocks to Minecraft. user_gqykpmlwwkdaawgq 3 2024-11-15 01:01
Bovines and Buttercups (Mooblooms) A reimagining of Mojang's Moobloom mob. MerchantPug 69785 2024-11-15 00:30
Quad Tags, More of them. Giving you more Power LieOnLion 581395 2024-11-14 22:18
Saro´s Default Options Default options for modpacks Sarocesch 362 2024-11-14 19:50
FlightSneakPatches A mod that patches actions requiring sneaking, added by some mods, to function correctly while flying. Lapipi 18 2024-11-14 19:14
Density Adds new compact storage blocks! WolfyTheModCreator 161 2024-11-14 11:00
Bonk Bat This mod enables you to craft a simple wooden bat out of any vanilla wood type. With this, you unleash the power of bonk! PlatinPython 845 2024-11-13 15:24
Enhanced Falling Trees Ensure that trees topple in a lifelike manner when they are felled. addavriance 11867 2024-11-13 05:02
SkinShifter Change your Skin! ToCraft 5890 2024-11-12 21:02
True Darkness Refabricated Moon phases and pitch black caves. A maintained fork of the 'True Darkness' mod for Fabric! HaXr 259487 2024-11-12 15:28
Fancy Block Particles - Renewed 3D Digging Particles! Original mod by MorphoxL Hantonik 269130 2024-11-11 23:13
Punching Creepers Instead of blowing up, creepers now punch you Pigling 569 2024-11-11 21:22
Living Things adds various new mobs to Minecraft Buecher_wurm 1764592 2024-11-11 20:53
The Starlands Dimension The Starlands a magical dimension with new weapons and armor Pigling 5674 2024-11-11 19:35
Toro's Auto Attack Highly customizable mod that allows players to automatically attack while being afk torobolin 6215 2024-11-11 19:30
Bird Nests Adds bird nests falling out of trees, which contain random loot! slainlite 2314 2024-11-11 17:07
In Game Stream Chat View your live stream chat directly in Minecraft! lykiaofficial 371 2024-11-11 15:15
ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village Enhances and creates new villages and pillager outposts, that perfectly fit into your Minecraft world. ChoiceTheorem 31576692 2024-11-11 14:00
MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod: Refurbished The next generation of MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod, redesigned from the ground up with new models, sounds, and more! MrCrayfish 5509219 2024-11-11 12:59
Mob Variants Adds stronger variants for hostile mobs Xires87 69246 2024-11-11 10:44
Netherite Extension High version fabric/forge port of netherite plus IAFEnvoy 1266 2024-11-11 02:33
ColoredWater Colored water to decorate colorfully. And cauldrons! Cozary 401428 2024-11-11 00:37
Age of Weapons A mod that adds tons of new weapons based on time ages! XxRexRaptorxX 1922353 2024-11-10 22:23
Dusty Decorations A Decoration mod for ports and markets flint_mischiff 239099 2024-11-10 21:28
UPNP for dedicated servers UPNP for dedicated Fabric servers PigCart 30529 2024-11-10 18:24
Moving Elevators Moving Elevators adds real Elevators to Minecraft! SuperMartijn642 7541672 2024-11-10 16:53
Item Rename A mod that allows players to edit various properties of items in the game, such as their name, lore, and enchantment glow. With support for essentialX color formatting. Now also support for hex color code! Faewulf 882 2024-11-10 13:39
Water Tools Refurbished This mod add 5 new tools to the game XxLory 1911 2024-11-10 13:23
Zombies+ Adds more vanilla-like zombies to your world. vicioustrial 6382 2024-11-10 03:51
The Aether The Aether Team presents: The original Aether mod! TheAetherTeam, OscarPayn 39729931 2024-11-09 23:48
Divine Intervention The lord will be with you when you need him most. _Karoll 2693 2024-11-09 21:45
PFW: Aesthetic Gems New Gems, Armor and Weapons Frokii 7589 2024-11-09 21:40
Only the golem origin adds only the golem origin extrator 1006 2024-11-09 18:37
Torcherino(Unofficial) various torches that increase the tick rates of tile entities skniro 9648 2024-11-09 11:22
Ipla Mod that lets you place items on any block side Akicater 1001 2024-11-09 06:57
The Afterdark A truly immersive Deep Dark alternative dimension with many secrets and resources hidden behind. Explore a new world brought to you from the evil of the Deep Dark. DenisMasterHerobrine 378304 2024-11-09 05:28
Bushier Flowers Bushier Flowers: Farm Flowers & Dyes Or Make Bouquets! [Fabric/Forge] Pandarix 2068904 2024-11-08 19:52
More Nemo's Woodcutter Variants This is an add-on for Nemo's Woodcutter: The Woodcutter Variants are just like the regular Woodcutter. Just made out of different wood! pnku 2845 2024-11-08 17:18
Chainable Pickaxes Upgrade your pickaxes with chains! MadnessMyth 103 2024-11-08 11:25
fpv20 a new fpv mod in 1.20.1 fabric iunggognsoinr 3923 2024-11-08 05:48
Immersive Fluids A Water Physics/Finite Water mod for Fabric 1.18.2 Sir__Washington 2838 2024-11-07 23:39
Vis Origins Vis Origins is an origins addon created by BlueBen8 that aims to add more (currently 16) very unique origins to spice up Minecraft! bennoh01 520 2024-11-07 21:05
Hold My Items 1.19 - 1.21.x Your hand is now visible while holding items EnyLow 1909 2024-11-07 20:21
Compost Make composters turn your food waste into whatever you want! yurisuika 109474 2024-11-07 20:07
Economy API Provides an API for a virtual currency in-game. WereF0X 24 2024-11-07 14:53
More Profiling Profile more events with JFR settingdust 111 2024-11-07 11:42
Haunted's Crates Better Than Chests hauntedblocks 77 2024-11-07 00:53
More Armor Trims [FABRIC/NEOFORGE] 🎨 Adds 10 new armor trims. masik16u 3691069 2024-11-06 23:56
Crossbow Enchants Enchant crossbows to the point where they can actually compete with bows. TimVinci 3348 2024-11-06 17:09
Data Dumper Generating helpful info for datapack developing from registry in Minecraft settingdust 72 2024-11-06 08:50
Slideshow(Fabric) a Minecraft mod that adds a "Slide Show Projector" block. This block can projects any online image into the world. original author: teaconmc. This Mod is ported to the Fabric platform by Jonathan, zbx1425 and AIDA64S aida64ex, jonafanho 31 2024-11-06 07:10
CraftingTable II Refabricated A port of perky's CraftingTable II mod to Modern minecraft versions using the Fabric loader johnpgr 3083 2024-11-05 19:21
Burnable Cobwebs Let's you burn cobwebs away rhm176 592 2024-11-05 18:10
Mob Stacker Ind. Greatly increases performance by merging/stacking nearby mobs, reducing the physical number of entities in the world. Hypothetically 2147483646 times better performance. frikinjay 9592 2024-11-05 16:46
Modern Fullbright Modern fullbright, no more dark! See everything with light in any server! awesome_hippo 3992 2024-11-05 11:11
Wilder Wild [Fabric] This mod aims to upgrade the Wild Update! Osmiooo, LiukRast, Treetrain1, AViewFromTheTop, Soro_335 897655 2024-11-05 06:56
FrozenLib FrozenBlock's Giant Library of Shelves AViewFromTheTop, Treetrain1 11563 2024-11-05 06:30
Sophisticated Backpacks (Unofficial Fabric port) The Unofficial Fabric version of Sophisticated Backpacks salandora, P3pp3rF1y 501478 2024-11-04 21:43
Origins Randomiser Highly configurable mod to randomly assign you an origin on death, with many other options, such as lives. QuantumXenon 139094 2024-11-04 17:49
Lovely Crops Add Grapes and Corn to Minecraft slainlite 405 2024-11-04 13:34
FogLock Mod for fog control using cofiguration with advanced features leva25se 2665 2024-11-04 11:03
Factory Blocks [Forge/Fabric/NeoForge] Addon to Chisel Refabricated's Blocks to add Factory Blocks Slaincow, ConvexBurrito5, slainlite 2469007 2024-11-04 06:11
VUC (Very Useful Commands) Adds quite an assortment of commands for you to use. AverageGameUser 242 2024-11-04 03:13
Circumnavigate Finite, Tiled, Seamless World Wrapping. FamroFexl 162 2024-11-04 02:59
UnkMo - The Unknown Group This mod is silly and was made out of the goal to learn Java. devonk15 25 2024-11-04 02:46
Recipe Reshaper Dynamically replaces whole categories of recipes with (subjectively) improved ones. Data driven. supersaiyansubtlety 4882 2024-11-04 00:20
Philip's Ruins Mod adds over 200 new Ruins to Minecraft. philipmoddev 19893835 2024-11-04 00:18
Ore Hammer [Forge/Fabric/NeoForge] Adds vanilla+ ore crushing, no extra fluff or sparkles. robinfrt 9146 2024-11-03 18:26
Killer Pacman Reborn This mod is an unofficial port of FiskFiles's Killer Pacman Mod! Zenyx_on_yt 358 2024-11-03 15:54
Legendares Creatures De Terror Make your game much harder! Szymoooo 1406 2024-11-03 15:49
Immersive Portals See through portals and teleport seamlessly qouteall 5928210 2024-11-03 02:14
Attribute Setter A lightweight mod that changes entities' and items' default attributes through datapacks httpedrodev 299 2024-11-02 23:06
Luna's Animals+ a wonderful and stunning no world to behold luna976830_meunierakre 1499 2024-11-02 19:28
Merge Enchantments [Fabric / Quilt / Forge & NeoForge] merge the enchants that could not be combined like Silk Touch with Fortune, Infinity with Mending, Frost Walker with Depth Strider Dplayend 783183 2024-11-02 16:31
Wendigoobers - CEOofAUTIZMZ (dweller/horror) adds multiple wendigos to hunt you down CEOofAUTIZMZ 27599 2024-11-02 11:22
The Doppelganger adds creatures that imitate imperfect, semi-perfect and perfect forms of game entities, anything can be one of them. itsnotand 271771 2024-11-02 11:21
Dreams Armors & mores Dreams Armors & mores Adamgamer2321 390 2024-11-01 15:15
♪ Boss Music Mod ♪ This mod adds music that plays during fights against the Wither and the Ender Dragon. theexiiedfeiiow_ 722258 2024-11-01 12:32
Volcanic Caverns A Forge mod adding new lava-filled caves deep underground. f1ashfyre 709599 2024-11-01 04:35
Day Display Simple Minecraft day counter that you can adjust its location. Great for 100 days content creators! Bandit_Bytes 285 2024-11-01 02:11
Gamerule "doMobAttack" Adds a gamerule called "doMobAttack" that controls whether mobs attack players, and whether players take mob damage. JoshB 77 2024-10-31 13:48
Ultimate End Update This mod will update the end to a newer version based on what players would like to have. Cowizz 2 2024-10-31 09:47
Xaero's Minimap Displays the nearby world terrain, players, mobs, entities in the corner of your screen. Lets you create waypoints which help you find the locations you've marked. xaero96 117701168 2024-10-31 08:26
Spawner Control [Fabric / Quilt / Forge & NeoForge] Edit the Monter Spawner speed, delay, range and limit Dplayend 311 2024-10-31 06:57
Spooky Trees Adds spooky trees to forest biomes Leonxkingx, Taknax 57 2024-10-31 02:13
Bedrock Impaling Use Impaling for more than just killing fish! AverageGameUser 18 2024-10-31 01:25
Shared Advancements Share your advancements with your team! TheMCBrothers 7591 2024-10-31 00:20
Custom Craft Basically, the mod was created to have custom crafts. It became THIS ! Thomnumber1 92 2024-10-30 23:33
Nemo's Campfires Add more campfires to Minecraft! NemoNotFound 1581 2024-10-30 22:37
Zume An over-engineered Zoom mod by Nolij Nolij 1959449 2024-10-30 21:45
Simple Health Bar (Forge/Fabric) Simple Health Bar mod that changes the way your health is displayed Lanfix8 7517 2024-10-30 18:15
FTB Backups 2 Updated verson of FTB Backups. FTB, ErrorMikey, Official_CreeperHost 17448443 2024-10-30 12:11
Anaconda Anaconda snake goovsgoo 91 2024-10-30 12:08
EntitySpawnEgg EntitySpawnEgg replaces vanilla's default spawn egg with a new, fancy, animated one. It also works with modded entities that have a normal spawn egg. kltyton 1 2024-10-30 10:06
Mini-game features Create and improve your mini-games by adding a special feature to them! Redynine 127 2024-10-30 06:54
PurpleStone Do you like purple? I love it! So let the redstone be purple! TheEvilM 149 2024-10-29 18:01
Fancy Hotbar Allows to add overlays and underlays to the hotbar via resourcepack. ElocinDev 25 2024-10-29 14:12
Cooking for Blockheads Adds a multiblock kitchen that shows recipes you can make with what ingredients you have available. BlayTheNinth 147367451 2024-10-29 13:55
Cooking for Blockheads (Fabric Edition) Adds a cooking book and multiblock kitchens that only shows recipes you can make with what you currently have in your inventory. BlayTheNinth 1997262 2024-10-29 13:50
Ducky Updater Lib Simple library for checking mod updates from modrinth DuckyHatsu 747 2024-10-29 08:29
Delayed Thunder Realistic distance-based lightning -> thunder delay with custom thunder sounds C_Lyigh 6960 2024-10-29 06:01
Discord-MC-Chat Discord-MC-Chat (DMCC), formerly known as MC-Discord-Chat and MCDiscordChat (MCDC), is a practical and powerful Fabric and Quilt Minecraft <> Discord chat bridge inspired by BRForgers/DisFabric Xujiayao 12408 2024-10-29 04:59
IngotCraft Easy crafting for base metals jahirtrap 41167 2024-10-29 02:26
Cubes Without Borders A mod that allows you to play Minecraft in a borderless fullscreen window. Kir_Antipov 1381834 2024-10-29 00:00
Iron Door Key Adds iron door key to open iron doors and trapdoors mt1006 29624 2024-10-28 22:01
MT Inventory Weight Experience Minecraft with realistic weight mechanics! Manage your load, balance inventory, and enhance survival and RPG-like gameplay. MEGATREX4 379 2024-10-28 18:41
DurabilityBall Change the Durability Bar into a ball yuqijun 219 2024-10-28 16:22
Creative One-Punch Lets you One-Punch any entity in creative mode Fourmisain 131424 2024-10-28 13:42
Yuushya Townscape [Forge/Fabric] Using 800+ building materials to create your own townscape coco_fish 536389 2024-10-28 10:32
HyperWorld Creates a 4D Minecraft world which players can step through slices of. inayakitori 4399 2024-10-28 00:56
The sun vanished The sun vanished and now the darkness will never end. Simplemente_Axel 626 2024-10-28 00:43
The forever night Once you sleep in your world, the night will never end Simplemente_Axel 569 2024-10-28 00:43
Default Skill Trees The default skill trees for Pufferfish's Skills mod. Pufferfish 154321 2024-10-27 22:31
Better End Cities Better End Makes End Cities far more intricate, and contain more loot. With block from the BetterEnd mod. TheArchitects777 188933 2024-10-27 20:37
Reacharound Reacharound block placement. Similar to Bedrock / Quark. spAnser 9094302 2024-10-27 20:37
Soul Candles Adds soul candles that burn with soul fire Agente_511 2597 2024-10-27 20:32
Better End Cities Vanilla Makes End Cities far more intricate, and contain more loot. All with Vanilla Blocks. TheArchitects777 521468 2024-10-27 20:08
Decorative Storage Adds a lot of barrels, trays and baskets where you can storage your resources! Yablon 184112 2024-10-27 17:42
Fast & More Commands GUI with commands, and new ones like /explode, /repeat, /setname, /durability, and more h_mario 4809 2024-10-27 17:35
Torohealth Damage Indicator Reformed health bar will appear for the entity in the player's crosshairs. ALFEECLARE 30001 2024-10-27 14:02
MNS - Moog's Nether Structures loads of structures made with vanilla blocks and entities bringing life to your world! Discover loot, enemies, & more along the way! finndog_123 3925612 2024-10-27 12:49
More Tool Variants (MStV+) All wood variants for all tiered tool items (Shovels, Pickaxes, Axes and Hoes) and the Brush item. pnku 3946 2024-10-27 11:53
Building Mining Mobs Mod that allows monsters to break and place blocks to get to the player Blockafeller 2623 2024-10-27 07:19
BoxLib A client-side library mod with tons of features to do all the heavy lifting for all client-side mod developers. Boxadactle 41785 2024-10-27 03:09
Raised Raises the hotbar so the selector is not cut off! yurisuika 3482459 2024-10-27 01:33
Auto Switch Elytra Minecraft Mod for auto switch your elytra. Maybe has some other feature fakeneko 2249 2024-10-27 01:21
QuickTransfer This mod adds a button to quickly transfer all items between chests and the player's inventory. Zenoyui 34 2024-10-26 23:51
SkinChanger Change your Minecraft skin on the go Edoren 365970 2024-10-26 19:12
Sculk Dagger Sculk Dagger Maksimys_ 4358 2024-10-26 15:41
MES - Moog's End Structures Lots of Vanilla styled structures to fill up the end dimension with life! finndog_123 11520580 2024-10-26 14:48
FlyHack Allows you to Fly in Survival Mode _eXe99 23945 2024-10-26 14:19
Banduty's DFWMI Optimization Mod for Entities Tick Rates B4nduty 3326 2024-10-26 12:54
Overworld Ancient Debris Neo(Forge) Bring ancient debris to the overworld! ( Deepslate Heights ) SmartStreamLabs 1389 2024-10-26 11:04
Roughly Enough Items Fabric/Forge/NeoForge (REI) Clean and Customizable. An easy way to browse recipes. Alternative to JEI Just Enough Items. shedaniel 38874344 2024-10-26 09:05
Roughly Enough Items Server Component (REISC) A mod to implement the REI server networking protocol to handle server-specific features. shedaniel 41529 2024-10-26 09:04
Selfexpression: Slim Create clothes that will suit not only Steve, but now Alex! Redynine 2932 2024-10-26 07:00
+1 Clickering-nator++ Mod for +1 clicker, a game on DiamondFire (Also apparently CurseForge projects can't have "Mod" in the name) HellishBro 152 2024-10-26 01:55
CustomNPCs-Unofficial Unofficial version of CustomNPCs mod ported to the newer versions of Minecraft Goodbird 132449 2024-10-25 20:38
World Bridge Mob storage made easy Nico_44 19 2024-10-25 19:16
Astrocraft: Realistic Night Skies Configurable astronomy mod that adds real life stars and planets to the night sky, with changes to the sun / moon pymsrps 25319 2024-10-25 18:36
Enchanted Villagers 5 new trade towers! Trade: spawn eggs, Diamond gear to diamonds, and random items! SmartStreamLabs 745 2024-10-25 17:01
Cull Less Leaves Cull leaves while looking hot! isXander 5407534 2024-10-25 15:22
[MGRR] Mine Gear Rising: Revengeance Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance gear & weapons in Minecraft mc_jojo3 16016 2024-10-25 13:47
CNPC-Additions New features in custom NPC mod. AhAsHiNe 99 2024-10-25 11:27
Dungeons Enhanced A vanilla friendly Dungeon and Structure expansion Valarauko9 15470732 2024-10-25 09:48
Endercon Revamp of the end generation with an emphasis on level design, traversal and variety alewalls 96 2024-10-25 06:02
Dyeable Jack o'Lanterns Adds the feature to dye carved pumpkins and Jack o'Lanterns Leonxkingx, Taknax 3971 2024-10-25 00:50
Biomes'n Structures Welcome to the mod of Biomes'n Structures. You can explore old forests: Old Swylland forest and Gincko forest with his warm water sources. This mod add new tools and gems.The mod is in devellopement LysEtienne2998 56 2024-10-24 18:38
I18nUpdateMod A Mod For Chinese Player TartaricAcid, xfl03, EpixZhang 3002287 2024-10-24 13:10
Saro´s Essentials Adds useful commands Sarocesch 2711 2024-10-24 12:45
Server Keyboard Bridge Server Keyboard Bridge allow the server (Paper) to receive custom key press by the client. Without this mod, servers are not able to know which keyboard key is pressed. anarchick 10 2024-10-24 11:46
Enderman Anti Grief A Mod to stop Endermen from moving blocks lennard3000 3497 2024-10-24 11:41
More Vanilla Shields! (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) Lets you get more shields with vanilla materials. Fabric / Forge / NeoForge Rajhab 102952 2024-10-24 10:14
Scroll Tweaks Customizable hotbar scrolling MicrocontrollersTV 136 2024-10-24 05:04
Mount Opacity Allows setting custom opacity (transparency) for entities that you are riding MicrocontrollersTV 96 2024-10-23 21:46
Chest Tracker Remember where you've put items. JackFred2 666426 2024-10-23 18:19
Sophisticated Storage (Unofficial Fabric port) The Unofficial Fabric version of the Sophisticated Storage salandora, P3pp3rF1y 203705 2024-10-23 18:07
Pharaohs Legacy Adds a new desert to your world! start exploring today! SmartStreamLabs 19535 2024-10-23 15:20
Enchanted Relics Find Relics while exploring & get max level Enchantments! [New Model Update!] SmileLulz 93 2024-10-23 15:15
True Darkness Biomes [Forge/Neoforge] Fork of True Darkness made to have Biome Dependant Darkness and updated up to Forge 1.20.1 and Neoforge 1.21 Qsmium 121 2024-10-23 12:40
Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks Reintroduces vanilla-like smooth lighting to non-full blocks (e.g. dirt paths and how they have dark shading when directly next to a full block) when using Sodium. Rynnavinx 707550 2024-10-23 10:01
Upgraded Glass Glass does not break when mined, emits light, only players can pass through, and some secret glass. Sora_Setsuna 42 2024-10-23 01:52
Hungry Cows Making cows eat grass to regenerate their milk-giving abilities and making milk fill the player's hunger bar. pnku 976 2024-10-22 21:35
EnviroMine Lite EnviroMine is all about environmental realism whether it be clean air or even keeping a sane mind in Mincraft’s labyrinth of dark caves, it will test your survival skills and endurance. mc_jojo3 3696 2024-10-22 21:08
More Beehive Variants Beehives for all the different woods pnku 4645 2024-10-22 21:03
NoTextureRotations Prevent Block Texture Rotations CoinRS 218 2024-10-22 20:27
Astounding Relics, Arifacts, Items and Dungeons! PS_LAZY_SEAL 82 2024-10-22 18:00
Classic MC Icon Bring back the classic crafting table window icon of Minecraft Fallen_Breath 18689 2024-10-22 17:57
CoffeeG's Wall Climbing Add Wall Climb mechanic to minecraft CoffeeG 7785 2024-10-22 13:04
Custom PING Display Customize your PING display in a modern way awesome_hippo 8 2024-10-22 09:00
Clutter "Vanilla Styled" Decorations, Items, Mobs and More. Emil_SG 2336510 2024-10-21 21:27
EXO-Craft This Titanfall / Anthem inspired mod adds exosuits with different cool effects to the game! XxRexRaptorxX 649745 2024-10-21 20:12
InfiniStorage A simple mod that adds a Barrel with no space limitation JustSimSim 140 2024-10-21 17:10
Gadgets Against Grind A cross-platform Minecraft mod that adds various different utility items and blocks! MaxNeedsSnacks 7548185 2024-10-21 16:37
Ping Me! Adds Discord-like notifications to the game. WereF0X 26 2024-10-21 14:38
RPG Health Overhaul ❤️ RPG Like Health/Healing Features ❤️ SmileLulz 107 2024-10-21 14:06
LUMINOUS TAG Adds the Decorative Tag - an item utilized by LUMINOUS, and LUMINOUS:NETHER RipleysMods 78413 2024-10-21 13:56
Visuality: Reforged Little visual improvements by adding a bunch of new particles. DragonsPlus, RaymondBlaze 13834660 2024-10-21 07:31
Adrenaline Rush : Survival Add "final shout" mechanic into minecraft! Buff your power when you at low HP, increase the survival chance CoffeeG 1774 2024-10-21 05:39
Title Tweaks Improvements and customization for Minecraft's Titles MicrocontrollersTV 57 2024-10-21 04:31
Scribble Expertly edit your books with rich formatting options, page utilities and more! chrrrs 10234 2024-10-20 20:04
MCEF (Minecraft Chromium Embedded Framework) A library for adding the Chromium web browser into Minecraft ds58, GiantLuigi4 854445 2024-10-20 16:49
Daylight Dynamics Mod that lets you manipulate day time length opaleq 60 2024-10-20 10:28
Spontaneous-Replace: Cobwebbed A Spontaneous-Replace expansion that adds various spider variants and exclusive biomes. gamegeek_saikel 98 2024-10-20 07:35
Spontaneous-Replace: Terriforest A Spontaneous-Replace expansion that adds various exotic trees and bizarre biomes. gamegeek_saikel 82 2024-10-20 07:29
Spontaneous-Replace Provide players with enhanced vanilla adventures with new content gamegeek_saikel 10619 2024-10-20 07:22
Translocators 1.8.+ A fancy way to move stuff. covers1624 44027470 2024-10-20 06:33
CB Multipart An opensource library for having multiple things in the one block space covers1624, MrTJP 59783899 2024-10-20 06:05
Chicken Chunks 1.8.+ Chunk load all the chunks with the power of chicken! covers1624, Chicken_Bones 30738570 2024-10-20 06:02
Ender Storage 1.8.+ linked color coded ender chests covers1624, Chicken_Bones 108236912 2024-10-20 05:48
CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ Contains various tools to make modding easier. covers1624, Chicken_Bones 143642496 2024-10-20 05:47
Craft-Vania: A Castlevania Mod Weapons, items, and mobs nspired by the Castlevania series. fortyseven_man 23343 2024-10-20 00:23
Dutch Foods Adds classic dutch food items like stamppot and rookworst to the game, with many more to come. Didierman 11 2024-10-19 20:38
M.R.U Mineblock's Repeated Utilities IMB11 5765039 2024-10-19 16:15
Colorful Orbs Allows to change XP orbs color to what ever you like! lemonnik6484 93 2024-10-19 14:58
Silk-API Fabric API extensions for making fancy functionality. gamegeek_saikel 97214 2024-10-19 13:52
Vault Patcher Let the hard coded change into localization string in some mods. fengming3093 80199 2024-10-19 12:50
Inventory Pause (Forge) Pause your single player game when you open your inventory. Macbrayne 19912 2024-10-19 12:06
Underground Villages, Stoneholm Stoneholm is a Forge & Fabric mod adds underground villages to the world. Inspired by Strongholds and Villages. Reggarf 5261 2024-10-19 10:36
FancyMenu Customize Minecraft's menus with ease! Keksuccino 87177922 2024-10-19 08:13
iCommonLib Common library for multiversion development. isaiah 21579 2024-10-19 06:53
ItsChugg's Armor HUD A simple mod that shows your armor to the left of your hotbar. ItsChugg 33 2024-10-19 04:23
Wolf's Ruby's This mod adds Ruby's user_ut7rusbm3vu2v62i 4 2024-10-19 00:37
Extreme Ruby A mod to add more Vanilla+ Armor's and tools Vrglab 1917 2024-10-18 21:09
Simple Magnets Simple Magnets adds Magnets that pickup items around the player! SuperMartijn642 32475515 2024-10-18 21:00
Japanese-Paintings-pack Adds 10 Japanese style paintings FrogManMikey 1756 2024-10-18 20:13
Realistic Horse Genetics Horses, donkeys, and mules in realistic colors with accurate genetics. sekelsta 1466302 2024-10-18 16:49
The Advanced Food Adds so much food, you don't know what to do with it! jacobwacob375 14500 2024-10-18 14:11
Extended Block Shapes - Blockus Adds extended shapes for Blockus mod SolidBlock 8783 2024-10-18 12:42
Cliff under a Tree (Clifftree) - Mod Version A vanilla-styled worldgen overhaul, with new biomes and touches to existing ones Konci 56749 2024-10-17 20:53
Stonecutter Salvage Salvage items in the Stonecutter DatapackGen 2589 2024-10-17 20:48
Marium's Soulslike Weaponry New bosses and legendary weapons! mariumbacchus 9373026 2024-10-17 18:31
Dimensional Temples I have added 3 dimensional temples that have 3 different kinds of golems protecting them. BaffledBanana87 398 2024-10-17 17:41
CoffeeG's Awful Lightning Struck lightning on players more oftenly, can create fun & surprising deaths with lightning bolts. CoffeeG 1065 2024-10-17 13:20
No Escape Disables leaving the world, quitting Minecraft or exiting fullscreen. Player_005 30 2024-10-17 10:58
Divine Farmland Different types of farmland with different upgraded features. Farmland always hydrated! Sora_Setsuna 282 2024-10-17 06:46
Crowmap Make maps update anywhere in your inventory. quat 46878 2024-10-17 01:36
Crosshair Tweaks A small QOL mod that lets you alter the vanilla crosshair in small ways. MicrocontrollersTV 325 2024-10-17 01:28
Complicated Bees Bees - but complicated. Mutations, crossbreeding, and genetics! Almost entirely data-driven, and very modpack-friendly. ACCBDD 1090 2024-10-16 21:46
MineTraps (Fabric/Quilt) This mod adds several new traps to the game! XxRexRaptorxX 1434 2024-10-16 21:32
EASY CRAFT A MOD TO CRAFT OBJECTS santif100 23332 2024-10-16 21:07
Metal Fences Adds iron and copper variants of fences and fence gates mt1006 2245 2024-10-16 20:59
Nemo's Creatures Nemo's Creatures brings new biome specific mobs to Minecraft! NemoNotFound 10092 2024-10-16 17:27
Chili Bullet Weapons Adds chili peppers, foods and, weapons. Iunius118 4079 2024-10-16 15:25
Tense Ambience An ambience mod that introduces a straightforward system for playing tense background ambience. Good for Horror modpacks. Cyberking42 13509 2024-10-16 14:03
Levelling Things Levelling Things adds lots of tools and things to level oscar213567 74 2024-10-16 09:58
Gaia Dimension - Wood Bridges Addon Gaia Dimension - Wood Bridges Addon shnewbs 151199 2024-10-16 01:35
Camerapture Take pictures using a working camera, show them to other players and hang them on your wall in picture frames! chrrrs 78119 2024-10-15 19:09
ChatPlus Movable chat, chat tabs, copy/translate/select/bookmark/screenshot messages, player heads, speech to text, filter messages, scrollbar, etc. ebic 2613 2024-10-15 18:48
Mermod [FABRIC] Adds a necklace that gives players mermaid tails upon contact with water. ThatPreston 840428 2024-10-15 18:40
Mermod [FORGE] Adds a necklace that gives players mermaid tails upon contact with water. ThatPreston 638316 2024-10-15 18:39
Magic Vibe Decorations (Crystals, Halloween additions) Mod adding various decorations and crystals with magical aesthetic. LillouArts 629930 2024-10-15 17:48
MasaGadget Added some features to the Masa collection of mods. plusls, HendrixShen 113219 2024-10-15 11:36
Worstenbroodjes Adds worstenbroodjes to the game as a craftable dutch food item Didierman 258 2024-10-15 10:04
Nemo's Blooming Blossom Generate pink petals when spawning a cherry tree! NemoNotFound 24764 2024-10-15 08:21
JeremySeq's Damage Indicator Adds a directional damage indicator. JeremySeq 135493 2024-10-15 04:05
Chipped Every block deserves a friend. terrariumearth, AlexNijjar 48885307 2024-10-15 00:49
Nemo's Ambience Nemo's Ambience aims to make Minecraft feel more alive! NemoNotFound 7020 2024-10-14 23:19
Campfire Regen [Forge] Regenerate Your Health Using Campfire! SmileLulz 3684 2024-10-14 20:33
Remove Blindness Removes the blindness effect client side michiel587 688 2024-10-14 12:45
évolution It's a mod that adds extensions for example there is a new armor , une nouvelle pioche ... momevoli 118 2024-10-14 12:42
Stack Size Edit [Fabric] Stack Size Edit [Fabric] is a mod that allows you to edit the stack size limit. average_anime 14498 2024-10-14 05:34
Custom Piglin Bartering Give piglins different items to receive different loot! supersaiyansubtlety 17766 2024-10-14 04:01
Resistance Balancer Allows to add a custom formula (or change the damge percentage it reduces) of the Resistance status effect. ElocinDev 19 2024-10-14 02:44
Let Me Click And Send A simple Minecraft client-side mod, that reverts the `run_command` click event restriction introduced in 1.19.1-rc1, so non-command messages can be sent freely via `run_command` click event again Fallen_Breath 2744 2024-10-13 15:41
Recall Potion [Forge/NeoForge] Teleport to saved locations in a simple and balanced way. Inspired by Terraria and Dofus. robinfrt 3804 2024-10-13 14:19
Ambulance A mod that will allow you to heal in different ways! Redynine 499 2024-10-13 12:52
Fish of Thieves A mod adds all of the fish from Sea of Thieves, fish fer ye pirate! SteveKunG 4037519 2024-10-13 08:18
I Died, My Items Didn't (IDMID) Prevents items from despawning if they were dropped via a player death. Never lose your items to the 5-minute timer ever again! Diemond_Player 35 2024-10-13 07:56
Simple Concrete Turn concrete powder into concrete by right-clicking a cauldron. Fully compatible with modded concrete. (E.g. Dye Depot) Diemond_Player 934 2024-10-13 07:41
Permanent Chat Logs Save the Save the chat logs to the disk, permanently. lovexyn0827 620 2024-10-13 06:12
Lightly Weathered For those who prefer "Lightly Weathered" copper over "Exposed". _MoscoviumQuark 481 2024-10-12 22:25
APEx (Fabric/Forge) APEx is A Proper Equipment expansion mod that intends to add interesting and powerful choices to end-game gearing. ifound1dollar 1274 2024-10-12 21:43
An Origins Addon - Apocalypse Tired of simple origins? Well, do I have something for you... JaselUmena 576322 2024-10-12 14:49
Tom's Peripherals CC: Tweaked Addon with High resolution monitors, 3D grahpics and more tom54541 112936 2024-10-12 14:17
Risutaro11 The character "RISU" going to be blocks , Items and entitis. jovial_stonebraker1120038 61 2024-10-12 09:43
Pluto's Coffee Mod Create your very own Coffee Shop! pluto7073 1980 2024-10-11 23:52
Let Me Despawn Improves performance by tweaking mob despawn rules. frikinjay 23995150 2024-10-11 18:20
Almanac Lib A loader independent library containing shared code reused between mods. frikinjay 516744 2024-10-11 18:07
NoCreativeDrift NoCreativeDrift stops the player from drifting while flying. Additional support for jetpacks has been added DarkPr3d 9929 2024-10-11 17:27
Macaw's Stairs Adds new Vanilla styled Stairs, Handrails for Stairs and Balconies! sketch_macaw 5952 2024-10-11 11:23
Maintenance Mode Put your server in maintenance mode! HypherionSA 24788 2024-10-11 09:16
Paradise Lost The hostile paradise of yore, bask in a new light, bleeding with new tales to be told. ImmortalDevs, Goldstar16, 24Chrome, gudenau, CDAGaming_, kalucky0, Kyrptonaught 7333518 2024-10-10 19:32
BucketLib Library mod for custom buckets (Forge, NeoForge, Fabric, Quilt) thecech12 5839483 2024-10-10 17:15
Vinyls Adds the ability to create configurable custom music discs using resource packs. Furq 127 2024-10-10 16:36
Selfish Villager Allow villagers to protect their property settingdust 42 2024-10-10 14:34
No more mistake this data_pack allows to change stairs, walls back to blocks and more RollsRoyce 292 2024-10-10 13:42
Level Text Fix Fixes issues related to the level text in Minecraft. DarkhaxDev 400679 2024-10-10 03:21
Pluto's Drinks API A small little API mod for the Pluto's Drinks Series pluto7073 188 2024-10-09 21:09
DiscordLoom Create a direct link between your Minecraft and Discord servers with DiscordLoomConnect, ensuring only whitelisted players have access. DreamingCodes 6935 2024-10-09 13:10
BetterTime Make the Minecraft's time system better. Kaleb_Langley, yuqijun 3192 2024-10-09 11:53
Leaves Us In Peace Leaf decay ignores different types of leaves and logs. Also fast leaf decay. Configurable. supersaiyansubtlety 68534 2024-10-09 07:49
Trade For Gunpowder Mod that increases trading for villager Toolsmith jobs using 32 emeralds for 64 Gunpowder (Made BY Hatto) Hattoz8 48 2024-10-09 07:00
Ores and items Ores and items mod allows you to add new fictional ores, new weapons, new functions and secrets. JoniMax 1891 2024-10-09 05:42
Nametag (Display) Tweaks A small QOL mod that lets you change the look of nametags. MicrocontrollersTV 187 2024-10-09 04:19
Drippy Loading Screen Addon for FancyMenu to customize the loading screen. Keksuccino 40266558 2024-10-09 04:13
Open Third Person An open source third person camera control mod pitbox46 1428 2024-10-08 22:00
Wither Spawn Animation An animation that plays when a Wither is spawning bo_bo0 50451 2024-10-08 20:37
Not Enough Keybinds Adds more keybinds to the game. Sn0wix_ 228 2024-10-08 18:26
Better to Play (MVS)(Forge/Fabric/NeoForge) A MC Mod, was over 765+ Items/Blocks etc. added in your world PinguinmikeTV 10154 2024-10-08 15:50
Audio Engine Tweaks this mod changes how Minecraft schedules sounds in order to prevent the sound pool to fill up mattymatty 19222 2024-10-08 15:40
Bedrock Stuff for Java (Forge/Fabric/NeoForge) The Mod adds different stuff from the bedrock edition with bedrock features and selfmade features PinguinmikeTV 15791 2024-10-08 12:56
Villager Inventory Gives the Villager Inventory a GUI, making Breeding much easier! Spiderman31807 267 2024-10-08 09:56
Adaptive Performance Tweaks: Spawn Optimization for monster spawn events and spawner. Kaworru 674820 2024-10-07 21:17
Adaptive Performance Tweaks: Player Login Optimization and Protection Protects players during login and provides a special "easy" mode for less experience and child players. Kaworru 848625 2024-10-07 21:17
Adaptive Performance Tweaks: Items Item clustering (fallen blocks, experience orbs, ...) and garbage cleanup. Kaworru 4868058 2024-10-07 21:16
Adaptive Performance Tweaks: Gamerules Automatically adjust the random tick speed, entity cramming, raids, patrol, trader and insomnia based on the current server load. Kaworru 749325 2024-10-07 21:16
Adaptive Performance Tweaks: Core The core is required for all adaptive performance tweaks modules and provides a shared API, monitoring functionally, events and commands. Kaworru 6008739 2024-10-07 21:15
Adaptive Performance Tweaks (Bundle) The Adaptive Performance Tweaks mod automatically adjust specific settings on the server to allow a better TPS/FPS. Kaworru 2054760 2024-10-07 21:15
Cam's Better Lights Adds a range of lights to brighten up your builds! cams_cam 23343 2024-10-07 19:52
SnapTap The controversial feature from Wooting/Razer keyboards for minecraft! betterclient 50 2024-10-07 19:24
Trajectory Estimation This mod adds client-side rendered trajectory for some items in game. Sonnenlicht 16643 2024-10-07 16:42
ChatShot Copy chat messages as text or a nice transparent image with one click. DeDiamondPro 22137 2024-10-07 16:06
Hardcore Revive Mode Enhances the hardcore, survival experience for servers! JakeCCz 880 2024-10-07 14:07
Inv View Forge/NeoForge Allows you to open and manipulate the inventories and ender chests of online and offline players. Server Side RazorPlay01 9831 2024-10-07 06:45
MCExpansion This mod has added dozens of new synthesis formulas, as well as new weapons and armor synthesized using the game's existing materials as much as possible. We have also added more paintings and crops, and we want to expand the content of the game as much as 2313043769 71 2024-10-07 03:42
Armor Toughness Bar [Fabric] A dead-simple mod that adds an armor toughness bar pbone 62438 2024-10-06 22:16
Nemo's Carpentry Add some new furniture to Minecraft! NemoNotFound 11089 2024-10-06 21:46
Explorations adds more vanilla style structures to the game Buecher_wurm 13328973 2024-10-06 20:13
MysticRift: In To The Darkness Gives you darkness when getting hit! make the game harder! SmartStreamLabs 347 2024-10-06 16:08
Random Mob Sizes configure mobs, to spawn in different sizes Buecher_wurm 220204 2024-10-06 14:16
Lushy Biome Adds a new biome that puts Lush Caves on the overworld! _FlankoTanko_ 53 2024-10-06 13:52
UsefulFood Reborn A Food mod Add more new food in minecraft. skniro 21581 2024-10-06 13:39
Minestuck A Homestuck Minecraft mod mraof, Kirderf1 124731 2024-10-06 10:48
Bicburger New food Mirik9724 679 2024-10-06 09:11
Peek A Fabric mod that provides additional information about items and blocks henkelmax 25807 2024-10-06 07:52
MinehopLite This Mod Adds Source Engine Movement (Bhopping and Strafing) in Minecraft for a Better Parkour Experience. Includes a Speedometer, SSJ, Gauge, and Strafe Efficiency on the JHud. Plaaasma, lolrow, Moriz 2425 2024-10-06 02:27
ClickCrystals Crystal PvP tweaks client mod. Your ultimate cpvp assistance. Various tweaks that improve your performance without ruining the cpvp experience. ItziSpyder 40528 2024-10-05 23:02
Enhanced Cats Extends Minecraft Vanilla Cats' Features McDonaldsWIFI_ig 5403 2024-10-05 22:49
Water Erosion Water erodes the land creating streams/waterfalls producing gravel, sand, and clay 13rac1 345966 2024-10-05 19:04
Team Pin This is a forge mod that allows you to share pins within your team. tacow10 189 2024-10-05 16:38
Lethal Blockany An lethal company adaptation on minecraft :) MilkmanMVS 323 2024-10-05 16:01
Villager Name Is Profession Small mod that sets Villager names to its profession VeiTr 1204 2024-10-05 09:29
Clear Water Have Clarity! No more fog underwater! PricelessKoala 2527531 2024-10-05 01:17
Tyz's Hammers This mod adds some hammers that can be used to mine a 3x3 area. Upgrade their durability by using runes. tyzbrand 2670 2024-10-05 00:47
AzureLib Based off Geckolib but now just for my own needs. AzureDoomC 16293504 2024-10-04 14:38
Smelt Netherite Scrap In To a Netherite Ingot No longer wasting gold, just smelt your scrap in to a ingot! SmartStreamLabs 55 2024-10-04 10:43
CreateSurvivalSMP Tool Master A mod that adds small features to spice up the game! Robotik 1677 2024-10-04 10:30
Lucky Ducks Charms+ a mod that brings more luck and fun into the game! luna976830_meunierakre 32 2024-10-04 09:35
Dark Paintings Adds new paintings to Minecraft DarkhaxDev 33744580 2024-10-04 06:50
TwitchPops The TwitchPops is a collection of Funko Pops featuring popular Twitch streamers. Currently in its beta version, the mod is continuously adding more streamer figures over time. LycanrockZM 1783 2024-10-03 21:10
Mo'Dogs Adds new dogs to befriend across your world kitnjinx 3631 2024-10-03 18:52
All-rounder This is all rounder At the moment this mod is still in beta development But the mod already brings a bunch of new things. TerraCast 178 2024-10-03 16:00
Double Torch Craft a torch with a coal block & obtain 34 torches SmartStreamLabs 29 2024-10-03 10:23
Weapons and Extras! A lightweight mod for people who dont want a big or obstructive mod, basically a small mod that still opens up a normal vanilla gameplay. HarriProgram 708 2024-10-03 10:01
Urkaz Moon Tools [Fabric/NeoForge] Adds one item and one block that helps see and detect the current Moon Phase. Urkaz 29008 2024-10-03 00:15
[Kurisu's] Passable Leaves It does what it says, lets you run through leaves. But wait there is more kurisu_null 39913 2024-10-02 21:10
Maya Neo(Forge) Let maya carry items for you! She won't fight back SmartStreamLabs 408 2024-10-02 19:58
Chiseled Enchanting Enchanted books in chiseled bookshelves are added to the enchanting table ttv_pedro270707 87 2024-10-02 16:50
NewHorizons This mod adds a dimension with 3 ores to make you a god! mccrafteri 20 2024-10-02 16:18
Cornier Gun Add a simple 3d gun. CornierSnow6576, CornierSnow65762 16298 2024-10-02 11:38
Chuck by Chunk Restricts Players to their Chunk bounds, which can be extended by earning XP (1 Chunk per point, not Linked to XP it just increases when it does) Spiderman31807 52 2024-10-02 05:44
Limitless options [NeoForge] This mod removes the Minecraft bug fix MC-51418. Quantum_mutnauQ 1486 2024-10-01 18:15
Tinted Campfires Nice campfires of different colors! Cozary 748957 2024-10-01 15:01
Old Netherite Crafts Returns easy crafting of netherite items! MrPup 6321 2024-10-01 13:59
Custom Entity Attributes (CEA) Change entity attributes globally, per dimension, biome, difficulty, or time. With % chances too! ElocinDev 12 2024-10-01 09:25
Screw Your Items Randomly deletes a number of items from your inventory upon death IANSYT 39 2024-10-01 05:44
Necronomicon API A personal utility library, making development in both platforms easier. ElocinDev 13657443 2024-10-01 04:13
Orc Hut This mod adds orc monsters along with their new orc hut SuperWarioModTeam 257 2024-10-01 01:46
PCE Server Utilities Hides and creates custom items and entities for the PCE server while also being flexible client side. zaleanderson 2226 2024-10-01 01:16
Extra Color Codes An easy access to a broader selection of colors and their codes! Eruannie_9 88 2024-09-30 21:19
More Smithing Tables Smithing tables for all the different woods pnku 4233 2024-09-30 21:02
Common Sense: Saws Craft Saws that are used to craft Vanilla Logs into planks The_RTG_Gaming 31 2024-09-30 19:04
Video Player Play videos in minecraft without limits... NGoedix 257277 2024-09-30 16:12
DRG Laser Pointer Brings laser pointer in Deep Rock Galactic to Minecraft. Rock N Stone! linngdu664, zx1316 596 2024-09-30 12:27
Mob Compack Mobs for Biomes O' Plenty BottomTextCf28, MaritheVillain 729835 2024-09-30 04:08
HonkyTones Minecraft Fabric mod that adds a very musical experience. Engine_Machiner 1054 2024-09-30 03:11
Kitsune Origin adds a kitsune origin to your world TeyTey428, HungryGaming02, TTFgmg 782940 2024-09-29 20:57
Peaceful Hunger Allows you to starve while in Peaceful! jason13official 108890 2024-09-29 17:10
OffHandBanning A mod that allows you to ban specific items on your off-hand. cnlimiter 197 2024-09-29 16:53
Extended Enchanting Adds many new enchantments, offering many new playstyles and options. Provismet 9552 2024-09-29 15:06
Bagged Adds a lot of seeds bags, crops bags and soil bags Yablon 2197 2024-09-29 10:16
Coral Revitalization Convert dead coral into living coral by crafting it with a dye RollsRoyce 5 2024-09-29 09:31
Joy of Painting Mix colors, draw paintings and hang them on your wall xerca0 5831677 2024-09-29 08:38
Music Maker Mod Create music, play it with a variety of instruments, form a band with friends or integrate music into redstone contraptions xerca0 5682931 2024-09-29 08:37
Krip Turrets This mod will add several new types of turrets that protect you and your buildings from evil and dangerous entities. Krispian_TV 6083 2024-09-29 08:28
Armour Weight (Client-Side Optional) Makes far more armour combinations and playstyles valid, while not making heavy armour debuffs suck! Intelligently generates weights for all modded armours, and is fully customizable with datapacks. AnOpenSauceDev 4 2024-09-29 03:40
Overflowing Bars [Forge & Fabric] Expand health, armor and armor toughness bars beyond vanilla. Nice and compact without confusing colors. Fuzs 18029974 2024-09-28 19:32
Champions Unofficial It's an unofficial version of Champion mod. CrychicTeam, Kyogi 621017 2024-09-28 14:25
An Origins Addon - Hollow Knight A game-accurate and in-depth adaptation of the beloved indie game. JaselUmena 22260 2024-09-28 12:18
No more mistake with color this mod allows you change colored block back to standart block RollsRoyce 7 2024-09-28 12:14
Gen's Recipes Plus Common sense recipe additions DatapackGen 1315 2024-09-27 23:26
Moomoss Adds mob called Moomoss! lemonnik6484 89 2024-09-27 17:13
Floral Enchantment Decorate with new floral vines and flower bushes! Cozary 1425644 2024-09-27 17:09
Desert Tombs Adds desert tombs, scorpions and mummies. Leonxkingx 3812 2024-09-27 17:03
BisectHosting Server Integration Menu [NEOFORGE] BisectHosting Server List Integration Menu for Modpacks [NEOFORGE ONLY] BisectHosting 169628 2024-09-27 16:43
Enchanter Fix Allows players to decorate their enchanting table setup by fixing the "enchantment power transmitter" block tag. UnnamedGlitch 1996 2024-09-27 16:39
BisectHosting Server Integration Menu [FORGE] BisectHosting Server List Integration Menu for Modpacks [FORGE ONLY] BisectHosting 38828250 2024-09-27 14:46
IndyPets - Independent Pets (Fabric) Free your pets from the curse of having to sit, let 'em roam! Fourmisain, lizin5ths 111589 2024-09-27 13:13
Freddy Fazbear fnaf 1 Do you like indie horror games? Well this addon might be right for you! Five Nights At Freddy’s Addon! With this thing You could create you’re very own pizza place with the Fazbear Family! user_voxkfwtqbli3dls2 15 2024-09-27 00:07
EMI Loot A loot drop (chest, block, entity) plugin for the EMI Recipe and Item viewer. fzzyhmstrs 3999416 2024-09-26 23:36
Condiments A collection of features to add some extra flavor to your vanilla game! chililisoup 965 2024-09-26 22:18
Aether Addon: Treasure Reforging Allows dungeon treasure equipment to be smelted down into raw materials, which can be smithed back into other treasure equipment using new templates. TheAetherTeam, bconlon, OscarPayn 36252 2024-09-26 20:10
AntiAfk A mod that prevents players from going AFK. CIOCOLATA47 1439 2024-09-26 19:37
Armor Auto Swap Quick swap armors prevent it from breaking ShinJoy991 575 2024-09-26 17:07
Atom:Sweep Provide server entity cleanup function. cnlimiter 5406 2024-09-26 16:58
Nullscape Vanilla End expansion for Fabric and Forge. More varied terrain - same barren, unforgiving void. Starmute 6840703 2024-09-26 16:55
LYIVX'S Furniture Vanilla Styled Furniture Mod LYIVX 28369 2024-09-26 06:36
Minescript Python scripting for Minecraft maxuser0 3521 2024-09-26 03:11
Extended Industrialization An addon mod that extends the content in Modern Industrialization swedzish 2963283 2024-09-26 01:52
FeatureCreep A Modloader for Making Version independent Mods asbestosstar 58953 2024-09-26 00:05
Lexikon This mod acts as an in-game spell checker, highlighting errors and suggesting corrections as you type in Minecraft chat Oiha 1263 2024-09-25 23:22
Reimagined World Menu Completely re-design the Create World menu. iamaprogramer 12832 2024-09-25 17:59
Remorphed Kill mobs to transform into them! ToCraft 233793 2024-09-25 16:15
STRAYED FATES: Forsaken A collection of detailed abandoned Vanilla-friendly structures TeraBuildsStuff 267291 2024-09-25 15:43
Antique Trading Ship Adds an antique villager trading ship to all ocean biomes SuperWarioModTeam, SuperWario 5189 2024-09-25 14:48
Where Is It Find items in nearby inventories. Now functions server-side only! JackFred2 333987 2024-09-25 02:39
Silk Touch Two Ability to silk touch spawners, chests and more WallyWhip 914 2024-09-25 01:56
Torches 'n' Trinkets Adds new items to allow you to wear torches and lanterns on your hip! bigmanmad 32625 2024-09-24 19:00
Boat Step Up Allows boats to step up one-block height changes, making them perfect for boat drifting in Minecraft auuruum 23 2024-09-24 12:17
Variants&Ventures Adds multiple new mob variants seamlessly integrated into your Minecraft world. Faboslav 2330321 2024-09-24 11:07
Never Enough Currency 2 (FORGE/NEOFORGE) Never Enough Currency 2 gamingprovids, multicoder 83052 2024-09-24 08:44
Flower Seeds 2 - Biomes O Plenty Flower Seeds 2 Biomes O Plenty Addon Trhod177 28450 2024-09-24 07:40
Flower Seeds 2 Grow Flowers From Seeds Trhod177 1591272 2024-09-24 07:39
Flower Seeds 2 - Aether Flower Seeds 2 Aether Addon Trhod177 2 2024-09-24 07:36
Profiler A Minecraft mod that stores your settings outside of your minecraft instances and lets you restore the settings with the click of a button to any instance YaBoiChips 246 2024-09-24 00:46
One Piece Origins Adds one piece themed origins to the origins mod timothayy_ 67166 2024-09-23 22:42
Even More Origins - Fabric An addon to the origins mod, adding all sorts of new origins timothayy_ 24002 2024-09-23 22:42
Sukuna Origin Adds the Sukuna origin to the Origins mod timothayy_ 3476 2024-09-23 22:40
Horse Combat Controls Mount and Blade style controls for Minecraft! pitbox46 1210844 2024-09-23 20:55
LightVSync VSync without the input lag. betterclient 45 2024-09-23 18:54
Pretty Pipes: Fluids Pretty Pipes Addon which adds fluid pipes to transfer your fluids! Quarris 3361568 2024-09-23 16:43
Common Capabilities Forge Capabilities that can be shared by multiple mods kroeser 82367133 2024-09-23 15:25
ParkerMc's Coins Mod A mod that adds coins ParkerMc01, Kehaan 1487095 2024-09-23 14:28
Elytra Control Simple Mod To Control Your Elytra Such Locking Or Stop Flying In Mid Air Like In Bedrock Edition and more! Smootheez 939 2024-09-23 13:12
NotifMod Client-side Fabric mod that gives you notifications when certain things happen! 811Alex 8334 2024-09-23 11:45
Smootheez Config Lib Config library for all of my mods Smootheez 26 2024-09-23 09:48
Bad Horse Fix Fixes horse markings appearing above horse armor when using Iris or Oculus. HiiJax 11717 2024-09-23 09:01
LevelLib This is a support oscar213567 49219 2024-09-23 08:56
Dynamites Overhaul Adds a lots of vanilla-styled dynamites in the game, overhauled all TNT system and new villager profession! Yablon 7753 2024-09-23 08:26
Better Tridents Adds Craftable Tridents to the game thedreamcraftnetwork 7280 2024-09-23 07:50
Cumulus An API for custom and compatible main menu registration. TheAetherTeam, OscarPayn, bconlon 66013 2024-09-23 03:34
Snowy Tents Adds cozy snowy tents to snow biomes, filled with stuff to discover SuperWarioModTeam 52 2024-09-23 01:55
Constant Music Control the silence between music OdinOkland 79768 2024-09-23 00:54
Biomes O' Plenty Adds 50+ unique biomes to enhance your world, with new trees, flowers, and more! Forstride, TheAdubbz 157061506 2024-09-22 23:53
Fast IP Ping Yeet the laggy reversed DNS lookup for literal IP server addresses Fallen_Breath 8873819 2024-09-22 17:35
RME's Campfire Leather A way of converting Rotten Flesh to Leather in a way that's balanced. RME 5900 2024-09-22 15:15
Nemo's More Ladder Variants Adding 12 new ladder wood variants (incl. Pale Oak) as a standalone version from the mod "Nemo's Carpentry" pnku, NemoNotFound 2220 2024-09-22 10:23
Day Counter If you wanna know how many days you have survived then this mod is for you. AntrolGamingOfficial, seabat0101 1748175 2024-09-22 09:30
e4mc Open a LAN server to anyone, anywhere, anytime. skyegreen 4174355 2024-09-22 09:00
Craftable Hourse iteams this mod allows to craft saddle and armors for horse RollsRoyce 12 2024-09-22 08:02
[🛋SOFAS] Furnitury (Reeves's Furniture) A huge expansion for furnituring and decorating your base! (Reeves's Furniture) Yablon 539295 2024-09-21 20:32
Health Command allows you to modifiy the health of entities with a command Buecher_wurm 118583 2024-09-21 20:15
Uncraftable Trims & Sherds Adds ability to uncraft armor trims and sherds to the useful resources! Yablon 130 2024-09-21 20:02
GR's Aatrox: epic fight & better combat add aatrox in minecraft developer_GR 1262 2024-09-21 15:33
Swashbucklers! a simple mod that adds some ships halbear1 735667 2024-09-21 13:16
EnderEyeGlow Makes eyes of ender glow when you throw them, so you won't lose them! Works as a client-only mod! Emafire003 122 2024-09-21 13:07
Even More Instruments! Violins, Guitars, Keyboards, and Even More Instruments to add into your Minecraft experience! StavWasPlayZ 89721 2024-09-21 09:03
Genshin Instruments A mod that adds Genshin Impact's set of instruments into Minecraft! StavWasPlayZ 526833 2024-09-21 07:47
Icarus Adds a bunch of colourful and unique wings that can be worn in the Trinkets/Curios Cape slot. Cammie, UpcraftLP 8675176 2024-09-21 02:48
Craft Senses A mod that add new crafting recipes for vanilla items. Catty_Boxxy 91 2024-09-21 00:46
Leather Craft You can create leather by smelting rotten flesh with this mod! Vuserr 86873 2024-09-21 00:25
Elytra Pitch Adds a HUD element for the player's pitch during elytra flight. FatalFlare 2448 2024-09-20 20:38
Unbinilium Ubinilium is a Minecraft mod designed to optimize performance and enhance gameplay. It stabilizes FPS, renders distant blocks with reduced detail, and efficiently manages memory. CnXTeam 40 2024-09-20 20:26
Haven: Creator Cam (easy F5 view) Adds a Hotkeys for viewing your beautiful face and back instead of spamming F5. CathieNova 64979 2024-09-20 16:14
Jerotes Village Add multiple villager professions and a new dimension Jerotes_ 5430 2024-09-20 15:33
Piston Push Mod wich add a gamerule to change the maximum blocks that a piston can push RodoFire_ 1529 2024-09-20 08:42
Infinity Item (For cheat mode only) Infinity Item is a mod that adds an enchant command so that the number of items is equal to the enchantment level in this mod.Must turn on cheat to use commands. Phat_001 4675 2024-09-20 08:17
Infinity Item Infinity Item is a mod that adds an enchant command so that the number of items is equal to the enchantment level in this mod. Phat_001 2737 2024-09-20 08:12
Yuushya Modelling Added several tools to move, rotate or resize blocks like doing 3D modeling coco_fish, sqwatermark, xilaitl 46179 2024-09-20 06:04
The Cardboard Box Extension A box for moving tile entities such as Chests, Furnaces and Spawners WallyWhip 50458 2024-09-20 01:34
Items Displayed [Fabric] For players who would like to have their items placed in the world, not lying around in chests! FREEDINNER 76491 2024-09-19 22:35
Creative Fly Fly faster in creative TheEvilM 283721 2024-09-19 21:12
Bubonic Plague The 'black death' was the deadliest pandemic in recorded history, and now in your Minecraft world. AvatarKage 37 2024-09-19 19:20
Vexxed A simple quality of life mod that rids vexes upon evoker death. AvatarKage 84 2024-09-19 18:01
AdaptiveHUD A variable based HUD mod. Adds FPS, coords, light, etc, directly on your screen! A mini-F3! FySjutton 107 2024-09-19 10:51
ModList Command Add command to display list of mods pitan76 51 2024-09-19 09:35
Many More Ores and Crafts Adds 14 ores and recipes (Swords, Armors, Tools and Blocks) Graclyxz 24407 2024-09-19 02:15
Mushroom Survival House Adds a simple Mushroom house, perfect for the start off the game SuperWarioModTeam 677 2024-09-19 01:52
Ride Along Villagers and small animals can ride larger animals sekelsta 26256 2024-09-18 20:17
Curse of the guy there's only two ways to describe this: hell, and probably the worst mod to ever exist. theGuyWhoIsGuy_guy 73 2024-09-18 18:27
Legacy Revived A mod which adds blocks and features from legacy versions of Minecraft pikminboZZ 3224 2024-09-18 16:54
Advanced Door Bells 🚪🔔 Wireless Modern Door Bells! Yayy!!! 🔔🚪 SmileLulz 463 2024-09-18 13:47
Slime Map Adds a map of slime chunks around you. Kolala 9 2024-09-18 13:37
Advanced Locate Multi structure locator. Advanced slime chunks finder. Kolala 16 2024-09-18 13:28
Nemo's Firework Keybinding As the name suggests, this mod adds a keybinding for using fireworks! NemoNotFound 585 2024-09-18 12:17
UnityTranslate A mod designed for free live voice translation, inspired by the QSMP. BluSpring 1273 2024-09-18 08:51
Nightworld Explore a parallel world! CrystalSpider, sZeta99, MoonstoneWebber 5500 2024-09-18 07:17
Mighty Mail A simple mailing system for your Minecraft world! MrCrayfish 772601 2024-09-18 04:07
EMI Enchanting EMI Plugin that gives basic enchantment information; valid items, exlcusions, etc. fzzyhmstrs 2109165 2024-09-18 02:25
Immersive Caves A Vanilla+ mod that adds new climate/biome based Cave Types Herculuke 95123 2024-09-18 02:04
Block Counter Mod A mod that lets people count blocks using a simple minecraft command Demomaker 4981 2024-09-18 00:57
GhostBlocks Gives you the ability to give yourself ghost block and other cool features xCheezie 258 2024-09-17 23:37
Miner3D's Bobstruct (Bobert's Building Expansion) A Mod with way too many blocks! Miner3D 5937 2024-09-17 15:18
Fossils&Archeology origins Fossils & Archaeology origins, a mod aimed at recreating the original Fossils & Archaeology mod! JamesAib 76284 2024-09-17 10:32
MobZ More vanilla style mobs Globox_Z, rikka0w0 1774421 2024-09-17 06:25
My Warden Expansion I have added a new wardon type entity and a wardon ray which lets u shoot the warden sonic beam. BaffledBanana87 196 2024-09-17 02:16
Symbols 'n' Stuff Symbol Font! A simple library that adds a symbolic font to the game, which can be used to display visual symbols anywhere text can be displayed fzzyhmstrs 188 2024-09-17 01:41
RP Renames Shows every renamed CIT and CEM (optifine) in extra anvil menu for better usage of respurce packs with renames hiword9 15263 2024-09-16 21:02
Particle Core Particle optimizations: Culling, rendering optimizations, configurable particle-type-specific spawn reduction, and potion particle disabling. Compatible with Sodium, improves performance over Sodium alone. fzzyhmstrs 3041347 2024-09-16 20:34
Cloth Config API (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) Config Screen API for Minecraft shedaniel, LinkieIsBetterThanK9 174491205 2024-09-16 17:21
Keepers of the Stones II Keepers of the Stones II is a mod that was created as a continuation of the original version of the Keepers of the Stones mod. It adds 48 new element stones that can be used to improve the character's characteristics and abilities. Environment_Studios, MagicalAlexey 10081 2024-09-16 16:10
Easy Hammers Adds pickaxe-style tools that effortlessly break a 3x3 area. anchorstudios, Vuserr 390787 2024-09-16 12:55
Decorative covers Covers to decorate your buildings Alexander8VKHZ 8815 2024-09-16 05:11
Tool Stats Provides additional tooltip info for items DarkhaxDev 19815489 2024-09-16 00:59
Way Much Faster Oxidize Reborn Copper oxidizes faster when next to water! Jaydenh215 9212 2024-09-16 00:28
Inventory Scale Allows customizing your inventory and container scaling independent of GUI scale. MicrocontrollersTV 97 2024-09-15 23:23
Marty this mod gives new dimensions, bocks, potions, and more! martylover 87 2024-09-15 23:18
Bookshelf An open source library for other mods! DarkhaxDev 251732433 2024-09-15 22:41
Underground Bunkers Randomly generated bunkers hidden within your worlds Aureljz, Zephyrusjz 710415 2024-09-15 22:20
Dual Swords Parry, riposte, and dual wield in Minecraft. Provismet 17759 2024-09-15 15:44
Combat+ Core The core library and compatibility layer for the Combat+ series. Provismet 41978 2024-09-15 13:59
Colorful Hearts A client side mod that replaces multiple vanilla heart rows with a single row using colored hearts Terrails 10094411 2024-09-15 11:19
Enchantment Level Language Patch `enchantment.level.1000`, get off! teddyxlandlee 213391 2024-09-15 09:41
Server Sided Portals Create custom portals and dimensions compatible with any client! CrystalSpider, MoonstoneWebber, sZeta99 4528 2024-09-15 09:17
FiroTool Use vanilla materials to create a variety of tools with unique abilities! Firo_Aq 100 2024-09-15 07:37
CustomHud A highly customizable variable-based text hud Minenash 79798 2024-09-15 05:13
Potion Rings - REFORGED [FABRIC] A Fabric port in 1.18.2, 1.19.4, 1.20.6, 1.21 of the Potion Fingers mod by Vazkii. Add potion effects by equipping potion rings. Samlegamer_ 32170 2024-09-15 02:33
InWitched Simple yet ✨ Whimsical | Experience 🪄Witchcraft in Minecraft barryz 33718 2024-09-14 20:21
Chunk Loaders Chunk Loaders allows you keep chunks loaded with different tiers of chunk loaders! SuperMartijn642 7770393 2024-09-14 19:47
Explorify – Dungeons & Structures A simplistic, vanilla-friendly collection of new structures. bebebea_loste 19675064 2024-09-14 17:37
DireColonies A looflirpa style pack for MineColonies uecasm 4279 2024-09-14 08:32
FBI And SWAT Armors A mod to add FBI and SWAT armors to Minecraft! RupyberStudios, pyrix25633_officialyt 13093 2024-09-14 08:10
Melon Slabs Adds a long-awaited feature. I_totally_exist 4097 2024-09-14 05:51
Bulk Villager Trading Bulk Villager Trading. Automatically Re-Stocks the trade UI after shift-click. bradcarnage 35 2024-09-14 05:41
Stack to Nearby Chests A client-side ONLY mod, adds the quick stacking and restocking features from Terraria into Minecraft. xiaocihua1337 58238 2024-09-14 04:02
Access Denied Make some dimensions blocked and not accessible by players and entities. WereF0X, TheBlueEyeOfEnder 641832 2024-09-13 23:59
New Recipes - Craft all the things you want adds new recipes that every minecraft player needs PMulberry 395 2024-09-13 20:08
SnowyLeavesPlus When it is snowing, leaves will slowly turn white, and when it is not, they will turn back to normal theRookieCoder 38341 2024-09-13 17:47
Bakery Villager Trader Adds a new villager, the Baker Trader and his bakery house Leonxkingx 16121 2024-09-13 17:24
Eternal Food A mod that provides you eternal food (infinity food) JotaPanden 2367 2024-09-13 17:13
Crying Skeleton Added a Crying Obsidian Wither Skeleton which spawns in the end BaffledBanana87 173 2024-09-12 22:47
Ender Skeleton I have added a Skeleton to the end which can telelport just like an enderman BaffledBanana87 76 2024-09-12 20:25
Portable Mobs Allows the player to capture mobs and move them around. Dremoline 490500 2024-09-12 20:25
Heart Attack! Don't get scared too much or your blood pressure will rise... WereF0X 30 2024-09-12 19:17
Us Boost Us Boost your Minecraft experience! Enjoy lightning-fast FPS, optimized biomes, and buttery-smooth gameplay. Boost your FPS today! XsoraS 1701 2024-09-12 18:32
Actually Harvest (right click and XP) An actual working right click harvest without dependencies. XP from harvest feature as well. Automatically adds modded farming crops! wendall911 187337 2024-09-12 16:15
Mushroom Villager Trader Adds a new Mushroom Villager with new items and a new structure Leonxkingx 45420 2024-09-12 14:50
MineTogether A Minecraft mod that enhances community and server features, such as global chat, chunk pre-generation, auto server join from protocol uri (via FTBApp), friends lists, private chats and many more features linked to the MineTogether platform. Official_CreeperHost, covers1624, Gigabit101, Jake_Evans, CloudyPSP, Paul_T_T 24601173 2024-09-12 12:19
Simple Voice Chat A working voice chat in Minecraft! henkelmax 35867722 2024-09-12 12:10
Walk, Jog, Run! Adds a slower walking state and replaces exhaustion caused by sprinting with stamina caped by your hunger Minenash 29 2024-09-12 06:28
Prometheus Exporter Prometheus exporter for Minecraft. cpburnz 3112 2024-09-12 03:10
Easy Freezing This mod allows you to Press G and Freeze all of time! You can shoot a bow, hit a cow, or go swimming! but the only difference is, Everything's frozen! Press G again to Un-Freeze the world! LinkTRC 4 2024-09-12 00:10
Ad Astra Oil Well Yeeter Disables generation of Ad Astra Oil Wells AkacioBahno 66 2024-09-11 20:15
Death Counter If you want to know how many times you have died or to announce player death(s) then this mod is for you. AntrolGamingOfficial 1314 2024-09-11 19:37
This boat is MINE! Allows you to get mob off your boat or something else by Shift + Right Click. rimo2022 35347 2024-09-11 18:31
ParCool! ~ Minecraft Parkour ~ A Mod which enable players to do more Cool actions like Parkour alRex_U 5407174 2024-09-11 16:54
Another Changed Adds blocks and transfurs from Changed & Changed:Special 0senia0 1882 2024-09-11 15:56
Tropical Update A update sized mod that adds 2 new biomes, ores, crops, armor and tools and etc EpicErez 43 2024-09-11 15:45
ForceGL2.0-Remapped Forces Minecraft to use a specified OpenGL version. (mod default = 2.0) Coredex 6383 2024-09-11 14:37
Respite Creators [Fabric] (Create and Farmer's Respite Addon) Making automation between Farmers's Respite (Addon for Farmer's Delight) and Create Flomik 325729 2024-09-11 09:41
Delightful Creators [Fabric] (Create and Farmer's Delight Addon) Making automation between Farmer's Delight and Create Flomik 343197 2024-09-11 09:30
Minecart Splitting Adds crafting recipes for allowing the split of minecarts Oth3r 391 2024-09-11 03:22
GildedArmor Adds gilded amor, which makes piglins peaceful while you're using another armor. MaroonShaded 553974 2024-09-10 23:46
Creeper Fireworks Fine tuned creeper mob griefing that changes how creeper explosions are handled. wendall911 6560 2024-09-10 20:09
Fox API Library for F0X Mods WereF0X 595 2024-09-10 20:06
NoDimensions Disables the Nether and the End. Configurable in the Configuration file. WereF0X 368769 2024-09-10 20:06
More Waterlogging This mod adds waterlogged property to many vanilla blocks zer 5457 2024-09-10 14:25
Crabe's cannibalism A mod which adds the possinility to obtain food from villagers, illagers and players. Mr_crabe 486 2024-09-10 13:39
Slayer's Beasts Explore new structures and biomes to face off against beasts and bosses on the surface, or in treacherous dungeons. InvictusSlayer 246741 2024-09-10 11:48
Decorative Railings Railings to decorate your balconies and terraces Alexander8VKHZ 25300 2024-09-10 07:31
Grindstone Enchantments [Forge] Disenchant and transfer enchantments using a grindstone. Dplayend 91072 2024-09-10 01:42
Bountiful Blocks Enhance your builds with various new blocks expanding on Minecraft's existing blocksets ! ultimatech 7785 2024-09-09 23:39
ShineaL's Prehistoric Expansion Mythology And Prehistoric Creatures Reclaim The Overworld GlitchedMastery 265800 2024-09-09 20:20
More (Fishing) Rod Variants (MStV+) (Fishing) Rods for all the different woods. A 'More Stick Variants' Add-On. pnku 5054 2024-09-09 16:32
Portable Tanks Portable Tanks adds fluid tanks which keep their contents when picked up. Dremoline 969085 2024-09-09 16:24
Smelt Bottles In To Glass Smelt empty bottles in to glass! Can be handy? SmartStreamLabs_Studios 34 2024-09-09 10:55
Dave's Sign Co. DSC is ready to spice up your world with all types of signs! Medic_Main_Dave 36 2024-09-09 07:29
Toggle Item Frames Allows you to toggle visibility of item frames. iamaprogramer 110942 2024-09-09 04:07
Russian Army Uniforms A pack that adds some Russian uniforms ooondrey 4783 2024-09-09 03:07
Skin3D but not cubic Makes skin 3d, but not like other mods LiukRast 4196 2024-09-09 01:58
Effortless Building (Fabric) Effortless Building for Fabric users. falincult 1426 2024-09-08 23:10
SimpleOres Fabric An unofficial port of SimpleOres for fabric Paulem 189 2024-09-08 20:12
World Noise - CEOofAUTIZMZ adds texture to the landscape CEOofAUTIZMZ 887 2024-09-08 10:56
Great Scrollable Tooltips Allow scrolling of item tooltips in the inventory. flowerinsnowdh 16430 2024-09-08 02:42
Enhanced Nature Enchances the nature of your world! XxRexRaptorxX 62119 2024-09-07 17:05
Sky Aesthetics Change the minecraft skybox as you wish! StellarisTeam, st0x0ef, TathanDev 3437 2024-09-07 15:03
Simple Discord RPC A simple to use RPC plugin for Minecraft and Modpacks hypherionsa, ExplodingCreeperGroup 24031643 2024-09-07 08:40
NanaSolar Compressed Solar, Up to 256x! K_7iro 28 2024-09-07 05:25
Commanders' Utils Little QoL improvements for Commanders anar4732 4 2024-09-07 02:13
LUMINOUS: OVERWORLD Illuminate your Minecraft Overworld with refreshing Biome updates! RipleysMods 1513 2024-09-07 00:26
Wider Ender Chests Craft new ender chests and unlock additional inventory slots! Lupin 495613 2024-09-06 22:04
AzureLib Armor A striped down Azurelib just for Armor! AzureDoomC 7185896 2024-09-06 20:02
Additional Structures (Fabric/Quilt) Adds >200 new structures that integrate perfectly into your world! XxRexRaptorxX 8377579 2024-09-05 20:20
Masked Adds lots of customizable cosmetic masks clorobored 31 2024-09-05 19:00
BloodLife Adds new dimension, mobs, ore, resources and more! ha1eks 3895 2024-09-05 17:13
Good Recipes A mod that adds more interesting crafting recipes JotaPanden 1752 2024-09-05 11:22
Improved Trident [Fabric/Quilt & Forge] Now you can use Riptide with Channeling and Loyalty without problem Dplayend 19480 2024-09-05 06:25
Dimension Viewer A highly customisable server-side mod for viewing which dimension each player is currently in. Sick_Stick_10 426971 2024-09-05 03:33
Client Sort A client-only implementation of Siphalor's Mouse Wheelie sorting algorithm. NotRyken 81035 2024-09-05 01:00
Plants to String A collection of Recipes that allow you to craft string from a variety of different plant materials from Vanilla Minecraft. Evrentual 13 2024-09-05 00:47
Additional Structures Adds > 200 new structures that integrate perfectly into your world! XxRexRaptorxX 20698164 2024-09-04 21:51
Better Archeology Discover artifacts & fossils by encountering new structures that'll enhance your adventure and exploration! Pandarix, Dunkellicht 6759058 2024-09-04 21:47
Веуоnd thе Еnd The true final dimension that lies beyond the End, with new mobs, structures and weapons! medilmods 180 2024-09-04 18:57
AMS' Crop Sweeper Enchantment Adds the "Crop Sweeper" enchantment, allowing hoes to automatically harvest fully grown crops in a radius and replants them. dev_ams 20 2024-09-04 11:23
Mod Sound Volume Options allow the volume of sounds added by mods to be changed for each mod pitan76 20439 2024-09-04 06:55
EasierVillagerTrading oreForged Villager trading made quick and clean ! YamadaMegane 118 2024-09-04 05:39
Asian food cart Adds a small asian food cart and new foods SuperWarioModTeam 337 2024-09-03 23:51
Easy NPC Create easily NPCs with dialogs for your world or for your mods. Kaworru 1513431 2024-09-03 20:14
Resource Ghouls Fight new ore dropping zombies! Seanmium 19078 2024-09-03 16:58
FlightAssistant FlightAssistant is a client side Minecraft mod that adds a flight style HUD (like one you would see in a flight simulator), autopilot systems, flight protections, and more. Octol1ttle 2973 2024-09-03 14:00
Distant Horizons: A Level of Detail mod Increase view distance without harming performance. James_Seibel 5036913 2024-09-03 12:23
No Modern Industrialization Efficiency Removes the Efficiency Mechanic from Modern Industrialization Project8gbDeRam 52 2024-09-03 12:04
AnCore Lib AnCore is the essential library for Anchor Studios mods; offering utilities, custom GUI components and helper functions designed to enhance and support our modding projects. anchorstudios 47022 2024-09-03 10:43
AMS' Easy Coordinates On-screen coordinates and chat utility dev_ams 95 2024-09-03 09:38
Zombie Horsemen Zombie Horsemen is a Minecraft datapack that introduces a new surprise event similar to the Skeleton Trap. When triggered, a zombie riding a zombie horse, equipped with an iron helmet, iron axe, and shield, will spawn to challenge players. sashiro 25 2024-09-03 04:08
Unlerp Make your game run """smoother""" by changing the interpolation! Tektonikal 5 2024-09-03 00:37
Craftable Bundles Makes Bundles Available in Survival Minecraft! GGabi73 21 2024-09-02 23:17
Weapons And Tools (Forge/NeoForge) Adds new weapons as well as items and armor pieces. RaptorFugueu_ 88 2024-09-02 18:37
World Preview Allows you to preview a map / seed in the new world screen caeruleusdraconis, Taiterio 168186 2024-09-02 15:35
Smart Completion Provides better suggestions to complete commands endor8, MunashisaNoKage 9789 2024-09-02 14:14
Multiline Mastery A fabric mod to slightly enhance fishing in Minecraft! GravityIO 325 2024-09-02 13:10
Dirt 2 Tree As the name suggests that turns dirt into trees coasterboyyye 23 2024-09-02 12:53
Everything as a Hat Wear anything as a hat! marlester__ 5802 2024-09-02 11:27
Shimmer A mod that integrates passion for rendering KilaBash, zomb_676 152010 2024-09-02 10:19
Bubustein's Money Ever wish Minecraft had a money mod? Search no further! You now have Bubustein's Money Mod, which contains US Dollars, Euros, Pound sterling, Canadian dollars, and more. Even an ATM is available. bubustein 17881 2024-09-02 08:26
Dragon Scale Loot The dragon now drops loot on death you can now make new tools and armor with it BaffledBanana87 11375 2024-09-02 02:11
Multiworld (Fabric & Forge) Multiverse alternative for Fabric & Forge! isaiah 33581 2024-09-02 02:01
Mebahel's Zombie Horde A mod that makes hordes of zombies (or any entities, even modded ones if you configure it) appear in your world at a random moment. These zombies can resist daylight and break glass blocks. Highly configurable. Mebahel 14047 2024-09-01 21:41
BuildPaste (Fabric) 4700+ unique structures available to /paste into your world mistrx_ 52304 2024-09-01 21:05
Skin Shuffle Choose and change your skin in-game! IMB11 41125 2024-09-01 19:59
Survivalist Essentials an early game survival concept for immersion into various mods. Enforces correct tool to be used for breaking blocks, so no tree punching! wendall911 15007 2024-09-01 16:55
Crying Wither I have added a new type of Wither BaffledBanana87 148 2024-09-01 14:16
EuropaShockwaveMod Unleash a powerful shockwave that damages and launches nearby entities with the EuropaShockwave item in Minecraft! EuropaYuki 27 2024-09-01 11:41
Title Screen Mobs Add mobs to title screen IAFEnvoy 1007 2024-09-01 05:34
Stop Lightning Destruction of Item hehe i stop lightning from griefing your items :D MianReplicate 9 2024-09-01 03:38
Chicken Sword Sword made with egg? funny? BaffledBanana87 262 2024-09-01 01:08
More Chiseled Bookshelf Variants Chiseled bookshelves for all the different woods pnku 11897 2024-08-31 23:48
Illager Warship Adds a big illager warship to the oceans SuperWarioModTeam 610 2024-08-31 23:29
AutoClicky The best auto-clicker mod for PvP that has auto-jumping feature for critical hits. Supports both old and new PvP, has a lot of fine tuning. There is support for left and right click. Convenient and customizable binds. Support 1.16.5-1.21.1 (Fabric) breelock 295 2024-08-31 22:25
Tweakeroo Various client-side tweaks, such as hand restock, hotbar swap/cycle, flexible/fast block placement etc. masady 1927357 2024-08-31 22:15
Glass Breaker Break all glass (and glass-adjacent) faster with a pickaxe unilock 463047 2024-08-31 19:21
Claim Allows players to claim and manage land chunks. anchorstudios 48 2024-08-31 12:47
Unlimited Magic This mod allows you to enchant your items unlimitedly. spexdw 11 2024-08-31 11:19
Webstone Remote control your Redstone contraptions using WebSockets. SniperGER 41 2024-08-31 08:20
EuropaShockwave Unleash a powerful shockwave that damages and launches nearby entities with the EuropaShockwave item in Minecraft! user_qpypo2bpe3umj68x 6 2024-08-31 00:08
F3 Revamped Removes the f3 coordinates RollingDice26 1105 2024-08-30 21:31
Cuffed Handcuff and lock-up your friends! LazrProductions 61896 2024-08-30 18:01
Believe Mod Adds new blocks and features based on the Conquest Refabricated Mod LegendaryPorpoise, Rainbs 4398 2024-08-30 17:33
Homeostatic A temperature and thirst survival mod that doesn't defy logic. wendall911 66468 2024-08-30 16:56
Hardcore Questing Mode [FORGE/FABRIC] Hardcore Questing Mode LordDusk, _ForgeUser7319596, Forge_User_02129608 16058000 2024-08-30 14:16
Toro's Auto Message Mod that allows players to automatically send messages every set period of time torobolin 482 2024-08-30 12:17
Spawn Balance Utility Allow you to control spawn weights and group size of mobs by Biome MacTso, gzamerath 2208262 2024-08-30 03:31
Early Loading Bar Add a pre loading bar for fabric IAFEnvoy 14 2024-08-30 01:53
Shake Tweaks Small tweaks to the shake effect of the screen and hand! MicrocontrollersTV 14 2024-08-30 01:44
No Shield Delay A recreation of Revvilo's Responsive Shields in Fabric. QueADV 491186 2024-08-30 01:30
Enchantment Info Shows compatibilities and other info about Enchantments in Enchanted Book's tooltip. ListerrK 237 2024-08-29 21:54
Firorize This client side mod allows full color customization over fire, depending on the biome it's in, or even the block it's on! There is also a fire height slider to shrink that large overlay. Also, it fixes the bug where soul fire did not have a blue overlay! RuffleSteels 67904 2024-08-29 21:30
Bunch'a Flowers Flowers, flowers everywhere !! CuppedTee 9 2024-08-29 18:39
Pharaohs Legacy | Dimension Addon for: MysticRift: Pharaohs Legacy ( Dimension only ) No overworld biome! SmartStreamLabs 1328 2024-08-29 18:24
Elytra Physics A simple mod that adds physics when walking around with the elytra ImJ0shh_ 825022 2024-08-29 17:21
QDC CORE 4.0 QDC CORE 4.0 + other QDC Mods included DrGraveGuard 1079 2024-08-29 14:47
Ballin Staffs I have added 3 new staffs that shoot fire, eggs, and snowballs. BaffledBanana87 176 2024-08-29 14:32
More Mekanism Processing Add mekanism's ore processing to other mod's ores gisellevonbingen 1726303 2024-08-29 13:47
Crab Claws - Place/Break blocks from a distance! With these crab claws you can place, break or interact from 8 blocks away! Lupin, luavixen 563260 2024-08-29 08:51
Resource Chickens Gather resources from chickens. Just like the old days, almost... WallyWhip 530899 2024-08-29 02:05
Wither Cage Fix Fixes vanilla bug where withers forget their targets. Can also prevent blue skulls. supersaiyansubtlety 100862 2024-08-28 23:17
Custom Durability A fabric mod that allows for changing the durabilities of all items! GravityIO 364 2024-08-28 20:30
Fazbear's Universe Simulator Rebranded a Five nights at Freddy's minecraft mod Realbryan27 6096 2024-08-28 20:26
MVS - Moog's Voyager Structures 160+ structures made with vanilla blocks and entities bringing life to your world! Discover loot, enemies, & villagers along the way! finndog_123, havococcultist, olver____, TFA120 17616078 2024-08-28 17:29
Zombificationem Zombificationem is a mod that tweaks how death works, just a bit. alfuwu 191 2024-08-28 17:02
Reporty: Report Griefers Easily Effortless Player Reporting. lykiaofficial 42 2024-08-28 12:05
Leon's & Tax' Spooky Music Trader adds a new Trader Mansion structure, along with a collection of spooky music discs Leonxkingx, Taknax 301330 2024-08-28 11:16
End Ore plus Adds new ores to the end with armor set and tools. Some even stronger than netherite! medilmods 34 2024-08-28 11:02
BrushClient Simple, convenient and useful mod pvp client, with which your game will be much more enjoyable! femboyPig 379 2024-08-28 09:45
Stronger Iron Golems This mod makes iron golems stronger. Mohamed2000 2880 2024-08-28 03:58
kogtyv-Towny and Village Changes the generation of villages to the generation of cities kogtyv 28279 2024-08-28 02:59
Lets Doner Kebab It adds a food called "Döner" and some more things. zickzackhuhn 62 2024-08-28 01:14
TooManyOrigins An addon to Origins loosely inspired by the original mod. MerchantPug, Ohmniv, PapaPepsmAn 1321416 2024-08-28 00:49
Xaero's Map Chest Tracker Integration Lets you see the results of Chest Tracker in the Xaero's map. fewwan 19694 2024-08-27 23:47
Proxy Protocol Support Proxy Protocol support for Fabric servers PanSzelescik 1394 2024-08-27 22:43
One With The Shadows... Adds a Scythe, when used You BECOME the shadow. medilmods 183 2024-08-27 17:54
Multi Summon (Multisummon command) Adds an alternative /summon command taking in a number of entities to spawn, plus allowing for spreading Vllax 1784 2024-08-27 16:02
True Darkness Refabricated A maintained fork of the 'True Darkness' mod for Fabric HaXr 213916 2024-08-27 15:45
yumo compactmachines por Optimizing compressed space by speculating on estimated production YuMo233 10 2024-08-27 13:39
Add Ores A total of 26 types of ore and various items will be added. HaruHaruto 900 2024-08-27 13:29
Mobs Heads This mod adds heads, crafts and advancements for each mob in Minecraft modcreator 7320 2024-08-27 08:00
Overlay Tweaks Small tweaks to Minecraft's overlays MicrocontrollersTV 387 2024-08-27 04:30
Simple Block Overlay A very simple block overlay mod MicrocontrollersTV 16 2024-08-27 04:06
Potion Effect Enchantments Adds more enchantments that give you permanent effects! medilmods 39 2024-08-26 22:54
Neruina - Ticking Entity Fixer A Mod that prevents ticking-related crashes from bricking worlds bawnorton 20715784 2024-08-26 21:22
What Did I Just Kill? displays a small toast with information about the mob you just killed Buecher_wurm 7655 2024-08-26 20:09
Asian fountains adds a asian fountain structure to the game, with a hidden small loot room SuperWarioModTeam 220 2024-08-26 17:14
More Jukebox/Noteblock Variants Jukeboxes and Noteblocks for all the different woods pnku 5484 2024-08-26 16:15
Alternate Current An efficient and non-locational redstone dust implementation SpaceWalkerRS 30213944 2024-08-26 14:15
Rotten Flesh to Leather (FORGE/NEO) Smelt Rotten Flesh to Leather | For Newer Versions! medilmods 37 2024-08-26 13:33
Luffy's Straw Hat Adds the strawhat from Japanese anime One Piece ☠️🍖 medilmods 29 2024-08-26 12:57
Death Note (REMASTERED) Based on Japanese anime 'Death Note' • FOR NEW VERSIONS!!📓🍎 medilmods 296 2024-08-26 12:36
Fabric API Core API library for the Fabric toolchain modmuss50, sfPlayer1 116419882 2024-08-26 11:11
Super Factory Manager ( SFM ) A supercharged logistic mod for high precision, high throughput resource movement TeamDman 13675074 2024-08-26 04:10
Reader Displays what you're looking at DatapackGen 2007 2024-08-26 00:09
Block Reader Displays blocks you're looking at DatapackGen 1710 2024-08-26 00:09
Expansion Of Rotten Flesh This mod adds various options for cooking rotten flesh and introduces the ability to convert flesh into leather. Ankor 1177 2024-08-25 22:23
Rune Craft This magical mod adds runes, wands, spells, rituals and more to the game! XxRexRaptorxX 752313 2024-08-25 21:17
Naruto's Hitai-ate Wear Naruto's Headband! 🦊🍥 (FORGE/NEO) medilmods 29 2024-08-25 18:21
CroakLib A library mod for all my other mods. CroakAndRoll 544 2024-08-25 15:03
Inessentials Vanilla+ mod that adds very basic and somehow inessential recipes! SaddestShark 321 2024-08-25 14:31
PlayerHeadWizard Load you head when renaming in anvil! AlgorithmLX 74 2024-08-25 08:58
RTP RTP command to randomly teleport in the world WereF0X 3351 2024-08-25 06:36
Macaw's Fences - Biomes O' Plenty Add wood variants from Biomes O' Plenty to Macaw's Fences. Samlegamer_ 6736286 2024-08-25 00:38
IJM's Tweaks A Fabric mod that tweaks the client side of Minecraft. ItsJustMiaouss 647774 2024-08-25 00:09
Tick Tock Use a clock to time-travel! ALittleCreb 313 2024-08-24 23:21
NoMo' Portals Disables portal teleportation! Eruannie_9 41528 2024-08-24 21:50
EXP Counter [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge] See how much exp is needed to level up and how much exp you have in total Mars 333750 2024-08-24 19:20
Times in F-Mations Dimension A mod created about F-Mations by its very own Fman! Fman300 12 2024-08-24 17:59
Overlay: Compass Light Biome Season & More Information overlay with time, foot level, biome, light level, season and hud compass. wendall911 74565 2024-08-24 17:16
NBT Copy Adds copy button for the "/data get" command output mt1006 2650 2024-08-24 15:54
Paladium Renew A remake for newer version of the palamod remade from scratch Cbaie9 735 2024-08-24 15:49
Elytra Capes Changes default cape style to elytra. DevLisuu 5689 2024-08-24 15:36
CookieCraft Building Blocks More Building Blocks, furniture and food Addon opaleq 8844 2024-08-24 15:01
FlightHUD: Do a Barrel Roll fix This is a fix to make FlightHUD work with Do a barrel roll mod. HuJK 69 2024-08-24 13:20
What's That Slot? Utility that highlights which items can be placed in an item slot. Gegy 1137972 2024-08-24 11:21
John: A Villager god's World Find ancient villager temples and take a journey into the realm of an ancient villager god - John. Explore the floating islands with statues and the floating platform of John. He and his Nose minions will not be happy that you have invaded his world. flamevamp 112 2024-08-24 03:15
Infinity Gauntlet Mod Reborn A modern remake of the original Infinity Gauntlet Mod by _ForgeUser9940209. JoelLogan 1076 2024-08-24 00:49
Connected Glass Connected Glass adds new types of glass with connecting textures! SuperMartijn642 25577182 2024-08-23 21:36
TrashBinned Adds a functional trashbin. SaltyWater 2790 2024-08-23 19:17
Random Game Rules Random Game Rules changes a random game rule every X seconds PixelEngineer 40 2024-08-23 15:09
Pottery (Additional Pots) Pottery adds new decorative pots and some quality of life improvements! SuperMartijn642 45125 2024-08-23 11:43
Herobrine survival This mods adds the appearance of herobrine in your survival, nightmares, a new dimension The_TCT 29399 2024-08-23 11:32
Pinoo Robotics Mod for Pinoo development cards. semihnoir 9 2024-08-23 11:17
Kleiders Custom Renderer API Change the player/mobs models and textures with this API for MCreator mods! kleiders3010 978565 2024-08-23 02:31
Lazr's Lib A library containing many utilities for Lazr's Mods. LazrProductions 299 2024-08-23 01:07
Eco Stack Manager Eco Stack Manager helps optimize Minecraft servers by managing and cleaning up item stacks, XP orbs and user inventories. Kaworru 2193 2024-08-22 22:14
Saro´s Easy Mining You can define blocks in a config that can be mined with Shift+right-click and then replaced Sarocesch 6206 2024-08-22 19:51
MCQuake3 Quake3 mod for Minecraft 1.19.3+ bytemaniak 386 2024-08-22 18:42
CoinRP pieces of money to rp with friends Elmetia 695 2024-08-22 17:39
Integrated Dynamics A mod to take full and automated control of your appliances. kroeser 82568725 2024-08-22 16:57
Panda's Falling Tree's Make trees fall when cut down ThePandaOliver 672561 2024-08-22 15:48
PandaLib A Library mod used by The Panda Oliver ThePandaOliver 403469 2024-08-22 15:13
mcfetch A mod to fetch minecraft client info lihugang 26 2024-08-22 14:08
VulkanMod Vulkan renderer mod for Minecraft. Collateral 325839 2024-08-22 14:05
Bundle of Undying Adds Bundle, that allows you to hold some Totems of Undying at same time Bullfighter 72 2024-08-22 10:34
Japan Props The Japan Props mod for Minecraft introduces a range of Japanese street props to enhance the realism of your Minecraft world. With items such as traffic cones, bicycle barriers, traffic lights, and more, this mod adds detail and authenticity to urban lands TamKungZ_ 1515 2024-08-22 07:35
Salty´s Realistic Forging Adds a new mechanic to forging ores and tools. SaltyWater 24196 2024-08-22 02:21
DeathQuotes / Death Quotes Displays funny quotes when you die in Minecraft lordcazsius, tfarecnim 5108751 2024-08-21 23:23
Ohmega A modernized and lightweight accessories API for Minecraft Swacky_ 6156 2024-08-21 21:57
Steve's Adventure The amazing journey of Steve. Planetmax2 116 2024-08-21 20:53
Better Combat [Fabric & Forge] ⚔️ Easy, spectacular and fun melee combat system from Minecraft Dungeons. daedelus_dev 29056799 2024-08-21 17:56
Noisium Optimises worldgen performance for a better gameplay experience. Steveplays28 7670857 2024-08-21 17:21
BN Blood Particles The modification adds a couple of types of blood particles. Now every damage will be accompanied by profuse bleeding! BloodyDemon 221524 2024-08-21 09:02
Confections Galore This mod adds lots of chocolate related candies and drinks, with a heavy focus on the most sugary options available mandalortheworthy 56 2024-08-21 07:20
Saro´s Easy GM Switch A mod to easily switch between game modes. Sarocesch 1689 2024-08-21 01:44
Protection Balancer Allows to change the armor & protection mitigation formulas ElocinDev 1045365 2024-08-21 01:15
Ametrine In End Ametrine In End adds a new mineral called ametrine to the end dimension, above netherite tier TheGabo56 79 2024-08-20 18:58
Ad Astra: Giselle Addon Add things be more convenience, compatibility for Ad Astra! gisellevonbingen 16568179 2024-08-20 14:46
LAN World Plug-n-Play mcwifipnp Satxm 474922 2024-08-20 09:45
NoCubes A mod for 1.12.2+ that creates smooth terrain in Minecraft Cadiboo 846130 2024-08-20 08:00
Better Highlighting Improved syntax highlighting for Minecraft commands with theme support using TextMate shurik204 387 2024-08-20 07:14
Debug Keybind A basic mod that adds keybinds for the F3 menu. Boxadactle 4347 2024-08-20 04:54
Saro´s Construction Adds construction site stuff Sarocesch 11138 2024-08-20 01:58
Saro´s Fruit Trees Adds Fruit Trees With Cool Processing Sarocesch 15374 2024-08-20 01:21
Saro´s Money Adds Money Sarocesch 274536 2024-08-20 00:14
CCTV camera (CameraCraft) This mods adds surveillance cameras and cameras The_TCT 42668 2024-08-19 20:18
Tameable Spiders A Mcreator made mod that makes Spiders tameable Spiderman31807 3813 2024-08-19 18:14
More Vanilla Weapons (mvw) Adds more weapons to Minecraft JustAlex 434455 2024-08-19 15:32
Cactus Fabric mod to improve gameplay with a focus on redstone, technology and survival with quality-of-life features Dwarslooper 199 2024-08-19 13:15
Flow​ Configurable in-out inventory UI transitions. IMB11 70172 2024-08-19 11:09
MysticRift: Mob Head Recepts Add recepts for heads: Player head, Skeleton, Zombie, Piglin, Ender Dragon, Creeper, Wither Skeleton. SmartStreamLabs_Studios 137 2024-08-19 10:12
Growable Storage Cells 2 Growable Cells and Disks Trhod177 52248 2024-08-19 09:46
Extra Swords By Herobrine Gives your nice swords to use. FusionMatch 2920 2024-08-19 00:05
All Resources Turn Everything into Anything MrBickmann 3 2024-08-18 23:28
Hold Easy Place A Litematica addon, to Hold easy place shane0411 28 2024-08-18 23:19
AntiBlocksReChiseled Readds the AntiBlocks from Chisel manmaed 2959285 2024-08-18 22:52
Separated Leaves Makes Leaves only stick to their own Log type! LarsMans, curryducker 169022 2024-08-18 20:22
Seamless Connected outlines for Double Blocks like Beds and Doors! LarsMans 369976 2024-08-18 19:50
Armorful Adds armor for various mobs naturally. IMB11 1585360 2024-08-18 19:33
Silent Gear Upgradeable tools, weapons, and armor. Custom materials system! SilentChaos512 32705407 2024-08-18 14:42
Star Wars Planets [Forge/Fabric] Explore the beautiful and vast universe of Star Wars ! TathanDev 618272 2024-08-18 14:34
Silent Lib (silentlib) Library to make writing and maintaining mods easier. SilentChaos512 70609290 2024-08-18 14:23
Sign Tools Small client-sided mod to copy, paste and edit signs. dmitrylovin 119316 2024-08-18 12:44
Better Name Visibility Increases the visibility of names behind blocks hoetty 65702 2024-08-18 11:19
Super Apple Add some special apple which is can give you some effect. skniro 14986 2024-08-18 10:43
Bedrock Edition Features A mod specially designed to bring bedrock edition features to minecraft JAVA edition. C_G_O_A_T 804 2024-08-18 10:11
Inventory HUD+ Adds your main inventory, potion effects and your equipments to your HUD. And few other features. dmitrylovin 56427657 2024-08-18 09:58
Coordinates Display A basic mod that displays your coordinates on the Minecraft HUD Boxadactle 206394 2024-08-18 05:25
Smeltable ore Blocks [+Tools] This mod makes life in the furnace easier, allowing you to smelt raw block ores, but also the improves the armor and tools smelting results UltraHD 37 2024-08-17 22:33
Combat Roll [Fabric & Forge] 🧶 Adds combat roll ability, with related attributes and enchantments. daedelus_dev 15255332 2024-08-17 19:56
ItemIO A Fabric mod to allow for easy input and output into and out of inventories without needing to open their inventories. GravityIO 1398 2024-08-17 17:38
Revamped Repairs This mod allows for an early game alternative to mending, that keeps enchantments and does not use any ores for repairs. It also introduces the EXP Crystals that allow for the crafting of the modded items, and allow for faster collection of xp. chipotle_isbest 39 2024-08-17 16:43
Pinguinmike,s Challenges Challenges inspired from speedrunner for speedrunner PinguinmikeTV 355 2024-08-17 16:12
Sophisticated Backpacks Container Blacklist Adds a container blacklist option that prevents Sophisticated Backpack to interact with listed containers. ShiftTheDev 58640 2024-08-17 15:57
Solar Panel Adds a solar panel, that's it. ridikuloz 1134 2024-08-17 14:15
Colorful Skies Allows the user to change the color of the sun/sunset/moon/clouds/sky Mrbysco 2002 2024-08-17 12:32
Better Cooked Axolotls (Fabric/Forge) Now you can eat these delicious axolotls! sScorpioNnPRO 18900 2024-08-17 10:45
Pebble Generation [(Neo)FORGE] This mod add the option to get an item by shift right-clicking on a block. Ax3dGaming_ 135698 2024-08-17 08:21
FabricBetterGrass Gamers can finally touch grass!? OptiFine's Fancy and Fast better grass implemented on Fabric! UltimatChamp 28759 2024-08-17 07:20
Sky Sources An alternative to Sifting for resources Tanehu98 65 2024-08-17 02:46
The Speedrunner Mod A Minecraft mod that makes speedrunning, easier. Dillon8775 28965 2024-08-17 01:40
Armor Stand's Custom Poses Change Pose and Properties of your Armor Stands. Even in survival! wachipayoxx64 595 2024-08-16 22:16
True Weaponry Revamped Looking for a weapon system that triumphs from mid to post-late game? 21 multi-tools and more ! ignition528 5028 2024-08-16 20:30
Much More ! - Structures Quality and Variety : currently adds 1 new dungeon, 3 structures; soon to be more ignition528 264 2024-08-16 20:24
Much More ! - Enchantments Quality and Variety : currently adds 30 new enchantments; soon to be more ignition528 616 2024-08-16 20:23
Anotherview A mod that adds switching to first-person view when entering a room or other enclosed space. Strypel 44 2024-08-16 16:02
AntiXray ((Neo)Forge) Lightweight forge mod that allows server owners to combat xrayers drexhd 193477 2024-08-16 11:03
AntiXray (Fabric) Lightweight fabric mod that allows server owners to combat xrayers drexhd 242996 2024-08-16 11:03
Storage Drawers Interactive compartment storage for your workshops. Texelsaur 184270052 2024-08-16 10:36
Nemo's Mossy Blocks Bring moss to more blocks! NemoNotFound 9801 2024-08-16 09:31
Apugli An addon to Apoli/Origins for use with certain mods/datapacks. MerchantPug 201643 2024-08-16 09:02
Cloud Boots Adds more balanced and polished "Cloud Boots" from mod called Chocolate Quest aka Better Dungeons by Chocolatin. Sherfy 1674 2024-08-16 03:23
Ultra Hard Mode A mod that makes Minecraft way too difficult bo_bo0 813 2024-08-16 00:25
ForceCraft A semi-magical mod focused around power, called Force Mrbysco 5003112 2024-08-15 21:47
Just Enough Golems There aren't enough golems in the game :) zKryle 334988 2024-08-15 20:08
Yet Another Redstone Gadgets Adds a few useful redstone gadgets Gammel2012 31 2024-08-15 18:16
Better Forests Fills Minecraft forest biomes with beautiful and varying trees. zeno410 5898 2024-08-15 17:52
CustomCrafts Add craft,dimension,tool,etc user_e35qyb0dh47fj96h 416 2024-08-15 16:37
ServerSleep Changes playersSleepingPercentage to 50% aninuscsalas 39101 2024-08-15 16:16
The Corrupted Realm Saga A mod that adds weapons and armour and abilities shadowwolf66idemon, DarkFoxOnYT 64 2024-08-15 16:00
Chunk-Pregenerator Pre Generate your worlds Efficiently Speiger 21861716 2024-08-15 15:54
Short Grass Fabric mod that makes grass shorter, and less obstructive b1n_ry 13421 2024-08-15 11:48
Chest Search Bar Adds a search bar to containers cgcm 37007 2024-08-15 02:12
Flashlight MCowners simply, a flashlight, a headlamp and a lantern MCrowners 40 2024-08-14 22:17
very generic gun mod it's a gun mod razvantheprotogen 7863 2024-08-14 21:30
Butchercraft Adds semi-realistic butchering to minecraft. Lance5057 465766 2024-08-14 20:12
ReForgedPlay [replay mod on (neo)forge] Replay mod port to (neo)forge! Record your adventures in minecraft Ferri_Arnus 30579 2024-08-14 18:18
Hey Wiki Press H to open the Minecraft Wiki page of the block/item/entity you're aiming at. Dianliang233 5520 2024-08-14 11:47
- Mawa Bestiary - Add creatures and weapons mawatisdor 1143 2024-08-14 10:36
Sawmill House Adds a new Sawmill house in the forest with villager workers SuperWarioModTeam, SuperWario 9692 2024-08-13 21:40
Moyai structures Adds different Moyai structures to beaches SuperWarioModTeam, SuperWario 1186 2024-08-13 21:18
Offhander A small mod that adds a dedicated Offhand and bindable Mainhand Keybind Smartin_b 175 2024-08-13 19:19
Charged Charms Adds several "Charged" Curios or Trinkets for balanced gameplay. wendall911, real_knoface 22723 2024-08-13 18:22
View Bobbing Options View Bobbing options as it should have been... GravityIO 8585 2024-08-13 17:48
Archimedes' Fluids Makes fluid movement more realistic moujounakki 3095 2024-08-13 16:05
Team Capes 🟦 Shows team colored capes, for players in teams 🟥 daedelus_dev 285021 2024-08-13 11:22
WenXin's Warp Pipes A new form of transportation from the Mario universe! WenXin2 371459 2024-08-13 00:59
!!Pigium - Performance🐷🐖 May or may not speed up FPS! supermj767 5726 2024-08-13 00:12
Nether Villager Trader Adds a new Villager + structure to the nether, selling new weapons and armor Leonxkingx, Nebulus, Taknax 132179 2024-08-13 00:09
Pack Presets A mod to save selected resource packs as a preset for easy swapping ability! JustAHuman_xD 21 2024-08-12 16:16
Easy Item List Automatically adds server side custom items from recipes to the clients JEI, REI, and EMI! JustAHuman_xD 519 2024-08-12 16:10
Immersive Engineering A retro-futuristic tech mod! BluSunrize, Sky_Som, malte0811 135453751 2024-08-12 11:02
Glowing Tools Adds glowing tools so you don't have to unequip your shield or use a fullbright mod to see while you're busy mining in caves! Works with shaders (tested with BSL and Complementary on Iris)! Requires LambDynamicLights! Miluum 6115 2024-08-12 09:59
HapticCraft HapticCraft makes that you can fill haptic feedbacks with bHaptics's TactSuit devices in Minecraft LaeyoungBhaptics 30 2024-08-12 09:23
Meholic's Gadgets Adds new items to help build in Minecraft SlothZ 2 2024-08-12 07:38
Lenient Death Make deaths more forgiving. JackFred2 59989 2024-08-12 00:49
Best Pick Best Pick adds a keybind to automatically select the best tool from your inventory for the block you are looking at. It streamlines gameplay, removing the hassle of constantly switching tools. daniel___k 25 2024-08-12 00:01
BuildPaste - Instant Structures Build your dream world in seconds with 4500+ instant structures. A vanilla+ mod mistrx_ 313805 2024-08-11 21:19
Infinity and Mending Lets you combine the infinity enchantment with the mending enchantment. MR_LOLF_ 142467 2024-08-11 20:00
DONTUSECOMMAND designed to prevent players from using command events by modifying the configuration file. canyuesama 2034 2024-08-11 19:06
Item placer Place items on any block sides, rotate (supports multiple items in one block) Akicater 6914 2024-08-11 19:05
The Age of Ores (Crystalcraft Unlimited Java edition) adds 200+ new ores (if you are playing the newest version), weapons and some armor Lcs128 239012 2024-08-11 18:03
No Falling Blocks A mod that makes Some Blocks not fall. RealBlackout03 8833 2024-08-11 14:23
Sound​s Upgrade your experience with this customizable sound mod! It introduces new sound effects and enhances the original ones. Enjoy a richer audio experience with new sounds for blocks, items, inventory, and the UI! IMB11 692746 2024-08-11 14:12
Online Emotes Allows players to see each other's emotes without emotecraft installed on the server. dimadencep 59423 2024-08-11 11:48
EasyRename Easily Rename your Containers! GravityIO 403 2024-08-11 11:14
jeb_ Wool [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge] This mod adds jeb_ Wool, Carpet, Bed and Banner Mars 154 2024-08-11 10:04
CoffeeG's Colorful World Add `jeb_` name tag for Cat,Axolotl and much more! Not just sheep! CoffeeG 87 2024-08-11 09:32
Concurrent Chunk Management Engine A Fabric mod designed to improve the chunk performance of Minecraft. ishlandmc 1202130 2024-08-11 07:30
Village Nullifier Disables village generation. TBMStudios, TheButterbrotMan 66951 2024-08-10 20:49
Life Crystals Easy and fully configurable Terraria style life crystals tazgirl_ 714 2024-08-10 20:30
Elytra Trims Lightweight and customizable support for elytra trims, patterns and dyes KikuGie 675136 2024-08-10 18:29
Powered Flashlight A powered flashlight item for Minecraft hd42 11884 2024-08-09 17:12
mOres Reloaded (Fabric) Adds new Ores, Weapons and (Horse) Armor. RiP_iNFiNiTE 1141 2024-08-09 13:31
Better Clipboard Adds more clipboard features Bullfighter 190 2024-08-09 12:19
Custom Item Attributes (CIA) Customize default attributes of any item, with modded attributes & items supported. ElocinDev 1522407 2024-08-09 11:00
Extended Workbench Reborn Upgrade your workbench, upgrade your life. GarouElCazador 2440 2024-08-09 05:47
The Pure Suffering Mod A Minecraft Invasion Mod that started off as a fun side-project. Invasions will spawn every few days or so, increasing in severity and tiers as time goes on within your Minecraft World. TheAGamePlayer 644355 2024-08-08 21:58
Trapped in the Starlands Dimension You're stuck in a new dimension, try to escape! pigling 13 2024-08-08 21:14
Healing Pretty Good [FABRIC] Adds RPG-like Heart Drops, Heart Crystals, and Heart Upgrades Deadlydiamond98 294826 2024-08-08 19:59
CrashExploitFixer A port of Papers Improve-tag-parser-handling patch, to fix a server crash exploit. drexhd 39 2024-08-08 17:58
Server Side Vein Mine A server mod for fabric to allow vanilla clients to vein mine lofi_nomi 15081 2024-08-08 15:29
ctLib A library for data storage and make things simple CrystalNeko 2107 2024-08-08 15:09
MCDJ A mod that allow you to add as many music discs as you want. shoxie012 144146 2024-08-08 13:38
Jeremy3463's Earth Mobs This mod adds almost all mobs from MCE Jeremy3463 18391 2024-08-08 13:25
CuteTrade Allows players to trade items in pairs. gdrfgdrf 163 2024-08-08 11:00
MysticRift: Smelt Ancient Debris In To Netherite Ingot Easy netherite, Place ancient debris in furnace to get a netherite ingot! SmartStreamLabs_Studios 102 2024-08-08 10:14
Better Statistics Screen A Minecraft mod that improves the statistics screen and makes it more useful. TheCSDev 23013593 2024-08-08 09:56
Netherite Extras A vanilla-friendly mod that adds more uses for Netherite, including Nuggets, Wolf Armor, Horse Armor, Apples and a multi-use Totem. SLH335 123 2024-08-08 08:58
AutoLogin mod for automatic registration and login Nespisnikersni 169 2024-08-08 04:44
RPG Origins Adds 7 new origins in an RPG Style Sir_BananaCat 3875326 2024-08-08 03:03
MysticRift: Smelt Obsidian In To Crying Obsidian Smelt obsidian in to crying obsidian with a furnace ( Easy! ) SmartStreamLabs_Studios 68 2024-08-07 21:59
Only Hammers And Excavators A simple mod that adds various type of hammers & excavators, that mine 3x3 area Block_Legend001 203151 2024-08-07 21:49
Aether Villages Adds grandiose temples and villages to the Aether dimension! Aureljz, diamondtown_ 592380 2024-08-07 21:47
Project Glitch Standalone Project Glitch is an edutainment Minecraft experience that aims to teach the importance of early detection and ongoing vigilance in diagnosing, treating, and managing cancer. CarperCreative 15 2024-08-07 20:13
Message Lock Toggle /msg with /msglock and other aliases, instead of typing it every time! AndyRussoDev 476 2024-08-07 17:36
Several Things Add a few things, relative to technology and ores. sjss7 10036 2024-08-07 14:40
Nostalgic Tweaks (Fabric/NeoForge) Brings back a plethora of Minecraft Alpha/Beta gameplay elements. This mod is intended for nostalgic enthusiasts who want to relive the glory days of Minecraft by tweaking the mod to their preference. Adrenix 344305 2024-08-07 14:18
TCDCommons API TheCSDev's personal library mod for the Minecraft modding enviroment. TheCSDev 895550 2024-08-07 13:02
Re:Entity Outliner A clientside mod for 1.21+ that allows you to select entity types to outline, making them visible through obstructions at any distance. SioGabx 3408 2024-08-07 12:49
Very Blue World Turn your world blue. McModknower 7 2024-08-07 08:50
Lemon Lib Library Mod OneLemonyBoii 3125240 2024-08-07 08:15
Avaritia Lite Extended Addon for Avaritia Lite that adds more stuffs Bullfighter 19027 2024-08-07 08:08
No XP Anvils Removes the XP cost from anvils IdentityTheft__ 14467 2024-08-07 04:57
Simple Hats Customizable, expandable, cosmetic hat mod with over 200 premade custom hats. fonnymunkey 5783196 2024-08-07 04:37
Yeehaw Towns! Adds western-styled illager towns to your worlds! Aureljz, Zephyrusjz 3109 2024-08-07 03:14
Punji Sharpened Bamboo for Killing Mobs WallyWhip 12608 2024-08-07 01:22
Punji Sharpened Bamboo for Killing Mobs WallyWhip 10730 2024-08-07 01:22
Wireless-Redstone Adds a performant wireless redstone system Mr_Troble 859422 2024-08-06 20:36
Fetzi's Asian Decoration This mod adds asian (Japanese, Chinese, etc.) styled roof blocks, pagodas, lanterns and much more! NotFetzi 486726 2024-08-06 20:23
You're in Grave Danger A fabric grave mod for easier item retrieval b1n_ry 18572933 2024-08-06 19:09
Lord Anew 23 unique trinkets, each with their own passive ability HSTG 45 2024-08-06 18:21
Endless Journey - A End Update Mod Adding Biomes, Structures, Ores and Mobs to the End in a Vannila-Style Way ItzDave 1774 2024-08-06 17:13
The Skyland The Skyland adds a Sky Dimension to Minecraft in a vannila-style way ItzDave 2400 2024-08-06 17:11
Blocked server bypass for Fabric Bypass the blocked server list and allow to join any server. svenar_nl 1438 2024-08-06 12:04
What Are They Up To (Watut) Lets you see if players are typing, in a GUI, idle, with cool ingame visuals Corosus 8540844 2024-08-06 03:12
CoroUtil Library Mod for Weather/Tropicraft/ZombieAwareness/etc Corosus 34726032 2024-08-06 03:01
MI Tweaks Some tweaks to MI for pack creators and addon devs. swedzish 834785 2024-08-06 00:25
Tesseract API (NeoForge) Another library mod for mod developers swedzish 2991383 2024-08-06 00:14
CuteTranslationAPI Allows the player to choose the language of the mod as needed, it also allows the mod to retrieve language strings based on the player's settings gdrfgdrf 199 2024-08-05 16:51
Biome Modifier for Fabric A library mod that allows users utilize datapacks to modify biomes easily and compatibly. Viola_Siemens 20 2024-08-05 16:46
End Remastered [NeoForge/Fabric] Make your journey towards the End more challenging and engaging with End Remastered! jack_bagel, gilvoisard 15001553 2024-08-05 15:48
Simple Sulfur Adds sulfur which can be crafted into gunpowder bogismok 403 2024-08-05 15:28
Macaw's Furnitures - Biomes O' Plenty A compatibility between Macaw's Furnitures and the different woods of Biomes O' Plenty Samlegamer_ 2603782 2024-08-05 10:11
Fantastic Remastered Structure Remaster the structures that vanilla Minecraft brings us, transform your world with fabulous structures FantasticPL 28160 2024-08-05 03:40
Unkillable Pets A mod that makes all pets invincible LinearScripter 12573 2024-08-05 00:48
Ruby above netherite This is a Ruby Mod that adds a new tier above netherite TheGabo56 110 2024-08-04 21:19
The Secret Doors Adds missing block and doors for hidden bases. badkaipanda 38015 2024-08-04 19:22
Softer Fabric A simple mod to spoof the client brand as vanilla! CroakAndRoll 8 2024-08-04 19:19
Unrepeatable A simple mod to prevent accidentally resetting the repeater tick delay. CroakAndRoll 8 2024-08-04 19:19
Smarter Fire Overlay A simple mod that hides the fire overlay when fire resistance is active. CroakAndRoll 15 2024-08-04 19:18
Realistic Mobs A mod to modify all mobs AI so that they only target you if they have line of sight. CroakAndRoll 75 2024-08-04 19:16
Mod Name Tooltips A mod that simply shows mod names in item tooltips. CroakAndRoll 19 2024-08-04 19:15
Create: Sustainable A create mod addon that adds some more crafting recipes. CroakAndRoll 14 2024-08-04 19:13
Cooler Items Removes the cooldowns of all items when in creative mode! CroakAndRoll 8 2024-08-04 19:11
Cobbled Deepslate Generator (Fabric) A simple mod that makes cobblestone and stone generator generate cobbled deepslate and deepslate below y = 0. CroakAndRoll 10 2024-08-04 19:10
Advanced Emerald Mod Advanced Emerald is a mod that allow you to make the full set of emerald included paxel, emerald is above iron and below diamond TheGabo56 96 2024-08-04 17:26
EveryXDance All mobs can dance now after killing enemies, surviving from a war, or breeding. Viola_Siemens 1180 2024-08-04 15:57
Automining Keep mining while leaving the game. waechter_von_atlantis 67077 2024-08-04 14:21
Iris & Oculus Flywheel Compat Enable Flywheel's optimizations when use shaders. leon_mout 11882572 2024-08-04 08:52
CraftEverything Welcome To Craft Everything A Mod Where You Craft Stuff You Can't sfbexotic 72 2024-08-04 08:05
Dyed Properly dyed horse armor! yurisuika 2485400 2024-08-04 03:10
Burst Door Open Sprint! Then break down all doors! chemiofitor 8 2024-08-04 02:05
MT: GardenArsenal [Fabric] Its a little fun mod about guns which shoots vegetables! LazTheArtist, the_cat_core 12321 2024-08-03 16:02
MT: GardenArsenal [Forge/NeoForge] Its a little fun mod about guns which shoots vegetables! LazTheArtist, the_cat_core 20681 2024-08-03 16:01
Powah : Supercharged powah addon, add foods and new blocks for powah Philou_404 28 2024-08-03 11:49
Anzu's Lava Walker Like walking on water? Why not lava, too? AnzuDev 89 2024-08-03 07:27
Craftable Smithing Templates Utilize 2 new items & reworked vanilla recipes to craft & duplicate smithing templates! AnzuDev 914 2024-08-03 06:57
Filters API Provides a filtering system to creative mode tabs. ZiYueCommentary 1619 2024-08-03 03:09
Ancient Enchantment Temple Adds an ancient temple with a Enchantment table and some hidden loot SuperWarioModTeam, SuperWario 634 2024-08-03 01:49
Bob's Bakery Adds a bakery structure with Bob the Trader, offering unique trades SuperWarioModTeam, SuperWario 969 2024-08-03 01:48
Polymer Library for creating better server side content! Patbox 607572 2024-08-02 20:32
Vanishmod A Forge/NeoForge mod that allows admins to get vanished MasterPerki 251986 2024-08-02 19:28
Recipe Generator The Just Craft Tweaker GUI mod provides a visual recipe editor in minecraft using Craft Tweaker and a simple Zen Script programming language. 300f20t 120515 2024-08-02 17:17
Just CTGUI The Just Craft Tweaker GUI mod provides a visual recipe editor in minecraft using Craft Tweaker and a simple Zen Script programming language. 300f20t 11795 2024-08-02 17:17
Macaw's Windows Adds lots of Windows, Mosaic Glass, Blinds, Shutters, Curtains and more..! sketch_macaw 56146154 2024-08-02 16:03
Unnamed Desert Additional structures for the desert and badlands biomes, focusing on an immersive expansion for the vanilla game while simultaneously providing new content to explore. UnnamedGlitch 271903 2024-08-02 15:38
Macaw's Furniture Decorate your world with wardrobes, drawers, chairs, desks, tables and more...! sketch_macaw 36043099 2024-08-02 15:37
Only Excavators A simple mod that adds various type of excavators, that mine 3x3 area Block_Legend001 29928 2024-08-02 15:16
Dark Matter [Library] The invisible force that holds galaxies together melontini 4465 2024-08-02 14:58
Equivalent Exchange A meticulous recreation of the original Equivalent Exchange project FTB, Official_CreeperHost, ErrorMikey 66356 2024-08-02 13:10
War of Valor A brand new and original WWI Minecraft Mod for 1.19.x+ Tyranas 14872 2024-08-02 04:51
More Mob Variants Adds new variants to existing mobs. nyuppo 6918831 2024-08-02 04:28
Simple Sculk Blocks Allows for expanded options with deep-dark themed builds by adding several sculk-based building blocks. Nerf_Craft 751 2024-08-02 01:43
ExtraButtons Adds additional button and switch-like blocks. Texelsaur 1124341 2024-08-01 23:37
Accessory Treasures Find small trinkets and relics that can boost your stats and give you abilities! mr_mutant0503 5325 2024-08-01 20:00
ShortSwords Adds new short swords that can be craftable with a single ore, they are faster than the vanilla version. Graclyxz 2398 2024-08-01 16:38
CrystalCaves Adds Crystalite caves, ores, armor and tools OmgRod 26 2024-08-01 12:52
No Screen Bobbing A fabric mod to remove the screen shake of enabled view bobbing. InboundBark 83568 2024-08-01 12:51
The watching player (discontinued) A horror mod which adds a player pretends to be another player when spawned beware of this mod Midnight12 1122 2024-08-01 02:48
Harder Spawners Spawners harder to Disable with Light and Limited Lifespan MacTso 2780568 2024-08-01 00:51
Enchantment Descriptions Adds in-game descriptions for enchantments to tooltips. DarkhaxDev 143535928 2024-08-01 00:29
Hunger Strike Suspends hunger and restores instant-heal food. Texelsaur 515069 2024-07-31 23:50
Simply Light Simple light for a complicated world. Flanks255 46077437 2024-07-31 21:28
Pretty Pipes A hassle-free, all-inclusive item transport mod Ellpeck 10806645 2024-07-31 20:09
[Cobblemon] BadgeBox A simple mod that adds a box to put badges Akiosys 28020 2024-07-31 16:29
Redstone Pen Adds a pen to draw Redstone selectively and optimized, as well as signal repeating relays, and a Redstone logic controller. wilechaote 7397344 2024-07-31 16:21
WAILT Why am I lagging tho Official_CreeperHost, Paul_T_T, Gigabit101, covers1624 6822 2024-07-31 15:14
Multipart Machines: Mining Adds multiblock miners and processing machines. Grabolit 68748 2024-07-31 10:21
Multipart Machines: Grinding Adds multiblock mob grinders. Grabolit 109757 2024-07-31 10:20
Multipart Machines: Farming Adds multiblock farms. Grabolit 171526 2024-07-31 10:18
Multipart Machines: Cooking Adds multiblock kitchen, new food crafting system and 84 types of food. Grabolit 88057 2024-07-31 10:17
LavaDrive This is a Mod which allows to play safety in lava. shiri47s 388 2024-07-31 06:40
Ars Magica: Legacy A legacy version of Mithion's Ars Magica 2, this mod features an exciting way of creating and casting spells. Minecraftschurli, IchHabeHunger54 128442 2024-07-30 20:56
JAOPCA Just A Ore Processing Compatibility Attempt TheLMiffy1111 28334565 2024-07-30 17:39
Noit's Simple Sorting Adds a sort mechanism to generic containers such as chests and barrels. Noitcereon 11771 2024-07-30 15:41
PackagedAuto Enhancing Autocrafting with Packages TheLMiffy1111 8685164 2024-07-30 13:25
Boat HUD (Extended) Ultimate HUD for Minecraft boats jewtvet 10 2024-07-30 10:40
Better Walls Connects Fences and Walls! lemonnik6484 205 2024-07-30 10:36
Reworked Netherite (Fabric & NeoForge) For those who wanted more netherite ScaredRabbitNL 646 2024-07-30 05:21
MaFgLib MaLiLib unofficial forge port. Library mod for the Forge port of masa's mods. TexTrue 231571 2024-07-30 03:31
Frostbyte's Improved Inventory Makes parts of the inventory and HUD more useful FrostbyteGames 10358 2024-07-30 01:26
Small horse stable Adds a small horse stable in plains and forest biomes SuperWarioModTeam, SuperWario 8583 2024-07-29 23:35
Shroom Dealers! Mushroom traders have spread across your world. Find their villages to trade with them! Marwinekk256 1837581 2024-07-29 23:14
Unloaded Activity When certain blocks such as crops or furnaces get out of simulation distance this mod will keep track of that so once the blocks get in again the mod will apply the changes it would have gotten if it never left the simulation distance. Zan 21809 2024-07-29 19:54
Dynamic Brewing Stands Assigns the potions in a brewing stand a different colour depending on the potion in the result slot. Qzimyion 442 2024-07-29 17:34
Glide Away! Get your Hang Glider and glide away from the dangers! Patbox 1848 2024-07-29 12:25
Forgematica Litematica unofficial forge port. A modern client-side schematic mod for Minecraft. TexTrue 162139 2024-07-29 08:22
Skyblock Resource Generators Machines to Automatically Produce Certain Resources Over Time Drakma 33983 2024-07-29 06:47
SeasonHUD Display the current season on the HUD or under the minimap IanAnderson 2405011 2024-07-29 00:10
SeasonHUD (Fabric) Display the current season on the HUD or under the minimap IanAnderson 4293014 2024-07-29 00:09
Dot Coin Mod (Forge) Adds coin loot to Minecraft SpaceCat_97 138109 2024-07-28 21:20
Dot Coin Mod (Fabric) Adds coin loot to Minecraft SpaceCat_97 3000 2024-07-28 21:16
MCPaintball A Updated Paintballing Mod Which is Survival Firendly multicoder 1755 2024-07-28 18:30
MysticRift: Smelt Iron Bars In a Iron Block Don't trow it away! Smelt iron bars in to a iron block ;) SmartStreamLabs_Studios 164 2024-07-28 18:26
Gachiakuta A mod that adds the manga Gachiakuta by Kei Urana to Minecraft Axolotl_Salamander 32 2024-07-28 17:27
LAN Operators This mod adds /op and /deop to Open to LAN worlds Flooflez 45400 2024-07-28 11:09
Path Of Lineage This mod adds a mix of all the content you need to enjoy Minecraft more then ever before Eyebrawl88 376 2024-07-28 00:59
Commander Project An extension of the data pack system. Featuring JSON events, commands, and advanced expressions! melontini 233 2024-07-27 21:40
Textbook Import books from text files or clipboard, and export books to text files. The_Fireplace, Fireflasher 23566 2024-07-27 21:18
MysticRift: Smelt Arrows In To Iron Ingots Smelt Arrows in to a iron ingot. Can be handy for a farm ? SmartStreamLabs_Studios 93 2024-07-27 16:30
Who is it? Allows to find player on namemc.com with command Bullfighter 85 2024-07-27 16:22
O.F.Device (Ore Farming Device) Adds ore farming devices Iunius118 39012 2024-07-27 15:05
YDM's Weapon Master With this Mod your Hotbar items will be visible on your Character. YourDailyModderx 9114781 2024-07-27 14:54
OptCarpetAddition An extension mod of fabric-carpet. OptiJava 299 2024-07-27 12:57
CoralMore This mod contains craft ordinary coral blocks from the smallest and the smallest. HrajtoStudio 1363 2024-07-27 10:08
UntranslatedItems: AlsoFluidsAndChemicals An addon of UntranslatedItems, that also makes fluids and chemicals from mekanism mod untranslated! NPG418 875 2024-07-27 06:51
Lithostitched Library mod with new configurability and compatibility enhancements for worldgen Apollo, SmellyModder 14416083 2024-07-27 04:36
Invisible Torches A mod that adds invisible torches. Also stops spawners WallyWhip 805 2024-07-27 03:30
Potion Tipped Weapons A mod to add potion effects to your weapon of choice, an axe, sword, tridents or even adding new effects to tipped arrows. MrZombii 6 2024-07-27 01:38
CobbleForDays Simple cobblestone generators LexManos 9434913 2024-07-26 20:16
PackagedMekemicals Use Mekanism Chemicals in PackagedAuto TheLMiffy1111 88258 2024-07-26 19:52
Craft and Uncraft Add recipes for craft and uncraft Minecraft blocks and items (adds more than 300 recipes) Philou_404 2449 2024-07-26 19:03
Philip's Biome Features Mod that adds boulders, rocks, and features to Minecraft. Keeps vanilla biomes fresh with nature content. philipmoddev 33543 2024-07-26 18:45
Extended world selection A Minecraft mod that allows you to create and load worlds from anywhere on your disk drive. TheCSDev 115 2024-07-26 18:17
WTHIT What the hell is that? A fork of Hwyla which is a fork of Waila. badasintended 12410209 2024-07-26 18:17
WTHIT Forge Edition Forge version of WTHIT, a fork of Hwyla which is a fork of Waila. badasintended 3059502 2024-07-26 18:16
Stony Cliffs Are Cool Turns unsightly dirt hills into cool stone cliffs bebebea_loste 3077570 2024-07-26 17:49
FTB Library (Forge) Common code for all GUI stuff in FTB Mods FTB, ErrorMikey 114352957 2024-07-26 11:05
FTB Library (Fabric) Common code for all GUI stuff in FTB Mods. Component/layer based GUI creation. Used by mods such as FTB Chunks, FTB Quests, etc. (Fabric version) FTB, ErrorMikey 19429167 2024-07-26 11:04
Better Ice Adds some new customizable features with ice Bullfighter 1522 2024-07-26 11:02
Dimensional Dungeons Limitless adventure from a single portal that you can build anywhere! Catastrophe573 6668823 2024-07-26 10:18
Giacomo's Lava Bottle This mod adds the lava bottle item. zacomat 833 2024-07-26 10:14
Giacomo's Experience Bottler Drain experience from furnaces. zacomat 4300 2024-07-26 10:00
Giacomo's better dye Color blocks, horses, or llamas using a dye with a simple click. zacomat 2959 2024-07-26 09:48
Giacomo's Automatable Cauldrons This mod allows the dispenser to use buckets on cauldrons. zacomat 10600 2024-07-26 09:38
Giacomo's Map Coloring On the crafting table put a dye and a map and get a colored map. zacomat 1926 2024-07-26 09:32
Giacomo's Map Merging Merge two or more maps that cover the same area of the world. zacomat 42314 2024-07-26 09:28
Lemoned (Farmer's Delight) This is small addon for Farmer's Delight, that adds lemon Tejty 1036 2024-07-26 09:04
Giacomo's Compass This mod gives the player the ability to bind a compass to a specific surface world position simply renaming it in an anvil. zacomat 67741 2024-07-26 06:14
Incapacitated A second chance at life with the help of a friend! MaritheVillain 443570 2024-07-26 05:54
Small Ships [Fabric & Forge] Vanilla friendly Ships for Minecraft. Now with cannons! talhanation 22127892 2024-07-26 04:21
Carpet Sky Additions Carpet extension providing empty world generation with new ways to obtain resources jsorrell414 106501 2024-07-25 22:03
All Trees Drop Apples A mod that makes all trees drop apples RichyPlays112 67 2024-07-25 20:58
(Red) Panda Plushies! Adds an adorable plush red panda friend to your game! bebebea_loste 124 2024-07-25 20:11
MysticRift: Nether Star Recept Craft the nether star instead of searching SmartStreamLabs 817 2024-07-25 17:57
Hydro Machines Water Based machines clowntv3 834 2024-07-25 14:35
Cat-Powered Teleportation Automates teleportation in Minecraft using cat-powered mechanisms with customizable reconnection times. MiTask 78 2024-07-25 11:44
Macaw's Roofs - Biomes O' Plenty Add wood variants from Biome O' Plenty to Macaw's Roofs. Samlegamer_ 5986141 2024-07-25 10:40
Elemental Realms Elemental Realms minidraco0132 115 2024-07-25 10:28
Giacomo's Bookshelf Where do you put books? In the bookshelves! zacomat 406558 2024-07-25 07:28
Return of the Giggler Return of the Giggler zacomat 587 2024-07-25 07:07
George's flying island Adds a small flying island with george the villager inside his small house SuperWarioModTeam, SuperWario 1161 2024-07-25 00:24
Desert Survival House adds a small desert house , perfect for the start off the game SuperWarioModTeam, SuperWario 1788 2024-07-25 00:22
Modern Industrialization Modern Industrialization is a standalone tech mod, where the ultimate objective is total automation. thetechnici4n, azercoco2 9845351 2024-07-24 20:10
Hit Delay Fix (NEW) Eliminates attack cooldown for rapid attacks lykiaofficial 1843 2024-07-24 18:03
Giacomo's Foundry Recycle all that scraps! zacomat 1195291 2024-07-24 17:20
Giacomo's Experience Seedling Literally farm your experience! zacomat 192128 2024-07-24 14:55
Giacomo's Fishing Net A new way to fish zacomat 3214401 2024-07-24 13:56
Giacomo's HUD Overlays Configurator Allows you to configure the position, rotation, and scale of HUD overlays. zacomat 51098 2024-07-24 12:33
Giacomo's enhanced camera Enhance your third person game experience with free look and more. zacomat 957 2024-07-24 12:20
Horse stats and more This mod adds extra information to the nameplate of the targeted mob. zacomat 2118 2024-07-24 11:19
Giacomos Spyglass 10-90x15 Use mouse wheel to zoom while scoping with spyglass. zacomat 930 2024-07-24 11:15
Simple Stopwatch This client-side mod adds a stopwatch function to the Minecraft clock. zacomat 416 2024-07-24 11:09
Giacomo's Fishing bot The auto fisher. zacomat 25466 2024-07-24 11:03
Rat Attack Adds a bunch of rats, name is minorly related. Heksis 545 2024-07-24 11:02
Giacomo's chat fix This mod fixes the bug of the key occasionally repeating when opening the chat or other screen.. zacomat 372 2024-07-24 10:52
Learn English Seriously. Learn it. DuckyHatsu 42 2024-07-24 10:15
End Portal Recipe | Neo Fabric Forge Craft the end portal! Its cheap ;) SmartStreamLabs 1223 2024-07-24 09:19
Speedometer and more Overlay that gives you speed, position, time and more. zacomat 7705 2024-07-24 08:20
Dark Emerald Tools and Armour Adds Dark Emeralds LXUMME_756 39 2024-07-24 07:53
McBot🔗 Adds chat linking between QQ and Minecraft and QQ commands to request server data. cnlimiter 4387 2024-07-24 05:22
Faster Random Speeds up Minecraft's random generator by 100X! AnOpenSauceDev 5554 2024-07-23 21:50
A Man With Plushies (AMWPlushies) Adds characters from other games as plushies! maxsteelbro 1448932 2024-07-23 20:53
Random Misfits TXF Random things that don't fit with my other mods jahirtrap 602 2024-07-23 20:09
Epic Stats Remastered Epic Stats Remastered is a simple mod that introduces a stat system to Minecraft, resembling those found in RPG games. felinacatness, BladeMasterX 236323 2024-07-23 19:53
YouMatter - NeoForge A NeoForge port of realmayus' YouMatter mod for 1.20.4 and up with bugfixes and code optimizations. TheBlueEyeOfEnder, realmayus 14 2024-07-23 18:14
MC-Extended: Vanilla+ Adds new gear tiers, foods, entities and more! BarchamMal 1006 2024-07-23 18:13
Ender and Sculk Update This mod makes Minecraft better by updating the end and the sculk Wardenlimo 30 2024-07-23 17:51
SpeedRunIGT [Speedrun Verified In-game Timer / Support 1.3-1.21 / Fabric & Legacy Fabric] Displays the timer with Speedrun RTA, IGT in Minecraft RedLime 52168 2024-07-23 17:28
Regions Unexplored (forge/fabric) 70+ New Biomes for Minecraft! UHQ_GAMES, KirboSoftware 7928983 2024-07-23 16:58
Paracord Gems Adds New Tools, Armor & Weapons MrModdedTornado 1485 2024-07-23 16:56
Custom Block Highlight Change how your selected block outline looks, featuring fancy rendering options and animation! Tektonikal 1095 2024-07-23 16:24
Dusty Data Sync Sync data between servers for some mods settingdust 13 2024-07-23 05:48
Antisocial Adds a keybind to toggle the rendering of other players lexikiq 136 2024-07-23 02:42
Simpel add just a simpel add mod, feels like vanilla but with just a hint of tech xX_j0nnay_Xx 6209 2024-07-23 00:28
BlueMap A mapping tool that creates 3D models of your Minecraft worlds and displays them in a web viewer TBlueF 82915 2024-07-22 22:39
Traverse A biome expansion mod that embraces the simplistic nature of Minecraft biomes Prospector, gniftygnomecraft 2676052 2024-07-22 20:42
Shoulder Surfing Reloaded Shoulder Surfing Reloaded is a highly configurable third person camera mod for minecraft _ForgeUser21552638, Exopandora 22227802 2024-07-22 19:12
Macaw's Roofs Build roofs with actual roofs instead of stairs! sketch_macaw 52071742 2024-07-22 17:20
Hudder Hudder adds a highly customizable custom hud to your game! ngspace 577 2024-07-22 16:50
Text Utilities Adds buttons to format and color the text in signs, books, and anvils. chaws314 14357 2024-07-22 16:17
My Totem Doll Simple Fabric mod which replaces all totems with player dolls. Rename your totem to player's nickname to use it's skin. LopyTwich, KlashRaick 277 2024-07-22 15:18
SnowyGrassFix A mod that makes a grass block snowy when placing two or more layers of snow or a snow block on it 1Insert 26 2024-07-22 12:49
Night Auto Config Serialize everything! Night Config integration for Auto Config. KrLite 287 2024-07-22 12:18
Cyclops Core Library mod for EvilCraft, Integrated Dynamics and others. kroeser 112814498 2024-07-22 11:15
Energy Water This is mod ad to Minecraft thirst mechanic. AleksTi 17 2024-07-22 09:56
Thermoo Patches A suite of integration and compatibility patches for Thermoo-based mods (including Frostiful and Scorchful) and other mods TheDeathlyCow 533420 2024-07-22 05:40
Bridging Mod Reacharound Placement (Bedrock Bridging) for Forge, Fabric, & Quilt CG360 2567191 2024-07-21 22:39
Better Fletching Table This mod allows for easier creation of arrows, tipped arrows, and spectral arrows. We will soon include the creation of special arrows, each with unique properties and abilities. chipotle_isbest 83 2024-07-21 21:56
Feeding Rebalanced Rebalances the food recipes to a more realistic experiance and also includes better food options thedreamcraftnetwork 142 2024-07-21 20:16
DisguiseHeads Swap skins when wearing a player head. tr7zw 67613 2024-07-21 18:11
MiniMePets Turn wolfs and cats into small players using a nametag tr7zw 79828 2024-07-21 18:02
Blended Compat Adds more compatibility between mods commonly found together in modpacks. kanadeyoru 74 2024-07-21 17:09
MysticRift: RottenFlesh Smelt To Leather Smelt rotten flesh to leather! SmartStreamLabs_Studios 415 2024-07-21 16:56
More Music Discs [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge] Adds more music discs Mars 879743 2024-07-21 16:42
Skull Craft More skulls added. Let's charge them up to various sizes! Viola_Siemens 1950 2024-07-21 15:06
CanLightningDoFire? allow you to desactivate the fire generated by lightnings bolts so you can save your builds RodoFire_ 139 2024-07-21 14:38
Combat Escape Prevent player escaping from combat by disconnecting lykiaofficial 949 2024-07-21 14:26
Safe Disconnect Prevent Miss click on disconnect button Secondyou 7 2024-07-21 10:00
Integrated Tunnels Transfer other stuff over Integrated Dynamics networks kroeser 73752742 2024-07-21 09:51
Entris: Enchanting Tetris [NeoForge/Fabric/Forge] More Exciting Enchanting slainlite 1669 2024-07-21 08:44
Evomut: Statue Skills Mods that add a leveling statue for the player.You can upgrade the Combat, Mining, Life and Global skill branches. Netherito 62625 2024-07-21 07:23
Easy Navigator Navigate coordinates efficiently by having a compass that shows you the way! JustAlittleWolf 667 2024-07-21 07:11
Formations Nether Formations Nether adds plenty of new structures to the nether! SuperMartijn642 5974805 2024-07-21 05:38
Formations Overworld Formations Overworld adds plenty of new structures to the overworld! SuperMartijn642 4513767 2024-07-21 05:34
T88 A lib-mod by USS_Shenzhou uss_shenzhou 2653 2024-07-21 01:31
Impersonate Impersonate: to assume or act the character of PyrofabTheModsmith 1057666 2024-07-20 21:17
Astral Dimension Explore new dimensions that are under the influence of a multidimensional parasite. mrsculk 546895 2024-07-20 18:02
Oreberries Replanted Ores that grow on Berry Bushes Mrbysco 3327301 2024-07-20 16:16
Tom's Simple Storage Mod (Fabric) Simple vanilla style storage mod for Fabric tom54541 17036442 2024-07-20 13:40
Tom's Simple Storage Mod Simple vanilla style storage mod tom54541 16525155 2024-07-20 13:38
Fairy Rings Adds fairy rings to Minecraft zooi 9 2024-07-20 12:55
Axifier Collect their flesh without killing them! Cruelty free! JustDoom 1984 2024-07-20 06:31
Enchantix Turns potion effects like poison or weakness (etc.) into enchantments that can be applied to weapons like we already know it from some RPG style games. Robbe 38 2024-07-20 01:20
Spawn Egg BYID Redirect Needed for same Spawn Egg type compatibility Jackbusters 452 2024-07-19 23:29
Subnautica Nutrient Block Adds Subnautica Nutrient Block! FilinKus 9 2024-07-19 20:18
FilinKus`s Cooked Rotten Flesh Makes Rotten Flesh cookable and eatable FilinKus 10 2024-07-19 20:17
Virtual Motion Capture Gives your Minecraft client the power to send VMC protocol data for vtuber models. Provismet 230 2024-07-19 20:13
More Heart Types Adds more heart textures when taking consistent damage! Hearts include: Fire Hearts, Drowning Hearts, Cactus Hearts & More! Oth3r 4136 2024-07-19 18:15
Fantastic Biomes Cave A mod that brings many new biomes and features to Minecraft caves while maintaining a vanilla feel. vanillaPL 9837 2024-07-19 17:58
Ri0ts Factories Create massive production factories to automate tasks Ri0t69 11 2024-07-19 17:57
Mobility Shop Mobility Items in Minecraft badkaipanda 48 2024-07-19 14:52
Energy Stamina This is mod add to Minecraft stamina mechanic AleksTi 10 2024-07-19 12:25
Dirtmonds Adds dirtmonds to the game dmcpacks 46866 2024-07-19 04:48
Fireplace Lib (Forge) A library of common functionality used by my mods, in one place for easier maintenance and faster updates. The_Fireplace 132997 2024-07-19 02:49
Fireplace Lib (Fabric/Quilt) A library of common functionality used by my mods, in one place for easier maintenance and faster updates. The_Fireplace 379176 2024-07-19 02:48
Beams Adds projected beams that can be modified for different functions davidqf555 68942 2024-07-18 22:13
Warden Plus This Mod Adds more wardens Wardenlimo 8 2024-07-18 21:46
Ores Ores Ores Vanilla Ores in all Dimensions. And also new ores and tools and armor Red_Flower 7827 2024-07-18 17:48
Pride Craft Adds a bunch of LGBT+ related items, blocks and more to Minecraft Red_Flower 2077 2024-07-18 17:14
Usable Fletching Tables Adds Usable Fletching Tables And A Few Extra Arrows. Gonnulf 4 2024-07-18 17:03
Roughly Enough Config Screens Adds configs screens for library mods such as Forge, and Framework. Jab125 4588 2024-07-18 13:10
Backrooms Pisodo Mod for adding backroom levels Live 47 2024-07-18 12:19
Tradable Potions Allows to trade potions with Cleric Bullfighter 1098 2024-07-18 07:49
Project Real-Life Realistic mod that adds things from real life. mactoxa 1600 2024-07-18 03:12
REI Collapsible Entries Adds quality-of-life REI collapsible entries for items from Minecraft and various of mods! KrLite 719 2024-07-18 03:03
No More Bats Server friendly block and charm to stop Bat spawns WallyWhip 4282 2024-07-18 02:12
No More Bats Server friendly block and charm to stop Bat spawns WallyWhip 3058 2024-07-18 02:12
Annotated DI (Forge) Dependency Injection library for Forge mods The_Fireplace 131243 2024-07-18 01:59
Annotated DI (Fabric/Quilt) Dependency Injection library for Fabric/Quilt mods The_Fireplace 30734 2024-07-18 01:59
Branded Logs Prints information about your modpack into the logs & crash logs! HaXr 330177 2024-07-18 01:33
I've Spoken Displays RPG-like dialogs above players' names. I've spoken. KrLite 341 2024-07-17 23:51
It Follows! Let the cursor follow the 'GUI Scale' button so they won't separate! KrLite 75 2024-07-17 23:45
Screenshot Flash Flashes as you take a screenshot. KrLite 222 2024-07-17 23:35
Faded Widgets Let widgets fade as you hide them! KrLite 216 2024-07-17 23:29
Edgerunner Bring the block-edge features back! (MC-1133) KrLite 43 2024-07-17 23:23
Edgeless Chat Screen Why not having an edgeless chat screen? KrLite 661 2024-07-17 23:22
Splasher! Why Don't Splash? Splasher is a Mod Which Makes Splash Texts Fully Customizable. KrLite 340 2024-07-17 23:12
Bounced! Get Your Minecraft Titles Bounced! KrLite 10789 2024-07-17 23:06
Friendly Teleport Vanilla Friendly way to teleport to your friends in pve Bumbila934 663 2024-07-17 21:15
CrazyPlants TrakieAugi adds new plants Markovs__ 149 2024-07-17 21:12
Arnaque mais pas de hack En: scams like a Christmas hat that prevents you from building Gagalmc 6 2024-07-17 19:06
Nitric Labs A simple mod made by 2 developers. Aims to be a useful mod in survival, while adding random things to it. It currently consists of armor, tools and blocks . Bluelist_Gamer 33 2024-07-17 15:07
re: No Nametagged Peaceful Despawn Nametagged hostile mobs won't despawn in peaceful mode sinept_ 348 2024-07-17 08:40
Elytra Slot (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) Adds curio support to the elytra so you can fly and wear chest armor at the same time. Formerly known as Curious Elytra. TheIllusiveC4 59855235 2024-07-17 06:30
Cinchcraft A large ever updating vanilla+ mod full of many new features. cinchtail 2575 2024-07-16 23:39
Immortality Mod A Minecraft mod that makes you immortal bo_bo0 1891 2024-07-16 19:34
Better Clouds Reforged Beautiful clouds in touch with the vanilla style. falling_colud96 10108 2024-07-16 17:56
Platanitos - Food & Adventure A fresh new way to expand your adventures, builds and even your diet! TeddiGamer 967 2024-07-16 16:10
BoccHUD MiniHUD unofficial forge port. A tiny client-side mod for Minecraft. that adds the coordinates, looking angle and current speed to the screen. TexTrue 14220 2024-07-16 15:38
Colorful ui Color you hud in any color you want Akicater 27 2024-07-16 15:28
Teletransportation Accept (TPA) Your classic /tpa command now aviable in form of a mod/datapack. ElGeroIngles 6153 2024-07-16 14:28
The Geraz Pack Neo Forge Adds new ores and mobs in a vanilla feeling jolly_stonebraker93 3 2024-07-16 10:46
Mako's Quantum Tunneling Adds in realistic quantum tunneling for players MakoZort 6 2024-07-16 10:28
Filter Hoppers Vanilla Friendly Filter Hoppers crynesss 194 2024-07-16 04:03
Eden Ring Reforked An Updated Fork For paulevs Eden Ring Mod to 1.20.1+ ErzeKawek 141322 2024-07-16 02:39
I'll Make A Meal Out Of You (IMAMOOY) A mod that adds hostile mob foods, among other things. ookayoak 268 2024-07-15 23:47
Whispering Spirits Adds atmospheric spirits for a horror-theme yourlocalgamedev 94144 2024-07-15 21:00
Deslabification Automatically adds recipes to convert slabs back to blocks unilock 33 2024-07-15 15:35
Utility Belt Free your hotbar jamalam360, jonty_____ 767644 2024-07-15 14:25
Armor Poser Adds a GUI for armor stands in which you can configure it's pose and other properties Mrbysco, ShyNieke 1196329 2024-07-15 12:24
Copper Amulets This mod adds copper amulets! OrzechPL 158955 2024-07-15 11:42
Undertale Items and Weapons A mod that add most of the Undertale foods and weapons superkronkanierita 13 2024-07-15 08:11
Random Super Mod A very random mod ManuFlosoYT 21762 2024-07-15 07:48
Classic Backpacks Mod consisting of 3 backpacks CaunterPrime 71 2024-07-15 06:50
mOres Reloaded (Forge) Adds new Ores, Weapons and (Horse) Armor. RiP_iNFiNiTE 175101 2024-07-15 01:21
Apothic Enchanting A total overhaul to Minecraft's enchanting system Shadows_of_Fire 2905375 2024-07-15 01:04
Trapped! Trapped! Adds a lot of unique traps and gadgets to help prank friends or defend your base. Ri0t69 21 2024-07-14 19:49
Make Bubbles Pop [Client] [Forge/Fabric/Quilt] Client-side mod that makes bubble particles pop and lets them rise realistically to the water surface. Tschipcraft 1507264 2024-07-14 19:27
Extra Weapons A mod that adds new weapons to the game. adrian351 118086 2024-07-14 19:20
Retromentail Random stuff, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and much more. CyclomedusaEZ 84 2024-07-14 17:57
Search Item In Box You can look for things in the boxes nearby. It can be installed only on the client side or only on the server side, when only on the client side, you can only find the boxes you have opened. xzhao 113 2024-07-14 17:45
i Wanna Travel ~ Structure [Forge|Fabric|NeoForge] structure, structure, beautiful world!!! cedrou_0 4855 2024-07-14 16:48
Cluttered Creative Bring back the old cluttered creative inventory. TheClashFruit 1093 2024-07-14 16:07
Smackedcraft Adds max health related features Smack 34 2024-07-14 15:34
Any Dimension Mod 2 Create dimensions out of any block! This mod adds 400+ dimensions to the game, one for each of the possible blocks. luxmiyu 2490 2024-07-14 13:39
Elias B's More Ores The Best Mod Should Make More Ores into The Game. EliasBani 35 2024-07-14 13:25
Bronze & Viking Become a nordic warrior and explore the nine realms neithermarker85 5865 2024-07-14 09:30
MagicalWorldRPG MagicalWorldRPG-神奇的世界RPG YouZaiDeYouLing 364 2024-07-14 08:32
Infested: Swarms and Spiders Adds content related to insects and other arthropods. Includes new mobs with unique behaviors, pets, armors, enchantments, and more! TrashElemental 3245 2024-07-14 07:59
Growthcraft Trapper Fishtraps for Minecraft Alatyami 8722 2024-07-14 03:15
Simple Spears a very vanilla friendly spear mod icandoodle 4902 2024-07-14 02:30
FNAF Management Wanted Brings the world of Five Nights at Freddy's into Minecraft! Includes animatronics, decorations, various systems/mechanics, and survival mode compatibility! OVDRStudios, NeedyNerd, GeodeTh3CRT 141529 2024-07-14 02:27
Boat HUD (from F1 2023) F1 HUD for Minecraft boats jewtvet 40 2024-07-14 00:37
Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Extended This mod adds over 400+ new foods to Minecraft (REQUIRES PHC2 - CROPS and TREES mods) pamharvestcraft 12472399 2024-07-13 23:03
Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Crops Adds 96 new crops, planted from their food items that drop from garden bushes which spawn across the world in various biomes pamharvestcraft 14597025 2024-07-13 22:58
Traveler's Backpack Unique and upgradeable backpacks with customisation, Curios API integration and more! Tiviacz1337 35763271 2024-07-13 21:52
Minepro995842's more base game potions Basic mod that adds various new types of potions such as the potion of saturation, Absorption, darkness and more (this is my first ever mod that a created so things might bug a little...) Mincepro995842 111 2024-07-13 21:40
Tom's Trading Network A simple mod to make trading with players easier tom54541 3887676 2024-07-13 16:47
Mythic Upgrades Mythic Upgrades adds new mythic ways to upgrade Netherite gear with new ores. TriQue 5395102 2024-07-13 16:33
Ceiling Torch Makes torches placeable on the ceiling. bl4ckscor3 2555121 2024-07-13 14:43
Poisonous Potato Update Almost all content from the April Fools' snapshot 24w14potato nNined 13554 2024-07-13 14:07
Chipped Express Mod addon for Chipped to allow to craft ANY recipe with stonecutter DevDyna 937524 2024-07-13 12:40
More Sniffer Flowers Minecraft mod expanding upon the sniffer, adding entire new mechanics, while keeping it somewhat vanilla friendly AbraXator 489975 2024-07-13 10:18
TyniQOLStuff Enhance your Minecraft experience with these tiny but mighty Quality of Life improvements! arraxthewolf 16 2024-07-13 09:59
Light & Barrier This is mod add Light Block craft, Structure Void craft and Barrier craft AleksTi 33 2024-07-13 09:44
Yeremyo's Enchanting Overhaul A revamp of the enchanting, smithing and exp system. Yeremyo 4 2024-07-13 09:07
Arcanum of Wisdom Welcome to Arcanum of Wisdom! Earned experience levels unlock new features and unleash exponentially improved abilities. You can earn wisdom points at the XP-Levels 5, 10, 20, 50, 80 and 100! You can lose XP but not wisdom points. benl4b 196 2024-07-13 07:40
Too Many Paintings! Extra more paintings for Minecraft, includes real life paintings too! axperty 83033 2024-07-13 06:28
KassiWarriors this mod adds tools as well as kassi ore a new creature -creator: VATORZA -versions: 1.20.1 VATORZA 301 2024-07-13 06:17
MOA DECOR: TOYS Add new models of decorative toys to your builds. moa666creator 540560 2024-07-13 05:55
More Villagers Trades Adds More Villagers Trades ThatOneguy1 4 2024-07-13 05:35
Old Legends The remains of old legends wait to be discovered Faxu 181 2024-07-13 02:33
More Tool Adds over 50 swords, tools, dimensions, mob loots, dungeons. lemonoooob 126977 2024-07-13 02:09
The Sculk Sword A Simple mod that adds a Sword that can obtained by killing an Warden. Pawofthewild 2498 2024-07-13 01:00
Anti Creative Drift Mod that disables the drift when flying in creative nonamecrackers2 20 2024-07-13 00:51
No Friendly Fire Prevent accidentally damaging your friend lykiaofficial 981 2024-07-12 22:29
Scriptor Magicae Discover and write custom spells. Knowledge is power! ssblur 82596 2024-07-12 21:35
Proximity Text Chat Makes players only able to see chat messages sent near them. StyStatic 21610 2024-07-12 21:35
Friends&Foes - Flowery Mooblooms (Fabric/Quilt) An addon for the Friends&Foes mod, adding one moobloom variant for each flower. Faboslav 3063247 2024-07-12 20:54
Better Block Tooltip Allows to view more block properties in tooltip Bullfighter 1039 2024-07-12 20:52
Handle It Up! Use Amethyst, Redstone, Lapis Lazuli and Copper in MANY More Ways! Skizzerido 124 2024-07-12 20:28
Banduty's RolePlay Another Roleplay mod. B4nduty 2529 2024-07-12 20:18
Zusz's CoffeeCraft A small mod, that adds coffee to minecraft! Zusz 448 2024-07-12 19:53
Enchanted Golden Apple This mod add back the craft of the enchanted golden apple! santif100 626 2024-07-12 19:32
Kingz' Do you want features related to kings in the theme of minecraft mobs ? Just download this mod ! EnderLordz 424 2024-07-12 15:49
Scorchful Dune-inspired, Vanilla+ mod focused on Heat-based temperature survival and combat - sister mod of Frostiful! TheDeathlyCow 83922 2024-07-12 14:54
Hanew village : the little dragon's village mod about little dragon, hanews and there village sunshinelay02 36537 2024-07-12 13:33
FleshEmpire (OMG 5k+ downloads thx) Flesh blocks, flesh mobs and a flesh dimension to explore TomekITA 9123 2024-07-12 13:31
Music Player Play music from many sources like youtube, soundcloud or radio livestreams HyCraftHD 2998023 2024-07-12 12:53
permafrost biome Ads a biome that is covert with ice, and dangerous magic illagers. tombkingsts 709457 2024-07-12 12:29
knights Ads the knights that I made for the flying castles but the spawn outside the structure now. tombkingsts 1343301 2024-07-12 12:27
flying castles ads randomly generated flying castles you can choose to have them empty, with villagers, pillager spawners or with modded knights. tombkingsts 70583 2024-07-12 12:23
FTB Pack Companion FTB Modpacks best friend! FTB 2246740 2024-07-12 11:57
Magic and Spells This mod introduces powerful spells and magic items that will let you master the elements and unleash chaos on your enemies. Although it currently features only two unique spells, more secrets and enchantments will be available in future updates. Graclyxz 36 2024-07-12 08:26
Sound Physics Remastered A Minecraft mod that provides realistic sound attenuation, reverberation, and absorption through blocks. henkelmax 46264747 2024-07-12 07:29
Dragon Ball Origins This Mod adds new origins based on Akira Toriyama's (rest in peace) Dragon ball. SkpEnterprise 1279 2024-07-12 04:30
Pipe Bomb and Launcher pipe bomb and pipe bomb launcher ringater 111 2024-07-12 02:49
More Power A mod that Adds Corrupted Magic, items ,tools, armor, weapons, biomes, new ore tiers, new structures, and a lot more to discover it and explore it may take a while to figure out the puzzle, and it wont be easy but you can get there powertarsier379 757 2024-07-12 01:13
Andromeda A galaxy is a collection of things and systems. So is this mod. melontini 17084 2024-07-11 17:12
Friends&Foes - Beekeeper Hut (Forge/NeoForge) An addon for the Friends&Foes mod, adding a beekeeper hut structure. Faboslav 1830607 2024-07-11 15:25
Friends&Foes - Beekeeper Hut (Fabric/Quilt) An addon for the Friends&Foes mod, adding a beekeeper hut structure. Faboslav 4957160 2024-07-11 15:22
Tetrachord Lib A lightweight library mod that provides various data structures such as KD Trees and Segment Trees, alongside some other utilitarian functionalities. Viola_Siemens 18586 2024-07-11 15:20
On rails! Balance the crafting of rails in old and new versions Luis 38 2024-07-11 13:23
Only Hammers A simple mod that adds various type of hammers, that mine 3x3 area Block_Legend001 457714 2024-07-11 13:22
Equipment+ by adding new tools, weapons, armor, and other equipment. These mods aim to enhance the gameplay experience, offering players a wider variety of options for combat, mining, and building. omegasyi, coldcarton 687 2024-07-11 07:50
Block Armor++ What armor do you want? Dirt armor? Emerald armor? or mauch more? instal this mod for mor armor SshotgunFrog 6 2024-07-11 07:16
The Big Stick You can make three sticks into a Big Stick. Yippee! Paxson 29 2024-07-11 03:18
Embeddium A powerful, mod-friendly, FOSS client performance mod for NeoForge FiniteReality 46725910 2024-07-11 00:24
Sparse Structures One mixin mod that makes all structures (including non-vanilla ones) more spread out (essentially making them rarer). Useful for big modpacks with lots of structure mods to make exploration more challenging/less repetitive. Maxence 1778803 2024-07-10 23:21
HorseInBoat Simple Minecraft mod that makes it easy to put horses in boats. legosteenjaap 54072 2024-07-10 21:28
More advanced ores and crafting recipes Mod that Adds steel ingots to minecraft and more ingots in the future Mincepro995842 97 2024-07-10 21:03
Affinity A magic mod themed around natural tech gliscowo 2216 2024-07-10 21:00
copper and petrol you have a copper, it's unless, no you have a "copper and petrol" the mod. it's incredible. nadef77 111 2024-07-10 20:03
More vanilla and enderite ore New tools and armor for minecraft thedemon_05 7387 2024-07-10 16:58
Corail Tombstone Keeps safe your inventory items in graves on death with many features for better survivability and exploration, in a medieval fantasy atmosphere related to the decorative graves & the haunting souls Corail_31 71955143 2024-07-10 16:03
Bones Update Enhance the minecraft experience with content related to skeletons. Sh1nylabs 2739 2024-07-10 15:16
Animal Crossing Custom Items Mod which adds slingshots, smoothies, fruits... dastoc 142 2024-07-10 13:29
AllInOne A Mod That Adds Minerals, Tools, Biomes, Entities and Much More! Franc3schinello 1263 2024-07-10 12:15
Modonomicon Data-driven minecraft in-game documentation with progress visualization. kli_kli 25042616 2024-07-10 09:57
Near World Spawn Customize the way your world spawn is set sfinc 189 2024-07-10 08:22
Elytra Trims Extensions Elytra Trims additions for other packs out there KikuGie 211622 2024-07-10 07:55
Created Music Discs Main goal of this mod is to make Music Discs craftable MomentariyModder 161894 2024-07-10 04:22
Created Music Discs Main goal of this mod is to make Music Discs craftable MomentariyModder 157290 2024-07-10 04:22
Leon's Illager Trader This Mod adds a new villager, the Illager trader Leonxkingx, Taknax 120677 2024-07-10 01:01
Just a Well Adds a configurable well to generate any fluid you need! cubicoder12 11177 2024-07-09 21:51
Military Armors Adds Dessert, Camo, and Spec-ops. Craft these new armors with the new ore named steel and cloth made from wool. hudsonj10 10076 2024-07-09 16:29
Sculked Magpie Origin A new origin you can play as based on the bird of the same name LunaNight134 844609 2024-07-09 14:28
Wireless Redstone Wireless Redstone adds blocks and items to use redstone remotely Razzokk 188651 2024-07-09 13:30
Pickable Pets [Fabric / Forge] Allows owners to pick up their pets into an item form. ShiftTheDev 32365 2024-07-09 11:36
ElainaLike Elaina-like Paintings.Created By AI.Not 100% the same. shicy_elaina 899 2024-07-09 10:32
Iron-Man - Marvel Superhero Origins Adds an Iron-Man origin with abilities of such from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. proman468 14 2024-07-09 09:30
Nether Armory Craft 4 new sets of armor from the materials of the Nether Mefisto148 21 2024-07-09 09:13
So I heard you were talking crap about Minecraft's difficulty? Basically a (hostile) mob update sfinc, Pardys, galatynf 743152 2024-07-09 09:04
Proman's Origins An Addon to the Orgins mod that adds 3 new origins. proman468 207464 2024-07-09 09:02
Mythical Origins Adds a collection of Origins based around popular mythical beasts. These Origins have a variety of powers, some good, some bad. proman468 551954 2024-07-09 09:00
End Game Origins Adds origins with unique late-game powers. proman468 17699 2024-07-09 08:57
End Origins Adds a few origins based to live in the end. proman468 354370 2024-07-09 08:52
Extra Classes - Origins Adds a few new origins-classes into the game. proman468 1093320 2024-07-09 08:42
Witherborn Origins This origin addon adds 3 of my personal favourite origins. The witherborn, Allay, and Artificial. proman468 263767 2024-07-09 08:41
[ESF] Entity Sound Features Allows for entity sound variation using ETF / OptiFine format property rules. Also adds aditional sound related utility for ETF & EMF traben_0 122568 2024-07-09 06:54
Tempad Create a portal to any location from any location! terrariumearth, CodexAdrian, ThatGravyBoat, MsRandom1 13171212 2024-07-08 21:52
Boats On Lilypads A mod that makes boats travel through lily pads instead of crashing into them. JuanTonio 36 2024-07-08 21:03
More Bookshelves Variants Bookshelves for all the different woods LieOnLion 5335 2024-07-08 18:27
new ores adds new ores and more to minecraft levidev 112 2024-07-08 18:23
Useful Hats Hats with special abilities. (Forge, NeoForge, Fabric, Quilt) thecech12 3652060 2024-07-08 16:53
The Giant Steve -Creepypasta The Giant Steve is here Noisemap2843 586 2024-07-08 16:28
RS Indrustrial The most usefull machines in minecraft RothSterial 99 2024-07-08 13:17
Aggro Indicator Display an alert icon above mobs that are aggroing onto you Raverbury 1511728 2024-07-08 12:37
Mythic Lib A small library mod to add recipe compatibilities for Mythic Upgrades. TriQue 154848 2024-07-08 07:56
Home Improvement It adds the Galvanized Square Steel Meme Gonnulf 5 2024-07-08 04:20
Damage Indicator Reborn A simple damage indicator mod for forge. hamusuke2303 63 2024-07-08 01:32
Lush Cave Trader adds a new villager, a structure and 3 new weapons + armor hat Leonxkingx 10421 2024-07-08 01:32
Terralith A 1.18+ overworld expansion for Fabric and Forge, with tons of new biomes and caves! Starmute, the_catter1 34632879 2024-07-07 22:16
RS Pockets Create pocket dimensions with this mod! RothSterial 572 2024-07-07 19:33
Villainous Horde Manager A utility to aid in creating mob swarming events. MaritheVillain 96402 2024-07-07 18:26
Ocean Worlds Flood your worlds with a heightened sea level! InfernalStudios, Nekomaster1000, LudoCrypt 3838 2024-07-07 17:16
Engineered Compatibility Engineered Compatibility is a datapack-mod that adds compatibility to Immersive Engineering for a host of other mods. VoidsongDragonfly 28126 2024-07-07 16:16
Additional Enchanted Miner add advanced enchant-able mining machines Kotori316 23043176 2024-07-07 15:27
True Darkness Elementriy New dimensions - "Yteria" a dark and gloomy place with new chips and adventures. Nuar 48326 2024-07-07 10:38
End Respawn Anchor Adds End Respawn Anchor that make you possible to respawn in the End mikndesu 10707 2024-07-07 08:51
Ceramic Shears Adds Ceramic Shears made of clay. (Forge, NeoForge, Fabric, Quilt) thecech12 2212398 2024-07-07 08:38
Epic Power Bracelets You can use epic bracelets to get more powers! Lupin 319617 2024-07-07 08:22
Easy Villagers Never get annoyed by villagers again! henkelmax 26906492 2024-07-07 07:43
Raised Clouds Allows changing the height at which clouds appear. haykam 56578 2024-07-07 07:28
FPS Boost Want to optimize your game and improve performance? This mods is for you The_TCT 366469 2024-07-06 20:58
Nemo's Woodcutter Just like a Stonecutter, but for wood! NemoNotFound 23234 2024-07-06 20:53
Laser Bridges & Doors [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge] Adds Laser Source Block which when powered creates laser platforms and doors Mars 1313754 2024-07-06 18:46
Mythic Weapons by Neulko Mythic Weapons is a mod that adds new weapons with certain abilities ;) Neulko 7126 2024-07-06 18:38
Nature Arise add new biomes, improve vanilla biomes and vanilla style additions Davidak 519714 2024-07-06 18:08
Enchantable Blocks Allows enchanting of some blocks to change how they function Mrbysco 397175 2024-07-06 17:47
CosmicNPCs Player-like NPCs via motion capture. Namensammler42 219499 2024-07-06 16:08
Cubes With Borders A mod that tweaks the behavior of Minecraft's exclusive fullscreen mode. Kir_Antipov 51 2024-07-06 14:50
MoreLadders Adds more types of ladders to Minecraft nieboczek 3707 2024-07-06 13:23
Limitless options [Forge] This mod removes the Minecraft bug fix MC-51418. Quantum_mutnauQ 757 2024-07-06 09:36
Totemic A mod with a focus on Totems, music and nature ljfa2, Forge_User_22859052 16473036 2024-07-06 09:35
Free Look or Perspective [Forge] Allows you to move your camera without moving the player's head. Quantum_mutnauQ 1788 2024-07-06 09:16
One Recipe Mod to Craft it All Lots of recipes FeyLeChat72 829 2024-07-06 03:41
Simple Hot Air Balloons Vanilla materials allowing flight into the sky! Conborg 229977 2024-07-06 00:36
Dis-Enchanting Table Recover enchantments from enchanted weapons or books! Lupin, jason13official 1037169 2024-07-05 22:21
U Team Core This libary contains many usefull modding stuff HyCraftHD 38245394 2024-07-05 21:53
BrewTools - Mining Dimension Flat, Peaceful, always light mining dimension. Perfect place for your mining automations so as to avoid destroying your overworld. brewingcoder 50 2024-07-05 20:43
Arcane Mobs A Minecraft mod that introduces a variety of new and formidable creatures GentWorm 100 2024-07-05 19:41
Copper Equipment - Now Oxidizes! Copper Tools, Sword, Armor, and Horse Armor! exlinegames 841759 2024-07-05 17:01
Sunbeam Seekers Shine brighter with Sunbeam Seekers! Craft shroomlight-powered sunspotter tools, sip a ferocity potion, and enjoy a sundisc cookie. New music, achievement, and more await! maruchimedia_56735 12 2024-07-05 16:44
Proxy Server Allows you to connect to servers through a proxy ArtFect 22806 2024-07-05 14:50
Carbon Config IC2Classics Config Library Speiger, MedurisDev 552170 2024-07-05 14:13
Sun and Moon Celestial Configuration Change the size of the Sun and Moon! InfernalStudios, tinytransfem, LudoCrypt 3285675 2024-07-05 13:35
Watering Overlay Help you in your farming exploits to see what crops are out of range of water, or to plan out your farms! CakeIsTastyDeveloper 446 2024-07-05 13:01
Better Farming Right Click + Right Click Harvest Input changes to farming to help speed up your intense farming exploits! CakeIsTastyDeveloper 1668 2024-07-05 12:57
toNeko Turn players into catgirls in Minecraft CrystalNeko 4298 2024-07-05 10:22
Umbral Skies A mod for Twilight Forest-Aether content fusion Drullkus 2362217 2024-07-05 09:45
netherfence Nether Fences Connect! Funmelonboy 10 2024-07-05 04:18
More Recipes and more Tools, Armor, Nether Biome, Food but mostly recipes! Gegato12 719 2024-07-04 21:20
More Recipes and more Tools, Armor, Dimension but mostly recipes! Gegato12 387 2024-07-04 21:20
Leathered Boots Comfy and sturdy boots! CrystalSpider, sZeta99, MoonstoneWebber 342070 2024-07-04 16:45
Think before Drop Press Q twice before drop item IAFEnvoy, HaooooZhang 1627 2024-07-04 15:12
Bonfires Easy to use teleportation between anywhere and across dimensions Wehavecookies56 442631 2024-07-04 15:02
ECMC Tools & Ores More tools and resources max62__ 6160 2024-07-04 12:03
AsteorBar A simple mod to display player's status in HUD and mob's health using slim bars. afoxxvi 16001 2024-07-04 10:34
Pumped Desert 2 Pumped Desert 2 is a remake of the Pumped Desert mod, it will add an ostrich that appears in the desert and savannah.Cactus and cow skull.The skull and cactus can be found in the desert. SteveRybakov, Danial_Normand, arseniy16kozlov, Cavaliera, dominator_iris, mssamer 27596 2024-07-04 09:22
HemoCraft Hemocraft, Minecraft mod that introduces a dark and thrilling adventure into the world of blood and crimson realms. Prepare yourself for a journey, as you explore new dimension, wield powerful blood-infused tools, and face formidable bosses. ChocoPichu 6 2024-07-04 09:06
DimStorage DimStorage with DimChest and DimTank 3divad99 18659293 2024-07-04 07:14
RPGZ Stats Adds RPG Stats to the Game Funmelonboy 47 2024-07-04 06:10
Electric Light A simple Forge Energy based electric mod. StarlightCraft 1282 2024-07-04 03:51
Ender Relay [Forge/Fabric] Adds a block that lets you teleport all throughout the end dimension CrownSheep 20472 2024-07-04 01:08
Dong Dong's random creation magic and energy,new ore,new dimension,new tool and weapon type. dongdong250 284 2024-07-03 23:54
Brown Bricks Brown Bricks In Minecraft Latawoo392 12 2024-07-03 21:38
Vrglabs Lib Architectury based custom data Registration system and Utilities Vrglab 88 2024-07-03 19:52
MAtmos 2 ambient sound this mod adds ambient sounds in 1.16 The_TCT 29219 2024-07-03 18:09
Horizon's_Mobs So Strong Mobs!! HorizonPL 1068 2024-07-03 17:49
MoToolss This Mod is to make the game a tiny bit harder by adding a few new ores to mine and craft swords, staffs, stuff like that! Hope you enjoy! awesome_mccarthy4 46 2024-07-03 17:47
The Deep Void A mod that adds a new dimension filled with mysteries and a dark ambience. Mortius 270205 2024-07-03 17:40
Structurize Copy structures, paste structures, manipulate structures (100% GUI) Raycoms, OrionOnline, someaddon, Nightenom, Asherslab 40271106 2024-07-03 17:35
Randomyzer An easy and customizable way to give players random items barnabasd, Valaki 853 2024-07-03 17:26
Craftable Name Tag Makes the Name Tag craftable Block_Legend001 45394 2024-07-03 17:06
Craftable Horse Armor Makes the Horse Armor craftable Block_Legend001 16900 2024-07-03 16:54
Craftable Experience Bottle Makes the Experience Bottle craftable Block_Legend001 22794 2024-07-03 16:35
Spawn Dimension Setter Resurrect yourself in another world! GalievDev 761 2024-07-03 16:15
Soul Bound Enchantment An enchantment book that prevents the player from dropping items imoonday1008 329664 2024-07-03 12:53
Nether Zombies A MOD Which Adds Nether Zombies GlitchedMastery 2009 2024-07-03 11:45
Craftable Enchanted Golden Apple [FORGE/FABRIC] Makes the Enchanted Golden Apple craftable Block_Legend001 118508 2024-07-03 11:26
Craftable Chain Armor Makes the Chain Armor craftable Block_Legend001 7394 2024-07-03 11:08
Door Knocking A mod allowing for knocking on doors when using attacking with empty main hand! Blodhgarm 314 2024-07-03 08:02
Anvil Player Heads Simple server-side mod allowing for adjustment of player heads to be specific usernames! Blodhgarm 11 2024-07-03 07:44
Fence On Slab! [Forge/Fabric/NeoForge] Gives you the ability to place fences on slabs! slainlite 16248 2024-07-03 07:22
Persistent Stuff Saves different states of the game across restarts. AndyRussoDev 287 2024-07-03 06:05
Untoggle sprint Instead of sprinting when you hold the sprint key, this makes you walk when you hold it, and sprint when the sprint key is not held. AndyRussoDev 6 2024-07-03 05:59
Better hidden chat Hides the chat, whilst allowing to send messages and run commands. AndyRussoDev 5 2024-07-03 05:52
Dynamic fire overlay Hides the fire overlay if you have the fire resistance effect. AndyRussoDev 10 2024-07-03 05:47
Nexus Storage Mod (NeoForge) A simple technical storage mod syconnmc 14 2024-07-03 03:30
The More Stuff Mod in the more stuff mod it adds blocks tools advancements and more kerbal0694 19 2024-07-03 02:02
Leon's Ocean Trader adds a new villager, the Ocean Trader and his lighthouse Leonxkingx, Taknax 113396 2024-07-03 01:13
Advancement Unlocked Ever thought Vanilla Advancements were lacking? Ever thought Bedrock got the better piece of the pie? (in terms of advancements) Well look no further, this mod adds a large amount of advancements and will continue to add more Cylixr 2 2024-07-02 22:43
Accessories A extendable and data-driven Accessory Mod for Minecraft Blodhgarm 2338118 2024-07-02 22:09
City Craft This mod expands the game with vanilla friendly streets, signs and other decoration blocks to transform your world into a huge city! XxRexRaptorxX 57588 2024-07-02 19:31
More_Building_Blocks New building blocks that will make the world a prettier one! HorizonPL 3672 2024-07-02 18:34
New_Metals New ores, tools, weapons and moore! HorizonPL 11253 2024-07-02 17:47
Force Crawl Manually Control When You Crawl FamroFexl 909992 2024-07-02 13:01
FTB Quests (Forge) Questing Mod by FTB FTB, ErrorMikey 117428815 2024-07-02 09:40
FTB Quests (Fabric) FTB Quests is a lightweight, team-based questing mod and is very simple to use. (Fabric version) FTB, ErrorMikey 16768090 2024-07-02 09:39
FireHud Customize the visuals of fire to your exact needs and beyond LordEnder_Kitty 2282 2024-07-02 05:01
Gravity changer(s) (reupload) this is a reupload for modpack purposes, do not associate this mod with me whatsoever. unbound85_ 36 2024-07-02 03:33
A Grand Adventure An "Orespawn style" mod that aims to add as much random content that all comes together at the end of the mod. DaNubCraft 71 2024-07-02 01:55
Frozen Zombie Castle Adds a new castle with a new mob, the Frozen Zombie Leonxkingx 12327 2024-07-02 00:00
Spongebob meme paintings Adds 23 new Spongebob meme paintings Leonxkingx 4328 2024-07-01 23:52
Pyrotechnic Elytra Create a show everywhere you fly! CrystalSpider, MoonstoneWebber, sZeta99 7344 2024-07-01 21:37
More Outputs API A developer API to add recipes with more than one output ScaredRabbitNL 208 2024-07-01 16:54
Shiny Horses Forge - Enchantable Horse Armor Enchant horse armor and gallop over the freezing ocean! tinytransfem 477754 2024-07-01 15:46
Energon Ore and Tools Adds Energon from the Transformers franchise with ore and tools! FuriousDrop 71 2024-07-01 13:51
ToLaserBlade (Forge/NeoForge) A sword with a laser blade Iunius118 288988 2024-07-01 13:23
Ocean's Enhancements Mod enhancing ocean's environment with sea horses, sea shells, pearls, anemones and more! LillouArts 71 2024-07-01 12:45
Thaumon Thaumcraft-inspired decoration blocks for modern Minecraft moonst0ne, shizotoaster 756575 2024-07-01 12:03
New Witch drops This Mod changes the Witch loottable to the version 1.21, but is still below it. paulantis20 16 2024-07-01 09:45
MOA DECOR: COOKERY Add new models of decorative kitchen items to your builds. moa666creator 659053 2024-07-01 05:24
Decorative Lattices Lattices to decorate your buildings Alexander8VKHZ 47249 2024-07-01 04:31
Just Enough Items (JEI) View Items and Recipes mezz 344073770 2024-07-01 03:12
Pro Placer Bedrock Edition-like easy and accurate block placement and breaking plus reach-around placement for fast bridging. Fuzs 111944 2024-06-30 22:03
Zombie Apocalypse Drops This Mod adds additional drops to Zombies. MCModsPete 2072 2024-06-30 21:37
Simple Hammers Simple 3x3 Hammers rendy 11697 2024-06-30 20:31
Bountiful Adds bounty boards, giving rewards for collecting different blocks and items. Ejektaflex 43112986 2024-06-30 20:15
Bountiful (Fabric) Adds bounty boards, giving rewards for collecting different blocks and items. Ejektaflex 8567227 2024-06-30 20:14
Guilded Arrows Additional arrows to spice up gameplay. thetrueguildhall, Zyarch, BotatoLL, ArkVeil 2082 2024-06-30 20:01
Easy Farmland Harvest and plant with just one click ! And other features for farming ! Sobix 46 2024-06-30 18:23
Oritech A technology-focused mod, with animated machinery, diverse processing options, and plenty of new mechanics and equipment rearth 94467 2024-06-30 17:38
Pump Fun Adds a Pumpgun that you can upgrade. Nanabu 69 2024-06-30 16:57
FixEscape Add a second escape button that is re-bindable Oxodao 174 2024-06-30 14:33
Custom Portal API Reforged Forge port of Fabrics Custom Portal API, updated for newer versions of MC. AzureDoomC 180389 2024-06-30 03:20
Captcha Adds Captcha's to Minecraft Mrbysco 22844 2024-06-30 00:43
Superior Hammers! [ FORGE / FABRIC ] Why use pickaxes, when you can use hammers and dig in a 3x3 radius! Marwinekk256 340616 2024-06-30 00:42
Extra ropes Tired of exploring deep caves? Try with some ropes! 27salex 20501 2024-06-29 23:49
Epic Dungeons: A Roguelike Journey Awesome uniquely varied epic dungeons, from the buried Crystal Castle to the spider-infested Forgotten Sewers. Your traveller's journey begins! ZimayaVerse 124 2024-06-29 23:13
STAL Alloys This mod adds new metals and metal alloys into Minecraft that add more variety to tools, armors, decorative blocks, and resources when mining. Sephta 943 2024-06-29 21:44
Multi Item Lib A placeholder mod for the Fabric-Api until better unhardcoding exists. OroArmor 3796 2024-06-29 21:31
BisectHosting Server Integration Menu [FABRIC] BisectHosting Server List Menu Integration for Fabric BisectHosting 14319348 2024-06-29 18:57
Brick Furnace Brick Furnaces made of clay. (configurable, datapack support) (Forge, NeoForge, Fabric, Quilt) thecech12 283529 2024-06-29 18:12
Iris Shaders A modern shaders mod for Minecraft intended to be compatible with existing Optifine shaders coderbot, IMS21 41232811 2024-06-29 14:25
Riordan Craft (Percy Jackson) A Percy Jackson Mod Chr1sSm1t 292 2024-06-29 11:24
Admin_tools This mod adds a lot of different in-game tools that can be used to easily maintain, for example, Essential servers. Hyvis10 90 2024-06-29 11:04
Dio's Lib Companion mod required by all mods from Janoeo Team. AlasDiablo 600419 2024-06-29 09:52
Server Tab Info A client and/or server mod that gives nice a way to view the mean tick time and ticks per second (TPS) of the game black_dog20 8746103 2024-06-29 08:36
Colored Bricks Mod Adds a brick variant for each vanilla Minecraft color. pinary_pi 487518 2024-06-29 06:38
Tax' Ocean Villager Ocean Villager is a Minecraft modification aims to add ships with villagers. Taknax, Leonxkingx 866809 2024-06-29 06:14
More Beautiful Torches | +600 New Torches! Adds more than 600 new torches created from vanilla materials. Lupin, jason13official 1375377 2024-06-28 21:02
More Than Biomes! Ever wanted to have more features to plain boring old vanilla? Well now you can! This mod adds new biomes and new ores and each with their own armor and weapon sets. New mobs for the new biomes, and so much more! Enderbot_12231 1215 2024-06-28 19:21
CraftTweaker GUI Allows editing and managing edited recipes for CraftTweaker Bommels05 99 2024-06-28 17:38
The Endless Horizons This mod adds different utilities that have the Horizons theme. For example, the primordial trials, dungeons with great difficulty, but that give you exclusive objects. If you love exploration, you will surely love the Endless Horizons mod. Smokedancer 798 2024-06-28 17:07
Macaw's Bridges - Biomes O' Plenty A compatibility between Macaw's Bridges and the different woods and stones of Biome O' Plenty Samlegamer_ 5820288 2024-06-28 16:23
Traveler's Backpack [Fabric] Unique and upgradeable backpacks with customisation, Trinkets integration and more! Tiviacz1337 13138769 2024-06-28 16:07
Cubeberries Adds Cubeberries and some stuff associated with them 1dl 14 2024-06-28 13:02
KilnReborn Smelts things a blast furnace and smoker can't at double speed. Kiran, BluSpring 713 2024-06-28 09:29
San's Music Discs This mod adds tons of new discs, every artist and song is listed in the description. San_nilty 6 2024-06-28 07:57
Server-side Vein Miner & Tunneler A veinminer for servers that works with vanilla clients. Also includes a tunnel digger Tourmi 645350 2024-06-28 06:48
Fluorine Mod changing night and adding reputation Yanikara 331 2024-06-28 06:38
Chaos Tricks Twitch Integration Сhaos Tricks (Interactive mod) - It's a PC App & Twitch extension for interactive streaming. Streamers play in Minecraft and confront the viewers watching the stream in real-time! 85+ unique events can cause your viewers to donate Bits or Channel Points ChaosTricksApp, PHombie, nextgLoki 13151 2024-06-28 05:48
End Reborn A vanilla-style, lightweight End expansion focused on expanding Minecraft’s endgame, designed to perfectly integrate with both vanilla and your favourite End mods. rebel0459 3880 2024-06-28 05:17
Theurgy An open-source magic mod built around classical alchemy to replicate and transmute matter, and create magical artifacts. kli_kli 11801012 2024-06-28 04:43
New Ruined Portals Well, this datapack makes a notable change and modifies the ruined portals, makes it look different but not so exaggerated, with a better appearance. vanillaPL 34 2024-06-28 02:04
Slimefun Essentials Slimefun Essentials is a minecraft mod dedicated to add support for Slimefun4 items and mechanics to other client sided mods. JustAHuman_xD 3791 2024-06-27 23:22
Content Creator Integration (Forge) Do practically anything you want when a stream event happens. Subs/cheers/tips/hosts/etc. Anything. iChun 1054518 2024-06-27 23:17
Content Creator Integration (Fabric) Do practically anything you want when a stream event happens. Subs/cheers/tips/hosts/etc. Anything. iChun 2707 2024-06-27 23:16
More Tools (Polymer) Server-side: adds hammers and excavators! JongWasTaken 10938 2024-06-27 22:25
[ORB] OresRBack Makes ores actually drop ores bengiv 117 2024-06-27 22:21
Actually Additions Fan-favorite magitech mod full of fun and useful gadgets Ellpeck 68536758 2024-06-27 22:02
Skart's Decorations A Decoration mod with over 750 blocks, currently in beta skart2000 312003 2024-06-27 19:14
GLSL Panorama Shaders This mod allows resource packs to add GLSL shaders for the title screen panorama magistermaks 14968 2024-06-27 18:44
Endorium (Fabric) Compact End-themed expansion. Immodernist 320300 2024-06-27 13:52
Endorium (Forge) Compact End-themed expansion. Immodernist 4186720 2024-06-27 13:51
Sierra's Flowers Adds a few new flowers to spice up your floral experience! sria72 343537 2024-06-27 13:41
More Varients More Blocks,Slabs,Stairs and more chekmate80 730 2024-06-27 13:12
TmTmc-OresAndMore Take Me To Minecraft - Ores And More smmmadden 21119 2024-06-27 11:53
NaNny (Fix NaN Health / Absorption) A Minecraft Forge mod that cleans up after mods that set entitys' health and/or absorption to NaN. qther 2523717 2024-06-27 11:14
What is it? Allows to search any item/block/entity on minecraft.wiki Bullfighter 516 2024-06-27 10:53
Avaritia Lite Avaritia for newest version (but with bugs) Bullfighter 728462 2024-06-27 10:12
Pipez Simple and efficient pipes henkelmax 36225949 2024-06-27 07:25
Simple Voice Radio Adds a simple radio to be used alongside Simple Voice Chat. CodinGlitch 65135 2024-06-27 06:35
Block Sort Gui to sorts blocks (hue, saturation, lightness, and roughness) so you can find one you want to use easier. Taleuxss 188 2024-06-27 04:39
Chisel Reborn [Forge/Fabric/NeoForge] Adds New Blocks! Slaincow, slainlite 4085220 2024-06-27 03:13
Trinkets Compat Layer for Accessories A Compatibility layer for mods using the Trinkets API to work with Accessories Blodhgarm, chyzman5253 1310766 2024-06-27 02:56
Party Parrots (Forge) Dance, parrot! Dance! iChun 2056440 2024-06-27 01:26
Party Parrots (Fabric) Dance, parrot! Dance! iChun 1324 2024-06-27 01:25
Limited Lives (Forge) Limit yourself to a set number of lives in a world, with your health decreasing every respawn! iChun 943975 2024-06-27 01:25
Limited Lives (Fabric) Limit yourself to a set number of lives in a world, with your health decreasing every respawn! iChun 9922 2024-06-27 01:23
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (Forge) Dogs should not be left sitting. They should be allowed to lie down. This lets 'em. iChun 6497991 2024-06-27 01:23
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (Fabric) Dogs should not be left sitting. They should be allowed to lie down. This lets 'em. iChun 422516 2024-06-27 01:22
Chinese flying island tower Adds a floating island, complete with a majestic traditional chinese tower!  SuperWarioModTeam, SuperWario 19367 2024-06-27 01:19
Ding (Forge) Plays a configurable sound when Minecraft loads and reaches the Main Menu, connects to a server or finishes reloading resources. iChun 50626567 2024-06-27 01:19
Ding (Fabric) Plays a configurable sound when Minecraft loads and reaches the Main Menu, connects to a server or finishes reloading resources. iChun 29091 2024-06-27 01:18
Death Counter (Forge) How many times did you die? iChun 2903484 2024-06-27 01:15
Death Counter (Fabric) How many times did you die? iChun 7555 2024-06-27 01:14
Better Than Llamas (Fabric) What could be better except some real fancy dapper llamas? iChun 257981 2024-06-27 01:10
Better Than Llamas (Forge) What could be better except some real fancy dapper llamas? iChun 6351339 2024-06-27 01:10
Better Than Bunnies (Forge) What could be better except some real fancy dapper bunnies? iChun 16338673 2024-06-27 01:09
Better Than Bunnies (Fabric) What could be better except some real fancy dapper bunnies? iChun 221382 2024-06-27 01:08
Warp Portals ─ Portal teleportation Create Warp Portals between your favorite locations gabriel_pinheiro 15773 2024-06-27 01:05
Clay Soldiers Reborn [Forge/Fabric] Adds Clay Soldiers that will fight each other slainlite 88096 2024-06-26 22:15
MelonMadness Tons of melon items armors sword and more! Funmelonboy 115 2024-06-26 21:53
Better Days Gives you control over the passage of time by allowing you to customize the length of the day-night cycle and alters the Minecraft sleep mechanic by accelerating the speed of time. wendall911 441716 2024-06-26 21:26
Nacho mod + extras NACHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOs nooo 26 2024-06-26 17:33
More Chests Variants (MCV) Giving each wood its own chest (Forge/Fabric) LieOnLion 654719 2024-06-26 16:56
Better to Play (MVS) Dungeon (Addon) A Better to Play addon with more and cool stuff! PinguinmikeTV 125 2024-06-26 13:44
ToLaserBlade-ExtraModels A ToLaserBlade add-on to add more laser blade shapes. Requires ToLaserBlade. Iunius118 11535 2024-06-26 13:28
Puzzles Lib [Forge & Fabric] Why's it called Puzzles you ask? That's the puzzle! Fuzs 86310910 2024-06-26 12:36
Chickens 2: The Beakquel Chickens too Official_CreeperHost, Gigabit101 22568 2024-06-26 11:38
DECORATIVE COMPUTERS This is a mod, it will add decorative computers. SteveRybakov, Cavaliera, Danial_Normand, arseniy16kozlov 41725 2024-06-26 10:58
The First Aether Dimension The Real Aether, made from Mojang original files. LNLenost 607 2024-06-26 09:31
Damage Numbers Adds simple damage number particles when any entity takes damage luavixen 5082 2024-06-26 06:37
FootprintParticle A simple mod that adds footprint particle for mobs. rimo2022 436013 2024-06-26 05:46
NeoRecipes A small mod made for Neoforge that make you craft the uncraftable! Bananapantz 11 2024-06-26 02:29
Golem Gear A mod with features based off the iron golem Ezkidtrix 162 2024-06-26 00:32
Beautified Chat [Server] 💬 A highly configurable mod to change the style and colour of chat messages server-wide. Serilum 157401 2024-06-25 19:59
All The Fan Made Discs This Fabric mod add 79 New discs to minecraft, theses discs are made by the minecraft community. supernoob6 100639 2024-06-25 19:55
Hullabaloo A tech mod with a particular focus on automation and item management Gitko01 883 2024-06-25 18:59
Project Tennyson A mod based on the TV show Ben 10, granting special abilites and powers via a wristwatch from space. VracstanRenem 30 2024-06-25 18:01
Living Armor Adds a very simple new enemy mob to the game A_teapot_orbiting_the_sun 879 2024-06-25 17:54
Macaw's Lights and Lamps Adds vanila styled lamps, torches, street lamps, paper lamps, slabs... Make your worlds brighter! sketch_macaw 30886067 2024-06-25 16:41
EB's Wildfire Adds in the Wildfire from Minecraft Dungeons in a way that makes it fit seamlessly in Vanilla Gameplay. EBMarioTheDatapackGuy, Auxiliary 460 2024-06-25 15:57
ETERNULL Explore the Corruption and fight The Null! OvershockGames 12269 2024-06-25 15:57
Starter Kit 📦 Give all new players joining the world configurable starter gear, items and/or potion effects. It can overwrite the initial inventory, or add the items after. Compatible with FTB Team Islands. Serilum 37362414 2024-06-25 15:41
Copper Tools and Shears Adds copper tools. 1.20 - 1.20.1 - 1.20.2 - 1.20.3 - 1.20.4 - 1.20.5 - 1.20.6 Apollo_2040 73 2024-06-25 12:30
Loot Stock A configurable loot generator powers282 1624 2024-06-25 11:15
Everything and Anything (EaA) This mod includes tools, weapons, dimensions, decoration, storage and many more tototuto 1814 2024-06-25 10:45
Mineguns Mod which adds new weapons amibartek1234 38151 2024-06-25 10:05
Desert Lands The Overworld has been laid to waste, it's your job to survive. lutri_2 554 2024-06-25 09:29
Ore Harvester ⛏️ Harvest entire ore veins instantly and drop ore items at the initial block position. An updated alternative to the vein miner / veinminer mods. Serilum 241641 2024-06-25 08:36
Chat Plus A Simple mod add bukkit style with an "&" and "[item]" display for Fabric Server. Rev_Aria 283 2024-06-25 02:23
Dynamic Asset Generator Library mod for dynamically generating assets at runtime. lukebemish 4398682 2024-06-25 02:21
MineMore A mod that adds an abundancy of new ores and new tool/armor sets! sr_steveofilme 605 2024-06-25 00:16
More Doors More Doors is a Fabric & Forge Mod which adds Over 50 New Doors & Trapdoors + Glass Doors afraidmonster 168122 2024-06-24 20:47
Torch hit! Attack with torches to deal fire damage! CrystalSpider, MoonstoneWebber, sZeta99 459844 2024-06-24 20:43
Eternal Tales Eternal Tales is a huge RPG story mod that adds more of new worlds, skills, quests and bosse Arky_Fursblack 232275 2024-06-24 19:51
Config API [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge/Quilt] Forge Like Config API with Screen. Craftjakob 143181 2024-06-24 13:34
Occultism A magic mod inspired by the world of Jonathan Stroud's Bartimaeus. With the help of occult rituals players can summon entities from the "Other Side" to perform magic. kli_kli 33000858 2024-06-24 12:22
FTB Essentials (Forge & Fabric) Adds many essential utility commands for servers FTB, ErrorMikey 49362155 2024-06-24 10:00
Integrated Terminals Terminals for managing and overviewing Integrated Dynamics networks kroeser 34949410 2024-06-24 07:17
EvilCraft An evil mod for Minecraft. kroeser 28853283 2024-06-24 06:56
Fabric Voice Chat Broadcast An addon mod to henkelmax's Simple Voice Chat fabric mod corfoto4 573 2024-06-24 05:30
Decorative Pavers Paving stones to decorate streets, parks, recreational spaces, etc. Alexander8VKHZ 21835 2024-06-24 00:59
SyncedAdvancements a fabric mod i put together in 30 minutes just to sync advancements between players aeroshide 11 2024-06-24 00:52
Friend Highlighter A client-side mod to highlight players, mobs, animals, and items easily through blocks. It is an entity locator. IncandescentTurtle 2348 2024-06-23 23:44
Meridian I have introduced a wide array of fresh content, including numerous melee and mage weapons, a vibrant autumn biome teeming with novel mobs, and a unique tree collection. I have also enriched the food selection and incorporated new items, along with an alte Easttas 243 2024-06-23 23:03
XP Tome Adds a book that can store a configurable amount of XP. bl4ckscor3 51855701 2024-06-23 21:02
Deepslate Tweaks (Forge / Fabric) changes the speed at which Deepslate is mined to that of regular stone SYCO_3 171920 2024-06-23 20:25
ChestESP This mod highlights nearby chests so you can see them through walls. It's based on a Wurst Client feature of the same name. alexander9892 32722 2024-06-23 19:59
Wooden Shears Adds Wooden Shears (Forge, NeoForge, Fabric, Quilt) thecech12 2721211 2024-06-23 19:41
ScaryGranny! add new mob in world - granny R4mBLe 2103 2024-06-23 19:00
Elestium A Limetable created mod that's adds Romanium ore and more... LimetableMC 16 2024-06-23 18:59
AgriCraft Agricultural farming extended. InfinityRaider, ketheroth 29619205 2024-06-23 18:47
Macaw's Bridges A simple mod that adds a lot of bridges! sketch_macaw 77170534 2024-06-23 18:22
Pride Land (LGBT / LGBTQIA) Adds a handful of lgbt / lgbtqia themed blocks, decorations, and tools making the gameplay more multihued Wolren 745 2024-06-23 17:00
MineBikes Mod adding new motorcycles and all the equipment necessary for their operation amibartek1234 1496 2024-06-23 16:10
ToLaserBlade (Fabric) A sword with a laser blade Iunius118 66533 2024-06-23 14:14
Enchanting System Overhaul Changes the way items are enchanted to give players more control and reduce impact of RNG CmdrJane 12552 2024-06-23 12:02
Integrated Scripting Create scripts for handling complex operations in Integrated Dynamics kroeser 1982122 2024-06-23 05:15
Hardcore Torches (Forge) Makes torches and lanterns temporary. Torches can be replaced and lanterns can be refueled with oil. WolfieWaffle 725917 2024-06-23 01:52
Healing Soup 🍲 [PvP Mod] Soup heals hearts. Adds recipes for chocolate milk, cactus soup and stew. Serilum 242104 2024-06-22 23:25
Manure 💩 Animals periodically drop manure, which can be used as a bone meal substitute. Serilum 332616 2024-06-22 23:07
Collective 🎓 Collective is a shared library with common code for all of Serilum's mods. Serilum 112344360 2024-06-22 22:57
Placeable Blaze Rods 🕯 Makes blaze rods placeable as a custom block in the world, like end rods. Serilum 156107 2024-06-22 22:21
Areas ✍️ Create custom named regions/towns/zones with a radius using signs, with join/leave messages via GUI. Serilum 7090085 2024-06-22 21:18
Goblins : Smart Monsters Mobs able to mine, create weapons and attack players in groups! TheLightningAxolotl378 375 2024-06-22 20:53
Snifferite Adds new sniffer drops to create snifferite, used to upgrade iron tools and armor tostiman 68 2024-06-22 15:19
Integrated REST Expose Integrated Dynamics networks as a REST API kroeser 151506 2024-06-22 13:06
Integrated Crafting Craft stuff in Integrated Dynamics networks kroeser 31321048 2024-06-22 12:26
Colossal Chests For when regular chests are too small kroeser 31711300 2024-06-22 12:25
EverlastingAbilities Discover, share and conquer abilities that stick. kroeser 9119257 2024-06-22 12:23
IconExporter Exports item and block icons to files kroeser 25817 2024-06-22 12:22
EnergeticSheep Sheep that generate energy kroeser 5928312 2024-06-22 12:21
CapabilityProxy Access block capabilities from multiple sides kroeser 3254730 2024-06-22 12:21
Structured Crafting Craft stuff in your world, automatically. kroeser 2050164 2024-06-22 12:15
Flopper A hopper for transferring fluids kroeser 5263147 2024-06-22 12:13
JourneyMap Real-time mapping in-game or your browser as you explore. techbrew, Mysticdrew, meme_sapiens 260073138 2024-06-22 11:43
Randome Items Add new Items. RaptorFugueu_ 648 2024-06-22 11:35
microDurability A very minimal durability viewer. dzwdz 22510 2024-06-22 09:40
Server Resourcepack Checker Only load server resource packs when necessary henkelmax 34711 2024-06-22 08:52
Curios Compat Layer for Accessories A Compatibility layer for mods using the Curios API to work with Accessories Blodhgarm 321667 2024-06-22 07:08
Decorative Entities decorative entities is a mod with a variety of entities to decorate your house, it has a total of 57 different entities. Alexander8VKHZ 12761 2024-06-22 07:07
HideAsterisk Hide"Modded"in Main menu and hide "*" in title bar ciluqwq 126 2024-06-22 06:21
Rings of Ascension (Forge/NeoForge) New rings for your minecraft adventure. focamacho 2385197 2024-06-22 05:25
In-Game Account Switcher This mod allows you to change your logged in account in-game, without restarting Minecraft The_Fireplace, VidTu 842765 2024-06-22 04:23
Tool Belt A utility belt that holds your tools gigaherz 53569432 2024-06-21 22:16
Sewing Kit Adds a Sewing table and mechanic similar to the vanilla cartography or stonecutting gigaherz 445589 2024-06-21 22:12
McWebserver Run a Website and powerful API on your Minecraft Server! Jonas_Jones 695 2024-06-21 21:16
BetterConsoleMC Create custom ingame commads that run system commands and tasks. This is a new and improved version of the ConsoleMC mod. It works by defining the command first to avoid the big security risk. Jonas_Jones 84 2024-06-21 21:07
BetterRandomSourceConcurrencyCrash Improved logging of crashes caused by mods accessing RandomSources from the wrong thread XFactHD 573 2024-06-21 20:46
ConsoleMC A mod that allows console commands to be executed over the ingame Minecraft chat. Jonas_Jones 278 2024-06-21 20:20
Thaumia! (Legacy) A magic mod based on aura and taint LeoMP 126528 2024-06-21 20:19
Chisels & Bits - For Forge Create endless custom decorations using in game materials. AlgorithmX2, OrionOnline 113163143 2024-06-21 18:33
Chisels & Bits - For Fabric The famous Chisels & Bits mod - For Fabric OrionOnline 2020269 2024-06-21 18:32
KubeJS Edit recipes, add new custom items, script world events, all in JavaScript! LatvianModder 66240277 2024-06-21 18:23
Enderite Mod (for Fabric) Adds successors to Netherite items pitti11, PianoManu, nic4las 453297 2024-06-21 16:57
TimeoutAgent A Java agent that increases the timeout time when connecting to a Minecraft Server Official_CreeperHost, covers1624, Gigabit101, Paul_T_T 66247 2024-06-21 15:59
Water In The Nether Allows you to place water in the nether. Grape 865 2024-06-21 14:38
TheyWillSpread A block that will destroy your world TomekITA 140 2024-06-21 12:34
Supreme Mining Dimensions All Kinds of Mining Dimensions for Every Situation! Azure_Ddraig 166509 2024-06-21 11:53
Just Is All This mod will add new dimension weapons, and various interesting things, such as new game rules, and new blocks) ZARPLAY 76 2024-06-21 11:34
New_Blocks_Variants Stairs, walls, slabs, fences... HorizonPL 3381 2024-06-21 08:56
Apollo's GOLD AND GLORY A small mod that adds some golden things. Apollo123 12 2024-06-21 06:58
Raw Ore Block Smelting Smelt your Raw Ore Blocks ReckLess101 2721 2024-06-21 06:19
Structure Gel API An API for simplifying the developer end of creating generated structures. ModdingLegacy, silver_david 71667030 2024-06-21 05:41
Frostiful A Vanilla+ Snow & Frost Update Survival Experience for Minecraft - sister mod of Scorchful! TheDeathlyCow 7102048 2024-06-21 03:54
In-game NBTEdit Reborn A mod adds a GUI to edit NBT of Entities or BlockEntities. InfinRain 49651 2024-06-21 03:49
AEInfinityBooster Added Infinity Range Card and Dimension Card to AE2 hexeptiondev 16471921 2024-06-21 03:02
RSInfinityBooster Added Infinity Range Card hexeptiondev 26362371 2024-06-21 02:59
Decorative paths Paths to decorate your houses and buildings Alexander8VKHZ 6114 2024-06-21 02:56
Green World Make use of the green. kaivien 182 2024-06-20 21:51
Blasting Raw Metal Blocks into Blocks [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge] This mod allows you to smelt whole blocks of raw metals into blocks of that metal Mars 235464 2024-06-20 21:28
Biome Plus This mod adds and enhances minecraft biomes! Fedecraft509 2350 2024-06-20 21:00
More Matter Alchemy Addon that add more matter items in Item Alchemy mod AmeliaCute 31 2024-06-20 16:54
RTH 2 Random things happen 2 is a mod with tools and blocks and more H2O_Panda 18739 2024-06-20 15:47
Coloured Bundles Forge Adds Colored Bundles hexeptiondev 659 2024-06-20 14:54
Coloured Bundles Fabric Adds Colored Bundles into 1.17 hexeptiondev 1048 2024-06-20 14:54
Thermoo A temperature library mod for Fabric TheDeathlyCow 6588059 2024-06-20 11:13
New Ages This mod is about machines and metal. thundaah 5 2024-06-20 10:39
Traveler's Compass A compass that will help you find any mob, block or item nearby nNined 733887 2024-06-20 09:00
Awakened Evil Monsters, magic, adventure, and grappling hooks Darimus 3047 2024-06-20 04:40
Iron Shulker Boxes Iron shulker boxes, formerly in Iron Chests ProgWML6, Alexbegt 1146678 2024-06-20 02:32
Iridium Exporter Export item data and icons for the upcoming program Iridium. xEobard_Thawne 7 2024-06-20 01:29
Torch Bandolier A simple torch holder/placer SilentChaos512 687466 2024-06-20 01:19
Iron Chests Iron Chest mod ProgWML6, Alexbegt 174996122 2024-06-20 00:10
Crafting Enchanted Golden Apple - [Fabric] Returns crafting enchanted golden apple [1.14.4 - 1.21.4] creanter 13041 2024-06-19 19:44
Old TNT Particles This mod brings the old TNT particles to the new versions. killercube_ 10427 2024-06-19 19:44
Lucky TNT Mod (Too Much TNT) Over 200 different TNTs to destroy your minecraft world! Fleshcrafter_, SlimingHD 1354595 2024-06-19 19:24
Lucky TNT Lib The Library Mod to the Lucky TNT Mod! Fleshcrafter_, SlimingHD 470300 2024-06-19 19:21
MineTraps This mod adds several new traps to the game! XxRexRaptorxX 2647917 2024-06-19 18:47
Mclogs - mclo.gs Share your Minecraft server log directly from your server with one simple command. AternosDBO, JulianVennen 153626 2024-06-19 17:52
Yeetus Experimentus Yeetus Experimental Settings Sunekaer 20157974 2024-06-19 14:55
Labelling Containers A mod used to set icons and label chests, shulker boxes, barrels and other containers without the need of signs. Infinituum17 64268 2024-06-19 14:18
Towns and Towers Spice up your world with new villages, pillager outposts, and even new ships! Biban_Auriu, Kubek 42068712 2024-06-19 14:05
All_Recipes A few new recipes that are sure to come in handy. HorizonPL 1873 2024-06-19 13:42
Find Best Horse Stats Search all horses within your simulation distance and find the best horse automatically! xggxwolf 188 2024-06-19 09:52
StackCalc Revived Rewrite of TomB_134's Fabric client mod that can calculate items to stacks, shulker boxes or double chests. syberiak_official, tomb_134 459 2024-06-19 08:38
Minis Adds mini player mobs hexeptiondev 371361 2024-06-19 05:41
Company Tech Company Tech is a mod that adds a lot of new and fun technical items to the game, like bombs, abilities, magic staffs, cool biomes to explore, and more :) VaporRi0t 46 2024-06-19 03:04
Loginar Storage Storage and inventory improvements... and alien squid dudes SilentChaos512 124900 2024-06-19 01:05
Glazed Foods Do you wish honey had more uses? Do you wish your unseasoned food could have some more flavor? This is the mod for you! SuitFellow 25 2024-06-19 00:26
Apocalyptic Origins A Collection of 3 Origins for The Great Westerning Modpack ALindd 1522 2024-06-19 00:06
Macaw's Holidays Adds Christmas & Halloween decorations, Christmas Tree, Lights, Garland, Candy cane and more! sketch_macaw 1111799 2024-06-18 22:34
Monsters Level Up A mod that makes mobs level up alongside the Player Mortius 2663 2024-06-18 21:33
CraftingTakesTime It adds a time mechanic to crafting SaltyWater 232 2024-06-18 20:10
Macaw's Fences and Walls Adds new vanila styled fences, walls and gates! sketch_macaw 48426685 2024-06-18 19:57
TickTockTracker Add a server uptime tracker command /uptime Jonas_Jones 117 2024-06-18 19:42
Undertale Stuff A NeoForge mod that adds stuff from Undertale. Catperson6 10 2024-06-18 19:15
Concoction! Can't travel on empty stomach! woofyboo 184 2024-06-18 19:02
More Swords [35+ swords] A swords mod that adds more than 35+ swords, most of them having their own fun unique abilities. DrakoZ 8828 2024-06-18 18:17
NBT Exporter Export any items as NBT files! ScenarioPlanet 648 2024-06-18 16:17
Mod Menu Adds a mod menu to view the list of mods you have installed. Prospector 37951797 2024-06-18 16:15
Text Placeholder API Placeholder and Text manipulation library for your Minecraft mods. Patbox 1424555 2024-06-18 15:49
Acatar by Phax709 Mod created by Phax709 that improves the basic content of Minecraft by adding new biome, ore and blocks, this mod is more based on exploration with plants and trees different from what Minecraft offers. Phax709 1032 2024-06-18 12:47
Sharpened Swords Adds Sharpened Swords to Minecraft Scottadv 406 2024-06-18 12:25
Better Skills Add Skills and skill trees to your game ! FeuSalamander 63054 2024-06-18 12:24
MoreOresPlus Ores mod... croci222 618 2024-06-18 11:47
BetterMinecraft Do you want new adventures? Downoald This mod and explore new dimension, new biomes and gather new resources. danylokhit 4860 2024-06-18 11:10
Anvil Repairing Allows players to repair anvils in a way that feels vanilla. DarkhaxDev, witixin 271714 2024-06-18 01:13
Zoomify A zoom mod with infinite customizability. XanderIsDev 12804125 2024-06-17 23:36
WhyMap High performance in-browser map with high zoom levels for detailed view wefhy 1193 2024-06-17 23:09
Macaw's Doors Adds vanila doors with every wood color and new unique doors! sketch_macaw 60528317 2024-06-17 20:50
NoFog A highly configurable client-side Fabric, Forge(<=1.20.1) and NeoForge(1.20.2+) mod that removes all fog Tommeh2, Virtuoel 4395511 2024-06-17 18:31
Preposterous The hardest Minecraft Mod Ever *Maybe* Crowned_Champion 46 2024-06-17 17:25
KrystalCraft Make your mining more complex with new machines and minerals. TonimatasDEV 10156 2024-06-17 17:08
Tax' Tree Giant Tree Giant is a Minecraft modification aims add giant trees in the wealth. Taknax 144 2024-06-17 15:18
Nebulus' Cherryblossom Tree Cherryblossom Tree is a Minecraft modification aims to add a giant Cherryblossom Tree in the cherryblossom biome. Nebulus, Taknax 184807 2024-06-17 15:16
Nebulus' Spruce Tree Spruce Tree is a Minecraft modification aims to add a giant Spruce Tree in the spruce biome. Nebulus, Taknax 873 2024-06-17 15:11
Nebulus' Oak Tree Oak Tree is a Minecraft modification aims to add a giant Oak Tree in the oak biome. Nebulus, Taknax 1800 2024-06-17 14:59
Nebulus' Jungle Tree Jungle Tree is a Minecraft modification aims to add a giant Jungle Tree in the jungle biome. Nebulus, Taknax 971 2024-06-17 14:52
Client Capes A local cape mod for fabric that introduces the ability to use .png and .gif files as capes in the game iipho3nixx 5152 2024-06-17 12:18
Growthcraft Decorations Adds additional decorative blocks to Minecraft Alatyami 17407 2024-06-17 03:01
Crafticube A block that combines a chest and a tank themadjem 21 2024-06-17 00:06
Submerged Explosions Allows blocks to be destroyed by explosions that are submerged in liquids. xBigEllx 14298 2024-06-16 23:13
New Slabs, Stairs & Walls The ultimate mod for building with slabs, stairs and walls ManosSef 84717 2024-06-16 23:09
Throwable Explosives Allows you to throw primed TNT blocks from your hand. xBigEllx 102055 2024-06-16 22:24
Battle Music ♫ Adds fully configurable battle music NekoTune 1985 2024-06-16 20:00
Realistic Explosion Physics A realistic overhaul of Minecraft's explosion mechanics. xBigEllx 237396 2024-06-16 18:33
CheatUtils This mod includes XRay or block finder, entity highlighting, kill aura, etc Zergatul 253513 2024-06-16 17:36
CheatUtils by Zergatul This mod includes XRay or block finder, entity highlighting, kill aura, etc Zergatul 186335 2024-06-16 17:36
Beds Don't Explode A simple mod that makes it so a bed will not explode upon use when in other dimensions. jodlodi 307064 2024-06-16 17:05
Gods and Heroes Origins Gods & Heroes Mod Speedster kryptonian Spider-man Blacksmith and other yet to come. morak720 8777 2024-06-16 16:59
Modular Force Field Systems (MFFS) Use that extra power to protect your base QueenOfMissiles, Su5eD 3865718 2024-06-16 16:58
Better Food by GoPlay Добавляет еду из ванильных ингредиентов! | Adds vanilla ingredients to food! GoPlay 48 2024-06-16 16:30
Locki A library for controlling access to the player's inventory PyrofabTheModsmith 77764 2024-06-16 12:39
Lifesteal [Fabric/NeoForge/Forge] Lifesteal is a mod where killing other players steals their hearts for your own gain MianReplicate 175271 2024-06-16 08:36
Lifesteal [Fabric/Neoforge] Lifesteal is a mod where killing other players steals their hearts for your own gain MianReplicate 151714 2024-06-16 08:36
Custom Rarity Add new rarity for minecraft and modpack. TokyoSU 75 2024-06-16 08:35
Lexiconfig This is a config API that aims to provide many integrations alongside other libraries, and to be as easy as possible to use, for both developers and users alike. CodinGlitch 5101 2024-06-16 08:09
HorseOpacity Change the opacity the horse you are riding. ebic 196 2024-06-16 06:08
ChatImage show image in chat screen kulujun 24700 2024-06-16 03:25
Basic Nether Ores [Forge/Fabric] Spawns Vanilla and Modded Ores in the Nether cScotPlay 5907413 2024-06-16 02:08
Mo' Shiz Mod Tools, Ores, Trees, Backpacks, 1000+ Blocks, Enchantments, Potions, and a lot more! profit_orange 391635 2024-06-15 23:11
A_Lot_Of_Biomes Here are the biomes you dream about! HorizonPL 441 2024-06-15 20:55
Saturation Plus Increase Minecraft's saturation limit past 20 MrKirbychu 1693 2024-06-15 20:42
Ping Inspired by Portal 2, this mod brings the Ping tool into Minecraft Girafi 7259449 2024-06-15 20:35
Snad Finally, sand that actually makes sugarcane grow faster. TheRoBrit 41518801 2024-06-15 19:30
Happy Pride Moth! Ever wanted to celebrate pride month, but didn't because there weren't any moths? Here you go! DakotaPrideModding 2444 2024-06-15 15:55
Artic Fox Arctic Fox is a mod that allows you to obtain Unusual items through more profitable crafting. The mod has more than 15 Useful Crafts that can be used in survival JoaKoc 8 2024-06-15 15:19
Designer Modeling This is mod for create your models. gmff 5637 2024-06-15 14:03
Deep Aether An addon for the original Aether mod, aiming to show the deepest lands of a forgotten paradise. TeamRazor 3351782 2024-06-15 13:35
Nordic Adventure a mod Based off of Norse Mythology Great to put the vibe for medieval Modpacks. made with MCreator! _NO_CHEESE_ 11473 2024-06-15 12:20
Beginner Survival House Adds small house for the start of the game SuperWarioModTeam, SuperWario 4154 2024-06-15 11:55
Blabber An extensible data-driven Dialogue API for Minecraft PyrofabTheModsmith 162732 2024-06-15 11:16
Useless Reptile Adds a dragons that you can tame (and sometimes ride) Nord_Act 283413 2024-06-15 10:57
Trap_Blocks Useful trap blocks. HorizonPL 2473 2024-06-15 10:33
Better Snowball A simple mod add more species snowball. skniro 186078 2024-06-15 10:06
Pling Plays a sound when Minecraft is finished loading. haykam 3870794 2024-06-15 02:26
Bounty Hunt This mod allows you to use a Bounty system on your server using diamonds! MexicanMinion 503 2024-06-15 01:09
Macabre - Call of False Prophets Flesh and gore dimension, hard enemies and good rewards. pixelgeist666 15442 2024-06-15 01:08
Configurable Despawn Timer ✏️ Allows items and experience orbs to remain longer, shorter or infinitely on the ground. Serilum 1666973 2024-06-14 20:33
Infinite Trading ♾ Prevents villager trades from locking up, making them always available. Trade away! Serilum 1972163 2024-06-14 20:07
INCRAFT More Crafting & Trading and more ! ggtkig147 71 2024-06-14 20:04
ExpandAbility Library mod that provides increased control over vanilla effects and abilities florensie, ochotonida 21526854 2024-06-14 19:15
Do A Flip Make mobs have a chance of performing a flip when falling Mrbysco 4358 2024-06-14 19:10
Amethyst Equipment amethyst tools and armor, horse armor as well exlinegames 665594 2024-06-14 18:00
MegaFurniture This mod is for version 1.20.4 and includes furniture and is updated regularly. Adds a refrigerator, an oak table, a birch table and much more. I hope you will like it. Please visit my Bodon channel https://www.youtube.com/ Gimbon 374 2024-06-14 14:46
Leon's Dungeons Paintings This Mod adds 16 new Paintings from Minecraft Dungeon Leonxkingx, Taknax 49176 2024-06-14 14:14
Duck Duck is server+client side mod with gui that allows you to inspect placed containers vrikkadev 345 2024-06-14 14:11
CraftableCapes Craft and wear any cape you want! Ryhon 156 2024-06-14 13:13
Bubby's Custom Stuff A few new resources to spice things up. bubbyboytoo 822 2024-06-14 11:52
Bots A mod that adds bots (Only drone currently) Trytole 18 2024-06-14 11:50
Simple Menu 🖼️ Adds some basic functionality to edit the style and buttons of Minecraft's main menu, change the window title and set a new icon. A less fancy FancyMenu alternative. Serilum 51063 2024-06-14 11:36
Create Slime Craft Create Slime Craft is a Create addons wich add a craft to slimes Alex_ytLives 65594 2024-06-14 11:00
Simple Gems Fabricated Adds few gems, tools and armor sets! XotakFR 297 2024-06-14 08:41
Nebulus giant jungle tree adds a giant tree to the jungle biomes Nebulus, Taknax 568 2024-06-14 08:10
Animatica A mod for loading OptiFine animations via the MCPatcher animated texture format FoundationGames 8956821 2024-06-14 07:47
Simple Teleporters Reforged Simple Teleporters adds a craftable teleporter block to quickly travel your world! Mrbysco, Saereth 49497 2024-06-14 07:12
Better Fire Resistance Modifies the fire resistance effect which allows it to remove the fire overlay Qzimyion 1308 2024-06-14 04:13
Chat Control Take back control of your server chat with filters and mutes. Declipsonator 28295 2024-06-14 03:06
OptiFine Checker Check if OptiFine HD is loaded Wudji_NotFound 203733 2024-06-14 03:02
The Bumblezone (NeoForge/Forge) An unBEElievable dimension full of bees to BEEfriend! telepathicgrunt 15425948 2024-06-13 23:34
The Bumblezone (Fabric) An unBEElievable dimension full of bees to BEEfriend! telepathicgrunt 13662562 2024-06-13 23:33
Paintings ++ Add an infinite number of paintings to your game ! AbsolemJackdaw 34224106 2024-06-13 21:50
Leon's Backport Paintings 1.21 Backports all 20 Paintings from the 1.21 update Leonxkingx, Taknax 20477 2024-06-13 20:39
EMI Enchants EMI addon to view enchantment information mephodio 103 2024-06-13 20:20
Netherracked Adds Recipe for Netherrack in Minecraft (+ Create Mod) ArmanStudios, IranMine123 3304 2024-06-13 19:50
Enhanced Block Entities Improve FPS with block entities, and make them customizable with resource packs FoundationGames 6346087 2024-06-13 19:39
Panorama Creator Create and view custom panoramas on the main menu suppergerrie2 109692 2024-06-13 19:01
BetterGamma A Minecraft mod which greatly improves how you deal with dark lighting. DeftuDev 417 2024-06-13 18:16
NucleArmor Minecraft mod, which adds powerful, uranium powered armor set. ShinQdan 5683 2024-06-13 17:46
Common Network Forge and Fabric Unified Networking Solution Mysticdrew 4435250 2024-06-13 16:38
DeftuLib Small library for Deftu's mods. DeftuDev 69057 2024-06-13 16:22
The Enderite just a mod which add a new ore for a dimension savoie7304 1538 2024-06-13 15:12
FreeCam by kapiteon FreeCam. Like spectrator mode. kapiteon 128050 2024-06-13 12:26
ClearVision (NightVision/FullBrightness + FluidVision) Allows to use Night vision effect, adds ability to turn off the fog for the worlds and liquids! kapiteon 47300 2024-06-13 12:13
Ore Excavation A lightweight veinminer alternative Funwayguy, darkosto 92780995 2024-06-13 11:44
Burnt Basic Burnt... but just the fire. A Vanilla fire enhancing mod pxlbnk 4912 2024-06-13 11:30
Balsa The addition of other wood varieties to minecraft. Emotianless 4 2024-06-13 03:29
WarStuff II - Decorations (Decorative Mod) It's mod added decorative blocks! Ocle_42 9187 2024-06-13 00:47
Animation Overhaul Smooth and interactive animations. Customizable and compatible! ElocinDev 123642 2024-06-12 23:13
Aerial Hell Sky Dimension & Dungeons, Bosses - 1.16.5 & 1.18.2 & 1.20.4 nicochart 64253 2024-06-12 20:42
Mega Potato [NeoForge/Forge] Just Bigger Potatoes... thats it koldskaal418 5445 2024-06-12 19:51
Ex Deorum Port of the original Ex Nihilo to 1.20 and beyond. thedarkcolour 1582878 2024-06-12 19:31
Colored End Crystals Adds Colored End Crystals to the game Mayuna_1 7494 2024-06-12 17:34
Deep Dark Dimension! Adds a deep dark dimension along with other items to get there. SomeOne10YT 4884 2024-06-12 16:16
Nyf's Spiders Modifes spiders to be more realistic. Nyfaria 13081558 2024-06-12 15:39
Ready Player Fun - Server Pause Utility Add the ability to "pause" the server while no players are logged in. Supports time, weather and season. (server-side only) wendall911 53300 2024-06-12 14:52
Simple Throwable Bricks Makes bricks throwable miki1106 210 2024-06-12 10:36
Glassified A simple mod that adds glass block variants to your game! Bobby_ 323 2024-06-12 09:15
ReOred-NeoForge This mod aims to add ores, armor, tools and more to Minecraft to make it more immersive. Coredex 36 2024-06-12 05:23
MOA DECOR: ELECTRONICS Add new models of decorative electronic items to your builds. moa666creator 119027 2024-06-12 04:42
Stones of the Ancients The story behind the "village hero" effect SrFlowzer 249 2024-06-12 03:48
Ksyxis Speed up the loading of your world. VidTu 1286841 2024-06-12 02:42
Mod Name Tooltip Minecraft mod that shows an ItemStack's mod name on its tooltip. mezz 64555890 2024-06-12 01:50
Tiny Paper Origin - Origins Addon A small sized origin based on paper for the Origins mod. GamerPotion 228093 2024-06-12 00:15
The New Shutters A small decoration mod for your windows nudlauflauch, Helgerius 434275 2024-06-11 21:21
Pehkui Allows resizing of most entities, shrinking their size smaller or growing them larger Virtuoel 27245488 2024-06-11 20:55
Glass Decoration Glass improvments that help in building and decoration. FusionMatch 1125 2024-06-11 20:42
LootJS: KubeJS Addon Add functionality for packdevs to modify global loot modifications through KubeJS Lytho 9049051 2024-06-11 19:50
GunpowderLib A support library for Jackyy's mods. Jacky 25460909 2024-06-11 17:45
Quicker Connect Button Adds a connect button to the main menu for quickly connecting to servers. jamalam360 1538 2024-06-11 16:29
Nebulus Trader for the Jungle add a new trader at the jungle and more Nebulus 10481 2024-06-11 16:05
CB: Compressed Blocks CB: Compressed Blocks - compress your blocks! sashiro 993671 2024-06-11 14:31
Nebulus end dogs and cats new pet and enemy Nebulus 600 2024-06-11 11:13
Too Many Dimensions (More Dimensions) That mod will add lots of dimensions to minecraft (ITS ON EARLY DELEVOPMENT) danylokhit 2228 2024-06-11 10:24
Simple Positions Using chat commands you can save and retrieve coordinates in your world. frittenfuchs 28 2024-06-11 09:19
Camera Overhaul Reforged Makes gameplay more satisfying through the use of various camera tilting. Configurable. ConfusedFool93 263066 2024-06-10 23:23
BlockMeterFabric A mod to measure block distances ModProg 82694 2024-06-10 20:51
Pure Discs - Tricky Trials (Fabric/Forge) Adds nine new discs from songs that were added in the 1.21 Tricky Trials update! purejosh 4556 2024-06-10 18:40
Fyction Additions 📌 Discover brand new additions and features! tijolitogr 1412 2024-06-10 18:29
Indium Sodium addon providing support for the Fabric Rendering API, based on Indigo comp500 25458785 2024-06-10 18:15
new equipment and armor adds new materials to minecraft levidev 16 2024-06-10 17:27
Leawind's Third Person A practical, smooth, feature-rich third person mod Leawind 1444618 2024-06-10 16:13
Give Me Hats! [FABRIC/FORGE] A hat mod that adds hat's with some buffs for Fabric and Forge! Acrogenous 1613822 2024-06-10 14:34
Kube Utils Adds helper utilities and new features to KubeJS in a clean, concise and consistent API design ErrorMikey 3025199 2024-06-10 14:19
FTB Chunks (Forge) A mod that allows you to claim chunks to protect your blocks and view minimap / large map FTB, ErrorMikey 70872996 2024-06-10 12:32
FTB Chunks (Fabric) A mod that allows you to claim chunks to protect your blocks. It also has a minimap and large map! FTB, ErrorMikey 8285171 2024-06-10 12:31
Applied Flux store energy in ME network GlodBlock 5835665 2024-06-10 12:25
Blockus A mod that adds blocks! Brandcraft 8608482 2024-06-10 11:27
Sohoma Armors This mod adds some armors to make some blocks/items useful for once ! Sohoma 340 2024-06-10 11:14
FTB XMod Compat Official multi-mod integrations support for the FTB Mods FTB, ErrorMikey 32885934 2024-06-10 10:47
Artifacts Adds various treasure items that can be found through exploration ochotonida 52846344 2024-06-10 08:52
Azure Paxels Multi-use tools called Paxels. AzureDoomC 1008222 2024-06-10 05:47
Dunes&Drought Expands the content for the minecraft desert Jaiz15 791 2024-06-10 05:19
Kelip A ton of random but useful changes and items Altie122 4 2024-06-10 05:09
Undergarden Paths Adds some new paths to the Undergarden xaidee 18436 2024-06-10 02:16
Boring Default Game Rules A mod that allows to change the default game rule values through convenient methods. EnnuiLangeweile, UpcraftLP 879 2024-06-10 00:25
[CS] Library The core mod filled with all the every ore/mineral we will use, while attempting to make them as compatible as can be with ForgeTags. CoreEmperor 7876 2024-06-10 00:18
[CS] Library The core mod filled with all the every ore/mineral we will use, while attempting to make them as compatible as can be with ForgeTags. CoreEmperor 4101 2024-06-10 00:18
Wilderness Odyssey API this is a mod made for the modpack wilderness odessy. it has lots of tools and things in it. and others can use it too thunderrock424242 3766 2024-06-09 20:03
Sheep Consistency (Forge) When sheared, sheeps now show the color they're dyed with on their skin nano_nestor, JSBOfficial 86622 2024-06-09 19:42
Mending Over Time Tools with the mending enchantment slowly repair themselves over time Yessica_ 18644 2024-06-09 15:51
Attack damage enchantment Sets the weapon to deal damage equal to the enchantment level of the weapon in the main hand. Phat_001 2054 2024-06-09 14:45
Attack damage enchantment (For cheat mode only) Sets the weapon to deal damage equal to the enchantment level of the weapon in the main hand.Must turn on cheat to use commands. Phat_001 1517 2024-06-09 14:34
Dio's Recycling Factory Turn your unused item and block into something useful AlasDiablo 23598 2024-06-09 12:41
Packet Fixer A simple mod to solve various problems with packets and NBTs. TonimatasDEV 26242662 2024-06-09 11:44
#SP Wallet A mod for counting your diamond ores. Feyt0x 676 2024-06-09 09:01
The Ink Arena This mod adds a new arena structure to the game, fight waves of enemies with a boss at the end! TheMrCrow 128062 2024-06-09 05:39
Goner's Armor Trims Adds more armor trims to the game! MyFadingBullets 5028 2024-06-09 05:25
Radmin VN A utility mod for RadminVPN (Vietnamese Network) players for getting better quality and experience for their servers. Dream_Da_Vang 34 2024-06-09 03:11
DreamAuth Authentication for Radmin servers (Vietnamese) Dream_Da_Vang 4 2024-06-09 03:04
The in between this mod adds a new dimension with 3 biomes and 8 mobs a 2 new armor set a new effect and new blocks dinopedro4726 21 2024-06-09 02:59
Display-Qien Provide a way for players to show off their loot on the server side linnn1103 39 2024-06-09 02:17
Gigeresque Gigeresque is a horror-themed mod that offers players a dive into the horrific biomechanical world of the xenomorphs, and the mutated realms of the neomorphs, deacons, and goo mutants. cybercat5555 137159 2024-06-09 01:01
Missing Palette Exception Fix Fixes game crashes from blocks not existing on the client when they do on the server. ABadHaiku 31 2024-06-09 00:57
Decorative-Desing Functions And Blocks Decorative-Desing Functions And Blocks adds decorative blocks Kostya_Swiftkey 60 2024-06-09 00:29
ConnectedTexturesMod A resource pack extension library tterrag1098 157778635 2024-06-08 21:51
Curious Item's This Is A Mod That Adds Curious Items To Your Game damiangaming__yt 1097 2024-06-08 20:53
ProjectJJK The Jujutsu Kaisen Mod for Fabric Hadences 15277 2024-06-08 20:36
XxCreeperxX's Zombie Expansion A mod that adds various types of zombies, blocks, items, two dimensions and more XxCreeperxX 268 2024-06-08 17:25
XxCreeperxX's Zombie Expansion A mod that adds various types of zombies, blocks, items, two dimensions and more XxCreeperxX 21 2024-06-08 17:25
Mushroom Tweaks Adds the ability to craft mushrooms using bone meal and existing mushrooms auuruum, auuruum_OLD 986 2024-06-08 17:03
Ghast Tweaks Adds craft for ghast tear auuruum, auuruum_OLD 2567 2024-06-08 16:53
Sapling Tweaks Adds the ability to craft and crossbreed for saplings auuruum, auuruum_OLD 1225 2024-06-08 16:46
Leaves Tweaks Adds the ability to craft and crossbread for leaves auuruum, auuruum_OLD 1305 2024-06-08 15:54
Gravel Tweaks Adds the ability to allow you to pack and unpack gravel and also improves crafting auuruum 120 2024-06-08 15:50
Trident Craft Just adds craft for trident nothing more auuruum, auuruum_OLD 7954 2024-06-08 14:58
Dye Tweaks Adds the ability to duplicate dyes efficiently auuruum, auuruum_OLD 1154 2024-06-08 14:30
Invis item frame Adds craft for invisible item frame and glow item frame auuruum, auuruum_OLD 16703 2024-06-08 14:23
Client-side Custom Music Disc Fix A simple client-side mod that fixes MC-260346 where custom music discs are cut off if they exceed the vanilla length. AlphaDS 4 2024-06-08 11:41
The Brolecs's Items This mod adds improved items, food, decorations and it combines several mods. thebrolecs 51 2024-06-08 11:18
Player Roles Role & permission management for Fabric servers Gegy 195857 2024-06-08 11:03
AniTexLib Tired of static textures? Alive them! sashakyotoz 55465 2024-06-08 10:56
Spice of Life Onion A mod designed to encourage dietary variety! CreativeMD 507468 2024-06-08 08:51
Chinese Festivals Adding Easter Eggs to Chinese Festivals in the Game Gugle, Cjsah, xekr 3468 2024-06-08 01:50
Werewolves - Become a Beast! Werewolf addon for Vampirism - Become a vampire! Cheaterpaul 2553392 2024-06-07 18:26
Resource Nether Ores Add Vanilla ores to the Nether Dimension xStopho 24470 2024-06-07 18:09
Create Custom Commands Allow you create custom commands ShinJoy991 2097 2024-06-07 17:39
Kakapos Find this flightless parrot in your jungles! jocosero 279 2024-06-07 17:28
Blazing Flint and Steel Upgraded flint and steel that allows you to light up living entities upon right clicking them. hisroyalbaguettes 10 2024-06-07 17:06
THE CUBE by sick_volhard722050 its a block/dweller that hunt you sick_volhard722050 18 2024-06-07 15:45
BurningKeys Give any item by pressing a key Funmelonboy 18 2024-06-07 12:22
Sparkweave Engine Library to share code and functionality between projects UpcraftLP 16388 2024-06-07 10:52
nokia brick adds a nokia 3310! Shcraftee 8 2024-06-07 07:23
NEPP Unfinished Adds 4 potions into the Game. And this is completely UnFinished user_nykxjfg7him9h0pc 5 2024-06-07 05:53
Golden Hopper The easiest and most simple way to filter items! MrCrayfish 6839800 2024-06-06 23:39
Classic Battle Towers Generates challenging towers full of monsters _blackdog, Bozmund, nick1903 2885 2024-06-06 19:50
Crop Harvester Right click harvesting of crops WallyWhip 49898 2024-06-06 19:36
Health Indicators Simple damage indicator mod that shows a floating health bar (or number) above Players and Mobs. AdyTech99 48922 2024-06-06 18:39
Wolfys Extra Expansion A mod that aims mostly to add balanced new equipment and resources to your game WolfyTheModCreator 1050 2024-06-06 18:02
Chest Inv Sort This mod lets you sort your blocks and items in chests and player inventory. Simply press your configured key when your player inventory is openend or when you are interacting with a chest (opened chest menu). frittenfuchs 3349 2024-06-06 17:19
Brute force Rendering Culling Culling something can't seeing RogoShum 6423 2024-06-06 17:08
Free Debug Stick in Survival With this mod you can get a debug stick in survival by placing the stick in the crafting window. Lanssell 394 2024-06-06 16:52
Curious Armor Stands Allows armor stands to display curios ochotonida 4356873 2024-06-06 16:11
Floralis Floralis adds farmable cacti and flowers for an automatable way to obtain all dyes. luxtracon 1010859 2024-06-06 14:19
Client Time Override the time and weather on the client Ryhon 70 2024-06-06 09:22
Replanter Plus Client-side mod for harvesting and replanting crops automatically with a single click Ryhon 1640 2024-06-06 09:21
Simple Autoswitch Automatically switch to the fastest tool when mining Ryhon 328 2024-06-06 09:21
QA Test Mod this is a summary Zappah, Kaban, Bulbasaur854, kostaow, FknYanshuf, yanshufitos 4101 2024-06-06 08:04
Just Zoom Zoom by pressing a hotkey and adjust the zoom factor with your mouse wheel! Keksuccino 20117792 2024-06-06 05:31
Multicount a Qol mod that allows players to create and switch between multiple saves DialingSpoon527 349 2024-06-06 03:56
Utility/QOL for Wilderness oddesy this mod adds unique commands and more blocks to the game thunderrock424242 2053 2024-06-06 00:45
Log Begone Fork of Shut Up Console - Tell those those annoy logs lines begone! AzureDoomC 16591865 2024-06-06 00:29
Kotlin for Forge Adds a Kotlin language loader and provides some optional utilities. thedarkcolour 76640347 2024-06-05 23:46
Tectonic Enhanced terrain generation with mountain ranges, underground rivers, and more! Apollo 7249155 2024-06-05 22:05
Sky Villages [Forge] Yes, that's right! Villages in the land of clouds! Explore massive and beautiful villages in the sky! y4z0n 10146238 2024-06-05 21:47
More Concrete A simple mod that adds more concrete variants into Minecraft! AutovwDev 427299 2024-06-05 19:01
Energized Power This is a technology Forge/NeoForge/Fabric mod with many machines. JDDev0 281597 2024-06-05 17:19
Szura's EconomY Mod Transform your Minecraft gaming experience with the Realistic Economy mod! This innovative mod brings a complete economic system to the block world, allowing you to immerse yourself in a captivating economic simulation as you build, explore and trade. joseszura12 1129 2024-06-05 17:16
Hole Diggers Mod that add new mob - Holedigger that dig holes for you ! oliverx51 122 2024-06-05 16:39
Better Biomes Adds Many Different Biomes to the Game! CrypticVerse 12784 2024-06-05 15:29
Enderite Mod (for Forge/NeoForge) Adds successors to Netherite items pitti11, PianoManu, nic4las 968117 2024-06-05 13:48
Show Me Your Skin! (Hide armor) A mod to hide or customize armor rendering. enjarai 1948924 2024-06-05 10:35
Weaker day zombie Weaken the zombies during day Anteria_ 975 2024-06-05 09:35
Theurgy KubeJS Theurgy KubeJS provides KubeJS integrations for Theurgy. kli_kli 1661 2024-06-05 07:52
Mod Viewer Adds a server-side user interface for viewing loaded mods to Minecraft. haykam 633 2024-06-05 07:11
BlatSolarPanel A small mod for solar panels with convenient configuration BlatFan 34 2024-06-04 23:54
Solar Cooker Solar Cooker / Furnace - Cooking without fuel (Forge, NeoForge, Fabric, Quilt) thecech12 866421 2024-06-04 21:49
BoliviaMod This mod adds content about different aspects of Bolivia such as cultural, gastronomic and fauna and flora. PJgamer64 15381 2024-06-04 21:34
Hacker Menu A simple, quick and efficient cheat menu for singleplayer BennySmith_ 79596 2024-06-04 20:53
Useful Slime (Fabric) Adds slime armor and items with cool abilities MincraftEinstein 8777 2024-06-04 19:53
Useful Slime (NeoForge/Fabric) Adds slime armor and items with cool abilities MincraftEinstein 1492428 2024-06-04 19:49
Armor Trim Item Fix Adds more trimmed item textures MincraftEinstein 191582 2024-06-04 19:36
MCG Stores all of your coordinates in a simple-to-read format! AMereBagatelle 956 2024-06-04 16:08
New_Minerals Some useful and interesting minerals. HorizonPL 359 2024-06-04 15:48
Hollow Woods Add hollow logs to your world with this Fabric mod. Costamiri 53928 2024-06-04 13:50
Stronger Potions Adds a stronger and a longer Potion variant for all Potions Seikasu 5188 2024-06-04 13:20
MysticRift: Music FORGE & NEO Tons of new music for in game! over 170+ ( Non copyright ) SmartStreamLabs 1620 2024-06-04 12:10
DamageTintPlus Adds more customization to the vanilla damage tint. ebic 325 2024-06-04 04:10
MobFilter Highly configurable mob spawning filter. Serverside mod. pcal43 17001 2024-06-04 03:46
Vibrative Voice This is an addon for Simple Voice Chat that lets your voice interact with vibrations! CodinGlitch 176 2024-06-03 20:49
Eager Beavers Adds Beavers! sqwigly_ 2053 2024-06-03 20:39
Enchantable Blocks Plus Allows modded blocks to be enchanted Mrbysco, ShyNieke 15 2024-06-03 18:21
Polymorphic Energistics Polymorph support for Applied Energistics 2. ninety 6245628 2024-06-03 17:40
PvP Legacy Utils Provides additional client-side features on the server PvP Legacy. AndyRussoDev 1931 2024-06-03 13:51
Craft Obsidian (in Buckets!) caraft obsidian from buckets of lava and water in a crafting grid exlinegames 11665 2024-06-03 06:11
the_DIRTER its a moster made from dairt and it stalks you sick_volhard722050 13 2024-06-03 04:05
TPA++ Compatible, customisable, user friendly TPA mod for Forge, Fabric, NeoForge and Quilt. superricky14 13171 2024-06-03 01:59
Dyeable planks (Missing wood colors) adds colours of wood missing in the base game finn9928 674 2024-06-03 01:29
Options Profiles A Minecraft mod that lets you load and save your options from in-game. trafficlunar 34791 2024-06-02 23:58
Sky Villages [Fabric] Yes, that's right! Villages in the land of clouds! Explore massive and beautiful villages in the sky! Aureljz, y4z0n 6883843 2024-06-02 23:09
Expanded World Expanded World enhances your Minecraft experience by extending the world height, introducing custom caves, structures, and vegetation. Explore new depths and heights in your Minecraft worlds with this mod! sashiro 35936 2024-06-02 21:20
MaLiLib A library mod required for masa's client-side mods masady 10355506 2024-06-02 20:57
Litematica A modern schematic mod written for Fabric (and LiteLoader on 1.12.x), with extra features for Creative mode work masady 8085959 2024-06-02 20:54
Spears This mods adds spears biggolden_flame101 10395 2024-06-02 19:31
Bio Technik RF from mobs! ロ_ロ 276598 2024-06-02 19:28
Stone Chest Stone variations vanilla chests. ロ_ロ 6857926 2024-06-02 19:27
Better Crates Better storage of your items TheTestMod 1070358 2024-06-02 19:27
MapFrontiers Addon for Journey Map that allows you to divide the map into regions and assign them names and colors. meme_sapiens 1933279 2024-06-02 17:53
Pure Chaos a chaotic mod with completely random stuff that dont even make sense NichtVikki, XMasterWoo, JosipTLG 392 2024-06-02 16:46
Ageing Mobs This mod allows mobs to age and transform ShyNieke, Mrbysco 33355 2024-06-02 13:04
Nollywel's Tweaks Small miscellaneous tweaks to quality of minecraft life Nobody5007 22 2024-06-02 12:27
The Letter W Mod it adds the letter w to the game. and that's all. but it will get many updates. big ones. or not really. theGuyWhoIsGuy_guy 203 2024-06-02 07:30
Winter Forts Spawns in a few Forts in winter biomes VarsityReviws 4 2024-06-02 06:35
Minecards Over 100 cards to collect and trade! Forge edition. WorldSalad 13996 2024-06-02 03:17
Collectibles Every game these days has collectibles in it, this mod adds some to minecraft too. With a little bonus when you complete a set! XxRexRaptorxX 407318 2024-06-01 22:10
Big Fungus Grow thick fungus trees by planting fungi in a plus shape Ryhon 8 2024-06-01 21:31
Platforms Make decks, bridges, mineshafts or even wooden coasters ShetiPhian 30471579 2024-06-01 20:34
MultiStorage Vaults, Stacking Chests, Hidden Chests, Ender Chests, and Ender Bags ShetiPhian 6368397 2024-06-01 20:31
MultiBeds ::Design Your Bed:: Pick the style, block texture, blanket pattern and color (or use a banner). Dye your sheets and pillow case. Choose an embroidery or create/use/share a custom one. ShetiPhian 2142042 2024-06-01 20:30
Platforms [Fabric] Make decks, bridges, mineshafts or even wooden coasters ShetiPhian 488460 2024-06-01 20:16
MultiStorage [Fabric] Stacking Chests, Chameleon Chests, Junk Drawers, Queue Chests, and Storage Visualizers ShetiPhian 369 2024-06-01 20:14
AstralBot Minecraft Mod doubling as a Discord Bot, initially made for Create: Astral Erdragh 482 2024-06-01 20:14
MultiBeds [Fabric] ::Design Your Bed:: Pick the style, block texture, blanket pattern and color (or use a banner). Dye your sheets and pillow case. Choose an embroidery or create/use/share a custom one. ShetiPhian 322709 2024-06-01 20:12
Fast Backups Fast, incremental world backups powered by Git. Now works on Forge! pcal43 11796 2024-06-01 20:09
Chunks fade in A simple mod that adds fade-in animation for chunks! kerudion 2086922 2024-06-01 18:30
Zombie Jerky [ Fabric ] Turn Rotten Flesh into Zombie Jerky with the Smoker Kestalkayden 11888 2024-06-01 17:55
Lonsdaleite [ Tools/Armors/Weapons ] + Omnitool Adds a Lonsdaleite tier to Minecraft (Fabric) (1.16+, 1.17+, and 1.20+) Kestalkayden 44644 2024-06-01 17:52
Maxon's Expansion Brand new End Dimension Content ImMaxon 19 2024-06-01 14:19
Exp Ore This mod add the EXP Ore and when you break it you will receive random amount of experience Block_Legend001 58426 2024-06-01 14:17
Kelka Craftable Animals Unofficial Craftable animals mod for new versions. kelkaka333_YT 8982 2024-06-01 12:33
Mobs Blocker Disable the spawning of specific mobs in Minecraft DreykaOas_official 875 2024-06-01 10:43
improve Ruins Discover diverse and intriguing ruins DreykaOas_official 7 2024-06-01 10:41
MysticRift: More Fence Variants This mod added: 245 new fence variants to your game! SmartStreamLabs 18 2024-06-01 10:09
Crafting QOL - Fabric/Forge Crafting QOL is a basic quality-of-life datapack that adds crafting recipes that make crafting a bit less annoying. As it certainly is at times. Endrock6 1198 2024-06-01 09:54
Peasy Mode Pacifies hostile mobs in Easy difficulty vesui 571 2024-06-01 07:23
Stop Drop N Roll Just Stop, Drop N Roll! JustDoom 585 2024-06-01 07:22
Resource Config API A Config API for my Resource Mods xStopho 72118 2024-06-01 05:21
Gowder There are 300 additional enemy types and 19 dimensions. dongudonguri 1021 2024-06-01 05:05
Better Sign Edit Edit signs only when sneaking and don't save changes by pressing Escape brunohpaiva 1063 2024-06-01 01:43
Curios API (Forge/NeoForge) A flexible and expandable accessory/equipment API for users and developers. TheIllusiveC4 148639368 2024-05-31 23:58
More Vanilla Potions [FORGE&FABRIC] This Mod adds a brewable Potion for every Effect in Minecraft SariusPlayz 322143 2024-05-31 21:54
Mine RGB OpenRGB integration in Minecraft mfletcher 112 2024-05-31 20:56
Nature's Expert Bring color to Minecraft with over 70 new flowers! iamaprogramer 27 2024-05-31 20:15
Better Command Block UI Provides a more usable UI for Command Blocks Tec 56833 2024-05-31 19:16
Bountiful Fares Adds vanilla friendly content to the food and farming side of Minecraft! Heccology 1500 2024-05-31 18:34
Tranquil Tranquil is a beta liminal dimension mod, created for the MCreator x CurseForge ModJam 2024 EthanMirak 16 2024-05-31 15:14
Modern Decorations Mod modern style decorating blocks and furniture opaleq 217 2024-05-31 14:33
Sculk Transporting Allows to transport items via sculk signals. bl4ckscor3, MasterPerki 324012 2024-05-31 14:21
Color_Blocks_add Add 246 color blocks available in creative mode only. box_square 663 2024-05-31 11:47
ExtendedAE Adds some QoL contents for AE2 GlodBlock 14391771 2024-05-31 10:45
Mooshroom Variant Eggs Adds spawn eggs for all mooshroom variants Jackbusters 56 2024-05-31 04:55
Dungeon Quest RPG Dungeon Quest RPG Liskov454 19 2024-05-31 02:10
Radiant Gear (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) A compatibility bridge between Curios API or Trinkets API and dynamic light mods such as Dynamic Lights and Lucent. TheIllusiveC4 3396997 2024-05-31 01:49
Gen's Villager Hats Villagers sell you their hats DatapackGen 30717 2024-05-30 22:52
THE_SEER its a dude thats tall and if you know seek from roblox doors he like him but slower if that not good im going to make it better sick_volhard722050 14 2024-05-30 22:37
Arctis Survive in a world getting colder with new frozen mobs, blocks, and more. CallMeHoid 12 2024-05-30 21:41
More More Cows New way to get Ores and Food Red_Flower 6275 2024-05-30 20:10
Miniature Power Plant Generating energy, the simple way canitzp 7542 2024-05-30 19:51
Ledger A serverside logging mod. potatoboy99999, drexhd 1377471 2024-05-30 19:02
Nebulus spiders for traveling adds new spiders wich you can ride Nebulus 8153 2024-05-30 17:01
Snad: Redstone Edition Brings back the Snad Redstone Mechanics ! Project8gbDeRam 77723 2024-05-30 16:58
Night Vision Device Adds a night vision device. PoplavaGaming 101 2024-05-30 15:56
VM Translation Update VM Chinese Translate Group used to check the MOD for localization patch updates Wulian233, TexTrue 992 2024-05-30 13:01
AutoLoginFabric mod for automatic registration and login Nespisnikersni 14 2024-05-30 12:47
TmTmc-Gravels Take Me To Minecraft - Gravels (28 Colored Gravels) smmmadden 22508 2024-05-30 12:00
Cave Dust Cave Dust is a Minecraft mod that adds the white ash particle from the Basalt Deltas biome to the underground to simulate dust! LizCannotEven 2577759 2024-05-30 11:50
Trowel A very small QoL mod to make placing random blocks less tedious. TheEnderCore 545289 2024-05-30 10:39
Custom Villager Trades (Forge) Create your own villager trades SpaceCat_97 3546867 2024-05-30 10:03
Custom Villager Trades (Fabric) Create your own villager trades SpaceCat_97 3644 2024-05-30 09:53
CheatDetector A client-side cheat detector. xia__mc 600 2024-05-30 07:44
EnchantmentDisabler Disable enchantments you don't like, and nerf enchanting in multiple ways with an extensive configuration. Supports modded enchantments. pajic 28040 2024-05-30 01:00
Better Babies I made baby mobs cuter DatapackGen 21347 2024-05-29 21:40
Cooldown Coordinator Library to help mods coordinate item movement cooldowns gniftygnomecraft 490719 2024-05-29 21:05
Azeroth in MC Adds World of warcraft features to minecraft Aldever13 154 2024-05-29 19:17
Pure S'mores Enjoy delicious s'mores next to a campfire with your friends! purejosh 10177 2024-05-29 19:09
Crashma What's Crashma, you ask? Crashma game LOL MoriyaShiine 1400 2024-05-29 18:56
Fake FPS 🚀 Our feature allows you to easily set up custom FPS for an optimized gaming experience DreykaOas_official 967 2024-05-29 18:38
More Bundles New bundles! 🎒✨ DreykaOas_official 76 2024-05-29 18:15
Tweakerge Tweakeroo unofficial forge port. A client-side Minecraft mod that adds various "tweaks" (= usually small-ish individual features) TexTrue 80216 2024-05-29 12:23
Yet Another Cobblestone Generator Flexible customizable generators DuckyHatsu 15801 2024-05-29 11:01
Mino's Particle Presets Particle Tools & Commands for Modders MinoBanana 1068 2024-05-29 10:46
Humbledless World Humbledless World: The Lushy End ALXNER, Valeronum, sashakyotoz 956 2024-05-29 10:18
Krip Turret This mod will add several new types of turrets that protect you and your buildings from evil and dangerous entities. krip_kripovich_tv 1398 2024-05-29 10:07
Sea Creeps Sea Creepers! gavmods 23303 2024-05-29 00:57
More Signs! This mod adds a variety of new signs for you to use and decorate your minecraft map duperez_dev, LoosaZ 16998 2024-05-28 23:47
The Moon Mod Imagine if there was the moon... biggolden_flame101 21464 2024-05-28 22:52
Data API Tools to aid in datapack creation DatapackGen 39411 2024-05-28 20:44
Pagan's blessing Explore pagan culture and traditions by performing rituals and creating mystical artifacts to help you on your journey thepigcat76, TheUnknownDad 76441 2024-05-28 20:19
The Cannibals Calling A mod that makes villagers, illagers and witches a little more tasty! lukesoffline 89420 2024-05-28 18:56
Tiny Commands Mod adds tiny versions of Minecraft commands. KoroWin 253 2024-05-28 18:37
HuskHomes Simple & intuitive teleportation suite with cross-server support William278 8215 2024-05-28 17:07
Cookable Rotten Flesh A small MCreator mod that makes rotten flesh cookable. robinson203000 856 2024-05-28 16:53
Advanced XRay (Neoforge Edition) A simple but advanced xray mod that allows you to find all of your most loved blocks. ErrorMikey 4976898 2024-05-28 14:45
Sit (Fabric) Allows you to sit on slabs and stairs. bl4ckscor3 2427790 2024-05-28 12:34
Sit Allows you to sit on slabs and stairs. bl4ckscor3 26263028 2024-05-28 12:32
Frikamoik Adds Frikamoik to Minecraft Java Edition! Moikk_ 1488 2024-05-28 09:31
Polymorph (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) No more recipe conflicts! Adds an option to choose the crafting result if more than one is available. TheIllusiveC4 104595453 2024-05-28 09:28
Colored Lanterns This mod is a simple mod that adds a full set of lanterns for each color, as well as tinted glass variants! rainbowpython117, DragonOfShadows 917 2024-05-28 06:41
the CRAWLER by sick_volhard722050 a horror mod i made in 5 minutes sick_volhard722050 57 2024-05-28 04:29
DJ Villager New Villager Spwned With Jukebox exlinegames 11321 2024-05-28 03:06
Sausage Party This mod adds sausages, hot dogs that give you powers, a dimension, music and psychedelic trips and everything a virgin that goes to the deux needs notchman12 14 2024-05-28 02:14
Reload Server List Ctrl+R reloads server selection screen LordEnder_Kitty 4 2024-05-28 01:31
Real Time Mod Set's the world time to be the same as the computer time of the host and some other features. NorthWestTreesGaming 12865 2024-05-28 00:21
Grass Slabs, Carpets & Stairs This Forge mod adds slabs, stairs, and carpets for grass blocks, dirt blocks, dirt path blocks, and mycelium blocks! tinytransfem 23742 2024-05-27 22:34
Anvil Never Too Expensive Removes the level cap in the Anvil GUI tinytransfem 2237322 2024-05-27 21:29
Battery Box Put battery or capacitor items into this block, to distribute their power in block form. canitzp 104 2024-05-27 19:33
Global Packs A small helper mod for Modpacks, adding a global Datapack. JTK222 15204946 2024-05-27 19:29
Statues A little decorative and functional mod ShyNieke, Mrbysco 14603605 2024-05-27 18:55
Ruby Upgrades & Equipment this mod adds ruby equipment to minecraft that fills your needs for a armor for a good and balanced equipment mod for your end and mid game needs thats vannila style looks beatiful and adds custom armor effects and now also bows! EpicErez 1472 2024-05-27 18:41
Haven Growth (shift / twerk / sprint to grow plants and crops) Squat, crouch, sprint, run, it doesn't matter! We grow anything* CathieNova 135367 2024-05-27 17:51
Architectury & Carpentry Build like never before! This mod elevates Minecraft with a massive collection of building blocks, including brand new decoratable pillars, walls, and more! Tejty 254 2024-05-27 17:29
Architectury & Carpentry Build like never before! This mod elevates Minecraft with a massive collection of building blocks, including brand new decoratable pillars, walls, and more! Tejty 10 2024-05-27 17:29
Easy Anvils [Forge & Fabric] Be ready for overhauled anvils! Items stay, better name tags, many tweaks! Fuzs 24650403 2024-05-27 16:56
Fulx's Warriors advanced weapons and abilities Fulx 92 2024-05-27 16:47
Вращение Земли Майнкрафтская (Accurate day/night-cycles Mod) Accurate day/night-cycles and time-speed mod for Minecraft - Make your MC days last longer than 20 mins - Now with varying day lengths Sedridor77 297576 2024-05-27 15:32
Infinity Weapons a mod that will add all infinity stones Firetypegaming 159 2024-05-27 15:30
Minerix Forge/NeoForge become myths CozyGlow, alexandru20111 2776 2024-05-27 12:11
Fast Leaf Decay Makes leaves decay faster when a tree is cut down. olafskiii 128358597 2024-05-27 10:40
Beautified Chat [Client] 💬 A highly configurable mod to change the chat style and colour on the client. Serilum 983152 2024-05-27 09:58
Sound​s A highly configurable sound overhaul mod that adds new sound effects while improving vanilla sounds too. itsmineblock11 46103 2024-05-27 09:50
Telepost Nerfed teleport system! MuriPlz 1060 2024-05-27 03:28
Craftify Adds the ability to view your current Spotify song in Minecraft. ThatGravyBoat 63191 2024-05-27 02:00
Rock'n Roller Item Scroller unofficial forge port. A client-side Minecraft mod that adds various convenient ways of moving items within inventory GUIs, such as scrolling over stacks to move single items to or from it. TexTrue 2764 2024-05-27 01:28
Prismatic Painting Paint your way towards a colorful future! Primordial_Zelda 89 2024-05-26 23:56
More Density Functions Adds more density functions for more powerful world terrain generation. Quidvio 42 2024-05-26 20:41
Better Fletching Tables (BFT) This mod gives an actual use to the fletching table other than trading with villagers. ElGeroIngles 14932 2024-05-26 16:25
More Overlays Updated Adds NEI-like light overlay for mob spawns, a chunk border overlay and a JEI item search overlay. (updated for 1.15.2, 1.16.5, 1.18.2, 1.19, 1.20) RiDGo8 17283325 2024-05-26 15:56
Herobrine Mode forge/neoforge play as Herobrine Petunia770 1503 2024-05-26 15:28
Modern Dynamics Modern item and fluid pipe mod for NeoForge. thetechnici4n, shartte 4050283 2024-05-26 15:16
Desired Servers Your desired servers will always be listed. Kreezxil 1229067 2024-05-26 12:57
Burn in the Sun Mob Sunburn, Player Sunburn, We all scream for Sunburn! Kreezxil 48670 2024-05-26 11:20
NVL Simple Blocks Adds simple decorative or other blocks NVLMagic 6315 2024-05-26 11:08
Do a Barrel Roll Microsoft flight simulator for Minecraft elytras. enjarai 5798431 2024-05-26 10:20
Heart Totem Thanks to these hearts now you can feel safer XoX 460 2024-05-26 08:08
Potion of levitation Adds potion of levitation bo_bo0 212 2024-05-26 07:57
Shulker Tooltip Move your mouse cursor over a shulker box to see what's inside. ZephaniahNoah 791508 2024-05-26 06:33
Many More Stuff This minecraft mods adds tons of stuff into the game! New ores, tools, armor, and much more! Suduk 5 2024-05-26 05:09
Coal Nugget Adds a single-operation fuel crafted with coal or charcoal. toyhippogriff 13237 2024-05-26 05:02
Sterling Sterling is an equipment mod that aims to feel somewhat vanilla. WorldSalad 586 2024-05-26 03:04
Switcheroo Switch your currently held item for an effective item when clicking on a block. NatoBoram 13907 2024-05-26 01:59
create live block create mobs with blocks! ibon972 53 2024-05-26 01:39
Argon (EasyLifeMC) Argon is a mod who add some utility feature. Baldy 209 2024-05-26 00:39
Emerald Dimension (Villager Paradise) Brings a lot of emerald things LeoMP 608 2024-05-25 23:28
Yet Another World Protector Yet Another World Protector, or YAWP for short, is a server-side mod which allows you to protect your creations against various different events/actions of players, mobs and the environment. z0rdak 230941 2024-05-25 20:49
Not Enough Recipe Book [NERB] Completely removes recipe book from the game, optimizing player data. SSKirillSS 9065866 2024-05-25 20:33
Webbs Utilities Adds MultiTools, Netherrack Furnaces, Vending Machines & ATM Machines! webb1234 200 2024-05-25 20:10
Modflared Automatically connects you to a Cloudflare tunnel without having to install cloudflared separately. HttxRafa 2849 2024-05-25 17:53
Pollution of the Realms Adds environmental pollution mechanics to the game. EnderLanky 18272386 2024-05-25 16:42
ForgeEndertech Shared library used by all Endertech mods EnderLanky 95913552 2024-05-25 16:42
Advanced Hook Launchers Adds different hooks with launchers which give you ability to climb, abseil, jump off the cliffs, pull entities or players, and even slay the dragons! EnderLanky 54918389 2024-05-25 16:37
Large Ore Deposits Adds rare, super-massive ore deposits to the world EnderLanky 34096782 2024-05-25 16:36
Advanced Chimneys Adds chimney pipes, through which smoke from the fire or furnace goes up into the air EnderLanky 29177521 2024-05-25 16:33
"To the Bat Poles!" Sliding down those iron bars EnderLanky 31528680 2024-05-25 16:29
Musical Instrument Minecraft Interface (MIMI) Musical Instrument Minecraft Interface - Play music with multiple instruments, multiple players, and MIDI files! tofodroid 264387 2024-05-25 15:42
BetterSleeping Revived Adds sleep notifications, gives sleeping players buffs and debuffs to the ones who haven't slept in a long time! NebelNidas 373681 2024-05-25 15:21
MysticRift: End & Nether Ores Brings minecraft ores to the end & nether! SmartStreamLabs_Studios 524 2024-05-25 14:30
Audaki Cart Engine: Faster Minecarts / Balanced for Survival / Vanilla Carts Improved 🤩 Fast Minecart! Configurable Speed. Balanced for Vanilla/Survival. 100% glitch-free and compatible with all Redstone. Works high-speed with slopes/inclines/curves. Only vanilla track/carts needed. Can be added and removed at any time. SMP or Server-Side. Audaki_kira 57327 2024-05-25 14:28
World Stripper Strips away blocks to reveal the underground world gen. A must have tool for all devs. dev ore map strip world EwyBoy 2830734 2024-05-25 13:12
⚔️ RPG style More Weapons! Make your world more RPG, install the mod! zrikon 672704 2024-05-25 12:31
More Snowball Add more snowball wich you can use in fight. ctoilcha_ 21 2024-05-25 11:35
Splashy Allows greater control over the splash text on the main menu. DarkhaxDev 180150 2024-05-25 10:30
Too Many Binds Solve the keybind problem, once and for all. dzwdz 31581 2024-05-25 10:06
Copper Golem And Co This mod adds functionnality to copper in Minecraft by adding Copper Golems but also a set of tools , a whole new dimension , a new boss with a custom moveset and 2 magic scepters. Solaire301 27 2024-05-25 09:47
Radically Random Additions A mod that adds random stuff, fitting the style of Vanilla Minecraft. I think. I hope. Radicalvice 98 2024-05-25 09:03
MysticRift: MobSpawner & Spawn Eggs Mobspawners & Mob eggs SmartStreamLabs_Studios, evaviense 1363 2024-05-25 08:58
Meticulous Helps you avoid breaking blocks accidentally. supersaiyansubtlety 1997 2024-05-25 07:00
Xtra Arrows An Archery Expansion Mod which adds lots of Extra Arrows. Forge, Fabric, & NeoForge Jackbusters 1307035 2024-05-25 00:35
Ender-Rift The Powered Bottomless Storage System gigaherz 749477 2024-05-24 22:39
Structure Compass Adds a compass for each structure that you can use to locate structures Mrbysco 13886870 2024-05-24 19:40
Exline's Diamond Shards adds diamond shards, similar to iron nuggets exlinegames 52433 2024-05-24 19:27
Azalea Wood Set A simple mod to add the azalea wood set to the game in its entirety! fire_horse27 5052 2024-05-24 19:23
Another Rotten Flesh To Leather With this mod you can smelt rotten flesh to leather JayCrafterMC 27179 2024-05-24 15:45
NVL Portal Gates Teleport Gates which lets entities to be teleported NVLMagic 2448 2024-05-24 15:28
Calm down, dog! Calm down your dogs by petting them. F14M3 326 2024-05-24 13:30
Sherd Duplication Allows pottery sherds to be duplicated. DarkhaxDev 9921 2024-05-24 10:28
More Swords Legacy The legacy of More Swords DarkhaxDev 850545 2024-05-24 10:24
Friendly Fire Modifies combat to prevent friendly fire to pets and other mobs. DarkhaxDev 6261488 2024-05-24 10:17
Distracting Trims Armor with a golden trim will distract piglins from attacking you, just like vanilla golden armor. DarkhaxDev 462578 2024-05-24 09:58
Cross Stitch Colours Large amount of cross stitching colours for pixel art badkaipanda 8132 2024-05-24 09:05
Archaeology Banners Banner patterns based on Archaeology sherds and designs. DarkhaxDev 106343 2024-05-24 08:49
Kawaii Foods A mod that adds kawaii foods to Minecraft. TheShadowModsUK 15204 2024-05-24 08:35
Motion Blur (Fabric) A motion blur mod for Fabric. noryea 120397 2024-05-24 04:57
Created Spawn Eggs The main purpose of this mod is to make spawn eggs suitable for creation MomentariyModder 9125 2024-05-24 02:03
mineHunter:Craft of the Wild The combination of theHunter:Call of the Wild and Minecraft spankster206 558 2024-05-24 01:19
Maniacal Coins A Super Simple Copper, Iron, & Gold Coin mod Maniacal 57 2024-05-24 00:39
Polytone Custom Block Sounds, Colors, Lightmaps, Colormaps, Custom Item Models, Biome Variant Textures, Gui modifiers, Tooltips, Custom Particles, Creative Tabs. Supports Optifine format. For Resource Packs MehVahdJukaar 1542486 2024-05-23 23:32
Voidscape Delve into the depths of the Void Tamaized 3528750 2024-05-23 20:37
Legacy minigames: Battle Legacy minigames: Battle is a mod that aims to recreate the experience offered by the battle minigame from console editions of minecraft. PooPmeep 20 2024-05-23 18:26
Golden Crops Grow Golden Carrots, Baked Potatoes and Glistering Melons WallyWhip 42794 2024-05-23 14:53
Too Many Binds Plus Search and simulate keybinds Ryhon 21 2024-05-23 10:58
Chat Binds Bind chat messages and commands to a key Ryhon 75 2024-05-23 10:56
Smithing Steel A vanilla friendly mod that adds a new set of armor and tools made of steel. RightNowThough 164 2024-05-23 10:00
Quickskin Toggle skin settings with a keybind Ryhon 32 2024-05-23 09:26
more ships ads ships that are on the water tombkingsts 363162 2024-05-23 08:16
Lucky Cat Give you luck buff for fishing Eugene2000 5802 2024-05-23 07:22
Exline's Sushi Mod this mod adds new food items exlinegames 162363 2024-05-23 01:32
Leon's Secret Paintings Adds the 4 unused Minecraft Paintings made by Mojang Leonxkingx, Taknax 123205 2024-05-22 16:52
NVL's Storage Blocks Add high capacity storage containers NVLMagic 6882 2024-05-22 16:09
NVL Force Fields Adds easy to use forcefields to Minecraft NVLMagic 175462 2024-05-22 16:03
NVL's Teleport Blocks Adds teleport sender and receiver blocks for easy short range teleportation. NVLMagic 1819 2024-05-22 16:02
Parrochute Parrots are not useless! They can make you fly! Eugene2000 250 2024-05-22 15:32
Camps. Castles. Carriages. Add more medieval-fairy-tale style structures to your vanilla world! Eugene2000 128837 2024-05-22 15:21
GrieferGames CustomBlocks Customblocks for GrieferGames and Bausucht Citybuild Server GrieferGamesNW 5617 2024-05-22 14:01
Leon's Spooky Paintings Adds 27 new spooky paintings Leonxkingx, Taknax 1197839 2024-05-22 12:10
Tax' Dragon Legend Dragon Legend is a Minecraft Forge modification aims to add Dragon related end game equipment. Taknax 171142 2024-05-22 09:39
Plushy+ Adding Plushies and Dollies to Minecraft Regressia 71060 2024-05-22 08:39
Cat Variant Eggs Adds spawn eggs for all the cat variants Jackbusters 273 2024-05-22 06:16
Shulker Into Shulker With this mod, you can put shulkers inside shulkers. RusJustThat 374 2024-05-22 03:29
Sakura Blossoms Changes the color of the particles from the Spore Blossom to be pink. luavixen 3196 2024-05-22 02:53
Chaos Edition Minecraft with random chaotic effects occurring at random intervals that can impede or help players! TheRealYeelp 767 2024-05-22 02:12
Conjuring Ridiculously fast spawners and powerful tools gliscowo 4399664 2024-05-21 23:35
Better Biome Reblend Updated version of Better Biome Blend, a mod that Improves and fixes biome color blending Cartrigger 28460 2024-05-21 23:29
Columns Adds columns to Minecraft. haykam 627144 2024-05-21 22:58
Stack Refill 📚 Automatically refills the player's hand when using the final item if a replacement exists. Serilum 5848287 2024-05-21 21:14
Just Mob Heads 🗿 Adds a configurable chance for mobs to drop their head, using vanilla resources only. Serilum 2572673 2024-05-21 20:53
Haven Pebbles Generate pebbles on right clicking dirt/grass/netherrack, great for challenge modpacks! CathieNova 98037 2024-05-21 20:51
Hide Experimental Warning ❌ Hides the Experimental Settings Warning when trying to create or load a modded world. Serilum 58560 2024-05-21 20:37
NVL's Blocks Blocks which I think missing from vanilla Minecraft NVLMagic 7070 2024-05-21 20:34
OP Lightsabers A mod containing Lightsabers! __Existing__ 36 2024-05-21 20:05
more underground structures Ads a few underground structures. tombkingsts 167261 2024-05-21 19:02
Neon World A simple mod with a few neon items! Not the best, but check out for some cool new blocks! GodRyan 148 2024-05-21 18:00
More Food Japanese Edition This mod adds more Japanese food to the game! __Existing__ 23 2024-05-21 17:43
Reaping Harvest your animals in the most cursed way possible. jamalam360 195117 2024-05-21 16:38
Runestones Adds non-consumable runestones to (mostly) your early game! WolfyTheModCreator 62 2024-05-21 15:16
Mantle.gg Craft In Style, Earn Rewards & Challenge Yourself stan, DeftuDev, eyezah 2687 2024-05-21 11:32
Gr33n's Other Magic A New Simple Magic mod inspired by D&D, Project E, And Wynn Craft Gr33ntimer15 3 2024-05-21 01:59
Experimental Blocks Adds 50 Items And Blocks Pongon_Gaming 68 2024-05-21 01:47
Soaring Phantoms Replaces vanilla's terrible phantom spawning rules with an altitude-based approach. Fully configurable. pajicadvance23 390 2024-05-21 00:43
Dimension Update The mod add new dimensions, mobs, sets and blocks. DaviDag 132 2024-05-20 21:38
Rule Control (RC) Control your gamerules ingame with a simple and clean GUI Cubyc 7670 2024-05-20 20:41
Ring of Flight A mod for 1.19+ that adds a simple ring of flight to your game WolfyTheModCreator 872 2024-05-20 20:07
More Advancements [Fabric & Forge] More Advancements pardeus1 103104 2024-05-20 19:31
Ivan Carpet Addition Add more useful tools and interesting features Ivan_1F 18110 2024-05-20 14:49
Potion Rings - REFORGED [FORGE/NEOFORGE] A 1.16.5, 1.18.2, 1.19.4, 1.20.6, 1.21 port of the Potion Fingers Mod by Vazkii Samlegamer_ 171118 2024-05-20 13:37
Plant Proliferation More Flowers In Your World DreykaOas_official 6 2024-05-20 12:50
Dimensional Knives Adds knives to travel beyond dimensions Bullfighter 7 2024-05-20 10:43
More Layered Blocks Adds more blocks that have layers like snow. mrmcdiamonds 1018 2024-05-20 09:54
Wildfire's Female Gender Mod (Forge) FORGE VERSION - The Female Gender Mod introduces extra player model customization options, including a unique feature that adds a personalized touch to your avatar. WildfireMC 1277303 2024-05-20 02:42
Female Gender Mod The Female Gender Mod introduces extra player model customization options, including a unique feature that adds a personalized touch to your avatar. WildfireMC 985222 2024-05-20 01:57
Fluidz Adds in 3 new wacky fluids Funmelonboy 17 2024-05-20 00:24
Gallant Gauntlets Adds gauntlets: a new weapon/armor class with both attack damage and armor value joshieman 1743 2024-05-19 23:58
Ok Zoomer - It's Zoom! A multiplatform zoom mod that is powerful, lean, and pretty customizable. The zoom is yours! EnnuiLangeweile, UpcraftLP 4025385 2024-05-19 21:15
Excavated Variants Automatically generated stone variants of ores lukebemish 2813516 2024-05-19 21:01
RightClickHarvest Allows you to harvest crops by right clicking jamalam360 22809095 2024-05-19 20:40
Pocketwatch Displays clocks, compasses, or other whitelisted items from your inventory next to your hotbar Minenash 843 2024-05-19 19:38
Azutiom FR:Mon mod rajoute des nouveaux minerais,armure et outil. EN:My mod adds some new ore,armor and tool. Eytranne 92 2024-05-19 17:09
Mentioned Chat filter mod to notify you when you've been mentioned Kirdow 1170 2024-05-19 16:47
ramel bring your camels to ramming speed! ix0rai 1093 2024-05-19 15:05
Aquatic Frontiers The All In One Water MOD GlitchedMastery 35981 2024-05-19 13:03
Puzzle Code Puzzle Code is a mod designed in creating maps, doing experiments and having unlimited freedom with your creation. cristalpower2 10403 2024-05-19 10:19
Villager See, Villager Do Control villagers' trades by throwing them items. supersaiyansubtlety 14478 2024-05-19 10:06
Automatic Tool Swap Swaps the tools to the effective one if it's in hotbar MelanX 736578 2024-05-19 09:50
Bale of Sugar Cane This mod adds a Sugar Cane Bale to store Sugar Cane easier! exlinegames 11575 2024-05-19 06:00
Disposable Furnaces Quick smelting for the hurried traveler. Wooden furnaces and more! jiink 26 2024-05-19 03:51
Shulker Box Tooltip [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge] What's in my shulker box? MisterPeModder 8200080 2024-05-19 03:45
Key Binding Patch Patch and enhance vanilla key binding system. Giant_Salted_Fish 10218 2024-05-19 01:09
Peaks Exposed large ore veins, designed with quarries in mind. zeh_maria 5489 2024-05-18 22:44
Banduty's LFW This mod aims to limit the hunger to go lower than 3 drumstick (6 hunger points). B4nduty 77 2024-05-18 18:26
Planet magic Explore new worlds with this mode milesellisgame 262 2024-05-18 16:21
Lavender API A Guidebook API and alternative to Patchouli gliscowo 521514 2024-05-18 15:08
QKing's Easier Ores Easier ores QKing 54 2024-05-18 13:31
Colourful Llamas Dye, shear, and ride your Llamas WallyWhip 49309 2024-05-18 09:48
Glassential Renewed (Fabric/NeoForge) Various types of glass to aid in your building. Updated to new MC. big_energy 7740924 2024-05-18 08:30
Lampicus Various awesome glowing blocks big_energy 3138 2024-05-18 03:45
Reignited HUD Reignition of the Ignited HUD mod, a RPG style HUD for Minecraft highly customizable. MSymbios 617 2024-05-18 03:14
Amplified Nether 256-tall nether with 3D biomes, mountains and more! Starmute 9051654 2024-05-17 19:52
Continents Explore the seas to find realistic continents & islands. Works with most mods! Starmute 581006 2024-05-17 19:51
Structory: Towers Adds immersive, biome-themed towers to the world, for Fabric/Forge/Quilt. botanydev 18217927 2024-05-17 19:49
Structory An atmospheric structure mod for Fabric/Forge/Quilt. botanydev 39122504 2024-05-17 19:43
Incendium New biomes and structures with the vanilla blocks! (1.18+) Starmute 14589812 2024-05-17 19:34
The Dirty Stuff (Cigarettes) This mod adds tobacco related items, like cigar/cigarettes bogismok 201170 2024-05-17 15:55
automatic-potato Mod version checker for Fabric mods Kotori316 3891 2024-05-17 13:49
Diabolic Hoard (Zoey's Gems) Adds gems from Diablo 3 into the Apotheosis Mod! ZoeyPOS 292 2024-05-17 07:48
YUNG's Bridges (NeoForge) Adds beautiful naturally generated bridges throughout the world YUNGNICKYOUNG 87545 2024-05-17 07:19
YUNG's Bridges (Fabric) Adds beautiful naturally generated bridges throughout the world YUNGNICKYOUNG 11690184 2024-05-17 07:14
YUNG's Bridges (Forge) Adds beautiful naturally generated bridges throughout the world YUNGNICKYOUNG 34420760 2024-05-17 07:14
YUNG's Extras (Fabric) Extra structures, features, and vanilla+ content suitable for any modpack YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander 7077997 2024-05-17 07:02
YUNG's Extras (NeoForge) Extra structures, features, and vanilla+ content suitable for any modpack YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander 117434 2024-05-17 07:01
YUNG's Extras (Forge) Extra structures, features, and vanilla+ content suitable for any modpack YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander 36796615 2024-05-17 07:01
YUNG's Better Witch Huts (Fabric) Adds overhauled witch huts to swamps! YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander 10972028 2024-05-17 06:49
YUNG's Better Witch Huts (NeoForge) Adds overhauled witch huts to swamps! YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander 118463 2024-05-17 06:48
YUNG's Better Witch Huts (Forge) Adds overhauled witch huts to swamps! YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander 29426779 2024-05-17 06:48
Origins (Fabric) Players choose an Origin at the beginning of the game to gain benefits and drawbacks Apace 14345755 2024-05-17 04:32
YUNG's Better End Island (Fabric) An overhaul of the main End Island where the dragon fight takes place! YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander 6804138 2024-05-17 01:27
YUNG's Better End Island (NeoForge) An overhaul of the main End Island where the dragon fight takes place! YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander 32525 2024-05-17 01:26
YUNG's Better End Island (Forge) An overhaul of the main End Island where the dragon fight takes place! YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander 21321406 2024-05-17 01:26
YUNG's Better Jungle Temples (Fabric) A complete redesign of Minecraft's jungle temples! YUNGNICKYOUNG, TeraBuildsStuff 6591938 2024-05-17 01:22
YUNG's Better Jungle Temples (NeoForge) A complete redesign of Minecraft's jungle temples! YUNGNICKYOUNG, TeraBuildsStuff 740323 2024-05-17 01:21
YUNG's Better Jungle Temples (Forge) A complete redesign of Minecraft's jungle temples! YUNGNICKYOUNG, TeraBuildsStuff 20606688 2024-05-17 01:20
YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses (Fabric) A complete redesign of Minecraft's Nether fortresses! YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander 10037659 2024-05-17 01:16
YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses (NeoForge) A complete redesign of Minecraft's Nether fortresses! YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander 700032 2024-05-17 01:15
YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses (Forge) A complete redesign of Minecraft's Nether fortresses! YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander 32200403 2024-05-17 01:14
YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments (Fabric) A complete redesign of Minecraft's ocean monuments! YUNGNICKYOUNG, TeraBuildsStuff 13418365 2024-05-17 01:01
YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments (NeoForge) A complete redesign of Minecraft's ocean monuments! YUNGNICKYOUNG, TeraBuildsStuff 705841 2024-05-17 01:00
YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments (Forge) A complete redesign of Minecraft's ocean monuments! YUNGNICKYOUNG, TeraBuildsStuff 35784648 2024-05-17 01:00
YUNG's Better Desert Temples (NeoForge) A complete redesign of Minecraft's desert temples! YUNGNICKYOUNG, TeraBuildsStuff 118664 2024-05-17 00:53
YUNG's Better Desert Temples (Fabric) A complete redesign of Minecraft's desert temples! YUNGNICKYOUNG, TeraBuildsStuff 9222662 2024-05-17 00:53
YUNG's Better Desert Temples (Forge) A complete redesign of Minecraft's desert temples! YUNGNICKYOUNG, TeraBuildsStuff 28880541 2024-05-17 00:52
YUNG's Better Dungeons (Fabric) A complete redesign of Minecraft's dungeons! YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander 17400725 2024-05-17 00:42
YUNG's Better Dungeons (NeoForge) A complete redesign of Minecraft's dungeons! YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander 1247291 2024-05-17 00:41
YUNG's Better Dungeons (Forge) A complete redesign of Minecraft's dungeons! YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander 64989214 2024-05-17 00:41
YUNG's Better Strongholds (NeoForge) A complete redesign of Minecraft's strongholds YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander 118255 2024-05-17 00:34
YUNG's Better Strongholds (Fabric) A complete redesign of Minecraft's strongholds YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander 16823131 2024-05-17 00:34
YUNG's Better Strongholds (Forge) A complete redesign of Minecraft's strongholds YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander 57054673 2024-05-17 00:33
Timberjack The Timberjack Mod for Minecraft allows players to quickly chop down entire trees by breaking just one block at the base. When an axe is used on the trunk, all connected logs, including branches, are automatically broken, streamlining wood collection. big_yonath249939 2458 2024-05-16 23:34
Survival lock restricts the game mode change and use of explicit commands, making it full survival so that on the server/world admins do not take advantage of the permissions FletchesZ_xd 8 2024-05-16 21:05
Just A Battery [NEOFORGE/FORGE] Well it's just a battery. Good for early and late game and easy upgradable without grinding recipes. canitzp 24960 2024-05-16 19:28
ANBL - (Almost) No build limit allows you to build from y -1024 to 1024 nachtwind12 8455 2024-05-16 17:57
RS Compressor Compress your items and blocks! RothSterial 6 2024-05-16 17:03
Nature's Aura Collecting, using and replenishing the Aura naturally present in the world to create useful devices and unique mechanics Ellpeck 26742533 2024-05-16 16:29
Visual Workbench [Forge & Fabric] Items stay inside of crafting tables and are also rendered on top. It's really fancy! Fuzs 40029279 2024-05-16 13:47
Reach Display A configurable visual representation of your reach and hit distances Wolren 1001 2024-05-16 13:06
Wolf Port A port mod replacing classic wolves with those added in 24w10a+ and making tamed ones have more hp (No other features added) Wolren 1157 2024-05-16 12:44
Indicatia Simple and lightweight in-game info and utilities! SteveKunG 115538 2024-05-16 12:08
MysticRift: Ultimate 500+ Blocks Neo(Forge) 500 New blocks for minecraft java + Support create SmartStreamLabs, Developer_Ada 7038 2024-05-16 11:30
William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld This mod overhauls all vanilla biomes, with different sub biomes! Cristelknight, williamwythers 463148 2024-05-16 06:58
Notes A clientside mod that provides a fully functional in-game notepad. Chaosyr 6190429 2024-05-15 23:11
mold world add more item to collect scpnutella 250 2024-05-15 19:15
Bucket'Em A mod about adding more ways to store and move mobs in both buckets and non-bucket ways. Qzimyion 3360 2024-05-15 17:24
Kolbaska's Ruby The mod adds ruby for Minecraft. Also ruby armor & tools. KoJI6acka 58 2024-05-15 16:13
Reinforced Obsidian Adds a block called reinforced obsidian, indestructible by the wither and any type of explosion Block_Legend001 10960 2024-05-15 15:49
No Blaze Knockback Prevents knockback from Basalz, Blaze, Blitz and Blizz projectiles. Christofmeg 42 2024-05-15 15:44
RandomOre Adds an ore that drops random item Bullfighter 29527 2024-05-15 13:57
Colourful Goats Dye and shear your Goats WallyWhip 125701 2024-05-15 13:54
Squid No Glitch A tiny mod that fixes various vanilla bugs with the squid SteveKunG 114501 2024-05-15 12:15
Charcoal Blocks A simply mod that adds charcoal block Block_Legend001 9062 2024-05-15 12:12
Fish No Stuck A small mod that fixes fish stop moving entirely (MC-182763) SteveKunG 24931 2024-05-15 12:02
Custom XP Scaling Change how much experience is required to level up harrynull 8 2024-05-15 11:07
Simple Discord Rich Presence (Forge / Fabric) Simple Discord Rich Presence Sunekaer 29746971 2024-05-15 10:36
Concrete+ (FABRIC) adds more concrete block versions The_Gaming_Angel_ 46811 2024-05-15 08:53
Lucent A client-side dynamic lighting mod and API ModdingLegacy, silver_david 796333 2024-05-15 03:56
Fishing Rod Fix This mod provides fix for old minecraft bug andrewchik 13008 2024-05-15 02:19
Rapscallions and Rockhoppers (Penguins) A fresh, new take on the 2023 Mob Vote's Penguin. MerchantPug, UltrusBot 687 2024-05-15 00:04
Polaroid Camera A mod that adds a camera that allows players to take pictures and put them on maps. CyborgPigeon 765691 2024-05-14 18:51
Yellow Chicken and hammer Adds Tameable yellow chickens that shoot lasers (and hammers) Perryo 3 2024-05-14 17:54
No Void Structures Utility mod to support floating islands style world generation by preventing structures from generating in the void. Quidvio 23 2024-05-14 17:22
Ender Swords Added a sword that can throw ender pearls. lemonoooob 9 2024-05-14 13:15
Fancy Health Bar Fancy ways of losing health. efekos 5187 2024-05-14 13:14
Aether Addon: Protect Your Moa An addon centered around equipment for Moas, allowing them to be outfitted with chests and craftable Moa Armor. TheAetherTeam, bconlon, OscarPayn 2677133 2024-05-14 13:09
Keep Your Mouth Healthy Make your mouth unhealthy, and then you have to make it healthy again. (hhh StarChen 25 2024-05-14 09:04
ParticleAnimationLib A particle animation library mod to create cool particle effects super easily! Emafire003 62 2024-05-14 08:18
More Armor and Tool Types More armor and tool types based off of items already in the game seebombster 7 2024-05-14 01:55
Compact Void Miners Collects ores and fluids from the void Quphoria 344451 2024-05-13 23:26
The Kerflufle My first ever mod that adds new mobs, a new structure, and a new block, enjoy! KingSlimer101 30 2024-05-13 22:53
Suggestion Tweaker Improves the way suggestions are filtered and sorted when writing a command VelizarP 977616 2024-05-13 21:59
The Adventurer Origin An addon to the origins mod that adds the Adventurer. i3dprinterkid 28 2024-05-13 21:28
CleanContainer CleanContainer helps you to sort your inventory and your containers, such as chests, barrels, shulkers, minecartchests and enderchests. HasteinMC 982 2024-05-13 21:25
Resource Cracker/Tools Gather Resources with ease. xStopho 128094 2024-05-13 19:49
Animal Armor Trims - Horse & Wolf Now you can add trims to horse and wolf armor! Lupin, jason13official 395062 2024-05-13 18:42
Forgero - [Fabric] Mod for crafting customized tools with Fabric THESIIG 110945 2024-05-13 18:39
Vanilla gunz! A mod that add Vanilla friendly guns to the game! superkronkanierita 16 2024-05-13 18:27
Macaw's Paths and Pavings Adds new vanila styled paths and pavings! sketch_macaw 14839752 2024-05-13 17:59
Instant Horse Tame ... lets you instantly tame horses in creative mode! jason13official 181 2024-05-13 17:31
Macaw's Paintings Adds 56 custom made paintings! sketch_macaw 22852001 2024-05-13 16:36
MECHA - Multiple Entity Collision Hitboxes API Fabric API for implementing multiple collider hitboxes for a single entity bytemaniak 14 2024-05-13 13:53
Enchant mod This is enchant mod... Kacpex 590 2024-05-13 13:01
Water Vision See Better Under da Water! TheEnderCore 2480 2024-05-13 12:40
Find the Treasure Adds a little treasure digging mechanic. SaltyWater 752 2024-05-13 11:25
GR's Walking Canes Adds walking canes GarbageRequiem 80 2024-05-13 10:48
Keyblades adds Keyblades as a new craftable weapon exlinegames 95752 2024-05-13 04:58
Dungeons Artifacts Adds artifacts from Minecraft Dungeons JeremySeq 89844 2024-05-13 01:16
Explorer's Compass Explorer's Compass is an item that allows you to locate structures anywhere in the world. Chaosyr 35689383 2024-05-13 00:02
A Chicken's Revenge The chickens are tired of being slaughtered, it's time to fight back. Introducing a Chicken's Revenge. Kadeee1 9 2024-05-12 21:56
Gun Unleashed+ Adds a simple vanilla+ gun and gun painting to Minecraft raqical 15 2024-05-12 19:48
NoOffHandUse The offhand is a special inventory-slot DukeEdivad05 300 2024-05-12 19:33
No Hunger [NeoForge/Fabric] Removes the hunger bar from Minecraft, food will instead heal you. Slaincow, slainlite 4589 2024-05-12 19:29
Queso Explodito Adds cheese and various other cheese-related items to Minecraft. thelegendaryrookie 4 2024-05-12 19:07
Double Doors 🚪 Multiple identical double doors, trapdoors and fence gates can be opened simultaneously. Serilum 17303252 2024-05-12 08:28
Difficulty Lock 🔒 Sets a difficulty in any world, optionally locked, or force a hardcore mode requirement. Serilum 1054937 2024-05-12 08:26
Pumpkillager's Quest 🎃 SpookyJam 2022: Help out the Pumpkillager! With custom encounters, rewards and a boss fight you'll get immersed in the story. Spawn him by breaking a pumpkin in this spooky scary Halloween style mod! Serilum 1978802 2024-05-12 08:24
GUI Compass 🧭 [Client] Shows direction and coordinates in the GUI/HUD with a compass in the inventory. Serilum 1127902 2024-05-12 08:21
Glodium A codelib for render, registry and network stuff GlodBlock 6983481 2024-05-12 08:07
Enchant Icon A quick solution to view the enchantment status yuriscat 3350 2024-05-12 07:28
JsMacros javascript macromod for blockgame Wagyourtail 25053 2024-05-12 06:24
Quasar Collect Cosmic Tools and Venture to Biomes Above! seefolt11 86 2024-05-12 00:40
Bounty Just a mod I made for a server, uploaded to Curseforge for ease of sharing ModMan337 13 2024-05-12 00:28
ExtraGems A mod that adds a few new gems (ruby, sapphire, amethyst, topaz & crystal) for tools, weapons, blocks and useful amulets! XxRexRaptorxX 238224 2024-05-11 23:14
Chimes Wind chimes that create ambient noises for your base. CicadaBluw 10034898 2024-05-11 23:12
Koyun's Extra Paintings New paintings for Minecraft Koyun 21 2024-05-11 21:15
Brick Hopper Adds a Brick Hopper to the game. (Forge, NeoForge, Fabric, Quilt) thecech12 1031496 2024-05-11 20:57
Wooden Hopper Adds a Wooden Hopper to the game. (Forge, NeoForge, Fabric, Quilt) thecech12 4519045 2024-05-11 20:47
Nature's Compass Nature's Compass is an item that allows you to locate biomes anywhere in the world. Chaosyr 174308899 2024-05-11 19:38
PickupVillager Make villager transportation more easy. efekos 731 2024-05-11 19:30
WITS (What Is This Structure?) Use \wits to see the name of structures at where you are or at a spot! telepathicgrunt 3578257 2024-05-11 17:52
OptiPainting Optimizes painting rendering XanderIsDev 131 2024-05-11 16:59
Night Vision Helmets This mod adds helmets, but not simple helmets, but with built-in night vision goggles! MomentariyModder 7507 2024-05-11 15:59
Lighty The Light Overlay Mod with a twist! andi_makes 14654 2024-05-11 15:34
Cosmaztic's Swords [DISCONTINUED] This mod adds lots of swords to have fun with in creative and survival mode! cosmaztics 674 2024-05-11 13:23
Recipe Book is Pain Makes the recipe book "copy" creative tabs melontini 21836 2024-05-11 12:17
Ceramic Bucket A Ceramic Bucket made of clay for ALL fluids! (Forge, NeoForge, Fabric, Quilt) thecech12 3204176 2024-05-11 09:25
Wooden Bucket A Wooden Bucket for all bucketable fluids, entities & blocks! (Forge, NeoForge, Fabric, Quilt) thecech12 2317609 2024-05-11 09:14
CompactStorage Up to 24x12 upgradable Chests, Barrels, Backpacks and Drums! Now with wooden varieties! witchica 14411593 2024-05-11 01:30
Chat Patches A Minecraft-Fabric client-side mod that touches up a few aspects of Minecraft's mundane chat. OBro1961 1811529 2024-05-10 23:46
Horizontal Glass Panes Horizontal Panes for Forge and Fabric witchica 346036 2024-05-10 23:44
Cromta's Solo Leveling Solo Leveling manhwa mod cromtakun 509106 2024-05-10 21:14
Falling Leaves (NeoForge/Forge) Falling Leaves from trees Cheaterpaul 32274152 2024-05-10 17:05
Microphone Add a microphone that can mimic mob sounds Min_0912 11 2024-05-10 16:33
Goblin Traders Adds goblins that you can find underground with unique and useful trades! MrCrayfish 32897256 2024-05-10 15:56
Delay Be Gone Remove block delay from shields IamTis 8398 2024-05-10 15:24
Olden Guns A fork of ewewukek's musket mod, now with more content and features. Sir__Washington 692 2024-05-10 13:17
Easy Nether Star - Fabric Easy Nether Star - craft nether star kazmur 2521 2024-05-10 12:59
Easy Nether Star - Forge Easy Nether Star - craft nether star kazmur 7668 2024-05-10 12:58
Minecord (for Discord) Bring your Minecraft world into your Discord guild Axieum 373759 2024-05-10 11:51
Modern Industrial Routers An addon for Modular Routers that adds upgrades for transporting Modern Industrialisation energy matyrobbrt 123159 2024-05-10 11:04
Modern Lights Adds simple and modern looking light blocks to Minecraft 1_Jammy 4346 2024-05-10 10:02
Macro Keybinds Create macro to be more fast Thomas7520 128012 2024-05-10 07:00
RS Linking Add linking tools to minecraft! RothSterial 80 2024-05-10 04:08
War Hammers adds a new tool/weapon, the war-hammer! exlinegames 593786 2024-05-10 04:02
MoreBeeInfo Add the number of bees and honey level in the bee nest and beehive anvian 81294 2024-05-10 02:22
Paxi (Fabric) Global data & resource packs made easy. YUNGNICKYOUNG 8493472 2024-05-10 02:15
Paxi (NeoForge) Global data & resource packs made easy. YUNGNICKYOUNG 388586 2024-05-10 02:14
Paxi (Forge) Global data & resource packs made easy. YUNGNICKYOUNG 21120535 2024-05-10 02:13
Economical Villager Trading Villagers restock buy trades when you use up a sell trade, and vice versa. supersaiyansubtlety 166791 2024-05-10 02:08
Command Aliases (Fabric) Alternate short commands for complex commands (with tab completion) FlashyReese 16373 2024-05-10 01:59
Traveler's Titles (NeoForge) Epic, RPG-like titles when entering biomes & dimensions! YUNGNICKYOUNG 74909 2024-05-10 01:50
Traveler's Titles (Fabric) Epic, RPG-like titles when entering biomes & dimensions! YUNGNICKYOUNG 2382711 2024-05-10 01:50
Traveler's Titles (Forge) Epic, RPG-like titles when entering biomes & dimensions! YUNGNICKYOUNG 22285772 2024-05-10 01:49
Epic Explosives This mod adds a lot of explosive mines like normal, fake, wither, poisonous & more! AgustinJ879 18099 2024-05-10 01:17
YUNG's Menu Tweaks (Fabric) A small, lightweight mod that makes browsing menus a lot easier YUNGNICKYOUNG 1063011 2024-05-10 01:05
YUNG's Menu Tweaks (NeoForge) A small, lightweight mod that makes browsing menus a lot easier YUNGNICKYOUNG 31499 2024-05-10 01:04
YUNG's Menu Tweaks (Forge) A small, lightweight mod that makes browsing menus a lot easier YUNGNICKYOUNG 4304050 2024-05-10 01:04
Minehop This Mod Adds Source Engine Movement (Bhopping and Strafing) in Minecraft for a Better Parkour Experience. Includes a Speedometer, SSJ, Gauge, and Strafe Efficiency on the JHud. Plaaasma, lolrow, Moriz 346 2024-05-10 00:49
Repurposed Structures (Neoforge/Forge) Adds more variations of vanilla structures and features such as a Jungle Fortress! telepathicgrunt 60469075 2024-05-09 23:44
Repurposed Structures (Fabric/Quilt) Adds more variations of vanilla structures and features! telepathicgrunt 19076942 2024-05-09 23:43
Smoke Suppression Client mod to suppress campfire smoke when certain blocks are below campfires. supersaiyansubtlety 549299 2024-05-09 22:56
Chicken Nerf Prevents random chicken egg laying. Instead, breeding chickens produces eggs. supersaiyansubtlety 20443 2024-05-09 21:58
Enhanced Campfire [FORGE & FABRIC] Enhances campfires in every aspect! It's also configurable. abidux 80 2024-05-09 21:11
YUNG's Better Mineshafts (Fabric) A long-awaited and much-needed abandoned mineshaft overhaul! YUNGNICKYOUNG 16515772 2024-05-09 20:48
YUNG's Better Mineshafts (NeoForge) A long-awaited and much-needed abandoned mineshaft overhaul! YUNGNICKYOUNG 118372 2024-05-09 20:47
YUNG's Better Mineshafts (Forge) A long-awaited and much-needed abandoned mineshaft overhaul! YUNGNICKYOUNG 88057362 2024-05-09 20:47
The World of Herobrine Neo(Forge) Herobrine kils everyone he sees! Will you stop him ? SmartStreamLabs 4539 2024-05-09 20:24
YUNG's API (Fabric) A library mod for some of YUNG's Minecraft mods (Fabric version) YUNGNICKYOUNG 21647738 2024-05-09 20:23
YUNG's API (NeoForge) A library mod for some of YUNG's Minecraft mods YUNGNICKYOUNG 1457050 2024-05-09 20:22
YUNG's API (Forge) A library mod for some of YUNG's Minecraft mods YUNGNICKYOUNG 89185326 2024-05-09 20:22
More Crafting Tables (MCT) Adds the other Crafting Table variants to the game! LieOnLion 7745 2024-05-09 20:20
No Sneaking Over Magma! Makes magma deal damage even when players are crouching. Configurable. supersaiyansubtlety 85152 2024-05-09 19:59
Elemental Creepers OG The original mod finally updated! New kinds of creepers with elemental effects, including a tamable friendly creeper! xSmallDeadGuyx 7909 2024-05-09 19:42
Darkest Souls A mod inspired by the Souls Series of games, focused on progression, combat and exploration Nitespring 42279 2024-05-09 18:23
Rolling Down in the Deep An addon to Do A Barrel Roll to extend its features to swimming and diving. enjarai 8351 2024-05-09 17:27
More Bookshelves Variants Bookshelves for all the different woods LieOnLion 1946 2024-05-09 16:40
Cross Additional It's a simple weapon mod that adds a CROSS Min_0912 18 2024-05-09 15:37
Erinium Rank Basic ranking system JLSkyzer 59 2024-05-09 14:25
Tool Kit Adds useful commands and improves the vanilla structure blocks - ToolKit Sunekaer 8106564 2024-05-09 14:13
Erinium Auction House make your business JLSkyzer 86 2024-05-09 13:32
Gobber [NEOFORGE/FORGE] New ores for making high-end gear and powerful items kwpugh 5884493 2024-05-09 13:07
Ring of the Miner [FORGE/NEOFORGE] Clears away (breaks or void) non-ore blocks around player for easy mining kwpugh 182818 2024-05-09 12:15
Mining Dimensions [FABRIC] Provides a several extra dimensions for gathering resources & exploring kwpugh 805205 2024-05-09 11:45
InfinityArmor Indestructible Armor & Sword ctv_fanpage 924 2024-05-09 11:19
InfinityArmor Indestructible Armor & Sword ctv_fanpage 621 2024-05-09 11:19
tomCraft An ambient mod for those who miss having oldMagic in their modern minecraft world Impetus 19940 2024-05-09 10:27
Discontinuous Beacon Beams Stops beacon beams from rendering though clear glass in their paths. Configurable. supersaiyansubtlety 8289 2024-05-09 04:30
Axe Tweak Forge mod tweaking vanilla axes' right-clicking behaviour. Now it requires to press Shift+Right-click to strip blocks. virtual_aerotech 9 2024-05-09 03:34
Draw Knives Forge mod adding tiered draw knives that replace vanilla axes' Right-click behaviour. virtual_aerotech 7 2024-05-09 03:20
Discerning Furnace Only allow smeltable items in furnaces. supersaiyansubtlety 35064 2024-05-09 02:42
Mojang Logo Animation This mod changes loading screen. Karasu9600 522 2024-05-09 01:51
Auto Clicker Quick and Dirty Auto Clicker mod for Fabric(mc) ErrorMikey 367766 2024-05-08 22:34
Cinch's Better Deepslate A mod that adds new deepslate blocks, re-does deepslate crafting recipes, and adds new deepslate tools. Blackstone tools are also added. cinchtail 10236 2024-05-08 19:32
Nevermore May there be bloodshed! Enjoy large content packs together. VisiVersa 496 2024-05-08 19:05
Sanguine Challenge your skills with horrific blood moons and a plethora of unique, gory monsters. Shed their blood and perform taboo magic. VisiVersa 370 2024-05-08 19:03
Jolted A redstone expansion full of gizmos and gadgets. VisiVersa 201 2024-05-08 19:03
Manic Sacrifice your sanity to the dark arts and ascend further than before. Face its challenges, and reap its rewards... VisiVersa 406 2024-05-08 19:02
Balm Abstraction Layer (but not really)™ for Blay's multiplatform mods BlayTheNinth 91828061 2024-05-08 18:50
Balm (Fabric Edition) Abstraction Layer (but not really)™ for Blay's multiplatform mods BlayTheNinth 22881057 2024-05-08 18:47
Fluid Void Fading Renders fluids flowing into the void, seamlessly DaFuqsy 6765 2024-05-08 16:12
Boaty Facey rotates boats to the players direction upon getting in arky3001 5 2024-05-08 16:07
TelePass Allowing players to teleport to each other. Mrbysco 1362496 2024-05-08 16:01
Ultimate Block Ores A Mode That Allows Normal Ores to Get Out of Block States. Axers 199 2024-05-08 13:44
Persistent Parrots Parrots have been 'trained' to remain perched on your shoulders! boyonk913 3000 2024-05-08 09:42
Sophisticated Storage Storage mod with multiple tiers and functional upgrades P3pp3rF1y 31161270 2024-05-08 09:30
Loading Backgrounds Customize the loading background of the games, and place customizable images. Lupin 863542 2024-05-08 08:55
FlintAndSteel Improve This module improves flint and steel so that it can directly ignite creatures. Fang_Yi 14 2024-05-08 08:18
Deku's More Ice A simple vanilla+ Minecraft mod that provides a means of reliably creating ice as well as new ice blocks obtainable through the stonecutter. Dekunutter 340 2024-05-08 03:13
Whisperer's Jungle Temple Adds a new temple in the jungle with new mobs, the Whisperer and jungle spiders Leonxkingx 2913 2024-05-08 01:04
Golden Goodies A simple Fabric mod that adds golden variants to vanilla crops PsiTheGuy 80 2024-05-08 00:09
You Need Bait! A fishing mod that adds new 3d fish, bait, items, food, blocks, structures and more! Dragondog7 951 2024-05-07 22:49
Ore and more [Forge/Neoforge] Ores, armors, tools, weapons ! choupicul 69169 2024-05-07 21:21
Screenshot Viewer View your screenshots in game! LGatodu47 504925 2024-05-07 20:40
Fire Extinguisher 🧯 Enhance your fire safety with a straightforward and effective fire extinguisher modification that incorporates essential items for combating fires. Kaworru 55966 2024-05-07 20:38
We need to cook (Breaking Bad) A mod where you can cook just as good as Waltuh can! kalecherabieh 132 2024-05-07 18:50
More Furnaces Variants Furnaces for the main stones LieOnLion 5459 2024-05-07 18:33
Dungeons + Adds A New Dungeon To Minecraft Eyuuan 4860 2024-05-07 17:43
Warp Totem Adds a warp totem, allowing you to teleport to a lodestone linked to the totem using a compass. ultimatech 186 2024-05-07 15:30
BlueMap Custom Skin Server Simple addon for BlueMap that allows using a custom skin server. DuckyHatsu 908 2024-05-07 14:17
Warrior Rage (Forge/Fabric) Brings Kill Streak functionality to combat. Tiviacz1337 963701 2024-05-07 12:41
HoloStructures 2 A Minecraft mod for projecting holographic Blueprints m_marvin 67 2024-05-07 10:40
Arrow Camera Control This mod allows you to rotate camera with arrows Tejty 55 2024-05-07 09:38
Magma Bucket This module makes brushing stones more convenient. Holding a magma bucket filled with water can generate stones. Fang_Yi 15 2024-05-07 08:11
TheLittleHopesOfTheDarkness Explore the new dimension and find out the new mobs TomekIlSupremoITA 100 2024-05-07 07:58
Cherished Worlds (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge/Quilt) Favorite/pin/bookmark certain worlds, which will always be at the top of the list and cannot be deleted. TheIllusiveC4 33920459 2024-05-07 07:31
MC Chess Chess brought to Minecraft! Features move highlighting, en passant, and castling! Plaaasma 16 2024-05-07 04:52
Tetra Libs Library for Tetra Nova mods or others dev Blaackknight 5470 2024-05-07 02:27
Table Top Craft (Fabric) Table Top Craft is a Mod that adds playable boardgames to Minecraft. andrew0030 49255 2024-05-07 00:49
Paintings N' Discs Backport Backports the new paintings and music discs to older versions! marioz170 254 2024-05-06 22:55
GenMogrify Modify blocks, entities and/or items as they are generated. D0CTORZED 11664 2024-05-06 22:33
Bedrock Crafter "Vanilla-like" way to craft bedrock and building blocks from it. TheCJBrine 72540 2024-05-06 21:21
Loot Journal (Forge) Smoothly animated item pick-up notifications with flexible settings Obscuria 2414741 2024-05-06 17:33
Snow Under Trees Adds snow under trees in snowy biomes bl4ckscor3 25149469 2024-05-06 15:25
MineMenu Mine Menu - Radial menu, 'nuff said Girafi 9018963 2024-05-06 15:09
MTR sign addon [Forge & Fabric] adds signs to the MTR mod. MarcusIsLion 20342 2024-05-06 12:55
Health Tag Displays entity health as nametags DreykaOas_official 214 2024-05-06 12:53
Miz's Broom Adds a witch's broom and witch's hat to your world. Mizz 673 2024-05-06 12:37
Portal Expansion Add Portal items to the game! mainseminecraft 15 2024-05-06 11:29
RandomMobBoost [Neoforge] Give a Chance Reinforcement Every Mob. Erdmen 34 2024-05-06 10:39
Coins JE A simple coins mod for questing and role play. DarkhaxDev 334755 2024-05-06 10:06
The Twilight Forest A realm basked in mystery and eerie twilight, you will overpower terrifying creatures and secure the adventure of a lifetime; in the Twilight Forest. Benimatic, Tamaized, jodlodi, Drullkus, Squiggly_Androsa, GizmoTheMoonPig 145171690 2024-05-06 09:12
Chunky Border (Forge/NeoForge) An add-on for Chunky which lets you create and manage world borders pop4959 2127 2024-05-06 07:32
Chunky Border (Fabric) An add-on for Chunky which lets you create and manage world borders pop4959 456104 2024-05-06 07:25
Chunky (Forge/NeoForge) Pre-generates chunks, quickly, efficiently, and safely pop4959 8772068 2024-05-06 07:20
Chunky (Fabric) Pre-generates chunks, quickly, efficiently, and safely pop4959 8772396 2024-05-06 07:12
ANC Indicators ANC Indicators, short for Alphabetic + Numeric + Color Indicators, is a mod which aims to help with organization and channel management for mods that have such, by adding various indicators. Also includes an automatic universal recoloring process! Davrial 54 2024-05-06 02:16
FancyMenu System Interactions Addon Addon for FancyMenu to interact with the user's OS. Keksuccino 406 2024-05-06 02:12
The Arcaneum New Bosses! New Mobs! Adventure Awaits! totalblacksmith 89869 2024-05-05 23:57
VFS (Forge/Quilt/Fabric) Structures that are friendly to mc environment TheeMrCheeky 800 2024-05-05 22:26
Reborn Core Powering Team Reborn modmuss50, drcrazy777 91920587 2024-05-05 22:12
Tech Reborn Tech Reborn is a completely standalone tech mod including tools and machines to gather resources, process materials, and progress through the mod. modmuss50, drcrazy777 32166107 2024-05-05 22:12
More Food and Tools This mod adds tools, armor, and more caleb_12215 229 2024-05-05 21:28
Infinite Night Vision [NEO/FORGE/FABRIC] Utility mod that gives client-side Night vision, useful for people that hate Hardcore Darkness Project8gbDeRam 180504 2024-05-05 19:32
Greg's Allays Three new items geared toward making your mining experience more productive in less time. maxcastle 43 2024-05-05 19:21
DarkBlades - End Game Weapons, Armor & Tools (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) Craft end game weapons using a progression system to make even stronger weapons GamerPotion 1069258 2024-05-05 19:11
MoreLife! Add more items, trades, powerful weapons, and block to the game! mainseminecraft 16 2024-05-05 19:06
Better Enchanted Books (Fabric) Changes the looks of enchanted books and something else. Bernasss12 686672 2024-05-05 17:04
Giraffes and koalas Giraffes, koalas, and eucalyptus trees Dooietruus 1146 2024-05-05 15:15
Bigger Trees Modifying Minecraft trees preserving vanilla aesthetics dreams01 1716 2024-05-05 12:02
The Halls of Reason There are RPG elements in this mod. DEPSEL0N 751 2024-05-05 11:09
Knowledges What you see is knowledge! KrLite 55 2024-05-05 10:06
FNaF's Build & Decor (Java Edition) An addon with which you can recreate the restaurant from the famous FNAF game but now in Minecraft Java edition! Hirxs 117716 2024-05-05 09:48
NovaLogin A simple login mod like AuthMe! cnlimiter 609 2024-05-05 08:52
Enchantments-Plus [Fabric] Over 10 new fun and useful enchantments! (that aren't too game changing) therobdog7 105186 2024-05-05 06:11
Water's Fps Boost This mod simply makes Minecraft run better without deleting or adding new stuff Waterr 3711 2024-05-05 06:10
Water's More Chickens This Mod Simply adds a bunch of unqiue chickens to your game! Waterr 304 2024-05-05 05:51
Friend or Foe (ForF) A Fabric mod to recreate the Friend or Foe YouTube series with your friends! ILikeFood971 1625 2024-05-05 04:04
Floral Tonics & Tinctures Early game potions and tipped arrows, plus some new effects and added recipes for existing ones. Compatible with several modded effects. TheTrashElemental 36 2024-05-04 21:32
Mekanism Tools Powerful tools and armor for Mekanism. bradyaidanc, pupnewfster, Thiakil, thommy101 82048885 2024-05-04 20:22
Mekanism Generators Advanced energy generation for Mekanism. bradyaidanc, thommy101, pupnewfster, Thiakil 107398188 2024-05-04 20:22
Mekanism Additions Additions module for Mekanism, contains things that don't quite fit in the other modules. bradyaidanc, Thiakil, pupnewfster, thommy101 22923916 2024-05-04 20:21
Mekanism High-tech machinery, powerful energy generation, fancy gadgets and more. Now on Curse! bradyaidanc, pupnewfster, Thiakil, thommy101 121773945 2024-05-04 20:20
Resident Evil : Project M A Minecraft Mod, that let you use some items from Resident Evil ! Sinatoy 1030 2024-05-04 19:22
Block Gradients A client-side mod that displays block gradients between pairs of blocks orlouge_ 8019 2024-05-04 18:10
Mod Observer Observers, what mods are loaded and sends them to the server upon joining. Sn0wix_ 154 2024-05-04 16:25
RuneCraft A runescape mod which adds a bunch of new items armors bosses npc's structures and dungeons to the game. Mefisto148 3332 2024-05-04 16:12
Inventory Hotswap rebooted you can swap items easily between Hotbar and Inventory. ALFEECLARE 543 2024-05-04 16:11
Mythology of the Slavs This modification presents my view of Slavic Mythology. DEPSEL0N 374 2024-05-04 15:59
Elytra Drag Slow down / break when flying with elytras by pressing the Sneak key. bl4st 3392 2024-05-04 15:54
MrWilfis's Forgotten Temples Adds new Dungeons to Explore MrWilfis 1258 2024-05-04 15:38
Warp Pads A mod that adds Steven Universe inspired warp pads! ThatPreston 6394 2024-05-04 14:35
Better Tag NBT Tips Display NBT and Tags in tooltips, and more... WallyWhip 964857 2024-05-04 13:11
Reinforced Barrels Fabric mod to add reinforced barrels atonkish 1121549 2024-05-04 12:52
Reinforced Shulker Boxes Fabric mod to add reinforced shulker boxes atonkish 995469 2024-05-04 12:48
Reinforced Chests Fabric mod to add reinforced chests atonkish 1703018 2024-05-04 12:42
Hydromel A mod of hydromel ChairGamertag87 103 2024-05-04 09:59
Modular Routers Flexible item transport using router blocks and pluggable modules desht_08 45843713 2024-05-04 09:24
AE2 QoL Recipes QoL Recipes for Applied Energistics 2 Christofmeg 359782 2024-05-04 06:43
KubeJS Nature's Aura KubeJS integration for Nature's Aura FalAut 6202 2024-05-04 06:04
AE2 Network Analyser a tool for analysing ME network visually GlodBlock 1222903 2024-05-04 03:45
Journey Into the Light [JITL] 8 dimensions, over 100+ mobs, powerful weapons and armor, dungeons and much more! The_SlayerMC, Foolish_Ryan 125020 2024-05-04 02:55
Totem Of Revival Revive your friends in a hardcore world! QwertySaintLine 95 2024-05-04 02:52
Fish Anywhere Fish anywhere, without restrictions. Useful for modded liquids or non-open water. JuaanP 2485 2024-05-04 01:05
Blade Of Chaos Here you must try to forage and awaken the Blade of Chaos Neongames 27 2024-05-04 01:00
Additional Armoury Adds more weapons, magic, and armour to the game. Provismet 9240 2024-05-03 23:33
Wabi-Sabi Structures (Forge) A collection of unique, quality structures based on the Japanese concept of "Wabi-Sabi" shadow_of_wights, WillFord27 2309611 2024-05-03 22:34
Wabi-Sabi Structures (Fabric) A collection of unique, quality structures based on the Japanese concept of "Wabi-Sabi" WillFord27, shadow_of_wights 2057568 2024-05-03 22:32
McMouser A mod that fixes various mouse bugs on macOS virb3 12158 2024-05-03 21:54
NiftyCarts A Fabric Port of the AstikorCarts mod. It adds carts for travel, shipping and farming. jmb19905 498469 2024-05-03 20:32
More Zombies 2 More zombie-themed hostile mobs to spice up your survival gameplay BlackJack15_93 611 2024-05-03 18:04
[SBM] Bone Torch Simple mod to create torches from bones BuiltBroken, QueenOfMissiles, bl4ckscor3 2076085 2024-05-03 17:29
FPS - Display A Fabric mod that shows your ingame FPS on screen Grayray75 665716 2024-05-03 16:40
HammerLib Library used by all of DragonForge team's mods. Zeith, DragonForgeMC 44448447 2024-05-03 16:23
ImNotDaniT's Food & Drinks [DISCONTINUED] Food & Drinks Mod ImNotDaniT 539 2024-05-03 13:43
EnhancedVisuals Feel the pain! CreativeMD 32312860 2024-05-03 12:35
Dragon Mounts Remastered Dragon Mounts Remastered is the latest take in bringing back the beloved nature of the original Dragon Mounts Mod Horeaki 100000 2024-05-03 12:27
Compact Houses Compact Houses znakov2 29843 2024-05-03 11:41
Infinited bucket add multiple of bucket sqersters 10 2024-05-03 11:22
No Chat Reports Makes chat unreportable (where possible) Aizistral 44772503 2024-05-03 10:12
Quartz Elevator Fabric mod to add quartz elevators atonkish 13471295 2024-05-03 08:41
Ultimate Car Mod This mod brings cars, road construction and biodiesel production into your Minecraft world. henkelmax 13695202 2024-05-03 07:31
Charm of Undying (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) Adds curios and trinkets support for the Totem of Undying so you can place it in a slot and don't have to be holding it. Formerly known as Curio of Undying and Trinket of Undying. TheIllusiveC4 48896619 2024-05-03 00:01
From The Fog Enter a world of fear and mystery with From The Fog, a Minecraft mod that brings the legendary Herobrine to life in a spooky and immersive way true to the legend. LunarEclipseStudios 2867478 2024-05-02 22:42
The Real World [Forge] Make Minecraft biomes feel more alive! McDonaldsWIFI_ig 854 2024-05-02 22:41
Unique Magic & Enchantments Unique Magic adds new enchantments to the game MinecraftBA 36254 2024-05-02 22:04
Special Updates Minecraft Special Updates changes the player's experience, as it brings the things we all want. In this project, we will listen to the fans' opinions as much as possible, and bring their ideas to the game, where you will love playing. MateusG_amer2010 29 2024-05-02 20:35
Better Than Ghasts a mod that uses better than wolves elements, and some new ones two. Salmenstrosity 44 2024-05-02 20:27
RS Logical This mod adds logic gates to minecraft RothSterial 46087 2024-05-02 19:30
JavaDungeons JavaDungeons is a mod that adds blocks from MC: Dungeons into Minecraft. ashie404 28750 2024-05-02 19:02
MEGA Cells ME Greater Accumulation: For when kilobytes just won't do. ninety 26535237 2024-05-02 18:39
ice age nether a mod that adds a new dimension to the game witch can be accesed with blue ice and ice coal umaquial 17 2024-05-02 18:38
Inverted Beds An upside-down bed that makes you skip the day and can be placed on the ceiling! Project8gbDeRam, thepigcat76 504 2024-05-02 14:57
Fairy's End Venture in an unknown world and uncover mysteries about the Fairies! Primordial_Zelda 9540 2024-05-02 14:47
Leafstone Lock any dripleaf state via redstone OpenBagTwo 43 2024-05-02 12:38
Ylf : your flying pet I always wanted flying pet sunshinelay02 15186 2024-05-02 07:19
The Magic Mirror A mirror that reflects the closest player and has some magical uses tboshoven 639683 2024-05-02 01:38
Midnight Lurker Fabricated An unofficial Fabric port of the original Midnight Lurker. A small mod that adds a new horrifying entity to Minecraft. iamaprogramer 950 2024-05-02 00:55
Harder Farther Grim Citadels Grim Citadels as standalone or unified mod. MacTso, lupicus 21 2024-05-02 00:15
Epileson Adds an endgame upgrade for Chainmail Armor. MerchantPug 358 2024-05-01 23:28
Werlig's Darkcraft Vanilla friendly rpg elements werligmmo 9433 2024-05-01 22:47
Instrumental Mobs Giving instruments to Minecraft mobs since 2018 Mrbysco 6272869 2024-05-01 21:45
Mob Grinding Utils A Mod that adds fun ways to make mob farms vadis365, Flanks255 82234954 2024-05-01 21:38
All Bookshelves in Lecterns A tiny data pack-as-mod that lets you craft lecterns with Chiseled Bookshelves as well. flowerfugue 159 2024-05-01 21:32
BjornLib A library of generic code for my mods FuriusMaximus 199818 2024-05-01 21:21
DefaultSettings Keep your game's local settings in case of an update to your modpack PT400C 12395967 2024-05-01 20:43
Resource Library Library Mod for all my Resource Mods xStopho 117915 2024-05-01 16:51
MissingBits Tool & Armors A Vanilla-friendly Armor and Tool Expansion mr_mutant0503 736 2024-05-01 16:32
Torches in Water Place torches in water! Phoupraw 433 2024-05-01 14:25
Placeables A mod that lets you place items on the ground as custom-made 3D models! [Forge & Fabric] ItzSkay 27171 2024-05-01 13:17
Konkrete [Forge/NeoForge] Just another boring library mod. Keksuccino 94848687 2024-05-01 11:56
Valkyrien Relogs Allows relogging and respawning on valkyrien skies ships Acrogenous 13364 2024-05-01 11:28
Trofers Adds trophies! Can be customized with data packs ochotonida 1849534 2024-05-01 10:08
Ultreon Modding Library Modding Library for Minecarft mods made by Ultreon Team. XyperCode 23761 2024-05-01 09:18
NoMoWanderer Adds various things to the game to help make the Wandering Trader less annoying. TheJDill 13072422 2024-05-01 03:07
Verticality & Hotbar! Verticalize your hotbar! KrLite 62 2024-05-01 02:42
Solar Flux Reborn Adding solar panels into Minecraft. A reborn of Solar Flux mod. Zeith, DragonForgeMC 38049896 2024-05-01 01:23
Mythical Weapons and tools Add a lot of new weapons with new abilities and their craft ! ctoilcha_ 67 2024-04-30 22:25
Easier Villagers Much more easier with villagers EndilCrafter 75 2024-04-30 21:20
The Forgotten Fruits A simple mod that adds fruits that have their own twist derpy_alex 1642 2024-04-30 21:16
Durability101 Forge/Fabric 1.12-1.21 A remake of Durability101 from RedBanHammer シェイン 3518836 2024-04-30 20:13
Zombies Attack Every Entity Makes zombies attack any other (non modded) entity except when a player is close. michiel587 116 2024-04-30 19:47
Configurable Boss Bars A simple fabric mod to allow for configurations of boss bars AluTheCrow 1076 2024-04-30 19:16
GeoSmelt (Neoforge 1.21.1+) An expansive ”vanilla” plus mod adding ores above netherite, a new boss, really cool blocks, and some sick swords! witherlord00 56028 2024-04-30 18:54
Erilog log all things you want JLSkyzer 36 2024-04-30 18:45
|Void Shurikens| An Amazing Shuriken From The Depths Of The Void GlitchedMastery 651 2024-04-30 18:00
BetterLeads A mod which allows you to use leads on more entities qua0z 14963 2024-04-30 17:55
Durk Singularity Mod about high-tech devices elerto456, wh01sme 2574 2024-04-30 17:42
Erinium Jobs had a job and grown your skills JLSkyzer 42 2024-04-30 17:01
Galacticborn Origin This is a addon for the Origins mod. Ellipog 169717 2024-04-30 16:42
Deviling Origin This is a addon for the Origins mod. Ellipog 101718 2024-04-30 16:41
Infinite Fluid Bucket Enchant bucket with infinity! Phoupraw 1582 2024-04-30 16:40
Godling Origin This is a addon for the Origins mod. Ellipog 140076 2024-04-30 16:34
Transparent Window Make your Minecraft window transparent FairySunny 555 2024-04-30 16:30
Animal Origins Adds multiple new animal based origins to the game. Ellipog 163909 2024-04-30 16:26
Workbench API An API for my mods. Digi2303 7 2024-04-30 16:20
J.A.C.M Just Another Chisel A port of Chisel Mod for modern versions lovglomas 99686 2024-04-30 15:50
Erinium Faction Faction system for your project ! JLSkyzer 332 2024-04-30 14:34
PizzaCraft Pizza in Minecraft! Tiviacz1337 734291 2024-04-30 13:06
Weather Changer Client side weather change for Minecraft pices1237532 55597 2024-04-30 11:29
Darkness in The Bottle Adds potions and arrows with Darkness effect syberiak_official 1467 2024-04-30 11:21
Phantom Remover A mod that removes phantoms bo_bo0 657 2024-04-30 10:44
Music Sync Sync music with everyone online! boyonk913 3908 2024-04-30 09:51
Bigger World Height Increase your build limit to Y=2031 in all dimensions. Obydux 4124 2024-04-30 09:18
Biome Need Dimension Adds a dimension for every biome in minecraft. lutri_2 14 2024-04-30 09:07
Flat Colored Blocks - For Fabric Vast quantities of colored blocks, that's all. (This version is for Fabric) OrionOnline 1246 2024-04-30 07:54
Flat Colored Blocks - For Forge Vast quantities of colored blocks, that's all. AlgorithmX2, OrionOnline 35093069 2024-04-30 07:53
SSL's npc maker add mob, 'NPC' that you can customize texture sunshinelay02 18155 2024-04-30 05:57
Plasmo Voice Proximity voice сhat mod with audio positioning and lots of features KPidS, Apehum 1600295 2024-04-30 04:30
Waffle's Placeable Foods Waffles, chocolate, coffee & more! WilliamWaffle 51036 2024-04-30 03:34
Rogue's useful Copper A simple mod to at more functionality to copper R0gueIr0n 1796 2024-04-30 03:00
Cosmic Rocketry [CR] Ad Astra Rocket Extension Ghostipedia 612 2024-04-30 02:39
PersistentCooldowns Make the item cooldowns persistent! MikhailTapio 19 2024-04-30 02:35
Vein Mining (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) A lightweight, highly configurable Vein Mining enchantment for tools. TheIllusiveC4 15536690 2024-04-30 01:09
Everything bag Using a command, allows you to return a bag from any item Sahar 24 2024-04-29 23:30
Mob Catcher [FABRIC/FORGE/NEOFORGE] Provides items to capture/release many mobs kwpugh 1028359 2024-04-29 21:49
Roughly Enough Professions (REP) An REI addon that adds profession workstations Mrbysco, ShyNieke 12371912 2024-04-29 21:12
Dredge Adds A Funky New Creature To The End GlitchedMastery 2479 2024-04-29 20:07
Ore Foods Mining For Food? GlitchedMastery 6739 2024-04-29 19:52
Wormhole (Portals) Wormhole allows you to construct teleportation portals with the use of wormhole stabilizer technology! SuperMartijn642 4075142 2024-04-29 18:56
XP Health Increase the max health amount with experience levels boterop 4176 2024-04-29 18:47
Nemo's Better Mending Repair your mending tools even if they are not in your equipment slots! NemoNotFound 9243 2024-04-29 16:39
Folders! Organize your worlds and servers with folders in the play screens. kevinthegreat12 1455 2024-04-29 15:17
AvM Staff AvM Staff Mod is a fan-made, mostly canonically accurate, and close to vanilla mod adding staffs from Animation vs Minecraft series to the latest version of Minecraft: Java Edition opekope2 10083 2024-04-29 15:01
PattysMiningDimensions Adds 3 new dimensions & 3 new ores TwiistsGaming 589 2024-04-29 14:44
Better Tools and Armor Not just another overpowered tool-pack mod! Encourages exploration, Overhauls progression, and Emphasises player choice! blackcat64 29795 2024-04-29 09:52
CobbleFix Java Edition A (not so) small mod which aims to add some missing items to the game. lutri_2 186 2024-04-29 09:45
RainBowBow Beautiful and powerful BOW HoneyOcean 24 2024-04-29 09:34
Colorful HEX Makes HEX color tags in chat useful. syberiak_official 174 2024-04-29 08:06
FVP - Fexcraft Vehicle Pack [FVTM] Addon for FVTM, currently the largest addon adding vehicles! Ferdinand 45677 2024-04-29 07:41
GEP - General Essentials Pack [FVTM] General Essentials Pack (Default Addon for FVTM) Ferdinand 66682 2024-04-29 07:41
[FVTM] Fex's Vehicle and Transportation Mod A vast addon-based mod allowing you to create Vehicles, Containers, Items, Blocks, Food/Drinks, Clothes and more! Ferdinand 227412 2024-04-29 07:37
[FCL] Fexcraft Common Library Library with inbuilt API and some Util files. Ferdinand 500576 2024-04-29 07:20
The Lurker Remastered It lurks in the forest, waiting... waiting... waiting... SkinnyWhiteBoy 105 2024-04-29 06:33
[Fabric] Armor Restitched A vanilla-style mod that adds new armour, reworks armour mechanics, and extends on armour trims. SolipIngen 6342 2024-04-29 06:25
[Fabric] Spears, Axes, Swords, Shields, And Other Tools (SASSOT) A vanilla-style mod that adds Spears, expands on Shields, and reworks melee combat & mining tools. SolipIngen 13995 2024-04-29 06:17
[Fabric] Progressive Archery A vanilla-style mod that reworks and expands on archery & projectiles, as well as some quality-of-life improvements. SolipIngen 17516 2024-04-29 06:08
Spellbound Weapons Adds new weapons that enhance fighting and creates new strategies to combat foes limesplatus 292316 2024-04-28 21:25
ChestRoulette Adds random spawn points and bonus chests for each player in Minecraft! MeiaQuatru 722 2024-04-28 21:01
Skyblock Mod (Fabric) Helpful Features for Hypixel Skyblock for Fabric 1.17+ kevinthegreat12 2712 2024-04-28 21:00
Infinity and Mending Adds ability to craft bow with mending and infinity at same time auuruum 1424 2024-04-28 20:45
Flower Tweaks Adds the ability to craft and crossbread for flowers and grass auuruum, auuruum_OLD 9070 2024-04-28 20:11
Demo Mode A simple minecraft mod that switches your game into demo mode EmeraldIngot 9 2024-04-28 19:15
A Watched Pot A watched block sometimes ticks. aeonicdev 1197 2024-04-28 12:28
TimeRecorder A mod allows you to record server statistics. xia__mc 296 2024-04-28 10:52
Wool Armor Just wool armor AlasDiablo, liotamiu, Safyrus 12552 2024-04-28 10:42
Fullblock Energistics A more retrospective feel for AE2. ninety 101290 2024-04-28 09:19
Sophisticated Backpacks Yet another backpack mod this time with backpack you can place in world, color in different color combinations, upgrade with more inventory and enhance with many functional upgrades P3pp3rF1y 100936679 2024-04-28 08:03
MysticRift: More Stairs Variants 200+ New stairs for in game! SmartStreamLabs_Studios 942 2024-04-28 07:52
DurabilityDisplay A mod to add durability/charge percentages to items Project8gbDeRam 6342 2024-04-28 07:24
DurabilityDisplay A mod to add durability/charge percentages to items Project8gbDeRam 58 2024-04-28 07:24
God of War Ragnarok GOW Themed mod that adds many weapons, bosses, and more! clever_noether589266 226 2024-04-28 04:52
Light Weight Wither Storm The witherstorm from minecraft story mode golred_creator66 216 2024-04-28 02:16
Scarecrows' Territory Scarecrows' Territory keeps spawners activated! SuperMartijn642 642819 2024-04-28 01:43
Mod Settings for Fabric Provides an easy to access configuration screen for all installed mods on Fabric magicus 37463 2024-04-27 23:46
MacroCraft Transform the way you play Minecraft with the ultimate automation companion. Boxadactle 57 2024-04-27 22:30
Earth Mobs Mod A colorful new variety of mobs to discover, and more! Derec__ 290456 2024-04-27 22:08
Geophilic Reforged – Biome Additions A subtle overhaul of vanilla and mod Overworld biomes bebebea_loste 1909543 2024-04-27 19:13
Sophisticated Core Library mod for Sophisticated mods P3pp3rF1y 75721040 2024-04-27 18:41
Rhino A fork of Mozilla's Rhino library, modified for use in mods LatvianModder 78690007 2024-04-27 18:27
Berries and More Adds new types of berries and foods SilentChaos512 1425 2024-04-27 17:21
Greater Eye of Ender [NEOFORGE/FORGE] Taking the Eye of Ender to the next level kwpugh 675396 2024-04-27 15:47
Mythic Metals A Fabric-based ore mod which adds new sets of tools, weapons, ores, and sets of armor. Noaaan 8357690 2024-04-27 14:59
Spyglass Improvements: Zoom, Quick Access... [Fabric/Forge] Enhance Minecraft's Spyglass with adjustable zoom, quick access and various spyglass overlays. Versions for Fabric and Forge Im_JC52 8771499 2024-04-27 14:06
How We Sleep Making the place you sleep more decorative TheShadowModsUK 9267 2024-04-27 13:38
Nether Skeletons A MOD Which Adds Nether Skeletons GlitchedMastery 5960618 2024-04-27 10:43
Sliding Doors Sliding doors to decorate your buildings Alexander8VKHZ 28690 2024-04-27 06:45
crafteos y logros In fact, this is crafted, the ones that there are in quantity are the following: 50 11 with the table and 9 are the oven and the stone cutter are 30 as well as 7 witdros 112 2024-04-27 04:53
Escape From Tarkraft Client A client 'helper' mod for a vanilla Minecraft server, Escape From Tarkraft. ShiftingKill 4521 2024-04-27 01:08
Applied Mekanistics The official Mekanism support addon for AE2 ramidzkh, thetechnici4n, shartte 23159893 2024-04-27 00:30
Wireless Chargers Wireless Chargers adds chargers which can charge nearby blocks and players! SuperMartijn642 17154669 2024-04-26 23:33
Valarian Conquest Valarian Conquest ethanp919 26990 2024-04-26 22:17
Why Am I on Fire? Hides the obstructive fire overlay when it's not needed Ellivers 121063 2024-04-26 21:52
Ice Enchantments Adds ice counterparts for flame and fire aspect enchantments. chickenjockey4000 10595 2024-04-26 21:08
Chested Companions Equip chests on your fluffy friends! khajiitos 139870 2024-04-26 20:22
Skyblocker Hypixel Skyblock Mod for latest version Wohlhabend 2801 2024-04-26 20:21
BlockFront Minecraft WW2: Experience one of the world's most significant conflicts. With close-quarters battles in iconic WWII environments, pick your class, hold the front line, flank the enemy, and command your own squad. hiamscooter 1663129 2024-04-26 18:33
ViaFabricPlus Fabric mod to connect to EVERY Minecraft server version (Release, Beta, Alpha, Classic, Snapshots, Bedrock) with QoL fixes to the gameplay EnZaXD, RaphiMC 86668 2024-04-26 18:32
Fox Nap A survival-, multiplayer- and copyright-friendly mod for adding custom music discs to your world OpenBagTwo 2796 2024-04-26 17:52
Instrumentus Adding Miscellaneous Utilities, Tools, and Equipment BeanBot 146549 2024-04-26 17:16
Create Recipe Additions A simple mod that adds more recipes to the Create mod. redwoodsteve 7221 2024-04-26 15:16
Deepslate Instamine - Fabric/Forge Instamine deepslate with netherite pickaxe, renewable deepslate nicguzzo 49840 2024-04-26 14:44
Redstone Power Enhanced Adds redstone blocks to enhance creative expirience in minecraft. maginal 513 2024-04-26 12:27
Mob control rod This mod will add craftable Mob control rod in a game. It gives you ability to tame almost any mob (includes mobs from other mods). Tamed animal will walk after you, attack targets attacked by you (even if you tamed neutral mob, like pig) and otherthings. Loshadkin 800 2024-04-26 10:41
Arcanum Make Minecraft just that little bit of extra fun with magic and tools xHellBreecher 92176 2024-04-26 05:41
Totally Lit Some light sources will extinguish under various conditions. realguyman 6208 2024-04-26 04:51
Mob Loot Box This Mod adds different blocks of mobs which are obtained with the Wandering Trader caceli_ 1579 2024-04-26 04:04
Biomes++ (Fabric) Adds 15 biomes to Minecraft BluepawGaming_ 218 2024-04-26 00:09
Customizable Player Models Simple Voice Chat compat Adds compatibility between Customizable Player Models and Simple Voice Chat tom54541 197014 2024-04-25 19:09
Gilded Armor Adds Gilded Armor, which makes piglin peaceful Block_Legend001 14151 2024-04-25 18:37
This Rocks! (Forge) Adds little rocks, sticks, pinecones, seashells, starfish, and geysers to your minecraft world to make it feel more natural. Mrbysco, Motschen 1511237 2024-04-25 18:11
An Adventurer's Delight This mod aims to add many new structures to the vanilla game, ranging in difficulty, and adding a spark of freshness to Minecraft's exploration. TheLlamaXD 100 2024-04-25 17:51
Much More Wolves this mod adds more wolves Petunia770 1269 2024-04-25 17:47
RS Suspicious Cakes Suspicious stew, but now in cakes! RothSterial 42979 2024-04-25 17:35
Simple Starter Start your adventure off on the right foot with our 'Simple Starter' mod! DreykaOas_official 10 2024-04-25 16:15
No Slime The NoSlime Mod is the solution for you! DreykaOas_official 8 2024-04-25 16:09
No Damage Remove damage for all players DreykaOas_official 8 2024-04-25 16:07
More More Tooltips Adds information to the item's tooltip kaz_mighty 188 2024-04-25 15:40
DurableTools Enrich survival by adding durability value to items tools that do not have durability value. shiri47s 291 2024-04-25 14:52
Easy Emerald Tools & More [FABRIC] Balanced gear of emerald, ruby, obsidian, amethyst, copper, and steel kwpugh 1228107 2024-04-25 14:25
Minerals Addons This mod that adds new ores, raw material deposits and metal alloys, as well as tools that can be crafted from them KubaL 6 2024-04-25 13:21
Oskar's Kitchencraft A Kitchen mod for 1.16, 1.18, 1.19 and 1.20 oskar_bekkelund_ 39202 2024-04-25 13:12
A.V.A - Alliance of Valiant Arms Guns a mod based on the fps game A.V.A, added Guns and more pelluciddice 1461871 2024-04-25 12:01
Water's Unique Flowers This Mod simply adds more flowers to your Minecraft world Waterr 742 2024-04-25 06:44
Sherds API (NeoForge/Fabric/Quilt) Makes adding new pottery sherds easier thomasglasser 32211 2024-04-25 05:54
Wandering Trader + more trades, useful I think Ac3t4t0 82680 2024-04-25 05:26
Harder Farther Core Core Module of new Harder Farther series MacTso 167 2024-04-25 03:02
Raider Detector You can find Raiders with ease during Raid. EndilCrafter 752 2024-04-24 22:00
Notebook Simple notebook in your GUI! JunePrimavera 4019 2024-04-24 21:36
Recovery Tweaks Keep Your Recovery Compass. EndilCrafter 158 2024-04-24 21:10
Pot Leaves This is a small mod for decoration with pots and leaves. d4niz 67043 2024-04-24 20:35
No Cubes Reloaded This is a client only mod that makes the world smoother by modifying the shape of blocks FellFromTheSky, LeBossMax2 22413 2024-04-24 20:31
Illager Invasion [Forge & Fabric] The illagers are back! Be ready to fight new foes. A port of Illager Expansion. Fuzs 11116139 2024-04-24 19:47
Bingus This mod adds the legendary cats Bingus and Floppa, who will fight for your honor. raqical, squizzle_dizzle 1433 2024-04-24 19:20
Hoelzchen´s More Metal Diese mod addet mehr Metalle, und items! holzchen 20 2024-04-24 17:55
Hopo Better Ruined Portals (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) Improve how the portals look in your world hoponopono 3270117 2024-04-24 16:37
ModernFix All-in-one mod that improves performance, reduces memory usage, and fixes many bugs. Compatible with all your favorite performance mods! embeddedt 79277498 2024-04-24 16:27
CloudSettings A simple mod that synchronize your options.txt to other modpack instances ManasMods, ProfessorAkaChris 4356 2024-04-24 15:53
Illager Rebels Adds the mob "Illager rebel" to minecraft Aldever13 1588 2024-04-24 15:23
Dune: Mind Killer A DUNE base mod YggdrasilModMakers 367 2024-04-24 14:24
Danix's Decoration A simple Decoration Mod that add some decorative blocks to vanilla minecraft danix358 250 2024-04-24 14:14
Driff's Expansion This is a mod that aims to add a lot of new content to minecraft. driff_23 86 2024-04-24 14:12
So Many Enchantments An all new enchantments... (W.I.P) ShelterRin, Charles445, fonnymunkey, Rikka_Kitani 17761625 2024-04-24 14:03
Enchanted Lib A library mod required for So Many Enchantments and Not Enough Enchantments Rikka_Kitani 11556 2024-04-24 14:02
.3D Placeable Food Mod adding various food models to Minecraft that you can place, eat or decorate with. LillouArts 187286 2024-04-24 11:47
Christmas Culinary & Decorations (Placeable festive foods, functional presents) Mod containing Christmas Worldwide traditional dishes & decorations including functional presents. LillouArts 71407 2024-04-24 11:45
Travel Friendly Food Adds food and recipes ideal for traveling LillouArts 28121 2024-04-24 11:39
Valentine's Blessing (Lilypads, Roses, Cakes) Mod adding colorful lilypads and decorative models with Valentine's day aspect. LillouArts 5969 2024-04-24 11:37
Melius Vanish Fabric vanish mod to completely hide from other players using /vanish drexhd 1354106 2024-04-24 10:55
Fan-shaped cake Change the cutting method of the original cake to fan-shaped strangesmell123 549 2024-04-24 10:30
Disc Jockey Play note block songs in Minecraft SemmieDev 2208 2024-04-24 09:32
Mineral Chance 💎 Players can find minerals inside stone-type blocks when mining in the overworld and nether. Serilum 562179 2024-04-24 08:33
Physics Mod Adds physics to Mobs and Blocks! haubna 9335680 2024-04-24 07:01
Create: Let The Adventure Begin Create: Let The Adventure Begin adds Structures 62 unique structures, New Loot, a chance to fish create mod items and much more !!! Not_Juno 135600 2024-04-24 06:26
Dyeable Planks + Adds Dyeable Planks To Minecraft Eyuuan 12 2024-04-24 06:06
LibreExpFix [Fabric/Forge] (Fixes "0 Experience" Bug) A small mod that fixed experience bug after teleporting across dimension ZiRO2264 755836 2024-04-24 05:35
Custom LAN Gives you more control over your integrated server through the Open to LAN menu. DimiDimit 28254 2024-04-24 04:43
Censor Chat Create your own blacklist of words to be removed from all chat messages on a server. (It will replace the word with a single space) ConfusedFool93 13 2024-04-24 03:10
kingdom hearts in minecraft some things to bring the world of kingdom hearts to life Ebrithil 10 2024-04-24 03:04
Create: Mortar Create addon compat Jiex_Mortar 1840 2024-04-24 01:15
Just Dire Things A collection of Random Blocks and Items for Automation Direwolf20 3555320 2024-04-24 01:14
More Crafting Tables for Forge! To each their own... wood 852Duarte 2518333 2024-04-24 00:50
Ledger Databases Adds support for additional database types to Ledger potatoboy99999, drexhd 331981 2024-04-24 00:14
Rechiseled Rechiseled allows you to chisel blocks into various decorative blocks with connected textures! SuperMartijn642 20957540 2024-04-23 23:37
Advancement Plaques [Fabric] Replace those boring advancement popups with something flashier. Grend_G 9982055 2024-04-23 23:32
No More Poison with Regeneration This mod will prevent the endless loop of regenerating then losing health when you are under the effect of both potions. kenny2810 493962 2024-04-23 23:31
Chunky McChunkFace A mod that adds a chunk loader which can be upgraded like a beacon Mrbysco 876753 2024-04-23 22:46
Toggle Subtitles Adds a keybind to toggle subtitles Crendgrim 140 2024-04-23 20:31
Silent Screenshots Removes the chat message after taking a screenshot Crendgrim 489 2024-04-23 20:29
RebindAllTheKeys Adds keybinds to keys that aren't rebindable Minenash 23077 2024-04-23 19:58
Global Narration Toggle 🗣️ Makes the narrator setting global automatically, across instances. Turns the screen off and on. Serilum 61006 2024-04-23 19:47
SmartBrainLib (Forge/Fabric/Quilt) A smarter brain system for Minecraft Scimiguy 25086238 2024-04-23 19:32
JamLib The platform-agnostic, Architectury based library used in all of JamCoreModding's mods jamalam360 16747289 2024-04-23 19:16
Advent of Ascension (Nevermine) A massive exploration and RPG mod with thousands of items, hundreds of mobs, 20+ bosses, and 20+ new dimensions! Scimiguy 5796608 2024-04-23 19:13
The Printer Duplicate items at the cost of experience and time acikek 53286 2024-04-23 18:42
Plushables Lite Blazing-fast, dependency-free Plushables, stripped down to core features Khazoda 1006 2024-04-23 18:13
Ronco Record Vault Store records in chiseled bookshelves OpenBagTwo 4700 2024-04-23 18:11
Random Crafting All recipes are messed up! Can you still beat the game? Viola_Siemens 13149 2024-04-23 17:27
Crawl Input This Mod does nothing other than add 2 Input Binding to your settings Menu "(Hold/Toggle) Crawl" Spiderman31807 34 2024-04-23 17:24
Antique Pickaxe (evolving pickaxe) a pickaxe that evolves [inspired by Pickaxe Of The God] cedrou_0 29420 2024-04-23 17:14
Transmog Change the appearance of your items without modifying their behavior/stats! Hidoni 6667178 2024-04-23 15:53
Extended Bone Meal ☘ Extends bonemeal behaviour. Instant grow with sneak, grow netherwart+cacti+sugarcane and other tweaks. Serilum 2129720 2024-04-23 11:57
Ore Crystals A Minecraft Mod witch adds crystals... killar_exe 6513 2024-04-23 05:45
Controlling Adds a search bar to the Key-Bindings menu Jaredlll08 246648855 2024-04-23 03:28
Wind Burst A vanilla friendly mod adding the Wind Burst enchantment from the latest Mace Snapshot! The twist: It can be applied to ALL weapons! Derec__ 46 2024-04-23 03:16
SuperCompression Super compressed, but you carry more items zqq_cn 426 2024-04-23 01:20
Thingamajigs Adds thingamajigs, which are various decorations and blocks. CreativeMasterBonin 116595 2024-04-23 01:10
Overgrown And Void Dimensions Explore The Vast new Lands of The Overgrown And Void Lands, with all new weapons, tools, dimensions, and so much more TheDarkAndTheLight 6428 2024-04-22 23:52
Stylecolonies A set of blueprint sets for the Minecolonies Mod Raycoms 8812280 2024-04-22 20:38
MBB rd-131648 Minecraft But Better is a mod that tries to make Minecraft a bigger and better experience. The way I am doing this is by going through every Minecraft Java Edition update and adding something new related to the content of that update. LegoSurgeon 13 2024-04-22 20:36
Loqui Free, open-source, and community-driven translations for ALL Minecraft mods. itsmineblock11 30 2024-04-22 20:18
My Ideas Updates biome upgrade mod mad_snyder86 61 2024-04-22 20:04
More Gems [FABRIC] Adds (10) sets of armor, tools, weapons, enchants, juju and more kwpugh 561977 2024-04-22 17:43
Oooh, Pinky! The Rose Gold! Piglins love them! JerryLu086 23390 2024-04-22 17:14
Automatic Infinite Elytra An Elytra Autopilot which uses vanilla's infinite fly glitch AdyTech99 2676 2024-04-22 15:30
Config Backuper A simple mod for backing up all configurations at the start of Minecraft NaoCraftLab 472 2024-04-22 13:30
Simple Backpack [FABRIC] Provides backpack, void pack, ender pack and bundles kwpugh 1783812 2024-04-22 12:17
ItemPhysic Lite #spinning CreativeMD 14927636 2024-04-22 11:13
ItemPhysic Full #enhancedphysics CreativeMD 32170576 2024-04-22 11:11
AmbientSounds 6 #listentonature CreativeMD 56680334 2024-04-22 11:10
CreativeCore a core mod CreativeMD 113866646 2024-04-22 11:09
You May Rest Now Allows you to sleep if no nearby monsters can pathfind to you jamalam360 209 2024-04-22 10:48
sdmim A server-side mod that just hides the player's IP when joining a server. KirboSoftware 60 2024-04-22 10:13
Your Items Are Safe 💀 Spawns a chest and armor stand with player items on death, a gravestone alternative. Serilum 171900 2024-04-22 08:50
Caelus API (Forge/NeoForge) A coremod and API to provide developers access to elytra flight mechanics through an entity attribute. TheIllusiveC4 64392285 2024-04-22 08:32
Time Changer Allows you to change the time completely clientside! Motschen 39037 2024-04-22 08:21
Global Emeralds [Forge] Unlocks Emerald Ore to spawn in all biomes sthot 4984 2024-04-22 07:38
PlayerRevive Revive your friends CreativeMD 8835308 2024-04-22 07:30
Better Bridging The Bridge Brace makes bridging in Minecraft more straightforward than ever! InfernalStudios, tinytransfem 182 2024-04-22 02:55
Fireflies Fireflies in Minecraft! Skilos609 114878 2024-04-22 02:31
Quilted Fabric API (QFAPI) / Quilt Standard Libraries (QSL) The standard libraries of the Quilt ecosystem. Essential for your modding experience on Quilt! QuiltMC, OroArmor 525851 2024-04-22 02:22
Gaggle of Golems More Golem for Minecraft! Skilos609 55803 2024-04-22 02:14
GuidebookAPI A library mod for ease creation of mod guide books. WonejoMB 375 2024-04-21 22:06
Armor Stand Poses [JAVA] Bedrock armor stand poses for Java Edition Legopitstop 2178 2024-04-21 21:07
Starter Structure 🏛️ Allows the creation of buildings on initial world generation at spawn via schematic files. Serilum 196129 2024-04-21 20:35
Just Player Heads 🗿 Allows the collection of player heads via command or death event. Serilum 1728589 2024-04-21 19:42
Pettable A Minecraft mod that lets you pet friendly creatures Ellivers 67642 2024-04-21 19:29
Notable Bubble Text (NBT) Show text bubbles above players and mobs Mrbysco, ShyNieke 319175 2024-04-21 17:19
So Strange... A strange dimension to escape into...the Overworld? BOTW_Link_2017 19 2024-04-21 16:41
The Fallen World This mod adds things like dimensions, blocks, items, mechanics, bosses, mobs, structures and much more! KnightKing777 636 2024-04-21 16:38
Nebulus better portals adds 13 different portals Nebulus 50148 2024-04-21 15:48
EssentialGUI Small mod that adds fancy and useful information on screen lord_rius 69118 2024-04-21 15:30
Gobber [FABRIC] New ores for making high-end gear and powerful items kwpugh 2307915 2024-04-21 15:00
KawaMood's Waystones in Villages Addon that generates KawaMood's Waystones in villages. This allows players to access fast travel points within villages. MeiaQuatru 586 2024-04-21 14:18
Just Another Nether/Overworld/End Ores - Janoeo Foundation Base Ores, Nether Ores and More AlasDiablo 830399 2024-04-21 14:11
Cookiecraft Clicker Conquer the world using cookies! goopigapiwhal54 137 2024-04-21 13:58
My Singing Discs! This is a mod where the songs from My Singing Monsters and My Singing Monsters: Dawn Of Fire. sion070 830 2024-04-21 12:47
Discord Integration Forge Click for other loaders. This mod links your server chat with a channel on your discord server. ErdbeerbaerLP 854387 2024-04-21 11:49
Auto Workstations (Fabric) Adds automated versions of vanilla workstations BillBodkin 1327713 2024-04-21 11:16
qraftyfied This pack adds many well built structures to your minecraft world that invite you to explore them. Now with TERRALITH support!🫐 qrxtfly 9037 2024-04-21 09:54
Warp Zone Warp effects in worlds! KrLite 10 2024-04-21 08:49
Tape Stop Prevents anything from rendering as you leave! KrLite 8 2024-04-21 08:13
Tap Tab Double-Tap Tab to Cycle Your Hotbar Through Inventory! KrLite 696 2024-04-21 07:29
Castia Inventory Tools This mod will adds some new features for your Castia experience dmitrylovin 5633 2024-04-21 06:51
Advanced Compass RPG styled compass dmitrylovin 1278521 2024-04-21 06:50
CobbleFix Java Edition A small mod witch aims to add some missing items to the game. lutri_2 27 2024-04-21 00:55
Poem o' Star Wars Make Minecraft's end poem styled like the Star Wars opening. KrLite 43 2024-04-20 23:53
End Of Mending Removes mending and rebalances repair cost in order to extend the gather/repair gameplay loop into the late-game. znellsnorps 77898 2024-04-20 23:38
Enchantment Requirements Adds tooltips for enchantment requirements. TeamDman 353661 2024-04-20 21:55
No Portals Disable Nether Portals, End Portals, and End Gateways at your will. kevinthegreat12 3883 2024-04-20 21:53
Tiny Coal - Tiny Charcoal Tiny Coal adds recipes to convert Coal or Charcoal to its tiny version and back Impetus 8948 2024-04-20 20:36
Riot Shield Adds a riot shield to Minecraft! 0xKY 38 2024-04-20 19:51
FML Downloader: Console Edition Downloads latest MinecraftForge's mdk, installer or changelog or specify yourself via console! ensamisten 365 2024-04-20 18:49
Discord Integration Fabric Click for other loaders. This mod links your server chat with a channel on your discord server. ErdbeerbaerLP 29053 2024-04-20 18:03
The Cat Dimension A Minecraft Mod full of tons of New Cat Stuff including a New Dimension, Structures, Blocks and more TheCatKing 1012 2024-04-20 17:59
Not Rotted Flesh Version: 1.20.1 rulomas 32 2024-04-20 17:42
Nears [Fabric] New fruits for the nether. DigitalPear_11 7114209 2024-04-20 16:38
BlockEffect A Complete parkour mod for everyone Swyde 186 2024-04-20 16:15
Deep Dark Dimension - kramsdell A mod that adds a new deep dark dimension, custom tools, a new boss, and more! kramsdell 516 2024-04-20 15:29
Enderite CJ Edition (Armor & Tools) [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge/Quilt] Adds a better variant of Netherite, with new Tools and Armor, which have special effects, that you can configure. Craftjakob 144408 2024-04-20 13:29
More Husbandry Farming improvements for Minecraft. 0xKY 11 2024-04-20 13:04
Customizable Elytra Adds a variety of colorful ways to customize your elytra! Hidoni 5349278 2024-04-20 13:00
NoXPDeduction Removes the XP deduction when enchanting an item. AdyTech99 63 2024-04-20 11:43
Animal Feeding Trough [Fabric | Forge | Quilt | NeoForge] Mobs self feed with feeding trough Slexom 11667989 2024-04-20 10:47
The Game With Three Entities The Game With Three Entities Patrix213 92 2024-04-20 10:01
Lootblocks and Exploration Adds special lootblocks and areas to the game Gnocchi 1071 2024-04-20 09:16
That More Swords More than new 37+ Swords! ThatDatMods 5 2024-04-20 08:48
StackMob Fabric A mod that allows players to stack massive amounts of mobs into a single entity. voxelbuster 962 2024-04-20 04:48
Wandering Trader F3 Adds information about the Wandering Trader's spawning in the F3 Screen. Odiwa 405 2024-04-20 04:47
BetterTeamChat Reroutes chat messages to the teamchat or a specific player. Havhingstor 785 2024-04-20 02:22
Additional Lanterns Additional Lanterns adds many new lanterns with different colors and materials! SuperMartijn642 19185755 2024-04-20 00:19
More Totems Of Undying A mod that adds new mob-inspired totems to Minecraft CyborgPigeon 3207308 2024-04-19 23:08
Electromechanics An addition to the existing Redstone ecosystem mechanically and electrically Blodhgarm, chyzman5253 424 2024-04-19 22:28
Fantasy Metals Fantasy ores and gems, tools and armor. IndEvo, Rainy228, moonst0ne 747 2024-04-19 21:54
Simplest Emerald Gear Emerald armor and tools. TeamSolar, xenonli 5241 2024-04-19 21:54
Simplest Copper Gear Copper armor and tools. TeamSolar, xenonli 3050 2024-04-19 21:51
Aequivaleo Analysis engine and mediator mod for analyzing recipes and equivalencies of items, blockstates and other game objects in minecraft. OrionOnline 92033 2024-04-19 21:12
Hybrid Aquatic A mod that expands upon Minecraft's aquatic life HybridLabs, Aquatic, the_nuclear_nexus, Mystickoko, Andante, dragoncommands 1703822 2024-04-19 20:03
Enchanted Vertical Slabs Vertical slabs is a vanilla-like mod that adds vertical slabs to Minecraft Enchanted_Games 1211998 2024-04-19 19:43
Bad NPCs This mod adds more enemies!!!! vicalisito 12100 2024-04-19 19:17
Pulgamod Reborn new bugs in minecraft and items tailow5 134 2024-04-19 17:42
TalentTree best talent update DreykaOas_official 22 2024-04-19 17:22
Toggleable Clouds A mod which adds a hotkey that toggles clouds on and off. Colonal 295 2024-04-19 15:48
Nebulus new spiders adds new 17 spiders to 15 biomes Nebulus 374 2024-04-19 11:39
Sleeping Bags A sleeping bag that does not set your spawnpoint. henkelmax 1386055 2024-04-19 11:04
Nebulus Trader for the Desert add a new trader with structure and food with weapons Nebulus 59669 2024-04-19 10:55
Xaero's Minimap (Fair-play Edition) Fair-play edition of the Xaero's Minimap mod, designed for fair PVP against players without a minimap. xaero96 3485806 2024-04-19 09:00
Lag-Zoom A simple, customizable and beautiful Zoom for Quilt. LagBB 12 2024-04-19 05:14
Fishing Real Fish up real entities instead of the items! Configurable with Datapacks! PricelessKoala 3457145 2024-04-19 02:57
Mysticrift: More Slabs Variants Added: 216 new slab variants. SmartStreamLabs_Studios, Developer_Ada 2345 2024-04-18 22:01
Item Collectors Item Collectors adds Collectors which collect items in a specified range! SuperMartijn642 28218776 2024-04-18 21:19
Sleep Anywhere Sleep anywhere without a bed! BogdanValentinn 150 2024-04-18 21:10
TofuCraftReload TofuCraft in 1.19.x~. get some Soybean and Make Tofu... even Tofu Tools! sz0999312, baguchiMC 1017891 2024-04-18 19:27
Relics: Arcane Abilities Adds new items and a dungeon for more adventure. mralxart_ 24158 2024-04-18 19:08
SDM Shop [Forge/Fabric] Adds a store and economy Sixik 37965 2024-04-18 16:37
Resource Switcher Add a more convenient way to change resource packs and languages imoonday1008 127 2024-04-18 15:18
Totem Cooldown Totems of undying gain a configurable cooldown before they can be used again tazgirl_ 7133 2024-04-18 14:39
Book2Map Create maps from book contents! JongWasTaken 228 2024-04-18 12:54
Red Dwarf Universe Time to smeg off, create, dress and act like your in the Red Dwarf Universe badkaipanda 304 2024-04-18 12:35
Chat Vars Simple client mod to add variables to your chat strnq 5 2024-04-18 12:04
Backup Manager A mod to add basic gui support for multiple backup mods Official_CreeperHost, Gigabit101, brandon3055 169970 2024-04-18 11:59
F3+C Make F3 + C keybind copy actual location without command strnq 7 2024-04-18 11:54
Tweakable Levels Get full control over the required experience per level. R00tDroid 22 2024-04-18 11:07
AeroBlender AeroBlender is a library mod dependent on TerraBlender, for adding biomes in a simple and compatible manner with Aether's biome/terrain system. TeamRazor, 345boneshoss, dark_sonic_300, TunefulTurnip 9542205 2024-04-18 10:51
BlockShot Easily share gameplay screenshots and short recordings safely Official_CreeperHost, Gigabit101, Paul_T_T 829685 2024-04-18 10:31
TslatEntityStatus (TES) A modern entity health/status/damage indicators mod for Minecraft Scimiguy 861801 2024-04-18 09:19
TslatEffectsLib A small developer library to expand the functionality of MobEffects Scimiguy 10954 2024-04-18 04:56
The Flower Pot Extension Coloured flower pots that hold more than flowers WallyWhip 31914 2024-04-18 02:48
Biolith A biome placement mod focusing on configurability and consistent distribution of modded biomes Prospector, gniftygnomecraft 8379 2024-04-17 23:18
Condensed Creative A conveniet way to store similar items in a single Expandable Condensed Slot Blodhgarm 148870 2024-04-17 23:04
Medieval Buildings [End Edition] New incredible medieval-style structures for the End! Lupin 498504 2024-04-17 21:33
Tick Stasis Pauses your Minecraft server when no players are online arm32x 603 2024-04-17 21:16
Ericonomy Simple and basic economy to your game JLSkyzer 71 2024-04-17 19:32
Erinium Automation Gain time to produce JLSkyzer 21 2024-04-17 18:50
Slime Utils Tweak slime chunk chances and show slime chunks kevinthegreat12 309 2024-04-17 18:25
FreeLook Look around without changing your direction of movement! jmilthedude 298222 2024-04-17 17:01
Expanded Storage A mod adding various storage types, including double iron chests. Quinn451 1173715 2024-04-17 16:50
Sugar Craft This mod adds candies and drinks. zadar_myrdar 246 2024-04-17 16:36
MoreBuckets The mod adds buckets from different materials R4mBLe 258 2024-04-17 15:04
Enchant With Mob add Enchanter and Mob enchant From Minecraft Dungeons baguchiMC, McFella, trufflehistorian 634877 2024-04-17 13:55
Fairy coin The mod introduces a variety of currencies into the game, which can be converted from one to another using right-click (RCM). Mod adds drops of Gold, Silver, Copper Coin from mobs and a gacha machine, offering random loot in exchange for currency. Sahar 17 2024-04-17 13:28
Bagus Lib This mod is using bagu_chan's mod and you can use too! baguchiMC 4010368 2024-04-17 11:48
Doctor Who - TARDIS - Reborn Immerse yourself in the "Doctor Who" universe! Travel, explore and survive DrGmes 38000 2024-04-17 10:48
Choco Coin TheShadowModsUK Doubloons TheShadowModsUK 256 2024-04-17 08:25
Patched Allows data/resource packs to modify parts of json files instead of completely replacing them. EnderTurret 21780 2024-04-17 04:01
Min's Pistol Additional This is a mod that adds pistols, bullets, and silver ore to Minecraft. Min_0912 7 2024-04-17 03:22
Ambient Environment Adds more ambiance to a Minecraft world Jaredlll08 16177523 2024-04-17 03:16
Rose Gold Equipment Equipment made from a copper and gold alloy, faster mining than iron with stone durability. A way to use up excess copper. IGoByJake 742 2024-04-17 02:14
Mace Port Vanilla friendly Backport of the upcoming 1.21 Mace weapon! Derec__ 63406 2024-04-17 01:15
More Biomes A Minecraft Mod That Adds A Lot To The Base Game While Keeping It Simple RyanYeet2010 147 2024-04-17 00:32
Thirsty Bottles A mod to make water bottles as thirsty as I am. DarkhaxDev 7745734 2024-04-17 00:00
Shield Banner Fix Fixes shields with banners not rendering designs accurately. DarkhaxDev 616 2024-04-16 23:46
Keepers of the Stones This mod will add new sources of energy to the world with which you can transform into masters of the elements. Environment_Studios, MagicalAlexey 31660 2024-04-16 21:25
Better Tag Tips Display NBT and Tags in tooltips, and more... WallyWhip 312896 2024-04-16 19:41
Alloy Forgery Forge some alloys gliscowo 9490076 2024-04-16 18:33
Item Despawn Timer Informs you about the remainder of an item's lifespan whirlfrenzy 2578 2024-04-16 16:46
Bundle Scroll Unlock the full potential of bundles by cycling through the contents of a bundle using the scroll wheel boyonk913 218 2024-04-16 14:44
The Veggie Way [FORGE/NEOFORGE] Vanilla friendly high nutrition foods without killing kwpugh 1025792 2024-04-16 14:08
Armor, Tools & Ores+ Adds new armor and tools into the game, such as Redstone, Lapis, and Emerald along with new armors for modded resources hopefully! If you have any ideas or suggestions, bugs or anything just comment and I will answer as soon as possible Fisheiyy 150367 2024-04-16 05:31
Dispenser Configurator Configure the vanilla Dispenser to use (almost) any item. Data driven. supersaiyansubtlety 55491 2024-04-16 03:55
Pearfection Ancient pears from a pearier time. DigitalPear_11 6862 2024-04-16 01:38
Builder's Inventory Inventory utilities for creative mode LegoMaster3650 46 2024-04-15 22:35
TIS-3D Low-tech computing for Minecraft Sangar 977452 2024-04-15 22:32
Markdown Manual Library mod for creating in-game manuals. Sangar 93301 2024-04-15 21:41
Just Bees (and Trees, Flowers, Mushrooms....) just bees, yes it's just bees LeoMP 8531 2024-04-15 21:04
Haven: Day Display A super simple mod that displays the current day as an overlay. CathieNova 91185 2024-04-15 20:53
Nebulus' Art Paintings Art Paintings is a Minecraft Forge modifaction aims to add historical paintings. Nebulus, Taknax 358 2024-04-15 20:28
BetterArmorHUD Improves the normal armor bar efekos 573 2024-04-15 19:46
Vampirism - Become a vampire! Vampires are fast, strong and blood-thirsty entities, which do not like the sun, but don't fear the night, and the best thing is: You can become one! maxanier, Cheaterpaul 16360885 2024-04-15 17:00
Mo'Enchantments This mod adds 15 different custom enchantments! vogliosperare 1384 2024-04-15 14:54
End Frame Crafting Craft end portal frames with a Warden Core kitbinary 739 2024-04-15 14:07
BiomeInfo (Fabric) Adds a configurable text to the top left corner (by default) saying what biome the player is in. bl4ckscor3 1318311 2024-04-15 13:36
BiomeInfo Displays the name of the current biome on screen. bl4ckscor3 3797665 2024-04-15 13:28
Ender Dragon Egg Respawn (Fabric) Get an egg from each ender dragon. Intezium 607745 2024-04-15 10:15
Min's Enchant Enjoy the vanilla-like new enchantments! Min_0912 49 2024-04-15 09:45
TmTmc-ServerBasics Minecraft server basics for beginners/admins smmmadden 9254 2024-04-15 03:08
Bone Zone Spice up your world with macabre decorations based on bones. DarkhaxDev, AbsolemJackdaw 691446 2024-04-15 01:04
Spore Blossoms Pollinate Placing a spore blossom above crops will make them grow faster! They also prevent withered crops! ragnaraven_ 1887 2024-04-15 00:41
Ender Obsidian Armaments Adds Obsidian based armors that are the perfect end game mining tools. Now enhanced with EnhancedArmaments. ragnaraven_ 3869 2024-04-15 00:38
Aether Addon: Emissivity An addon for The Aether, adding emissivity to various textures. TheAetherTeam, bconlon, OscarPayn 275588 2024-04-14 23:12
Aether Addon: Enhanced Extinguishing Improves the consistency of fire being disallowed in the Aether by adding new extinguished variants of blocks. TheAetherTeam, OscarPayn, bconlon 8157886 2024-04-14 23:12
Scannable One scanner to find them, and with eye candy bind them. Sangar 18315004 2024-04-14 23:03
Arst Motion Blur The ultimate motion blur mod, making your game look super smooth. arst 20 2024-04-14 22:12
More Ferrets Adds Ferrets... Simple as... CaptShekels 180 2024-04-14 21:35
Fertilization Adds additional variants of bone meal for all your fertilization needs. BlayTheNinth 731741 2024-04-14 20:41
Inventory Essentials Basic inventory tweaks. Lightweight and compatible. BlayTheNinth 24400817 2024-04-14 20:38
Waystones Teleport back to activated waystones. For Survival, Adventure or Servers. BlayTheNinth 176001971 2024-04-14 20:36
Fertilization (Fabric Edition) Adds additional variants of bone meal for all your fertilization needs. BlayTheNinth 523332 2024-04-14 20:35
Inventory Essentials (Fabric Edition) Basic inventory tweaks. Lightweight and compatible. BlayTheNinth 481833 2024-04-14 20:31
Waystones (Fabric Edition) Teleport back to activated waystones. For Survival, Adventure or Servers. BlayTheNinth 3898473 2024-04-14 20:28
Default Options A way for modpacks to ship a default (key) configuration without having to include an options.txt file. BlayTheNinth 109403308 2024-04-14 20:27
Default Options (Fabric Edition) A way for modpacks to ship a default (key) configuration without having to include an options.txt file. Also allows local options from any mod .cfg file. BlayTheNinth 2167982 2024-04-14 20:22
Hellion's Sniffer+ A Sniffer expansion, adding new behaviors to the Sniffer, an ancient cave biome, and several new Sniffer-related plants. HellionGames 1274328 2024-04-14 19:38
Lexicon (Fabric/Quilt) This mod adds a lexicon that explains almost every aspect of Minecraft ingame! XxRexRaptorxX 2504 2024-04-14 18:17
Enchant the Rainbow Choose the enchantment glint color for your enchanted items! Pepperoni__Jabroni__ 150202 2024-04-14 16:04
Ruined Equipment Tools and Armors break into Ruined forms for repair or memorial purposes. Pepperoni__Jabroni__ 282477 2024-04-14 15:51
Danger Close Some elements will now do damage (or set the entity on fire), such as stonecutters or campfires. Lupin, jason13official 1101676 2024-04-14 15:50
Chorus Links Chorus Links is a vanilla friendly teleportation mod using Chorus Fruits! Pepperoni__Jabroni__ 9943 2024-04-14 15:38
Complete Bone Meal Make Bone Meal applicable to *all* growables! Pepperoni__Jabroni__ 192708 2024-04-14 15:22
Common Sense Adds in items and recipes that are not craftable in vanila The_RTG_Gaming 10650 2024-04-14 14:24
Mob Statues [FABRIC] Minecraft mod focusing on adding Mob Statues lukeonDaCat 178 2024-04-14 14:12
Undead Plus Neoforge Version He adds new types of zombies and adds zombie infections CozyGlow 74 2024-04-14 13:28
Total War Warhammer World This mod contains things from game named Total War Warhammer. ModderFromSaturn 18 2024-04-14 12:57
Inventorio (Forge) An inventory enhancement mod (Forge Version) Lizard_OfOz, RubixDev 375631 2024-04-14 12:54
Inventorio (Fabric) An inventory enhancement mod (Fabric Version) Lizard_OfOz, RubixDev 164667 2024-04-14 12:54
Better Furniture Adds simple, vanilla-like furniture to the game ultimatech 2612 2024-04-14 12:47
Wheelbarrow A copper wheelbarrow! asasinmode 3353 2024-04-14 12:13
Wakes Adds splashes and wakes while traveling on water Goby56 816061 2024-04-14 09:38
Unbreaking Hoe Cheap indestructible hoe. riri1780 7 2024-04-14 09:31
ISIA fabric server side logger mod RXokas 44 2024-04-14 07:23
Better Impaling (Fabric) Makes the Trident Impaling Enchantment function like its Bedrock Counterpart! Boomshaka08 6977 2024-04-14 07:03
Exline's Wool to String craft string from wool! exlinegames 120118 2024-04-14 05:05
Netherite Nuggets [Fabric] Because repairing with Netherite Ingots is too expensive! Pepperoni__Jabroni__, Pepperoni_Jabroni_ 21821 2024-04-14 02:43
Craftable Potion Combinations Enables combining Potions through the Crafting Grid! Pepperoni__Jabroni__ 3456 2024-04-14 02:35
Fine Tuned Calibration Expands Calibrated Sculk Sensors output from 15 frequencies to 100+ frequencies Pepperoni__Jabroni__ 292 2024-04-14 02:01
Sculk Redstone Components Adds 3 Sculk Redstone Components! The Redstone Retainer, Shrieker, & Calibrator Pepperoni__Jabroni__ 3916 2024-04-14 01:41
Forager Bow Enchantment Adds the Bow enchantment, "Forager", which teleports items/xp on kill Pepperoni__Jabroni__ 2068 2024-04-14 01:20
Arrow Entity Loot Drop Makes Entities shot with Arrows drop them upon death Pepperoni__Jabroni__ 14556 2024-04-14 01:09
Reworked: Sleep To Night Sleep in beds during the day to skip to nighttime! This mode is part of the Reworked collection. A group of mods aimed a improving various features of Minecraft. OuterCloud 1016 2024-04-14 01:03
Randomized Default Fireworks Make those sad, empty default fireworks go away! Pepperoni__Jabroni__ 8652 2024-04-14 00:53
Illagers Wear Armor Allows Illagers to wear armor! almightytallestred 10931877 2024-04-14 00:07
Living Ores A mod that adds living ore blocks to the game that makes ore resources in minecraft farmable by spreading to neighboring blocks CraftyMCFish 93 2024-04-13 23:15
Bunk Beds Makes bed spawns stack-up instead of reset Pepperoni__Jabroni__ 197 2024-04-13 22:54
Simplest Excavators Vanilla excavators breaking in a 3x3 area. TeamSolar, xenonli 10446 2024-04-13 20:01
No More Purple A client-side mod allowing you to choose your enchantment glint color Pepperoni__Jabroni__ 26070 2024-04-13 19:27
Illuminative Illuminative is a mod that adds various features related to light & glowing! Kotowsky 7700 2024-04-13 18:32
Advanced Netherite (Fabric) A configurable, vanilla friendly, open-source mod that adds in more tiers of Netherite! AutovwDev 9215130 2024-04-13 18:26
Advanced Netherite (Forge / NeoForge) A configurable, vanilla friendly, open-source mod that adds in more tiers of Netherite! AutovwDev 10398294 2024-04-13 18:25
Exline's Bark Carpets carpets made of bark exlinegames 598315 2024-04-13 18:03
JJThunder To The Max 2000 Block Realistic 1:1 Mountain Generation jjthunder99 2013 2024-04-13 17:41
REArmour++ Rebuild the Armour++ Mod th_jaoshigan 975 2024-04-13 17:37
Player Transport Ducts Build transport ducts to instantly travel end to end captaintenneal81 27305 2024-04-13 16:57
Third Person Maps Render those pesky Maps in third person (everyone's favorite perspective) Pepperoni__Jabroni__, Pepperoni_Jabroni_ 41053 2024-04-13 16:38
Just Another Rotten Flesh to Leather Mod Lets you smelt Rotten Fleh to Leather. alexdaum1 11607845 2024-04-13 15:18
Nutritious Feast This is a mod that adds more Vanilla styled food to the game Kotowsky 32546 2024-04-13 15:11
AdoraBuild: Structures Adds over 100 new structures to enhance the world exploration AdoraBuild 3814351 2024-04-13 11:24
PaciCraft A mod that adds pacifiers to Minecraft. TheShadowModsUK 7329 2024-04-13 11:15
Panda's Extra Details A mod that adds extra Details to Minecraft for both Forge and Fabric ThePandaOliver 230985 2024-04-13 10:56
ManyIdeas Doors Provides over 125 big multiblock and normal-sized doors. GeheimagentNr1, Muse31 1165188 2024-04-13 10:55
ManyIdeas Core Contains blocks, tools and items, that are needed in many of the Many Ideas Mods. GeheimagentNr1, Muse31 1410735 2024-04-13 10:40
Server-side Creeper Control This is a mod that allows for server-side configuration of creeper explosion behavior for fabric. one_point_o 25 2024-04-13 00:45
Un mundo con Maty Chiquito. An orange block with glasses that you can tame and will accompany you on your adventures. Simplemente_Axel 930 2024-04-12 23:20
Anthill Inside A little bit of "natural automation" for vanilla dominated packs - with Red Ants. wilechaote 23642 2024-04-12 22:13
Melius Commands A fabric server side mod to create custom, and modify existing commands drexhd 806676 2024-04-12 20:57
Simplest Hammers Vanilla hammers breaking in a 3x3 area. TeamSolar, xenonli 13874 2024-04-12 20:27
Custom Crosshair Mod A dynamic and customisable crosshair. Sparkless101 1086873 2024-04-12 17:53
Duckling Adds some quacky little friends! Frogipher, Hop_Modding, ThatGravyBoat 8275085 2024-04-12 17:47
Remove Reloading Screen Makes resource packs load in the background, allowing you to do other things while waiting! dimadencep 1416946 2024-04-12 16:24
BlockTuner-forge A note block tuning assistant for forge A_Peng215 197 2024-04-12 15:00
Global XP Adds a block to store XP that is accessible to all players bl4ckscor3 12168841 2024-04-12 12:33
Many More Ores (Forge) Many More Ores adds 15 new unique ores to the game! Krzychowskyy 73787 2024-04-12 11:55
Minepedia Bring the Bedrock edition Encyclopedia to Minecraft: Java Edition 📖 Minehendrix 3444 2024-04-12 11:24
IlReameDell'Onironauta Find the radio tower and complete the portal to unlock the new dimension TomekITA 258 2024-04-12 10:35
WhirlWind add WhirlWind who similar to breeze baguchiMC 818 2024-04-12 10:34
Custom Portal Builder Utilizes the Custom Portal Api to allow the user to create portals easily TheArchitects777 73 2024-04-12 04:00
Multishot Fishing A serverside mod that adds multishot functionality to fishing rods one_point_o 46 2024-04-12 02:47
Biome Particle Weather Replaces the old weather rendering with particles while spicing it up by adding new effects! shadowmaster404 2111565 2024-04-11 23:12
Ring of Attraction [FORGE/NEOFORGE] A simple item magnet kwpugh 793785 2024-04-11 22:38
Embeddium++ The most reliable extension for Embeddium, providing performance features and quality options. Everything configurable and compatible with all your mods SrRapero720 2783393 2024-04-11 22:21
Nebulus' New Paintings New Paintings is a Minecraft modification aims to add new paintings. Nebulus, Taknax 2331 2024-04-11 19:37
Simplest Compression Compressed versions of vanilla blocks. TeamSolar, Rainy228 2736 2024-04-11 18:39
Music Delay Reducer This mod lets Minecraft music play more often. moritz_htk 7980 2024-04-11 17:43
Bedrock Stuff Bedrock Tools, Armor and more ! nicochart 1228 2024-04-11 15:06
Fast Tools & Multi Tools adds vanilla style tool etc. to the game LordCoroln 1129 2024-04-11 12:47
Simple Splash Screen Customize the Minecraft Loading screen to your liking hypherionsa 33110 2024-04-11 10:50
Reliquary Reincarnations Many magical items to help you in your minecraft world P3pp3rF1y 69529823 2024-04-11 10:46
Underground Jungle Adds an underground jungle biome and an underground jungle temple HexagonNico 866644 2024-04-11 10:29
IndustrialReborn Addon for Tech Reborn - inspired by EnderIO & Industrial Foregoing dmunch04 15899 2024-04-11 10:27
JJThunder King of the Hills Terraforms Overworld jjthunder99 29862 2024-04-11 08:45
Rail Smelting A Minecraft mod that add some recipes about the rail smelting. GreyWnid 192 2024-04-11 08:28
Unruled API Expands on the vanilla gamerules to add new gamerules types for other mods to use Recraftors_Team 140 2024-04-11 08:09
Universal Graves Customisable grave mod for Fabric! Patbox 4560234 2024-04-11 07:42
Wither's Weapons Swords and Magic and Bows! Oh My! This mod adds various wacky and even serious weapons good for combat, exploration or even collections. witherlord00 155559 2024-04-11 06:07
Forge Server Installer/Starter Jar-File for install and starting up and Install the Server automaticly, instead of using .bat or .sh Files HellBz 34150 2024-04-11 05:58
Bow Infinity Fix (Forge/Fabric) Removes need to have an arrow in your inventory to use the Infinity enchant on your bow or crossbow Parker8283 4344088 2024-04-11 03:09
McDonald's BTS Meal Adds the BTS Meal into Minecraft! Mercinn 18 2024-04-11 02:40
Pick Block Pro An advanced client side Block, Entity, Component, NBT, Tool and ID picker (Fabric) Sjouwer 13007 2024-04-11 00:29
Molten Obsidian Tools Adds obsidian modifications to diamond tools and Reinforcements to Netherite tools ConfusedFool93 3488 2024-04-11 00:05
Werewolves and You This mod adds the Werewolf as a mob. The_Floridswore 7 2024-04-10 23:16
No Render Render only the things you want FrendlyBanana 2834 2024-04-10 22:10
Tax' Big Boss Big Boss is a Minecraft Forge modification aims to add variants from mobs. Taknax 24132 2024-04-10 19:58
Cyan Warrior Swords Mod This mod adds new swords with different habilities. You can upgrade and mix them to obtain the hability that fits you the best. juanra_mw 724956 2024-04-10 19:10
Resourceful Tools [FORGE/NEOFORGE] Obtain useful resources with greater ease kwpugh 239190 2024-04-10 19:09
Lexicon This mod adds a lexicon that explains almost every aspect of Minecraft ingame! XxRexRaptorxX 354361 2024-04-10 19:08
Hopo Better Mineshaft (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) More and better mineshafts to explore hoponopono 2021747 2024-04-10 18:33
Tax' Structure Architect Structure Architect is a Minecraft Forge modification aims to upgrade the dungeons and villages. Taknax 111529 2024-04-10 17:46
Tax' Castle Pillager Castle Pillager is a Minecraft Forge modification aims to add castles with pillagers. Taknax 280264 2024-04-10 16:16
Tax' Warden Legend Warden Legend is a Minecraft Forge modification aims to add warden related endgame equipment. Taknax 38731 2024-04-10 15:54
Hunter'sReturn Add evil Hunter's mob! They hunt the animals while making a cheeky laugh... baguchiMC, trufflehistorian, Evo_934, akogiri, ViviSpk 24115611 2024-04-10 14:47
Create Support for Open Parties and Claims Adds Fabric Create mod support to Open Parties and Claims xaero96 1271412 2024-04-10 09:20
More Ancient Builders This mod aims to add more lore and items for the Ancient Builder race finn9928 499 2024-04-10 07:42
Banana Baking A mod that adds banana-themed baked goods. DontNeg 147 2024-04-10 05:17
Scary Creepers Makes mobs scared of exploding creepers! Tektonikal 25 2024-04-10 01:18
AutoSwitch [Fabric] Automatic switching of tools when you perform an action. Deximus_Maximus 210796 2024-04-10 00:54
Create: Fastfood A Create mod addon, which adds Fastfood stuff. IamKikin 856 2024-04-09 23:23
Jar Jar Binks Mod Adds in Jar Jar Binks to Minecraft AzureDoomC 28344 2024-04-09 23:15
Refined Crafter Proxy This mod adds the crafter proxy, which acts like a crafter, but gets its patterns from another linked crafter. stevendoesstuffs 28257 2024-04-09 23:05
Just a bit more enchantments Adds a few more enchantments A_teapot_orbiting_the_sun 2585 2024-04-09 21:25
Online Detector (Fabric) This mod adds a few new Blocks found in the redstone category, that will allow you to keep track of who is online on a server. andrew0030 703 2024-04-09 20:18
Easy Emerald Tools & More [FORGE/NEOFORGE] Armor, tools, and weapons from Emerald & Ruby kwpugh 692022 2024-04-09 19:33
Easy Steel & More [FORGE/NEOFORGE] Vanilla friendly gear fitting between stone and less than diamond kwpugh 198000 2024-04-09 19:33
[WWYD] WHY WON'T YOU DIE? This mod removes taking damage from the game. mc_jojo3 335 2024-04-09 17:30
Tiny Coal Simply allow you to break Coal/Charcoal down to 8 pieces that smelt 1 item. AzureDoomC, SaikoChan 2637867 2024-04-09 17:06
Totally Enough Pain Minecraft Hardcore mod for Fabric AzureDoomC 108579 2024-04-09 16:10
Roost Ultimate [NEOFORGE/FORGE/FABRIC/QUILT] Catch, Breed, get Rich! TaranteI 431047 2024-04-09 15:00
Skibidi Toilet Dweller (Pure Brainrot) A Skibidi Toilet Dweller, that was meant to be posted on april fools, but I Guess I did not post it in time Smoreh 131 2024-04-09 12:59
Anvil Fix AnvilFix: Vanilla Anvils - but better! It removes the level limit for combining Items UpcraftLP 514065 2024-04-09 12:03
Dimension Teleporter The mod expands teleportation capabilities by adding a new command with which you can teleport to other dimensions. GrenkaUkraine 66 2024-04-09 11:31
Celestora Celestora is a mod that includes RPG, Farming, Ores and materials, Food and much more. The mod is under development but already has a lot of interesting content! GrenkaUkraine 158 2024-04-09 11:26
Glowing Potion Fabric A potion that makes the entity glow CysticTurtle 4 2024-04-09 10:34
Japanese Altar Adds a Japanese-styled altar that grants various effects when given an offering. RareMiyagi 7 2024-04-09 06:43
Finn's Dragonite new op teir of gear but it dosent come easy finn9928 4828 2024-04-09 05:33
Monster Roster A mod that aims to improve monsters and add unique new foes. VisiVersa 110 2024-04-09 02:24
Villager Names (Fabric) This mod will give your villagers randomly generated names, making villages more alive and immersive. YumatanGames, OverlordsIII 7945778 2024-04-08 22:35
Log More Info Prints hardware, system and modpack information in the logs nihili0 55895 2024-04-08 21:23
Fantasy Fauna A collection of fantasy themed creatures intended to flesh out the world of minecraft a bit. ExoWarlock9031 18563 2024-04-08 20:40
Miscellaneous Additions Adds Battle axes, some music discs, lapis and redstone armor and a few other things. Sn0wix_ 2306 2024-04-08 19:16
EnderPack - New Backpack An incredible ender backpack! Lupin, jason13official 1234226 2024-04-08 18:42
Kroko’s Elementary Staffs Add all old Better Dungeon Staffs Kroko 331829 2024-04-08 18:01
Kelka Backpack Backpack/рюкзак kelkaka333_YT 5994 2024-04-08 17:26
Trajectory preview [Fabric] Shows possible trajectory of shootable and throwable items Krosenut 38661 2024-04-08 15:18
Voice Chat Soundboard Adds a client-side soundboard to Simple Voice Chat KikuGie 4742 2024-04-08 14:01
Unified Storage Say goodbye to complex cable networks - all you need are network cards to seamlessly link storage blocks for a unified storage system Astero 9069 2024-04-08 13:51
Instant PvP Instant PvP | Merge 1.8 and 1.9 combat mechanics together! No delay between hits! Andragon11 2158 2024-04-08 10:24
Litematica Wand Mod that makes life better! xxanqw 6663 2024-04-08 09:55
RecipesXL Adds new vanilla recipes to Minecraft! Ninjudo 330 2024-04-08 09:29
Crystals Overhauled [Forge/Fabric/Quilt] Adds beautiful crystals to the game, each with its own set of upgraded tools and armor. superscratch4 1042210 2024-04-08 06:54
Refined gold adds refined gold and rubies Meme6ord 26 2024-04-08 06:20
Flower Pots Plus A simple mod that adds in more flower pot options! profit_orange 24199 2024-04-08 03:46
Item On Chest [FABRIC] Displays the most common itemstack in a chest. mastrocaleb 208 2024-04-08 00:12
CC: Tweaked CC: Tweaked is a fork of ComputerCraft, adding programmable computers, turtles and more to Minecraft. SquidDev 56964852 2024-04-07 21:09
Shrink. Shrink is a small mod for Minecraft that allows players to change their player's size. Gigabit101 29194859 2024-04-07 20:15
Many Chiseled Blocks X Many Chiseled Blocks X is a mod that adds many new blocks and a chisel tool to Minecraft Jakub2002r 18247 2024-04-07 20:14
Nebulus' Landscape Paintings Landscape Paintings is a Minecraft Forge modifaction aims to add historical paintings. They are historical popular paintings from famous Artists. All Pintings have a unique frame. Nebulus, Taknax 1013 2024-04-07 20:08
Apollo the Parrot This silly little mod brings social media star Apollo the parrot to Minecraft. tahoe 940 2024-04-07 18:18
Crops Love Rain Makes crops grow faster when it's raining. CoalTheBurnRock 211674 2024-04-07 18:12
I See What You Did There! Makes mobs react to indirect damage sources, like fire or lava. khajiitos 4633 2024-04-07 17:59
spark spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers and proxies. Iucko 101978703 2024-04-07 17:57
Ores Drop Stone (ODS) A simple mod that makes ores drop their respective BluuberryYT 25 2024-04-07 17:24
Garden Expansion A selection of gardening-related funcionality 16Trzmi3l 11 2024-04-07 16:52
The Graveyard (FABRIC) A mod that adds structures, mobs and blocks themed aroung the graveyard. finallion_13 9190558 2024-04-07 16:50
The Graveyard (FORGE/NEOFORGE) A mod that adds structures, mobs and blocks themed aroung the graveyard. finallion_13 9732172 2024-04-07 16:44
Swampier Swamps (Fabric) Swampier Swamps is a Mod that aims to overhaul and improve the Swamp Biome and some of the features added in the Wild Update. andrew0030 1124168 2024-04-07 16:42
Vanity: Spectral Pack Tools in a ghostly blue stohun 80 2024-04-07 14:43
untagged Adds simple commands for players to hide their name tag mantevian 277 2024-04-07 12:05
NekoUI change and add more ui AnMao 9205 2024-04-07 12:00
Cores a core library AnMao 4571 2024-04-07 11:57
AMLib a front-end library AnMao 1905 2024-04-07 11:57
Vanity: Viking Pack Tools of the Viking stohun 7830 2024-04-07 11:49
Vanity: Steel Pack Tools made of Steel stohun 1995 2024-04-07 11:47
Vanity: Spartan Pack Tools of the Spartan stohun 2796 2024-04-07 11:46
Vanity: Magma Pack Tools in a Magma Style stohun 1903 2024-04-07 11:45
Krysztal's Language Scala A fork of fabric-language-scala, but support the newest LTS version of Scala3 krysztal112233 6 2024-04-07 11:44
Vanity: Druid Pack Tools of the Druid stohun 2511 2024-04-07 11:43
Vanity: Bone Pack Tools made of Bone stohun 2103 2024-04-07 11:42
Vanity: Black Gold Pack Tools in Black and Gold stohun 2331 2024-04-07 11:41
Vanity: Helios Pack Tools of the Sun God stohun 120 2024-04-07 11:40
More Axolotl Variants Mod Adds more axolotl variants! AkashiiKun69 14382235 2024-04-07 08:36
Permanent Sponges [Forge & Fabric] Sponges to keep an area permanently dry. Fancy underwater base anyone? Fuzs 1110262 2024-04-07 07:06
Armor Statues [Forge & Fabric] Unlock the potential of armor stands! Works on servers with the Vanilla Tweaks data pack. Fuzs 1030186 2024-04-07 06:52
Configurable Beacon Allows users to edit the distance of beacon range AdyTech99 408 2024-04-07 06:33
The Tortured (Dweller) A New Dweller Inspired By a Retro Game, but Now takes on A dweller like appearance. Smoreh 199 2024-04-07 04:22
Sn0wfrog's Capybaras Add coconut doggies to your Minecraft world! sn0wfrog 45 2024-04-07 01:35
Ascendant Coins Coin Currency mod inspired by the Ascendance of a Bookworm Series Mowmaster 11 2024-04-06 23:36
Basalt Crusher Minecraft Fabric mod to crush basalts into gravel gniftygnomecraft 2309 2024-04-06 22:29
MC style paintings new paintings in minecraft based in classic and famous paintings SP_Studios 120200 2024-04-06 22:00
Simple Guns: reworked a little mod that will grow every month. add a gun, a shotgun. a sniper, a molotov and bullets SP_Studios 267016 2024-04-06 21:52
Ductwork Simple duct-metaphor item distribution network mod gniftygnomecraft 16350 2024-04-06 21:49
Colored Redstone Lights Adds vanilla style colored lights. AjayXD 251 2024-04-06 18:44
TipTapShow A mod for Fabric to show your keystrokes ingame Spyxar 6457 2024-04-06 18:29
Boring Spawn Chunks Backports the "spawnChunkRadius" game rule from Minecraft 1.20.5 alongside its new looks and default. EnnuiLangeweile, UpcraftLP 19 2024-04-06 16:37
Hopo Better Underwater Ruins (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) Explore new ocean ruins to your world hoponopono 2229970 2024-04-06 16:36
Spelled Cast spells using the power of words Mrbysco 129710 2024-04-06 16:11
Tree Cycle Trees can grow without a player Bullfighter 15654 2024-04-06 14:49
More Axolotl Variants API Axolotl Variants Extender API! AkashiiKun69 8312686 2024-04-06 13:28
Falling Leaves (Fabric) Makes leaf particles fall from leaf blocks RandomMcSomethin 20959100 2024-04-06 12:08
Patchouli (Fabric/Quilt) Fabric and Quilt port of Patchouli Vazkii 22459163 2024-04-06 11:53
Patchouli Accessible, Data-Driven, Dependency-Free Documentation for Minecraft Modders and Pack Makers Vazkii 150546347 2024-04-06 11:53
MultiScoreboard Allows viewing multiple scoreboards and nbt data at the same time Papierkorb2292 155 2024-04-06 10:00
Easy Piglins Never get annoyed by bartering anymore! henkelmax 9333670 2024-04-06 09:52
Charge Jump! Sneak, charge, and jump higher! Eugene2000 316 2024-04-06 09:05
Eugene's Guan Dao A powerful weapon from ancient China. Eugene2000 722 2024-04-06 08:56
Eugene's Lance On your Horse! Charge!!! Eugene2000 333 2024-04-06 08:54
Revamped Phantoms Makes phantoms far more dangerous lukebemish 3656099 2024-04-06 06:45
Towers of the Wild Modded Towers of the Wild - added to multiple dimensions and planets + waystone & paragliders celsiusqc 4466892 2024-04-06 03:24
Skylark Generation and utility mod for Fabric sky block games. gniftygnomecraft 552 2024-04-05 23:34
Immersive Weapons Immersive Weapons is more than just a weapons mod aiming to spice up your combat skills. AnonymousHacker1279 280535 2024-04-05 22:01
ExtraSounds Next UI sounds & more. Arborsm 827161 2024-04-05 18:58
PattysMoreTools 2 Tool, Weapons & More TwiistsGaming 104064 2024-04-05 18:52
BlockUI Easy to Use UI library for Forge mods Raycoms, Nightenom, OrionOnline, someaddon 16709082 2024-04-05 18:34
Stenographer Localize Your Game Right After Launched! KrLite 92 2024-04-05 16:19
CraftingXP The mod adds experience points when you create something. noxgame1230 109534 2024-04-05 16:00
More Immersive Wires Adds Immersive Engineering wire types for various other mods' cables. tom54541 1565579 2024-04-05 16:00
More Player Models Character creation screen, animations, chatbubbles and more. Noppes_ 6953462 2024-04-05 14:56
Just Another Ruby Mod! (JARM!) The title is a complete lie, this mod has way more than just ruby! Nicusha 200724 2024-04-05 13:50
VTDownloader Pick and download Vanilla Tweaks resource packs directly from your Minecraft client! ByMartrixX22 21963 2024-04-05 12:39
Material Json Makes tool & armour materials changeable through datapacks. boyonk913 9 2024-04-05 10:58
MomentariyModder'Applications Core for MomentariyModder mods. MomentariyModder 193108 2024-04-05 03:49
Ex Machinis Automation addon for Ex Nihilo Sequentia MutantGumdrop 1668657 2024-04-05 03:15
Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Core Adds 180ish new foods based on vanilla Minecraft ingredients (all new textures for everything to feel better with Vanilla textures!!!) pamharvestcraft 17930270 2024-04-04 22:40
MarumaSign Display images on signs. malmasa 245 2024-04-04 18:23
Get Pricked! Ever been playing the game and thought a block should damage you even though it doesn't? Well, now they do! naomi 409 2024-04-04 17:46
Flags That Represent Every country, territory, state, breakaway region and more can now be represented by flags in Minecraft! SocialTag 585 2024-04-04 17:22
More Colored Blocks Adds blocks that are only a certain color. high_curie9036060 75 2024-04-04 16:27
FeyTweaks Mod for optimizing signs and beacons. Feyt0x 214068 2024-04-04 15:06
Divinity Unbound Magic mod that adds armor, tools, utility items and blocks, and much much more! lohrun 293 2024-04-04 14:48
Slime Buckets Allows you to bucket up Slime-like enemies, with some small utility mattiebw 242 2024-04-04 14:24
Simple Honey Because working with vanilla beehives is pain. RobotGryphon 5 2024-04-04 13:24
Nebulus livingdirt for the jungle adds a new mob to the jungle Nebulus 17 2024-04-04 05:43
Horseshoes Adds enchantable horseshoes that you can equip to horses! CyborgPigeon 26813 2024-04-04 03:15
Useless Mod A (absolutely not) useless mod for (Neo)Forge TheMCBrothers, TheMCLoveMan 88091 2024-04-04 00:08
Shared Health and Hunger A lightweight mod that allows players to share a collective health/hunger value. neddslayer 140 2024-04-03 23:32
The Assimilator [Dweller] The Assimilator has escaped from 1.12.2, now takes on a dweller like appearance with one goal : INFECT Smoreh 730 2024-04-03 23:15
oωo (owo-lib) A general utility, GUI and config library for modding on Fabric and Quilt gliscowo 23488386 2024-04-03 22:36
Mini Utilities A Mod inspired by XU1 and XU2 OneLemonyBoii 1604412 2024-04-03 19:55
Healing Bed Looking for a way to heal your character faster in Minecraft? Now you can do it while you sleep with our Healing Bed modification. noxgame1230 1085356 2024-04-03 17:47
Easy Shulker Boxes [Forge & Fabric] Supercharge shulkes boxes, bundles and backpacks! Fully useable in your inventory with many intuitive interactions. Fuzs 2829862 2024-04-03 16:58
Metal Bundles [Forge & Fabric] Use bundles like never before with many intuitive interactions. And there's more bundles, much larger! Fuzs 141162 2024-04-03 16:55
Bag Of Holding [Forge & Fabric] Fancy storage for fancy folks. A unique alternatives to your average backpack mod. Fuzs 755741 2024-04-03 16:54
Quilt Kotlin Libraries (QKL) Quilt's official Kotlin libraries QuiltMC, ProtFox, potatoboy99999, NoComment1105, sschr15 11767 2024-04-03 16:09
No Text Wall [Fabric] Prevents display of overly long chat massages VSH33 10 2024-04-03 16:03
Fabric Mining Helmet A Mining Helmet that emits light to assist travelling through caves CysticTurtle 86 2024-04-03 13:39
Assisted Progression A simple mod aimed at assisting you as you progress through modded minecraft pauljoda, Dyonovan 599572 2024-04-03 13:29
BetterPiercing [FABRIC/FORGE] Small and Opinionated Crossbow tweak. kamefrede123 836 2024-04-03 11:55
Miscellaneous Items This mod includes some new types of armor like the Stealth Armor, some new types of weapons like the Fire Sword and new animals like the brown bear. this mod was made by Fledje06. fledje06yt 20 2024-04-03 10:05
Obtainable End A simple, balanced mod to make end portals obtainable in survival. gniftygnomecraft 1365 2024-04-03 08:33
Crafting Manipulator Library mod for fabric that lets you modify crafting results and more Xires87 11128 2024-04-03 07:55
You Bandit! Join pillagers, loot villagers! Eugene2000 1216 2024-04-03 07:19
Forbidden's Cloth Beds This mod includes changes the crafting recipe of beds, to now include cloth which drops from zombies F0rb1dden 4 2024-04-03 05:31
FastConfigAPI A mod that makes creating Configs easy and fast Infinituum17 51590 2024-04-03 00:59
ServerCore A mod that aims to optimize the minecraft server. Wesley8081 9252013 2024-04-02 21:35
Sounds Be Gone! Allows you to disable specific sounds you don't like. Perfect for people with Misophonia! Meza 8171 2024-04-02 21:20
Resourceful Config Resourceful Config is a mod that allows for developers to make crossplatform configs ThatGravyBoat, epic_oreo 36925807 2024-04-02 20:15
Configuration Configuration library for easy config management Toma, Tomano123cz 1957912 2024-04-02 20:03
Mouse Tweaks Enhances inventory management by adding various functions to the mouse buttons. YaLTeR 274904092 2024-04-02 17:19
Far Reaches An overhauled world with a focus on survival gameplay. VisiVersa 208 2024-04-02 15:16
Dramatic Doors 3-block high doors, in every vanilla variety! End enderman discrimination! FizzWare, Kitteh6660 9868378 2024-04-02 14:12
LightShield Add shield system to Minecraft. luoyu 187 2024-04-02 11:57
Unlock ResourceLocation This mod expands Minecraft's ResourceLocation character limits to include more diverse characters in resource packs, enhancing naming flexibility. soajdyyy 4 2024-04-02 11:49
Starting Loot custom modification designed to provide players with an enhanced and personalized starting experience by allowing them to set their initial gear through the use of LootTables. soajdyyy 4 2024-04-02 11:46
Mob Drop Master Enables comprehensive management of mob loot and the experience they drop. TheBlueEyeOfEnder 202 2024-04-02 10:42
Travel Dimension Adds new dimension to travel extremely long distances. Bullfighter 9 2024-04-02 10:39
The one who Black A mod that has mobs, tools, and more! It has a lot of advancements so it's perfect for a challange! Have fun with it! Liem35851_YT 733 2024-04-02 09:13
Lenient Stack Size Increases the stack sizes of vanilla items. zoeytheegoist 55427 2024-04-02 08:27
Argonauts A guild and party mod to work and play together with your teammates on a server! terrariumearth, MsRandom1, AlexNijjar, ThatGravyBoat, CodexAdrian 380217 2024-04-02 06:06
Lanterns Belong on Walls Allows you to place lanterns on walls CoalTheBurnRock 99714 2024-04-02 02:23
Serious Player Animations A client side mod that adds cool animations to the player. McVader 16857 2024-04-02 01:09
[BETA] Cardboard - Spigot for Fabric The Bukkit/Spigot/Paper plugin API for Fabric isaiah 55758 2024-04-01 23:04
Mossier Deepslate [Fabric] Mossy deepslate is here! DigitalPear_11 48867 2024-04-01 21:24
Craftable Gunpowder! [FABRIC] Easy recipe for Minecraft gunpowder! lukeonTheRandomCat 8 2024-04-01 19:50
Resclone Downloads and updates resource packs automatically JFronny 516 2024-04-01 19:49
Enhanced Snowmen Finally, your snow golem army is not completely useless anymore. maxanier 285710 2024-04-01 17:29
Angry Animals Tier Zombie Apocalypse forge/Neofrorge the mod is based on the Angry Animals 2 mod and adds new bloody Angry mobs CozyGlow 7894 2024-04-01 16:00
Double-Jump Add the ability to Double Jump in the game! were_fox 10 2024-04-01 15:57
FPS Display Doubler Doubles the FPS shown on the F3 debug overlay Paint_Ninja 46 2024-04-01 13:28
Modular Systems Modular Systems, furnaces, storage, crafting oh my! pauljoda 250843 2024-04-01 13:00
Nucleus Library mod for pauljoda mods pauljoda, Buuz135, Dyonovan 544272 2024-04-01 12:54
Andruid's mod Miscellaneous new items, blocks, tools, armour(armor) Andruid929 291 2024-04-01 11:34
Exit Confirmation Often accidentally closed Minecraft? This mod might help! XyperCode 3139 2024-04-01 10:21
Mangoy Add blocks and itens that have random purposes Brioow 18 2024-04-01 09:58
Inverted Tag Entries Library mod allowing tags to have inverted entries Apollo 26 2024-04-01 08:03
Content Creator Server Status The status mod used on the Hermitcraft server. henkelmax 57790 2024-04-01 07:44
come-back-my-villagers Modify the villager mechanism to pre-1.20.1 steve47876 1824 2024-04-01 07:23
Apothic Attributes (AttributesLib) A library mod providing Attributes and related things. Shadows_of_Fire 16498104 2024-04-01 06:33
Cook your food Food poisoning from raw food is made a serious issue, not a joke. MoonFather 167800 2024-04-01 06:31
JadeColonies A Jade addon for MineColonies and Domum Ornamentum uecasm 1542874 2024-04-01 01:20
Grappling Hook: Restitched A Fabric/Quilt port of Yyon's original grappling hook mod CG360 43598 2024-04-01 00:56
Porting Lib A collection of utilities for porting mods from Forge to Fabric. thatguynamedalpha, tropheusj 320211 2024-04-01 00:00
What The Hell Have You Done To My World The best worldgen mod ever created, easily beating all the other ones. FirstMegaGame4 71 2024-03-31 21:59
That's My Bed! With this April Fools mod villagers will kick you out of bed if they want to sleep Birchfolks 20 2024-03-31 21:34
Debugify Fixes Minecraft bugs found on the bug tracker isXander 17596318 2024-03-31 20:32
Boat Fly Allows you to fly in boats and modify its speed ItssGilly 10642 2024-03-31 20:30
Particle Moths Adds moths to your world using particles. CoalTheBurnRock 4332 2024-03-31 20:13
Many More Structures Generates more of every Structure TheArchitects777 5834 2024-03-31 18:27
Tough As Nails A difficult, survival-based mod that adds body temperature and thirst! TheAdubbz, Forstride 18534678 2024-03-31 18:22
The Ender Scrolls - Skyrimcraft Bringing the world of Skyrim right to your Minecraft world! ryankshah 14903 2024-03-31 17:00
Spelunker's Torch Go into a cave using these torches and you will always know where the exit is. meme_sapiens 25 2024-03-31 16:37
FreeCam by Zergatul This mod allows you to move camera freely Zergatul 432814 2024-03-31 16:09
One World Folder A minecraft fabric mod, that allows any minecraft instance to access the default saves folder located in the .minecraft directory. LinusDev 1682 2024-03-31 15:38
Visuality Little visual improvements by adding a bunch of new particles. PinkGoosik 15063822 2024-03-31 13:39
Extra Terracotta Utilities Bring a variety of functional and utility terracotta to Minecraft! dwh1031 119 2024-03-31 13:32
No More Ender Pearl Damage Removes the damage taken when using ender pearls. zoeytheegoist 4583 2024-03-31 13:08
BreakMe Closes minecraft when you die/take damage JFronny 1245 2024-03-31 12:21
Trident Revision Adds an alternative method of obtaining the trident. zoeytheegoist 8090 2024-03-31 11:46
[Fabric] Simple Cobblestone Generator All the cobblestone you'll ever need! fulmineo64 173393 2024-03-31 10:05
The Guild Quests, expeditions and adventures await you! fulmineo64 2031411 2024-03-31 09:41
Villagers' Inventory This mod allows you to view the villager's hidden 8-slot inventory. CreepSkeet_ 285 2024-03-31 09:35
Mattock Adds the Mattock - a universal digger for Minecraft. zoeytheegoist 8028 2024-03-31 07:42
Configurable Head Drop Allows the maximum amount of heads dropped by a charged creeper explosion to be configured via a new gamerule. mattiebw 156 2024-03-31 06:39
Law Assist Adventure Law Assist Adventure lZiMUl, jige520 15 2024-03-31 05:52
Soulbound (Updated) An enchantment that retains items upon death - updated for MC1.17+ UpcraftLP 1818 2024-03-31 05:48
Soulbound (Quilt) An enchantment that retains items upon death - updated for MC1.17+ UpcraftLP 1642 2024-03-31 05:48
Priority Target Be informed of your situation instantly! MikhailTapio 14086 2024-03-31 05:41
Leashable Villagers Allows villagers to be leashed. mattiebw 2289 2024-03-31 05:29
Addon Un mundo con Maty Chiquito A mod that adds new enemies to deal with. Simplemente_Axel 354 2024-03-31 03:27
Auto Reauth Automatically re-authenticates your session when it expires, so you don't need to restart your game. Sigma76 1998 2024-03-31 02:24
Xen's Better Animations Uses KosmX's Player Animation mod and GeckoLib to add in better animations XenCosmos 241 2024-03-31 02:02
Hyper Animations Uses KosmX's Player Animation mod and GeckoLib to add in better animations XenCosmos, RadientPrincess 219 2024-03-31 01:59
Better Animations (XenCosmos edition) Uses KosmX's Player Animation mod and GeckoLib to add in better animations XenCosmos, RadientPrincess 336 2024-03-31 01:51
Bouncy Blocks - Fabric Blocks that make you bounce! LetoTheWolf 8 2024-03-30 18:47
Heaven Dimension Mod Fly up to Heaven in Minecraft! Find villages with OP loot and build your base in a peaceful environment Andragon11 21526 2024-03-30 17:10
CIT Resewn Re-implements MCPatcher's CIT (custom item textures from optifine resource packs) SHsuperCM 10932223 2024-03-30 15:29
ToggledPickup More detailed control of pickup behavior. MikhailTapio 342 2024-03-30 12:28
Connectible Chains [Fabric] Connect your fences with a decorative chain! legoatoom 4319260 2024-03-30 10:46
Connectible Chains [Fabric] Connect your fences with a decorative chain! legoatoom 2883826 2024-03-30 10:46
Cursed Earth Returns A fork of Cursed earth - adding new Blessed earth! nano_nestor 1083136 2024-03-30 09:54
Mooojaaang... The Mod that Brings Back the Intro Theme from April Fools' Updates thePlaceholder_ 37 2024-03-30 06:29
Otro Addon de "Un mundo con Maty chiquito" this mod adds new abilities to use against your enemies and other players. Simplemente_Axel 9 2024-03-30 01:16
Replac'D Configure autocorrects for your server! gluegunner4 50 2024-03-30 00:57
Cammie's Wearable Backpacks The way backpacks should have always been. Cammie, UpcraftLP 928898 2024-03-29 22:40
Everything Descriptions Give everything an unobtrusive in-game description! InfernalStudios, tinytransfem, Nekomaster1000 1928 2024-03-29 22:10
Selective Entity Removal (Fabric) Selective Entity Removal (Fabric) allows the user to disable specific mobs from rendering and set the range at which they are visible. x3r 2066 2024-03-29 21:49
Glaiden's forgotten items overhaul A mod that gives more usage to items that don't have enough of them. Glaiden_ 89 2024-03-29 19:38
White Rabbit Food and drink that changes the size of the user Virtuoel 15570 2024-03-29 19:18
Random Ring [FABRIC] A single ring that can get one of 41 random powers kwpugh 73640 2024-03-29 18:56
Applied Energistics 2 A Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world.. thetechnici4n, TeamAppliedEnergistics, shartte 162364629 2024-03-29 17:57
MoreLeads Lead more entities cnlimiter 322652 2024-03-29 17:51
ME Requester Keep items and fluids in your Applied Energistics 2 ME-System in stock. Relentless 16823076 2024-03-29 15:46
Unnamed Deserts Additional structures for the desert and badlands biomes, focusing on an immersive expansion for the vanilla game while simultaneously providing new content to explore. unnamedgl1tch 23128 2024-03-29 14:23
Many Flowers Discover flowers with surprising powers! GalievDev 10371 2024-03-29 12:56
Diagonal Windows [Forge & Fabric] Now windows are connecting diagonally, too?! This is getting out of hand! Fuzs 1987230 2024-03-29 12:46
Diagonal Walls The missing diagonal blocks are here! After all these years. Finally, you have them all. Fuzs 1393750 2024-03-29 12:44
Diagonal Fences [Forge & Fabric] Fences connecting diagonally? Wait. That's illegal. Fuzs 19534126 2024-03-29 12:43
Fairy dots Minecraft Chat Indicators Mod Sahar 43 2024-03-29 11:10
Second Chance Player and Pet health rebalance which helps prevent random one-shots. zoeytheegoist 82343 2024-03-29 10:33
Gadget Lab This mod adds in various gadgets and gizmos Nicusha 583 2024-03-29 09:48
Luminous Wool Adds emissive wool to Minecraft. zoeytheegoist 711325 2024-03-29 08:35
Global Datapacks Makes a folder in your game directory for datapacks to use in every world. Declipsonator 104895 2024-03-29 01:36
Note Block Charged Adds in a charged note block that plays electric guitar notes. DontNeg 244 2024-03-29 00:27
Always Drop Loot: Reloaded Make mobs always drop exp and loot, regardless of cause of death. TheBlueEyeOfEnder 35 2024-03-28 21:22
Cat Loaf Adds a loafing position for cats. khajiitos 266502 2024-03-28 20:56
SimpleVillagers Easier villagers mod. Serverside, of course. samo_lego 10754 2024-03-28 20:47
Kits Permissions-based, configurable kits for Fabric servers. JP79194 20647 2024-03-28 16:42
CombatEdit 1.8-combat style mod for modern versions rizecookey 11789 2024-03-28 16:40
FTB Essentials (Forge & Fabric) Adds many essential utility commands for servers FTB, ErrorMikey 35510848 2024-03-28 15:25
BetterEnd Anvil Restoration A mod that replicates features from Anvil Restoration from Serilum for Better End anvils CrimsonCrips 17 2024-03-28 14:47
TokyoGhoul This is a mod inspired by Tokyo Ghoul. darts0803 12078 2024-03-28 14:28
Mom's Love Turn on KeepInventory for individual player! cnlimiter, MikhailTapio 87943 2024-03-28 13:43
Simple Netherite Horse Armor Yet another simple, netherite armor looking netherite horse armor mod. JerryLu086 311717 2024-03-28 13:29
Maced A backport for the mace item MikhailTapio 433 2024-03-28 12:21
EntityCrammingDropXP Mobs that die from the Entity Cramming effect will drop experience amibeskyfy16 792 2024-03-28 11:49
Tiny Economy Renewed A tiny economy system for your minecraft server (earn, buy and sell) amibeskyfy16 467 2024-03-28 11:37
ShulkerBoxRecursion disables the feature that stops you from putting shulker boxes inside shulker boxes amibeskyfy16 870 2024-03-28 11:31
EmbeddedMariaDB An utility mod that will create and start a mariadb database amibeskyfy16 1643 2024-03-28 11:29
ManyManyCommands A mod that add many usefull and popular commands like « /homes », « /warps », etc. amibeskyfy16 505 2024-03-28 11:00
Ornamental: Unusually Decorative The expansion to Ornamental with more vanilla features. Squiggly_Androsa 58929 2024-03-28 02:03
The Red and Green adds ruby and other creatures and stuff grave_allen9058095 36 2024-03-27 21:24
CTD Mint Formerly known as CTD Currency, this mod adds currency to Minecraft, based loosely around USD. TheMasterGeneral 27889 2024-03-27 20:18
Particle Mimicry Adds a Particle Emitter block that generates particles Mrbysco 552701 2024-03-27 19:50
Stellarity Extreme rehaul of The End in a unique fantasy style, combined with biome and structure overhauls, new items, weapons and plenty of other content to discover. kohara 904927 2024-03-27 16:15
Colored Stone We bring more Colors in to the Stone World. trici_tric 86 2024-03-27 16:02
Random Extensions a mod filled with more or less random stuff Aluca3D 80 2024-03-27 15:53
Golden Foods! Add golden food variants to the vanilla version! Lupin, jason13official 1332303 2024-03-27 14:47
Player Plates (Obsidian Plates) Adds Extra Pressure plates Gaz_ 2671450 2024-03-27 14:10
Squat Grow (Shift / Twerk to grow plants) Squat for growth (Shift / Twerk to grow plants) Gaz_ 7236785 2024-03-27 14:03
Calcium (Potion Effects) Gives a potion effect when you drink milk. Strength by default, but this is configurable Ecorous 12 2024-03-27 12:19
Cosmetica Free custom capes and cosmetics for Minecraft eyezah, valoeghese 1542385 2024-03-27 08:33
is it frozen on the inside? adds pink prisms with perpendicular prismarine and variations to world generation holadivinus 13 2024-03-27 07:03
Comforts (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) Adds sleeping bags and hammocks for, respectively, portability and turning day to night, without setting new spawns. Comes in 16 different colors! TheIllusiveC4 119519026 2024-03-27 02:54
Ward Blocks [FABRIC] Provides various area-effect blocks as loot kwpugh 503388 2024-03-27 02:14
Dolphin Fix Server side mod that prevents dolphins from drowning when outside simulation distance tazgirl_ 24 2024-03-27 00:22
Vinewood Pledge boy why you so gnarp DevonMK 53 2024-03-27 00:11
Vinewood Pledge Funky little horror esk mod, not for the "faint of heart" DevonMK 20 2024-03-27 00:11
Ring of the Unseen [FABRIC/FORGE/NEOFORGE] Allows player to be unseen by many mobs kwpugh 103214 2024-03-26 22:56
Ring of Ascent [FABRIC/FORGE/NEOFORGE] An ring that give you lift and wall climbing kwpugh 4904 2024-03-26 22:55
Ring of Repair [FABRIC] Slowly repairs items and armor in inventory kwpugh 10259 2024-03-26 22:54
Ring of the Miner [FABRIC] Clears away (breaks or void) non-ore blocks around player for easy mining kwpugh 124148 2024-03-26 22:51
Ring of Growth [FABRIC] Accelerates the growth of plants and saplings kwpugh 101247 2024-03-26 22:48
Ring Of Teleport [FABRIC] Provides an item that teleports to a stored location kwpugh 91819 2024-03-26 22:47
Ring of the Enderchest [FABRIC] Access your Enderchest on the go kwpugh 263017 2024-03-26 22:45
Resourceful Tools [FABRIC] Obtain useful resources with greater ease kwpugh 459401 2024-03-26 22:39
The Veggie Way [FABRIC] Vanilla friendly high nutrition foods without killing kwpugh 493895 2024-03-26 22:38
Greater Eye of Ender [FABRIC] Taking the Eye of Ender to the next level kwpugh 634425 2024-03-26 22:34
TreeAxe [FABRIC] Treeaxes that will bring down the entire tree kwpugh 473706 2024-03-26 22:32
Ring of Attraction [FABRIC] A simple item magnet kwpugh 114069 2024-03-26 22:30
Happiness (is a) Warm Gun Simple but nice gun mod cybercat5555, AzureDoomC 847510 2024-03-26 21:39
StitchedSnow Minecraft Fabric mod to have snow layers stack Slaincow, ConvexBurrito5, slainlite, StrikerRocker 28571 2024-03-26 20:34
Eating Animation [Fabric] A mod that adds sprite animations for edible and drinkable items. theone_ss 8073725 2024-03-26 13:25
Passive SearchBar When you click a tab with a search bar, the search bar will no longer be automatically focused, also loses its focus when clicked outside! Dovecot_Official, VioletMistCloudDrift 6902 2024-03-26 12:28
Wake Up Time Figure out what stage of the day your villagers are in jamalam360 120 2024-03-26 12:16
Nox: Renoxed A mob and difficulty overhaul for Fabric. Ported to 1.20. qxeii 270 2024-03-26 11:27
davdeo's Item Magnet A mod that adds an Item Magnet to speed up the pick up of items and blocks. davdeo 73 2024-03-26 11:26
Earth Mobs bring back to the Minecraft Earth Mobs with own twist on gameplay! baguchiMC, Farcr, azael_kurosaki, ViviSpk 536808 2024-03-26 07:44
Mod Whitelist A security mod that prevents players entering the server if modlist not matches Viola_Siemens 1117 2024-03-26 05:28
Advanced Reborn Tech Reborn's addon pitan76 577881 2024-03-26 04:43
CTD Core A small library file for CTD mods. TheMasterGeneral 963117 2024-03-26 00:41
Botarium A crossplatform API for devs that makes transfer and storage of items, fluids and energy easier, as well as some other helpful things CodexAdrian, ThatGravyBoat, terrariumearth 17090556 2024-03-26 00:17
Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals An addon for Applied Energistics 2 that adds wireless versions of several Terminals Mari_023 31474812 2024-03-25 21:44
Origins Enhanced Enhancement mod for the Origin Realms server. jackson 119662 2024-03-25 19:52
Domum Ornamentum Millions of unique block variants and all stairs/slabs/walls/fence and more vanilla Minecraft forgot OrionOnline 18203483 2024-03-25 17:16
Emeralds And Rubies (EAR) The game changing emeralds and rubies are coming. InventoStarz 875 2024-03-25 16:08
(Baseball) Bats Adds baseball bats! Command17 1328 2024-03-25 15:42
An Origins Addon - Libra Better basic origins and extra ones! JaselUmena 1105909 2024-03-25 13:59
VillagerOverlay A visually easily seen, user-friendly way to check the trade items of the villagers. mymai1208 8 2024-03-25 12:46
Mini Tardis A different take on the ever-growing TARDIS mod genre enjarai 2091 2024-03-25 11:54
Immersive Energistics Adds ME-capable wires to Immersive Engineering. thetechnici4n 117926 2024-03-25 11:34
ToroHealth Unofficial Unofficial port of ToroHealth Damage Indicators MikhailTapio 148652 2024-03-25 04:41
The Otherworld - Reborn Adds NPCs, Quests, Dialogue, and a whole new RPG experience to explore! kitkait2001 956 2024-03-25 03:42
AI Talk Mobs This is a mod that allows mobs to greet players with AI. katahide100 611 2024-03-25 03:13
FuelInfo Extend your info on your fuels when using a furnace/brewing stand. Luligabi12 1133946 2024-03-25 02:32
Infinite Fuel Makes the Nether Star a reusable fuel source kevinthegreat12 4 2024-03-25 01:04
Client Side Noteblocks Removes the lag that you get when playing noteblocks DaCubeKing 138492 2024-03-24 22:42
Mutant Monsters [Forge & Fabric] The mutants are back! Face scary creatures and powerful beasts like never before. Fuzs 17144802 2024-03-24 21:45
Eastward Journeys World generation mod with a focus on east-asian locales Dekunutter 4268 2024-03-24 20:32
Repair Chests Repairs items inside its inventory Dyonovan 201827 2024-03-24 20:07
Honey Pistons Adds Partial MCBE Parity by adding a new sticky piston (Honey Piston) that doesn't spit out its block on low pulse lengths. CarefulFoil75 19 2024-03-24 19:49
Dyed Item Frames Adds a splash of colour to your displayed items! boyonk913 3973 2024-03-24 19:25
Netherite Compass This mod adds the Netherite Compass to your game which helps you track down Ancient Debris blocks in you world. dorkix 19924 2024-03-24 18:26
libIPN Gui/Config Libarary for Inventory Profiles Next and related mods mirinimi 22025141 2024-03-24 18:19
Stack Size Edit [Fabric] Stack Size Edit [Fabric] is a mod that allows you to edit the stack size limit. average_anime 1560 2024-03-24 18:00
Book Utility Adds a command to utilize writable or written books. ensamisten 11 2024-03-24 10:57
XOres Ore Mod for Minecraft Forge luisst 5244 2024-03-24 10:53
Suspicious Zombification A mod about zombifying animals, fighting off the zombies' curse, and eating suspicious pumpkin pies. bl4ckscor3, MasterPerki 147270 2024-03-24 10:18
Advanced Finders A bunch of new finders that make the mining process much more interesting and time-saving EnderLanky 11446852 2024-03-24 09:23
Placebo A library mod Shadows_of_Fire 160305887 2024-03-24 07:21
More Discs (TacoCoPlayz) Adds a bunch of fan made music disc concepts into Minecraft TacoCoPlayz 5 2024-03-24 06:29
Furniture Expanded [FORGE/FABRIC] Add some furnitures to the game! clumsycat 316695 2024-03-24 05:10
Extra Recipe Added more recipes to the vanilla and other mods. YTXSY 294 2024-03-24 04:38
Meat Blocks Adds blocks made of meat, simple TacoCoPlayz 8 2024-03-24 04:02
CastleBlocks Alternative to chunk claiming, build castles instead! jusipat 387682 2024-03-24 02:15
Build Events Adds build events to track block placements and breaks within an area VelizarP 269 2024-03-23 23:20
Fishing Paradise Fishing Paradise introduces a diverse array of catchable fish, legendary creatures, mouthwatering dishes, and fishing rods. BogdanValentinn 140 2024-03-23 22:15
Hang Glider [Forge & Fabric] Soar through the skies and explore the world's beauty with your brand-new hang glider! Fuzs 3151241 2024-03-23 21:47
PlayerNameModifier A serverside, fully configurable Minecraft mod that can modify player display names based on entity tags MasterPerki 363 2024-03-23 21:43
Enchanting Infuser [Forge & Fabric] An all new enchanting table: Choose your enchantments for fair prices! Plus no more randomness! Fuzs 6000155 2024-03-23 21:24
Mob Drops Recipes [Overworld] Now you can craft drops from hostile mobs in the Overworld! Lupin, jason13official 389664 2024-03-23 21:02
Clean Tooltips A small mod improving Tooltips by creating a clean and consistent look! Stal 1624141 2024-03-23 19:50
Creative Universe Create Your World bretchou 266 2024-03-23 19:45
UI-Utils Reborn Dupe hunting mod. pixo2000 2710 2024-03-23 17:28
SeedCrackerX Reborn A Mod to find a Worlds Seed. pixo2000 8106 2024-03-23 17:25
Litematica Printer Print your Schematics in Survival pixo2000 9210 2024-03-23 17:23
Splash Water Splash water potions and water bottles are now useful! Mr_Awsaf 4107 2024-03-23 14:10
BetterMobs(Ducks) A mod that add ducks and more! bharath2438 42 2024-03-23 13:04
Multi-Piston Multi-directional Piston Block Raycoms, OrionOnline, someaddon 13844947 2024-03-23 10:23
ChatContentModifier Allows servers to modify chat content via Minecraft's Chat Preview feature MasterPerki 1060 2024-03-23 09:59
Event's Lootbags Simple lootbags mod based on Minecraft's Vanilla loot table system mceventhorizon 27300 2024-03-23 09:28
FTB Ultimine (Fabric) Harvest multiple blocks at once FTB, ErrorMikey, LatvianModder 2816783 2024-03-23 01:29
FTB Ultimine (Forge) Harvest multiple blocks at once FTB, ErrorMikey 43720482 2024-03-23 01:29
Leashable Boats A mod implementing leashable boats into Minecraft. daphysikist 1950 2024-03-23 00:10
ServerDataAccessor Gives server admins ingame insight into the server's data MasterPerki 921 2024-03-22 23:00
Rain Growth Speed up plant growth time when its raining. Declipsonator 4380 2024-03-22 22:56
Tempban Adds a command to temporarily ban players MasterPerki 11709 2024-03-22 22:17
Chest Colorizer Color-code your chests to easily distinguish between different types of items stored in them ImmortalDevs, kalucky0, 24Chrome 4278 2024-03-22 20:35
BindCommands Easily bind Minecraft commands to keyboard keys ImmortalDevs, kalucky0 6667 2024-03-22 20:29
Bouncy Balls A mod that adds bouncy balls! jmilthedude 35 2024-03-22 19:21
Create Blue Skies Compat Adds compatibility recipes & items between Create and Blue Skies celsiusqc 595775 2024-03-22 18:07
Exotelcraft New dimesion, biomes, mobs and structures! TKD_Kedis 70244 2024-03-22 17:44
FTB Filter System FTB Filter System (aka FFS) is a powerful item filtering mod with friendly GUI editing FTB, ErrorMikey, desht_08 3634560 2024-03-22 16:14
FTB Teams (Forge) Library for mods that can utilize team progression FTB, ErrorMikey 100702850 2024-03-22 15:38
FTB Teams (Fabric) Library for mods that can utilize team progression like FTB Chunks and FTB Quests. (Fabric version) FTB, ErrorMikey 17737203 2024-03-22 15:36
Ring Of Flight Craft a ring to get creative flight. (like the angel ring) Biorfn 2867 2024-03-22 14:51
Carpet Addons Not Found A carpet mod (fabric-carpet) extension, which adds a collection of carpet mod style features. gilly7ce 3424 2024-03-22 13:17
Fast Entity Transfer Factorio styled Fast Entity Transfer on Blast Furnace, Furnace and Smoker Christofmeg 12045 2024-03-22 13:16
More Useful Copper Now copper will be a much more useful and fun mineral! Lupin, jason13official 790479 2024-03-22 13:05
Death Finder Death messages with coordinates! Never waste time searching for your items ever again. Fuzs 404083 2024-03-22 11:26
Server Country Flags Shows the flag of where a server is located. khajiitos 6904126 2024-03-22 09:51
Simple Weather Providing an alternative, yet elegant solution for weather effects in Minecraft. Soaryn 1480113 2024-03-22 03:47
Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Trees Part Two of the new HarvestCraft - Adds 49 new Fruit-bearing Trees to Minecraft pamharvestcraft 12895581 2024-03-21 23:23
Hoes Are Scythes Use your hoes like a scythe to quickly clear areas of grass, flowers and crops! ToolLeprechaun 1043 2024-03-21 19:46
Wool Pressure Plates Adds silent pressure plates made of wool. bl4ckscor3 272448 2024-03-21 18:42
Wool Buttons Silent buttons made of wool. bl4ckscor3 17908 2024-03-21 18:36
Ore pack (by cccstudio) Five new ores for you ! CCCStudio 2458 2024-03-21 15:54
FTB Ranks (Forge) Adds ranking system that lets you give certain players permissions, username formatting, etc. FTB, ErrorMikey 30910691 2024-03-21 15:18
FTB Ranks (Fabric) Adds ranking system that lets you give certain players permissions, username formatting, etc. FTB, ErrorMikey 1229936 2024-03-21 15:17
Twilight Forest Bosses Resurrection This mod gives ability to respawn bosses form Twilight Forest Niketats_live, Andrey66 17768 2024-03-21 15:08
Sandaddition++ add new type of sand and new wearpon and armor nico_spi_gaming 114 2024-03-21 10:50
FabPose Fabric pose mod compatible with vanilla clients turtton 891 2024-03-21 06:03
The Tartarus Tartarus, the deepest underworld, a land of forgotten beings, awaiting your arrival SP_Studios 4179 2024-03-21 03:56
BetterF3 A mod that provides a highly customizable, more human-readable Debug HUD. cominixo 38801664 2024-03-21 03:18
AdvancementSync AdvancementSync inferusanime 840 2024-03-21 02:14
The Mysthical Awaken your inner alchemist! Experiment with ores, chemicals and organic materials, explore their power and create more powerful tools, charms and more. You can upgrade magic swords with up to two unique modifiers that enhance their abilities in the swordi SP_Studios 38508 2024-03-21 01:06
Loot Control Utility Allow operators to modify monster and container loot drops MacTso 8 2024-03-21 00:59
Ex Nihilo: Sequentia - TOP Addon Addon for Ex Nihilo: Sequentia to support TOP NovaMachina 10 2024-03-21 00:57
Shop.io This mod adds player shops that are very easy to set up and use! marineboone 103706 2024-03-21 00:01
TeleportCraft Adds teleportation to players (/tpa), death points, and home justamoo 32114 2024-03-20 23:30
Creative Wireless Transmitter Adds an Wireless Transmitter that has infinite range and works across dimension Ultramegaaa 5596386 2024-03-20 18:40
Re:Avaritia[Forge/Fabric/Neoforge] A reforged version of Avaritia. cnlimiter 344214 2024-03-20 18:23
XPlus Autofish (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) A temp update of MrTroot's Autofish mod to 1.20+ Wudji_NotFound 110145 2024-03-20 14:56
Paperclippy Paperclippy is helpful paperclip that follows you around and gives tips Mrbysco, ShyNieke 183430 2024-03-20 13:58
Bagus Mob meet the unique mobs and illager! bagu_chan500, trufflehistorian 92113 2024-03-20 13:45
Blazers The official mod for the true fans of ErenBlaze! Minehendrix 3112 2024-03-20 11:08
GraveStone Mod Places a gravestone with your inventory items inside when you die henkelmax 61328005 2024-03-20 09:37
Complementary Nautilus Adds a nautilus mob to the oceans. nanorover59 510 2024-03-20 04:42
Richard's Coffee & Tea Mod A mod that adds coffee and tea to Minecraft along with everything required to create them. Includes Coffee and Tea bushes, cups, mortar and pestles, and potion effects. All items have 3d models. RichardPlaysMC 37358 2024-03-20 02:15
Where Are We Now? View all players with their team color on the map. nanorover59 356 2024-03-20 02:14
Infiniverse API for creating dynamic dimensions Commoble 42152 2024-03-19 21:46
More Slabs, Stairs, and Walls Expand your building options with More Slabs, Stairs, & Walls. Nibaru 299741 2024-03-19 18:25
Enderman Overhaul A mod which overhauls the vanilla enderman! joosh_7889, AlexNijjar, HellionGames, hamza_no_user_available 13040287 2024-03-19 17:46
Green Delights A green expansion for Farmer's Delight! ElBaronJack 23981 2024-03-19 17:16
SoulsCraft A soulslike minecraft mode RGN_Studios 84 2024-03-19 16:22
NextSpring [Forge] Though turned to mud, they'd quicken flowers' birth next spring. MikhailTapio 16058 2024-03-19 15:44
Better Farmer's Combat Compatibility for Framer's Delight with Better Combat ElBaronJack 29055 2024-03-19 14:18
Master Weapons Overpowered tools and weapons that are considered infinite. XyperCode 10328 2024-03-19 10:10
Vocalized A library for handling vocals MikhailTapio 83 2024-03-19 08:21
IRC 2b2t Fabric 2b2t IRC is a mod for the popular Minecraft server 2b2t, designed to provide an alternative chat system to replace the in-game chat. Law02022 139 2024-03-19 07:46
Exline's Furniture Mod adds closable drapes, tables, chairs and more! exlinegames 2752108 2024-03-19 05:40
Milkevs Essentials Various blocks, items, tools and mechanics that Milkev would consider essential to any* playthrough of minecraft. Sinytra Compatable! milkev 17322 2024-03-19 02:35
Bundle Jumble Place blocks from your bundle randomly to assist in building Strubbelkopp 12033 2024-03-19 02:30
Visible Shield Cooldown Make cooldown of shield visible. Viola_Siemens 19 2024-03-19 02:26
NewOresPlusReworked Adds A new Ore to Minecraft MayaVampire 601 2024-03-19 01:55
NewOresPlus+(NOP+) Adds A new Ore to Minecraft MayaVampire 452 2024-03-19 01:55
MinecraftCapes Mod Custom Capes anyone with the mod can see james090500 2758079 2024-03-19 01:05
Shulker Charm Local flight for Fabric and Minecraft LemmaEOF, milkev 24197 2024-03-18 23:55
Optiscale Fine-tune your GUI scale in both vanilla and optifine Darimus 501 2024-03-18 22:44
Nebula Nebula is a Libary for Mods that want to create Spells and or other stuff with Mana. Dev0Louis 1168 2024-03-18 21:23
Paps Fantasy Origins An Origins Mod that adds a handful of fantasy Origins. JustPaps 11085 2024-03-18 21:08
ChocoCraft This mod adds a mob called Chocobo to the game. This includes different coloured mob types with different attributes in their grown-up and juvenile form. clienthax 5939030 2024-03-18 18:33
Simply Cats All new cats to add a little bit of home to your minecraft world. Mnesikos 1758223 2024-03-18 18:17
Creepermasters scp addon You can use this mod to build bunkers with the blocks this mod includes Creepermaster 231 2024-03-18 16:17
Iron Ender Chests Adds new Ender Chests with more storage space! Iron431 1268414 2024-03-18 16:00
Armor Set Bonuses (Forge) Adds bonuses for armor sets, and is fully customizable SpaceCat_97 723198 2024-03-18 15:13
Armor Set Bonuses (Fabric) Adds bonuses for armor sets, and is fully customizable SpaceCat_97 44665 2024-03-18 15:08
Kawaii Dishes A mod about coffee, maids and food hakimen 249838 2024-03-18 14:58
Fast Paintings Fixes and optimizes painting performance by making them blocks. Also allows customizing their model MehVahdJukaar 16052748 2024-03-18 14:09
Async Pack Scan Fixes lag while changing resource packs JFronny 1779 2024-03-18 08:38
[CIT] CustomItemTextures MCPatcher's CIT w/o OptiFine. A reliable fork of CITResewn! UltimatChamp 69 2024-03-18 05:50
Alchemical Expansion Adds more potions compassionate_blackwell09865 463 2024-03-18 05:18
Ornamental Simple, versatile, an expansion you never knew you wanted. Squiggly_Androsa 371466 2024-03-18 04:01
Ex Nihilo: Sequentia Create resources from thin air! Well, kind of...you need a tree first. NovaMachina 8157066 2024-03-18 00:42
Ex Nihilo: Sequentia Create resources from thin air! Well, kind of...you need a tree first. NovaMachina 6337097 2024-03-18 00:42
RPG Parties Group up in a team with a realtime status display no matter where you are. Matthe815 337125 2024-03-17 23:47
Craftomatic Automatic crafting using template items OffKilterMC 10 2024-03-17 22:20
Move Subtitles Allows to configure the subtitles' position on screen Crendgrim 118 2024-03-17 20:53
Global Block Hardness This mod makes breaking blocks easier or harder Darkorg69 7129 2024-03-17 20:48
Cool Elytra Roll Rolls the camera while turning in flight jorbonism 66545 2024-03-17 19:10
Unbreakeable:Reworked / Armors and Tools This mod adds 3 new minerals: admantium, tugsten and bedrock It also adds an industrial foundry to melt these minerals and a molder to make armor and tools. SP_Studios 3588 2024-03-17 19:00
Mythic Metals Decorations Adds various metal-themed decorations for Mythic Metals. Noaaan, gliscowo 3503679 2024-03-17 18:05
Blossom Blade The sword stuck in the pedestal glows with a holy light, carrying the smell of cherry blossoms with every swing. joshieman 3515139 2024-03-17 17:38
VoidBlock Dimension VoidBlock! is an opened world survival map with unique mobs where you start on a tiny island in the sky. akb48b 2934 2024-03-17 16:49
Shulker Raise Makes shulker boxes push the block over them up ttv_pedro270707 65 2024-03-17 16:06
Adorn (NeoForge/Forge) Adds furniture and many other decoration blocks. Juicebus 7595591 2024-03-17 13:57
Adorn Decorate your home! Juicebus 10896994 2024-03-17 13:50
Don't Clear Chat History Don't Clear the Chat History on Disconnect! anar4732 2852948 2024-03-17 12:18
No Gui Chest You can use a new chest and hopper without GUI! strangesmell123 718 2024-03-17 11:52
armor,outil,portal,dimension pink and cheater armor pickaxe etc a pink cheater pensive_bose55 11 2024-03-17 11:23
Homeward Bound Simple /home, /back and /spawn commands, LuckPerms and Combat Timer is optional AdyTech99 11 2024-03-17 08:44
Combat Timer Simple combat tagger. AdyTech99 4 2024-03-17 08:25
MoreEnchantments A interesting mod that provides more funny enchantments. ChengF3ng233 17 2024-03-17 04:57
The Undergarden Deep underground, a forgotten land awaits. Quek04 20119359 2024-03-17 04:49
Magic Mirror - Fast recall to the surface Use the magic mirror to go back to the surface really quickly. This acts as a recall to your spawnpoint CodeSloth 5431 2024-03-17 02:35
GeckoLib A 3D animation library for entities, blocks, items, armor, and more! Gecko, EliotL 175576548 2024-03-17 02:20
Easier Shulkers - Open Shulker Boxes from inventory! Open shulkerboxes right from the inventory! Easy as that! CodeSloth 110279 2024-03-17 01:19
Improved Farming Gather crops with themselves, bone meal, or with a hoe, without needing to replant each seed! CodeSloth 3907 2024-03-17 01:14
Shampoo's Custom Weapon API An API that allows programmers to add custom weapons with custom crafting recipes, uses myshampooisdrunk 4 2024-03-17 00:05
Player Distance Display GUI element to show how bad your aim is. Tektonikal 18 2024-03-17 00:02
Midas Hunger Adds additional golden food items that give the player status effects. Accieo 1274975 2024-03-16 21:24
Straw Statues [Forge & Fabric] Bring some life to your builds with player statues of your favorite Minecrafters! Fuzs 2199773 2024-03-16 21:17
Large Fluid Tank Max 1048576000mB per a tank Kotori316 3581873 2024-03-16 19:19
Large Fluid Tank for Fabric Adds some tanks Kotori316 721262 2024-03-16 19:16
SerializationIsBad A Minecraft coremod aiming to patch serious security vulnerabilities found in many different mods Dogboy21 1268294 2024-03-16 16:35
Experimental Settings Disabler Disables the experimental world icon, loading, and generation warning settings. Eruannie_9 50097 2024-03-16 11:15
Torch Placer Upgrade your diamond and netherite pickaxes to one that can place a torch Biorfn 77 2024-03-16 08:05
Auditory Continued Ported version of Auditory which is an improved sound mod for Minecraft Syfe 138639 2024-03-16 01:20
DarkBlades - End Game Weapons, Armor & Tools (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) Craft end game weapons using a progression system to make even stronger weapons GamerPotion 652762 2024-03-15 23:01
Craftable Horse Armour & Saddle [CHA&S] Adds configurable recipes to horse armour and saddles from vanilla MC. EwyBoy 14929398 2024-03-15 22:17
Pearl Detector Detect when ender pearls are thrown and change how they are rendered! Tektonikal 121 2024-03-15 19:35
Ender Effects End themed potions balanced around PvP and PvE tazgirl_ 30 2024-03-15 17:30
Animal Food Tags Change what food animals will eat to fall in love and breed, using datapack item tags. boyonk913 5 2024-03-15 13:19
Infinite Durability Removes durability from minecraft. AdyTech99 1016 2024-03-15 11:26
Bewitchment Tree Pots Bewitchment trees integration with Botany Pots lilmothiit 16 2024-03-15 10:55
Bewitchment Botany Pots Bewitchment crop integration with Botany Pots lilmothiit 21 2024-03-15 10:48
Vectorientation Rotates falling blocks towards the direction they're heading Tec 14123 2024-03-15 09:35
NovaCore Library mod for NovaMachina Mods NovaMachina 303469 2024-03-15 03:28
StorageBox for Fabric Add Simple StorageBox for Fabric pitan76 26694 2024-03-15 02:40
Atmospheric Phenomena From surface to sky, adding features and events in-between Tritespartan17, cannolicatfish 1403 2024-03-15 01:58
Make Sharpness Great Again Buffs the sharpness enchantment to be what it was in 1.8 Technicboyman 7 2024-03-14 23:59
Speed Rail Makes minecarts 25% faster and removes water slowdown Technicboyman 10 2024-03-14 23:32
RideHud Displays advanced information about ridden animals. TreSet 16604 2024-03-14 21:23
More Slabs and Stairs Adds slab and stair variants for metal blocks, coal, obsidian, bedrock, lapis lazuli, and all variants of concrete and terracotta. crossover661 454 2024-03-14 20:50
Plan | Player Analytics The Ultimate Tool to monitor player activity! - Now with Fabric support aurorals3 7416 2024-03-14 15:22
PotionAbilities A basic magic mod for new abilities. ToCraft 1000 2024-03-14 09:47
Nebulus Juice Trader add a new trader and 5 Drinks with structure Nebulus 739 2024-03-14 05:57
Better Weapons and Items Better Weapons adds a lot more weapons to Minecraft JtheRedhorse 85 2024-03-14 04:54
Inf Chest Add "infinite" chest Kotori316 47685 2024-03-14 04:36
Resourceful Lib Lib for Team Resourceful and more ThatGravyBoat, epic_oreo 63048501 2024-03-14 02:16
Nebulus Katana Plus add 6 new craftable Katanas Nebulus 61 2024-03-13 22:11
ArmorHide A server-side mod for hiding your armor localcc 615 2024-03-13 20:58
Nebulus better call Saul meme Paintings Adds 10 New better call Saul meme Paintings Pintings Nebulus 103 2024-03-13 20:53
Nebulus Trader for the Plains add 2 New Tader and more Nebulus 96 2024-03-13 20:38
Tin Ore Simple mod that adds tin in the overworld leva25se 2901 2024-03-13 20:27
Eternal This mod is updated for now oscar213567 125235 2024-03-13 16:58
Iron Ladders New ladders that have a higher climbing speed nNined 375620 2024-03-13 14:51
Gemstone Power Processing mod that includes gems Visnaa 2605 2024-03-13 13:58
Tiny Mob Farm Remastered Single-block size mob farms that makes mob farming neater and easier. DAQEM 70563 2024-03-13 13:02
Simple Armor Hud Adds your armor to the minecraft hud LegoRaft 134722 2024-03-13 09:18
Caregiver Enabling Caregiver options to NappyCraft TheShadowModsUK, BabyMaxy2006 2646 2024-03-13 06:22
Elytra Chestplates Allows combination of chestplates and elytra FrogMan650 4908 2024-03-12 23:37
Loud Horns Adds sound horns from Lethal Company! maxsteelbro 7234 2024-03-12 21:40
Dragon Axe from Runescape/OSRS An axe tier above netherite which can give you haste at the cost of XP tazgirl_ 391 2024-03-12 20:49
Ring of Repair [FORGE/NEOFORGE] Slowly repairs items and armor in inventory kwpugh 472522 2024-03-12 20:36
Backported Wolves Backports the wolf variants from the latest version to older versions of the game. Emil_SG 4059 2024-03-12 20:22
Reborn Storage Refined Storage add-on adding multi-block crafters and larger disks Gigabit101, modmuss50 35701447 2024-03-12 19:23
Evolved Resources Real ores and gems, tools and armor. IndEvo, Rainy228 1601 2024-03-12 19:07
Athena A crossplatform (Forge/Fabric) solution to connected block textures for 1.19.4+ CodexAdrian, ThatGravyBoat 34136741 2024-03-12 15:19
Embeddium (Rubidium) Extra Port of Sodium Extra to work with Embeddium/Rubidium on (Neo)Forge dimadencep 17734075 2024-03-12 15:12
LibJF A library for my mods JFronny 129221 2024-03-12 13:22
Monkey Banners Go bananas for monkey-themed banners! Beast135 50 2024-03-12 11:33
Vanity: Core Apply any look you want to your items, and make your own Vanity Packs to share with the world. Farcr, jackson, ThatGravyBoat 79770 2024-03-12 04:41
What is 'Stone'? (Colorful Caves) Okay, but really what is 'Stone'? What kind of stone? Let's add a bit of spice to the existing caves, vanilla style! Numerosity 1974 2024-03-12 03:16
Better Mipmaps Unlocks mipmap levels higher than 4 to reduce visual artifacts with high resolution resource packs Swaix01 13 2024-03-12 03:05
Sweeper Maid A lightweight mod that collects all dropped items and unnecessary entities for optimization. Viola_Siemens 737 2024-03-12 03:02
Lucky Blocks for Fabric The modern style Lucky Blocks for Fabric isaiah 83075 2024-03-12 00:41
Keep The Rain! 2 [Fabric] #sleep #raining #weather A (very simple) continuation of the "Keep The Rain!" Minecraft mod by @yermolim thimblebird 4 2024-03-11 22:17
Pie Plus+ You ever just want to eat pies in Minecraft. Well do I have a mod for you. Yantivenom 324 2024-03-11 21:01
Player Weight Have you ever felt that being able to hold [insert large value here] pounds in your inventory was just a smidge too unrealistic? alfiae 34 2024-03-11 16:51
Useful Blocks & Items Mod adds tools & armor from existing Blocks & Items & adds the Ruby & Crystallized Honey back to the game supersmashchar 28688 2024-03-11 16:49
Kevosaurus Rex Adds new boss - Kevosarus Rex and Kevocitaptor, it's minion. Sn0wix_ 35 2024-03-11 16:14
Better End's Sky Ripoff of the Better End mod's sky renderer in a standalone mod for a client-side only usage. PinkGoosik 24 2024-03-11 13:39
Architectury API (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) An intermediary api aimed to ease developing multiplatform mods. shedaniel, Juicebus, MaxNeedsSnacks 170080902 2024-03-11 11:25
Open Loader An open source resource and data loader for Minecraft. DarkhaxDev 20471921 2024-03-11 07:01
Trinkets (Fabric) A data-driven accessory mod EmilyPloszaj 23610414 2024-03-11 04:23
Bananas and More A mod that adds bananas, gorillas, and more marioario5 7112 2024-03-11 03:59
Lootr (Forge & NeoForge) A mod that makes it so nobody misses out on Loot! All loot chests are instanced per player and visually unique. Noobanidus, ZestyBlaze, embeddedt 65666671 2024-03-11 03:50
Command Macros Create keybinds for commands! Kyrptonaught 575371 2024-03-11 01:14
Knock Knock Let your friends know you're here by knocking on their door! chronos_sacaria 596 2024-03-11 00:44
Melon Wireless Redstone Adds wireless redstone transmitter and receiver MrMelon54 81840 2024-03-10 21:21
Useful Machinery Adds useful machines for Forge 1.15+ TheMCBrothers, TheMCLoveMan 23802 2024-03-10 18:56
Item Modifiers Item Modifiers shamelessly implements Terraria-like item modifiers to the game. alfiae 73 2024-03-10 18:10
FuelCanister Adds a Fuel Canister which can be filled with coal and used in a furnace. alexdaum1 368206 2024-03-10 17:59
End Game Enhanced Adds new end game best in slot items, gems, and mob drops FrogMan650 749 2024-03-10 17:42
PotionFlasks Adds 3 new Potion Flasks to the game FrogMan650 19 2024-03-10 17:20
Tiny Foes [Fabric/Forge] Vanilla monsters with a tiny twist! lgow 263445 2024-03-10 16:24
Fancy Battleaxes Adds Battleaxes from some Materials with a fancy 32x texture alexdaum1 186623 2024-03-10 14:41
Abel's Masks Hide your identity or just have a cool style with this masks! Abel 222 2024-03-10 14:38
Just Another Void Dimension Adds Just Another Void Dimension UnRealDinnerbone, nanitedev 4239403 2024-03-10 14:27
No More Mineshafts This mod removes the generation of Mineshafts CRIF_Studios 19056 2024-03-10 11:22
Specialised Cells Addon mod for Applied Energistics 2 which adds specialised cells with different type rules Thiakil 294 2024-03-10 11:12
FancyTools Adds Emerald and Obsidian Tools with really nice Textures alexdaum1 65703 2024-03-10 10:25
Farts - Rick Lets you fart in minecraft Rickyt 221 2024-03-10 10:09
SlowBerryBeGone Sweet Berry Bush will no longer affect entities' speed pOtAto__bOy 12 2024-03-10 09:57
Random Item Gives everyone a random item at the end of the timer. U1timateJ7 41401 2024-03-10 07:33
Crafter's Custom Origins A collection of origins. zxcrafter 123 2024-03-10 05:28
Double-Tap Dash Spice up your combat with a new dash mechanic! valoeghese 14160 2024-03-10 03:06
Potion Craft Enhancing Potion Crafting Sploder 596 2024-03-10 02:42
Totem of Immortality Adds a totem that permanently prevents death while in the inventory tinytransfem 18 2024-03-10 00:48
MarumaSignGUI Add GUI for MarumaSign fhrk_ 11 2024-03-09 23:38
GroovyDuvet Language adapter and wrapper libraries for Groovy mods on Fabric and Quilt lukebemish 592 2024-03-09 23:32
ShrinkRays Scale the player in survival with three new blocks! Woukie 9897 2024-03-09 22:22
Tubes Reloaded Tubular item transportation Commoble 1767810 2024-03-09 20:25
Fly Hack [FORGE] Allows you to get creative flight in single or multiplayer Project8gbDeRam 1165 2024-03-09 19:56
More Plates Updated This mod adds Gears, Plates and Rods for various mods Project8gbDeRam 714 2024-03-09 19:56
Numismatic Overhaul Terraria-style currency in Minecraft gliscowo, Noaaan 660912 2024-03-09 18:13
Extreme sound muffler - (Neo)Forge Forget about those nasty sounds! - Clientside sound muffler. LeoBeliik 41922659 2024-03-09 17:29
ExtraStorage Add new blocks to Refined Storage, like more advanced crafters 3divad99 24312240 2024-03-09 13:03
Breedable Killer Rabbit 🐰 Makes the killer rabbit/bunny tamable and available by breeding. Serilum 596217 2024-03-09 12:58
Campfire Spawn and Tweaks 🔥 Respawn interdimensionally with short fire resistance inside a preferred campfire with altered block mechanics. Place unlit, lighting it will create a home camp spawn point. Remove waterlogging. Serilum 1185751 2024-03-09 12:55
WebStreamer A Fabric mod to display web resources on screens, support for static images, HLS streaming in-game, including Twitch. Mindstorm38 3093 2024-03-09 12:53
Compact Help Command 🗜 Modifies the /help command to show all information, be colourful and have multiple pages. Serilum 381144 2024-03-09 12:51
Configurable Extra Mob Drops ✏️ Add any extra item drops to entities via commands and config, drop chance supported. Serilum 5057485 2024-03-09 12:46
Configurable Mob Potion Effects ✏️ Set potion effects for all living entities to have permanently and to inflict. Serilum 643853 2024-03-09 12:37
Creative Block Replacer 🔄 Allows easy switching in between placing and replacing blocks in creative mode. Serilum 98707 2024-03-09 12:32
Death Backup 💾 Creates back-ups of player inventories before death, which can be loaded via commands. Serilum 4505376 2024-03-09 12:28
Dragon Drops Elytra 🐉 A minimalistic mod that makes the Ender Dragon drop an elytra on death. Serilum 687537 2024-03-09 12:25
Enchanting Commands 💫 Easy creation of (modded) enchanted items via commands with levels above the default limit. Serilum 504477 2024-03-09 12:13
Entity Information ℹ️ Displays entity information on hit with the Information Stick. Useful for debugging and developing. Serilum 78508 2024-03-09 12:11
FastRTP | Random Teleport A fast random teleport command that doesn't cause lagspikes. Wesley8081 3134 2024-03-09 12:09
First Join Message 💬 Sends players who join a world for the first time a configurable message. Serilum 3958440 2024-03-09 12:07
Grindstone Sharper Tools ⚔ The grindstone (wet stone) can temporarily increase the damage of tools used on it. Serilum 935998 2024-03-09 12:05
Hand Over Your Items 🤝 Adds to ability for in-game players to give each other itemstacks without dropping/tossing them. Serilum 538098 2024-03-09 12:02
Hidden Recipe Book 📗 [Client] Toggle the visiblity of the recipe book icon in the crafting GUI screen. Serilum 797224 2024-03-09 12:01
Name Tag Tweaks 📛 Adds nametag crafting recipe, command, and named entities drop their tag on death. Serilum 862501 2024-03-09 11:51
Nether Portal Spread 🔮 Spreads (nether) blocks to the overworld around nether portals in a configurable radius. Serilum 3306885 2024-03-09 11:45
Omega Mute Ω [Client] The only mod you'll need to have full control over individual in-game sound. Serilum 146959 2024-03-09 11:43
Player Tracking 🔎 A PvP mod that encourages raiding. Allows the tracking of players via special trackers. Serilum 53169 2024-03-09 11:39
Quick Paths 🚶 Create long paths instantly by setting a start and end point. Serilum 343653 2024-03-09 11:36
Recipe Commands 💬 Receive the pattern and ingredients of any item recipe via chat commands. Serilum 96780 2024-03-09 11:33
Respawn Delay ⏳ [PvP Mod] Players enter spectator mode on death for a configurable amount of time. Serilum 28579 2024-03-09 11:27
Save and Load Inventories 💾 Save and load player inventories or kits to self and others by using commands. Serilum 48635 2024-03-09 11:25
Silence Mobs 🙊 Silence or mute mobs and villager with The Silence Stick. Serilum 72188 2024-03-09 11:17
Sleep Sooner 🛌 Also Sleep Later! Make players go to bed at a different time. Serilum 303660 2024-03-09 11:14
Vote Command 🗳 [Server] Adds a configurable /vote command which tells players how and where to vote. Serilum 13782 2024-03-09 11:08
Welcome Message ✉️ Easy to configure welcome messages for server players logging in with URL support. Serilum 93461 2024-03-09 11:04
NBT Tooltip Show the item's NBT in its tooltip zabi94 72318 2024-03-09 11:03
World Border 🌎 Allows the creation of a configurable world border, limiting the world size. Serilum 517545 2024-03-09 10:59
Extra Alchemy A handful of Vanilla-friendly new potions zabi94 14024635 2024-03-09 10:54
Bareback Horse Riding 🐎 Allows riding horses without a saddle with tweaked game mechanics. Serilum 40463 2024-03-09 10:29
Builders Crafts & Additions Panels, Pillars, Storage & Furniture! MRHminer 11881342 2024-03-09 10:07
World Play Time Displays the world's play time in the world selection menu. khajiitos 418036 2024-03-09 09:42
WorldEdit In-game Minecraft map editor - build bigger things more quickly! sk89q, wizjany_, me4502, octylFractal 45572435 2024-03-09 08:36
Craftable Spawn Eggs (Fabric) This mod adds many new and balanced crafting recipes that allow the player to obtain creative spawn eggs unrealxela 39354 2024-03-09 02:16
Clean Swing Through Grass Hit your Enemies even in Grass Raycoms 11077180 2024-03-08 21:14
Ring of Growth [FORGE/NEOFORGE] Accelerates the growth of plants and saplings kwpugh 775623 2024-03-08 18:29
WGIYV We get it! You Vape! TheMasterGeneral 6424 2024-03-08 18:06
AutoTools Automatically switch to the correct tool to use on a block/mob lukaz 63239 2024-03-08 17:59
Rainbow Oaks Renewed The Rainbow Oak trees from the Twilight Forest mod. Just the trees...but in the overworld. That's it. That's the mod. Aliysium, thomasglasser, EERussianguy 739 2024-03-08 17:45
April Fools 🃏 Enables various silly and funny configurable features on April Fools' day! Serilum 24389 2024-03-08 16:34
Not Just Sandwich It’s more than Just a Sandwich Spoocer 98680 2024-03-08 13:59
Lost Idols Adds many Idols for you to find, craft and activate Woukie 1086 2024-03-08 11:37
CreeperHost Presents Soul Shards Soul Shards is a simple mod that allows you to gather the souls of the creatures you slay into gem fragments Official_CreeperHost, Paul_T_T, Gigabit101 2531872 2024-03-08 11:32
Tips Adds a tip section to various loading screens. DarkhaxDev 44303054 2024-03-08 02:38
Advanced Upgradable Inventory Advanced Inventory that can be Upgraded CryptidArtha, zanckor02 2505 2024-03-08 02:15
Stronger Snowballs Makes snowballs stronger. DarkhaxDev 900991 2024-03-08 01:32
Rain Shield Adds a Rain Shield block which blocks rain from rendering in a large configurable radius Mrbysco 1883258 2024-03-07 23:08
Dark Utilities Expansive content mod which adds a little bit of everything. DarkhaxDev 111072077 2024-03-07 22:42
Regrowth Creatures eat and regrow plants. Villagers improve their villages. MacTso 4188865 2024-03-07 22:30
Schizophrenic Useless mod Zuyev's Useless mod adds to Minecraft new mobs, biomes, structures, weapons and dimensions. etoegor 606 2024-03-07 21:16
Useful Foundation Foundation mod of TheMCBrothers mods TheMCBrothers, TheMCLoveMan 21972 2024-03-07 18:34
Craftation Impossible Just another craft the non-craftable items mod MattyTomas 116 2024-03-07 17:22
Useful Copper Reloaded Finally adds Copper Armor and Tools MattyTomas 32 2024-03-07 17:20
Gamma Utils (Fullbright) Fully client side Gamma / Brightness / Night Vision mod, making it easy to see in the dark. Basically Fullbright for Fabric. Sjouwer 1184578 2024-03-07 16:35
Command Block IDE Replaces the command block GUI to allow editing multiple command blocks at once. arm32x 19193 2024-03-07 15:34
Ring of Return [FABRIC/FORGE/NEOFORGE] Provides a simple ring to return to your bed spawn (home) kwpugh 208025 2024-03-07 15:09
Smoke Signals Allows campfire smoke to be coloured based on the block placed below. Revolutionize long-distance communication! boyonk913 3826 2024-03-07 12:48
Staaaaaaaaaaaack (Stxck) A mod made to merge dropped items beyond the vanilla stack limit while considering mod compatibility. frankV 377326 2024-03-07 12:34
Basic Weapons Adds vanilla+ weaponry - no extra fluff or sparkles Khazoda 1771822 2024-03-07 11:32
Basic Weapons Adds vanilla+ weaponry - no extra fluff or sparkles Khazoda 1656130 2024-03-07 11:32
Skill Issue Dynamic leveling, player attributes and more. Highly configurable. hd42 962 2024-03-07 11:00
MoreJeiInfo Show more information in tooltips 3divad99 1228 2024-03-07 10:59
Better Safe Bed This mod solves the issue of being unable to sleep even when you are safe, due to a random mob lurking in the cave beneath your base. frankV 1588898 2024-03-07 10:52
HotBaaaar Make your hotbar long enough. uss_shenzhou 21 2024-03-07 07:20
DarkCars[FORGE / FABRIC] a simple cars with manual gear shifting sick_colden1648182 113 2024-03-07 06:36
EnoughCustomWorldWarning Remove the experimental world settings warning screen toby7002 15 2024-03-07 05:26
Mo' Crafting Tables Bringing a variety of new crafting blocks! witchica 18 2024-03-07 03:40
FixBookGUI Fix the book gui placment to be in middle center instead of top center of the screen (bug report: MC-61489) KosmoMoustache 3965 2024-03-07 00:26
Preventer A mod that prevents you from doing dumb things by accident. DasHomi 3157 2024-03-06 22:11
Nemo's Carpenting (Nemo's Furniture) Adds some new furniture to Minecraft! NemoNotFound 1727 2024-03-06 21:58
wordchars Makes Minecraft's word detection work a bit more like bash's unilock 18 2024-03-06 19:23
Uppers Upside-Down Hoppers vadis365 28302558 2024-03-06 19:00
CreativePageJump This mod allows you to edit the page number within creative inventory directly to switch to some tab page without clicking the switch button on and on. src_resources 28 2024-03-06 12:44
Balanced Hardcore Balanced Minecraft Hardcore (BMH) gives you flexibility in difficulty by replacing death by distant respawn based on your difficulty and Eternal Items possessed. BMH is the perfect middle ground between normal Minecraft and hardcore Minecraft. MrOrnithorynque 52 2024-03-06 11:52
Panoramica [Forge] Take cubic panorama screenshots like the one in the Title screen! Keksuccino 42653 2024-03-06 08:58
Panoramica [Fabric] Take cubic panorama screenshots like the one in the Title screen! Keksuccino 11605 2024-03-06 08:52
Imπrium Set π to any value. bawnorton 10 2024-03-06 07:00
See Durability Adds the ability to see your items durabilitu Swaix01 239 2024-03-06 06:39
Extra Advancements For You Adds some new achievements to the game Swaix01 204 2024-03-06 06:04
Hyperbox A forge mod that adds a box that's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside Commoble 4795388 2024-03-05 23:51
Jain's Desserts Adds a bunch of random desserts to Minecraft! SirJain 284593 2024-03-05 21:51
More Dragon Eggs Every kill gives an Egg Darkere 21255023 2024-03-05 21:23
Bone Sticks Make sticks from bones! exlinegames 803 2024-03-05 17:18
Through the lily pads, gently Boats push lily pads aside instead of breaking them. Kind of like in our world. MoonFather 5886 2024-03-05 17:04
Frog Legs Makes Froge drop Frog Legs. Cook them and eat them! exlinegames 5279 2024-03-05 16:54
Turtle Leads use leads on turtles! exlinegames 994 2024-03-05 16:37
Compass Finder Boost your compass with ore searching feature! elegos87 378 2024-03-05 14:25
Microchip Allows players to keep track of their mobs across the world! jumpcutfindo 179 2024-03-05 14:00
Player Names Adds the /name command to give players a custom name, and rename other entities! boyonk913 394 2024-03-05 12:34
The One Probe More immersive alternative for WAILA McJty 84686428 2024-03-05 09:18
Wooden Horse Armor this mod adds wooden horse armors exlinegames 22873 2024-03-05 09:10
Villager Leads Use Leads on Villagers exlinegames 55640 2024-03-05 09:03
Auto F5 Automatically switch to third person view (F5) when entering a vehicle. suppergerrie2 94 2024-03-05 08:53
Exline's Snorkel Mod Adds a snorkel that allows you to breath under first layer of water! exlinegames 25573 2024-03-05 08:48
Exline's More Carpets Adds glass, stone, grass and dirt carpets! exlinegames 37347 2024-03-05 08:42
Exline's Candy Mod adds some sweet new foods exlinegames 35973 2024-03-05 08:31
Recycle Iron recycle more iron and gold items exlinegames 42374 2024-03-05 08:25
Craft Saddles and Horse Armor craft saddles and horse armor! exlinegames 129190 2024-03-05 08:08
Exline's Doors This mod adds some new doors! exlinegames 125865 2024-03-05 08:05
Emeralds And Rubies (EAR) - Forge The game changing emeralds and rubies are coming. TheProOfLegends 89 2024-03-05 07:20
Exline's Sandwich Mod This mod adds several sandwiches! Also grapes and peanuts! exlinegames 139206 2024-03-05 07:11
Wooden Armors (+ Stone Armor) adds wooden armor sets, and stone now too! exlinegames 196639 2024-03-05 06:41
Obsidian Equipment adds obsidian tools and armor exlinegames 347816 2024-03-05 06:38
Bone Equipment adds bone tools, armor, sword and horse armor exlinegames 472470 2024-03-05 06:37
Emeralds And Rubies (EAR) - Fabric The game changing emeralds and rubies are coming. TheProOfLegends 6 2024-03-05 06:35
Exline's Emerald Equipment adds emerald tools, armor, sword and horse armor exlinegames 533517 2024-03-05 06:31
CreativeTabSearch A mod introducing a searching bar above the creative tab so as to filter specific creative tab menus matching your input. src_resources 124 2024-03-05 06:00
Exline's Awnings - Now with Corners! this mod adds awnings to put over your doors exlinegames 480244 2024-03-05 05:57
Red's Weapon Expansion Adds new Weapons, and Blocks. Redfluff48 140 2024-03-05 02:20
Chat Coords Send your coordinates in the chat with the press of a button MrBoogyBam 20869 2024-03-05 01:12
Over Enchanted [FORGE/FABRIC] A simple mod that adds more levels to any modded/vanilla enchantments. mastrocaleb 21621 2024-03-05 00:36
Rispwind's Additional Paintings [FABRIC/FORGE/NEOFORGE] Adds 23 new paintings based on official Minecraft art. Rispwind 7834 2024-03-04 19:10
Rispwind's Survival Spawn Eggs [FORGE/FABRIC/NEOFORGE] Wandering Traders will occasionally sell spawn eggs. Rispwind 616 2024-03-04 18:58
Simple Grinder Add machine-crasher. Rumaruka 767690 2024-03-04 18:22
The Fletching Table Mod Fletching Table Mod The_Hangel 127737 2024-03-04 17:31
JAMD Just Another Mining Dimension UnRealDinnerbone, nanitedev 4226693 2024-03-04 16:45
VrikkaDuck's Autotrade Client-side mod for fabric that allows you to trade automatically with villagers vrikkadev 505 2024-03-04 16:39
Corpse Never lose your items again! henkelmax 60892796 2024-03-04 12:41
Block Runner [Forge & Fabric] Encourages path building by making you run faster on certain blocks such as path blocks. Fuzs 6414386 2024-03-04 12:29
NappyCraft NappyCraft is a nappy mod for Minecraft TheShadowModsUK 22733 2024-03-04 12:05
Crash Pipe Plays the metal pipe sound effect on game crash. KikuGie 10 2024-03-04 09:55
Ender Zoology [Forge & Fabric] Vanilla themed monsters to add some difficulty to the game. A remake of Ender Zoo. Fuzs 1189535 2024-03-04 09:47
The Legend Of WiiU A mod which attempts to add features from The Legend Of Zelda into Minecraft epicvon2468 67 2024-03-04 06:21
EnchantedShulkers Adds some helpful enchantments for Shulker Boxes RubixDev 15915 2024-03-04 02:10
Gabriel's Additional Swords Adds various lore friendly swords to the game. GabrielTheMainer 16 2024-03-04 00:53
QuickNick Give yourself or others a new name! HecknTarnation 786 2024-03-04 00:37
Testing-HCF Some new blocks in the world goedix, NGoedix 8 2024-03-03 21:23
Valleyman's beans adds Valleyman's beans thejurassicking1 4030 2024-03-03 21:22
Frostbyte's Maximum Mobility A mod that aims to make Minecraft's player movement less infuriating FrostbyteGames 1531 2024-03-03 20:06
Prehistoric world t Prehistoric life thatdudeman1 1284 2024-03-03 19:41
Extra Carpets Adds 111 new patterned carpets, such as checks, spirals, themed designs and references to other games and mods. dreamcritting 338 2024-03-03 19:02
Shadowlands Adds 4 new dimensions each with biomes and dungeons, there's loads to explore! dreamcritting 237105 2024-03-03 18:17
Kriforfab Major Fabric API features ported to Forge and NeoForge TKD_Kedis 1017 2024-03-03 17:30
Enhanced Movement [ Fabric ] Enhanced Movement enabled double jumps and directional dashing Kestalkayden 5212 2024-03-03 15:45
The Cycle A minimalistic mod that aims to make every resource in vanilla Minecraft fully renewable. snaekmasterepic 16 2024-03-03 15:32
C418 - Dog Java port (NeoForge/Forge/Fabric) Ports the Dog disc to NeoForge/Forge/Fabric 1.12.2 - 1.20.X PinguinmikeTV 6245 2024-03-03 15:10
More Road Add decoration for the roads. Xelpy 41715 2024-03-03 14:35
Time On Display Do you play in full screen? Now you can see the time in real life by pressing just one key! Lupin, jason13official 615951 2024-03-03 12:59
One Billion Things: Ideas Come Alive An assortment of various suggested features. ssblur 784 2024-03-03 09:29
Boredom's ~ ReShaped Eating Animations Adds animations for all food items in Boredom's ~ ReShaped Items and Effects. some2thing 9 2024-03-03 03:04
Expanded Gamerules A Minecraft mod that adds a bunch of new gamerules for easier customization. GlekTarssza 1564 2024-03-03 01:59
RGB Blocks (Neo/Forge) Blocks in almost all colors you can imagine. PlatinPython 120634 2024-03-03 01:31
Simply Graves Simple grave stone mod Flanks255 296593 2024-03-03 01:03
XSurvive Life balance Mod for Minecraft Forge luisst 1562 2024-03-02 21:11
A Cute Little Crock Pot A simple crock pot, for making delicious stews! nosrick_ 190273 2024-03-02 18:24
Stackable Stew and Soup Now you can stack the default stews and soups up to a maximum of 8 Lupin, jason13official 1229152 2024-03-02 18:01
Abseil A simple and vanilla-friendly climbing rope mod Dienes 216 2024-03-02 16:03
Finder Compass OpenGL over hacks atomicstrykergrumpy 145738 2024-03-02 15:14
Multi Mine pause and resume breaking, across players! atomicstrykergrumpy 16313849 2024-03-02 15:11
AtomicStryker's Infernal Mobs Diablo Style Modifiers atomicstrykergrumpy 35506665 2024-03-02 15:07
XBackpack Backpack Mod for Minecraft Forge luisst 27810 2024-03-02 12:43
Konkrete [Fabric] Just another boring library mod. Keksuccino 22838992 2024-03-02 03:30
Searchables Searchables is a library mod that adds helper methods that allow for searching and filtering elements based on components, as well as offering built in auto-complete functionality. Jaredlll08 44043773 2024-03-02 01:19
Weaponworks A Mod focusing on expanding melee combat with new weapon classes. cac, strogonov 14197 2024-03-02 01:15
ItemFig Simple library for storing and reading item configuration with json. cac 3967 2024-03-02 00:40
WHAT (Spyglass meme) A mod which adds the funny WHAT meme when using a spyglass. Tim_M 1379 2024-03-01 20:40
Eat an Omelette Now you can eat omelettes in Minecraft! Lupin, jason13official 1330649 2024-03-01 19:51
Daily Rewards Daily rewards is a very lightweight and simple mod that rewards your players daily. Kaworru 525422 2024-03-01 19:49
Compass3D A Fabric mod which provides a visual representation of Y-axis direction of compasses. AdamRaichu 311 2024-03-01 18:33
Underground Villages Adds underground villages to your world Mrbysco, ShyNieke 941156 2024-03-01 16:00
Luggage Recreation of OpenBlocks Luggage for modern versions GizmoTheMoonPig, thatguynamedalpha 6448811 2024-03-01 15:31
ItemLocks Lock your inventory items to prevent accidental loss of items. Kirdow, ThaUnknown_ 2932920 2024-03-01 14:51
Music Manager A small client-side mod that adds toasts for currently playing music tracks GizmoTheMoonPig 36210 2024-03-01 14:40
Not interested! Let's you tell the wandering trader to go away. MoonFather 12961 2024-03-01 10:40
Mites Adds balanced, breedable, resource-enthralled mites that like honey. Nurdoidz 1685 2024-03-01 08:32
FabricTailor A server-side / singleplayer skin & cape changing mod for fabric. samo_lego 576827 2024-03-01 05:46
Gravitational Modulating Additional Unit Provide additional features gisellevonbingen 6208944 2024-03-01 03:38
【1.20.2】People Mobs Mod2【Update!】 Change the look of mobs to Kawaii Girls. dododoshirouto 413 2024-03-01 00:07
ItemModelTransformer Interactive item model transform editor XFactHD 130 2024-02-29 21:37
No Poles Prevent the creation of nerd poles by jumping and placing blocks. [nerdpoles] Kreezxil 108019 2024-02-29 21:04
Enderthing Ender Keys, Locks and Chests gigaherz 1042935 2024-02-29 20:54
Framed Recovery Compass Fix Makes the Recovery Compass actually work when in an Item Frame. AdamRaichu 13 2024-02-29 19:59
Pudding Mod Pudding in Minecraft! TheMCBrothers, TheMCLoveMan 1827 2024-02-29 19:20
Effective Regalia Many people have talked about the legends, Regalia that hold mystical power. No one's sure how to make them however. Will you be the one to construct them after all of these years? DakotaPrideModding 406 2024-02-29 15:38
Glore Glowing ores & armor trims. Apothicon 80004 2024-02-29 15:09
Glowing Ores (Glore) Making ores emit light! Apothicon 62216 2024-02-29 15:09
What Durability? ❌ Removes all durability from items, allowing infinite uses. Similar to Terraria and Stardew Valley. Serilum 33719 2024-02-29 10:54
Create Crafts & Additions Plus Electrifying the Create mod, Realistic way to craft! StarlightCraft 16900 2024-02-29 10:25
Post Office A post office system for your Minecraft SMP Shantek 881 2024-02-29 09:47
Melody OpenAL-based library mod for playing background music. Keksuccino 4768767 2024-02-29 08:55
Melon Golem Adds a Melon Golem to the game Tamaized 585220 2024-02-29 05:23
Pure Ores (Fabric/Forge) Adds more ores to the game, giving you many options for awesome looking gear and blocks! purejoshmc 594 2024-02-29 02:14
ShockCraft OpenShock Minecraft Integration zLucPlayZ 31 2024-02-28 23:36
Mo' Glowstone Plus An addon for Mo' Glowstone that adds more colorful glowstone items! allkillernofiller, TheMasterGeneral 35446 2024-02-28 23:26
More Crossbows CJ [Fabric/Forge/Quilt] Adds new type of crossbows Craftjakob 9178 2024-02-28 20:55
Ring of Blink [FABRIC/FORGE/NEOFORGE] Travel around like an Enderman kwpugh 147660 2024-02-28 19:39
Beautify! Adds lots of vanilla-styled ways to spice up your builds. Pandarix 3395871 2024-02-28 18:51
VanitySlots Vanity armor that covers your normal armor! NyakoFox 3619520 2024-02-28 18:09
MoreDirt Silly mod I made to help with a dirt challenge I am doing lovelydeveloper420 8 2024-02-28 16:00
Data Loader Updated Adds global data packs that are enabled by default to all worlds. Commander0716 251172 2024-02-28 15:07
Ring of the Enderchest [FORGE/NEOFORGE] Access your Enderchest on the go kwpugh 341112 2024-02-28 15:07
Ring of Teleport [FORGE/NEOFORGE] Teleport to a stored location, reusable kwpugh 451749 2024-02-28 14:55
RS: Crafting Monitor in Grid Add 'Crafting Monitor' in grid. gisellevonbingen 30394 2024-02-28 14:14
Provi's Health Bars Adds sleek and expansive health bars / damage indicators. Provismet 41281 2024-02-28 14:04
Jaiz Mobs JaizMobs aims to diversify your world with new mobs and features Jaiz15 5428 2024-02-28 12:55
Mystic Potions Adds New Potions To Minecraft! creep3rcrafter 10614 2024-02-28 11:31
AFK Timer A Minecraft Mod that allows you to go AFK without the worry of having to log off :D TheAGamePlayer 5024 2024-02-28 09:55
Banner Tweaks Vanilla-friendly tweaks to banners chimericdream 592 2024-02-28 04:46
Kambrik A Kotlin Library Framework Ejektaflex 8950375 2024-02-28 03:50
Mekanism Abridged A mod that bridges mekanism and chemlib fluffy_unicorn_army 2756 2024-02-28 03:23
Extreme sound muffler - Fabric Forget about those nasty sounds! - Clientside sound muffler. LeoBeliik 970159 2024-02-28 02:11
Namp Bux™ Official A mod made to add a single item, the namp bux™ Lord_Of_Crumbs 40 2024-02-28 01:16
Mo' Glowstone Lamps RGB fanciness! TheMasterGeneral 431831 2024-02-28 01:03
Mo' Glowstone A small mod that adds differently colored glowstone blocks! TheMasterGeneral 861768 2024-02-27 23:46
Emogg Adds emoji (emote) support to the chat and to most of the Minecraft interface. New emojis (emotes) can be added by texturepacks aratakileo, shBLOCK_ 359 2024-02-27 23:17
Elegantia GUI library for Minecraft and more aratakileo 33 2024-02-27 23:04
Carry On Carry On allows you to pick up Tile Entities and Mobs and carry them around! Tschipp, Purplicious_Cow_ 114444686 2024-02-27 22:53
WorldTools: World Downloader (Fabric / Forge) WorldTools is a powerful Minecraft Mod that allows you to capture and save high-detail snapshots of server worlds locally. Constructor__ 41416 2024-02-27 21:41
Custom Credits ©️ Allows changing the content and behaviour of the credits screen, including the end poem. Serilum 16833 2024-02-27 20:57
Tree Harvester 🌲 Harvest full trees and huge mushrooms instantly with an axe. Includes fast leaf decay and sapling placement. Also works for warped (nether) trees. Become a master tree chopper quick in no time. Serilum 12464926 2024-02-27 20:28
Ariadne's Thread A magic yarn that shows you where you've been aaronhowser1 59057 2024-02-27 20:02
Better Gold Stuff Buff all good armor and tools to be better than iron but worse than diamond Technicboyman 1467 2024-02-27 18:11
DefaultSettings Fabric/Quilt Keep your game's local settings in case of an update to your modpack PT400C 599768 2024-02-27 18:07
Boss Rifts A long journey and and a difficult fight, an easy path home. jodlodi 28930 2024-02-27 16:13
Paimon! [Forge] Add a useless but cute Paimon into Minecraft! MikhailTapio 8582 2024-02-27 15:17
Just Enough Mekanism Multiblocks Add JEI page for calculate mekanism multiblock cost gisellevonbingen 8613741 2024-02-27 15:15
Aquaculture 2 Spices up fishing with a number of new biome specific fish, recipes, and more! Shadow, Girafi 100191525 2024-02-27 14:35
Zigy's Player Animator API API for playing player animations from server side. ZigyTheBird 285 2024-02-27 14:23
Kiwi 🥝 (Fabric) Minecraft modding library Snownee 7594211 2024-02-27 13:57
Crafting Tweaks Allows you to rotate, balance or clear the crafting matrix by the press of a button, in any (supported) crafting window. BlayTheNinth 115690714 2024-02-27 11:20
Crafting Tweaks (Fabric Edition) Allows you to rotate, balance or clear the crafting matrix by the press of a button, in any (supported) crafting window. BlayTheNinth 4421687 2024-02-27 11:14
Clear Gpu Cache This fixes some rendering issues by clearing the GPU cache, which may result in a slight drop in FPS. StarChen 792 2024-02-27 11:11
GrandPower Simple Energy API with support for long amounts, and full interoperability with Forge Energy. thetechnici4n 743 2024-02-27 10:52
Hardcore Revival Help your friends back up after they die (if you can make it in time) BlayTheNinth 3143727 2024-02-27 10:12
Hardcore Revival (Fabric Edition) Help your friends back up after they die (if you can make it in time) BlayTheNinth 170952 2024-02-27 10:07
SNG Arsenal Adds SNG Arsenal into Minecraft, including new tools, armor, and more. Star_SNG 1114 2024-02-27 05:00
Audio Extension for FancyMenu v2 [Forge] Add audio elements to FancyMenu layouts. Keksuccino 2442938 2024-02-27 03:33
Flight Mod [Fabric] Fabric mod that adds hunger-based flight for survival or client only creative flight tweaks ewewukek 3341 2024-02-26 22:49
ChatMove Customize chat location Rukuplayz 297 2024-02-26 22:35
Sculk Depths adds a new dimension accessed via the ancient cities in the deep dark biome mrmcdiamonds, gemsbond 26345 2024-02-26 21:59
Vistas A tool for customizing the Main Menu Panorama! LudoCrypt 8079 2024-02-26 21:50
Night Eye [Fabric] Simple night vision for single player game ewewukek 872 2024-02-26 21:36
Tide Expands the Minecraft fishing system and adds 60+ new fish Lightning64 93535 2024-02-26 21:08
Iron Oak Farm ore infused trees instead of mining malefficus 3692 2024-02-26 20:21
FudgeFix Fixes Minecraft vulnerabilities NatanFudge 31 2024-02-26 20:20
Him From the Far Lands of Alpha v1.0.16_02, he's returned. Hike 5392 2024-02-26 20:14
Safe Nether Spawn Spawns player in Nether instead of Overworld. Prefex89 214 2024-02-26 19:32
Third Person Crosshair [Fabric] Enables crosshair in third person view ewewukek 172548 2024-02-26 18:41
Netherite Horse Armor CJ [Fabric/Forge/Quilt] Adds a Netherite Horse Armor and more Horse Armors Craftjakob 45078 2024-02-26 16:12
LotTweaks Tweaks for builders to increase productivity. LOTqwerty 139167 2024-02-26 15:37
ewewukek's Musket Mod Adds craftable flintlock weapons ewewukek 706688 2024-02-26 14:59
Doctor G's Timers Timers for all situations! doctorg_mystsery 124 2024-02-26 14:20
suspicious sand maker Easy make suspicious sand in survival (Serverside) pashkovd 1417 2024-02-26 14:08
Cut Through Cleanly swing through transparent blocks like tall grass to hit mobs without breaking said block. Fuzs, SHXRKIE 4308809 2024-02-26 13:38
LightWithin This mods uncovers a new and player-unique power: the Inner Lights! Yes, a magical-ish power that changes from player to player! Emafire003 3087 2024-02-26 10:12
Combat Nouveau The future of Minecraft combat has arrived! Many tweaks to make your experience more enjoyable. Fuzs 143086 2024-02-26 10:00
Useless Additions (UAdd) Adds hundreds of new items and blocks. Megal 43 2024-02-26 07:49
Snowball and Egg Knockback (Fabric) Adds snowball and egg knockback for players capitalistspz 7041 2024-02-25 22:46
Pumpkin Spice Latte Channel your inner white girl! TheMasterGeneral 13075 2024-02-25 22:10
More Bows CJ [Fabric/Forge/Quilt] Adds new bows Craftjakob 27646 2024-02-25 21:44
Bossbar Health bars for bosses or entities: easy, performance-friendly, feature-rich. boyonk913 1620 2024-02-25 21:17
Mods Optimizer Automatic and realtime server bundling (one mod pack for client/server) and mod clean up for better performance and less crashes. Kaworru 152730 2024-02-25 19:22
I dont want portal yet disable nether, end, otherside, twilight forest, blue skies and divine rpg portals ultrakox 16675 2024-02-25 18:55
Void Fog Reimplements Void Fog that was removed in Minecraft 1.8 Tamaized 2104994 2024-02-25 18:09
Gilded Armor CJ Edition [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge/Quilt] This Mod allows you to combine a Golden Core with a piece of armor to made it gilded, so that you will no longer be attacked by Piglins. This does work with any ArmorItem. Craftjakob 260008 2024-02-25 17:49
Gilded Netherite CJ Edition [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge/Quilt] Adds new Tools and Armor Craftjakob 171366 2024-02-25 17:49
O-Yoroi Sengoku period japanese armor. ShinQdan 4873 2024-02-25 16:15
Mob Drops Recipes [End] Now you can craft drops from hostile mobs in the End! Lupin, jason13official 388224 2024-02-25 16:08
OpenBlocks Elevator Port of OpenBlocks Elevator. vsngarcia 110963207 2024-02-25 15:51
Mob Drops Recipes [Nether] Now you can craft drops from hostile mobs in the Nether! Lupin, jason13official 764677 2024-02-25 15:45
New Shield Variants Adds awesome new shield variants with new features! Lupin, jason13official 1157973 2024-02-25 15:29
ColoredGlowLib Make entities glow any color, with custom animations and rainbow too! Not just the vanilla colors! Available with API and commands! Emafire003 67144 2024-02-25 14:32
Respawning Animals [Forge & Fabric] Animals no longer stay in the world forever, instead they spawn and disappear like monsters. Fuzs 368422 2024-02-25 14:31
Bundled Items A Mod that lets you bundle your items TheOtherPuxped 17371 2024-02-25 14:21
Wlodzimiers Blocks Wlodzimiers Blocks is a server-side mod that adds some custom blocks using Polymer! Zekiu_, selnov 147 2024-02-25 13:59
Musical Foxes Lets foxes play goat horns schnappdragon 8007 2024-02-25 13:42
Isometric Renders Creates high-resolution isometric screenshots of game objects gliscowo 84046 2024-02-25 00:46
Melee Ex Machina (Weaponry & More) A mod that provides all the weapons you need for your unsolvable plot points. Lord_Of_Crumbs 24376 2024-02-25 00:45
Respawn Server utility that allows configuring the default dimension players spawn in Commoble 190079 2024-02-25 00:00
Creamed Blocks Allows you to apply magma cream to a block and it will prevent snow from laying on that block. RealTurtyWurty 16 2024-02-24 21:52
Pillarger Makes logs and pillar block connect to eachother in 2x2 patterns. ultimatech 155 2024-02-24 20:37
Vanity: Nightfall Vanity Pack - Black Metal Weapons Kryptography 26 2024-02-24 19:13
Walkie-Talkie Adds two-way radios with different upgrades. Fllaton 44614 2024-02-24 19:08
Variant Chiseled Bookshelves [Fabric | Forge] Chiseled Bookshelves for all wood types XanthianZ 239379 2024-02-24 18:55
Lan Server Properties Enhance the vanilla "Open to LAN" Gui for online mode and port customization rikka0w0 3216904 2024-02-24 17:00
TheObsidianBoat Adds and Obsidian Boat UnRealDinnerbone 2914749 2024-02-24 16:26
Mineral Overhaul: Shellstone & Tuff A decorative mod with a few other immersive shenanigans. thatw0n 13 2024-02-24 16:03
SmithingUpgraders+ New Smithing Templates to craft other vanilla armor and tools. Ideal for a more challenging experience. ✨ t2rtle 32 2024-02-24 15:30
Simple Copper This mod adds use to the copper ore in minecraft zulos404 42 2024-02-24 15:14
Pierce Arrow This mod is make allow stuck arrow for another mob! bagu_chan500 23616 2024-02-24 10:12
ArnicaLib Shared library for AH's Minecraft mods. WakelessSloth56, libellule295 632994 2024-02-24 09:57
Trade Uses Shows how many times you can use a trade before restock. khajiitos 61035 2024-02-24 09:53
HarmonicEnchantments HarmonicEnchantments is inspired by Harmonic series , adding some enchantments which are close to the vanilla style. libellule295, WakelessSloth56 603 2024-02-24 08:28
Golden Age Combat [Forge & Fabric] Classic combat has returned! Get ready for some fast-paced combat action and lots of fun! Fuzs 514389 2024-02-24 08:12
Miniblock Merchants Over two dozen new villagers trading nearly a thousand miniblocks for all your decorating needs! chimericdream 4034 2024-02-24 07:15
Sponj Better sponges and lava sponges chimericdream 1152 2024-02-24 06:44
Sponj (Fabric) Better sponges and lava sponges chimericdream 851 2024-02-24 06:44
Elytra Bar HUD A bar that indicates the elytra durability :) Fotatata 16115 2024-02-24 02:25
Vanity: Ornate Weaponry Fancy new looks for your best weapons. avocadospud 7822 2024-02-24 01:04
Dungeons Music Discs Adds 3 music discs featuring music from Minecraft Dungeons. Rispwind 53 2024-02-23 22:46
Ultima Blade Adds an overpowered postgame weapon to goof around with. Rispwind 814 2024-02-23 22:32
Allomancy Brandon Sanderson's Allomancy, now in Minecraft legobmw99 1035588 2024-02-23 21:23
Visual Overhaul Enhance the visual representation of interactable blocks. Motschen 854181 2024-02-23 20:15
Modest flint overhaul Simple change to how you obtain flint - you get more flint from gravel, but digging through those same gravel blocks again will give you nothing more. MoonFather 1859 2024-02-23 18:36
Block Blocker Event Prevention for Blocks Kreezxil 37977 2024-02-23 18:05
Y Is There AutoJump I hate it Auto-Jump, you hate Autojump, and well ... Kreezxil 44702 2024-02-23 17:57
Terracart Reloaded Terraria Cart in Minecraft, Right click track and have fun! Kreezxil 6830974 2024-02-23 17:55
Once Upon A Stroll Make paths while you walk. allow mobs to do it too. It's better than autopath! Kreezxil 72551 2024-02-23 17:53
Mob Sunscreen Stop Zombies and Skeletons from Burning in the Sun! Kreezxil 11181363 2024-02-23 17:50
Just Enough Crowns JEC When you need to lord it over someone, wear a crown! Kreezxil, Mrbysco 389583 2024-02-23 17:44
Jump Over Fences Don't let walls and fences stop you! Jump over them! Kreezxil 6173629 2024-02-23 17:38
Coal Explosion 💥 Harvesting coal should be dangerous, now it is! Kreezxil 570163 2024-02-23 17:33
Smarter Farmers (farmers replant) Allows villagers to replant the correct seed & allows them to use modded ones MehVahdJukaar 21344017 2024-02-23 15:42
Simple No Hunger Remove the hunger bar, your food now heals you! Spolvey 8 2024-02-23 15:16
Arch Bows A bow & crossbow mod that extends the vanilla family Melvinbur 54559 2024-02-23 14:44
ReBlured Adds a blur effect to all GUI backgrounds Cheaterpaul 627217 2024-02-23 14:26
Auto Elytra Flight (Forge/NeoForge) Controls your elytra flight to gain altitude without using fireworks Cheaterpaul 3721 2024-02-23 13:13
Stewing & Baking Let's stew and bake vanilla food a bit more realistically and romantically! Eugene2000 16 2024-02-23 13:09
Atlantis Adds an ocean dimension to minecraft. mysticpasta1, Waterpicker 855630 2024-02-23 12:44
Nimits' Craftable Spawners n' Eggs Allows you to get mob spawn eggs, and Spawners! Nimits 40 2024-02-23 10:46
Northern Compass Makes the Minecraft compass point north LX_Gaming 252211 2024-02-23 10:44
Wooden tools are dumb Replaces wooden axe/pickaxe with more realistic tools and optionally offers more challenging early game. MoonFather 59514 2024-02-23 10:00
Varied Village Sizes Varied sizes for vanilla villages. Apollo 96 2024-02-23 08:08
Rispwind's Additional Paintings [FORGE/FABRIC] Adds 23 new paintings based on official Minecraft art. Rispwind 2829 2024-02-23 07:08
Homing Ender Eye All broken ender eyes will spawn on portal frame DragonsPlus, MarbleGate 415903 2024-02-23 02:20
Nether Invader Add Piglin Invading from Minecraft Legends! bagu_chan500 332 2024-02-23 00:13
A Night Watcher The Night Watcher AydenJayy 197 2024-02-22 23:54
Big Beautiful Buttons Just Like More Beautiful Buttons but Bigger! Kreezxil 1056360 2024-02-22 23:38
More Beautiful Plates 200+ Pressure Plates based on Vanilla Blocks. Kreezxil 1787512 2024-02-22 23:13
Custom Totem Pop Animation Change how the totem pop animation looks without the hassle of using texture packs! Tektonikal 29 2024-02-22 22:47
More Paintings +++ mod Egypt edition 13 new HD paintings of Egypt mcpanthere_ 17 2024-02-22 22:05
More Beautiful Buttons Buttons in more colors to bring beauty to your world Kreezxil 1810521 2024-02-22 21:47
Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded Localizes the wither and dragon death sounds. Kreezxil 84068838 2024-02-22 21:42
Slippery Steps Minecraft but everything is slippery! Shark10199 7 2024-02-22 21:18
Nether Portal Coords Discover the secrets of the Nether with NetherPortal Coords! Easily calculate Nether and Overworld coordinates for your Minecraft adventures. Seamlessly navigate between dimensions and explore new realms. EliasB 8 2024-02-22 20:05
Display Case Decorative block for beautiful storage of one item ChappiePie 2465645 2024-02-22 19:25
Better Furnaces Reforged A remake of the mod BetterFurnaces, with even faster furnaces Wilyicaro 552507 2024-02-22 18:37
Chunk Loader Persistence Keeps chunk loaders running across world restarts OffKilterMC 234 2024-02-22 18:12
Better Compatibility Checker Changes the default server compatability check to compare modpack versions Gaz_ 42402502 2024-02-22 17:22
Growmeal (Fabric) Unofficial Fabric Port of bl4ckscor3's Growmeal Gamemassa2, bl4ckscor3 171 2024-02-22 14:51
Cull Leaves Adds culling to leaf blocks, providing a huge performance boost over vanilla. Motschen 6821829 2024-02-22 14:15
Better Main Menu A mod that enhances the Minecraft's main menu Mitzingdash 130 2024-02-22 11:50
Dog Creature Adds a custom dog to the game. ENDERDSTEVEMODS 49 2024-02-22 10:42
Max Health Fix Fixes a bug with max health in Minecraft. DarkhaxDev 20195031 2024-02-22 08:42
Splitscreen Support Easy window positioning for local multiplayer pcal43 8058 2024-02-22 08:31
Trample No More This mod adds a few nice tweaks to Minecraft's farmland trampling. DarkhaxDev 1304478 2024-02-22 06:59
Creeper Firework Creepers explode harmlessly and beautifully DragonsPlus, MarbleGate 1208686 2024-02-22 06:45
Mob Crossing Mobs can cross rails. MacTso, lupicus 287401 2024-02-22 05:23
Glasses Add various glasses to Minecraft! MikhailTapio 69887 2024-02-22 05:22
The Splash Milk Milk splash potion should exists. DragonsPlus, MarbleGate 1304229 2024-02-22 04:59
RyoamicLights LambDynamicLights unofficial architectury port. A dynamic lights mod for minecraft. TexTrue 3625320 2024-02-22 04:56
The Magic Doorknob Who needs a door when you have a magic doorknob? tboshoven 538585 2024-02-22 04:02
Diggus Maximus Reborn A fork of Diggus Maximus for 1.20.2 to 1.20.5! InfinRain 22011 2024-02-22 03:38
MiniCoal Mini Coal and Charcoal kwifrog, FireBall1725 7984261 2024-02-22 01:50
Immersive Weapons Compatibility Bridge The Immersive Weapons Compatibility Bridge adds compatibility to several mods. AnonymousHacker1279 114804 2024-02-22 01:36
Harder Natural Healing Control healing in your game. Rate, Hunger Cost, Hunger Minimum, Healing On Waking, Peaceful Hunger MacTso 1288331 2024-02-21 23:15
Vanity: Elementals Adds Elemental Gear! IcyCrystaI 318 2024-02-21 21:31
Vanity: Crucible Funny DOOM sword IcyCrystaI 248 2024-02-21 21:12
Not The Grass! With this mod never again will you find yourself saying "Not the Grass!" Strufaux 24 2024-02-21 20:49
Vanilla Degus This mod adds a new tamable mob, Degu! minet_muette 2626292 2024-02-21 14:36
Bad Beacon When Beacons go bad Squiggly_Androsa 8479 2024-02-21 06:54
Lootr (Fabric) A mod that makes it so nobody misses out on Loot! All loot chests are instanced per player and visually unique. Noobanidus, embeddedt, ZestyBlaze 11412735 2024-02-21 04:01
Shulker Loader Redirects item pickups into an offhand shulker box! FamroFexl 11289 2024-02-21 03:25
DragonFightFix Patches game to fix issue where dragon respawning can get stuck OffKilterMC 384 2024-02-21 01:35
VanillaIcecreamFix An updated version of Runemoro's VanillaFix and also ported to the latest version. Includes bug fixes Mojang has not fixed/won't fix and some QOL features(this includes a crash UI for Minecraft). repletsin5 121989 2024-02-20 22:08
More Affordable Than Ever - Never Too Expensive Removes the anvil's experience cost cap Yeleefff 4444 2024-02-20 21:41
Ptones The "Unofficial" successor to Xtones TwiistsGaming 1155 2024-02-20 18:50
Memory Usage Title Show memory usage in title bar pitan76 442 2024-02-20 17:03
Mob Armor Mod V3 Become a villager eating zombies, smack everything around like massive Iron golems, shoot giant fireballs or small fireballs and fly like Ghast and Blaze, Explode like Creepers and teleport like Enderman as well!  rolik1997 151738 2024-02-20 16:49
FoxGlow When foxes and players eat glow berries they should glow, shouldn't they? Maybe even multicolor glow! Emafire003 77496 2024-02-20 13:43
Useful Snowball Useful Snowball! Make snowball slows mob. CoffeeG 413 2024-02-20 12:55
Parkour Recorder Record and playback your parkour sessions. elmnick 4730 2024-02-20 11:37
Frozen Fish A frozen fish is your handiest melee weapon in the freezing cold! MikhailTapio 56 2024-02-20 10:55
cut down trees This mod is useful when collecting wood. to cut down trees become easy akibo000 8363 2024-02-20 07:03
TimberTweak TimberTweak - New tree chopping style & blocks HasteinMC 66 2024-02-20 04:42
Teleport Asker A simple mod for player request to teleport. someoneice 14637 2024-02-20 03:37
Cadmus A land claiming mod that allows users to claim land to protect your home from thieves, bandits and monsters, and admins to claim land with region flags and advanced protection terrariumearth, AlexNijjar, CodexAdrian, ThatGravyBoat, MsRandom1 135486 2024-02-20 01:37
Building Wands Building Wands (Fabric/Forge) nicguzzo 2380178 2024-02-19 22:57
Placeable Goat Horns A goat horn block that transmits sounds from one place to another almightytallestred 10215 2024-02-19 21:46
Sculker [Origin] [FABRIC] Transform into the Sculker and explore Minecraft from the depths! DevSieg 156614 2024-02-19 20:53
zzz... rrr... Rawr? Server-side mod that sends a (configurable) message to chat when it's time to wake up unilock 7 2024-02-19 19:56
Vanity: Ancient Tool Variants Weapons forged by an ancient civilization. avocadospud 14195 2024-02-19 18:32
No Rest [Fabric / Forge] Prevents player sleeping but adds an Overworld Respawn Anchor to set your spawn point. ShiftTheDev 7528 2024-02-19 17:09
Double Hotbar Displays a second row of the inventory on the HUD and allows easy swapping to the hotbar. sidezbros 29957 2024-02-19 15:34
Numeral Ping Display the ping for each player. TheKodeToad 844039 2024-02-19 13:57
Bring Decay Brings decay potions and tipped arrows to java BoyPika85 1093 2024-02-19 13:43
Eugene's Whistle & Spur Whistle to call your horse, spur it to speed up, just like that in RDR2! Eugene2000 167 2024-02-19 13:05
NiceMod - New blocks A mod for Fabric that adds new decorative and building blocks MIUNO 102063 2024-02-19 11:24
Potion Bundles Three potions can now be bound into bundles, to save inventory space. IchHabeHunger54, Minecraftschurli 693882 2024-02-19 09:56
The Orcs! Spawns camps of Orcs in your world. TheUnknownDad 199 2024-02-19 09:33
Stackable127 Stackable is a mod that increases all block stacking limits to any value less than 127 for Minecraft 1.20-1.19.4. linkachugaming0 49858 2024-02-19 05:12
ScreenFX A client-side, resource pack compatible, quality of life fabric mod for changing overlays and screen effects LaryIsland 9693 2024-02-19 03:02
Fungal Fractal Find a new Resource and a new Powerful tool! noob123reeee 12 2024-02-19 00:16
Handcrafted Make your house a home! terrariumearth, kekie6, AlexNijjar 28449770 2024-02-18 23:47
Smelting Cobblestone in a Blast Furnace [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge] This mod makes you able to smelt Cobblestone to Stone and Cobbled Deepslate to Deepslate Mars 203167 2024-02-18 23:31
Husks Drop Sand [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge] Sand is dropped from husks after they die Mars 252920 2024-02-18 23:31
Cooked Carrots [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge] Just like normal carrots, but you eat them twice as fast Mars 17613 2024-02-18 23:23
Goop Adds Slime and Splatter Visual Effects to Minecraft Absolutelyaya 574 2024-02-18 23:22
Better Crafting [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge] This mod changes and adds few recipes Mars 71025 2024-02-18 23:21
Lava Turns Sand into Glass [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge] When Lava Touches Sand Blocks They Turn into Glass Blocks Mars 50678 2024-02-18 23:18
Copper Nugget [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge] Adds the one missing nugget Mars 14663 2024-02-18 23:14
Blasting Clay & Clay Balls [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge] Blast Clay into Terracotta and Clay Balls into Bricks Mars 53688 2024-02-18 22:51
Blasting Netherrack into Nether Bricks [Fabric/Forge/NeoForge] Smelt Netherrack into Nether Bricks in the Blast Furnace Mars 54916 2024-02-18 22:50
Charging Gadgets A simple mod for charging with ForgeEnergy Direwolf20 21294746 2024-02-18 21:47
FluidSystem A system to manage LARGE quantities of liquids inside Minecraft 3divad99 43220 2024-02-18 20:10
No Baby Zombies Prevent baby zombies from spawning in your world Technicboyman 166067 2024-02-18 19:25
Adventure Map Developer A simple mod created to help building (adventure) maps Caoten_hoch2 260 2024-02-18 19:04
Sweaters Deck out your mobs in ugly Christmas sweaters with the Sweaters mod! Mrbysco 1363 2024-02-18 18:52
Nosey Adds noses to more mobs Mrbysco 1445 2024-02-18 18:08
Horse Statistics (fabric/neoforge/forge) Displays the stats of any horse (+ llamas, donkeys, mules, ...) without having to tame it nero_surfing 422157 2024-02-18 17:27
Colorize Right click with the dye on some blocks to color them! PanSzelescik 577699 2024-02-18 17:18
Weird Commands Adding commands to things that don't have any Mrbysco 5403 2024-02-18 16:58
Strange Berries Berries and bushes with different potion effects and features Cameronwasnthere 364605 2024-02-18 15:31
Partnership Drive ships with partners. Defend your port with cannons and explore the world with new ships! Sammy_echt 4 2024-02-18 14:16
Capture & Playback Adds the capability to plan and play-back redstone creations from a UI without redstone wiring. G4me4u 5415 2024-02-18 13:49
Mitzings FOOD Adds certain overpowered food items into the game Mitzingdash 28 2024-02-18 12:21
Tead: Equipment And More A range of smaller additions to Minecraft, new weapons, armor types, etc. Heavily inspired by Minecraft Dungeons. PythonBear 411 2024-02-18 10:24
SLSU (Survival (not so) Lil Spice Up) A Mod that gives a lil spice up to your survival world! Koleje93 90 2024-02-18 09:40
SLSU (Survival (not so) Lil Spice Up) A Mod that gives a lil spice up to your survival world! Koleje93 48 2024-02-18 09:40
Chat Signing Hider A client side Fabric mod that hides all things related to chat signing. henkelmax 384732 2024-02-18 09:39
Ad Astra Live long and prosper, Ad Astra! AlexNijjar 22386356 2024-02-18 08:23
Blind Accessibility A mod for minecraft java (fabric/neoforge) that adds accessibility feature theonewhoknocks003, Boholder 1900 2024-02-18 03:34
Blunderbombs Bring the chaos of Blunderbombs from Sea of Thieves into Minecraft, in both damaging and non-damaging variants! LoonieToque 20 2024-02-18 01:01
Guard Villagers Guards that help with village pest control almightytallestred 49495053 2024-02-18 00:26
Fence Jumper Revival Allows players to jump over fences. Yessica_ 548 2024-02-18 00:08
Da Bomb A mod that adds more explosives Mrbysco 9909 2024-02-17 23:35
New Slab Variants | +300 New Slabs! Adds hundreds of new slabs! Lupin, jason13official 1063203 2024-02-17 23:12
Crash Utilities Utilities for Server Admins Darkere 33324686 2024-02-17 22:07
Building Gadgets A collection of Gadgets to make building large structures a little bit easier! Direwolf20, ErrorMikey 101314804 2024-02-17 21:09
AutoMessage Now you can send automatic messages at any time during the game! Lupin, jason13official 1090831 2024-02-17 20:59
Slash Portal Simple utility mod that adds the /portal command for calculating the portals' Nether and Overworld coordinates quickly. LopyTwich 141 2024-02-17 19:01
MoreBlockItems This mod adds more BlockItems Bullfighter 356 2024-02-17 16:27
VeinMiner Companion Client-sided integration with the VeinMiner Bukkit plugin Choco 72208 2024-02-17 15:46
Advanced Sticks Lets you combine tools and weapons with many different sticks/rods to gain other stats and properties! XxRexRaptorxX 172044 2024-02-17 15:34
Improved Bedrockean Origin Improved bedrockean origin TeyTey428, TTFgmg 365924 2024-02-17 14:51
Collision Fix Fabric mod that removes client-side collisions checks. LopyTwich 344 2024-02-17 14:43
SolarGeneration Produce FE from the sun, use your head for recharging your inventory 3divad99 4878477 2024-02-17 14:31
EdivadLib Just a common library for all my mods 3divad99 11184839 2024-02-17 13:51
Things [Fabric] Trinkets and Utilities to enhance casual play gliscowo 9358393 2024-02-17 13:33
Dynamic Brightness Adds eye adaption feature: brightness adapts to the environment. Socolio 6035 2024-02-17 12:40
Discord4Fabric Empower your Minecraft - Discord chat experience! reimnop 1894 2024-02-17 11:24
Better Line Break Better line-breaking mod for not alphabet characters. katatsumuri_pan 2109 2024-02-17 07:09
WEITMTBH This is a mod all about many different things that I made, like a perfectly crafted stick of dynamite, which were then compacted into one mod. ThatOneGuy029 258 2024-02-17 03:53
ZombPlayer Spawns a zombified player when a player is killed by zombified creature A_Peng215 216 2024-02-17 02:27
Armored Elytra Shows the chestplate and elytra at the same when using the Armored Elytra datapack (by Vanilla Tweaks) MrMelon54 61279 2024-02-17 01:26
Modular Materials Dynamic and fully customizeable material-generation-system for Minecraft 1.12.2 and 1.17.1+ glowredman 2314 2024-02-17 00:09
Auto Elytra A mod that automatically switches your elytra and chestplate when you try to fly. NimajnebEC 12112 2024-02-16 22:25
Super Secret Doors secret doors! shimaginary 49051 2024-02-16 21:46
SpammyCombat A mod that aims to restore the old click spamming combat from Minecraft 1.8 and older. Paint_Ninja 5817 2024-02-16 21:02
Fazbear's Universe a fnaf minecraft mod Realbryan27 1353 2024-02-16 20:23
Player Trade - Secure Trading Between Players This is a simple mod that provides a GUI for exchanging items. Now supports commands and configuration! Zetal 255313 2024-02-16 18:30
Player Trade - Secure Trading Between Players This is a simple mod that provides a GUI for exchanging items. Now supports commands and configuration! Zetal 136233 2024-02-16 18:30
Dynamic Lights portable and moving lightsources atomicstrykergrumpy 15414161 2024-02-16 17:30
Bedrock Miner Adds tools to harvest bedrock and craft things like blocks, items and armor out of it! XxRexRaptorxX 1184805 2024-02-16 17:24
Refined Storage Addons An addon mod for Refined Storage. raoulvdberge 62514902 2024-02-16 15:23
Jade 🔍 Shows information about what you are looking at. (Hwyla/WAILA fork for Minecraft 1.16+) Snownee 106744933 2024-02-16 04:39
Mining Gadgets Because mining with lasers is cool Direwolf20, ErrorMikey 29769278 2024-02-16 02:30
LlamaPalooza Llamas that spit resources Mrbysco, ShyNieke 370 2024-02-15 21:12
Better Compressed Blocks Adding Compressed Blocks for Cobblestone, Dirt, Sand, Gravel and Netherrack MR_LOLF_ 23182 2024-02-15 20:42
Weed-B-Gone A simple string trimmer for clearing large areas of grass, flowers, and other plants MongoTheElder 14 2024-02-15 19:16
Gilded Blackstone Recipes Adds A Gilded Blackstone Recipe To Minecraft xCrazyFeline 2379 2024-02-15 18:04
Simple Config API Simple API to create config files. xStopho 17126 2024-02-15 17:59
JA-Tools Adds a TreeDestroyer that can destroy all connected logs with the #logs blocktag JG_ 123 2024-02-15 14:30
No LAN Cheating Removes the "Allow Cheats" button from the "Open to LAN" menu. bl4ckscor3 198440 2024-02-15 14:26
Glassential (Fabric/Quilt) Various types of glass to aid in your building but for Fabric UpcraftLP 3078140 2024-02-15 07:37
Building Shift Cancels Interaction with Functional Blocks without holding Shift Key! Use Commands or Binded Key to toggle, G by default hiword9 842 2024-02-15 05:51
Claim Chunk Allow player to claim a chunk MacTso, lupicus 4599366 2024-02-15 04:07
Plantable Flower Pots Grow flowers in flower pots Watersfall 7718 2024-02-15 01:58
DarkZoom - RPG Simplest Zoom (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG Style, Allows you to enter a basic zoomed mode. Works server-side too. GamerPotion 854192 2024-02-15 01:19
DarkZoom - Simplest Zoom (Fabric/Forge) Allows you to enter a zoomed mode. Works server-side too. GamerPotion 60464 2024-02-15 01:19
Infinity Cave Infinity Cave adds a seemingly infinite cave system beneath the bedrock layer increasing it from -64 to -128. With this comes many new challenges and an overall different way of experiencing PvE. Frozytime 182716 2024-02-15 01:19
Mob Plaques Neat, tiny attribute displays for all mobs with great customization! Fuzs 966686 2024-02-14 23:59
Pocket Storage Simple tiered mass item storage. Flanks255 3216788 2024-02-14 23:53
Extra Damage Enchantments Adds additional damage enchantments and associated entity groups to Minecraft. Provismet 23155 2024-02-14 22:01
Delete Worlds To Trash Deleted worlds are gone forever, right? Not anymore! Simply restore them from your recycle bin. Fuzs 1397583 2024-02-14 16:26
Thin Air [Forge & Fabric] The air is not always breathable in the depths of the earth and other dimensions. Fuzs, SHXRKIE 386691 2024-02-14 12:36
Chunk By Chunk Starts the world as a single chunk, with the ability to expand it later dividesBy0 104631 2024-02-14 11:10
MidnightControls Adds controller support and enhanced controls overall. Motschen 1755840 2024-02-14 09:48
More Beautiful Walls This mod adds around 240 new Walls and extracts textures from their respective vanilla Minecraft block 00theblackwolf00 28429 2024-02-13 23:58
More Beautiful Trapdoors This mod adds around 240 new Trapdoors and extracts textures from their respective vanilla Minecraft block 00theblackwolf00 51091 2024-02-13 23:57
More Beautiful Stairs This mod add about 240 new Stairs and pulls textures from the block of minecraft vanilla 00theblackwolf00 65666 2024-02-13 23:56
More Beautiful Slabs This mod adds around 240 new Slabs and extracts textures from their respective vanilla Minecraft block 00theblackwolf00 28196 2024-02-13 23:55
More Beautiful Pressure Plates This mod adds around 240 new Pressure Plates and extracts textures from their respective vanilla Minecraft block 00theblackwolf00 18957 2024-02-13 23:53
More Beautiful Fences & Gates This mod adds around 240 new Fences & Gates and extracts textures from their respective vanilla Minecraft block 00theblackwolf00 25794 2024-02-13 23:49
More Beautiful Doors This mod adds around 240 new Doors and extracts textures from their respective vanilla Minecraft block 00theblackwolf00 38288 2024-02-13 23:48
More Carpets [FORGE & FABRIC] This mod adds around 240 new Carpets and extracts textures from their respective vanilla Minecraft block 00theblackwolf00 34639 2024-02-13 23:46
Serene Seasons Seasons with changing colors, shifting temperatures, and more! TheAdubbz, Forstride 38580003 2024-02-13 23:42
Roughly Searchable Highlights all items that match the current search in Roughly Enough Items InEqualMeasure 468803 2024-02-13 23:41
More Decorative Blocks - BlackWolf Design This mod adds around 240 new blocks for each of 10 different categories and extracts textures from their respective vanilla Minecraft block 00theblackwolf00 112621 2024-02-13 23:37
Ascenso del Conquistador A Mod that will allow you to fight against mechanized monstrosities, travel to a desolate world and face the great conqueror of dimensions, feared by everyone who faces him. Chara1345 614 2024-02-13 21:40
Neurocraft: Visions & Voices Descent into Minecraft madness. Trust nothing. Reality is perception... DementiaTeam 57 2024-02-13 20:48
Book and Quick Save Saving your writing progress when you can't. Never discard your text without confirmation ever again! boyonk913 569 2024-02-13 17:34
Configured Automatic in-game configuration menus for every mod! MrCrayfish 53492877 2024-02-13 15:21
Potacore Library to provide universal utilities classes for projects. pOtAto__bOy 241088 2024-02-13 14:45
The Plopper A block that picks up items that are about to despawn. bl4ckscor3 321289 2024-02-13 14:09
Snowmancy Little snowman companions fighting on your side! bl4ckscor3 453923 2024-02-13 13:57
zzz... rrr... Rawr? Server-side mod that sends a (configurable) message to chat when it's time to wake up unilock 0 2024-02-13 13:45
Sorted Enchantments Sorts enchantments in item tooltips (alphabetically) unilock 656440 2024-02-13 13:29
Do Not Tilt The Camera In Relation To Damage Direction Don't tilt the camera in the direction of damage in >=1.19.4 unilock 0 2024-02-13 13:20
Get It Together, Drops! Adds tags and configuration options for defining how dropped items should combine. bl4ckscor3 20224265 2024-02-13 13:11
Slot Cycler [Forge & Fabric] Nine hotbar slots aren't enough for you? Now you can cycle your whole inventory! Fuzs 143467 2024-02-13 12:54
More Crafting Tables (MCT) Adds the other Crafting Table variants to the game! LieOnLion 1085 2024-02-13 12:28
Too Many Players Allows you to increase FPS with a large crowd of players Feyt0x 22454 2024-02-13 10:41
Glued Make Glue, stain the ground with it and make mobs get glued.  alienpatois 4063 2024-02-13 07:22
LaserIO Route Items, Fluids, and Energy around your world - with Lasers! Direwolf20 18590625 2024-02-13 02:57
DarkDeath - RPG Kill Command (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG Theme, Allows any player to kill themselves on servers or single player GamerPotion 1227681 2024-02-12 22:51
DarkDeath - Player Kill Command (Fabric/Forge) Allows any player to kill themselves on servers or single player GamerPotion 430779 2024-02-12 22:51
Villagers follow Emerald Blocks Makes villagers follow Emerald Blocks gohkenytp 41518 2024-02-12 19:41
Horses can Swim Makes horses swim through water when ridden by players gohkenytp 37256 2024-02-12 19:39
ItemShuffle Twitch Edition ItemShuffle inspired by Dream's Block Shuffle, but streamer's chat can choose items. MarcusCZ3 503 2024-02-12 15:45
Additional Additions | Forge Additional Additions is a mod that aims to add additional uses for Copper, Amethyst and Glow Ink Sacs as well as other useful additional additions to the game. dqu1jjj 1640664 2024-02-12 13:21
Overleveled Fabric Server-side mod that allows you to apply overleveled enchantment books using an anvil. KonSola5 4 2024-02-12 13:13
Additional Additions | Fabric Additional Additions is a mod that aims to add additional uses for Copper, Amethyst and Glow Ink Sacs as well as other useful additional additions to the game. dqu1jjj 5435020 2024-02-12 12:51
Inventory Interactions (Fabric) repair and craft items by right-clicking diztend 2268 2024-02-12 11:09
Resource Pack Overrides [Forge & Fabric] Ensures important resource packs stay always active and helps clean up the pack selection screen. Fuzs 20779613 2024-02-12 10:44
panda's Animations player Animations pandal34r 11 2024-02-12 04:45
Sawmill Ultimate Woodcutter. As it was intented, Compatible with ANY Mod, automatically. Includes Carpenter Villager MehVahdJukaar, plantspookable 9794323 2024-02-12 02:25
Ender Tap (for Fabric & Carpet) Use a hopper with your ender chest! sjoopies 346 2024-02-12 00:38
Piglib Adds tags for various Piglin related things Shnupbups 14934 2024-02-11 22:28
Progression Reborn Knives Adds Farmer's Delight knives for Progression Reborn gear. rebel0459 151 2024-02-11 21:04
Decorative Ladders 3D ladders with the vanilla wood blocks. Resource pack support ahmed4363 34629 2024-02-11 18:54
Longshot Upgrade your ranged combat with enhanced projectile velocity! The archer's 'Strength' potion effect boyonk913 843 2024-02-11 17:38
CommandStructures Spawn Jigsaw Structures by command! telepathicgrunt, Patrigan 38098 2024-02-11 15:37
Aetheric Tetranomicon Adds Tetra support to materials from the Aether and its add-ons. syrikalis 566165 2024-02-11 14:52
Raided Expands upon the vanilla raid system to allow for more advanced raid mechanics Mrbysco 4367759 2024-02-11 14:40
Our Villager Discounts A lightweight mod that shares villager discounts across the server Gremlite 36057 2024-02-11 09:53
Super Coal Have more powerful coal. We also have tiny torches. TechDahTurtle 618 2024-02-11 04:49
DarkFlight - RPG Simple Jetpack (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG Theme, Gain Levitation Flight like a Jetpack by equipping a Diamond Shovel in offhand GamerPotion 1760425 2024-02-11 01:19
DarkFlight - Simple Jetpack (Fabric/Forge) Gain Levitation Flight like a Jetpack by equipping a Diamond Shovel in offhand GamerPotion 1198614 2024-02-11 01:19
Plenty Plates [Forge & Fabric] Many new pressure plates for all your redstone needs. Greatly customizable! Fuzs 83090 2024-02-10 20:42
Paper Doll [Forge & Fabric] Shows a tiny player model on screen when performing actions like sprinting, swimming, and flying. Fuzs 134825 2024-02-10 20:39
Held Item Tooltips [Forge & Fabric] See item enchantments, potion effects, shulker box contents and much more directly above your hotbar. Fuzs 221310 2024-02-10 20:38
Nether Chested [Forge & Fabric] Use the Nether's power to store 8 times more items than usual in this chest. Fuzs 13018591 2024-02-10 20:35
Leave My Bars Alone Makes your food and experience bars visible when riding on a horse. Fuzs 2416879 2024-02-10 20:34
Distinguished Potions Trouble telling your potions apart? Time to give you a helping hand with that. Fuzs 240622 2024-02-10 20:33
Sneaky Curses [Forge & Fabric] Obfuscates curses so you no longer know what to expect! Are you taking the risk? Fuzs 397754 2024-02-10 20:32
Mob Lassos [Forge & Fabric] Gotta catch 'em all! Fuzs 1001240 2024-02-10 20:31
Completionist's Index [Forge & Fabric] An index for collecting every single block and item in the game. Adventurers behold! Fuzs 1454865 2024-02-10 20:28
Sword Blocking Mechanics Sword blocking is back! Exactly like it used to be, or different? Your choice! Fuzs 71841 2024-02-10 20:24
Minium Stone [Forge & Fabric] Transmute items and blocks into other equivalent items on the fly. Fuzs 78725 2024-02-10 20:20
Universal Bone Meal [Forge & Fabric] Stop the bonemeal discrimination! Grow all plants, no limitations. Fuzs 4856273 2024-02-10 20:18
Arcane Lanterns [Forge & Fabric] Imbue a lantern with different catalysts to manipulate its effects! Fuzs 356770 2024-02-10 20:17
Bartering Station [Forge & Fabric] Still running around bartering manually? Let's put those lazy piglins to work instead! Fuzs 20443054 2024-02-10 20:16
Horse Expert You want to know what your horses are truly capable of? Check out their statistics! Fuzs 4217192 2024-02-10 20:15
Tiny Skeletons [Forge & Fabric] Teeny, tiny skeletons, send shivers down your spine... Fuzs 13933897 2024-02-10 20:12
Spiky Spikes Don't step on it! Hurts almost as much as stepping on LEGO... ouch Fuzs 344475 2024-02-10 20:11
Ice Boat Nerf - Reforged Stops boats from moving fast on ice. kawaiicakes 759 2024-02-10 20:05
Echo Chest [Forge & Fabric] A unique chest that collects all items dropped nearby. Very useful! Fuzs 343466 2024-02-10 19:47
Wand of Better Building This mod adds Builders,Exchanging and Destruction Wands for streamlined building and block swapping, customizable through config. randorf 3989 2024-02-10 19:12
More Bows and Arrows | Major Update Available! Adds around fifty new bows and arrows with new features Lupin, jason13official 1454138 2024-02-10 18:47
MiniHUD A "mini F3" HUD mod, with light level, spawn & slime chunk overlays etc. masady 3145383 2024-02-10 18:27
Time Control Want longer or shorter in-game days/nights? So did I. Unixkitty 692026 2024-02-10 17:59
Hidden Names Hide and customize other player's names with commands pitbox46 603840 2024-02-10 16:10
SoulLight Light up with the soul of your enemies. FuriusMaximus 616 2024-02-10 14:19
Game Menu Mod Option [Forge] MOD settings to the game menu as before 1.12.2 morimori0317 9764231 2024-02-10 14:12
Essential Permissions This fabric mod adds permission checks into vanilla, to allow for full permission customization. drexhd 777982 2024-02-10 13:42
Separated Leaves Makes Leaves only stick to their own Log type! LarsMans, curryducker 78792 2024-02-10 12:16
Leaves Be Gone [Forge & Fabric] Quick leaf decay from cutting down trees. Built for fast performance and mod compat! Fuzs, SHXRKIE 25444316 2024-02-10 10:44
Pick Up Notifier [Forge & Fabric] Be notified about all the things you've just collected. Fuzs 34485274 2024-02-10 10:30
Trading Post [Forge & Fabric] Rule the village! Trade with every villager at once! Fuzs 30165528 2024-02-10 10:27
Portable Hole Where did the walls go? Fuzs 185421 2024-02-10 10:12
Shared Ender Chest Adds a tab to the ender chest that everyone can access. coldlavalamp 15709 2024-02-10 05:09
Compressed Mod Adds compressed storage blocks for most blocks. With support for resource packs! Nibaru 300719 2024-02-10 00:26
DarkTides - RPG Breathe Underwater (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG Theme, Equip a Diamond Shovel in offhand and gain Water Breathing, Fast Swimming and Night Vision GamerPotion 1781149 2024-02-10 00:05
DarkTides - Breathe Underwater (Fabric/Forge) Equip a Diamond Shovel in offhand and gain Water Breathing, Fast Swimming and Night Vision GamerPotion 1230993 2024-02-10 00:05
Hit Indication Adds indicators to show where you where damaged from, with optional config options. hamesterfoxxo 3023146 2024-02-09 19:17
Saturn A performance mod designed to optimize Minecraft's memory usage. AbdElAziz333 13678015 2024-02-09 19:13
Extra Sponges Adds more sponges you can craft with various materials. UltrusBot 1082715 2024-02-09 17:46
Effect Descriptions [Forge & Fabric] Find out what potion effects do without checking the wiki. Fuzs 646110 2024-02-09 17:12
Stylish Effects Status effect display overhaul: Display them in any menu! And way more compact. Fuzs 4704721 2024-02-09 17:03
Dynamic Surroundings: Fabric Edition Alters the fabric of Minecraft experience by weaving a tapestry of sound and visual effects OreCruncher 74990 2024-02-09 16:07
Cristel Lib A Library mod for easy structure config and runtime datapacks. Cristelknight 32026831 2024-02-09 10:44
Moonlight Lib Forge and Fabric lightweight library with utilities such as custom Villagers AI, data driven trades,, custom Map Markers, First and third person item animations, dynamic assets and registration & more MehVahdJukaar 130353572 2024-02-09 10:17
Sodium The fastest and most compatible rendering optimization mod for Minecraft. Now available for both NeoForge and Fabric! JellySquid 49728354 2024-02-09 07:19
Attack Through Grass A Minecraft mod that allows you to attack mobs through any non-collidable objects like grass and cobweb! MianReplicate 43218 2024-02-09 06:07
DarkSpins - RPG XP Casino (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG Theme! Play the XP Casino and win rare prizes! GamerPotion 1800130 2024-02-09 01:46
DarkSpins - XP Casino (Fabric/Forge) Play the XP Casino and win rare prizes! GamerPotion 1240551 2024-02-09 01:46
Smelting Touch Adds an enchantment that autosmelts blocks you mine. UltrusBot 85611 2024-02-09 00:13
Customized Dungeon Loot Adds vanilla items with special abilities to the dungeon chests, like enchantments, custom names, attributes and more cool features! - Adds no new items and blocks! XxRexRaptorxX 8722905 2024-02-08 23:07
Variant Chests [Fabric | Forge] Chests available in each vanilla wood style. XanthianZ 337314 2024-02-08 22:13
Solar Helmet [NEOFORGE/FORGE] Every helmet can be solar! canitzp 100040 2024-02-08 19:45
Auto Feeder Helmet [NEOFORGE/FORGE] Upgrade all your loved helmets, so they feed you while you do nothing canitzp 2236069 2024-02-08 19:22
DnT Stronghold Overhaul This is the Standalone split off version from Dungeons and Taverns Stronghold Rework. It adds 417 Rooms, Unique Stronghold generation, 5 Sub-stronghold sections, a nether portal room chamber, Unique trades Stronghold librarians and on the surface breaking Nova_Wostra 554180 2024-02-08 17:51
F3 Command Adds a command to emulate pressing the F3 keybinds rdh 6 2024-02-08 16:44
Canary A performance mod designed to optimize Minecraft's general performance and unofficial fork of Lithium mod for Minecraft Forge. AbdElAziz333 7245085 2024-02-08 15:52
MT Hammer Little vanilla-like mod that adds some colored hammers MEGATREX4 5 2024-02-08 14:25
Decorative ladders mod 3D ladders with the vanilla wood blocks. Resource pack support ahmed4363 23883 2024-02-08 14:13
Decorative Blocks Some new blocks to build with stohun, lilypuree 41304894 2024-02-08 12:04
Resource Explorer A mod allowing the exploration & exporting of all the resources & packs available to Minecraft, as it sees them. traben_0 56248 2024-02-08 10:15
Light Level Overlay Display This mod adds a NEI like light level display. notbrianbob 1 2024-02-08 09:28
CoffeeG's Supereme Back Back to your lastest death position using "/trigger back" ("/back" alternatives) CoffeeG 1 2024-02-08 03:07
Keep XP on Death [FABRIC] Keeps your xp on death. mastrocaleb 1 2024-02-08 00:12
Lot's More Food [FABRIC] Lots More Food now available for Fabric! Adds over 50+ foods, tools, and items! Legopitstop 3216 2024-02-07 23:29
GlitchCore A library mod aimed at abstracting mod loaders and providing various utilities for our mods. TheAdubbz 6712261 2024-02-07 22:55
DarkWooly - RPG Wool (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG Theme, Get Wool, Terracotta & Concrete from Sheep using a Diamond Sword GamerPotion 1579357 2024-02-07 22:48
DarkWooly - Get More Wool (Fabric/Forge) Get Wool, Terracotta & Concrete from Sheep using a Diamond Sword GamerPotion 1023949 2024-02-07 22:48
Blåhaj Soft toy, shark mod, 16px. hibiscvs 2097 2024-02-07 19:43
Unique Weaponry Unique Weaponry adds new weapons to the game MinecraftBA 17401 2024-02-07 18:48
NBT Exporter Export any items as NBT files! ScenarioPlanet 16 2024-02-07 15:08
Lucky Block Only World Mod For Fabric 1.16.5,1.17.1,1.18.2,1.20.4 This Mod Will Make The Entire World Fully Fill With Lucky Blocks And You Also Can Craft Lucky Blocks SanthoshGaming12345 107265 2024-02-07 13:40
More Buttons This mod add about 240 new Buttons and pulls textures from the block of minecraft vanilla. 00theblackwolf00 19226 2024-02-07 13:21
Cobblemon Megamons Adds Mega Evolution to Cobblemon! cobblemonascension 28 2024-02-07 13:20
Craftable Saplings With this mod you can crafting all saplings and fungus 00theblackwolf00 14056 2024-02-07 13:19
Easy Netherite Ingot An easy way to crafting Netherite Ingot 00theblackwolf00 172735 2024-02-07 13:18
Easy Emerald An easy way to craft emeralds 00theblackwolf00 114648 2024-02-07 13:17
Easy Diamond An easy way to craft diamonds 00theblackwolf00 139953 2024-02-07 13:16
Craft Saddles An easy way to craft Saddles 00theblackwolf00 156075 2024-02-07 13:14
Craft the Totem of Undying With this mod you can craft the Totem Of Undying 00theblackwolf00 261942 2024-02-07 13:12
Visual Sound This mod makes sounds visible. CornierSnow6576 44 2024-02-07 07:14
Botany Trees Allows you to grow trees in small pots. DarkhaxDev 30887025 2024-02-07 05:05
Spoiled Spoiling your food supply since 2020 Mrbysco, ShyNieke 140512 2024-02-07 02:23
NoSignGUI Enables players to toggle the sign editing interface on and off masonion 9 2024-02-07 01:37
DarkCap - RPG Cap Your XP! (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG Theme, Caps the maximum experience level you can get in game GamerPotion 1928883 2024-02-07 01:25
DarkCap - Cap Your XP! (Fabric/Forge) Caps the maximum experience level you can get in game GamerPotion 1207230 2024-02-07 01:25
Level Up Level Up is a Skill Datapack. Level your Skills by playing. zensiert_gamer 14487 2024-02-07 00:21
Mace A simple mod that adds a mace. ThatToaster 35 2024-02-07 00:03
Sleep Tight Sleep and bed overhaul / rework: hammocks, bedbugs, sleeping bags, nightmares, home bed comfort, and dream essence, fully customizable plantspookable, MehVahdJukaar 341441 2024-02-06 23:00
Soothing Button Adds a button to the title screen with the most soothing physics ever! Also, it adds a border touch counter, just tap on the button to make it jump in any direction! Don't forget about sounds, they're also not less soothing! SonicallGameX 25 2024-02-06 19:04
OpenToPublic Allows you to open LAN world to WAN and set server settings BoBkiNN 3020 2024-02-06 14:19
Project Omnipotence A mod that allows you to achieve complete harmony with the surrounding world. ibarnstormer_ 2292 2024-02-06 13:14
Vanilla Plus Tools 3x3 Mining and Digging tools in Vanilla flavor Raycoms, ravenbuilder934 2754716 2024-02-06 13:03
Chromatic Blocks Adds new blocks that can be dyed to almost any hue colderlavalamp 7481 2024-02-06 02:44
DarkSpawn - RPG Teleport to Spawn or Lobby (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG Style, Use a simple command and get teleported to a fixed location (spawn or lobby) GamerPotion 1905194 2024-02-06 00:38
DarkSpawn - Teleport to Spawn or Lobby (Fabric/Forge) Use a simple command and get teleported to a fixed location GamerPotion 984180 2024-02-06 00:38
LambDynamicLights The most feature-complete dynamic lighting mod for Fabric. LambdAurora 19816087 2024-02-05 22:28
ChatUtils A few utilities for your client's chat. HotLava03 2549 2024-02-05 22:05
Fog Looks Good Now [Fabric] Helps fog look better by moving the fog start closer. itsmineblock11 13039 2024-02-05 20:21
Not Enough Crashes (Fabric) When crashing, you can go back to the title screen and keep playing, without needing to restart, alongside other things to make crashes more pleasant. NatanFudge 4172730 2024-02-05 19:31
Not Enough Crashes (Forge) When crashing, you can go back to the title screen and keep playing, without needing to restart, alongside other things to make crashes more pleasant. NatanFudge 5373239 2024-02-05 19:30
Extra Armor Adds a bunch of new armor sets. Includes special effects and set bonuses. Bailym 1118862 2024-02-05 19:03
Blue Skies Blue Skies is survival mod that adds aspects like dimensions, dungeons and more in a light and dark scenario. ModdingLegacy, KingPhygieBoo, silver_david, Lachney 27855378 2024-02-05 18:41
Powah! (Rearchitected) A tech mod that adds various ways to generate, store and transmit Energy. thetechnici4n 30129677 2024-02-05 17:09
Ruby Equipments A Mod that adds Ruby to Minecraft Mystic_Quartz 522 2024-02-05 15:27
More Sleeps This mod adds some effects after you wake up, depending on how you slept Fudge 2385 2024-02-05 09:48
Cosmetic Armor Reworked This mod allows you to wear two sets of armor, one for display, one for function. LainMI 111957909 2024-02-05 09:35
Better Suggestions Makes Minecraft command suggestions more useful. shurik204 5028 2024-02-05 07:59
Freecam A simple, standalone freecam mod. hashalite 3616620 2024-02-05 02:51
nightvision command A mod that controls night vision effects with commands hopeful_liskov68 34 2024-02-05 01:55
Ghastly Wail When a ghast dies in a portal, the frame becomes crying obsidian and shatters. supersaiyansubtlety 3875 2024-02-04 23:54
Mace A simple mod that adds a mace. ThatToaster 7 2024-02-04 22:38
SuperMartijn642's Config Lib Config Lib makes dealing with config files just a bit easier. SuperMartijn642 58408163 2024-02-04 22:28
Horarium Adds the Hourglass, an essential tool for keeping track of time! boyonk913 1021 2024-02-04 22:16
Alessandrv's Enchantments This mod adds vanilla-like enchantments to the game with new mechanics to enhance both singleplayer and multiplayer experience. alessandrv 8067 2024-02-04 19:35
Villainous Fish AI "Next generation Fish AI" MaritheVillain 65572 2024-02-04 17:31
True Darkness [Forge] - Updated Fork An unofficial fork of the 'True Darkness' mod for 1.20.1 Forge dylanjkl 14 2024-02-04 17:11
Dash's Hardcore Overlay Add a days survived counter to your hardcore worlds RedDash16_ 2532 2024-02-04 14:56
Idwtialsimmoedm I didn't want to install a library so I made my own Enchantment Descriptions mod gliscowo 4141683 2024-02-04 13:34
You Die You Lose a Heart [Fabric/Forge] Whenever you die you lose a heart, if you lose all of them you will be forced to go into spectator mode Mars 2256 2024-02-04 13:31
RevampedWolf This mod aims to revamp the wolf mob baguchiMC, Evo_934 17109918 2024-02-04 13:31
Loot Bag (Fabric) Adds a bag that when used gives you 10 random items or blocks msserver 6264 2024-02-04 13:02
JsonPatcher A tool for patching minecrafts json files, without overrding them, using a custom DSL MattiDragon 312 2024-02-04 11:59
Omni-Hopper Break free from the constraints of normal hoppers. Experience true item transportation freedom. enjarai 241494 2024-02-04 10:19
Snuffles Adds Snuffles, a new mob to snowy biomes! schnappdragon 4389246 2024-02-04 09:32
HPHUD A mod that conveniently displays the HP of the entity under the player's crosshair in a convenient location that can be edited. Moonvent 74 2024-02-04 08:03
Random Swords This Mod adds a lot of Random Swords RichyPlays112 4351 2024-02-04 00:29
Tetranomicon Adds Tetra support to other mods' materials. syrikalis 9160161 2024-02-03 23:30
Inventory-Free Disables inventory slots Kirderf1 350894 2024-02-03 19:08
Pixel-Hud Pixel-Hud is here to have a simple and customizable Hud Oiha 1209 2024-02-03 17:55
Stereotypical America Welcome to guns, glory, and Tuckers world. kerbsterman 199 2024-02-03 16:57
Optional Enchants More fantastic and varied enchants to your world! binaris_00 1190 2024-02-03 15:36
Variant Vanilla Blocks [Fabric | Forge] Selection of blocks available in each vanilla wood style XanthianZ 349946 2024-02-03 14:41
Beautify: Refabricated Adds lots of vanilla-styled ways to spice up your builds. Suel_ki, Pandarix 2708571 2024-02-03 14:15
Potion Blender A small mod to merge potion effect into 1 items, allowing for interesting combinations. motivational_dragon 4452034 2024-02-03 14:06
always nightvision A mod that gives your game always nightvision hopeful_liskov68 20 2024-02-03 13:31
DarkGlint - RPG Enchantment Glint RPG Style, Changes the vanilla enchantment glint into a darker blue nebula glint GamerPotion 1670331 2024-02-03 12:44
DarkGlint - Enchantment Glint (Fabric/Forge) Changes the vanilla enchantment glint into a darker blue nebula glint GamerPotion 659749 2024-02-03 12:44
Chalk (Fabric) Fabric port of the Minecraft mod Chalk by mortuusars with some additions. DaFuqsy 3325466 2024-02-03 11:11
Comics Bubbles Chat communicate with players in a more attractive way Thomas7520 168425 2024-02-03 10:37
Concrete Conversion A new way to convert concrete powder to concrete mrp_v2 352220 2024-02-03 03:05
DarkRPG Menu - DarkMenu (RPG Theme) (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) Main Menu From DarkRPG Pack GamerPotion 1536024 2024-02-03 01:25
DarkRPG Menu - DarkMenu (RPG Theme) (Fabric/Forge) Main Menu From DarkRPG Pack GamerPotion 910861 2024-02-03 01:25
Additional Lights All 8 types, 2 types fire, Over 200 variations. mgen256 14194216 2024-02-03 01:23
Kaffee's Dual Ride A tiny mod that allows two players to sit on one horse. cafiee 29803 2024-02-02 21:19
Snowy Spirit Sleds, winter/ christmas themed blocks and villagers ai, gingerbread golems MehVahdJukaar 11310274 2024-02-02 20:56
Caupona Immersive greco-roman style food cuisine mod khjxiaogu 5092981 2024-02-02 19:21
FSMM - Fex's Small Money Mod A Small Mod adding Some "Money" Items to Minecraft. And also an fully working Banking system in the latest version :) Ferdinand 180507 2024-02-02 16:30
Don't Run With Scissors If you run with shears you will take damage! JustDoom 1057 2024-02-02 10:59
Anvil Fix Reborn Anvil Fix Reborn removes the "Too Expensive" mechanic from anvils bsasealteam6 6124 2024-02-02 09:57
Camp Fires Cook Mobs Mobs that die on camp fires drop cooked meat. supersaiyansubtlety 42423 2024-02-02 08:54
Doom's It's Still Explosive Makes the item form of explosives actually explosive! JustDoom 2589 2024-02-02 08:19
Reese's Sodium Options Alternative Options Menu for Sodium FlashyReese 27722429 2024-02-02 03:07
DarkStarter - RPG Starter Login Item Rewards (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG Style, Receive starter items when you first login GamerPotion 1561913 2024-02-02 01:09
DarkStarter - Starter Items (Login Rewards) (Fabric/Forge) Receive starter items when you first login GamerPotion 1003048 2024-02-02 01:09
Marigold Rings An add-on for Marigolds, adds marigold and cornflower flower rings to your world. Beast135 47 2024-02-02 00:55
Happy Go Lucky - RPG Random Teleportation (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG Theme, Randomly Teleports all players to another location every 5 minutes. GamerPotion 542832 2024-02-02 00:52
What The Bucket Fixes some bucket items not leaving an empty bucket behind when used as a recipe ingredient. DarkhaxDev 625924 2024-02-01 21:29
Runelic A runic font for Minecraft. DarkhaxDev 51055142 2024-02-01 21:06
Pig Pen Cipher Adds the pigpen cipher to Minecraft DarkhaxDev 29550373 2024-02-01 21:03
Oh My Sherd A variety of new decorated pot sherds! DarkhaxDev 139984 2024-02-01 20:57
No AI Spawn Eggs Adds spawn eggs that spawn mobs with no AI. DarkhaxDev 64627 2024-02-01 20:54
Environmental Creepers Allows tweaking some explosion properties, like the item drop chance masady 2571907 2024-02-01 20:50
Effect Tooltips Adds tooltips to the potion effect section of the inventory. DarkhaxDev 801963 2024-02-01 20:45
Death Knell Spice up the game with new player death messages. DarkhaxDev 887066 2024-02-01 20:38
Discord Integration (DI) Adds chat linking between Discord and Minecraft and Discord commands to request server data. GeheimagentNr1 183022 2024-02-01 20:37
AttributeFix Removes arbitrary limits on Minecraft's attribute system. DarkhaxDev 111473968 2024-02-01 20:19
Additional Banners A whole new range of banner patterns, to enhance your world! DarkhaxDev 9107277 2024-02-01 20:11
Marigold Flower! Adds a new flower! The marigold! Beast135 7387 2024-02-01 19:29
Compact UI Makes some parts of the Minecraft menu UI more compact MrMelon54 7853 2024-02-01 16:35
AutoJump KeyBind Mod Set up hotkey for autojump. mrDearFox 479 2024-02-01 14:13
Gambler This mod adds a Gambling station to improve your gear! LeKeko 5 2024-02-01 13:58
Visible Offhand Show both hands at the same time! MovTery 2406 2024-02-01 13:56
Corail Pillar Add 2 kinds of rounded pillar shaped and extensible "normal" blocks that perfectly fit to vanilla textures (or your texture pack) using mainly rock and wood blocks - MC 1.8.9 to 1.14.3 Corail_31 2570740 2024-02-01 13:22
Corail Recycler Recycler is an uncrafting table that allows to recycle most of your items (also damaged and enchanted items) and can work with automation & energy storage (1.8.9-1.13.2) Corail_31 716688 2024-02-01 10:34
Cobalt Config Cobalt Config is a simple library that makes dealing with configurations easier. AnonymousHacker1279 16 2024-02-01 04:43
Nasty Mobs A set of nasty, smarter new mobs MacTso, lupicus 1102801 2024-02-01 03:42
King's better animations Uses KosmX's Player Animation mod and GeckoLib to add in better animations kingmaj0r 73 2024-02-01 03:02
Better Leveling This mod adds a functional RPG specialization and skill system into Minecraft. Darkorg69 197359 2024-02-01 00:44
Skin Hotkey Switch skin layers by hotkeys mrDearFox 1317 2024-01-31 22:44
Bedrock Breakers [Fabric | Forge] 2 Tools to break Bedrock XanthianZ 7638 2024-01-31 21:01
Excavator Mod Excavator Mod DancZer1 24796 2024-01-31 20:16
DarkRewards - RPG Item Rewards (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG Theme, Receive a random reward item every 30 minutes while playing GamerPotion 1577415 2024-01-31 18:42
DarkRewards - Item Rewards (Fabric/Forge) Receive a random reward item every 30 minutes while playing GamerPotion 935537 2024-01-31 18:42
Craftable Chainmail Armor by blackwolf With this mod you can craft the Chainmail Armor 00theblackwolf00 223063 2024-01-31 15:50
Bobby Allows for render distances greater than the server's view-distance setting. Johni0702 8313351 2024-01-31 15:41
Blackwolf Library A library for my decorative mods 00theblackwolf00 127494 2024-01-31 15:14
Enhanced Searchability Adds useful search boxes into the UI MrMelon54 17323 2024-01-31 13:15
Simple Voice Chat Subtitles Transcribes players speech from simple voice chat to chat StableDev27 1 2024-01-31 06:04
Bosses of Mass Destruction [Forge | NeoForge] WIP mod that adds boss fights to Minecraft Cerbon 6411900 2024-01-31 04:13
CERBON's API [Forge | Fabric | NeoForge] A library mod for CERBON's Minecraft Mods Cerbon 2044788 2024-01-31 03:52
DarkSmithing - RPG Smithing Template Recipes (Armor Trims) (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG custom recipes for Smithing Templates used in Netherite upgrades and Armor Trims GamerPotion 2331815 2024-01-31 03:18
DarkSmithing - Smithing Template Recipes (Armor Trims) (Fabric/Forge) Custom recipes for Smithing Templates used in Netherite upgrades and Armor Trims GamerPotion 763961 2024-01-31 03:18
Portable Crafting Table This mod adds a Portable Crafting Table(a item) for crafting without the need to place anything 00theblackwolf00 2729073 2024-01-30 23:52
Draggable Lists Draggable resource packs, datapacks, servers and worlds MrMelon54 78247 2024-01-30 23:43
Simple Butchery Bringing a simple Butchering system to Minecraft TheUnknownDad 8425 2024-01-30 20:14
Immersive Foods Official Port of Immersive Food by HedgeHogPie! Reworked and New Foods! EPIIC_THUNDERCAT 33625 2024-01-30 17:05
Enhanced Mob Spawners Adds more functionality to mob spawner block. Change range from 16 to 128 blocks and more! BR4NDER5 3726332 2024-01-30 12:45
Missing Texture Block This mod adds Missing Texture Block. Emery319 3010 2024-01-30 11:18
Foodables This mod adds an assortment of new foods, tools and processes for more food fun in Minecraft. TruthSt 100878 2024-01-30 10:13
Centered Crosshair Centers the crosshair to be perfectly in the middle of the screen JustAlittleWolf 8890 2024-01-30 08:55
Smooth Scrolling Refurbished Changes most scrollbars in the game to scroll smoothly. JustAlittleWolf 34935 2024-01-30 08:50
Server Pinger Fixer Improves pinging speed of the multiplayer server list JustAlittleWolf 6177 2024-01-30 08:43
Mod Detection Preventer Fixes a security vulnerability that allows servers to detect what mods you have installed. JustAlittleWolf 41870 2024-01-30 08:07
Inventory Control Tweaks Tweaks to inventory controls including offhand shift-clicking and dragging out of inventories. supersaiyansubtlety 169654 2024-01-30 05:11
DarkSmelting - RPG Smelt Armor, Tools, Weapons (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG Smelt Armor, Tools, Weapons into their equivalent ingots GamerPotion 1281353 2024-01-30 00:56
DarkSmelting - Smelt Armor, Tools & Weapons (Fabric/Forge) Smelt Armor, Tools and Weapons into their equivalent ingots GamerPotion 573597 2024-01-30 00:56
TerraBlender (NeoForge) A library mod for adding biomes in a simple and compatible manner! TheAdubbz 4562 2024-01-29 22:44
Runtime Hash Updater Update your server resource pack hash while the server is running. robotmonkey1000 315 2024-01-29 21:55
Nemo's Blooming Blossom Generate pink petals when spawning a cherry blossom tree! NemoNotFound 1967 2024-01-29 21:48
Automated Crafting Adds a simple autocrafter block. Has a simple mode and a... not simple mode. supersaiyansubtlety 179192 2024-01-29 21:42
Ranged Pumps Ranged Pumps is a simple mod that adds a pump that pumps liquids in a range. raoulvdberge 53938837 2024-01-29 19:34
Villager Hats Mod Craft and wear villager hats. PinkGoosik 4156760 2024-01-29 18:08
Fancy Smelting Forge, fueled by the unstoppable energy of lava and magma block. P0nni 14 2024-01-29 16:20
Redirector [Modern] Redirect Enum#values() allocation in codes and improve game performance. pOtAto__bOy 6906300 2024-01-29 15:01
Automatic Path Creates path where you walk. lebonq 113729 2024-01-29 14:52
Opulence! Adds tons of cute vanilla-style blocks and furniture. WorldSalad 4833 2024-01-29 10:06
MoreMcmeta (Fabric) Animate almost any Minecraft texture with JSON and OptiFine files. Texture configuration API. 1.16-1.21 soir20 2710467 2024-01-29 07:15
MoreMcmeta (Forge) Animate almost any Minecraft texture with JSON and OptiFine files. Texture configuration API. 1.16-1.21 soir20 136510 2024-01-29 07:15
Messy World Manipulation Enchantment Allows you to take more control of the game, see more information and do some work easier. lovexyn0827 545 2024-01-29 03:18
ItemZoom Shows a zoomed version of the item you hover over. mezz 4260691 2024-01-29 02:56
Inventory Sorting Quick, simple, and lightweight inventory sorting Kyrptonaught 13659311 2024-01-29 02:47
DarkHeads - RPG Player Heads (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG Theme, Drops a player head every time a player dies in Singleplayer and Multiplayer GamerPotion 1615107 2024-01-29 00:46
DarkHeads - Player Heads (Fabric/Forge) Drops a player head every time a player dies in Singleplayer and Multiplayer GamerPotion 834107 2024-01-29 00:46
Enchantment Lore Open enchanted books like written books to read their description and lore. supersaiyansubtlety 2000669 2024-01-28 23:38
Hungrier Always eat food, even when the hunger bar is full! boyonk913 191 2024-01-28 23:33
IlMusu's Enchantments More unique enchantments! IlMusu 39433 2024-01-28 23:33
Ice Boat Nerf Makes it so boats don't go extra fast on ice. supersaiyansubtlety 9680 2024-01-28 22:26
Fast Hoppers It makes hoppers transfer items faster! Or slower, It's your choice! Bananzy7 838 2024-01-28 21:22
kogtyv-WOM Changes the generation of villages to the generation of cities kogtyv 433 2024-01-28 20:28
Just Enough Beacons Reforged [Forge | Fabric | NeoForge] JEI addon to display useful information about beacons. Cerbon 600801 2024-01-28 20:06
Advanced Networking Adds systems for programmable transfer of resources (soon TM) MattiDragon 3590 2024-01-28 17:57
AtlasViewer Ingame texture atlas viewer XFactHD 2204 2024-01-28 17:35
Carry the Nametag When two nametagged animals are bred, carry over the name to the baby. MaritheVillain 758130 2024-01-28 17:12
More Chat History Increases the size of the chat history. JackFred2 2553393 2024-01-28 16:22
Dirt Equipment This mod adds equipment from dirt that is better than netherite and diamond armor!!! Hummel009 3980 2024-01-28 15:14
Explorer's Gear A mod about making exploration easier and more enjoyable! Purplik 10 2024-01-28 13:13
Keep That Music Stops Minecraft from interrupting Music darkandblue1 1629 2024-01-28 11:21
SmoothCoasters Significantly enhances roller coasters bergerhealer, 56738 63080 2024-01-28 07:53
Museum Curator Provides checklist for collecting every item in Minecraft dividesBy0 5325 2024-01-28 05:31
Epic weapons and items This mod offers a variety of random items and tools, ranging from easy to very difficult to obtain. frogggiboy 3515 2024-01-28 03:19
Concentrated Adds "Concentrated" stone blocks for mining and storage StarlightAR 1508 2024-01-28 00:47
AnvilAPI Provides the ability to add custom anvil recipes. Hantonik 1120 2024-01-28 00:38
Dimensional Tracker Color names depending on the player's dimension NikitaCartes2 403 2024-01-28 00:34
Sodium Extra Features that shouldn't be in Sodium FlashyReese 27700610 2024-01-28 00:19
Discernment Adds an enchantment and mob effect that prevent a living entity that isn't sneaking from hurting any other living entity that isn't on a custom name blacklist, and is either peaceful, a player, owned, or is on a custom name whitelist Phylogeny 3141 2024-01-27 19:37
Elytra Aeronautics Fly faster the higher you fly! You can also add unlimited amounts of cloud layers! Soulphur 13917 2024-01-27 17:08
Waterlogged Redstone It adds things like repeater, comparator, buttons and lever that can be placed underwater. The_Millman 826088 2024-01-27 17:06
Votifier for Fabric Let your players vote and get rewards MuriPlz 1078 2024-01-27 16:55
Good Tea Make tea out of anything! melontini 1588 2024-01-27 16:49
Tool Upgrades Upgrade your tools, weapons and armor with modifiers! XxRexRaptorxX 257593 2024-01-27 14:31
Craftable Suspicious Blocks Allows you to craft Suspicious Sand & Suspicious Gravel LautnerGames 586 2024-01-27 14:06
Renewable Blackstone Allows you to craft Renewable Blackstone, using Charcoal or smelting cobblestone in a Blast Furnace. LautnerGames 591 2024-01-27 14:04
Simple Voice Chat Enhanced Groups A server side Fabric mod providing useful features to Simple Voice Chat groups. henkelmax 28554 2024-01-27 13:04
BeamPass A mod that will let beacon beam pass through some blocks like the lodestone! Emafire003 704 2024-01-27 12:09
Zombie Conversion This is a little mod that adds a gamrule to guarantee the infection of a villager regardless of difficulty. DasBlackfur 1752 2024-01-27 12:00
Defaulted Drops Library to make blocks with no loot tables drop themselves. Only affects mods that opt-in. supersaiyansubtlety 566 2024-01-27 07:33
NiftyBlocks NiftyBlocks is a creative and survival-friendly mod that adds in various materials, lawn flamingos, decorations, 72 road signs, and much much more! shmeggels 2102496 2024-01-27 02:40
WF's Cave Overhaul Wicked new noise caves for a wild new adventure. Maximally compatible with other mods. WunderFunct 232800 2024-01-26 23:10
Flight Potion A Minecraft mod, that adds some features related to survival flight. DroidDude 102348 2024-01-26 23:07
True Darkness [Fabric] - Updated Fork An updated fork of the 'True Darkness' mod for 1.20+ on Fabric HaXr 106887 2024-01-26 18:04
Spider Caves Adds a spider cave biome and a spider armor HexagonNico 2948 2024-01-26 17:52
Upcycle! (Compost Rotten Flesh!) Allows you to upcycle trash like rotten flesh & spider eyes in the composter to bone meal! XxRexRaptorxX 117330 2024-01-26 15:53
TriQue API A small library mod for compatibility between mods. TriQue 200108 2024-01-26 15:49
Block Detective This mod shows you the properties of all blocks! Useful for map makers and redstoner! XxRexRaptorxX 2741 2024-01-26 14:31
Particle Spawner (Just enough Particles!) Adds new particle blocks that beautify your world! XxRexRaptorxX 7706 2024-01-26 14:17
Colorful Subtitles Changes the color of subtitles based on their sound category. haykam 609484 2024-01-26 07:16
Eye Spy Server-sided ping and rangefinding functionality for the Spyglass. JackFred2 1228 2024-01-26 05:10
Mini Effects (Fabric) Automatically folds status effects view in inventory screen Snownee 1511201 2024-01-26 04:59
FiltPick Enables you to pick up items selectively A_Peng215 4066 2024-01-26 04:27
DarkMobs - RPG Mob Difficulty (Dark Souls Like Mobs) (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG Increase difficulty of mobs making them harder to kill and making it a challenge GamerPotion 1344398 2024-01-25 23:36
DarkMobs - Increase Mob Difficulty (Dark Souls Like Mobs) (Fabric/Forge) Increases difficulty of mobs making them harder to kill and making it a challenge GamerPotion 798899 2024-01-25 23:36
Anvil Crushing Recipes Define what happens when an anvil lands on blocks or entities. Data driven. supersaiyansubtlety 11135 2024-01-25 04:04
DarkMining - RPG Block Drops (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG Theme, Get even more drops when mining blocks GamerPotion 1859910 2024-01-24 23:57
DarkMining - Better Block Drops (Fabric/Forge) Get even more drops when mining blocks GamerPotion 1177275 2024-01-24 23:57
Just Enough Professions (JEP) A JEI addon that adds profession workstations Mrbysco, ShyNieke 44992216 2024-01-24 23:32
Bed Benefits Adds some additional benefits to sleeping. DarkhaxDev 6222246 2024-01-24 21:59
Customizable Documents & Identification Configurable Mod for creating in-game "documents" for roleplay/realism on your Minecraft Server. Ferdinand 38631 2024-01-24 19:42
Ease Out Night Vision Add ease out effect instead of pulsing when Night Vision effect is running out semper1dem 648731 2024-01-24 19:19
No Night Vision Flickering (Fabric) Changes flickering effect of Night Vision to gentle fade out semper1dem 643995 2024-01-24 19:19
BackTools Renders the last used tool in player's back DaniK1ngRD 38859 2024-01-24 14:08
Stray drop blue ice this mod makes stray drop blue ice sick_morse9193247 0 2024-01-24 11:30
DarkInventory - RPG Keep Inventory On (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG Style, Keep your inventory items after death GamerPotion 1659837 2024-01-24 10:12
DarkInventory - Keep Inventory On (Fabric/Forge) Keep your inventory items after death GamerPotion 1072293 2024-01-24 10:12
DarkQuesting - RPG Quests (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG Quest Mod with Advancement based Quests and Casino GamerPotion 2093170 2024-01-24 09:07
DarkQuesting - Custom Quests (Fabric/Forge) Quest Mod with Advancement based Quests and Casino GamerPotion 1434274 2024-01-24 09:07
DarkLoot - RPG Mob Loot & Heads (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG Style, Killing mobs gives you better mob loot & head drops GamerPotion 2074948 2024-01-24 02:08
DarkLoot - Better Mob Loot & Heads (Fabric/Forge) Killing mobs gives you better mob loot & head drops GamerPotion 1368705 2024-01-24 02:08
Tools and armor of Obsidian [FORGE & FABRIC] This mod add a full set of tools, armor an a bow, all of obsidian 00theblackwolf00 85393 2024-01-23 23:42
Saitama-OnePunchMan [FORGE & FABRIC] This mod give you the power and invincibility of Saitama, from One Punch Man 00theblackwolf00 132017 2024-01-23 23:42
Variant Lecterns [Fabric] Lecterns from all wood types XanthianZ 35182 2024-01-23 22:43
Fungal Infection: Spore More This Mod adds more Spore Weapons and Items to the Spore Mod RichyPlays112 454 2024-01-23 22:33
Variant Beehives [Fabric | Quilt] Beehives from all Wood Types XanthianZ 466015 2024-01-23 22:25
Gilded Sherds Potery sherds with a gilded twist! DarkhaxDev 11244 2024-01-23 17:43
SmacksUtils This mod implenets a simple Veinminer and lets you place blocks very fast. smack_plays 274 2024-01-23 16:25
Deactivate Riptide Flight Disables flying using trident with riptide enchantment. Riptide enchantment is not removed but have no effect. Thanatoros 3872 2024-01-23 15:16
Customized Tridents Customize tridents by changing power of riptide flight, choosing where/when you can use riptide or changing duration of trident charging. Thanatoros 3351 2024-01-23 15:15
Better Allay Customize how allay differentiates between potions and tipped arrows. Optionally can make allays pick up items even when mob griefing is off and set time for how long allay likes noteblock. Thanatoros 30670 2024-01-23 15:14
Winterly Winter expansion mod adding cold and sloppy stuff. PinkGoosik, VioletSomik 4277923 2024-01-23 09:16
Menulogue A wrapper mod that makes Mod Menu config entrypoint compatible with Catalogue MrCrayfish 1958877 2024-01-23 03:59
Glow Ink Plus Add more functions to the glow ink, in this mod you can make the wool and carpets glow anvian 76285 2024-01-23 02:32
Catalogue A universal mod list menu for all modloaders! MrCrayfish 24415924 2024-01-23 02:20
DarkRTP - RTP RPG Random Teleport (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG Theme, Random Teleport (RTP) allows you to teleport to random locations GamerPotion 2051737 2024-01-23 01:20
DarkRTP - RTP Random Teleport (Fabric/Forge) A Random Teleport mod allowing you to teleport to random locations GamerPotion 1277129 2024-01-23 01:20
Rocket Jumping Adds a simple rocket jumping feature thederptastic 10 2024-01-23 01:16
DarkTimer - RPG Clear Entity Lag (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG Style, Automatically clears and removes dropped items every 10 minutes to reduce server lag GamerPotion 2154558 2024-01-23 00:55
DarkTimer - Clear Entity Lag (Fabric/Forge) Automatically clears and removes dropped items every 10 minutes to reduce server lag GamerPotion 1178373 2024-01-23 00:55
All Arrows Infinity Fix Forces Infinity enchantment to work with all arrows in 1.16 - 1.21. Forge, Fabric, and NeoForge Jackbusters 1108329 2024-01-23 00:36
Forgeshot Take high quality screenshots carmello 32216 2024-01-23 00:30
Retraining Allows you to recycle villager trades Mrbysco 353379 2024-01-23 00:05
DarkBindings - RPG Recipes to Craft (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) RPG Theme, Craft non-vanilla recipes including things like Diamond, Emerald, Iron, Bell, Saddles, Horse Armor, Anvil Repair, Chainmail, and much more! GamerPotion 1917737 2024-01-22 23:55
DarkBindings - 100+ Recipes to Craft (Fabric/Forge) Craft non-vanilla recipes including Diamond, Emerald, Iron, Bell, Saddles, Horse Armor, Anvil Repair, Chainmail, and much more! GamerPotion 1355187 2024-01-22 23:55
Towelette Mod that allows waterlogging with any fluid (fluidlogging) Virtuoel 40788 2024-01-22 21:48
Sanderk35's /spawn Adds /spawn to your game Sanderk35 57 2024-01-22 19:23
InvPeek A small library that allows players to view into small inventories that lack GUIs, such as Armor Stands and Chiseled Bookshelves. Cammie 6 2024-01-22 18:00
Distant Friends Player like mobs that look at you from a distance Mrbysco 1299959 2024-01-22 16:11
Warden Tools Warden Tools adds new Warden gear and Echo Staff! TriQue 1005736 2024-01-22 14:40
Bleached Fabric mod that adds Bleach. IdentityTheft__ 1207 2024-01-22 12:11
A.V.A - Alliance of Valiant Arms Guns (Light) The light version of A.V.A Minecraft Guns Mod pelluciddice 4589 2024-01-22 09:14
Forge Config API Port NeoForge's & Forge's config systems provided to other modding ecosystems. Designed for a multiloader architecture. Fuzs 30130712 2024-01-22 08:36
Simple Close Button Adds a close button to most inventory screens. LordEnder_Kitty 12241 2024-01-22 08:10
Offline Player Teleport Adds a command that can be used to teleport to players that are currently offline. haykam 238 2024-01-22 06:24
Bigger Better End Cities Rewrites end city generation to be bigger and better TheArchitects777 522455 2024-01-22 03:56
Infinisting A very simple mod that makes it so bees no longer die after stinging a player Yeleefff 56 2024-01-22 01:52
Easy Magic [Forge & Fabric] Enchanting tables as they always should have been! Items stay after closing, and easy re-rolls. Fuzs 36228580 2024-01-21 22:39
Full Turtle Armor Completes the turtle armor set. Forge, Fabric, & NeoForge Jackbusters 1014234 2024-01-21 22:36
Block Slabs Two Slabs in One Block! TheUnknownDad 256 2024-01-21 19:29
Stoneworks [Forge & Fabric] Vanilla stone types in plenty of variations for all your building needs. Fuzs 11985116 2024-01-21 18:53
WarMachines War Machines is a mod that aims to add semi-realistic firearms and other weaponry from all ages of history into Minecraft! Currently most features of this mod are experimental, so issues and bugs are to be expected! General 156 2024-01-21 18:49
AllStackable (Fabric) A highly customizable Fabric Mod that makes items stackable and changes their stack size. Conn_Lost 48896 2024-01-21 16:30
Phantom Loader Phantom Loader is a library that automates part of the process of creating Minecraft mods for multiple mod loaders by generating loader-specific code at build time. HexagonNico 3267 2024-01-21 16:25
Better Impaling Impaling deals extra damage to mobs touching water or rain, ensuring parity with Bedrock Edition boyonk913 22782 2024-01-21 15:04
Better Ping Display Displays ping in milliseconds in the player list in a configurable way Quintinity 5202448 2024-01-21 03:01
Gemperience A mod that adds gem grinding and a lot of ores! ThisMight 24 2024-01-21 02:50
Desperate Measures Turn those monsters into food! TheUnknownDad 17204 2024-01-21 01:24
Horsing Around Track your hunger while riding a mount and teleport tamed animals with ease! Mrbysco, ShyNieke 10505 2024-01-20 23:40
Air Hop A new enchantment for jumping while in midair. Not once, not twice, but three times! Fuzs 1609217 2024-01-20 23:08
Better Tridents [Forge & Fabric] You didn’t know your trident could do that! A crafting recipe, better loyalty, and more! Fuzs 9254367 2024-01-20 22:43
Groomba Little grass cutting roombas Mrbysco 13 2024-01-20 22:10
Don't Make Me Turn This Boat Around Rotate the boat to face the direction you were facing Mrbysco 16019 2024-01-20 20:01
Squake Fabric Updated A Upgrade to Squake to let it run on 1.20 thederptastic 2145 2024-01-20 18:51
Biome Backlog Adds content from the biome votes of 2018 and 2019, namely the Desert, Savanna and Badlands. camcam_burger, bagu_chan500 22431 2024-01-20 15:25
Actually Unbreaking [Fabric] makes the unbreaking enchantment actually make tools unbreakable! wutdahack 60487 2024-01-20 15:14
Actually Unbreaking [Forge] makes the unbreaking enchantment actually make tools unbreakable! wutdahack 84380 2024-01-20 15:03
Create: Oxidized Create: Oxidized brings oxidizing recipes to the Create mod pyzpre 6486 2024-01-20 14:21
I shall install whatever I want A Minecraft mod that allows clients to bypass having to install certain mods present on a server, as well as bypassing having to install server resource packs. Dev 35 2024-01-20 12:32
Create Air [Forge] A port of jc776's Copper Lungs made to work with Fuzss' Thin Air. Silopante 200102 2024-01-20 11:59
Fabric Brand Spoof Hides the fact that you're using fabric from servers PSJahn 113 2024-01-20 10:27
Better Animations Collection Changing the in-game models to allow for better animations and subtle effects. Fuzs 11288700 2024-01-20 10:25
Magnum Torch Powerful torches to prevent mob spawns around your home in a large area. Fuzs 21624974 2024-01-20 09:40
Sturdy Vehicles Changes which items are dropped by minecarts. Also adds some quality of life recipes. supersaiyansubtlety 1044 2024-01-20 04:33
Sturdy Carts Change which items are dropped by minecarts, craft 'Thing Minecart's back into a 'Thing' and a Minecart supersaiyansubtlety 803 2024-01-20 04:33
Auto Crouch Automatically crouches when opening a GUI MrMelon54 2940 2024-01-20 00:43
Extra Armor Info It shows more about the armor you are wearing! PiemanDev, MrMelon54 8496 2024-01-20 00:37
Server Datapack Helper A mod that helps in the creation of server side content. srfennec 50 2024-01-20 00:34
Repurposed Structures - Friends and Foes Compat Mod Add Copper Golems and Beekeepers to RS Villages telepathicgrunt 2928 2024-01-20 00:23
Better Christmas Chests Custom textures for Enderchests and trapped chests and Christmas MrMelon54 17639 2024-01-20 00:03
Legacies and Legends A complete and highly atmospheric soundtrack, immersion and lore expansion, with a few new items and structures to boot. rebel0459 143764 2024-01-19 23:50
Measurements Allows measuring distance using a tape measure. Mrbysco 10077698 2024-01-19 23:45
Better Resource Pack Sorting Upgrades the sorting used for resource packs MrMelon54 4541 2024-01-19 23:09
Yeleefff's Enderite A mod that adds a successor to netherite, enderite, and does so in a vanilla fashion. Yeleefff 1030 2024-01-19 22:42
Jammies Have mobs dance next to active jukeboxes Mrbysco, ShyNieke 5301 2024-01-19 18:20
Tortillas (Forge & Fabric) This mod adds classic Spanish omelette and a beetroot version, along with a craftable frying pan as a weapon. restonic4 488 2024-01-19 14:07
Status Effect Timer Overlay a timer on the Vanilla status effect HUD icons (fabric mod) magicus 238765 2024-01-19 12:57
PeacefulSurface peaceful than normal LainMI 342561 2024-01-19 06:08
PeacefulSurface (Fabric) peaceful than normal LainMI 19756 2024-01-19 06:06
Better F3 Plus A mod that allows you to toggle information on the debug menu. chpas_ 100868 2024-01-19 03:45
Simple Voice Chat Radio A server-side Simple Voice Chat addon mod for Fabric adding a radio block capable of streaming mp3 radio streams. henkelmax 5612 2024-01-19 02:57
Illegal Stack Fixer Resets stack count to maximum stack size MrMelon54 6474 2024-01-19 01:09
Bedrock Destroyer Removes bedrock from players MrMelon54 471 2024-01-19 01:03
Multiple Server Lists Adds more server lists MrMelon54 1632 2024-01-19 00:26
Guinea Pigs A Small mod that add Adorable Guinea Pigs to Minecraft! twins730 6247 2024-01-18 21:36
Rain should extinguish campfires Rain extinguish campfires if outside. restonic4 17708 2024-01-18 17:30
Carpet Extra Additional features for the carpet mod gnembon 1104953 2024-01-18 16:20
MineMath MineMath - Your Mathematical GUI Calculator Companion in Minecraft Oiha 1074 2024-01-18 15:45
Ore detector [All loaders] You will be able to know if there are ores underneath. restonic4 1257 2024-01-18 15:34
Easy Redstone Extras Vertical waterproof redstone, resisters, benders (forced connections), etc. MacTso, lupicus 130028 2024-01-18 05:09
AppleSkin Adds some useful information about food/hunger to the HUD squeek502 232441838 2024-01-18 04:38
Whisperoo Adds /reply command using the Vanilla whispering system Muri 2 2024-01-18 04:11
Harder Cheating Some anti-cheating mods MacTso 4081 2024-01-18 01:06
Better Ping Display [Fabric] Displays ping in milliseconds in the player list in a configurable way Quintinity 4690893 2024-01-17 23:39
RestApi An API for fabric and forge mods development restonic4 2797 2024-01-17 22:38
Most Arrows Infinity Fix A balanced, configurable, fix to the Infinity enchantment. Forge & Fabric Jackbusters 9755 2024-01-17 20:19
BedrockWaters Ports over various biome water colors from Bedrock Edition! 2Retr0 236870 2024-01-17 19:40
Friends&Foes - Flowery Mooblooms (Forge/NeoForge) An addon for the Friends&Foes mod, adding one moobloom variant for each flower. Faboslav 511163 2024-01-17 19:35
Lava Walker [Forge/Fabric] You can walk over lava without any fear. mikndesu 86239 2024-01-17 17:18
Unnamed Desert Structures Additional structures for the desert and badlands biomes, focusing on an immersive expansion for the vanilla game while simultaneously providing new content to explore. unnamedgl1tch 1813 2024-01-17 15:26
Solid Mobs - [Fabric & Forge] Gives mobs collisions & interactions like blocks. traben_0 59001 2024-01-17 13:10
Fancy Chests A fully configurable client-side chest animation improvement mod. Forge & Fabric Jackbusters 4112 2024-01-17 08:07
TurnBasedMC Puts RPG style turn based combat into Minecraft! burnedkirby 6761 2024-01-17 06:10
Gadgets 'n Gizmos Adds an array of different trinkets and toys StyStatic 54 2024-01-17 05:55
More Bricks Plus Addon mod for More Bricks that adds Polished and Brick wall variants for Granite, Andesite and Diorite. rebel0459 1 2024-01-17 05:24
Warden Horn Adds a Warden Horn capable of firing Sonically Charged Shrieks. Forge & Fabric Jackbusters 113395 2024-01-17 02:39
Custom Fog A mod giving you more control over fog! Setadokalo 323437 2024-01-17 01:43
Item Framen't Allows item frames to go invisible with a splash potion ShyNieke, Mrbysco 4329 2024-01-17 01:39
Better Than Mending A small quality of life tweak to the Mending enchantment legobmw99 6822847 2024-01-17 01:33
Item Banning Ban specific items from showing up pitbox46 582603 2024-01-16 20:00
XXL Packets XXL Packets is a fork of XL Packets which raises the packet size limit from 2MB to the Java Integer limit (2.147483647 GB) and adds support for more mod loaders. Lazul1ne 44978 2024-01-16 19:03
Overwhelmed Overhauling and adding new features to the Overworld's surface! butter_cheesenull, Codetoil, ABlackPikatchu, CapsuleJ 13673 2024-01-16 18:45
Wraith Waystones A better way of transport LordDeatHunter 21245848 2024-01-16 17:24
key's Wild Temperatures A temperature mod expanding on vanilla mechanics to make the game a bit more difficult but doesn't require learning complex new mechanics! keyschain 15 2024-01-16 16:35
Four Elemental Swords [FORGE & FABRIC] This mod adds four elemental swords and a special sword with different power and effects 00theblackwolf00 360431 2024-01-16 15:23
Better Hurt Timer A Minecraft mod that removes damage immunity and fixes hurt animations Awekyuwusu 631602 2024-01-16 14:52
Entity Enchantment This mod adds enchantments for entities davidqf555 26306 2024-01-16 12:42
Corail Woodcutter A sawmill for wooden recipes similar to the StoneCutter, with default support for Biomes O' Plenty, Twilight Forest, Quark & The Midnight and a command to generate datapack Corail_31 23706775 2024-01-16 09:48
Enderswords (Fabric/Forge) Give your vanilla swords some useful teleporting mechanics! purejosh 4518 2024-01-16 06:02
Less Clutter Tries to clean up some of minecrafts "features". (vignette, crosshair, Held Item Tooltip, stance smoothing, recepie book, tooltips) sfort__ 1804 2024-01-16 02:49
Block History A server utility that keeps track of placing/destroying of blocks Mrbysco 8238 2024-01-16 02:39
toothless meme toothless meme in Minecraft gr0oze 19 2024-01-15 18:45
The Bleach Mod Drinkable Bleach and Windex jdawg3636 33412 2024-01-15 14:11
Improved Signs Improvements for your signs and frames on your Fabric/Quilt server. Passthrough signs, retain sign text, copy signs & more! CleverCorvid 231286 2024-01-15 05:46
PlaceableSpeech Allows words to show up in game TheUnknownDad 3260 2024-01-15 05:44
RemoveHUD RemoveHUD allows you to customize everything about Minecraft's HUD. Originally called Remove Hud But Not hand, the mod has evolved into a full HUD editor where user's can tweak the HUD to their exact liking. izzydotexe 8158 2024-01-15 04:34
Steel and Stuff (Lebothegizebo) This mod adds new decorative blocks to Minecraft, such as mycelial blocks, and more! Lebothegizebo 1 2024-01-15 01:51
Premium Wood A mod adding some trees, and other simple wood blocks. ModdingLegacy, KingPhygieBoo 133699 2024-01-14 20:42
FZMM A fabric mod that is mainly for editing or creating NBT of items in creative but it also has a few utilities Zailer43_ 722 2024-01-14 18:54
Moolands It's better if you see it for yourself... ModdingLegacy, Lachney, KingPhygieBoo 85801 2024-01-14 18:30
ImageToWorld A mod for loading images into your world. iamaprogramer 905 2024-01-14 17:44
BanHammer! Simple, customisable punishment utility mod for Fabric Patbox 509195 2024-01-14 14:35
Adventure Map Utilities Different Utilities like keybinds for adventure maps Caoten_hoch2 522 2024-01-14 14:11
Perfect Accuracy Removes any inaccuracy from projectiles shot/thrown by players Fourmisain 59651 2024-01-14 12:37
Better Golems Make your Iron Golems better and stronger! bagu_chan500, Evo_934 4273756 2024-01-14 12:32
Inventory Binds A mod that adds buttons with binds directly to the inventory promej 3 2024-01-14 11:38
FastQuit Lets you return to the Title Screen early while your world is still saving in the background! KingContaria 1254274 2024-01-14 11:32
Neko:Enchant Add Some funny and pragmatic enchantment book AnMao 3627 2024-01-14 07:31
NekoEnchantment Add Some funny and pragmatic enchantment book AnMao 1244 2024-01-14 07:31
TorchBowMod Bow that can shoot and set up torches noriokun4649 2876799 2024-01-14 05:59
The Farlanders This mod adds more Ender creatures to the game allowing the player to have more choices to trade, tame and enemies to battle. ModdingLegacy, Lachney, KingPhygieBoo 4046641 2024-01-14 05:53
Scuba Gear A simple mod that adds some helpful underwater scuba gear. ModdingLegacy, KingPhygieBoo 11970576 2024-01-14 05:20
Miner's Helmet A mod that simply adds a helmet with dynamic lighting. ModdingLegacy, silver_david, KingPhygieBoo 10116792 2024-01-14 05:19
Randomite Classic A mod that adds a singular ore that drops a random assortment of items. Originally created by scokeev9. ModdingLegacy, KingPhygieBoo 4374731 2024-01-14 05:16
Step Step up your vanilla experience with this mod that adds a balanced Stepping enchantment that allows you to walk up entire blocks. ModdingLegacy, KingPhygieBoo 4028080 2024-01-14 05:09
Dash A dashing mod that adds a new enchant to boots allowing you to dash around. ModdingLegacy, KingPhygieBoo 3292227 2024-01-14 05:08
Leap Take a leap forward with this simple mod that adds a new enchantment that allows you to double jump! ModdingLegacy, KingPhygieBoo 4589394 2024-01-14 05:07
Good Night's Sleep Your dreams are new worlds for you to explore. ModdingLegacy, KingPhygieBoo 3382503 2024-01-14 04:56
Damage Indicator Mod A simple damage indicator mod hamusuke2303 12584 2024-01-14 04:38
Auto Restart Adds auto restarting to Minecraft servers. GeheimagentNr1 75374 2024-01-13 23:36
Advanced Shields - NeoForge! Lets you get more shields with vanilla materials but with NeoForge Rajhab 18 2024-01-13 23:35
Crossbow Expansion Five new Crossbows, all with unique mechanics while keeping a vanilla feel. 5dcd4a78463c 564 2024-01-13 18:28
MoreFlowerPots (FABRIC) Adds 34 new types of Flower Pots Zero_DSRS_VX 4217 2024-01-13 17:47
Soul fire'd Let Soul Fire burn! CrystalSpider 345686 2024-01-13 13:33
EMI Trades (Villager Trading EMI Plugin) Villager trading for EMI. fzzyhmstrs, Flamarine 572995 2024-01-13 13:25
Gadgets of the Sky Adds various gadgets, useful for travel, combat and more. MattiDragon 104 2024-01-13 11:33
FancyMenu [Fabric] Minecraft menus, but much more fancy! Customize menu screens with animations & more! Keksuccino 13017477 2024-01-13 07:20
Herd Mentality Attacking a mob will aggrevate nearby mobs of the same type. DarkhaxDev 344657 2024-01-13 03:20
Better Burning Improves the burning and fire mechanics of Minecraft. DarkhaxDev 9638621 2024-01-13 01:52
Bad Mobs A mod to blacklist mobs from spawning. DarkhaxDev 21977777 2024-01-13 01:48
Shoppy [Fabric/Forge] A shop/bartering mod that accepts items or currency. thethonk 653163 2024-01-13 01:10
DisFabric & DisForge A simple but complete Fabric/Forge <> Discord chat bridge. brforgers, Allan181 11190 2024-01-12 21:52
Seamless Loading Screen A fabric mod that takes a screenshot of the game when you leave a world or server,and displays it when you rejoin it Minenash 645012 2024-01-12 20:47
Masonry Create new decorative blocks using the Stonecutter! Shadow, Girafi, Vequinox 5277490 2024-01-12 19:41
Compass Ribbon Simple compass HUD chrono_t 46772 2024-01-12 18:35
Bosses of Mass Destruction WIP mod that adds boss fights to minecraft Barribob 18061412 2024-01-12 15:10
Dimensional ItemGate Control dimension access using inventory items Mrbysco 1745 2024-01-12 15:01
Spell Checker This mod compares what you type in chat with the selected list of dictionary words. Mrbysco 16062 2024-01-12 14:19
TLA Api An abstraction layer over recipe viewer apis for minecraft. MattiDragon 191 2024-01-12 12:58
Modern KeyBinding [Fabric] Add key conflict context and key modifier for FabricMC MikhailTapio 173660 2024-01-12 12:03
TipTheScales Allows for more options when adjusting the GUIScale option as well as making it a slider. Jaredlll08 47841034 2024-01-12 06:33
Dungeons Plus A mod that adds some simple Vanilla+ styled dungeons, while showcasing the Structure Gel API. ModdingLegacy, silver_david 18920223 2024-01-12 05:48
DarkRooms Brings back the old dark room mechanic for farming flowers easily! Jaredlll08 25105 2024-01-12 03:58
No-Shade Removes all shadows on text. Jaredlll08 41524 2024-01-12 03:56
Clumps Clumps XP orbs together to reduce lag Jaredlll08 212105202 2024-01-12 03:50
BigShot Allows you to take big, high quality screenshots. Jaredlll08 14141 2024-01-12 03:45
Faux Custom Entity Data This API provides the framework and necessary patches for storing custom and persistent data onto entities. Jaredlll08, DarkhaxDev 2815791 2024-01-12 02:47
The Grenge Dimension the grenge Dimension is simple effective_madness 36 2024-01-12 02:27
Disenchanter A flexible Disenchanter because loot shouldn't go to waste gliscowo 1259577 2024-01-11 21:06
Visible Barriers Making barriers visible and other mapmaking help. AmyMialee 25311 2024-01-11 19:35
TemporalSmith: Aetheric Arsenal Expansion A Minecraft mod that adds more armour and tools RealYusufIsmail 5807 2024-01-11 19:23
DeathLog Keeps track of the many embarrassing times you died gliscowo 2670699 2024-01-11 18:31
Interactic Refined item interactions gliscowo 3156597 2024-01-11 18:19
Enchantment Reveal [Forge | Fabric] A mod that let's you see all of the enchantments you'll get in the enchantment table CrownSheep 3813 2024-01-11 16:05
Earth2Java This mod add mobs and items from Minecraft Earth to Minecraft Java Edition. Slexom 3830457 2024-01-11 14:53
IgnisChat A mod that converts romaji to kanji kana for Fabric/Legacy Fabric. pitan76 75 2024-01-11 13:23
Blackwolf Library - Fabric A library for my decorative Fabric mods 00theblackwolf00 24494 2024-01-11 10:21
Destruction Difficulty Increase the difficulty of breaking blocks. MovTery 144 2024-01-11 09:55
Suspicious Pots This mod sometimes spawns small monsters such as silverfish, endermites or baby husks when destroying pots! XxRexRaptorxX 786 2024-01-11 07:48
Crazy Cats Adds Crazy Cats into minecraft RoyalReject_ 1 2024-01-11 04:06
Variable Spawner Hardness (Forge & Fabric) Make Minecraft spawners harder to break depending on your difficulty. Paint_Ninja 528243 2024-01-10 21:58
Philosophers stone The philosopher's stone is a legendary alchemical substance capable of turning base metals such as copper or iron into gold. pintergabor 338 2024-01-10 16:49
CriticaLib This is a library mod that adds a critical flag to living entity, and this crit flag can be shared other mods. hamusuke2303 14575 2024-01-10 16:40
Extended Drawers Adds drawers and more MattiDragon 1361776 2024-01-10 15:00
Sign Edit Lite Add color and formatting options to signs. pintergabor 1917 2024-01-10 14:53
Pet Armor Craft armor for your wolves VictoryP04 3034 2024-01-10 12:50
Adventure Redefined Refactors Minecraft's music to be dynamic and reactive, including new fantasy and celtic tracks to give an air of adventure. CircuitLord 94 2024-01-10 09:21
Tanzanite Ore and Hammers Adds 2 potions, hammers, new ore and others Alkra 267 2024-01-10 08:15
Discs Where Discs Shouldn't Be Adds 14 vanilla inspired music discs into your game! Codewyrm 4525 2024-01-10 06:07
Sticker Frames Item frames that render their contents flat Mrbysco, ShyNieke 90 2024-01-09 22:51
Wiretap A server-side Simple Voice Chat addon mod for Fabric, that adds a microphone and a speaker block. henkelmax 3528 2024-01-09 22:05
EpheroLib Fabric/Forge library mod to make it a bit easier to develop mods for both platforms thethonk 15938063 2024-01-09 21:47
Off Hand Combat [Fabric] Allows for double handed fighting styles without breaking the combat Awekyuwusu 5886 2024-01-09 20:02
Off Hand Combat [Forge] Allows for double handed fighting styles without breaking the combat" Awekyuwusu 1860970 2024-01-09 19:59
Placeable Mobs Placeable Mobs allows you to add poseable mobs that don't move! TheUnknownDad 8962 2024-01-09 19:41
Datamancer The must have tool for datapack developers and command enthusiasts Trivaxy 118 2024-01-09 18:30
CMDCam Be camera & actor at the same time - Smooth camera paths CreativeMD 1509288 2024-01-09 13:36
Friendermite Enderman will not attack Endermite CreativeMD 12435793 2024-01-09 13:27
Proper Mobcap Modifier Fabric Modifies mobcaps, etc. in the original enum (highly compatible) vlad2305m 18866 2024-01-09 12:23
Limited Respawns A mod that makes it so you can only respawn a certain amount of times until you run out. MianReplicate 12934 2024-01-09 08:45
Loxi's Limited Lives A mod that makes it so you only have limited lives until you die forever! LoxiGoose 1715 2024-01-09 08:45
Mouse Key Inventory Fix Fixes the almost ten-year-old issue with mouse key binds not working in inventories Elephant_1214 11347 2024-01-09 00:43
TheMCBrosLib Library mod for our mods TheMCBrothers, TheMCLoveMan, TheMCCrazyMan 40997 2024-01-08 23:44
RealYusufIsmail Core A library for all my mods RealYusufIsmail 32929 2024-01-08 21:40
Localized Chat Limits talking to a range, and puts a damper on server wide shouting. Kreezxil 1605832 2024-01-08 19:05
Armor Statues Companion A mod companion for the Armor Statues Datapack (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/armor-statues-datapack) Asch, cezero11 210 2024-01-08 09:52
Better F1 Reborn Hide only the HUD using F1 MovTery 4172 2024-01-08 07:43
FancyMenu [Forge] Minecraft menus, but much more fancy! Customize menu screens with animations & more! Keksuccino 43469968 2024-01-08 04:49
End Reborn Additions Adds new, additional content and gear to End Reborn, including many of the gear sets formerly part of Endgame Reborn. rebel0459 1 2024-01-08 04:28
Reimagined Trims Thoughtfully overhauls 1.20's Armor Trim duplication recipes to make them more interesting and balanced, while still staying true to vanilla. rebel0459 4041 2024-01-08 03:52
Pot Minecart This mod adds a "decorative clay pot car" to the Minecraft, which has similar characteristics to the original decorative clay pot and funnel car. TeamPancake 5 2024-01-08 00:22
The Fence Unleashed Prevents mobs that are not leashed from passing through fence gates TheMrMilchmann 59600 2024-01-07 22:14
Discarnate Let a spirit control your body to do your bidding Virtuoel 136353 2024-01-07 21:13
Ctrl Q This mod forces CTRL Q to be used to drop a stack of item PolishKrowa 26058 2024-01-07 19:32
Advancement... No More !!! Just kills of the advancement system :') thePlaceholder_ 275 2024-01-07 19:07
Flat Bedrock (Forge / Fabric) Make the world have flat bedrock Sunekaer 8830104 2024-01-07 17:16
Structure Expansion Small mod that Increases the size limit of structure blocks and fill command Sunekaer 3365536 2024-01-07 15:59
Trample Stopper Stop Farmland form getting trampled UnRealDinnerbone, nanitedev 14937716 2024-01-07 15:52
IBICF (I Believe I Can Fly) I Believe I Can Fly UnRealDinnerbone 1169936 2024-01-07 15:51
Bamboo Everything Adds extra blocks/items made with bamboo, Forge and Fabric compatible Gaz_ 20559447 2024-01-07 15:32
Sonic Boom a useless client side mod that makes an "explosion" when a player get above the speed of 40 blk/sec or 2blk/tick thePlaceholder_ 616 2024-01-07 15:01
Mute Mutes sounds from playing in game based on config. Sunekaer 2010662 2024-01-07 13:44
Longer Chat History [Forge/NeoForge/Fabric/Quilt] Makes chat history much longer TheOriginalGolem 1582954 2024-01-07 13:23
Client Reply Command Adds a command that allows you to direct message the last player who sent a direct message to you. AdelinaM17n 1828 2024-01-07 11:40
Player Hopper A hopper that pulls items from a player's inventory. MoreThanHidden 129828 2024-01-07 04:21
Thingamabobs and Doohickeys A variety of wacky, cartoon-themed gadgets, like the comically large mallet! leecrafts 26 2024-01-07 02:23
Baritone AI pathfinder Baritone is an ai that can do most simple tasks a player can Swaix01 113575 2024-01-07 02:00
Care to Share Skip the annoying (& rude) item dropping and gift to your friends instead! boyonk913 1476 2024-01-06 21:03
Better Taskbar [Forge/Fabric] Show state on taskbar morimori0317 294043 2024-01-06 19:37
View Lock Lock your view to a specific axis or position! FamroFexl 2573 2024-01-06 19:30
NightVision Turn night vision on and off with the press of a key. OffKilterMC 65259 2024-01-06 19:26
Iceberg [Neo/Forge] A modding library that contains new events, helpers, and utilities to make modder's lives easier. Grend_G 68468179 2024-01-06 18:57
abyssal horrors this mod adds 5 mobs, 1 block, 4 matierials for crafting, 1 dimension, 4 tools(3 weapons, and 1 multitool) 1 whole armor set, all tools and armors require custom recipes deadfreind 91 2024-01-06 18:46
Hardcore Mode 2.0 The most difficult mod in all of Minecraft. Do you dare to play it? Lupin 10921 2024-01-06 18:16
Better Smithing Table Replaces the ugly vanilla smithing menu with an improved version jjblock21 1939350 2024-01-06 18:12
Restricted Portals A mod that requires the obtainment of an item before allowing the player to enter a dimension. MoreThanHidden 2278074 2024-01-06 17:21
Better Mods Button [Forge] Your mods button, your way. Placed where you want it, customized how you want it! Fuzs, SHXRKIE 16065957 2024-01-06 16:42
no F3 ! A simple mod that hides some information of the F3/debug screen. EzTaah 113 2024-01-06 16:25
Waffle's Moss 200+ mossy blocks WilliamWaffle 14911 2024-01-06 11:44
FreeLook Mod / Perspective mod Freelook mod for fabric celibistrial 139557 2024-01-06 05:28
Gotta Go Fast Simple mod that removes the "moved too fast" messages and rubberbanding Thiakil 1563767 2024-01-06 04:16
Lucas's Flight Hud A simple hud for the elytra LucasJoel1 81 2024-01-06 04:11
Flower Patch Allows you to bunch together flowers into a single blockspace similar to pickles Mrbysco 4349497 2024-01-06 02:36
Cropped A mod that improves crops! NyakoFox 5874 2024-01-06 00:16
FallingTree Break down your trees by only cutting one piece of it rakambda 34263914 2024-01-05 22:11
Awesome Magic Makes vanilla magic more fun by providing the player with more options. 5Avian 1472 2024-01-05 21:17
Classic Sword Blocking This mod adds the ability of blocking with a sword. ji_GGO 20652 2024-01-05 19:15
Steve's Realistic Sleep Makes sleeping speed up time instead of skipping to day. Steveplays28 234677 2024-01-05 18:39
Realistic Sleep (Fabric/Quilt) Makes sleeping speed up time instead of skipping to day. Steveplays28 121089 2024-01-05 18:39
High-Speed Rail Replace ice boats with fast minecarts. pcal43 23085 2024-01-05 18:09
Corail Spawners Collectable mob spawners for private dungeons. Requires a pickaxe with silk touch enchantment. corail_recycler 103717 2024-01-05 17:33
CList Coordinate List (CList for short) is a simple minimalistic fabric mod for saving your coordinates. No minimaps. Just a list with in-game waypoints. Pouek_ 1278 2024-01-05 16:53
Farming for Blockheads Adds a seed market with a search bar and a scrolling grid, and more farming utilities. BlayTheNinth 78926206 2024-01-05 14:04
Farming for Blockheads (Fabric Edition) Adds a seed market with a search bar and a scrolling grid, and more farming utilities. BlayTheNinth 2216775 2024-01-05 14:01
Waffle's Terracotta Plaster Plaster your bricks with terracotta! WilliamWaffle 41028 2024-01-05 09:21
Drippy Loading Screen [Fabric] Customize Minecraft's loading (splash) screen like never before! Keksuccino 9331535 2024-01-05 09:00
Spruce Willis the Xmas Tree Bruce has evolved into Spruce Willis the Christmas Tree! KiriCattus 8881 2024-01-05 08:32
Chat Colors Allows the use of colours/formatting in chat, item names, and everywhere else that allows you to type. thanksihadtosignupforthis 398030 2024-01-05 04:50
Custom Portals Build your own portals to anywhere! palyon_1 298280 2024-01-05 00:01
Teval Tales adds a new biome and more! gigantic_bartik70 186 2024-01-04 23:59
Data Command Plus -storageplayer, Concatenate, Loot use the /data command to concatenate strings, and use storage for each player fafik77 299 2024-01-04 22:47
Trank-O-Mat Trank-O-Mat mod introduces a diverse array of beverages with unique properties, available for purchase from beverage vending machines, each offering a random selection of drinks for an immersive and refreshing experience. Kaworru 452 2024-01-04 19:41
Coolest Hardcore Change game for hardcore Rumaruka 1201 2024-01-04 18:57
[FABRIC/QUILT] Disable Custom Worlds Advice Minecraft asking you if you want to load a custom world is annoying. Let's fix it! Nara 7872955 2024-01-04 18:31
Polydex Target block/entity tooltip and recipes in one ui mod for servers! Patbox 4139 2024-01-04 15:28
POV: That one short friend Become short either the power of anvils falling on your head. Midnite59 9 2024-01-04 15:03
Caracal Mod (Fabric/Forge) This mod adds Caracals to the game! Aquatic 4219125 2024-01-04 13:16
Better Respawn This mod adds a mechanic that lets you respawn near your death location. henkelmax 173385 2024-01-04 12:41
Reusable Rockets Reusable Rockets henkelmax 82607 2024-01-04 11:30
Farsighted Mobs (Forge & NeoForge) Helping mobs see in the distance Sindarin27 6708100 2024-01-03 22:08
Camera Mod A working Camera in Minecraft! henkelmax 15552896 2024-01-03 22:06
Jumpy Boats Make your boat travels easier by making small jumps while in the boat LobsterJonn 13621878 2024-01-03 20:08
NameBros Makes entities with the same name be friendly to each others Aquatic 363 2024-01-03 14:36
Manhunt Fabricated A minigame in which the hunter team must kill the runner team before they can kill the ender dragon. Aquatic 1269 2024-01-03 14:34
Hat command Simple /hat command for fabric Aquatic 3762 2024-01-03 14:32
VanillaTweaks [Fabric & Forge] A mod which aims to improves the vanilla playthrough StrikerRocker 9207421 2024-01-03 13:57
Frogvasion Adds some hostile frogs with unique loot and functions, new dimensions, blocks and items. minestor14 2541 2024-01-03 12:47
Fabric TPS Fabric and Quilt Mod that adds an equivalent to `/forge tps` command pyrix25633_officialyt 2086 2024-01-03 11:46
Vanilla Plus Mod A mod to extend Minecraft, to add decorative blocks, new music discs... pyrix25633_officialyt 8419 2024-01-03 11:28
NPC Variety - Port (Fabric) This mod is a port of the original NPC Variety mod. YumatanGames, OverlordsIII 924200 2024-01-03 06:01
Flatter Entities Makes entities render in 2D Mrbysco 15418 2024-01-03 00:13
Croptopia [Fabric/Forge] Adds over 250 new foods, 58 crops and 26 trees to your world! thethonk 39242088 2024-01-02 22:16
Chat Toggle Makes /ftbteams msg auto prefix in front of your messages (customizable and toggolable) Mayaqq 249833 2024-01-02 22:08
Chat Toggle Makes /ftbteams msg auto prefix in front of your messages (customizable and toggolable) Mayaqq 243138 2024-01-02 22:08
Modern Glass Doors Adds prettier glass doors Kyrptonaught 1435919 2024-01-02 20:51
Rough Tweaks Revamped A mod that adds an extra layer of difficulty to minecraft's health system selfdeprecativeX 2620213 2024-01-02 20:14
Elytra HUD (like MFS 2020) Microsoft flight simulator HUD for Minecraft elytras jewtvet 1570 2024-01-02 19:46
Tilt Break (Old Damage Tilting) Reverts the Damage Tilt back to the pre-1.19.4 era StyStatic 23514 2024-01-02 08:19
Pure Discs - Lofi Edition Adds multiple lofi editions of existing Minecraft songs! purejosh 3509 2024-01-02 07:16
AutoFish for Forge A fully client-side mod for you to AFK fish! NorthWestWindNWW 424356 2024-01-02 03:07
Krypton A mod to optimize the Minecraft networking stack tuxed 15088652 2024-01-02 02:00
way2wayfabric Waystone -> Xaero's Minimap Waypoint sync for fabric jb_ramsay 8915 2024-01-02 01:43
Inventory Spam A small client-only mod that shows items added and removed from the inventory. gigaherz 1886393 2024-01-01 21:43
Sign Button A combination of a sign, and a button. gigaherz 814110 2024-01-01 21:32
Eyes in the Darkness A small spooky mod for the MMD Spookyjam gigaherz 5551425 2024-01-01 21:29
Hud Compass Shows a compass at the top of the screen with waypoints gigaherz 114824 2024-01-01 21:28
Full Brightness Toggle 🔆 [Client] Press G to toggle the brightness/gamma in-game to maximum and get night vision. Serilum 1783016 2024-01-01 21:18
Breakneck Menu Main Menu for the Breakneck Modpack HaXr 169941 2024-01-01 21:09
GUI Followers 🐺 [Client] Shows a list in the GUI/HUD of all tamed non-sitting followers around. Serilum 287581 2024-01-01 20:21
Random Decorative Things Some random decorative blocks (maybe items) Mrbysco 58382 2024-01-01 18:59
Star Wars Clone Wars A 1.16.5 Minecraft Mod, based on Clone Wars, with a lot of Clones and Droids, new dimensions, armors and weapons. pyrix25633_officialyt 24420 2024-01-01 18:57
ChatAnimation Makes chat messages appear with a smooth animation. ezzenix1 80829 2024-01-01 18:18
Simple HUD Utilities A Minecraft Mod that enhances the Game's HUD with some simple utilities NRiverr 111584 2024-01-01 16:40
Smooth Gui Smooth animation when opening GUI for Minecraft. ezzenix1 7193 2024-01-01 16:39
Packed Inventory Inventory management has never been so easy. Kir_Antipov 380281 2024-01-01 16:21
YouArch Litematica with certain features removed or modified Bug_BBQ 578 2024-01-01 14:37
Recursive Resources Enhances the Resource Pack menu with folder support. enjarai 9946 2024-01-01 13:20
LAN Announcer Announces the server to the LAN using multicast UDP. Aetherous 0 2024-01-01 09:57
Trenzalore Small Util Mod with a few tweaks UnRealDinnerbone 2306001 2024-01-01 02:02
Xaero Zoomout Reduces the minimum zoom of Xaero's World Map from 0.0625x to 0.0025x NotRyken 37211 2024-01-01 00:49
Xaero Zoomout Fabric mod to reduce the minimum zoom of Xaero's World Map from 0.0625x to 0.0025x NotRyken 9556 2024-01-01 00:49
Immersive and Better Berries A delicious immersive vanilla berry mod with a tasty twist to the abnormality of the Minecraft world! Adds more berry bushes, as well as a variety of new foods and ingredients. Hendrix_Developments 2441 2023-12-31 21:46
Decorative Winter Winter & Christmas themed decorative blocks lilypuree 3094808 2023-12-31 21:35
Ticket of eternal keep A server side mod that provides a ticket to keep your inventory on death GSimken 242 2023-12-31 20:27
Extra Inventory Adds more rows to your inventory coldlavalamp 11757 2023-12-31 20:20
Advanced Music Mod Adds new music discs to Minecraft. moritz_htk 6861 2023-12-31 19:38
Satin API A Fabric library to help modders with shader usage PyrofabTheModsmith 3261287 2023-12-31 17:22
Queen Bee Adds Queen Bee to Minecraft, with new items and a new Structure. Complete rewrite for version 3.0.0 CerbonXD 491509 2023-12-31 15:00
Better McDonald's Mod This mod adds many well-known products from McDonald's. moritz_htk 127483 2023-12-31 14:52
Cheat Mode (Creative Inventory in Survival) (Fabric) Access the creative inventory from the survival mode, toggle flight, reach ... Krxwallo 7207 2023-12-31 14:20
CERBON's Better Totem of Undying [FORGE] An improved version of Minecraft's Totem of Undying, offering new functionalities and extensive customization options for Modpack developers. CerbonXD 22951 2023-12-31 14:19
Sodium Core Shader Support Enables resourcepacks to be able to replace sodium's shaders, similar to resourcepacks being able to replace vanilla's core shaders. LinusDev 82028 2023-12-31 13:05
Old Potions Bring back old potion colours and enchantment glint Abbie34 21843 2023-12-31 12:58
No Hostiles Around Campfire 🔥 Prevents hostile mob spawns and burns them around the campfire in a configurable radius. Serilum 2607433 2023-12-31 12:54
Cave Spider Spawn 🕷️ Adds a chance for cave spiders to spawn naturally underground instead of a spider. Serilum 77650 2023-12-31 12:39
Arctic A mini overhaul of cold biomes. TheClashFruit 4 2023-12-31 11:36
Crowd Control The Ultimate Interactive Experience for Streamers on Twitch, YouTube, TikTok and beyond lexikiq 2840 2023-12-31 07:05
DropConfirm Think twice before you drop. pupbrained 1474 2023-12-31 05:53
The Ghast Cow Adds a Ghast Cow mini-boss Mrbysco 114150 2023-12-31 04:02
Sheep Squeak Plays a squeaky toy sound when punching wooled sheep Mrbysco, ShyNieke 38321 2023-12-31 03:47
Rally Health Adding Bloodborne's Rally system to Minecraft. Mrbysco 307195 2023-12-31 03:35
All Craftable Everything unreasonably not craftable is craftable now. Hendrix_Developments 10 2023-12-31 03:13
Camo Creepers Creepers that blend in more with the environment Mrbysco 45354 2023-12-31 02:37
Better Title Screen Better Title Screen is a client-side mod that provides options to customize Minecraft's title screen. Girafi 8943746 2023-12-31 02:33
Passthrough Signs Enable the ability to right-click through wall signs, to interact with chests & other TileEntities Girafi 4030971 2023-12-31 01:48
Attractive Items Makes animals move towards items even when players aren't holding them. colderlavalamp 275 2023-12-31 01:40
Datapack Commands A mod massively expanding on Minecraft's commands (including textboards!) Miner3D 1341 2023-12-31 00:40
Fast Doll By default, the player model in the inventory is rendered at only 20FPS, this mod renders it at full speed. Sigma76 2360 2023-12-30 23:54
Pescatore Another fishing minigame in Minecraft! acikek 242 2023-12-30 23:24
Schnabelborg's SchnabelHeads A lightweight miniblock/player head inventory mod schnabelborg, nikolonikolo 324 2023-12-30 22:16
Waddles Waddles adds cute Adélie penguins that waddle Girafi 36665811 2023-12-30 20:28
Daily Dad - Server A dad joke whenever you log in to a server Mrbysco 27617 2023-12-30 18:13
Daily Dad A dad joke whenever you join a world Mrbysco 653440 2023-12-30 17:31
HighLitghtItem Minecraft mod that highlights inventory items similar to the one hovered over. elmital 104 2023-12-30 14:00
Psychedelicraft Psychedelic Effects for Minecraft Ivorius 409979 2023-12-30 13:45
Food Effect Tooltips (Forge) Adds Tooltips to food that gives Status Effects when eaten Suel_ki 1588734 2023-12-30 12:47
Dirt Tools and Amor This mod adds equipment from dirt that is better than netherite and diamond armor Hummel009 3334 2023-12-30 12:33
BE Style Wither [NeoForge/Forge/Fabric] Brings the behavior of Wither closer to Bedrock Edition morimori0317 786602 2023-12-30 10:41
Add Potion into Your Food Using the Potion Table,the mod which is described by Taoism Deeplake as "PPAP" add potion into your food or potion. Hileb, Viola_Siemens 1282 2023-12-30 10:23
Advanced Combat (Revitalized) A modern recreation of Advanced Combat for Forge, Fabric and Quilt StyStatic 111606 2023-12-30 09:47
fStats Fabric metric system for developers DuckyHatsu 61 2023-12-30 06:59
FancyClear Clean up the entity. s99889989 28839 2023-12-30 03:28
Scaffolding Extension Extend scaffolding beyond their normal limit of 7 supersaiyansubtlety 987 2023-12-30 02:37
Camera Port Ports Education Edition's Cameras to Java, with new features! AViewFromTheTop 7688 2023-12-30 01:48
CompleteConfig Configuration Library for Fabric Mods Lortseam_ 1835461 2023-12-29 23:05
GeOre Geode style resource gathering ShyNieke, Mrbysco 1054038 2023-12-29 22:56
Dupe Trigger Adds a keybind that doubles any item in your main-hand sevenboulevard 97310 2023-12-29 22:19
IBE Editor Simple GUI Mod to edit an item, a block or an entity in your current world skyecodes 208554 2023-12-29 21:07
Banded Torches Simple mod that adds colourful torch variants! PixelGameWizard 353792 2023-12-29 19:15
Snuffles (Fabric) Adds Snuffles, a new mob to snowy biomes! Suel_ki 93642 2023-12-29 19:03
Json Things A mod that enables players to define blocks and items (and more!) via thingpacks, zip files similar to datapacks and resource packs gigaherz 469680 2023-12-29 18:36
Configurable Cane Makes sugarcane & cactus growth configurable. gigaherz 346797 2023-12-29 12:34
Nicer Skies A cosmetic mod which adds nebulas and changes stars and light. ztereohype 6400747 2023-12-29 12:00
Guidebook Custom books with formatting and pictures gigaherz 6287985 2023-12-29 11:31
William Wythers' Expanded Ecosphere This mod adds close to 200 biomes and aims to make the overworld more realistic and atmospheric Cristelknight, williamwythers 2536953 2023-12-29 11:22
Manhunt Compass Adds a player tracker compass for Minecraft Manhunt AdyTech99 1736 2023-12-29 09:31
Client Tweaks There, I fixed Minecraft for you. Various optional tweaks to improve Minecraft Quality of Life. BlayTheNinth 62807055 2023-12-29 08:57
Client Tweaks (Fabric Edition) There, I fixed Minecraft for you. Various optional tweaks to improve Minecraft Quality of Life. BlayTheNinth 3610791 2023-12-29 08:44
Slime Merger Allows slimes of the same size to merge into a bigger slime gigaherz 6793 2023-12-29 02:57
Packing Tape A small mod that lets you move things around. gigaherz 15173248 2023-12-29 02:37
Furnace Click A simple mod that lets you retrieve the output of furnaces fast gdar463 492 2023-12-28 22:57
Accelerated Decay Speeds up the leaf decaying process ErrorMikey 2633786 2023-12-28 22:21
Crafting Slots Adds an inventory crafting table and a normal portable one. BlayTheNinth 1295475 2023-12-28 22:09
Crafting Slots (Fabric Edition) Adds an inventory crafting table and a normal portable one. BlayTheNinth 147015 2023-12-28 22:07
Pretty Beaches Adjusts water physics when digging sand near water to prevent ugly. BlayTheNinth 4550408 2023-12-28 20:58
NetherPortalFix Ensures correct destinations when travelling back and forth through Nether Portals in Multiplayer. BlayTheNinth 94984361 2023-12-28 20:58
Pretty Beaches (Fabric Edition) Adjusts water physics when digging sand near water to prevent ugly. BlayTheNinth 76985 2023-12-28 20:56
NetherPortalFix (Fabric Edition) Ensures correct destinations when travelling back and forth through Nether Portals in Multiplayer. BlayTheNinth 11240212 2023-12-28 20:55
FiveHead Allowing you to combine heads to have a bigger head Mrbysco 296781 2023-12-28 20:13
Unhealthy Dying Reduces your max health every time you die. Mrbysco 47183 2023-12-28 19:40
KleeSlabs Break only the half of a double slab that you're looking at. BlayTheNinth 90561164 2023-12-28 19:27
KleeSlabs (Fabric Edition) Break only the half of a double slab that you're looking at. BlayTheNinth 13474334 2023-12-28 19:21
GravelMiner Automatically breaks falling gravel blocks that get in your way while mining. BlayTheNinth 1706670 2023-12-28 19:20
GravelMiner (Fabric Edition) Automatically (insta-)mines falling gravel blocks that get in your way while mining. BlayTheNinth 38054 2023-12-28 19:17
Forgiving Void Makes the void hate you a little less (and vice-versa). Fall down and come back out on top. BlayTheNinth 30834431 2023-12-28 19:13
Forgiving Void (Fabric Edition) Makes the void hate you a little less (and vice-versa). Fall down and come back out on top. BlayTheNinth 157118 2023-12-28 19:08
Ottercraft Otters in Minecraft! webdragon444, bottledspace 92967 2023-12-28 18:59
TrashSlot Adds a trash slot to the inventory screen that allows deletion of unwanted items. BlayTheNinth 61072159 2023-12-28 18:23
TrashSlot (Fabric Edition) Adds a trash slot to the inventory screen that allows deletion of unwanted items. BlayTheNinth 2342465 2023-12-28 18:22
Legacy Smithing Table This mod allows player to use the old-school smithing mechanism. ji_GGO 2107 2023-12-28 17:54
JustHammers Adds hammers to the game that are able to mine in a 3x3, 3x3x3, 5x5x1, 5x5x3 and finally a 5x5x5! They're pretty awesome. ErrorMikey 5944343 2023-12-28 16:16
CoordsCopy Tired of always manually copying down coordinates of the player's or a block's position? Well, now you can copy them easily to the clipboard with the press of a button. 😉 MarioS271 805 2023-12-28 15:57
Default Server Properties Allows modpack developers to define default server properties. Typically used for things like a default level type. ErrorMikey 3193818 2023-12-28 15:52
Statement Library Library mod for blockstate property manipulation Virtuoel 69563 2023-12-28 13:18
BedrockIfy - Bedrock Features on Java! A mod that implements useful Minecraft Bedrock Edition features into Minecraft Java Edition Im_JC52 281381 2023-12-28 13:12
Oxidizing Lightning Rods This mod oxidizes lightning rods over time Mars 6958 2023-12-28 12:23
Slabs Expanded [Fabric/Forge] Stack different slabs into one block, adds slab variants for every block, and craft blocks from slabs Mars 1879 2023-12-28 12:22
Panorama Screens Enhance Minecraft menus by adding the rotating panorama background to most screens! Im_JC52 77535 2023-12-28 11:26
Enchanted Eats Enchanted Eats brings new Food without introducing new ingredients, This Mod is focused on being as lightweight as possible without disrupting the vanilla experience too much. Zycrasion 65 2023-12-28 11:17
MAmbience Adding ambient sounds to Minecraft andre111_ 897652 2023-12-28 09:52
Villagers Respawn (Now with FORGE and FABRIC versions) In this vanilla+ mod, Villagers respawn at their bed when they die. (if they have a bed!) MacTso 557877 2023-12-28 06:46
Old MC Logo Brings back the old minecraft crafting table icon in your taskbar! IThundxr 14012 2023-12-28 02:44
Better Recipe Books (+ Smithing Tables, Brewing Stands) Adds quality of life changes to the recipe book. marshycity, TauCubed 423472 2023-12-28 01:22
Realistic Torches Makes torches burn out after a configurable amount of time. Chaosyr 16673957 2023-12-27 23:52
Factions (Fabric) Highly customizable, fast and fully featured solution to factions for Fabric ickerio, bluezeeking24 98303 2023-12-27 20:07
OpticManager #synchronizedConfig CreativeMD 93946 2023-12-27 18:37
Durability Tooltip Durability Tooltip shows you the durability of an item! SuperMartijn642 13215331 2023-12-27 15:53
Git Backup Mod Execute git commit && push on each auto save ElectroluxV2 148 2023-12-27 15:33
The Config Lib Modern configuration library for any mod loader Prototik 11 2023-12-27 09:42
Abridged Simple and sleek bridges across rivers! Celestium 43 2023-12-27 00:24
Transparent Allows resource packs to make certain entities support transparency. Trikzon 17380640 2023-12-26 22:56
Sneak Through Berries Lets you sneak through Sweet Berry Bushes without taking damage Trikzon 390057 2023-12-26 22:53
Shuffle Place Random Blocks From Your Hotbar With Ease! Trikzon 115146 2023-12-26 22:50
Flourish Use bonemeal to spread small flowers. Previously known as Flora Doubling. Trikzon 806877 2023-12-26 22:46
Landmines Landmines adds landmines that can explode, teleport, throw potions, and much more! SuperMartijn642 104843 2023-12-26 22:44
Armor Visibility Let that skin show! Trikzon 51269 2023-12-26 22:42
Ash API An abstraction layer between Fabric, Forge, and Quilt's APIs. Trikzon 5305909 2023-12-26 22:37
XP From Harvest Reworked The original XP From Harvest updated! Stoutscientist 36180 2023-12-26 22:34
Benched Benched adds unique Picnic Benches! SuperMartijn642 399979 2023-12-26 21:49
Durability Notifier Durability Notifier is a mod that shows you when your tool hits a configured percentage of durability. Mrbysco 468249 2023-12-26 21:07
Another Liquid Milk Another mod to add placeable milk. Mrbysco 83279 2023-12-26 20:44
Vivid Item Names (VIN) Design fancy item names! poscard8 76 2023-12-26 20:37
GugleCarpetAddition Gugle's Carpet Addition Gugle 60050 2023-12-26 17:51
Light Overlay (Rift/Forge/Fabric) A simple mod to provide users with NEI-like light level overlay. shedaniel 34168914 2023-12-26 17:39
Simple Veinminer A veinminer / ore excavator for fabric princesscyanmarine 99450 2023-12-26 17:22
MCDR Command Fabric Register MCDR Commands in Minecraft for Completion anzhi_zhang 264 2023-12-26 16:33
View Distance Fix A server side Fabric mod that fixes the fog when having a higher render distance on the client than on the server henkelmax 82807 2023-12-26 12:29
Achievements Optimizer Improved achievement performance big_energy 1875672 2023-12-26 12:17
Coord Finder A serverside Fabric mod to share player and place coordinates on your server. henkelmax 94837 2023-12-26 11:27
When Dungeons Arise - Fabric! Adds various elegant -and likely hostile- roguelike dungeons and structures that generate on your worlds! Aureljz, diamondtown_ 14601982 2023-12-26 07:12
When Dungeons Arise - Forge! Adds various elegant -and likely hostile- roguelike dungeons and structures that generate on your worlds! Aureljz, diamondtown_ 60037199 2023-12-26 06:33
Rotten Leather(Fabric) Turn your rotten flesh to leather! Kiran 8093 2023-12-26 00:19
ResourcesForDays - A CoobleForDays Addon Get more Resources out of Generation Rempler 46386 2023-12-25 22:03
Stat Tinkerer Keep various stats on death, prevent eating and tinker with vanilla health system to make it harder. Terrails 2306445 2023-12-25 19:35
craftjitsu craftjitsu minecraft ninjago Realbryan27 105 2023-12-25 19:06
Planting dirt for saplings Add a dirt that automatically plants saplings. Kotori316 87445 2023-12-25 14:36
Llama Steeds // FORGE Mount your llama and ride into the sunset. Jusanov 119402 2023-12-25 09:44
Llama Steeds Mount your llama and ride into the sunset. Jusanov 65030 2023-12-25 09:38
Essential Commands Configurable, permissions-backed utility commands for Fabric servers (tpa, home, warp, spawn, back, nick, rtp) JP79194 258828 2023-12-25 05:58
Player Template Small mod to apply an inventory template (starter kit) to new players gigaherz 1152 2023-12-24 23:37
Advanced Enderite An addon for the Enderite mod that extends the progression even further qxZap 104 2023-12-24 22:43
When Dungeons Arise - Seven Seas Elegant - and likely hostile - vessels lost in the seven seas... Aureljz, Zephyrusjz 2594198 2023-12-24 22:30
Trash Cans Trash Cans adds trash cans which can be used to void items, liquids, and energy! SuperMartijn642 55107392 2023-12-24 22:08
Armor Points ++ Allows you to see armor values above 20 and stack multiple health bars onto one. CheosTwitch 936964 2023-12-24 21:54
Sword Displays A mod that allows you to display your weapons sokratis12GR 1552684 2023-12-24 21:52
Pet Slow Mini Slow manmaed 1555643 2023-12-24 15:18
Teletubbies Mod Teletubbies for Minecraft! Rexbas 1282080 2023-12-24 13:28
Bouncing Balls Hop around the world with Bouncing Balls! Rexbas 114977 2023-12-24 13:23
Bouncing Balls API API to add Bouncing Balls Rexbas 28415 2023-12-24 13:15
MoreBricks - Granite, Diorite, and Andesite bricks Granite, Diorite, and Andesite bricks PunJarrr 581 2023-12-24 12:00
Nether Coords (Fabric) Simple mod for easier nether portal linking CaelenO42 34454 2023-12-24 06:54
Create: Power Loader A Create mod add-on adding immersive chunk loaders. Lysine 439211 2023-12-24 04:31
Takumi Craft A lot creepers, a lot explosion! tomkate 4788 2023-12-24 04:30
More Food xD This Mod adds more food to Minecraft. Volwert123 17150 2023-12-23 21:23
lazy-language-loader (Fabric) lazy-language-loader improves loading times when changing your language by only reloading the language instead of all the game resources! chachylmao 4366117 2023-12-23 19:07
Craftable Horse Armor [FORGE/FABRIC] Makes the Horse Armor craftable Block_Legend001 194 2023-12-23 18:56
Craftable Experience Bottle [FORGE/FABRIC] Makes the Experience Bottle craftable Block_Legend001 241 2023-12-23 18:50
Craftable Chain Armor [FORGE/FABRIC] Makes the Chain Armor craftable Block_Legend001 136 2023-12-23 17:48
Craftable Totem of Undying Makes the Totem of Undying craftable Block_Legend001 17113 2023-12-23 17:41
Craftable Totem of Undying [FORGE/FABRIC] Makes the Totem of Undying craftable Block_Legend001 1274 2023-12-23 17:41
Craftable Name Tag [FORGE/FABRIC] Makes the Name Tag craftable Block_Legend001 2283 2023-12-23 17:20
More Chests Adds more Chests to minecraft Nibaru 61269 2023-12-23 17:17
Spectrafauna Discover a new world in Minecraft with the Spectrafaune mod. Leo53200 354 2023-12-23 16:00
Block Variants Expand your building block selection Barion 498858 2023-12-23 08:25
TweakMyClient Add something interesting <3 HendrixShen 31924 2023-12-23 08:02
Patina Discovering the potential of Minecraft Natesky9 1761 2023-12-23 07:04
Carpet Minitweaks An extension for Carpet Mod with many toggleable survival-oriented game mechanic changes manyrandomthings 4659 2023-12-23 01:21
Huge Structure Blocks [Fabric & Forge] Structure blocks. But bigger. Up to 512 blocks! SamB440 332217 2023-12-22 21:58
ChristmasColonies Minecolonies Addon with a Winter Village Style Raycoms 744189 2023-12-22 21:55
Prism [Fabric] A library all about color! Provides lots of color-related functionality for dependent mods. Grend_G 10224245 2023-12-22 19:03
Iceberg [Fabric] A modding library that contains new events, helpers, and utilities to make modder's lives easier. Grend_G 23160536 2023-12-22 19:01
OneBar Makes your HUD smaller, smarter, customizable and... nostalgic? robotkoer 5210 2023-12-22 18:36
Advancement Screenshot 📸 [Client] Takes a screenshot every time an advancement is achieved. Document your progress! Serilum 360808 2023-12-22 17:08
Alternative World Save Location 📍 Allows changing the default save file path of Minecraft worlds to outside instance scopes. Serilum 76497 2023-12-22 17:04
Craftable Bell Makes the Bell craftable Block_Legend001 10773 2023-12-22 16:56
Craftable Bell [FORGE/FABRIC] Makes the Bell craftable Block_Legend001 157 2023-12-22 16:56
Bigger Sponge Absorption Radius 🧽 Each extra sponge block placed next to one another increases the water absorption radius. Serilum 676865 2023-12-22 16:54
Crying Portals 🟣 Allows the creation of nether portals with crying obsidian blocks. Serilum 791693 2023-12-22 16:49
Current Game Music Track 🎵 [Client] Temporarily show the song title of what's currently playing via the GUI. Serilum 41017 2023-12-22 16:45
Cycle Title Screen Splash 💦 The splash text on the main menu will keep changing after a configurable delay. Serilum 15052 2023-12-22 16:37
Faster Crouching 🏃 Sprint and walk while crouching/sneaking at the speed of as if you weren't. Serilum 95661 2023-12-22 16:33
Flower Mimics 👻 SpookyJam 2023: Be careful around flowers at night.. they might transform into monsters! Serilum 209918 2023-12-22 16:30
Giant Spawn 🧟‍♂️ Allows giants to spawn naturally with custom AI (based on zombies) and other tweaks. Serilum 1660359 2023-12-22 16:26
Grabby Mobs 👾 Allows all mobs which can carry equipment to pick up items from the floor. Serilum 227899 2023-12-22 16:16
Improved Sign Editing 🪵 [Client] Better sign editing functionality. Shift to the next and previous line during typing. Serilum 50643 2023-12-22 16:12
No Animal Tempt Delay 😍 Removes the cooldown in between trying to attract animals with their desired food. Serilum 58117 2023-12-22 16:06
No Feather Trample 🪶 Prevents farmland blocks from being trampled while having Feather/Slow Falling. Serilum 44549 2023-12-22 15:59
Overworld Piglins 🐷 Makes Piglins and Hoglins be able to survive in the overworld, unless they're weakened. Serilum 176901 2023-12-22 15:54
Passive Endermen 👍 Prevent an enderman from teleporting, placing/picking up blocks (griefing) and attacking when looked at. Serilum 335896 2023-12-22 15:49
Persistent Inventory Search 🔎 [Client] Makes search queries remain inside the creative inventory during tab switching and closing. Serilum 185373 2023-12-22 15:44
Quick Right-Click ✋ Adds a portable functionality to certain items, which allows for quick access without placement . Works with beds, crafting tables, ender chests and shulker boxes among others. Serilum 518106 2023-12-22 15:36
Realistic Bees 🐝 Tiny bees, or big! Bigger group spawns and increased hive space. Serilum 1306834 2023-12-22 15:33
Thorny Bush Protection 🫐 Players walking through berry bushes won't receive damage while wearing leggings. Serilum 50757 2023-12-22 15:29
Transcending Trident 🔱 Improves the trident. Hold a water bucket to use a more powerful riptide anywhere. Serilum 240866 2023-12-22 15:26
Underwater Enchanting 🌊 Allows the use of the enchantment table under water with maximum levels via bookshelves. Serilum 1059615 2023-12-22 15:15
Villager Names 🧑‍🌾 Gives all villager entities a default or custom name to liven up the world. Serilum 37051046 2023-12-22 14:57
Textile Backup Backup mod for fabric Szum123321 599995 2023-12-22 13:27
More Brushes Adds the standardized vanilla tiers to brushes. Jackbusters 14750 2023-12-22 05:45
Desolation Adds the Charred Forest, a dangerous overworld biome with new mobs and resources. raltsmc 575254 2023-12-22 03:55
Pet the Frog Look at frog. Squish frog. Pet frog. Trinketina 4668 2023-12-22 01:03
Vending Machine A fun balanced, vending machine with random or fixed items. MacTso, lupicus 969154 2023-12-21 23:58
No More Useless Keys - NMUK (Fabric) Allows you to add alternative key combinations to every key binding! Siphalor 73940 2023-12-21 23:44
Enameled Armor Color your Diamond, Iron and Chainmail armor with dyed enamel. Suppress Enchantment Glint at will. MacTso, lupicus 25460 2023-12-21 23:16
Trailblazer Dirt Trails! Firewalker Boots! Vanilla-friendly footpaths!! pcal43 927 2023-12-21 20:01
Smart Recipes A Fabric mod that extends recipe format with conditions. Kir_Antipov 889 2023-12-21 19:33
New Expansions This mod adds new tools, armors, weapons, ores and many more. new_expansions_team 4413 2023-12-21 18:18
Wandering Collector Wandering Traders trade lost items back to the player. Siphalor 3349740 2023-12-21 13:34
No Zombie Villagers Controls Zombie Villager Spawning MacTso 3736 2023-12-21 00:48
Fabrishot Take large screenshots because why not ramidzkh 8089100 2023-12-21 00:39
Inv View Allows you to open and manipulate the inventories and ender chests of online and offline players. Server Side potatoboy99999 479640 2023-12-21 00:10
Soul Siphon Removing the Souls from Soul Sand by the power of Sculk. Healex02, Negative_Light 1029 2023-12-21 00:08
Save Your Pets Wounded pets do not die immediately and can be healed MacTso, ivan133ru, lupicus 2707166 2023-12-20 23:58
Custom FoV (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) Allows disabling or customizing field of view changes from sprinting, potions, archery, or underwater. TheIllusiveC4 1132576 2023-12-20 23:57
Hey That's Mine A fabric mod for a container claiming and trusting system. potatoboy99999 44612 2023-12-20 23:53
Head Index An easy to user server-side head database mod for the Fabric Loader. potatoboy99999 15172 2023-12-20 23:27
Beekeeper Adds a new Beekeeper Villager Profession and items MacTso, lupicus 201629 2023-12-20 23:02
Advancement Plaques [Neo/Forge] Replace those boring advancement popups with something flashier. Grend_G 37369385 2023-12-20 22:27
Prism [Neo/Forge] A library all about color! Provides lots of color-related functionality for dependent mods. Grend_G 34883923 2023-12-20 22:25
Lithium (Fabric/NeoForge) An optimization mod for Minecraft which improves server performance significantly. JellySquid 37770278 2023-12-20 22:21
Meat Miner Ever wanted to make your Minecraft experience objectively worse! Try the Meat Miner mod who needs farming when you've got a pickaxe CrimsonDawn45 599 2023-12-20 21:47
Builder's Tabs Adds vanilla special blocks without a creative tab and custom player heads into its own tab. Useful for mapmakers and builders. XxRexRaptorxX 43108 2023-12-20 18:58
Simple Paxels + Mode Switch Use Paxels for easier handling of Strip, Plow and Path. TaranteI 2 2023-12-20 18:12
BetterEnd This mod adds content to the End (biomes, mobs, blocks, etc.) Quiqueck 16166332 2023-12-20 16:23
BCLib A library mod for BetterX mods Quiqueck 15031974 2023-12-20 16:13
Cookie Block Adds an edible cookie storage block. bl4ckscor3 11295 2023-12-20 15:38
Epic Knights: Addon Adds additional medieval stuff to the Epic Knights mod magistu_ 620212 2023-12-20 14:11
Nether Chest Shared cloud storage for Minecraft. Kir_Antipov 282643 2023-12-20 14:01
Wildlife Expanded: Skunk This mod adds tamable skunks to the game. YourDailyModderx 45128 2023-12-20 12:36
WinterJam 2023: Continuation Gun mod about guns and continuting conflict fbiagentmc 0 2023-12-20 10:53
Xray Mod (Fabric/Forge) Bored by finding your diamonds legitimately? This mod is for you! (Xray/Tracer/ESP) ATE48, ThaEin 1072573 2023-12-20 10:44
FPS Reducer Reduce GPU and CPU usage automatically when no user operation exists. bre2el 42251922 2023-12-20 09:36
Stone Utils Adds utilities for living in the stone age. Specifically, stone shears, stone chests, stone crafting tables, and ceramic (clay) shears. AnAwesomGuy 1719 2023-12-20 09:13
Packwiz Server Updater Updates packwiz modpacks for a server using simple commands Sleepy_Evelyn 1 2023-12-20 07:31
Quicksort Automatically sort and filter items into nearby chests. Clean up that workshop! Works with vanilla clients! pcal43 71513 2023-12-20 06:45
Copper Hopper Hopper that acts as a simple item filter. pcal43 93862 2023-12-20 06:08
what should my library be? This is just another library mod, nothing special. AnAwesomGuy 152 2023-12-20 04:07
Time & Wind (Forge) Change length of day and night! commanderaiefu 4116 2023-12-20 02:35
Armor Abilities Player activated enchantments dsfhdshdjtsb 8396 2023-12-20 00:54
Combat Enchantments[Fabric] A fabric mod that adds several combat focused enchantments for weapons and armor dsfhdshdjtsb 245681 2023-12-20 00:22
Stacked Armor Trims With this mod you can stack armor trims! ApfelRauber 6485 2023-12-19 23:37
Plushie Mod Adds many cute plushies to the game! Link4real, Vento 17245574 2023-12-19 23:05
Torch Placer Enchantment Enchant Tools With this and be able to place a torch Biorfn 1764 2023-12-19 22:55
CraftControl RCON Provides additional functionality to the CraftControl RCON app Tieso2001 3754 2023-12-19 22:33
AutoAttack Auto Attack makes it so that holding the attack button autoswings the sword, similar to the combat snapshots vin35_ 3136 2023-12-19 21:09
BetterNether Improvements for the Nether (plants, biomes, structures, worldgen) Quiqueck 22572799 2023-12-19 20:22
Wood Enjoyer More to do with wood poscard8 10020 2023-12-19 16:32
Blur+ Spice up the boring vanilla blur effect – featuring animations, colors and lots of customizability! Motschen, PyrofabTheModsmith 14835504 2023-12-19 14:56
MidnightLib Common library with a built-in configuration system TeamMidnightDust, Motschen 19602574 2023-12-19 14:06
Threads Performance tweaking mod that allows to change priority of running game threads. sajeyson12 10942 2023-12-19 13:50
Real Camera Make the camera more realistic in the first-person view. xTracr 112506 2023-12-19 07:19
Carpet TCTC Addition A carpet extension HendrixShen 11938 2023-12-19 05:54
Player Online Time (Halfpace Games Studio) Keep track of your online time across multiple servers. slimenamedjerry, WalkingPixel 816 2023-12-19 02:27
Hunger Strike (Fabric) Reintroduces beta-esque hunger mechanics into modern Minecraft. RadioactiveSnowball 5 2023-12-19 02:00
Carnivorous Sponges Sponges Eat Creatures and Reproduce IAmTheSneak 280 2023-12-19 01:47
Just Needed (FABRIC) Everything that's just needed in Minecraft JustDoom 1890 2023-12-19 01:08
Starlight (NeoForge) Rewrites the light engine to fix lighting performance and lighting errors Spottedstar 1 2023-12-19 00:07
Load My F***ing Tags Prevents Incorrect Tag Entries from breaking an entire Tag Blodhgarm 16632879 2023-12-18 23:18
Scaffolding Drops Nearby 🏗 When breaking a scaffolding block, all chained blocks will drop at the block's position. Serilum 1174879 2023-12-18 22:34
Stalker Creepers Creepers sneak up and stalk you atomicstrykergrumpy 1195531 2023-12-18 17:17
Scalmon A mod that makes salmons have different sizes like in bedrock edition CrownSheep 30 2023-12-18 14:29
Croparia v4 This mod adds new items and blocks to cultive resources Dalarion01 1148202 2023-12-18 14:06
Spice of Fabric (Fabric) An iteration of Spice of Life built for Fabric Siphalor 585617 2023-12-18 14:03
Time & Wind (Fabric) Change length of day and night! commanderaiefu 44328 2023-12-18 12:30
Cake Chomps (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge/Quilt) Adds sound and crumb particles when you eat cake. TheIllusiveC4 1879773 2023-12-18 09:04
Cinderscapes A biome mod expanding the life of The Nether TerraformersMC, gniftygnomecraft 3250444 2023-12-18 08:13
Terrestria A mod for Fabric enhancing the detail of Minecraft with unique and vibrant biomes. Inspired by ExtrabiomesXL. coderbot, NeusFear 6255022 2023-12-18 07:39
Wider Tab A mod that extends the tablist to fit more players. RedCarlos 143 2023-12-18 04:00
All Loot Drops 👝 Living entities drop all their possible loot in a configurable amount, looting enchant supported. Serilum 362262 2023-12-18 03:14
Altered Damage 🔪 Alters damage taken and dealt by players and other entities with a modifier. Serilum 453652 2023-12-18 03:06
Always a Wither Skull ☠ Makes wither skeletons always drop their skull on death. Serilum 388185 2023-12-18 02:58
Anvil Restoration 🔨 Repair placed anvils with iron ingots and damage them with obsidian. Serilum 935853 2023-12-18 02:54
Automatic Doors 🚪 Automatically opens doors around the player and closes them with a configurable delay. Serilum 356202 2023-12-18 02:47
Automatic Operator 🤖 Automatically makes all or specific players OP in server environments when they log in. Serilum 9415 2023-12-18 02:42
Better Beacon Placement ✔️ Easily place beacon bases by right-clicking the beacons with mineral blocks. Serilum 706909 2023-12-18 02:31
Better Conduit Placement ✔️ Place conduits in front, makes placing conduit prismarine blocks easier and other tweaks. Serilum 885491 2023-12-18 02:28
Better Spawner Control ✔️ Disables mob spawners whenever they are surrounded by 5 torches. Serilum 2516399 2023-12-18 02:22
Biome Spawn Point 🌲 Allows specifying which biome players will spawn in on new world creation. Serilum 2689679 2023-12-18 02:15
Bottle Your Xp 🍾 Allows the creation of experience bottles (bottles o' enchanting) from your own gathered xp. Serilum 1503319 2023-12-18 02:12
Bottled Air 🍾 Allows players to breathe in empty glass bottles under water for more oxygen. Serilum 541759 2023-12-18 02:09
Bouncier Beds 🛏 Makes players bounce configurably higher on beds and prevents fall damage on them. Serilum 147338 2023-12-18 02:05
Conduits Prevent Drowned ❌ Disables drowned zombie spawns around the player when the conduit effect is active. Serilum 555733 2023-12-18 01:50
Configurable Furnace Burn Time ✏️ Allows changing the fuel burn time in furnaces globally via a config modifier. Serilum 21899 2023-12-18 01:37
Crying Ghasts 😭 Ghasts drop their tears periodically when a player is close, allowing sustainable farming. Serilum 759109 2023-12-18 01:28
Cycle Paintings 🖼️ Easily cycle through placed paintings by right-clicking them with another painting in hand. Serilum 2822553 2023-12-18 01:13
Despawning Eggs Hatch 🥚 Chicken eggs on hay blocks hatch safely into chicks just before they despawn. Serilum 2746455 2023-12-18 01:05
Dismount Entity 🚏 Allows players to dismount/remove/exit entities/mobs from mounted entities without breaking them. Serilum 1248482 2023-12-18 00:58
Easy Elytra Takeoff 🛫 Allows easy takeoff by elytra/colytra with a firework from the ground without jumping. Serilum 3384574 2023-12-18 00:44
Edibles 🍽 Makes lots of ingredients edible, after which the player receives a short status effect. Allows eating blaze powder, glowstone dust, magma cream, sugar, ghast tear, phantom membrane and rabbit's foot. Serilum 3173490 2023-12-18 00:37
End Portal Recipe 📝 Makes the end portal craftable, movable and available in survival plus other tweaks. Serilum 3218856 2023-12-18 00:29
Eroding Stone Entities 🌊 Stone-type block entities left in flowing water turn into clay and sand. Serilum 277047 2023-12-18 00:25
Extract Poison 🐍 Extract poison from cave spiders, pufferfish and bees with an empty glass bottle. Serilum 751085 2023-12-18 00:21
Fall Through Slime 🟩 Slime blocks no longer support your weight when idle, and you'll slowly fall through. Serilum 214559 2023-12-18 00:19
Fire Spread Tweaks 🔥 Disables the default firespread and makes fire go out after a configurable delay. Serilum 1045312 2023-12-18 00:13
Fish On The Line 🐟 Rings a bell held in the offhand when something's on the line while fishing. Serilum 4321910 2023-12-18 00:06
Fixed Anvil Repair Cost 💰 Patches the anvil to set the default level cost, material cost and percentage repaired. Serilum 2508919 2023-12-18 00:02
Followers Teleport Too 🐺 Whenever a player is teleported via a command, pets will be teleported alongside them. Serilum 468952 2023-12-17 23:52
Furnace Recycle 🔨 All metal-containing items are recyclable in a furnace and return raw materials. Serilum 2229647 2023-12-17 23:47
Grass Seeds 🌱 Allows players to use normal seeds to transform dirt into (tall) grass. Serilum 487800 2023-12-17 23:32
GUI Clock ⏰ [Client] Shows the time/days played in the GUI/HUD with a clock in the inventory. Serilum 1052407 2023-12-17 23:23
Healing Campfire 🔥🩹 Creates an area around the (soul) campfire where players and passive mobs receive regeneration. Serilum 8565918 2023-12-17 23:13
Simple Copper Pipes Adds pipes with multiple interesting uses! AViewFromTheTop, Treetrain1 928860 2023-12-17 23:07
Hide Hands 🙌 [Client] Hide your offhand and/or main hand in first person, optionally while holding specific items like a torch, totem of undying or a shield. Serilum 160406 2023-12-17 23:03
Hoe Tweaks 🌾 Faster crop block breaking, increased hoe radius and the ability to un-till soil. Serilum 301285 2023-12-17 22:59
Humbling Bundle ✖️2️⃣ Doubles all entity loot, to increase the speed of early game progress and late-game grinds. Inspired by the identically titled item in the binding of Isaac. Serilum 33897 2023-12-17 22:51
Husk Spawn 🏜 Adds a chance for husks to spawn naturally everywhere in place of a zombie. Serilum 955530 2023-12-17 22:47
Ice Prevents Crop Growth 🧊 Crops growing with ice underneath will remain in the same stage, for design purposes. Serilum 373921 2023-12-17 22:45
Inventory Totem 🎴 Makes the totem of undying effect work when it's anywhere in the inventory. Serilum 2198990 2023-12-17 22:41
Keep My Soil Tilled 🌱 Keeps farmland soil tilled below a stem block (melon/pumpkin) after harvesting. Serilum 1046879 2023-12-17 22:26
Kelp Fertilizer 🌿 Kelp seaweed naturally filters sea water for rich nutrients. Kelp works like bone meal. Serilum 498053 2023-12-17 22:23
Milk All The Mobs 🥛 Allows sheep, llamas, pigs, donkeys, horses and mules to produce a bucket of milk. Serilum 280114 2023-12-17 22:17
Mooshroom Spawn 🐮🍄 Adds a chance for mooshrooms to spawn naturally everywhere in place of a cow. Serilum 592283 2023-12-17 22:13
Mooshroom Tweaks 🐮🍄 Allows both red and brown mooshrooms to spawn naturally in their biome. Serilum 1507829 2023-12-17 22:08
More Zombie Villagers 🧟‍♀️🌾 Allows changing the default chance a zombie spawns as the villager variant. Serilum 1444210 2023-12-17 22:06
Luna Slimes Improves Slimes and make them configurable. AViewFromTheTop 12956 2023-12-17 22:04
Move Boats 🛶 Allows players to easily move boats without breaking them. Serilum 366804 2023-12-17 22:04
Move Minecarts 🛒 Easily pick up and move minecarts without breaking them. Serilum 256729 2023-12-17 22:02
Naturally Charged Creepers 🔋 Allows creepers to spawn charged in order to increase the game's difficulty. Serilum 2218100 2023-12-17 21:58
Nutritious Milk 🥛 Adds nutritious value to milk, filling up the food bar and saturation when consumed. Serilum 373087 2023-12-17 21:48
Ore Discovery Broadcast ⛏️ Broadcasts a message to the server whenever a player finds an ore vein. Serilum 86473 2023-12-17 21:45
Paper Books 📑📕 Allows the creation of books with 9 paper. Serilum 260151 2023-12-17 21:39
Passive Shield 🛡 The shield is hidden and provides protection passively when held idle in the offhand. Serilum 2243817 2023-12-17 21:36
Pet Names 🐈 Gives tamable baby animals a pre-defined name. Serilum 683847 2023-12-17 21:31
Player Death Kick 💀 Kicks players on death with a customizable disconnect message. Serilum 6208 2023-12-17 21:29
Qu Enchantments Adds Vanilla inspired enchantments to the game. QueADV 257814 2023-12-17 21:28
The Chocolate Mod Remastered A mod that adds a bunch of chocolate related items to minecraft! ACgamer_real 1157 2023-12-17 20:55
Logical Zoom Super simple zoom key for Minecraft 1.19 LogicalGeekBoy 2871061 2023-12-17 20:03
Rain Be Gone Ritual 🌧 Adds the ability to stop the rain via a multi-block structure ritual in survival. Serilum 301440 2023-12-17 19:54
Random Bone Meal Flowers 🎲 Randomizes the flowers spawned by bonemeal, allowing all (modded) types to spawn everywhere. Serilum 2461534 2023-12-17 19:51
Random Mob Effects 🎲 Randomly assign a (modded) potion effect to all hostile mobs in the world. Serilum 310136 2023-12-17 19:44
Random Sheep Colours 🎲 Gives new sheep spawns a random wool/fleece color based on a configurable list. Serilum 370962 2023-12-17 19:38
Random Shulker Colours 🎲 Gives new shulker spawns a random shell color based on a configurable list. Serilum 788968 2023-12-17 19:33
Random Village Names 🌆 All villages receive a randomized name, shown in the GUI via the Areas mod. Serilum 1288364 2023-12-17 19:29
Recast 🎣 Automatically re-casts the fishing rod line for a player when an item is caught. Serilum 353875 2023-12-17 19:23
Replanting Crops 🌱 Automatically replants/replaces/reseeds crops harvested with a hoe by using the drops. Works with modded drops, carrots, potatoes, beetroots, netherwart, cocoa beans and wheat. Serilum 702949 2023-12-17 19:16
Respawning Shulkers 🟪 Shulkers will respawn at their death location after a configurable delay, farm shells sustainably. Serilum 506583 2023-12-17 19:07
Set World Spawn Point 🌎 Allows setting an exact custom spawn point for (newly) created worlds and spawn tweaks. Serilum 1311640 2023-12-17 18:54
Shulker Drops Two 🟪 Allows Shulkers to drop two or more shells and ignore their default drop chance. Serilum 463841 2023-12-17 18:51
Skeleton Horse Spawn ☠🐴 Allows skeleton horses to spawn naturally with a skeleton riding it and other tweaks. Serilum 1310776 2023-12-17 18:45
Smaller Nether Portals 🔮 Allows the creation of smaller nether portals, specifically 1x2, 1x3 and 2x2. Serilum 1779744 2023-12-17 18:37
Snowballs Freeze Mobs ☃️ Hitting mobs with a snowball will freeze them for a configurable amount of time. Serilum 2447172 2023-12-17 18:34
Softer Hay Bales 🌾 Makes hay bales negate fall damage entirely, Assassin's Creed style. Serilum 455913 2023-12-17 18:33
Spiders Produce Webs 🕷 Spiders and cave spiders can periodically produce a cobweb/spiderweb when a player is close. Serilum 1989557 2023-12-17 18:28
Stray Spawn ☠ Adds a chance for strays to spawn naturally everywhere in place of a skeleton. Serilum 1289000 2023-12-17 18:10
Superflat World No Slimes 🙅 Removes those pesky slimes when you're trying to be creative in a superflat world. Serilum 1127356 2023-12-17 18:06
Surface Mushrooms 🍄 Mushrooms can be placed on the surface in daylight and in any brightness. Serilum 210558 2023-12-17 18:04
TNT Breaks Bedrock 🧨 Allows TNT to break bedrock, easy access to the nether roof! Serilum 277710 2023-12-17 17:54
Trample Everything 🥾 A highly configurable mod which makes players trample everything, not just crops. Serilum 17725 2023-12-17 17:51
Vanilla Zoom 🔍 [Client] Adds an on-the-go zoom functionality hotkey using the spyglass item. Serilum 316007 2023-12-17 17:38
Village Bell Recipe 🔔 Makes the village bell item craftable via a recipe. Serilum 269561 2023-12-17 17:35
AdvancementInfo Get better info about advancements Giselbaer 2921350 2023-12-17 17:30
Village Spawn Point 🏙 Sets the spawn point in a new world to the center of a village. Serilum 8479229 2023-12-17 17:23
Villager Death Messages ⚰ Broadcasts an informational death message whenever a villager passes away. Serilum 311732 2023-12-17 17:18
Weaker Spiderwebs 🕸 Breaks spider webs/cobwebs with a configurable delay when walking through. Serilum 1999056 2023-12-17 17:09
Wool Tweaks 🐑 Makes various changes to wool-type block recipes, string conversion and the dyeing process. Serilum 342804 2023-12-17 17:01
Zombie Horse Spawn 🧟‍♂🐴 Allows zombie horses to spawn with a zombie riding it and other tweaks. Serilum 1486870 2023-12-17 16:46
Zombie Proof Doors 🧟‍♂ Prevents zombies from targeting and breaking down doors. Serilum 323549 2023-12-17 16:42
Zombie Villagers From Spawner 🧟‍♂ Returns the ability for zombie spawners to spawn the villager variant, removed in 1.11. Serilum 409710 2023-12-17 16:37
StepUpNext Take higher steps so you can climb full blocks without jumping Giselbaer 113810 2023-12-17 16:03
WorldTime Show the current world time in the top left corner of the screen Giselbaer 265077 2023-12-17 15:57
Silence! Silence Minecraft quickly without turning the PC speakers off Giselbaer 1477 2023-12-17 15:48
RandomBlockPlacement Auto-Switch your hotbar randomly Giselbaer 65861 2023-12-17 15:40
Grid Show a grid overlay that helps counting when you're building, and optionally spawn locations depending on light level Giselbaer 132931 2023-12-17 15:34
FlightHelper This mod helps you keep your pitch when Elytra-flying Giselbaer 24345 2023-12-17 15:26
EasierVillagerTrading This is a client side Minecraft mod that allows one-click-trades with villagers. Great if you sell double chests of food to farmers, or sugar cane to librarians. Giselbaer 3569041 2023-12-17 15:25
ClickThrough Click chests/containers through signs and item frames Giselbaer 1275630 2023-12-17 15:12
Copper & Tuff Backport (from 1.21) [Fabric | Forge] Backport of the 1.21 Copper & Tuff blocks XanthianZ 565685 2023-12-17 13:11
Villager Trading Station Automated villager trading ramidzkh 426835 2023-12-17 09:40
Shifty Hotbar A utility mod that implements the hotbar shifting ability, inspired by Stardew Valley. Kir_Antipov 7811 2023-12-17 03:01
Iced Lava Adds an orange ice which produces lava when broken OfekN_ 1054 2023-12-17 00:01
Autokey Simple, client side scripting for Minecraft. cubicequation 1299 2023-12-16 18:17
Egg Of Capitalism Get a dragon egg for every "The End." achievement. Kir_Antipov 7397 2023-12-16 14:59
Explorer's Delight A set of delightfully nifty tools for exploration falseresync 292938 2023-12-16 14:46
LuckPerms A permissions manager for Minecraft servers. Iucko 900478 2023-12-16 11:18
Emoji Type (Fabric/Quilt/NeoForge) A client-side mod that makes it easier to type emoji (in chat, on signs, etc). Norbiros, therealcyborgcabbage 182880 2023-12-16 10:51
Workshop for handsome adventurer Simple blocks for your workshop - tool racks, crafting tables, shelves... MoonFather 695894 2023-12-16 07:05
Disable Christmas Chests Turn off the Christmas chests for good. Meza 1845 2023-12-16 00:39
Village & Pillage Arise Adds Battle axes, some music discs, lapis and redstone armor and a few other things. Sn0wix_ 1112 2023-12-15 20:23
Wolves Of Other Furs An expansion to wolves in a vanilla style. itsmineblock11 3526185 2023-12-15 17:12
And There Was Only One Bed Lets multiple players sleep in one bed to skip the night. Jagm11 554 2023-12-15 17:09
Jagm's Kiwis Adds cute kiwi birds! Jagm11 20489 2023-12-15 17:07
[UPDATED] Continue Button Continue the last world or server you played from the title screen. An updated continuation of the original mod for 1.19+ IMB11 25624 2023-12-15 16:51
Lightning Power Turn your lightning rods into a power source. Kir_Antipov 4391 2023-12-15 16:12
Copper Extension A Simple Minecraft Mod witch adds a few features to the copper set. killar_exe 4048 2023-12-15 16:03
Amecs (Fabric) Improves your keys & controls setup by providing modifier keys and making multi-functional keys a thing. Siphalor 604388 2023-12-15 15:31
Mob Fight Utils Makes mobs want to fight more. MattiDragon 130 2023-12-15 14:51
Mouse Wheelie (Fabric) A "small" clientside mod featuring item scrolling, inventory sorting, item refilling and more! Siphalor 4979947 2023-12-15 14:39
Grindstone Is Made Of Stone Doesn't that make sense? Kir_Antipov 13143 2023-12-15 14:28
More Berries Adds berry bushes to fabric ProceduralPolygon 276069 2023-12-15 06:37
LightLevel LightLevel adds a toggleable overlay that displays information about the the light level reaching blocks with a solid top in a 16-block radius. parzivail 26302 2023-12-15 01:00
Fabric Screen Layers Fabric implementation of Forge's screen layering Mysticdrew 199 2023-12-14 22:31
Phantom Config Make Phantoms Less Annoying IAmTheSneak 19356 2023-12-14 21:39
Fabric Shield Lib Makes shields enchantable while also being a tool for modders to easily add in new shields and shield enchantments! StellarWind22 3242171 2023-12-14 21:33
Hotbar Switcher Easily transfer items between your inventory and your selected hotbar slot by pressing a hotkey MaroonAngel 5139 2023-12-14 21:10
Loading Screen Tips Adds tips to the loading screen, which can be customized! UltrusBot 1299679 2023-12-14 17:57
EZMobSpawns A utility mod for adding mobs to the world through. chirpycricket__ 3 2023-12-14 16:34
Quickercraft Villager Trading Restock Feature for Crafting GammaNo0b 131 2023-12-14 13:40
Dynamic Sound Filters Adds sound filters based on current surroundings andre111_ 2731327 2023-12-14 11:24
Long NBT Killer Prevent minecraft from crashing while encountering deep nbt tags Dovecot_Official, MikhailTapio 208863 2023-12-14 11:11
Independent Gizmo Decouples the debug gizmo from the debug screen, and map its toggle to a different key. Also shows the attack indicator when the gizmo is active Minenash 594 2023-12-14 08:08
Pick-BlockState Pick-blocking now copies the blockstate if the block isn't a block entity. Minenash 2404 2023-12-14 07:36
SpecialSkin Customize other players' skins and capes imthosea 27 2023-12-14 02:37
No Telemetry Disable the telemetry introduced in 21w38a kb1000 1399025 2023-12-14 00:54
Mine Spawners Get spawners using a silk touch pick katanya04 1051001 2023-12-13 23:46
Villagers Drop Emeralds on Death villagers will drop an emerald at death exlinegames 850929 2023-12-13 21:43
Fabric Potions This mod adds new and balanced potions/effects to your minecraft world with new original recipes binaris_00 119 2023-12-13 20:23
World Pre Generator Provides a pre-generator for Minecraft worlds. GeheimagentNr1 2296900 2023-12-13 19:58
Rapid Leaf Decay Makes leaf decay rapidly. GeheimagentNr1 1325289 2023-12-13 19:55
Selectable Painting Adds the Selectable Painting, with which the painting to be placed can be selected. GeheimagentNr1 270009 2023-12-13 19:55
Mumble Integration Shares position data with Mumble with the Mumble Link plugin for positional audio. GeheimagentNr1 13089 2023-12-13 19:54
ManyIdeas Halloween 10 cute and spooky Halloween decoration blocks GeheimagentNr1, Muse31 369727 2023-12-13 19:53
ManyIdeas Christmas 10 cute and festive Christmas decoration blocks GeheimagentNr1, Muse31 317854 2023-12-13 19:50
Magical Torches Adds torches with magical effects. GeheimagentNr1 168794 2023-12-13 19:49
Last Played Logger Logs the last date a player was online to a Google spreadsheet. GeheimagentNr1 9293 2023-12-13 19:49
Easier Sleeping Only a percentage of players has to sleep. GeheimagentNr1 2499487 2023-12-13 19:48
Dynamical Compass Adds a compass, pointing to a custom position. GeheimagentNr1 109882 2023-12-13 19:47
Dimension Teleport Adds an interdimensional teleport command. GeheimagentNr1 165238 2023-12-13 19:46
Dimension Access Manager Manager for the access to dimensions. GeheimagentNr1 116481 2023-12-13 19:45
Bridge Maker Adds the Bridge Maker, which can place/break blocks in a distance of 27 blocks. GeheimagentNr1 164745 2023-12-13 19:45
More MobGriefing Options Adds a MobGriefing configuration per entity. GeheimagentNr1 1235686 2023-12-13 19:44
Recipes Library A library adding implementations for recipes. GeheimagentNr1 1289786 2023-12-13 19:42
EasierChests A Mod to easier move stuff between inventory and chests Giselbaer 78885 2023-12-13 16:12
Beenfo Bee info - how many bees and how much honey is in a nest/hive? Giselbaer 1853021 2023-12-13 16:03
Better Runtime Resource Pack (BRRP) A library mod to generated resource at runtime. Based on and made enhancements on ARRP mod. SolidBlock 253178 2023-12-13 15:51
EasierCrafting Crafting stuff is only one mouse click away! This mod knows recipes and tells you what you can craft. Giselbaer 82020 2023-12-13 15:31
AntiGhost Remove Ghost blocks / request the server to resend blocks around the player Giselbaer 8732756 2023-12-13 15:22
Giselbaer's Durability Viewer Item durability HUD Giselbaer 3220716 2023-12-13 15:15
Mo Glass Minecraft mod that adds glass stairs and glass slabs. They look great in any build and connect seamlessly with vanilla glass blocks. alexander9892 4372026 2023-12-13 12:42
Monster Plus New mobs of each and every flavor to improve the exploration experience: biome-exclusive monsters, new challenges and more! Nitespring 6848208 2023-12-13 11:23
FerriteCore (Fabric) Memory usage optimizations malte0811 31202716 2023-12-13 09:59
FerriteCore ((Neo)Forge) Memory usage optimizations malte0811 92118151 2023-12-13 09:58
Jerry's Mod A mod about the slime Jerry from CaptainSparklez's playthrough Forge_User_83949547 22187 2023-12-13 07:14
Rubble Ray Adds a very strong mining utility Nicusha 8370 2023-12-13 05:44
AFKFish Afk and go fishing godkyo98 7027 2023-12-13 02:27
Spyglass Astronomy Draw your own constellations on an interactive and improved night sky. An immersive overhaul of the space skybox, including planets and better stars. Nettakrim 60070 2023-12-13 01:22
Fishing Ruler Measure distances with the fishing rod and know if you can fish up treasure! Nettakrim 203358 2023-12-13 01:13
Ender Trigon A mod that makes the Ender Dragon fight more difficult nonamecrackers2 1406842 2023-12-13 00:35
Basalt Blocks [FABRIC] 3 basalt blocks not enough to decorate? What if there were more basalt blocks, slabs? Legopitstop 375 2023-12-12 22:10
Bright [Java Edition] Bright!! The only light mod that you'll ever need! Bright Includes 5 unique lighting blocks to light up your world! Legopitstop 634 2023-12-12 22:09
Simple Magnets [Fabric Edition] Adds easy-to-use magnet items and blocks to make gathering dropped items easier. Upgrade your magnet to make it reach further out. Legopitstop 175 2023-12-12 22:08
More Pumpkins [Java Edition] Adds new carved pumpkins to your world! Legopitstop 351 2023-12-12 22:07
Lightning Bolt Glass [Fabric Edition] Whenever lightning hits sand it turns into glass Legopitstop 148 2023-12-12 22:05
Replay Mod (Fabric & Forge) A Minecraft Mod to record, relive and share your experience. this mod is the original luks_gamer99, J0hn_Smith 1403817 2023-12-12 21:27
No Recipe Book (Fabric) Removes the recipe button from the players inventory Grayray75 246867 2023-12-12 19:22
Replay Voice Chat A compatibility mod to record Simple Voice Chat with ReplayMod henkelmax, BreadLoaf___ 47726 2023-12-12 19:08
Entity View Distance This mods allows more precise manipulation of entity view distance on client and server Patbox 221517 2023-12-12 18:59
Endless Music Control the silence between music OdinOkland 47 2023-12-12 18:50
G4mespeed A tickspeed mod that adds reliability for piston animations, piston entity pushing, and much more. G4me4u 34979 2023-12-12 16:09
Better Controls New ways to control sprinting, sneaking, and flying. Reimagining of Better Sprinting built for Fabric and Forge. chylex 201432 2023-12-12 15:12
Convenient mobGriefing Gives more control over the mobGriefing game rule by splitting it into four Neecko5b84 206484 2023-12-12 14:53
Block Variants Provides you tons of blocks that are missing in vanilla BarionLP 284955 2023-12-12 14:47
Client Functions Execute your own functions on the fly without data packs and external tools VelizarP 716 2023-12-12 14:09
Nendoroid Snow Miku Clouds and Skies Of The Hokkadio Winter Armor WinterJam 2023 Submission adding Armor style Winter Miku 2023 shovelwaremods 1 2023-12-12 08:20
Perspective Perspective allows you to zoom, hold/set perspectives, and use super secret settings. MCLegoMan 1138 2023-12-12 06:21
Better Fishing Loot Tables Adds a better fishing loot table to the game. Draggonfire1 10745 2023-12-12 04:51
MoreMcmeta Emissive Textures (Forge) Emissive textures with JSON and OptiFine files. 1.16-1.20 soir20 40453 2023-12-12 04:31
MoreMcmeta Emissive Textures (Fabric) Emissive textures with JSON and OptiFine files. 1.16-1.20 soir20 12758 2023-12-12 04:16
Mob spawners and eggs recipes Adds crafting recipes for mob spawners and mob spawn eggs dragonfirry 30725 2023-12-12 04:12
Wandering Trader Better Trades Adds better trades to wandering traders dragonfirry 40228 2023-12-12 04:10
Soft Stepping An enchantment to silence several vibrations Jackbusters 591 2023-12-12 02:13
Enhanced Attack Indicator Uses the attack indicator for more than just melee attacks Minenash 3420762 2023-12-12 02:03
Snowy Weaponry Snowballs with metal chunks, and snow cones too! SciWhiz12 151967 2023-12-12 02:02
Villagers Empowered Villagers Empowered: Unite the best trades, unlock rare spawn eggs, and discover enchanted wonders with this game-changing Minecraft mod! PixelPioneer 5644 2023-12-12 01:08
Rajhab's Laboratory! Food, Armor, Tools and Weapons! All of these easily included in one mod! Rajhab 840 2023-12-12 00:13
Auto Warden Subtitles This mod automatically turns on subtitles when entering the Deep Dark biome, making it easier to detect any nearby Wardens or other entities. Lulamae1 3049 2023-12-11 23:47
Totem Particle Customizer Fanciest totem particles in the west Tektonikal 1543 2023-12-11 23:03
StartInv | Seconds of Immortality! You will start with a few seconds of immortality! You will never start dying again Lupin 546921 2023-12-11 22:46
Rados Blocks of Luck Rados Blocks of Luck is an exhilarating Minecraft mod that adds an element of unpredictability and excitement to your gameplay. elgamerrado 6567 2023-12-11 22:11
Puzzle Adds resourcepack features and a GUI to more conveniently configure OptiFine alternatives. Motschen 13783069 2023-12-11 20:37
Goofy Goober A silly, lighthearted mod that emulates the cartoonish shenanigans you'd see in a Looney Tunes episode. It'll brighten your day! leecrafts 4601 2023-12-11 18:41
Custom Window Title Client-side mod to change window title (including special tokens) and window icon. Supports Forge & Fabric. chylex 2610541 2023-12-11 17:06
AutoMessenger [Fabric] Server-wide messenger that sends a custom message every few ticks. With Simplified Text Format support! vczoika 194 2023-12-11 15:24
Power Networks Adds the ability to create networks of wires and coils for a more interesting and slightly more realistic power transfer MattiDragon 1312 2023-12-11 15:20
Fishing Aquatica A fishing loot rework PixelPacker 39283 2023-12-11 15:11
Scarecrows Adds scarecrows that keep monsters (and animals if you want) off your lawn. bl4ckscor3 271514 2023-12-11 14:39
[SBM] Cardboard Boxes Too lazy to move the slow way, then box it BuiltBroken, QueenOfMissiles, bl4ckscor3 614650 2023-12-11 14:25
Horizontal Reinforced Deepslate Allows vanilla's reinforced deepslate to be placed horizontally. bl4ckscor3 9787 2023-12-11 13:43
Chance Globe Spawns a random block or item upon placing it down! bl4ckscor3 749169 2023-12-11 12:55
AfghanistanLandscapeStyleWinterPaintings Adds paintings of landscape that looks similar to Afghanistan during the winter. mohammadomarmods 1 2023-12-11 08:33
Emerald Equipment (FABRIC) adds emerald equipment to fabric Cut3stLizzy 1229 2023-12-11 08:16
Prank Away Prank Sound Items and fake blocks to use for decoration Cut3stLizzy 523 2023-12-11 08:16
InfoHUD Information at a glance OffKilterMC 1323 2023-12-11 04:28
Accurate Block Placement Reborn Makes block placement smarter by timing it for you. schwar 86893 2023-12-11 03:42
LDShadowLady's Flower Breeding: Replanted This mod allows you to cross-pollinate vanilla flowers to create different flowers in a variety of colours. anar4732 179055 2023-12-11 03:42
IceShards WinterJam Adds Iceshard and Other cool Ice Tools shovelwaremods 3349 2023-12-11 01:25
SmoothMenu Refabricated Removes the main menu FPS limit. Fabric port of SmoothMenu by BookerCatch shizotoaster 1 2023-12-11 00:54
UMIIS Use Multiplayer Inventory In Singleplayer BisUmTo 64 2023-12-10 23:18
Special Nametags Allows you to have more special names to give to mobs (like "Dinnerbone"). BisUmTo 147 2023-12-10 23:18
Jump-proof Farmland Prevents farmland to convert back to dirt when jumping on it BisUmTo 11826 2023-12-10 23:17
Placeable Plants Allows you to place vegetation on almost all blocks. BisUmTo 3416 2023-12-10 23:17
Starlight (Fabric) Rewrites the light engine to fix lighting performance and lighting errors Spottedstar 13139091 2023-12-10 20:23
Experience Beacons for Carpet (XpBeacons) Carpet rules for experience-based amplitude on beacon status effects Fractured_Code 1475 2023-12-10 19:53
Keep Head Names (Fabric/(Neo)Forge) Keep display names and lore tags of player heads Fourmisain 445347 2023-12-10 19:27
Burger Mod (Forge / NeoForge) A fun little mod that adds in burgers and other types of food to extend the vanilla food experience! AutovwDev 410853 2023-12-10 17:19
Grind Enchantments Disenchant and transfer enchantments using a grindstone. mschae23 3592733 2023-12-10 16:34
TellMe A mod that can output registry dumps and other information and lists about the game masady 4925696 2023-12-10 16:08
Item Scroller Move items by mouse wheel scrolling, Shift + dragging, etc. masady 5666704 2023-12-10 15:57
Unique Commands Adds unique new commands to the game MinecraftBA 11251 2023-12-10 15:45
Potion Cauldron Brings the potion cauldron feature from bedrock edition. Maxoduke 50542 2023-12-10 14:30
Axes Are Weapons (Fabric/(Neo)Forge) Disables the increased durability loss in combat, enables Looting for axes and more! Fourmisain 2161187 2023-12-10 13:04
Firework Rocket Duration Change the sprite of the firework rocket depending on flight duration chrono_t 26071 2023-12-10 12:53
More swords, armors and tools adds more weapons armors and tools goncidomi 6965 2023-12-10 12:06
Mooblooms A mod adding colorful and flowery cows. Moo! YanisBft 233707 2023-12-10 10:40
Auth Me Authenticate yourself and re-validate your session Axieum 5596623 2023-12-10 10:13
Boosted Brightness (1.19.4, 1.20.2-1.20.4) A Minecraft Fabric mod to increase the available brightness range. Updated from the original project at https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/boosted-brightness NotRyken 38258 2023-12-10 06:06
Dungeons+: Towers Generates towers into the world where you can find monsters and loot. das_niklas_ 1 2023-12-10 02:12
Colds: Easy Paxel (Lite) (FORGE) Lite Edition of Easy Paxel containing ONLY Paxels without Enchants! Coldspell_Games 325522 2023-12-10 01:14
Hammer Me Add mining hammer germanmixa 1082 2023-12-10 00:20
Motion Capture - Recording Player Movements Allows you to record and replay player movements mt1006 93640 2023-12-09 22:25
Slabs & Layers+ Adds More Slabs And Layer Versions Of Minecraft Blocks ACgamer_real 401 2023-12-09 21:08
Empowered Pathways This mod allows the user to make paths that gives you powers Negative_Light 240 2023-12-09 20:02
Wynntils Enhance your Wynncraft gameplay with Wynntils! Scyu_, HeyZeer0 989880 2023-12-09 19:38
Goldfish myth Try to catch an elusive goldfish. Then, a choice - shall you toss it back into water in hope of a boon, or are you a despicable glutton? MoonFather 20986 2023-12-09 19:05
KardExoTools Server management and comfort features Exopandora 1697 2023-12-09 16:44
ClickManaita Click to add items takusan_23 382704 2023-12-09 15:19
Time Stacker Stack the time when drink/splash the same potion. TonimatasDEV 61660 2023-12-09 15:18
MC-Discord-Chat MC-Discord-Chat (MCDC), formerly known as MCDiscordChat, a practical and powerful Fabric and Quilt Minecraft <> Discord chat bridge inspired by BRForgers/DisFabric Xujiayao 6421 2023-12-09 15:15
ResetTable Add a table where crafted items can be returned. takusan_23 1436 2023-12-09 14:48
World Handler - Command GUI Minecraft ingame GUI for commands Exopandora 248430 2023-12-09 13:40
MobNeutralizer Make normally hostile mobs neutral to players by making players invisible to said mobs LainMI 3809 2023-12-09 12:35
OfflineSkins made it possible to cache your skins for offline use LainMI 1009522 2023-12-09 12:34
CleanView CleanView is a minecraft client mod that removes potion particles from your viewpoint LainMI 6533798 2023-12-09 12:27
NoExpensive The anvil has no expensive restrictions Enaium 653853 2023-12-09 12:05
CropariaPlus A Croparia addon that adds more stuff. Dalarion01 249 2023-12-09 10:54
Guard Villagers (Fabric/Quilt) Guards that help with village pest control MrSterner_ 10502215 2023-12-09 10:12
Better Crafter This mod will improve the crafter block. AerellDev 1693 2023-12-09 09:47
DnT Swamp Hut Overhaul This Splinter Standalone version of Dungeons and Tavern adds the Swamp Hut rework. Nova_Wostra 543167 2023-12-09 07:29
Frostbyte's Slabs & Stairs Adds slabs, stairs, walls, fences, and more non-full block variants of many vanilla blocks. FrostbyteGames 758426 2023-12-09 03:02
Passive Mobs Make all mobs passive Scimiguy 40249 2023-12-09 01:10
Advanced XRay (Fabric Edition) A simple but advanced XRay mod that allows you to find all of your most loved blocks. Now for Fabric as well! ErrorMikey 1074122 2023-12-08 23:57
RandomTP The best Random Teleport Mod ever! Picono435 223760 2023-12-08 22:38
OverpoweredMending Changes the behaviour of Mending to repair things in your inventory rakambda 559755 2023-12-08 20:43
MultiRecipe No more recipe problems and conflicts when using mods! lupiiin_ 20247 2023-12-08 19:29
Uncrafted Craft the uncraftable! - over 120 new crafting and smelting recipes! - enable or disable recipes! XxRexRaptorxX 553879 2023-12-08 19:04
Your Reputation a WTHIT plugin that displays your reputation on a tooltip with each villager atonkish 108691 2023-12-08 16:05
Food Effect Tooltips Adds Tooltips to food that gives Status Effects when eaten DaFuqsy 199117 2023-12-08 14:59
Paginated Advancements & Custom Frames Better advancements screen DaFuqsy 2425995 2023-12-08 14:51
Saplanting Auto-plant all kinds of sapling-item drops, support 2x2 trees. MUYU_Twilighter 287997 2023-12-08 12:20
Aquatic Additions The aim of AquaticAdditions is to expand the vanilla ocean/auqautic content. wampelpampel 95643 2023-12-08 11:21
disable front perspective Disable front perspective is a Minecraft mod that enhances the third-person camera experience. Enjoy a unique perspective with improved controls and immersive gameplay. Myzael 591 2023-12-08 06:17
Pure Emerald Tools (Fabric/Forge) A unique take on emerald armor and tools, that just may fit your vibe. purejosh 73066 2023-12-08 02:37
T6's Auto Attack Mod (Fabric) Automatically time perfect attacks when holding down attack button TeeSixxer 23286 2023-12-08 01:21
Cat Eyes - Night Vision Toggle Mod (Fabric) Client-side night vision toggle with keybinding TeeSixxer 191897 2023-12-08 01:20
Merchant Markers [Fabric] Adds custom markers above villagers based on their professions! Grend_G 3499545 2023-12-08 00:06
Item Highlighter [Fabric] Highlights newly picked-up items. Simple and convenient. Grend_G 14094582 2023-12-08 00:04
Item Borders [Fabric] Add colored borders to inventory slots to make your rare items stand out! Grend_G 6033084 2023-12-08 00:02
Equipment Compare [Fabric] Makes it easier to compare equipment by showing a tooltip for what you're already wearing. Grend_G 12686328 2023-12-07 23:58
Legendary Tooltips [Fabric] Give your rare items a fancier tooltip! Also adds additional tooltip configuration options. Grend_G 12649433 2023-12-07 23:56
Chat-Transform Apply substitutions (katakana, hiragana, owo, ...) to chat messages JFronny 398 2023-12-07 20:07
Globalization Generate missing translations JFronny 334 2023-12-07 20:05
ModsMod Dynamiclly generates a number of empty mods JFronny 2006 2023-12-07 19:57
DynRes Host a resource pack directly on your server JFronny 1223 2023-12-07 19:54
QuickMäth Replaces math methods with incorrect alternatives, causing interesting corruption JFronny 2459 2023-12-07 19:39
Totem of Infinity Adds a totem of infinity andw20 22705 2023-12-07 19:37
VersionChanger Change the displayed minecraft version JFronny 67212 2023-12-07 19:30
ComBit Configurable tweaks for combat-related mechanics JFronny 1955 2023-12-07 19:28
Translater Corrupt minecraft text by translating it JFronny 8933 2023-12-07 19:03
GoogleChat Automatic, multi-service, client- or serverside message translations JFronny 6255 2023-12-07 18:56
Respackopts Config menus for resource packs JFronny 24172 2023-12-07 18:45
Variant Crafting Tables [Fabric] Adding the rest of the Crafting Table variants into the game! XanthianZ 3577773 2023-12-07 18:33
Slyde Allows dragging sliders further than intended JFronny 22864 2023-12-07 18:26
Advanced-Chat A fabric mod that adds a bunch of useful multiplayer chat features to the game. Wesley8081 2493 2023-12-07 16:17
OfflineSkins (Fabric) made it possible to cache your skins for offline use LainMI 284796 2023-12-07 16:13
CleanView (Fabric) CleanView is a minecraft client mod that removes potion particles from your viewpoint LainMI 1349618 2023-12-07 16:11
Exclusive Weapons, Armor and Tools Add a multitude of powerful weapons, tools and armor. Lupin, gamegeek_saikel 977116 2023-12-07 15:42
SuperOreBlock With this mod you will be able to create super blocks of minerals, which will facilitate storage. Lupin, gamegeek_saikel 1149874 2023-12-07 15:41
WI Zoom The zoom from the Wurst Client as a standalone mod. alexander9892 7284961 2023-12-07 15:33
Detail Armor Bar [Fabric] Show more details of armors in Armor bar! RedLime 2311768 2023-12-07 15:27
OneKeyMiner This mod helps mine ore or other blocks by mining blocks in a chain reaction. Enaium 90986 2023-12-07 09:12
Dye All The Things Lets you dye all armor exactly like leather armor. Fourmisain 26036 2023-12-06 15:20
Pullup Add customizable "Pull-up" warnings to Minecraft. MUYU_Twilighter 301 2023-12-06 14:56
Beehave Right-click to show information about bees and beehives MUYU_Twilighter, MikhailTapio 3049 2023-12-06 14:32
AdaPaxels A multitool which combines pickaxe, axe and shovel. Can make Paths and strip logs. Brandcraft 269141 2023-12-06 13:35
Entity Separator A Minecraft mod that lets you define rules on when a mob should get a special NameTag and/or Texture based on their NBT data. daWinzig 296 2023-12-06 12:17
TPS Hud (Fabric) A fully customizable mod for fabric that displays the servers tps. mooziii_ 19372 2023-12-06 10:19
Carpet Take full control over your vanilla game. gnembon 3064790 2023-12-05 21:55
Universal Shops Universal trade shop mod for your Minecraft server! Patbox 1824750 2023-12-05 09:52
Styled Sidebars Customisable sidebars for your Minecraft server! Patbox 418 2023-12-04 19:51
Untranslated Items Display item names in English, regardless of the current language setting. bre2el 127048 2023-12-04 15:10
Styled Player List This mod allows server owners to change player list look! Patbox 2002539 2023-12-04 14:29
Styled Nicknames Simple, but configurable nicknaming mod allowing your server's players (and admins) to change their nickname with full formatting support Patbox 902266 2023-12-04 13:20
Dynamic Name Tags Special names to mobs with name tag Easter eggs (jeb_, Dinnerbone etc.) ttv_pedro270707 1876 2023-12-04 02:47
Recipe Unlocker Unlocks all the crafting table recipes. Declipsonator 53833 2023-12-03 20:49
Particle Blocker Introduces a user-friendly graphical tool to exclude specific particles from being displayed. Declipsonator 14567 2023-12-03 19:36
TreeLumber TreeLumber is a Minecraft mod that simplifies tree-cutting by allowing players to cut down any type of tree in Minecraft with just one cut. bots304yt 15087 2023-12-03 15:36
[SBM] Charcoal Block Charcoal version of the vanilla coal block BuiltBroken 162965 2023-12-03 14:19
Stendhal Stendhal is a client-side Fabric mod offering new and enhanced visual utilities for books, signs, anvil and the in-game chat. NebSpacefarer 501808 2023-12-03 11:23
Responsive Shields Remove that delay when blocking Revvilo 3957553 2023-12-03 06:45
Equipment Compare [Neo/Forge] Makes it easier to compare equipment by showing a tooltip for what you're already wearing. Grend_G 24651167 2023-12-01 21:31
Merchant Markers [Neo/Forge] Adds custom markers above villagers based on their professions! Grend_G 5186189 2023-12-01 21:30
Legendary Tooltips [Neo/Forge] Give your rare items a fancier tooltip! Also adds additional tooltip configuration options. Grend_G 42900565 2023-12-01 21:27
Item Highlighter [Neo/Forge] Highlights newly picked-up items. Simple and convenient. Grend_G 31985218 2023-12-01 21:20
Item Borders [Neo/Forge] Add colored borders to inventory slots to make your rare items stand out! Grend_G 6827393 2023-12-01 21:18
Patbox's Brewery Create alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks with cauldrons and barrels! Patbox 115549 2023-12-01 21:05
Frog Legs (Fabric/Forge) A very small, simple mod that adds a protein drop from frogs, including all supporting vanilla mechanics for meat. Also includes a potion brewing ingredient! purejosh 90233 2023-12-01 18:33
Armor Stand Editor Pose and modify your armor stands with ease! Patbox 36328 2023-12-01 12:56
Cardinal Components API API for data-driven content UpcraftLP, PyrofabTheModsmith 21895409 2023-11-29 10:10
Visible Toggle Sprint A simple mod to make toggle sprint & sneak better! TheEnderCore 18598 2023-11-28 15:19
FlightHud: Reborn An unofficial port of Toro's FlightHud MikhailTapio 2534 2023-11-26 15:24
GD CraftsEnhanced Adds Recipes to Improve the Game, and Eases or Increases the Difficulty of certain Crafts. GabrielDja 2447 2023-11-23 11:04
Structure Void Toggle Gets rid of that annoying Structure Void hitbox when building with a toggle! telepathicgrunt 3787 2023-11-22 01:00
Wrenchest Makes it easy to connect chests together (or disconnect) without having to break them. bl4ckscor3 63994 2023-11-20 16:28
Growmeal Instant growth bonemeal. bl4ckscor3 20852 2023-11-20 13:41
AI Improvements Performance and logic upgrades for mod AIs QueenOfMissiles 70624538 2023-11-20 12:58
DirTNT Adds Dirt TNT for all your hole filling needs! Fourmisain 10856 2023-11-19 11:43
VillagerConfig A mod to completely customize villagers. drexhd 487483 2023-11-18 21:45
Pure Copper Tools (Fabric/Forge) A unique take on copper armor and tools, that just may fit your vibe. purejosh 45636 2023-11-16 22:48
Multi World Borders Makes world borders work per dimension potatoboy99999 108180 2023-11-15 03:22
Lenient Creepers Makes creepers not destroy already dropped items. bl4ckscor3 294962 2023-11-14 16:04
Easter Rabbits Makes rabbits lay eggs every now and then. bl4ckscor3 5982 2023-11-14 15:55
Terra Armory The mod adds new weapons with abilities that can be found in special structures! theone_ss 524 2023-11-14 11:39
Block Beams A very simple mod that spawns a beam of colored particles above a block. TheEnderCore 369 2023-11-13 15:23
ClearSky Unofficially ports ClearSkies, making horizon and fog colors match the sky Dovecot_Official, VioletMistCloudDrift 23071 2023-11-13 08:42
Borderless Window Forge mod which replaces the standard Minecraft fullscreen with a borderless fullscreen window nimueller 1431148 2023-11-11 11:04
Join AutoSprint Mod Keeps Togglesprint on after death and on Joining the world/server Slackow 1090 2023-11-09 00:51
Farlands Reborn Adds the farlands to modern Minecraft. AdyTech99 23574 2023-11-07 12:57
Custom Scoreboard Scoreboard customization mod for Fabric r0yzer 10518 2023-11-05 23:41
Perspektive A straightforward freelook mod r0yzer 5328 2023-11-05 23:13
Not Enough Trinket Slots (NETS) A Trinket add-on that enables more slots than you'll ever need! Cookie_GD 188622 2023-11-02 01:21
Auto Totem Minecraft client-sided mod that automatically equips a totem when you use one. Qetrox 115156 2023-11-01 09:58
Configured Defaults [Forge & Fabric] Allows for providing defaults for files absent in .minecraft like configs. A quintessential modpack utility. Fuzs, SHXRKIE 9601722 2023-10-31 20:19
Portal Linking Compass Introduces a compass that displays precise coordinates for constructing a corresponding portal in the other dimension. Maxoduke 9072 2023-10-28 03:48
VanillaConfig A config API that allows for easy and flexible loading and saving of mod configs and generates vanilla-like config screens. TreSet 19808 2023-10-26 17:11
MoreCosmetics - Free Cosmetics A cosmetic mod that lets you customize your skin with cosmetics, wings and free capes! CosmeticsMod 361700 2023-10-24 19:57
Medieval Buildings Add exciting medieval buildings with hidden enemies and treasures to the world! Lupin 861609 2023-10-18 16:07
Disable Accessibility Screen Removes the Accessibility Screen on first launch, introduced with 23w03a DaFuqsy 6058 2023-10-18 09:24
Land Chidori Origin - Origins Addon A Land Based Origin for the Origins Mod that allows you play as a giant GamerPotion 808404 2023-10-17 16:08
Land Chidori Origin - Origins Addon A Land Based Origin for the Origins Mod that allows you play as a giant GamerPotion 581730 2023-10-17 16:08
Chidori Origins Collection Origin Collection based on the Chidori Origins (Air, Aqua, Land, Dark) GamerPotion 21463 2023-10-17 15:07
Air Chidori Origin - Origins Addon An Air Based Origin for the Origins Mod that allows you to fly GamerPotion 1230010 2023-10-17 14:20
Dark Chidori Origin - Origins Addon A Magic Based Origin for the Origins Mod that allows you play as a dark warlock GamerPotion 805853 2023-10-17 14:19
Dark Chidori Origin - Origins Addon A Magic Based Origin for the Origins Mod that allows you play as a dark warlock GamerPotion 577560 2023-10-17 14:19
Aqua Chidori Origin - Origins Addon A Water Based Origin for the Origins Mod that allows you play as a special water creature GamerPotion 809501 2023-10-17 14:18
Aqua Chidori Origin - Origins Addon A Water Based Origin for the Origins Mod that allows you play as a special water creature GamerPotion 564633 2023-10-17 14:18
DarkOrb - Orb of Origins Recipe Craft an Orb of Origin using custom recipes for the origins mod GamerPotion 931425 2023-10-17 14:17
DarkOrb - Orb of Origins Recipe Craft an Orb of Origin using custom recipes for the origins mod GamerPotion 536188 2023-10-17 14:17
Better Treasure Map Display Block Distance on Treasure Maps Raycoms 532226 2023-10-16 06:22
You Shall Not Spawn! [Forge/Fabric] JSON based entity blacklisting. Disable spawning for any entity from any mod. ElocinDev 11978745 2023-10-14 16:46
FabricSkyBoxes Interop FabricSkyBoxes Interoperability for MCPatcher/OptiFine Skies FlashyReese 1684007 2023-10-14 02:21
Pet Owner Allows you to see who owns an animal potatoboy99999 422425 2023-10-09 23:31
Capes [Fabric/Forge] Lets you use capes from OptiFine, LabyMod and other cape mods Cael 5786330 2023-10-09 08:55
Arrow Collector Pick up the arrows on the ground (not Creative only anymore). pOtAto__bOy 7830 2023-10-09 05:22
Servux Servux is a server-side mod that provides support for some client-side mods, such as sending structure bounding boxes for MiniHUD masady 46638 2023-10-08 11:30
Weapon by Phat Add various weapons into minecraft. Phat_001 4514 2023-10-07 06:06
Calc A calculator in your chat with shortcuts designed for Minecraft. jsa2025 5899 2023-10-04 13:01
Wooled Boots Padded Boots which silence certain vibrations to prevent Sculk and Warden Detection. Jackbusters 232871 2023-10-04 04:41
Alchemist A Mod about Alchemy! unix_sup 2747 2023-09-30 21:49
Modification Of Critical Hit This mod removes the original falling critical hit mechanic and introduces a new critical hit system through enchantments. WCBBEX 4266 2023-09-27 13:42
VillagerPickup A mod that allows you to pick up villagers and place them somewhere else! LivingLemming 1486 2023-09-27 08:00
Ordered Player List Adds configurable player list order drexhd 1189 2023-09-25 23:11
Compostables Compostables is a server-side mod that allows you to compost 20 more items. yGlobalista 2393 2023-09-23 15:25
Status Effect Bars Adds customizable bars to the status effects overlay to show the remaining duration of effects. Neecko5b84 1087046 2023-09-23 10:56
Farts Grow plants with farts Nicusha 36855 2023-09-23 04:05
Ears (+ Snouts/Muzzles, Tails, Horns, Wings, and More) More skin customization options for just about every version + skin backports for pre-1.9 versions. Skinport port patch texture fix unascribed 1004813 2023-09-22 20:29
Old Combat Mod Mod that allows the old combat system with the old animation in Minecraft. The_Hangel 166028 2023-09-22 19:16
Souper Secret Settings Re-adds the old super secret settings shaders and adds all-new, custom ones. Stack effects with commands for infinite possibilities! Nettakrim 1111 2023-09-22 17:41
Immortal Coral Gamerule to make coral never die, not even outside of water Sjouwer 3190 2023-09-21 22:00
Chainmail Recipe (FABRIC) A very small mod that adds a recipe for Chainmail armor using chains. TheMarksmanXII 2584 2023-09-21 20:47
Arrows Info Shows currently used arrows for bow and crossbow chrono_t 76991 2023-09-21 18:09
FabricSkyboxes A skyboxes mod that improves on the idea of custom skyboxes! AMereBagatelle 2188269 2023-09-21 17:22
Diamond Economy Simple diamond-based economy for fabric IAmTheSneak 1745672 2023-09-21 17:20
PlayerAbilityLib Your good pal, fixing ability incompatibilities PyrofabTheModsmith 1005736 2023-09-21 15:53
Chiseled Bookshelf Visualizer Visually displays the contents of the chiseled Bookshelves. anvian 253610 2023-09-19 21:23
Biome Tag Villagers Changes Villager Types to use Tags instead of just Biomes! TheEnderCore 532 2023-09-11 00:11
Op Items Tab Adds a new creative inventory tab for items that aren't already there. coldlavalamp 134286 2023-09-09 22:28
Simple Compass Mod that creates a simple HUD compass! TreSet 5116 2023-09-09 13:13
SuperBetterGrass An unofficial fork of LambdaBetterGrass by LambdAurora, on Fabric (and soon on Forge) dimadencep 567203 2023-09-09 07:15
Chromatic A Minecraft mod for controlling Razer Chroma keyboards TheSuperGamer20578 1098 2023-08-30 07:46
VillagerTweaks Some minor adjustments to villager interactions to ease a few headaches. chimericdream 6128 2023-08-30 04:34
IPN Rejects Features that have been removed from Inventory Profiles Next mirinimi 4127 2023-08-21 11:00
JumpOverFences This mod allows the player to jump over fences and walls. Martmists 2191959 2023-08-20 22:17
Seed Guard Minecraft fabric mod to protect your world seeds by altering feature and structure placement, preventing seed cracking. drexhd 275 2023-08-17 23:57
Tooltip Scroll [Fabric] The premier Fabric mod that allows you to move/scroll tooltips. Provismet 40160 2023-08-15 15:10
Dynamic Fullbright A simple alternative to standard fullbright/gamma mods, offering the ability to scale or clamp light levels to a desired range. Provismet 36795 2023-08-11 18:27
Happy Trails Let's you move faster on the paths and roads you make! (and slower on blocks you select too!) MacTso 351682 2023-08-10 05:07
Shriekier Shriekers Patches sculk shriekers so that they react to non-player vibrations OpenBagTwo 165 2023-08-08 16:17
Pure Discs - Trails & Tales Adds four new discs from songs that were added to the game with the 1.20 Trails & Tales update! purejosh 106418 2023-08-07 15:38
Mobs On Rails Tweaks mob pathing AI to allow walking on rails. [serverside] naqaden 29226 2023-08-05 06:30
Just A Baguette Adds just one item to the game: A Baguette. purejosh 14152 2023-08-03 20:03
TelePistons Telescopic Piston Animations Tec 22303 2023-07-26 14:02
Player Ladder Allows you to sit on other players forward_nern 27373 2023-07-24 08:51
Infinity With Mending Give you the ability to combine Infinity with Mending GoForceX 77547 2023-07-23 12:39
Head Name Fix Mob heads will keep their custom names when placed manyrandomthings 2032 2023-07-22 12:19
Moss Layers Adds moss layers, which can be placed like snow layers. Bobily8, Calaerel 39922 2023-07-20 14:49
All Dimension Height Increase Lets you control the heights of every dimension coldlavalamp 76559 2023-07-20 03:46
Spawncap Control Utility (Forge & Fabric) Allows control of basic spawncap values MacTso 138216 2023-07-19 23:30
Whetstones Whetstones allow you to easily repair tools in hand Bakabreak 14000 2023-07-16 21:21
EscapeScreen Add a Second Escape Key! TheEnderCore 124 2023-07-16 10:46
Modpack Configuration Checker A mod that allows modpack creators to display modpack credits and verify the modpack has been setup correctly. matt1235r 7826021 2023-07-10 19:35
Map Tooltip View maps from your inventory VendoAU 797203 2023-07-06 13:30
Skip Transitions Skips Mojang logo fade in/out and other intrusive transitions. JavaChef 51423 2023-07-06 13:09
Netherite But Cheaper (NBC) Makes netherite only slightly cheaper to craft. LordEnder_Kitty 107844 2023-07-03 09:41
Bee Fix Fixes Bee Related Bugs MacTso, lupicus 2910548 2023-07-01 06:55
Simple Diving Gear A simple mod for adding gear to ease working underwater. Rohzek, CheshireRoses 1043122 2023-06-28 05:22
Shards Get "Glass Shards" out of broken glass and recraft them into glass. Supports Fabric + Forge! Declipsonator 3142 2023-06-27 23:15
Mob Population Control Handle common runaway mob population situations (Anti-Lag) MacTso, lupicus 161803 2023-06-27 21:36
Profession Lock Prevents Players from Easily Resetting Villager Profession and Sales MacTso, lupicus 40251 2023-06-27 21:34
Just Better Recipes A Datapack/Mod which adds TONS (over 3.000) of new and useful Vanilla recipes! sashiro 10351 2023-06-27 05:05
Spider Pig For people with fear of spiders (Arachnophobia). Makes Spiders look like Pigs with a different texture. MacTso, lupicus 37004 2023-06-26 18:16
Phantoms See Phantoms [Origins Addon] Makes the origin "Phantom" be able to see other phantoms while in the phasing state Exzotic 278948 2023-06-26 10:26
M-Tape Fabric mod with measuring tape to measure distances. ibu2awesome 1592 2023-06-25 00:05
Model Gap Fix Fixes small gaps in item and block models MehVahdJukaar 18391711 2023-06-24 14:44
Anti Tool Break (Fabric) Tears be gone - stop breaking your tools BlazingTwist 10104 2023-06-21 16:35
Better F3 A mod to reduce the clutter on the Minecraft debug menu. chpas_ 69346 2023-06-21 04:55
DEUF Refabricated Fixes entities duplicated UUIDs, removing log spam and preventing crashes. ElocinDev 4265580 2023-06-19 17:37
Better Third Person Improves third-person camera view. Socolio, DreenDex 38707997 2023-06-19 13:34
NBTtooltips A simple fabric Minecraft mod which adds a feature that allows you to see the custom NBT data of an item when you hover over it and press your shift key. MisionThi 3820 2023-06-18 18:40
No Report Button Removes the chat report button from the game menu screen pices1237532 2502862 2023-06-18 13:58
Craftable Saddles Just adds a Crafting Recipe for Saddles and some other Horse related Items alexdaum1 1273386 2023-06-18 09:43
Armor Chroma for Fabric Fabric fork of Armor Chroma, adds different icons in the armor bar depending on the material and can display glint for enchanted items. Neecko5b84 130590 2023-06-17 20:22
Held Item Info Shows information (like enchantments) about the held item under its name Neecko5b84 2072610 2023-06-17 17:09
Boat Item View See your held items when in a moving boat! 50ap5ud5 8434851 2023-06-16 09:58
Boat Item View (Forge/Neoforge) See your held items when in a moving boat! 50ap5ud5 9780885 2023-06-16 09:56
Auto-Run (Fabric) Hands-free walking and sprinting Emonadeo 592444 2023-06-15 20:32
Elytra/Chestplate Swapper (Fabric) A simple quality of life mod that swaps between chestplate and elytra on a keystroke. Saphjyr 306311 2023-06-15 18:17
Better Climbing Improves some things related to climbing artemisSystem 518438 2023-06-15 16:10
Better Sodium Video Settings Button Moves the sodium video settings button PiemanDev 1813718 2023-06-14 05:19
Logtellraw Command Log tellraw's output to the server console or game output VelizarP 356 2023-06-13 16:51
WAIG: Where Am I Going Adds a minimal RPG-inspired compass HUD to the game laquamat 15414 2023-06-13 15:49
Axolotl Bucket Fix Makes the axolotl bucket item show the right axolotl type. coldlavalamp 10146207 2023-06-12 17:02
Invisible Frames Makes Item frames with items invisible, works on armor stands aswell sfort__ 352540 2023-06-11 18:33
My Server Is Compatible Client-side mod to disable Forge's "Incompatible FML Modded Server" message. focamacho 16130961 2023-06-11 15:35
Special Model Loader Support loading OBJ models in Fabric morimori0317 600 2023-06-11 10:23
SlimyFloor Add particles+sound clue that you're waling in a slime chunk area Pouille 1353073 2023-06-10 19:58
Flower Map Shows the flower gradient, minimap-style Draradech 4612 2023-06-09 19:37
Simple Fog Control Allows simple control over water, nether and terrain fog Draradech 116554 2023-06-09 19:35
Glow Banners Lets you make banners glow using a glow ink sack. UltrusBot 33816 2023-06-09 19:06
Eternal Eats Keep Eating food even if you're full sfort__ 60574 2023-06-08 19:04
Better Mount HUD Improves the ingame HUD while riding a mount Lortseam_ 12081676 2023-06-08 18:15
VeinDigging VeinMiner for modern MC! Nyakorita 21728 2023-06-08 14:49
AlwaysOpenWater Keep the waters always open Enaium 7155 2023-06-08 05:34
ItemRename Rename your items easily! NyakoFox 1775 2023-06-08 02:31
TP Utils Fabric client side teleportation utility mod that makes it much easier to get around. Includes, among other things, highly improved WorldEdit teleports. Useful for creative builders. Sjouwer 5089 2023-06-07 16:06
Audio Hotkeys Change audio settings with hotkeys in Minecraft Fabric. TreSet 1080 2023-06-06 18:07
BadStdOut Tells you which mod uses System.out (STDOUT) Szum123321 66107 2023-06-04 16:33
Disable Insecure Chat Toast This mod deletes warning toast about connecting to a server without enforce secure chat NikitaCartes2 21406 2023-06-04 02:02
HitHoverBox Only show hitboxes of entities you're looking at Abbie34 374 2023-06-01 20:09
Monsters in the Closet Highlights mobs that are preventing you from sleeping Minenash 296501 2023-06-01 05:19
Nameless Servers Allows servers to not have names and makes the delete screen more helpful Minenash 13404 2023-06-01 04:03
Custom Default World Preset This simple fabric mod allows you to change the default world preset. MattiDragon 14137 2023-05-31 15:28
Dark Loading Screen Makes the loading screen darker Neecko5b84 2622331 2023-05-29 15:38
Fadeless Remove fade out animations in Minecraft (1.20+) DerpDerpling 1463279 2023-05-13 11:26
Unsafe World Random Access Detector (Forge) This is a mod that detects unsafe off-thread world random access, helping to find causes of "Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads" crash. ishlandmc 98641 2023-04-22 13:39
Better Beds Changes the renderer of the bed to use json models instead of a block entity renderer! Motschen 6260335 2023-01-28 19:20
Farsighted Mobs Helping mobs see in the distance Sindarin27 408889 2022-07-11 20:19
Peeping Creepers As if normal creepers weren't scary enough... Sindarin27 147036 2022-07-11 20:01
Interdimensional Map Markers Makes maps show your location even when in other dimensions Neecko5b84 14881 2022-06-22 17:07
No Strip Fabric client side mod that adds a toggle for whether you can strip logs potatoboy99999 26363 2022-06-19 04:21
Lapis Reserve Lapis stays in Enchanting table sfort__ 3227303 2022-05-11 17:53
Screenshot to Clipboard (Forge) Screenshots taken are copied to the clipboard. comp500 2230094 2022-02-10 14:14
Screenshot to Clipboard (Fabric) Screenshots taken are copied to the clipboard. (Forge version also available) comp500 425145 2022-02-10 14:13
Quickcraft Craft recipes even faster! 811Alex 19319 2021-06-10 16:12